Nizhny Novgorod encyclopedia.


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The A.D. Sakharov Museum is located on the first floor of a twelve-story residential building (left wing), on which a memorial plaque to A.D. Sakharov is installed. The exhibition consists of two parts. The exhibition hall gives an idea of ​​the entire life and work of Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov, about his ancestors, about his scientific and social activities.

For the first time, the idea of ​​​​creating a museum of academician Sakharov in the city of Gorky was widely voiced at the first Sakharov readings, which took place on January 27–28, 1990: “Sakharov is connected with Gorky in three, so to speak, directions. The first is its roots in Nizhny Novgorod. The second is that he worked for 20 years not far from here: And the third is exile. So there will be a lot of materials, the Sakharov Museum is being built for a long time, and, probably, there will be big flow visitors,” suggested A.D. Sakharov’s colleague, physicist Boris Lvovich Altshuler.
Nizhny Novgorod residents and guests of the city came to house No. 214 on Gagarin Avenue and laid flowers at memorial plaque, which was opened on January 27, 1990, candles were lit in the entrance of the house. Everyone wanted to go into the apartment. It became quite obvious that the site of the museum had been determined. All that remains is to open the doors of this apartment and fill it with everything that he lived with and everything that surrounded Academician Sakharov during his years of exile.
The museum opened its doors to visitors on May 18, 1991, and since then has welcomed about three thousand guests annually. These are Russians and foreigners, elderly and very young people, politicians and artists, musicians and artists, teachers and students of universities, official guests of the city and Nizhny Novgorod schoolchildren - they all come to the museum to bow to the memory of the great scientist and humanist.

Another of the main aspects of the museum’s work is the creation and display of temporary exhibitions. To prepare them, documents and photographs are used, both from the museum’s funds and from the funds of other museums and private archives, in particular, the Moscow Museum and Public Center named after A. Sakharov. These exhibitions provide an opportunity to see Academician Sakharov during his trips abroad, during meetings of congresses, at meetings with voters, at home, etc. These are captured moments of that great and rich life, which the scientist has always lived by. They show Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov alive: thinking, listening, speaking... The photographs themselves seem to “talk” to us today, telling us about a great man, a true citizen of his country. Big interest called up exhibitions: “The last day. December 14, 1989" - author. A. Klimov; “Reviving Memory” and “He Was a Prophet of Our Time” - from the museum’s collections; "A. D. Sakharov at the II Forum Nobel laureates in Japan" - from the funds of the A. Sakharov Archive; “Ten years without Andrei Sakharov” - author. Yu. Growth; “Personality Profile” – author. A. Alexandrov; “Andrei Sakharov - a man of the era” - prepared by the Museum and public center “Peace, Progress, Human Rights named after. A. Sakharov" and many others.

A standard apartment by Soviet standards, former place exile of the disgraced academician, and only three years after his death became memorial museum- a unique phenomenon. This is a living example of the democratization of society, the development of its legal consciousness. This is clear historical evidence of the violation of fundamental human rights and freedoms in Soviet Russia. Preserving the memory of such negative facts of our history, talking about the fate and affairs of A.D. Sakharov, here the attention of guests is drawn to those universal human values ​​that he defended: respect for the human person and its rights, civic responsibility, intellectual and political freedom; thereby trying to contribute to the construction of a democratic society in modern Russia.

This thematic focus is decisive when conducting almost all museum events. And there are many of them. Historical, literary, musical and poetic drawing rooms, round tables, thematic meetings and excursions.

The A.D. Sakharov Museum is not only a memorial, but also a “meeting place” for people whose life positions similar to the worldview views of a world famous scientist.

Sakharov Center- Moscow Museum and Cultural Center. The founder of the center (formerly the Museum and community Center“Peace, Progress, Human Rights” named after Andrei Sakharov) is the “Public Commission for the Preservation of the Legacy of Academician Sakharov”, an international non-governmental organization created in 1990 on the initiative of E. G. Bonner, friends and colleagues of Academician A. D. Sakharov.

The museum is open to the public 6 days a week and admission is free.

Mission of the Sakharov Center

The center defines its mission as “promoting the conservation historical memory about tens of millions of victims political repression and crimes of the Soviet regime" and "strengthening in modern Russia the values ​​of an open, democratic society and state, which were shared and defended by Andrei Sakharov" - "intellectual and political freedom, respect for the human person, civic responsibility, respect for constitutional and ensuring socio-economic rights people, information openness of civil society and the state.”


The Sakharov Center itself refused to register as an NGO-foreign agent and was forcibly entered into the register. For refusing to register independently, the Tagansky Court of Moscow fined the organization 300 thousand rubles. The Ministry of Justice decided on the “political” nature of the activities of the Sakharov Center, since during public discussions and round tables on its site “negative assessments were made regarding the adopted government agencies decisions and the policies they pursue, and also criticized the current legislation of the Russian Federation."

Museum collections

The collections of the Sakharov Center include more than 600 paintings and sculptures, about 5,000 photographs, collections of samizdat, Gulag documents and Soviet era, personal archives of famous human rights activists and public figures, audio recordings of all center events, various video materials and much more. The book collection of the center's library includes about 13,000 titles. Museum collections, book fund, exhibition equipment etc. are property Russian Foundation Sakharov.

Permanent exhibition

  • “Mythology and ideology of the USSR”;
  • “Political repression in the CCCP”;
  • "The Path Through the Gulag";
  • “Resistance to unfreedom in the USSR”;
  • "Andrey Sakharov. Personality and destiny."

The most famous projects of the center

Sources of financing

The following sources of funding are indicated on the Sakharov Center website:

  • private donations
  • National Endowment for Democracy