Monument to Valery Chkalov in Nizhny Novgorod on the Volga embankment. Monument to Valery Chkalov What impression does the Chkalov monument make on people

The monument to the legendary test pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union Valery Pavlovich Chkalov was erected in 1940 above the Verkhne-Volzhskaya embankment in Nizhny Novgorod. The authors of the project are State Prize winner sculptor I.A. Mendelevich and architects V.S. Andreev and I.G. Taranov.

On three high steps, lined with black granite, there is a cylindrical pedestal on which stands the bronze figure of Valery Chkalov. The authors of the monument depicted the pilot preparing for the flight. It seems that all he has to do is put on his helmet to once again go into the transcendental distance. A special feature of the sculpture is a characteristic gesture - the pilot pulls a long flight glove with one hand over the other. The polished surface of the pedestal bears the contours of a map of the northern hemisphere. The routes of V.P. Chkalov’s legendary flights to the Far East and through the North Pole to America are marked on the pedestal with a steel dotted line.

Monuments to Chkalov stand in many cities of Russia, but the most famous is the monument in Nizhny Novgorod. Valery Chkalov made his name famous in 1936, when, together with the pilots Belyakov and Baidukov, he made a non-stop flight across the North Pole from Moscow to Vancouver, America, where one of the streets was named after him, covering 16 minus 12 thousand km in 63 hours. For this feat, Chkalov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The pilot died in 1938 while testing a new aircraft. Chkalov was born in 1904 in the village of Vasilevo, Nizhny Novgorod Region, visited Nizhny Novgorod several times, and was elected as a deputy to the Supreme Council of the Gorky Region.

Valery Pavlovich's favorite place was the Nizhny Novgorod slope (Verkhne-Volzhskaya embankment). On one of their visits, together with their friend, the sculptor I.A. Mendelevich, they chose a place for a monument to A.M. Gorky. Mendelevich identified a place near the St. George Tower of the Kremlin. But as fate would have it, a monument to Chkalov himself was erected on this site in 1940, two years after the death of the pilot. The famous Chkalov Stairs descends from the Chkalov monument to the Volga embankment.

Escarpment and Verkhnevolzhskaya embankment

The slope is a favorite vacation spot for Nizhny Novgorod residents. The vast expanses of the Volga, opening from the high bank, have captivated more than one generation of residents and guests of the city. Since the 1830s. On the orders of Nicholas I, a “ceremonial face” of Nizhny Novgorod was created here, facing the Volga: a picturesque public park “Alexandrovsky Garden” was laid out on a slope; the Verkhnevolzhskaya embankment began to be built up with beautiful stone houses. To the right is the building of the Nizhny Novgorod Medical Academy (former Volga Society, 1910), to the left is the Volzhsky Escarpment Hotel (architects

A. 3. Grinberg, M. T. Smuroe, 1935).

Verkhne-Volzhskaya embankment is one of the highest embankments in Russia. It offers a beautiful view of the Volga River and the surrounding area of ​​the city. The Chkalov Staircase has 560 steps and is built in the shape of a figure eight. The Chkalov Staircase was built in 1949 during restoration work after the Great Patriotic War. A monument to the boat “Hero” was built on the stairs.

Address: Nizhny Novgorod, st. Verkhne-Volzhskaya embankment

In this article, I collected and tried to concisely provide information about one of the iconic sights of Nizhny Novgorod, about the monument to Valery Pavlovich Chkalov, which, together with the Chkalov staircase and the boat below, is probably one of the main symbols (business card) of the city. I understand that a lot has been written about him, but there is no way to ignore him.

Well, how could we do without secrets third stage. See for yourself in the photo below (you can enlarge it if you click), it was actually taken from the first step. If someone suddenly doesn’t guess, I’ll give a hint at the end of the article :) (after the photo slideshow).

We ourselves, of course, like most Nizhny Novgorod residents, do not admire the monument (we’ve seen it so many times that we can’t count), but we periodically come to the site to pick it up. The view there is breathtaking, in any weather :) and time of year. Well, the kids run around the figure trying to catch up. Overall, our review of this attraction is positive and worth a visit.

That's the whole secret of the steps at the monument to Chkalov

If anyone thinks that I forgot to mention something important about this place, please write in the comments.

Chkalov Valery Pavlovich- famous Soviet pilot (Hero of the Soviet Union). He is mainly known for commanding the crew that flew the via the North Pole from the USSR to the USA. The first flight, at that time, from Moscow to Vancouver without an intermediate landing (in 1935, a similar flight by another crew was interrupted due to breakdowns). There was also a legend that Valery Pavlovich flew under one of the bridges Leningrad and there is an episode about this in the film about the famous pilot. Born in 1904 in the Nizhny Novgorod province. The place was then called “the village of Vasilevo”, later it was renamed the city of Chkalovsk. The famous "Nizhny Novgorod" died at the end of 1938 while landing a new aircraft during testing. It is believed that due to the fact that the unfinished plane was “driven” for the New Year. For those who are interested in the details of the test pilot’s biography, the best article on Wikipedia.

Authors this attraction: architects V.S. Andreev, I.G. Taranov and sculptor I.A. Mendelevich. Chkalov was friends with Mendelevich and together they chose this site for the monument to Gorky, but two years (in 1940) after the tragic death of the pilot, a monument to him was erected here at the request of Gorky’s residents.

The monument consists from a cylinder-pedestal, three steps and a bronze statue of the pilot itself. Valery Pavlovich seems to be preparing for a flight, putting on a glove. Along with the signature on the cylinder there is a contour map of the northern hemisphere, which Chkalov “crossed”. Initially there was also an inscription “To Stalin’s Falcon”, which was removed.

Behind the back of the figure there is a semicircular Observation deck, from which it begins. In almost any weather, someone on it admires the opening view of the confluence of the Oka and Volga, the opposite bank. According to modern standards, there are binoscopes- stationary viewing binoculars. Viewing price: 10 rubles per 100 seconds. One day the children managed to “look through the sight” :), another time the bill acceptor swallowed the coin, but did not let them admire the landscape. So, be careful, give the opportunity to check the functionality of other tourists :) Below are several photos of the monument itself from several sides and the area next to it.

Now the space surrounding the monument is sufficient popular Nizhny Novgorod residents have a place. “Dates” and friendly meetings are arranged here; skateboarders, cyclists, bikers and other “athletes” often hang out nearby. Brief name of the monument - HPV or Valery Palych Chkalov.

The so-called the secret of the third stage“It’s perfectly visible from both the first and the second. In my opinion, the first one is even piquant. I “looked” :) from those steps that are closer to the Kremlin, where the semicircular descent begins. In fact, two “secrets” are being revealed. The first is that pulling on a glove from certain angles looks like an obscene gesture. This is a soft option. If you look at the photo above, from specific steps, you can see that the respected Valery Pavlovich has something indecently sticking out :)

In addition to the monument, tourists will probably be interested in the stairs, the deer on the Nizhne-Volzhskaya embankment, and not to mention the Kremlin:) For museum lovers, I would recommend the Rukavishnikov Estate, which is located not far from Chkalov.

Or take a guided tour of Nizhny Novgorod:

Where to admire great views and check out the monument

Address very simple - Minin and Pozharsky Square, which is next to the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. The site is located on the edge of the square, where the Verkhne-Volzhskaya embankment and Georgievsky Congress begin, on a slope. Coordinates: 56.329971, 44.009408. By public transport, get to the stops “Minin and Poazhrsky Square”, “Pedagogical University” or “Academy of Water Transport”.

The monument to Valery Chkalov in Kyiv is located in the park of the same name on Oles Gonchar Street, which previously also bore the name of Chkalov. Valery Pavlovich Chkalov (1904-1938) - Soviet test pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union. He went down in history as a talented and courageous pilot who made the first non-stop flight from Moscow to Vancouver (Washington State, USA) via the North Pole (8504 km in 63 hours 16 minutes). One of the streets in Vancouver is named after Chkalov, and a monument to the pilot was erected. Valery Chkalov developed a number of aerobatic maneuvers: an upward corkscrew and a slow-motion “barrel”, and tested more than 70 types of aircraft. In the USSR, many settlements, microdistricts, streets and avenues, as well as educational institutions, metro stations, palaces of culture, a motor ship, an asteroid and even a cherry variety were named after Chkalov. Coins and postage stamps were dedicated to him and his trans-Arctic flight. Several films have been made about Valery Chkalov. The pilot died on December 15, 1938 while conducting a test flight on the new I-180 fighter.

Title: Monument to Valery Chkalov
Date: 1981
Address: Kyiv, st. Olesya Gonchar, Chkalov Square

Monument to Valery Chkalov on the map of Kyiv

Valery Pavlovich Chkalov (January 20 (February 2), 1904, Vasilevo, Balakhninsky district, Nizhny Novgorod province, Russian Empire - December 15, 1938, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR) - Soviet test pilot, brigade commander (1938), Hero of the Soviet Union. Chkalov is a legendary figure in our country. The idol of pre-war youth - the same ones that defeated the fascist aggressors.

The monument to Chkalov on the Volga slope stands at one of the towers of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, crowning the Chkalov staircase. The Chkalov Stairs is one of the most beautiful places in Nizhny Novgorod. Its shape is very interesting - in the form of a figure eight or an infinity sign. From here you can enjoy magnificent views of the Volga, the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, and the Trans-Volga region. The monument to Chkalov appeared before the Chkalov Stairs by almost 10 years - in 1939. He faces the city, against the sky. Today the monument to Chkalov is one of the symbols of Nizhny Novgorod.

Valery Chkalov


The fate of the future Hero was not simple. His mother died early, when Valery was 6 years old. At the age of seven, Valery went to study at Vasilevskaya elementary school, then to college. In 1916, after graduating from school, his father sent him to study at the Cherepovets Technical School (now the Cherepovets Forestry Mechanical College named after V.P. Chkalov). In 1918, the school was closed, and Valery had to return home. He began working as his father’s assistant, as a hammerman in a forge, and with the beginning of navigation he began working as a fireman on a dredger.

In 1919, Valery Chkalov worked as a fireman on the Bayan steamship on the Volga and then saw an airplane for the first time. After that, he resigned from the ship and went to serve in the Red Army that same year. He was sent as an aircraft assembler to the 4th Kanavinsky Aviation Park in Nizhny Novgorod.

In 1921, Chkalov was sent to study at the Yegoryevsk Military Theoretical School of the Air Force; after graduating in 1922, he was sent to further study at the Borisoglebsk Military Aviation School of Pilots, graduating in 1923.

In June 1924, military fighter pilot Chkalov was sent to serve in the Leningrad Red Banner Fighter Squadron named after P.N. Nesterova (Komendantsky airfield). During his service in the squadron, he proved himself to be a daring and courageous pilot. He made risky flights, for which he received penalties and was repeatedly suspended from flying. According to legend, once Chkalov even flew under the Equality (Troitsky) Bridge in Leningrad, which, however, is not confirmed by documents. For the film “Valery Chkalov” this flight was made by pilot Evgeny Borisenko. At the same time, he had serious problems with discipline, which resulted in major troubles - on November 16, 1925, he was sentenced by a military tribunal to one year in prison for fighting while drunk, then the term was reduced to 6 months.

In 1926, the 1st Red Banner Fighter Aviation Squadron was relocated from the Komendantsky airfield to the Trotsk airfield (today Gatchina), where Chkalov served from 1926 to 1928. In 1927, Chkalov married Leningrad teacher Olga Orekhova. In March 1928, he was transferred to serve in the 15th Bryansk Aviation Squadron; his wife and son Igor remained in Leningrad.

In Bryansk, Chkalov had an accident and was accused of air recklessness and numerous violations of discipline. By the verdict of the military tribunal of the Belarusian Military District of October 30, 1928, Chkalov was convicted under Article 17, paragraph “a” of the Regulations on Military Crimes and under Article 193-17 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to one year in prison, and was also dismissed from the Red Army. He served his sentence for a short time, at the request of Ya.I. Alksnis and K.E. Voroshilov, less than a month later the sentence was replaced with a suspended sentence and Chkalov was released from Bryansk prison. Being in the reserve, at the beginning of 1929 Chkalov returned to Leningrad and until November 1930 he worked at the Leningrad Osoaviakhim, where he headed a glider school and was an instructor pilot.

In November 1930, Chkalov was restored to military rank and sent to work at the Moscow Research Institute of the Red Army Air Force. During two years of work at the research institute, he made more than 800 test flights, mastering the technique of piloting 30 types of aircraft. On December 3, 1931, Chkalov participated in testing an aircraft carrier (aircraft carrier), which was a heavy bomber that carried up to five fighter aircraft on its wings and fuselage.

In 1932, the Air Force Research Institute was transferred from Khodynsky Field in Moscow to an airfield near the city of Shchelkovo, Moscow Region. The relocation from an ordinary event turned into the first air parade in the USSR with a flyover over Red Square. 45 aircraft flew in a convoy of three aircraft in a row, and at the head was a TB-3 bomber with tail number 311, controlled by the crew of Valery Chkalov.

Since January 1933, Valery Chkalov was again in the reserve and transferred to work as a test pilot at the Moscow Aviation Plant No. 39 named after Menzhinsky. Together with his senior comrade Alexander Anisimov, he tested the latest fighter aircraft of the 1930s, the I-15 (biplane) and I-16 (monoplane) designed by Polikarpov. He also took part in testing the VIT-1 and VIT-2 tank destroyers, as well as the TB-1 and TB-3 heavy bombers, and a large number of experimental and experimental vehicles from the Polikarpov Design Bureau. Author of new aerobatic maneuvers - an upward corkscrew and a slow roll. On May 5, 1935, aircraft designer Nikolai Polikarpov and test pilot Valery Chkalov were awarded the highest government award - the Order of Lenin - for creating the best fighter aircraft.

In the fall of 1935, pilot Baidukov invited Chkalov to organize a record flight from the USSR to the USA via the North Pole and lead the plane’s crew. In the spring of 1936, Chkalov, Baidukov and Belyakov approached the government with a proposal to conduct such a flight, but Stalin indicated a different route plan: Moscow - Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, fearing a repetition of Levanevsky’s unsuccessful attempt (in August 1935, the flight of S. Levanevsky, G. Baidukov and V Levchenko's route Moscow - North Pole - San Francisco was interrupted due to a malfunction).

The flight of Chkalov's crew from Moscow to the Far East started on July 20, 1936 and lasted 56 hours before landing on a sandy spit of Udd Island in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The total length of the record route was 9,375 kilometers. Already on the island of Udd, the inscription “Stalin’s route” was painted on the side of the plane, which was preserved during the next flight - through the North Pole to America. Both Chkalov’s flights officially bore this name until the start of the “fight against Stalin’s personality cult” and literary erasures. For the flight to the Far East, the entire crew was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin: the Gold Star medal, introduced in 1939 after Chkalov’s death, was awarded only in 2004 to his children. In addition, Chkalov was given a personal U-2 aircraft (now in the museum in Chkalovsk). The exceptional propaganda importance of this flight for its time is evidenced by the fact that I.V. Stalin personally came on August 10, 1936 to the Shchelkovsky airfield near Moscow to meet the returning plane. From that moment on, Chkalov gained national fame in the USSR.

Chkalov continued to seek permission to fly to the United States, and in May 1937 permission was received. The launch of the ANT-25 aircraft took place on June 18. The flight took place in much more difficult conditions than the previous one (lack of visibility, icing, etc.), but on June 20 the plane made a safe landing in the city of Vancouver, Washington, USA. The flight length was 8504 kilometers. For this flight the crew was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

On December 12, 1937, Valery Chkalov was elected to the Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from the Gorky Region and the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. At the request of the residents of Vasilyov, their village was renamed Chkalovsk. I. Stalin personally invited Chkalov to take the post of People's Commissar of the NKVD, but he refused and continued to engage in flight test work.

Chkalov died on December 15, 1938 during the first test flight of the new I-180 fighter at the Central Airfield.

The flight was prepared in a hurry to make it before the end of the year. The release of the aircraft at the airfield was scheduled for November 7, November 15, November 25... On December 2, 190 defects were identified on the assembled aircraft. N.N. Polikarpov protested against the unnecessary race in preparing the I-180 for the first flight, which is why he was removed from this work...

Valery Chkalov was buried in Moscow, the urn with his ashes was installed in the Kremlin wall.

After the death of Chkalov, a number of aviation plant managers involved in organizing this flight were arrested; they were sentenced to long terms of imprisonment for launching an aircraft with numerous malfunctions that led to the death of the pilot.

In 1943, funds were allocated for the construction of a huge memorial staircase in honor of the victory of the Soviet army in the Battle of Stalingrad. German prisoners of war were also involved in the construction. In 1949 the staircase was completed.

Project of the Chkalov staircase during the war years:

Chkalov staircase and monument to Chkalov from the Volzhskaya embankment.

Monument to Valery Chkalov (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia) - description, history, location, reviews, photos and videos.

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The monument to the famous pilot Valery Chkalov is considered the second most popular attraction in Nizhny Novgorod after the Kremlin. Wedding processions come here, dates are made here, and tourists consider it a point of honor to take pictures next to it and walk along the huge Chkalov Staircase. Valery Petrovich Chkalov - Soviet test pilot, participant in an unprecedented flight over the North Pole. As a teenager, he saw an airplane for the first time and became “sick” of the sky. At the age of 15, the boy went to the front of the First World War as an apprentice aircraft fitter. In 1936, he and his comrades made the first non-stop flight in history of almost 10 thousand km - from Moscow to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, for which he received the Lenin Prize, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and personal gratitude from Stalin.

The sculpture of Chkalov was installed on the Volga embankment on December 15, 1940, two years after the death of the pilot. The idea was brought to life by his friend, the artist-sculptor, laureate of the USSR State Prize I. A. Mendelevich, and the architects I. G. Taranov and V. S. Andreev gave it significance thanks to the pedestal. The basis of the monument consists of three steps in the form of a polyhedron and a high cylindrical base, lined with black granite, on which the name of the hero and a map of the northern hemisphere with the routes of famous flights are engraved. Chkalov is captured in black stone in anticipation of the flight. The figure is facing the city, he is dressed in a pilot’s uniform, pulls a glove on his hand and looks up, as if planning his next meeting with the sky.

Practical information

Address: Nizhny Novgorod, Verkhnevolzhskaya slave. Coordinates: 56.330048, 44.009390.

How to get there: from Moskovsky railway station by car 6.5 km (11 minutes), by buses No. 3, 4, 19 to the stop “Minin and Pozharsky Square”.