How to teach a child to draw a house. How to help a child learn to draw? How to teach a child to draw: interesting techniques

Good afternoon, our dear visitors! Have you already heard a lot about the benefits of drawing for children, but don’t know how to teach a child to draw at 3 years old? The answer is simple: start with unconventional techniques, give complete freedom for self-expression and only then gradually move on to brushes and pencils. This is discussed in detail in our article today.

Once again about the benefits of drawing

Every person is a creator own world, and one day the baby is surprised to learn this. He no longer only studies environment, but also tries to reproduce what he saw or come up with something of his own, original. By drawing, a child develops:

  • imagination;
  • concept of space;
  • understanding cause-and-effect relationships;
  • speech;
  • the ability to show emotions.

We draw without an “intermediary”

We call a pencil, felt-tip pen or brush an intermediary between a child and paper. To draw with any of these objects, the baby must learn to control them. It seems to us, adults, that this is very simple, but this is not at all true. To make the task easier for the baby, invite him to draw with his own fingers, fists, palms and feet. This activity will not only amuse you, but will also allow your child to feel:

  • texture of paint and surface of the drawing;
  • the force of pressure and the effect of it;
  • own uniqueness;
  • freedom of expression.
What can you depict with your palm?

Paint your baby's palm with bright paint and show how to make an impression. Now turn on your imagination and come up with the most interesting stories unusual drawings. The baby's palms can become:

Joyful rays of the sun.
Flower petals.

A bright cockerel.

Crown of a tree.

Putting fingerprints

Tell the young artist that the pattern on his finger is unique in itself. But if you show your imagination, you can make simple, but very interesting drawings. Using your fingers you can depict:

Funny animals.

Equipment and machines.

Magnificent scenery.

Stomp our feet

Your little one will definitely enjoy the process of painting his feet with paints, as well as the opportunity to make impressions by stamping his foot on the paper. A couple more touches - and this is what you can get:

Unusual butterfly.

Funny bird.

Marvelous fish.

What is the purpose of such activities? Encourage your child to be creative, develop his interest in drawing, mixing colors, and inventing fantasy stories.

Let's learn colors

In parallel with studying various shapes, the child will become interested in flowers. Do not offer many shades at once - it is better to introduce the three-year-old baby more deeply to the basic colors.

For example: “Banana - yellow color. Let's remember what else yellow objects You know? Sand, dandelion, lemon, duckling...” Or maybe the child has yellow clothes? Thus, the color will evoke feelings and associations in the baby, and will not remain just an abstract concept.

One day the baby will notice that the yellow sand is different in color from the yellow lemon. Now he can be introduced to shades and shown that if you add a little white to a yellow blot, it will become lighter.

This way you can work with all the primary colors: red, yellow and blue. Of course, the child will want to paint with green, brown, orange and black. Tell him that these colors are called complementary colors, because they can be obtained by mixing other colors. Give your child the opportunity to put a blot on the paper with yellow paint, and then add blue paint on top. This way he will learn how the color green is made.

Let's do it together

Of course, it can be difficult for a three-year-old child to depict a complete plot on his own. Therefore, your help will be very appropriate. In addition, the baby will be happy to spend time next to you, communicating and fantasizing. How can you share responsibilities?

  • You draw a house, the sun and a cloud, and the baby draws rain and grass. This way he will learn to draw short, straight lines.
  • You draw a car, and the child draws wheels. Thus, the skills of drawing a circle are honed.
  • You represent a vase, and the baby represents a flower.
  • You draw the walls of the house, and the child draws the roof.
  • You trace the baby's hand with a felt-tip pen, and he finishes the nails, makes shading, and decorates his fingers with rings.
  • You draw the bunny's face, and the baby draws the ears.

More unusual options?

  • Buy your child a drawing board with crayons or special markers. Let him hone his skills by easily erasing an image and immediately drawing a new one. Active children who find it difficult to sit still while drawing at the board will feel freer.
  • Give your child the opportunity to paint in the bathroom. Of course, both the artist himself and the bathroom walls will have to be scrubbed, but what a field for creativity!
  • Draw on the ground or sand, combining drawing and play. Show your child how to draw a path as two parallel lines and ask him to drive the truck along it without going over the line. Now let him draw a path for you to walk along with your eyes closed.
  • Draw on cereals, such as semolina. Pour semolina into the lid from under cardboard box and distribute it evenly over the surface. The baby will be able to draw on it with a finger, stick or pencil.
  • Invite your child to make a composition with the blank. For example, give him some colorful cards and let him choose the image of a specific object, plant, animal or person. Now ask him to cut out the picture with scissors and paste it on a piece of paper. Just first you need to come up with a plot for the drawing and figure out where to place the cut out part. Then let the child finish drawing what he wants: a rainbow, rain, flowers or something else.
  • Give your child plenty of space. For example, unwind a roll of wallpaper with the white side up and place the sheet along the corridor. Now give him pencils, paints or markers, and let him create to his health!

There's no such thing as too much drawing

Most kids enjoy drawing and developing. The task of adults is to stimulate interest, but not to damage the process of self-expression. We have already discussed how to interest a child, but now let’s list what you should never do:

  • rush the child;
  • force you to follow strict instructions;
  • without discussing with the child, complete the details and correct inaccuracies;
  • to speak “as it should”;
  • criticize.

Draw in good health and see you soon!

The question “How to teach children to draw a person?” many adults are baffled: not everyone can realistically convey proportions and portrait likeness, and even more so, explain the stages of drawing a human figure to a child. We will show simple circuits and we will give recommendations on how to draw a person step by step - even an adult child can do it.

Most adults without professional activities artistic activity, stopped in their development at the “cephalopod” stage. But this is not a reason to turn away a child with a pencil who wants to explore this world and learn everything.

By drawing, the child fantasizes, develops his abilities, trains visual memory. Of course, drawing a person is much more difficult than a tree or a hedgehog, but even the most complex task can be broken down into simple steps so that it doesn’t seem so scary and impossible. Let's learn together!

How to teach a 3-4 year old child to draw a person

To a 3-4 year old child, you can explain the principle of drawing a human figure using a simple diagram as an example: head, torso, arms and legs, always a neck, hands and feet.

Let him practice drawing boys and girls this way. What is important here is, first of all, not so much the similarity as the development of a sense of proportion, the presence of all the “components”.

Then you can try to draw little people in motion. To clearly show your child how our arms and legs bend when walking, jumping, turning, etc., demonstrate all these movements in front of a mirror.

It is convenient to make a wire frame and bend it in different directions.

Let this wire model be your guide when teaching your child to draw a person in motion.

It's useful to do quick schematic drawings. We gave the wire model the desired pose and immediately drew it. Later you will explain to your child how to “dress” the little men. Now it is more important to understand how the position of the arms and legs changes during a particular movement.

To prevent little artists from being distracted from the main thing - conveying movement in a drawing - suggest drawing a moving person using a silhouette. To make it easier, make a cardboard model with movable elements.

Another tip for those who want to teach a child to draw a person well: sculpt! Yes, yes, in volume it is easier for a child to perceive proportions, he will quickly understand how to do it correctly. If he learns to sculpt a person well and quickly, it won’t be difficult for him to draw him - it’s been tested.

How to teach a 5-6 year old child to draw a person: proportions

Teach your child to see the invisible. Before drawing a dressed figure, you need to outline the frame, understand the position of the arms and legs, the direction and rotation of the body relative to the head, etc. Use diagrams; you can always remove extra lines from the drawing with an eraser.

When a child learns to think in diagrams, he will not have any difficulties when drawing a human figure.

Preschoolers aged 5-6 years can safely explain how the figure of an adult differs from the figure of a child. The module with which we “measure” the figure is the head. A lot depends on how many times the head is “placed” in the diagram of the human figure.

Show a photo of a child standing next to an adult. Offer to measure (with a ruler, strip of paper, etc.) how many times the child’s head “fits” in his entire figure. Do the same with the adult figure. The child himself will conclude that children have larger heads (relative to the proportions of the whole body).

In adults, the head “fits” 7-8 times (ideally). If you take this into account when drawing a person, the figure will come out proportional and similar.

It is enough to draw a simple diagram several times in order to continue drawing fat and thin people, men, women and children.

Men's and female figure are different. These differences can easily be shown in the diagram using geometric shapes. Men have broad shoulders, women have broad hips.

Very soon your child will learn the basics of drawing a person and will be able to portray the whole family!

How to draw a person step by step: video

Dear readers! Tell us in the comments about the most funny drawings your children. Do you know how to draw a person realistically? Did our diagrams and tips help you learn how to draw people?

Along with physical and intellectual development baby, you need to pay enough attention children's creativity. One of the ways to express it is through drawing. Many children love to create their own pictures. Usually they try to portray their loved ones fairy-tale heroes, of people. Kids may be interested in how best to depict a particular object. Therefore, parents should be ready to help in preparing the drawing if the baby asks for it. For example, it is interesting to figure out how to teach a 5-year-old child to draw a person step by step. You can choose several options that even a preschooler can do.

How to teach a child to draw a person with a pencil?

You should start with simple ways. To do this you will need a simple pencil and paper.

Option 1

Every mother will be able to figure out for herself how to teach her child to draw step by step. This will allow you to spend your family leisure time interestingly and usefully.

Option 2

This simple option will also appeal to fidgets.

  1. It is necessary to sketch out guide lines along which it will be convenient to later draw the body, arms, and legs. An oval (head) should be drawn in the upper part. The baby can do this on his own, under the guidance of his mother. You also need to mark the lines on the face where the eyes, nose, and mouth will be located.
  2. Next, along the guides, you should draw the human body (legs, torso, arms). You can add a hairstyle, for example, funny ponytails. The kid can show his imagination and add a bag or other item to his hands. It is also necessary to detail the face, depicting the eyes, nose, and mouth.
  3. Let the baby try to carefully remove all the extra lines on his own.

Having studied step by step instructions how to teach a child to draw a person can be easily explained to even the smallest artist.

After reading this article. You will be able to follow the step-by-step sequence of learning to draw and will know how to teach your child to draw humans and animals.

1. How to teach a child to draw a person

Now your baby confidently holds a pencil and knows how to draw different lines And geometric figures and wants to draw a person. You just need to correctly explain how this can be done from several geometric shapes. But first, remember that every child will not continue to try to outline the figure, since for him this is already clear. He will only repeat your pattern! Therefore, you need to draw his attention and complicate the work in accordance with the child’s age:

  • Up to 4 years old, you can explain and draw a snowman, tumbler;
  • Up to 5 years, make it more difficult various options nesting dolls;
  • From 6 years old, explain the features of drawing a person in full face, and in profile, in motion, at rest/

Be sure to take into account the child’s age and skills. Allow simplification of silhouette lines in clothing. Preserve childlike spontaneity in your drawing!

You might be interested to know how to children's drawing person, you can find out the level of the child’s abilities (See test).

Experts have noticed that a child under 3 years old, as a rule, is able to draw a simple picture using a template. A child under 4 years old can create a drawing from a combination of templates or a simple drawing without using them. When working with a five-year-old child, it is recommended to move away from templates and create almost free drawings. But a 6-7 year old preschooler can use any drawing technique in his work, even a fairly complex one (gouache).

Foster in your child the need for beauty! After all, it is from childhood that the desire for aesthetic perfection is laid down!

2. How to teach a child to draw animals

Remember that to create a drawing you need to develop not only the child’s mental activity so that he can choose a conditional solution to the form. Mental activity is also manifested in the depiction of proportions in the drawing. To do this, the child needs to be able to draw logical conclusions, which will then lead to practical actions.

Drawing animals begins with an analysis of existing experience in solving a visual image. For successful work, try to pay your child’s attention more often Everyday life to reveal the image of each animal: features of shape and position individual parts bodies.

Remember! Almost all animals are uniform in the way they are depicted: the body and legs are drawn according to the same principle. Therefore, explain in detail only once at the beginning general techniques drawing an animal, and then just say the elements of drawing.

First, invite your child to learn how to draw his favorite toy. Analyze together all the features of the toy’s body shape and the position of all the limbs. Show how sketches are made and then drawn individual parts.

You might find samples of finished products useful. step by step drawing animals.

Dear parents, remember the first “portraits” that your children proudly displayed? Nothing resembling a real object, but the baby proudly declared: “It’s me!” Such masterpieces must be praised no matter what. Put it on the wall, encouraging the child to further exploits. But as we grow and develop young artist The question arises of how to teach a child to draw children so that it is clear who is depicted.

At what age should you start training?

There are no strict limits; starting from six months, markers and paper can be offered. But you should understand right away: between the ages of one and three years we're talking about about targeted classes, with a specific plan and fixed duration. Leave pencils and paper in sight, try to draw for your baby, he will probably be interested in it.

Even a two-year-old baby is not yet able to paint a complete, clear picture. These are still abstract images, spots and dashes. They perform an important function - Usually the drawing process does not last longer than 5 minutes, be prepared for this and do not insist. After three years, you can begin short training sessions, since teaching a child to draw without preparation will not work.

Paints, pencils, felt-tip pens - what to buy?

Diversity stationery today is simply amazing. After three years, the child’s motor skills are already well developed enough to hold a pencil and brush and trace a contour. He is familiar with primary colors. It is best to buy a little bit of everything: pencils and gouache, watercolors and wax crayons. And don’t rush to buy expensive sets with many shades. Six colors are more than enough.

It is better to start preliminary classes by getting acquainted with the rainbow. Give it time to become friends with each magical color. For example, the first day is an introduction to red. Take gouache and paper (pink, burgundy, scarlet). Draw a sunset, a beautiful fly agaric, make a three-dimensional path. Use paint to draw large poppies with your fingers, and try to feel this color with your child. This kind of work awakens interest in future creativity; drawing lessons no longer seem boring, because they open up such an amazing world.

How to turn an activity into an adventure

First of all, forget about the diagrams. Usually, if an adult thinks about how to teach, he starts from his cliches: you need a circle, an oval, dashes and dots, and also a triangular skirt and hair on top - and the advice begins. Take the child's hand with yours and show him how to do it. Setting a ready-made program or diagram does not mean teaching how to create.

Visualization, of course, is needed, but it is better to use small plastic figures of men. Let the baby depict his world, and then you will populate it with little inhabitants who will have unforgettable adventures. Next time the child will try to capture them on paper on his own, even if they are represented by multi-colored squiggles. Do not forget to praise your child and carefully store his works.

Let's continue to create

Your child is three years old, but the world depicted on paper is still the same daub. The only cardinal difference is big interest to circles. It is at this age that the drawing can be a whole tangle of repeating circles in the form of a spiral or creeping on top of each other. By drawing a circle, the child comes to the conclusion that it looks like a head and begins to complement it with various details. From this moment on, the topic of man becomes the most relevant.

According to psychologists who study the periodization of child development, up to the age of 4, he will draw “cephalopods,” that is, a circle depicting both the head and torso, with a certain number of branches. This is a normal drawing of a person (yourself, a peer, another child) for this particular age.

Adults often rush natural processes. Parents wondering how to teach their child to draw may be given a ready-made diagram to their child long before the time comes. Is it good or bad? This teaches you to live by ready-made templates and kills creativity.

The best way to teach a child to draw from the age of 3 is to provide him with constant access to plasticine, paints and pencils. Moreover, the choice of materials should be up to the child. The second point is attentiveness and sensitivity, you need to be able to praise and support, be nearby and participate in the creation of the next masterpiece. There is no good or bad, right or wrong, the main thing is a positive attitude and pleasure from the activity performed. And the third rule is to look at picture books with your child more, so that he can form his own image of a person.

Paint paintings

Here it is revealed the whole world, bright and mysterious, but if until the age of three the child is allowed to simply try and look at the result, then after three there are already some rules that the child must take into account. Each paint must have its own brush, and it cannot go into someone else’s “house”. If you then each of them is responsible for one color appearing on the paper. Mastering these rules takes time, but in return it makes it possible to use expensive gouache for a long time. The earlier you started such activities, the more fun they will be later, when you have accumulated some experience.

The question of how to teach a child to paint is more likely addressed to parental desire and patience. But remember that no one will be able to draw a picture right away. Start small, for example, using dots to represent apples on the finished tree. Then you can add a second color - with one finger, draw a bush with one paint, and add a berry with the other. Gradually complicate the task, offer to color a picture consisting of large quantity details.

Remember the fairy tale about Dunno? It is in paints that you can try to create an illustration depicting little people among large plants and flowers.

The child has become a year older

Is your son or daughter already 4? This is the age when horizons expand incredibly, small man compares, analyzes and strives for knowledge. The method of depiction is also changing; now, when a child draws children, he uses a primitive scheme, independently developed or suggested by adults.

It is already possible and necessary to explain that a little man has not only a head and arms, but also a torso. Draw your baby's attention to his own reflection in the mirror. This will quickly find expression in the drawing, but it is still impossible to achieve smooth lines. All individual parts: arms, legs, head - are depicted glued to each other. Forms can also be disrupted (a square body that is smaller than the head), but this is the age norm.

Not only people live in the world of colors, but also the whole world. different images. Don’t know how to teach a child to draw at 4 years old? Show him an example, start drawing with him. The process of creativity on one large Whatman paper is fascinating. Offer to create a picture that does not contain images, but consists only of different colors, children love mixing shades and watching how the boundaries between them blur. Draw his attention to the beauty of the world around him.

Mother father me

At this age, children often want to portray themselves and their family. Are you wondering how to teach your child to draw a person? There is nothing simpler - give him geometric shapes. First, cut out of paper so that they can be used to make a picture, then the child can try to trace them, and only after that create own person, with more smooth lines. The older the baby gets, the better he will get at it.

Preschool child

If you haven't tried drawing yet, then it's time to start. Starting from the age of five, a child is already able to feel the vertical and horizontal, so the person turns out to be straight and not leaning to the sides. The baby will quickly learn proportions human body, so you can carefully structure the drawing.

Creativity is not limited to drawing a person. Think about what is interesting to children, and you will understand how to teach a child to draw. 5 years old is no longer the age when you can give the first coloring book you come across, you need motivation. For example, after reading a fairy tale about a caterpillar, offer to draw her adventures. A row of ovals with horns, a large circle - your traveler and her apple are ready. And many squares are already the city in which you live. Paint them in dark color and stick foil on the windows, now night has fallen and the stars have risen. It is living, changing pictures that can interest children at this age.

Let's sum it up

Teaching a child to draw a person is not difficult, just do not forget about the periods of development and take into account the child’s capabilities. Creativity must be alive, so use it different techniques and materials: colors and textures (transparent watercolor or thick gouache), different surfaces, drawing on dry and wet, plain and corrugated paper, using fingers, a sponge, a brush, a cotton pad, a feather or a stick (in the case of drawing an image on water). This will give each activity an element of novelty.