The story of Tatyana's love for Onegin. The love story of Eugene Onegin

Orphaned in infancy, Tristan, having reached adulthood, goes to Tintagel to the court of King Mark, his relative. There he performs his first feat, kills the terrible giant Morholt, but is wounded. Isolde the Golden-haired heals him.

After some time, King Mark decides to marry the girl whose hair was brought in the bird’s beak. Tristan immediately recognizes Isolde's golden hair and goes to woo her. During the return voyage, the young people accidentally drink a love drink, and mutual feelings awaken in them. Isolde gets married, but the lovers cannot cope with the feeling. They are accused and run away together.

King Mark forgives his wife, but orders Tristan to leave the court. He returns to his homeland, to Brittany, where his fame grows thanks to many exploits. The King of Brittany has a daughter named Isolde White-Armed, he gives her in marriage to Tristan, but he continues to be faithful to his beloved even when married to another.

Having received a poisoned wound, Tristan asks to send the news of his imminent death to Isolde Golden-haired. He agrees that if she arrives on a ship with the envoy, there should be a white sail on the mast, and if not, a black one. Out of jealousy, Isolde Belorukaya orders to say that the sail is black, and Tristan dies of despair. His beloved, having gone ashore, falls and dies next to him.

IN famous legend the love of Tristan and Isolde reveals a common medieval conflict between the norms of public morality and fidelity to one’s feelings. The motif of the love potion helps to relieve the characters of responsibility for their mutual attraction, to “purify” them, but the text itself clearly shows a hidden condemnation of church dogma, glorification of the fullness of life and freedom.

Read a detailed summary of the novel Tristan and Isolde

Tristan's father dies while hunting while his mother gives birth to their first child. Having learned about the death of her beloved husband, the woman dies, having managed to give her son the name Tristan, which means “sadness.” The young man is raised by his father's knights until he comes of age, and then Tristan goes to Ireland to his uncle, King Mark.

The childless ruler receives him kindly and kindly. Very quickly, Tristan finds a reason to prove himself by fighting the giant Morholt. For several years now, the monster has been coming to Tintagel for a terrible tribute - he takes the best boys and girls from the kingdom. Tristan gains the upper hand in the duel, but he himself receives a serious wound. He is found by Princess Isolde, Morholt's niece. She knows healing herbs and heals the wounds of the young knight, only later learning that this is her enemy.

After some time, King Mark's subjects begin to demand that he conceive an heir. When choosing a wife, the king is stubborn: he certainly wants as his wife the girl whose hair he found in the beak of a bird that flew into the palace. Tristan recognizes a hair from Isolde the Golden-haired hairstyle. He goes to woo the girl. After he defeats the dragon in a duel that was devouring people in the kingdom, his parents want to give Isolde for him, but Tristan asks for her hand in marriage for Mark and receives consent. In order for Isolde to be happy with the middle-aged king, her mother prepares a bowl of love infusion for her. On the way back to Tintagel, thirsty, Tristan and Isolde accidentally drink a potion and are overcome with passion.

To hide the dishonor of her mistress and make amends for the mistake, Branwen, Isolde's maid, who gave the young people the cup, takes her place on marriage bed King Mark taking advantage of the darkness. Despite respect and love for King Mark, Tristan and Isolde cannot part with each other. Rumors of their affair finally reach the king, who in anger orders the traitors to be burned. Fleeing, they flee to the forest of Morois, where they hide together. After some time, King Mark forgives them and takes his wife back, but Tristan is forced to leave the court.

He goes to Brittany, where he performs many feats of arms and acquires great fame. Tristan becomes friends with the king's sons, Kaerdin and Rivalen. One day during a rest, the brothers hear Tristan calling Isolde by name in a dream. Not knowing his story, they decide that their friend fell in love with their sister Isolde, nicknamed White-Handed. They inform their father about this, and he happily agrees to such a marriage. Not wanting to offend the ruler, Tristan takes Isolde White-Armed as his wife. Their union is sad - not wanting to betray his beloved, Tristan does not touch his wife.

Suddenly an enemy invasion begins. Reflecting attacks along with the rest of the knights, Tristan receives a wound that does not seem dangerous. However, he gets worse day by day, and it turns out that the weapon was poisoned. Wishing in last time Before dying to look at his beloved, Tristan sends a messenger to the court of King Mark, begging Isolde the Golden-haired to sail to him. He sets a condition: if Isolde refuses, then the ship must go back under a black sail as a sign of mourning.

A few days later, a watchman on duty on the tower notices the white sail of a returning ship. This means that Isolde is rushing to her lover! Jealous of her husband even now and wanting to prevent this meeting, Isolde Belorukaya orders the watchman to lie. Having learned that his expectations were in vain, Tristan stops fighting for his life and gives up his ghost a few moments before the arrival of Golden-haired Isolde.

Seeing the dead Tristan, she throws herself on his chest and dies of anguish. Their bodies are buried in graves on both sides of the church, but thorn bushes sprout from the ground above the coffins, the branches of which braid the walls of the church and connect, thereby continuing to bind the lovers in death. The miracle delights King Mark, he orders that the bushes be guarded and not let anyone touch them.

Picture or drawing of Tristan and Isolde

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The main character of the work is young. an attractive, very intelligent man, a nobleman. Pushkin treats his hero with sympathy and a significant amount of irony. In chapter 1, the poet talks about life young rake Evgeniy Onegin in St. Petersburg. About how and by whom he was raised:

At first Madame followed him,
Then Monsieur replaced her,
The child was harsh, but sweet.

In his youth, he behaved exactly like the young people of his circle, that is, “he could speak and write perfectly in French, and danced the mazurka easily.” But his main science, Pushkin admits, “was the science of tender passion.” As we later learn, Evgeniy fell a victim of love. Pushkin emphasizes that “he was sick of persistent work.” He talks about Onegin’s life, spent in restaurants, theaters, balls, and courting women. Thousands of young nobles lived the same life. This way of life was familiar noble class. But one should not rush to conclusions, defining Onegin as “superfluous”. For his circle, he was not superfluous. Onegin occupied specific place V secular society, where he had “happy talent” and aroused “the smile of ladies with the fire of unexpected epigrams.” This is how his life would have proceeded smoothly, if not for his meeting with Tatyana Larina. Onegin lets Tatyana fall in love with him and torments and torments her for a long time. Tatyana writes a letter to Evgeny with a declaration of love. The girl asks him a question: “Who are you...A guardian angel or an insidious tempter?” Seemingly incapable of serious feelings, Onegin rejects her love, which for Tatyana becomes the meaning of life. A dreamy, romantic girl “believes that Eugene was sent by God.”

Onegin is touched by Tatyana's confession, but nothing more. Next a rash step is the relationship with Olga Lbina. Onegin just out of boredom begins to court Olga Larina, the fiancée of Vladimir Lensky. The girl becomes interested in Evgeniy, which naturally makes Lensky jealous. The turning point In relationships with girls, Evgeniy’s duel with Lensky appeared. The fight ends tragically for Vladimir. And here our hero seems to see the light: “Onegin with a shudder” sees the work of his hands, how the “icy corpse” of the young men is being carried in a sleigh. Lensky was killed by a “friend’s hand.” The meaninglessness of this act becomes obvious. And what about Tatyana? She silently supports her sister in grief. However, Olga “didn’t cry for long,” but became carried away by a certain uhlan, with whom she soon went down the aisle.

Tatyana's love for Evgeniy and her dislike for him as Lensky's killer are fighting. The girl suddenly begins to understand that Evgeniy is not the person she imagined him to be in her dreams. A flighty egoist, a heartthrob, a person who brings pain and tears to others, but is himself incapable of compassion. Returning to St. Petersburg, Evgeny meets another Tatyana - secular woman, “trendsetter.” He will know; that she is now married to an important general, a hero Patriotic War. An amazing transformation takes place. Now Evgeniy is looking for a date with Tatyana Larina, who has become “an indifferent princess, an unapproachable goddess,” and is languishing and suffering. Yes, Tatyana stopped looking like a provincial noblewoman. How much royalty in the gaze! How much majesty and negligence! Evgeny is in love, he pursues her, looking for a reciprocal feeling.

But, alas! A letter was written, but Evgeniy did not receive an answer to it. And then, finally, they met. What a blow, what a disappointment! Onegin is rejected: “I ask you to leave me.” “As if struck by thunder,” Evgeniy stands and suddenly feels inner devastation, his uselessness. This is a fitting ending to the novel. A.S. Pushkin tested his hero with a true feeling - love. But, alas, I did not pass this test. main character novel: scared, retreated. When the epiphany came, it turned out that it was too late, nothing could be returned or corrected. Thus, the novel “Eugene Onegin” is not just a story about an era in which “the century and modern man", but also Touching story failed, missed love.

Is it possible to talk about the development of the relationship between Onegin and Tatiana as an evolution? This term implies a forward movement, development from simple to complex, more perfect, qualitatively new. Let's figure it out.

Secret Soul Sphere

The story of the relationship between Onegin and Tatiana is a love story. The characters' feelings develop from the moment they first meet, but this happens in different ways. Reading the novel by A. S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin” - an amusing trip through the labyrinths human soul. It’s interesting to look at how the characters change internally and externally, to think about why the happiness that seemed “so possible” to Tatyana Larina did not happen.

Fatal visit

Tatiana and Onegin met in the Larins' house. Friends came here at the insistence of Vladimir Lensky, who was in love with Olga. The visit was short, but its consequences were fatal for Tatyana. All we learn about Eugene’s impression is that he “would have chosen someone else”, not Olga. The author uses a non-standard technique: he speaks about Eugene Onegin’s attitude towards Tatyana through the characterization of Olga, in whose features he did not see “life”. This means that the older sister was still slightly interested in the hero. But that's all.

Love at first sight?

For Tatyana, on the contrary, it begins new stage. Love arises and develops rapidly. But let's pay attention to what was the reason for this. In the 6th stanza of the 3rd chapter it is said that the neighbors began to predict a groom for Tatyana, and of course, in the person of Onegin, because younger sister things were already moving towards the wedding. Tatyana listened to this gossip “with annoyance,” but “a thought sank into her soul.” Pushkin psychologically accurately described main factor, which forced a young girl plunge into the ocean of romantic feeling: the time has come, and she fell in love. The grains fell into the prepared soil. A passionate fan of the novels, Tatyana Larina seemed to have found herself in their world, imagining herself and Onegin as heroes of the books.

I entrust my destiny to you...

About Onegin, the author says with a grin that he is not a “Grandison”, that is, he does not at all look like a virtuous hero English novel S. Richardson, which Tatyana read avidly. Regarding the ardent romantic relationship Tatyana Larina to Onegin, the author drops the sad and capacious phrase “Alas!” (8th stanza, 3rd chapter).

While the object of her passion is bored in her estate, Tatyana experiences a cascade of conflicting feelings. Joy gives way to sadness, dreamy impulses to confusion. The idea of ​​writing to Onegin is born spontaneously, simply because sincerity takes precedence over prudence. What conventions can there be if she loves “in earnest”?

He doesn't deserve her

With bated breath, we read the lines in which Evgeny, touched by Tatyana’s gullibility and simplicity, gently refuses the girl. The motley carousel of secular love entertainment killed in young man the ability for emotional excitement and stirred up old emotions only for a moment. In Chapter 4 we will find many quotes to support this. Onegin's attitude towards Tatyana, however, remains touching and tender. The socialite ladies' man does not even think of taking advantage of the sweet girl's frankness. He will neither seduce Tatyana nor marry her. Onegin honestly describes their perspective life together the way he sees her, and nobly does not make public the girl’s careless impulse. The lover’s arguments do not convince Tatyana of anything, and Pushkin calls his diligent speech a sermon (17th stanza, 4th chapter). Onegin easily makes a verdict for himself: he is “not worthy of Tatyana’s love!” If only he knew then what a surprise life had in store.

The unfortunate girl’s passion, of course, did not cool down, but flared up more strongly. IN yuletide dream her desires, thoughts about Eugene and a menacing premonition were intertwined. Having appeared on Tatiana’s name day, Onegin only gives her a tender look for a moment and continues to miss her. Not taking into account Tatyana's feelings for him, and Lensky's for Olga, the cruel Onegin begins to shamelessly pursue his friend's fiancee. This act is a murderous characteristic of a hero who, apparently, does not have access to high experiences. Evgeniy is much more down-to-earth closer to Olga, it is no coincidence that both of them cannot understand why Lensky suddenly rushed off, and they do not understand how immorally they both acted at the ball. According to moral characteristics, Olga is not worthy of a poet, just as Onegin is not worthy of Tatiana.

The soulless prank of the heroes entails tragic consequences. Lensky dies senselessly in a duel: secular prejudices prevent Eugene Onegin from making peace with his friend and admitting his guilt. The duelist immediately leaves the village. In the spring, Olga leaves for the regiment with her newly-made uhlan husband. Tatyana is burdened by loneliness and unabated passion.


With trepidation, the girl crosses the threshold of Onegin’s estate and re-reads his books, which reveal to Larina the true appearance of her idol. This is where a turn is planned in the relationship between Tatyana and Onegin, who suddenly appeared in her eyes as a pathetic parody of a magnificent hero. The deep feeling of the spiritually gifted girl has not faded, but now she is forced to come to terms with the fact that she loves an empty and unworthy man.

Captured through the looking glass

Tatiana's success among the Moscow nobility is noted by the author at the end of the 7th chapter, where her immediate charm captivates the middle-aged general. The fate of the young rural noblewoman is decided. We will meet her only two years later, when she will become a brilliant society lady with impeccable taste and manners. This is how Onegin will see her after his aimless wanderings around the world, and his “cold lazy soul” will be amazed and turned over by his flaring passion for the unapproachable princess.

The history of the relationship between Tatiana and Onegin is now repeating itself with mirror accuracy. He is excited, sad, all his thoughts are about her, he writes her a letter of recognition, handing over to Tatyana (as she once did to him) his destiny. He waits a long time for an answer and finally receives the same rebuke to which he subjected young Tanya “in the wilderness of a distant village” several years ago.

Why does Tatyana, without hiding the fact that she continues to love Evgeniy, refuse him? She directly tells her unfortunate admirer that she does not trust his feelings, seeing in him only the excitement of a social rake. Tatyana also reveals another reason: she will remain faithful to her husband, such is the chaste basis of her character.

So what was it?

To decide whether the relationship between Tatiana and Onegin can be called evolution, it is necessary to understand whether the princess is right that she does not believe in Eugene’s sincerity. If he really only seeks victory in a difficult love contest, there can be no talk of a qualitatively new stage in the spiritual life of the heroes. But I still think that Tatyana is mistaken - Onegin is really ripe for deep and strong experiences. Tatyana’s feeling is also going through a new stage - she consciously chooses to renounce personal happiness in favor of duty to another person, and this is her moral victory.

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In his youth, he behaved exactly like the young people of his circle, that is, “he could speak and write perfectly in French, and danced the mazurka easily.” But his main science, Pushkin admits, “was the science of tender passion.” As we later learn, Evgeniy fell a victim of love. Pushkin emphasizes that “he was sick of persistent work.” He talks about Onegin’s life, spent in restaurants, theaters, balls, and courting women. Thousands of young nobles lived the same life. This way of life was familiar to the noble class. But one should not rush to conclusions, defining Onegin as “superfluous”. For his circle, he was not superfluous. Onegin occupied a certain place in secular society, where he had a “happy talent” and aroused “the smile of ladies with the fire of unexpected epigrams.” This is how his life would have proceeded smoothly, if not for his meeting with Tatyana Larina. Onegin lets Tatyana fall in love with him and torments and torments her for a long time. Tatyana writes a letter to Evgeny with a declaration of love. The girl asks him a question: “Who are you...A guardian angel or an insidious tempter?” Seemingly incapable of serious feelings, Onegin rejects her love, which for Tatyana becomes the meaning of life. A dreamy, romantic girl “believes that Eugene was sent by God.” Onegin is touched by Tatyana's confession, but nothing more. The next thoughtless step is the relationship with Olga Lbina. Onegin just out of boredom begins to court Olga Larina, the fiancée of Vladimir Lensky. The girl becomes interested in Evgeniy, which naturally makes Lensky jealous. The turning point in the relationship with the girls was Evgeniy’s duel with Lensky. The fight ends tragically for Vladimir. And here our hero seems to see the light: “Onegin with a shudder” sees the work of his hands, how the “icy corpse” of the young men is being carried in a sleigh. Lensky was killed by a “friend’s hand.” The meaninglessness of this act becomes obvious. And what about Tatyana? She silently supports her sister in grief. However, Olga “didn’t cry for long,” but became carried away by a certain uhlan, with whom she soon went down the aisle. Tatyana's love for Evgeniy and her dislike for him as Lensky's killer are fighting. The girl suddenly begins to understand that Evgeniy is not the person she imagined him to be in her dreams. A flighty egoist, a heartthrob, a person who brings pain and tears to others, but is himself incapable of compassion. Returning to St. Petersburg, Evgeny meets a different Tatiana - a secular woman, a “trendsetter.” He will know; that she is now married to an important general, a hero of the Patriotic War. An amazing transformation takes place. Now Evgeniy is looking for a date with Tatyana Larina, who has become “an indifferent princess, an unapproachable goddess,” and is languishing and suffering. Yes, Tatyana stopped looking like a provincial noblewoman. How much royalty in the gaze! How much majesty and negligence! Evgeny is in love, he pursues her, looking for a reciprocal feeling. But, alas! A letter was written, but Evgeniy did not receive an answer to it. And then, finally, they met. What a blow, what a disappointment! Onegin is rejected: “I ask you to leave me.” “As if struck by thunder,” Evgeniy stands and suddenly feels inner devastation, his uselessness. This is a fitting ending to the novel. A.S. Pushkin tested his hero with a true feeling - love. But, alas, the main character of the novel could not stand this test: he got scared and retreated. When the epiphany came, it turned out that it was too late, nothing could be returned or corrected. Thus, the novel “Eugene Onegin” is not just a story about an era in which “the century and modern man are reflected,” but also a touching story of failed, missed love.

The novel "Eugene Onegin" was created with an amazing subtlety of poetic skill, which found expression in the composition and in the construction of the plot, and in the rhythmic organization of the novel. A.S. Pushkin created a novel in verse. similar to Byron's poem Don Juan. The main character of the work by A.S. Pushkin is young. an attractive, very intelligent man, a nobleman. Pushkin treats his hero with sympathy and a significant amount of irony. In chapter 1, the poet talks about the life of the young rake Eugene Onegin in St. Petersburg. About how and by whom he was raised: At first Madame looked after him, Then Monsieur replaced her, The child was harsh, but sweet. In his youth, he behaved exactly like the young people of his circle, that is, “he could speak and write perfectly in French, and danced the mazurka easily.” But his main science, Pushkin admits, “was the science of tender passion.” As we later learn, Evgeniy fell a victim of love. Pushkin emphasizes that “he was sick of persistent work.” He talks about Onegin’s life, spent in restaurants, theaters, balls, and courting women. Thousands of young nobles lived the same life. This way of life was familiar to the noble class.

But one should not rush to conclusions, defining Onegin as “superfluous”. For his circle, he was not superfluous. Onegin occupied a certain place in secular society, where he had a “happy talent” and aroused “the smile of ladies with the fire of unexpected epigrams.” This is how his life would have proceeded smoothly, if not for his meeting with Tatyana Larina. Onegin lets Tatyana fall in love with him and torments and torments her for a long time. Tatyana writes a letter to Evgeny with a declaration of love. The girl asks him a question: “Who are you...A guardian angel or an insidious tempter?” Seemingly incapable of serious feelings, Onegin rejects her love, which for Tatyana becomes the meaning of life. A dreamy, romantic girl “believes that Eugene was sent by God.” Onegin is touched by Tatyana's confession, but nothing more.

The next thoughtless step is the relationship with Olga Larina. Onegin just out of boredom begins to court Olga Larina, the fiancée of Vladimir Lensky. The girl becomes interested in Evgeniy, which naturally makes Lensky jealous. The turning point in the relationship with the girls was Evgeniy’s duel with Lensky. The fight ends tragically for Vladimir. And here our hero seems to see the light: “Onegin with a shudder” sees the work of his own hands, like a “frozen corpse” of young men being carried in a sleigh. Lensky was killed by a "friend's hand." The meaninglessness of this act becomes obvious. And what about Tatyana? She silently supports her sister in grief. However, Olga “didn’t cry for long,” but became carried away by a certain uhlan, with whom she soon went down the aisle. Tatyana's love for Evgeniy and her dislike for him as Lensky's killer are fighting. The girl suddenly begins to understand that Evgeniy is not the person she imagined him to be in her dreams. A flighty egoist, a heartthrob, a person who brings pain and tears to others, but is himself incapable of compassion.

Returning to St. Petersburg, Evgeny meets a different Tatiana - a secular woman, a “trendsetter.” He will know; that she is now married to an important general, a hero of the Patriotic War. An amazing transformation takes place. Now Evgeniy is looking for a date with Tatyana Larina, who has become “an indifferent princess, an unapproachable goddess,” and is languishing and suffering. Yes, Tatyana stopped looking like a provincial noblewoman. How much royalty in the gaze! How much majesty and negligence! Evgeny is in love, he pursues her, looking for a reciprocal feeling. But, alas! A letter was written, but Evgeniy did not receive an answer to it. And then, finally, they met. What a blow, what a disappointment! Onegin is rejected: “I ask you to leave me.” “As if struck by thunder,” Evgeniy stands and suddenly feels inner devastation, his uselessness. This is a fitting ending to the novel.

A.S. Pushkin tested his hero with a true feeling - love. But, alas, the main character of the novel could not stand this test: he got scared and retreated. When the epiphany came, it turned out that it was too late, nothing could be returned or corrected. Thus, the novel “Eugene Onegin” is not just a story about an era in which “the century and modern man are reflected,” but also a touching story of failed, missed love.