How to learn hip hop at home. How to learn to dance hip-hop, breakdancing and disco dancing on your own


It hurts?

This is one of the least painful punctures. More unpleasant than painful. And it's also ticklish!

Can I put a ring on it right away?

In principle, it is possible. But since swelling appears after a puncture, the ring should be one size larger than the one that will fit neatly around your nose. Otherwise, the swollen tissue will put a lot of pressure on the ring, and the puncture will hurt a lot.

When can I get a ring?

We need to watch how the puncture heals. Some people are able to get a ring placed after 2 months, while for others, even after 5 months, the wound still hasn’t healed - accordingly, the ring cannot be put on. In any case, the decision should be made by your piercer, because... You can’t see the state of the puncture from the inside.

What if I have a runny nose?

It depends. If the runny nose is deep inside, in principle you can make this puncture. Although any disease takes away part of the immune system and slows down the healing of the piercing. If you have a runny nose at the bottom of your nose, it is better to postpone the piercing until you have recovered. If it starts during the process, you need to suppress it, but so that the cold remedy does not get into the fresh puncture.

How long does the swelling last? I need to go to work!

The swelling is confined to the mucous membrane inside the nose, so it will be almost invisible from the outside.

Where can you pierce your nose?

If you want to wear a ring, the piercing should be done no further than the diameter of the ring from the edge of the nostril. Ideally, you need to take a ring of the desired size with you to the procedure and mark the piercing, focusing on this ring. - If you just want to wear a stud, you need to pierce where you like it best. But the higher the puncture is made, the more difficult it will be to reach it when replacing, etc.

How can I hide my piercing if it's already done?

No way. Plan yours later life with your new piercing in front of everyone!

What to do?

Any piercing is a wound, and to heal it you only need 2 things:

1. Do not interfere with the body’s ability to heal itself.

Saline solution: pour it into a clean lid/glass, put your nose in there for 2 minutes. You can breathe through your mouth. After the puncture “floats” and the crusts stuck to it become wet, you can carefully remove them with a cotton swab or toothpick. After that, wash off the residue clean water! The point is to remove the crusts without injuring the puncture.

Miramistin: pour it onto a cotton pad and apply it to the outside of the puncture. Can be used from inside cotton swab. Hold it like this for half a minute or a minute. The point is to disinfect the puncture site if dirt or germs from another person’s body have gotten on it. So, what to do? Day 0-14: In the morning and evening and, if possible, during the day, wash the puncture with saline solution. Just so that discharge does not accumulate. Every time you get dirt (on the street or when touching something), apply an antiseptic. But it is advisable not to use an antiseptic more than 1-2 times a day - it still burns new skin cells in the puncture, and additional injury slows down healing and provokes scar growth. Day 15-40: The puncture hardly hurts anymore, but this does not mean that it has healed. We continue to wash the piercing 1-2 times a day, but the saline solution can be replaced with a weak soap solution. At 3-4 weeks, you can make an appointment with a specialist to replace the labret with a shorter one, if you want the jewelry not to “come out” at the most inopportune moment.

How to live with this?

Remember that the puncture is healed not by ointments, but by your body. So take care of your hygiene, eat and sleep well, strengthen your immune system, take vitamins, drink plenty of water and exercise so that any puncture heals faster.

You can change the wraps yourself from day 41, the primary healing is completed. But if the labret is constantly pulled and twisted, the skin inside the puncture may tear, and healing will begin again. This especially applies to attempts to “shove in an unfitted” ring, which is often also made of dubious material (if purchased not in our studio), so it is better to do this from your master (the replacement itself will be free, unlike jewelry), and not before the master gives the go-ahead. Remember about the puncture several times a week until it heals completely, it still needs a little washing, care and love.

What not to do?

1. Do not pull, do not twist, do not remove. The less you disturb the wound, the faster the puncture will heal. And if you take out the jewelry in the first 2-3 months, you can’t put it back on your own, you need to go to a piercer.

2. Do not use peroxide, alcohol, calendula, or any ointments. Alcohol and peroxide leave a chemical burn on new skin, which takes longer to heal and can be painful. Folk tinctures are most often made with alcohol, and ointments are a good nutrient medium for bacteria.

3. Cosmetics, perfumes, scrubs, oils - all this should not get into the puncture! They will either clog the puncture and discharge will begin to accumulate in it, or they will cause allergies and inflammation.

4. It is better not to smoke, drink coffee, alcohol and blood thinning medications, including aspirin, for the first week. All this dilates the blood vessels, and the blood flows stronger, and the wound takes longer to heal. Nicotine generally inhibits general immunity, thereby increasing the healing time by up to 2 times.

5. Do not go to: solarium - 2 weeks, swimming pool - 4 weeks, saunas - 1.5-2 months.

Is it normal:

Q. The pebble fell inside! Very painful!

A. It's bad, but not fatal. This happens when the swelling turns out to be greater than expected, and the wrap is just a little wider than the thickness of the labret. It is not surprising that he was pulled inside. You need to quickly run to the piercer to change the labret for a longer one. After this the pain will stop.

Q. It's been 4 months and the piercing still hurts!

A. Most likely, something in the instructions was misunderstood or simply not followed. Even decorations best quality do not relieve you of the need to properly care for your piercing.

Q. I replaced it with a ring, everything was fine for a week, and then it turned red, swollen and hurt!

A. The ring was clearly placed early in an unhealed puncture. In this case, it was possible to get an infection from dirty hands, jewelry, or during the process of rotating the ring inside. You need to go to an experienced piercer and replace the ring with straight jewelry.

1. Try not to pull the jewelry for the first two months. The more you worry about the puncture, the longer it will take to heal.

2. Alcohol makes swelling even worse. More swelling means more pain, it’s better just not to drink. Nicotine worsens the immune system, the puncture will take longer to heal. It's better to smoke less.

3. To make it more convenient to wash the puncture, find a lid that will fit your spout up to the level of the jewelry. Pour saline solution into the lid, bend over and put your nose in it. You can breathe through your mouth at this time. The decoration must be completely immersed in the solution!

4. Even when the puncture heals, a secretion with an unpleasant odor may periodically accumulate under the cap of the labret. To avoid it, you need to periodically take baths with saline solution.

Nose piercing is the piercing of soft tissue or cartilage, followed by decorating the hole with special types of earrings. People are constantly looking for ways to self-realize and express their character. Just a couple of decades ago, rings and barbells were inserted into the nostril and septum by fans of hard rock and informals, but today it is the prerogative of pretty girls and fashionable guys.

Features of nose piercing and its significance

Every person has unique facial features, but many people want to make them more expressive and attractive. In pursuit of fashion trends With their own uniqueness and originality, people decide to get their nose pierced. This method of body modification is far from new; it appeared hundreds of years ago.

Decoration tradition different parts bodies, according to scientists, originated in Africa, and then it conquered the rest of the world, where it was brought by representatives of the hippie culture. What does a nose piercing mean? African leaders wore jewelry to communicate with dead souls. Indian men and women wore a ring at the tip to demonstrate that they were in the bond of marriage. Over time, the meaning was lost and today earrings are inserted for the sake of beauty and fashion, endowing them with their own meaning.

Nose piercing, despite the apparent accessibility and simplicity of the technology, has a number of contraindications. If you ignore the recommendations, the pierced area may cause pain and discomfort.

When you should not injure your nose or pierce it:

  • heart and cardiovascular diseases;
  • use of hormone-based drugs;
  • chronic diseases internal organs in the acute stage;
  • viral and infectious diseases;
  • cold;
  • increased body temperature;
  • for sinusitis, rhinitis.

Be sure to inform the specialist about the presence of contraindications, do not risk your health and beauty.

How to pierce your nose at home

Piercing the skin and cartilage is a minor surgical procedure. Experts do not recommend doing piercings yourself at home. All manipulations must be carried out by a professional with sufficient experience and practice. But if you are not afraid to do extreme things, and the desire to stand out from the crowd is greater than the fear of consequences, then follow the recommendations of professionals and do not violate technology.

How to properly pierce your nose at home? Stock up at the pharmacy necessary tools and accessories:

  • alcohol or disinfectant solution;
  • cotton pads;
  • disposable needle equipped with a catheter;
  • sterile latex gloves;
  • clamp

In an online store or beauty salon that provides nose piercing services, you can choose jewelry from a photo.

Before the procedure, disinfect reusable instruments and earrings.

How to pierce your nose at home:

  1. Mark the location of the future hole. The dot is placed with a marker or ballpoint pen.
  2. Treat your hands with antiseptic and wear gloves.
  3. Disinfect your skin.
  4. Insert the clamp from the outside and inside if you will be piercing the wing of the nose. The septum clamp is inserted from both sides, the tip is grasped and pulled back without touching the septum. For the bridge, the grip technology is similar, and the bridge of the nose also does not prick, the cartilage remains intact.
  5. With a quick, confident movement, the needle is inserted into the clamp through the holes. For the septum and bridge from left to right or vice versa (from which side it is better and more convenient to pierce the nose, start with that one). The nostril is pierced from top to bottom.
  6. Without pulling out the needle, insert the tip from the earring clasp into the catheter and carefully insert the jewelry into the hole and secure it.
  7. Treat the puncture site with an antiseptic.

Is it possible to pierce your nose with a special gun? How do professionals do wing and septum piercings? The procedure in the salon is carried out using a needle, in rare cases the master can use an automatic pistol.

Features of puncture on different parts

Each piercing is named according to the placement or type of jewelry.

Types of nose piercing:

  • Bridge. The hole is made at eye level in the bridge of the nose. The flat decoration is inserted into the skin, with retainers in the form of balls and shaped tips visible on both sides.
  • Nostril. The piercing of the nose wing is slightly higher than the classic one.
  • Septril. The earring is inserted vertically into the skin fold at the tip. As a result of inserting jewelry to insufficient depth, rejection and separation of soft tissues may begin.
  • Austin Bar - needle goes into horizontal position through the fold at the tip;
  • Nassalang - piercing of both nostrils and septum. Complex technology with a number of nuances and serious consequences in case of incorrect execution.

There are other options for piercing the nose with a gun and a needle - combinations of the main types. To make the puncture look beautiful and heal well, trust the work to a professional and ensure sterility is maintained during the process.

What could be the consequences?

The speed of wound healing directly depends on where and how the nose piercing is done and its type. On average, complete restoration of damaged tissue takes up to six months.

As a result of improper formation of the channel and avoidance of nose piercing, negative consequences may develop:

  • Pain. A natural and unpleasant phenomenon. The pain from the septum disrupts the sensitivity of the tip, and from a puncture of the nostril it can stretch half of the face.
  • A bulge over the wound. Sometimes a ball forms around the hole, this is a symptom of inflammation. Simply taking care of your nose piercing will not help; it is better to remove the earring and carefully treat it before serious suppuration occurs.
  • Pus and inflammation. These are the most common consequences of nose piercing. Wounds in this part of the body are difficult to wash, so they often become inflamed and begin to emit an unpleasant odor.
  • Runny nose. Injury to the mucous membrane provokes a response from the body. The flow stops after a few days.
  • Problems with facial expressions. When talking and eating, the nostrils move, which can give off a dull, aching pain.

In photos, girls and guys have a nose piercing that looks sexy, bold and interesting, but in reality it requires care and causes discomfort. In some cases, surgical intervention is required.

Caring for a piercing and choosing jewelry

How to care for your nose piercing so it heals faster:

  • Treat 2 times a day. Spray with antiseptic after coming from outside.
  • Lubricate the ends of the earrings with regenerating ointment and thread them inside the wound.
  • Do not scratch, do not injure.
  • Instill drops with sea salt.

Find out from the specialist how long it takes for a girl's or a guy's nose piercing to heal, and if the inflammation lasts longer than the specified period, consult a specialist or doctor to rule out infection.

What is a nose ring called? Main options:

  • ring, half ring;
  • barbell, banana or clove;
  • snail, hook, spiral.

If you are afraid of getting a puncture, then the ideal option is a clip on the wing, attached to a magnet.

After healing, you can replace the jewelry, but be sure to ask the seller or artist how to change your nose piercing.

For demonstration use different ways body modifications and piercings are one of the most popular. If you pierce your nose, ask your piercer whether it is dangerous and how long you will have to endure restrictions and pain. Such measures will help you prepare mentally and physically.

Since professional nose piercing is expensive, you may decide to do it yourself at home. To do this, it is enough to find out how the piercing is done and follow the rules of hygiene. If you are not afraid of pain and are willing to take risks, then try piercing your nose yourself. However, keep in mind that a professional will most likely do it faster, better and without unwanted consequences.


Part 1


    Imagine what you want your piercing to look like. Exist different kinds nose piercing Choose which one you want to make. If you are doing your first piercing yourself, it is better to choose the option with a ring or a regular stud. Imagine what you will look like with this piercing so you don't have any regrets later.

    Buy some jewelry. You can choose a stud, ring or barbell. Look for something suitable in jewelry stores, tattoo parlors or gift shops. If you know exactly what you want, then look on the Internet. It is important to choose the correct size, length and thickness of the product. To begin with, it is better to choose a ring or earring of a small size. The decoration must be new and sterile. It is not permissible to insert previously used decorations.

    The skin on your nose should be clean. If you get a piercing near an inflammation, you may get an infection at the piercing site. So if you have a rash of one kind or another on your nose, wait a few days or weeks until it goes away. During this time, wash your face using a special pore cleanser or scrub.

    Prepare your needle. The needle must be new and in complete packaging. You must be sure that no one has used it before you. It is most effective to use a small diameter hollow needle: 20G (0.9 mm) or 18G (1.0 mm). The diameter of the hole in the nose should correspond to the diameter of the jewelry you choose. After making all the preparations, remove the needle from the package. Make sure it is sterile before you pierce your skin.

    • In principle, the piercing can be done with a safety pin, push pin, earring or sewing needle. But keep in mind that you yourself may not sterilize the selected instrument well enough. Accordingly, the risk of infection is much higher. If the tool is not sharp enough, you can damage the tissue, and the process itself will be much more difficult and painful.
    • Once you take the needle out of the package, do not put it anywhere. If you must put it down, use a clean cloth or sterilized container.
  1. Pierce your nose. While looking in the mirror, place the needle against the mark you drew. Take a deep breath and quickly pierce your nose. You will feel pain for a moment, but it will not last long. The needle must be inserted perpendicular to the surface of the skin so that it slips through the tissue of the nose.

    • Remember that the faster you pierce, the faster it will all be over.
    • It is important not to push the needle too far into the nostril. If you are piercing the side of your nostril, try not to insert the needle too deeply - this is very unpleasant and painful.
  2. Immediately insert the ring or stud as quickly as possible. The hole you make will begin to close as soon as you remove the needle, as the wound will already be healing. In order for the jewelry to fit perfectly in the hole, the wound must heal around it. If you delay with this, the piercing will be ruined!

Part 3

Piercing Care

    Treat your piercing twice a day. You can use sterile saline, hydrogen peroxide, or mix water and soap in a 1:1 ratio. Treat the puncture site twice a day. To do this, soak a cotton swab or cotton swab in the solution and apply it to the piercing for a few minutes. The puncture needs to be treated outside and inside the nose. If you inserted a ring into your nose, then twist it slightly when doing the treatment.

    Be careful not to get infected! Clean your piercing regularly. Be sure to wash your hands before piercing and do this before each treatment. If you sterilize all the tools you use before getting the piercing and carefully clean the piercing site, you have nothing to worry about. However, if after a week the puncture site is still red and painful, then you may still have an infection. In this case, consult a doctor immediately.

    • It may be worth treating the wound with antibacterial soap and ointment like Neomycin to prevent infection. This will help avoid inflammation. Do not forget that if you do not regularly treat your piercing, you will likely have to take strong antibiotics that are expensive and of little benefit to the body.
  1. Do not remove the jewelry for a long time. If you take it out for more than a few hours, the puncture may become longer. The skin of the nostrils heals very quickly and may have to be pierced again if the nail cannot be inserted. Do not change the carnations for at least three months.

    Consult with professionals. Visit a piercing salon and find out everything that interests you. Politely ask the artist for advice on how best to do the piercing yourself. Even though you won't be getting your piercing done at their shop, they'll likely give you some good advice. If any medical complications arise, be sure to consult a doctor.

  • If you think that you have an infection, then do not remove the “stud” so that the inflammation does not spread under the skin! If the condition does not improve, consult a doctor.
  • If tears come to your eyes, this is normal. Just blink more often and continue what you started.
  • Your nose will be red and sore for a few days after you get the piercing. This is a completely normal reaction. If redness and soreness do not go away after one or two weeks, then you need to consult a doctor. There could be an infection in the nose.
  • Do not treat your piercing with tea tree oil, rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or other harsh antiseptics. Use only saline solution or a high-quality antibacterial soap without fragrance.
  • Do not use alcohol on your piercing as it will cause the piercing site to dry out and become crusty.
  • If you apply ice to your nose before getting a piercing, the area will become numb and sensitivity will decrease. However, keep in mind that the skin will harden and will be more difficult to pierce.
  • If you don't have a special clamp, you can replace it with a handle with a small indentation at one end. The handle will help you avoid pricking your finger when inserted into your nose. Although it is still better to purchase a clamp.
  • Focus on the movement of your arm, not the pain. This way you can distract your mind and subconscious.
  • Don't "play" with the decoration. Although it is believed that if you twist the jewelry, the puncture will heal faster, this is not so. In reality, you will only tear the wound, delaying the healing process.
  • To distract yourself from the pain, suck on a lollipop or some candy.


  • If you don’t understand something or have doubts, then it’s better to go to a professional piercing salon. It may be better not to save money and use the services of a specialist who will do your piercing professionally.
  • Don't share needles. A used piercing needle, even after it has been sterilized, can transmit AIDS and other infections. Never share a used needle - not even with your best friend!
  • Think carefully before getting a piercing so you don't have any regrets later.
  • Be extremely careful! Only pierce your nose with a hollow needle that has been sterilized in an autoclave. If you pierce your nose with a safety pin, pushpin, earring or sewing needle, there is a high chance that you will get an infection, since you are unlikely to be able to sterilize them correctly. In addition, they may not be sharp enough. When puncturing, you will have to apply more force, which can cause ruptures and will be much more painful.

The nose is perhaps the most popular part of the face and body where piercings are done. More often, punctures can only be found in the ears.

This type piercing was known as far back as one and a half thousand years BC. At that time the nose was pierced in different corners globe: Alaska, Middle East, Africa, South America. Many tribes performed such a puncture for religious reasons or as part of the worship of one or another deity.

Nose piercing in India

IN modern world, nose piercings can be found on representatives of any state and religion. The piercing of this part of the body has almost lost its significance and is carried out only as decoration and decoration of the face. However, in some cultures, the tradition of doing piercings for religious reasons has still been preserved. For example, in India, nose piercing is done during puberty in girls or on the night before marriage. This is necessary in order to appease the goddess Interrupt. She patronizes marriage and helps with childbirth. Nose piercing for this purpose is done on the left side. In certain cases, a chain was used to connect two punctures: one in the nose, the other in the ear. Some Hindu men also pierce their left nostril after marriage. This is done in order to avoid sexual impotence in the future.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the presence of a piercing in the nose on the left side may indicate a person’s social and family status.

At the same time, in India, depending on the region, it is customary to pierce both the right and left wing of the nose, and sometimes both sides at the same time.

The importance of nose piercing in European countries

In the late sixties, hippies who traveled a lot brought various innovations from many countries. So they brought nose piercings from India. This type of puncture has become very popular, mainly among female half population.

Nowadays, in Europe, such punctures do not cause any harm. special significance. It is only generally accepted that nose piercings should be done on the left side. These are, after all, echoes of Hindu customs. However, choosing the side of the puncture is a purely individual decision. Sometimes you can hear the opinion that a piercing in the nose on the right side is a sign gay. But this information has not been confirmed anywhere and has no logical basis. Also erroneous is the opinion that right-sided nose piercing is a sign of representatives the oldest profession. There are no historical facts, which would be confirmation of such an opinion.

Right-sided piercing, just like a puncture on the left side, does not carry any ideological meaning modern people(In most cases).

Nose piercing for men

Nose piercings are less common in men than in women. Among all types of piercings on this part of the face, the strong half of humanity prefers the piercing of the bridge of the nose (bridge), as well as the piercing of the nasal septum (septum). If the piercing is on the nostril, then the side is not a sign of any quality, status of the guy or his relationship to a certain subculture.

Most often men creative professions(artists, show business representatives and rock musicians) decide to place jewelry in your nose. Also, in most cases, if a representative of the stronger sex has a pierced nose, then he also has piercings on other parts of the body.

Psychologists' opinion about nose piercing

Nose piercings among modern people, regardless of where they are located, do not carry any ideological meaning (in most cases). It should be noted that according to research, people who decide are very often active and purposeful individuals. They achieve a lot in life.

However, psychologists note that if a person’s jewelry is on the right side, then he wants to stand out. He may also have traits of narcissism and narcissism.

Which side is best for nose piercing?

There is no clear answer to this question. If a person decides to have a nose for the sake of beauty and facial decoration, this is only his choice. You need to analyze your desire, as well as external features. It often happens that due to facial asymmetry, which is inherent in absolutely everyone, the piercing will look harmonious only on one side.

In any case, the puncture procedure must be performed by a professional and under sterile conditions. This is necessary to prevent the occurrence negative consequences after the procedure. With all the steps correctly performed during the puncture, the nose piercing will please the eye not only of its wearer, but also of those around you.


If a person is decisive enough and is not at all afraid of the possibility nose you can see on your face instead of neat nose ick a purple potato, then he can safely start piercing nose A Houses. The easiest way is to make a puncture yourself. For this procedure, it is best to choose a cooler time of year, when there will be much less dust, and increased sweating will not interfere with the process. First of all, you need to purchase all required material. Stock up on sterile surgical gloves and sterile cotton wool. For the upcoming piercing process, you can use a dropper needle. It is quite sharp and comes with a plastic tube. It is necessary to select the diameter to match the thickness of the pier. In addition, you will need about 100 ml of alcohol. It is better to do without anesthesia. For this purpose, agents that are used in dentistry are usually used: in - lidocaine 5% or in aerosols - lidocaine 10%. But injecting yourself in the face yourself is very dangerous and problematic; in addition, you may develop an allergy to such drugs and subsequently swelling. Therefore, it is better to be patient for a moment. You should also think about further care for the piercing; you should definitely stock up on solutions of miramistin or chlorhexidine. This is an antiseptic for piercing care. Salicylic or boric alcohol and calendula are also suitable.

Now you can move on to the process itself. The selected pier must be placed in a small container with alcohol. Prepare and disinfect the needle. Put on gloves, insert a tampon into the nostril you are going to use, press well, treat it with alcohol, turn out the nostril, forcefully and sudden movement pierce it. In this case, you should pull out the needle and leave the tube in the hole. Then insert the tube into one end of the pier and pull it out, while the pier should seem to be sucked in and fall into place. The outside must be treated with alcohol.

It is very important not to touch or move the puncture site for a while. Until the canal is formed and the wound heals, it should not be changed. Treat the puncture site twice a day with a special disinfectant solution (Miramistin).


  • where to pierce your nose
  • How to heal a piercing

Nose piercing has become the most popular view piercing Most often, the nose is pierced out of a desire to stand out, for the sake of decoration. There are several types of nose piercing - you can pierce the septum, nostrils, bridge of the nose, but the first position in popularity among girls today is the piercing of the wing of the nose, most likely due to the ease of execution. For decoration, a pebble or metal ball, ring, nail or microlabret is inserted into the puncture. The puncture heals quite quickly - from two to four weeks, but only if you carefully care for it.

Of course, the best option is to get the piercing done in a specialized salon. But when great desire You can carry out this procedure yourself. The risk is not too great since there are very few blood vessels on the wings of the nose.

1. Prepare in advance everything you need for piercing - alcohol or other antiseptic, cotton wool, a piercing needle and the piercing itself.

2. As a needle, it is best to use a system that matches the earring.

3. Before starting the procedure, treat the gloves, needle, and puncture site with an antiseptic.

4. Fold the nostril as much as possible so that the clasp subsequently ends up inside, along the wall of the nose.

5. Bring the needle to inside nostrils and quickly pierce.

6. Insert the jewelry into the catheter, and then carefully pull out the catheter.

7. Rinse the puncture site thoroughly and check that the clasp is screwed on properly.

8. After this, the puncture must be treated with an antiseptic twice a day.

Nose piercing even from a medical point of view