Eva is very young. Singer Eva Polna has lost weight and completely transformed! Guests from the Future - Games

Eva Polna – Russian singer, composer, songwriter, ex-soloist of the group “Guests from the Future”. Winner of 8 Golden Gramophone awards, including for her solo songs.

Childhood and adolescence

Eva ( real name– Polnaya) was born and raised in an intelligent Leningrad family. Her parents noticed early musical talent daughters and made every effort to develop it.

Father with youth taught the girl good music, jazz was often heard in the house, and singer Ella Fitzgerald became an idol and role model for Eva.

Another passion of little Eva was reading - she loved science fiction and often imagined myself in the cockpit spaceship. No wonder she musical group It was called "Guests from the Future".

Eva did not really like school and went there reluctantly. She liked playing music and choreography much more than cramming algebra and physics. Therefore, the girl chose a humanitarian university and entered the library department of the Institute of Arts, from which she successfully graduated in 1996. But she didn’t have a chance to work in her specialty.

By the time she graduated from the university, Eva was already a member of the rather famous rap group “A-2” in St. Petersburg, where she performed as a vocalist and dancer. After staying there for a year, Polna went to solo swimming, performing classic rock ballads in St. Petersburg clubs.

Music career

In 1996, fate brought her together with Yuri Usachev, who was looking for a vocalist for his music project. Seeing the girl on stage, he was completely fascinated by her voice and energy and after the performance he proposed cooperation. So Polna became a soloist, as well as a songwriter, director and costume designer of the newly formed group “Guests from the Future”.

Eva Polna. "How it all began"

Their first album, recorded in jungle style, did not arouse much public interest. Changing the concept towards pop music, they recorded several new songs and began performing them in clubs.

At one of these concerts, “Guests” was heard by DJ Groove, who appreciated the composition “Time is Sand” from the album of the same name and suggested it for broadcast on the radio. Unexpectedly, the single took first place in the charts, and the group was talked about as a new musical event in the domestic show business.

Guests from the Future - "The Best of You"

Soon, “Guests from the Future” recorded the third album, “Run from Me,” and a year later the fourth, “Winter in the Heart.” The band celebrated its fifth anniversary with a big solo concert at the Yubileiny Sports Palace in St. Petersburg, after which “Guests from the Future” went on a big tour.

In the spring of 2006, their first solo concert in Moscow, and three years later Yuri Usachev left the team. For some time he remained Eva’s co-author and musical arranger of songs, but Polna already appeared on stage alone.

Eva Polna - “Without Parting”

Over the next ten years, the singer recorded two studio albums, for six songs of which video clips were shot. For my solo activity the singer received several Golden Gramophones, Muz-TV and MusicAwards and many other honorary music awards.

Since 2013, Polna has become a frequent guest on television. She performed well in the show “Exactly”, and a year later she was invited to the jury of the project “I want to go to Meladze”. Then she became a guest of Yulia Menshova in the “Alone with Everyone” program.

Eva Polna. Alone with everyone

In 2016-17, Polna gave several major concerts, and in 2017 she released her second solo album"Phoenix".

Personal life of Eva Polna

The singer is not married and does not hide her bisexual orientation. At the same time, she is an exemplary and loving mother of her daughters Evelina (2005) and Amalia (2007).

Details of stories about successful cases of “star” fight against extra pounds have always aroused interest from ordinary people. The case with Eva Polnaya did not set a precedent either: the singer lost a lot of weight after several years of “staying” in statuary forms.

Graceful steps to a slender figure

There are persistent rumors that Polna owes her transformation to dancing, which she became seriously interested in some time ago. What she liked dance direction can be described as a kind of mix of Pilates and ballet exercise.

To make it clear to the reader what the conversation is about:

  • Pilates is a series physical exercise aimed at strengthening all muscle groups, training coordination of movements and relieving stress;
  • ballet exercise – a set of classes originally intended for ballerinas; it is aimed at increasing the level of muscle strength and elasticity, as well as the body’s overall endurance to physical activity.

Thanks Malysheva?

One of the most common versions explaining how Eva Polna lost weight says that Malysheva’s diet helped her with this. We are talking about Elena Malysheva - a doctor, Doctor of Medical Sciences and host of a health program on Channel One.

This weight loss option is a monthly set of provisions consisting of five categories:

1. breakfasts;
2. lunches;
3. desserts;
4. dinners;
5. fasting days.

Desserts are presented in ready-to-eat form. All other food is packaged in single-serving bags. It is prepared either by heating it in the microwave or brewing it with boiling water. In total, the diet on which Eva Polna allegedly lost weight consists of twenty-four regular days and four fasting days.

Stories of women who claim to have overcome the problem excess weight using Malysheva’s power system are impressive. Minus five, six, or even eight kilograms per month - this is the average result they declared.

The main aspects on which the weight loss course is built are:

  • limiting the caloric content of food consumed during the day;
  • fractional nutrition;
  • positive psychological attitude.

Whether Eva Polna actually lost weight using this option is not known for certain.

Is it all about Lera Kudryavtseva?

There is an opinion that to lose excess weight a star Russian stage prompted Lera Kudryavtseva during the filming of one of her programs “Eat and Lose Weight.” The presenter opened the eyes of celebrities to the fact that the concepts of “losing weight” and “eating deliciously” can be synonymous. Eva was able to see this with her own eyes, as she became a guest participant in the show.

Kudryavtseva invited her guest not to give up her favorite dishes. In order for Eva Polna to also lose weight, she was advised to replace a number of high-calorie foods in these dishes with safer ones for her figure.

To illustrate the proposed methodology, the singer was given practical examples. One of them is chicken salad. Here are the replacement rules:

Initially, the recipe contains: chicken thigh, dried prunes, walnuts, mayonnaise.

In the revised version:

  • dried prunes are “diluted” with 50x50 fresh plums;
  • for changing chicken thighs the chicken breast comes;
  • mayonnaise is “removed from the field” due to its high calorie content. Its place is taken by a sauce made from a mixture vegetable oil and orange juice;
  • the presence of walnuts remains unchanged;
  • additionally spinach is added to the dish; the need for its presence in the dish is justified by the high fiber content in its composition; It is known to perfectly cleanse the body and create a feeling of fullness.

And a few more versions on this topic

There are a couple of other assumptions floating around the Internet about how Eva Polna lost weight. According to the author, they sound somewhat far-fetched. Although, who knows? Maybe there is some truth in them. It's up to the reader to decide.

Assumption No. 1: the singer went under the “knife” because other means no longer helped her. Is it true? Polna says no. You have to take her word for it.

Assumption No. 2: Eva Polna lost weight on a very strict diet. If so, ordinary people should take their hats off to her: that’s willpower! But doctors should be reprimanded for their irresponsible attitude towards their health. Any food that falls under the definition of “hungry” is harmful to the body.

Assumption No. 3: the twenty-fifth frame became Polna’s guide to slim figure. It turns out that she lost weight as a result of regularly watching videos with a kind of psychological suggestion that the eye or ear does not have time to catch, but is perfectly perceived by the brain.

It remains a mystery how Eva Polna lost weight. The celebrity herself prefers to remain silent on this matter. The author, in turn, will suggest that she simply began to expend more calories than she consumed. Today, this is the only possible option that does not require surgical intervention, a way to say goodbye to excess weight.

Along with other hobbies, she devoted a lot of time to music, dancing and singing. After school, she became a student at the St. Petersburg Academy of Culture and Arts. Krupskaya, after graduating from which she received the specialty of librarian-bibliographer. But this future star it seemed not enough, and she also entered the St. Petersburg College of Arts.

On stage, Eva made her debut as part of the St. Petersburg group “A-2”, in which she was a backing vocalist and dancer. Eva Polna in her youth did not lose hope of becoming famous singer, and honed her skills in clubs, performing classic rock ballads.

In the photo - Eva Polna in her youth

The turning point in her career was her acquaintance with Yuri Usachev. She was twenty-four years old then, and she conquered young man with his performance in one of the clubs. Yuri was delighted with Eva’s voice and offered her cooperation. Then he performed as part of the group “Cast Iron Runner”, and after an interview with the young singer, who, moreover, wrote poetry and music herself, he offered her cooperation. So Eva Polna in her youth became the lead singer of the “Guest from the Future” group created together with Usachev, and their first joint song was recorded in a small home studio.

Meeting DJ Groove changed a lot in future fate Eva and Yuri - the song “Time is Sand” recorded with him brought the guys deafening popularity. After that, they performed their concert at the Titanic nightclub, and this day became the birthday of the “Guest from the Future” group and the beginning of Eva Polna’s ascent to the musical Olympus.

True, after the resounding success in the group’s career there was whole year relative calm, and only after they recorded the song “Cry-cry, dance-dance”, and it was aired, did Eva Polna and her partner experience a second wave of popularity.

In the photo - Eva Polna and Yuri Usachev

In 2015, after a six-month lull former soloist“Guests from the Future” Eva Polna appeared before a large audience in a completely new image. She not only changed her hairstyle, but also became noticeably slimmer. Some publications claim that Eva Polna has lost 15 kilograms, photos on Instagram confirm this. What did the pop star do to get rid of excess weight at the age of 40? We'll reveal the secrets of one of the most talked about transformations right now.

Eva Polna's figure has never been too slim, but the singer cannot be called fat either. She herself has said more than once in interviews that she does not like any diets and is not friends with sports, and considers curvy figures to be a sign of sexuality and femininity. However, after the birth of her second child, the weight began to increase rapidly; according to various publications, the artist weighed from 80 to 100 kg. For literally six months, the star did not appear on stage or at social events, which greatly worried her fans.

But after 6 months, the public was surprised by Eva’s transformation - the thinner star suited her very well new image. The singer herself claims that during her lull, she wrote new songs and actively took care of her body, which can be seen from her posts on social networks.

Now she is happy with her shape and says that she feels great. Fans and members of the press line up to find out how, after having two children at 40, you can lose so much weight?

Changes for weight loss

Eva Polna boldly expresses her negative attitude towards various diets. However, she still had to change her own diet in order to achieve her goals.

There is information that special menu for the star, the popular nutritionist Elena Malysheva compiled it, but Eva herself did not officially confirm this.

Let's look at what adjustments the star had to make to her diet and daily routine to lose weight.

In conclusion

Eva Polna’s nutritional principles cannot be called a strict diet, it is simply a rational approach to eating food that is healthy and good for your figure. The singer claims that over time she managed to get used to the absence of harmful foods in her diet, and she learned to enjoy delicious diet dishes.

The artist also assures that sport is the basis of beautiful and toned body, she encourages all her followers to follow her example and engage in favorite physical activities every day.

Eva Polna (Elena Leonidovna Polnaya) is one of the most unusual singers in Russian show business. Her image is recognizable and inimitable. She is not afraid to be shocking and at the same time has extraordinary talent.

Eva was born on May 19, 1975 in Leningrad. Her father is Polish by nationality, so she often spent her holidays in Poland. Eva's mother was Russian.

As a child, Polna dreamed of becoming an astronaut: she was attracted by distant stars and planets. She harmoniously combined her passion for space with visiting music school. Eva also did choreography.

Having successfully completed school, Eva entered the Institute of Culture. Five years later, she graduated from a university, but was in no hurry to work in her specialty as a librarian-biographer. The girl decided to enroll again educational institution. This time Polna chose the College of Arts, after graduating from which she taught dance. However, she soon decided to devote herself entirely to music.

The beginning of a singing career

As a student, the girl began performing as part of the rap group “A-2”. She was a dancer and backing vocalist. A year and a half later, the aspiring singer left the band and began performing in nightclubs Northern capital. She performed legendary rock hits.

Group "Guests from the Future"

In 1996, Polna met with Yuri Usachev, who was looking for a soloist in a project called “Guests from the Future.” The group's first jungle album was recorded in just one night, but the record did not gain popularity. For this reason, the group changed its direction and began to perform exclusively pop music. The first single “Run from Me” broke popularity records. From that moment on, the success of “Guests from the Future” rapidly began to gain momentum.

The group's first quality videos began to appear. “Guests from the Future” began to appear more and more often on television and actively tour. Albums were recorded, each of which at one time turned out to be at the top of popularity: “Winter in the Heart”, “It’s Stronger than Me”, “Eva”, etc. In 2009, the group stopped touring, as Yuri Usachev left the project.

Solo career

After the collapse of the group, Eva presented solo tracks that took first place in the Russian-language charts: “Guys Don’t Cry,” “The Whole World,” “Mirages,” etc. In 2013, the singer staged a grand tour of Russian cities and neighboring countries. Immediately after it, Polna released her first solo album, “Love Sings.” The singer is the winner of prestigious awards: “Golden Gramophone”, Top Hit Music Awards, figurine “Red Star”, etc.

Personal life

The artist’s personal life has always been actively discussed in the media. She was credited with having affairs with famous personalities both sexes. In 2001, Polna came out and admitted her bisexuality.

Information about the love relationships shocking artist with women, but at the same time she gave birth to two children. In 2005, a daughter, Evelyn, was born in an elite maternity hospital, whose father is singer Denis Klyaver. For a long time this fact was hiding from the press, since at the time of the girl’s birth Denis was married.

In 2007, Eva gave birth to a second daughter, whom it was decided to name Amalia. Her father is the owner of a chain of fashionable restaurants, Sergei Pilgun, with whom the singer was officially married. Two years later the couple broke up. Subsequently, strong family Polna never created it.


  • Height – 172 cm
  • Weight – 97 kg
  • www.instagram.com/polnaeva_official
  • www.evapolna.ru