Popular names in France. French female names and their meanings

Liana Raimanova

Any wedding anniversary is an important event for a married couple. Seventeenth wedding anniversary- a special date in the life of the spouses. By this time, there is no room for romance in the family, but the relationship between the spouses is still strong and pure. Over seventeen years of marriage, the couple learned to understand each other perfectly, established family life and realized how important it is to appreciate the time spent together.

Seventeenth anniversary commonly called a pink or tin wedding. The names appeared for a reason, but have their own unique story. The tin wedding gets its name from tin, a flexible and elastic metal. This is one of the few metals that is easily affected. It is suitable for making various figures, and is also used as a fastening material for parts. If we compare tin with family life, we can say that over 17 years of marriage, spouses have become much more loyal and tolerant towards each other, and more often make concessions in controversial situations.

What original gift to give to friends for the 17th tin (pink) wedding anniversary

It is not customary to celebrate a tin wedding by inviting many guests, it is more family celebration. Spouses can spend it together, in a romantic atmosphere. But in those cases when friends are nevertheless invited to the holiday, they are faced with the question of what to choose and what gift to give to the married couple? For those who know the spouses well and for a long time, it will not be difficult to choose a gift for friends for their 17th wedding anniversary. Here list of gifts which are usually given on the tin anniversary:

  • An expensive and beautiful set of bed linen or an unusual blanket for the bed.
  • Original textiles in pink tones symbolizing a pink wedding.
  • You can give your family a set of cutlery made from tin. The cutlery can be decorated with flowers; it is best to choose for 12 people.

  • If there is such an opportunity, then organize a romantic trip for your friends to the places they like or where they would like to go, but were never able to. It will be great gift for a tin wedding, the spouses will be together and have a good rest.

What can spouses give each other for their 17th wedding anniversary?

On this day, in addition to organizing the holiday, the spouses must also decide on a gift for each other. Despite a large number of After years of living together, not many couples know what exactly their significant other wants to get. Gifts must be desirable and interesting, it is best to prepare for this day in advance and find out what your spouse wants to receive for the 17th wedding anniversary.

What gift should I choose for my wife for her 17th wedding anniversary?

  • If you have some gift options, remember that main criterion- the value of the gift. It doesn't have to be a trinket. This way you will emphasize the importance of the event and indicate your serious intentions. Also, the gift must necessarily fit the theme of the holiday.
  • Any woman will be happy with jewelry. This could be a ring or earrings with a pink stone, a bracelet or a pendant. If your financial capabilities do not allow you to give such a luxurious gift to your wife, give her beautiful tin jewelry, the main thing is that it is given from the heart.

You can easily replace pewter jewelry with luxurious jewelry made of gold and rose quartz.

Gold ring with quartz and diamonds; gold earrings with quartz and diamonds, all SL(prices via links)

  • Beautiful pink dress. You can choose not only a dress, but also another thing that will suit your wife. For example, a silk scarf, a blouse or an evening dress in which she will go to a restaurant with you. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the style of the outfit, if you know your wife’s wardrobe well and understand what items suit her best, feel free to buy, your wife will definitely appreciate such attention to her.
  • Organize a romantic dinner. Book a table at your favorite restaurant or any other place that is connected with your family life. Remember that the atmosphere of the evening should be appropriate for the anniversary.
  • Organize a seaside holiday or a trip to any interesting country. The seventeenth anniversary is not only about organizing a holiday for guests, but also about the time that you can spend together. And what could be better than a joint holiday in warmer climes? You can choose an exotic country for travel, the main thing is that you can fully relax and unwind there. A trip will help to dilute the boring atmosphere and bring you even closer together.

A tin anniversary is a special day in the life of a family. The couple, who lived together for 17 long years, knew all the joys family life, went through sorrows and joys together. Therefore, you should be especially careful when choosing a gift for your wife. After all, this is how you show your feelings for her. What's an anniversary without beautiful bouquet colors?

Don't skimp on flowers, buy a chic bouquet of 17 red or pink roses. Full-length roses with long stems are popular

You can give it to your wife in the morning or at a romantic dinner.

It will not be difficult for an attentive and loving spouse to choose a worthy anniversary gift for his partner. After all, who besides the husband knows what his woman prefers and what gift she will be most pleased with. If your wife has a sweet tooth, then order a beautiful and delicious cake with an original design. It will become a real decoration of the festive table.

What to give your husband for 17 years of marriage

Men, just like women, love surprises and gifts. A gift for a spouse should not only be interesting but also useful. When choosing a gift, take into account his interests and hobbies; perhaps your husband likes to collect some items, so the best gift what he collects will be for him.

  • Useful items made from tin, such as beer mugs or souvenirs.
  • If your spouse is an avid fisherman, give him the latest fishing tackle or fishing rod.
  • For connoisseurs of good literature, a rare collector's edition of your favorite book is suitable. Such a gift will definitely be appreciated.
  • Pewter chain, beautiful cufflinks or bracelet.
  • Expensive designer writing instruments.

  • Any item of clothing red or any other color. This could be a shirt or whatever your spouse prefers to wear. You can give beautiful, high-quality shoes and additional products to care for them.
  • A rare weapon for connoisseurs.

It is better not to use pink color as a symbol of the 17th anniversary when choosing a gift for a man. It's more likely female color and it is more suitable for the fair sex. But good option will wrap the prepared gift for the spouse in pink wrapping paper.

What to give parents for their 17th wedding anniversary

As a gift to parents from a daughter or son, you can give:

  • Video film dedicated to the family life of parents. Install it yourself or order it from professionals.
  • Interesting quest. Give your parents an unusual surprise, hide mini gifts in the house and let them find them themselves with the help of funny clues. It will be very exciting and funny.
  • Book of wishes or original photo album. Print out all the most beautiful pictures and make a family photo album. Your parents will be happy. After all photographs are memories for life.

  • You can give children pink jam on their parents' 17th wedding anniversary. This is a kind of symbol of sweet and happy life together.

Original do-it-yourself gifts for the 17th wedding anniversary

For those who do not want to give ordinary gifts, but want to present a special thing that will be remembered by a married couple, there are great handmade anniversary gift ideas for relatives. Depending on what talents you have, you can:

  • Prepare a beautiful original greeting card in your own verse;
  • if you have art education, paint a portrait of a husband and wife. They will be happy with such an interesting gift.
  • Homemade baking. Prepare a delicious cake or homemade cookies not that difficult. Ideas for decorating baked goods can be found on culinary websites.

It doesn’t matter whether you bought a gift or made it yourself, the main thing is that it was presented from the heart.

21 February 2018, 14:56

It is not customary to celebrate such a date on a grand scale. A narrow, family circle would be the best option. On this anniversary, “newlyweds” are also allowed privacy, for example, in order to have a romantic dinner or a trip.

It is always customary to surround everything with an aura of romance. On this day, not only romantic music should sound, but also beautiful words about love. A man and a woman need to show each other feelings of tenderness, devotion, and care.

Both guests and the spouses themselves should associate their congratulations with roses. These can be poems on simulated pink petals, notes, predictions, wishes and cards in bouquets. There must be roses on the table. The tablecloth, dishes and napkins may be pink. Tin rings are also exchanged on this day.


Not a single date is complete without gifts. First of all, it should be a bouquet of roses, the number of which is equal to the number of years lived. They can be given as gifts by spouses to each other, as well as by relatives and guests.

Gifts from spouses to each other

First of all, on this day it is customary to give each other not only rings, but also tin spoons. An excellent gift for your loved ones would be:

  • romantic trip;
  • kit the necessary equipment, always with a pink bow on a sling;
  • desired car/motorcycle (within one's means, of course);
  • a trip to the forest for two;
  • rose bath, rose wine and candles;
  • shopping.

You can even give an apartment renovation and decorate it with roses and balloons.

Gift to wife from husband

If on an ordinary day they give just a bouquet of flowers, then on this day it is advisable to include a small gift for the wife. It could be:

  • pink water;
  • tickets to the cinema, to the theater;
  • wardrobe with a touch of pink (pink dress, shoes, clutch, handbag);
  • certificate;

Or you can give yourself a gift by tying a beautiful pink bow around your neck!

Gift to husband from wife

Pink, as a gift, is not suitable for a man, with the exception of a shirt and tie. Therefore, we give tin:

  • tin gifts (cigarette case, buckle, flask, box for spare parts);
  • invitation somewhere;
  • vouchers.

You can give your spouse a romantic dinner in an apartment or outdoors, where a table set with flowers and rose petals will be waiting for him.

What to give parents for their 17th anniversary

A simple gift would be one that is made with your own hands. For example, a frame or an album, a video with the most interesting shots of life. You can arrange a romantic date for parents by contacting a company or developing a plan yourself.

The meeting can be organized:

  • on the rink;
  • in a cafe/restaurant;
  • at the cinema.

Also, it would be nice to give them tickets to an interesting, invigorating quest that will help them become young again.

What to give to friends for their 17th birthday

If you are invited to a pink-tin anniversary, then you can give many useful things that correspond to the symbolism as a gift:

  • bed linen/bedspread/plaid/tablecloth, pink shades;
  • a painting, a portrait of the “young”;
  • a tin horseshoe for good luck;
  • a vase with a bouquet of the above flowers;
  • set of rose incense;
  • a set of dishes containing 17 items;
  • two T-shirts with numbers: for women, there should be a print in the form of one, for men, there should be a print of seven;
  • dishes with prints of wedding photographs;
  • confectionery with photos of anniversaries;
  • pink drinks: wine, champagne, liqueur.

You can approach the choice of a gift with more romance:

  • carriage ride;
  • relaxation in a sauna/hotel/romantic gazebo;
  • horse riding;
  • boat trip;
  • going to a themed bar (what this family loves: anti-cafe, retro/rock/jazz cafe, etc.).

Of course, you can also give decorative elements, equipment, and jewelry, not forgetting to add a symbol of this anniversary to them.

Poems for 17th anniversary

Imagination is important in gifts, and it would be nice to have beautiful words of congratulations with gifts.

17 years have passed and we didn’t have time to turn around,

How everyone wants to go back to their first years,

But life is stubborn, calling you to follow it,

Walk along it together, with love!

Lead each other gently but confidently,

And carry the feelings of fidelity as if on wings!

Here comes the anniversary again,

Here's the date again!

Sentence: "Pour"

Are you listening, guys!

After all, today there is a reason,

We congratulate you together,

I can’t count the words for you,

Yes, this is not necessary!

Just be yourself

Like everyone else for 17 years in a row,

May the sky be blue

And feelings are in the air!

Be faithful to each other

Keep your love and devotion!

Be called “Spouses” for a hundred years,

And take care of this title!

Happiness to you, our good ones,

Mom, dad, beloved and dear ones!

17 years of your whole life,

Serve as an example for us, dear ones!

We wish you at least three times

Another 17 years old to meet!

And let this wonderful phrase guide you,

Which marriage vow you expressed!

About the fact that you commit to love,

About the fact that you commit to being there!

And you undertake to remain faithful,

Look at life with one eye!

Dear newlyweds! For seventeen years you walked shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand. We went through problems, sleepless nights, perhaps hardships, fatigue, resentment, and sometimes even pain. But you came, came to this date, pink aroma, young, beautiful, energetic! Today you serve as an example not only to your children, but also to your friends. Looking at you, you understand that life is given only to love and dedicate it to loved ones! And we want to raise a glass to this rose wine in your honor! And we are giving you the second bottle as a gift, but we will make you promise to open it only after exactly 17 years!

17 years of marriage is not a grand anniversary for a couple, but it has serious semantic significance for their life together.

The names of different periods in the happy life of a married couple sound very romantic: “calico”, “wooden”, “silver” and so on. And the name of the 17th anniversary of the wedding date is not inferior to them.

Several semantic meanings of the 17th anniversary:

1. Interesting name a period lasting 17 years is a tin wedding.

If speak about symbolic meaning tin wedding, you need to look at the properties of this metal. Tin is characterized by flexibility and pliability. By the age of 17, husband and wife are already able to be softer, adapt to each other’s shortcomings and give in, avoiding sharp corners in conflicts.

And if we take another quality of tin - the ability to solder various parts together, then we can evaluate the tin period of marriage as a complete connection. It was these acquired qualities that allowed the family to be saved by this time.

2. This anniversary is also called pink, which gives the holiday some sublimity. They call it pink based on the nature of the formed marital relations. By this time, the fire and passion of emotions are replaced by tenderness, warmth and calm sensuality.

This is inherent in the color pink, the symbol of which is the rose flower. The nobility of this flower is combined with the lurking danger of being injured by its thorns. Therefore, if handled carelessly, the formed love in a couple may be subject to some damage. You need to be alert!

3. Based on numerology data, the number 17 characterizes the likelihood of new discoveries. But acquiring something new may be accompanied by certain trials in life.

Therefore, a couple who has lived 17 years since their wedding may find themselves in difficult vicissitudes, providing an opportunity to break into a new relationship or expand the family’s life spaces in the form of something new.

Based on all this, you can, as a wedding gift, organize a trip to new country, which will enrich the relationship between the spouses with fresh impressions. What a wonderful symbolic date - 17 years!

How to celebrate?

The words “Tin Wedding” are heard twice in the married life of the spouses. The first is when a couple reaches 10 years of marriage, the 2nd – 17. The tenth year is celebrated on a grand scale, and the seventeenth is usually celebrated in a narrow circle, often in the family.

You can spend this day in romantic style– tete-a-tete between husband and wife. Pink rose petals falling on the face can wake up your spouse in the morning and accompany her on the way to the bathroom, where a warm bath, decorated with floating rose buds, awaits her. Romantic Honeymoon will be too good decoration such a wedding.

Children who have matured by this time can organize an unforgettable celebration for their beloved parents. The attention of children can be a unique gift for a married couple.

And if they serve a festive dinner, creatively decorated in pink style, presenting parents with tin rings and filming the celebration on a video camera, the 17th anniversary of their married life will be a highlight for the couple.

Wedding gifts

Whatever is given on this day, the main thing is that it causes both spouses positive emotions. You can give symbolic gifts in the form of tin items for interior decoration, which will be a memory of the celebration of the tin wedding.

But symbolism can be replaced by any gifts for each other. The main thing is that they are given from the heart and with love.

It will be good if on this day the house is filled with donated roses. What a “pink” wedding without the appropriate attribute! Flowers always decorate any celebration.

Any wedding should be filled with kind, encouraging, uplifting words, both between spouses and from the family. For 17 years, husband and wife have sufficiently studied each other’s tastes, so choosing mutual gifts is not difficult. The main thing is to connect them with the theme of the celebration pink or tin texture.

Gifts for wife:

  • A husband can surprise his wife with gifts all day long. Coffee in bed with goodies Pink colour and roses at the feet of your beloved will enchant any woman.
  • Jewelry and perfume corresponding to the theme of the holiday will complement a woman’s heart with joy and gratitude.
  • Gadgets with shades of pink or lingerie will be appropriate on this day.

Gifts for husband:

  • Pink shades are not just for women. Trending today men's clothing and accessories this color is often found. A pink shirt or T-shirt for your husband can go great with jeans.
  • Even if he is categorically against this color, it is easy to choose a dark T-shirt with a pink lettering. Stylish clothes checkered or striped with a splash of pink would be perfect for a 17th birthday celebration.
  • A man with a sense of humor will find it fun to get a pink piggy bank for sharing, which will squeal happily when receiving another coin.
  • A gentleman's set of dry rose wine, gourmet cheese and olives will please almost any man.

Gifts from relatives and friends

You can give whatever you want, without forgetting the symbolic purpose of the holiday: tin or pink. Fortunately, nowadays there is a huge range of products on sale for every taste.

1. Bed sets, kitchen and bath towels, dishes will not be superfluous. Antique kitchen utensils made of pewter or accessories for the kitchen or bathroom can please the heroes of the occasion.

2. A gift in the form of large bouquet from sweets or chocolates in pink wrappers. As a last resort, any gift can be put in a pink bag, and it’s already in the theme.

3. Modern design boldly uses different bright colors and combinations, so finding gifts with the pink trend is easy.

Even such a modest date, 17 years of marriage, can be made a holiday to refresh, decorate family life and add romance to marital relationships. Author: Ekaterina Volkova

In the entire history of family life, the newlyweds will celebrate two Pink Weddings. The first, also called from the day of marriage. And the second beautiful and tender Pink wedding folk traditions The couple celebrates 17 years since the creation of their family.

The name of this anniversary symbolizes the romance that is gradually beginning to fade in family relationships. To avoid routine, it is recommended to turn the Pink Wedding into a romantic evening, which should be the beginning of a new tender period.

The husband is simply obliged to give his beloved wife a gorgeous bouquet of pink roses on her 17th anniversary. In addition to the bouquet you can buy jewelry with a pink stone, a pink handbag or a pink mobile phone. To please my husband with pink gifts it’s a little more complicated, but you can choose any thing he needs, for example, something for a car or a computer. Just for fun, a gift can be wrapped in pink paper and tie it with a ribbon of a delicate shade - let him worry while he opens the package.

Guests can give any gifts. It is most appropriate to choose pink gifts: bed linen, towels, bedspreads, dishes. In a pinch, any surprise isn't that hard to wrap in pink paper!

Happy pink wedding day
I congratulate you.
I wish you success,
Love and kindness!

You only appreciate
With all of each other's heart.
You only love
Always love!

Store until old age
Tender feelings.
Forgive insults
Knowing no shame.

And in a pink cloud
be happy.
Love each other,
Always love!

Seventeen years in joy and sorrow,
You are walking through the field of life.
May everything in your life be as it should be,
Let roses fall like rain at your feet.

And your children, so that they do not upset you,
The eyes just sparkled with happiness.
So let love live for another hundred years,
Good luck, achievements and victories.

Congratulations on your pink wedding, on the wonderful 17th anniversary of your married life. You have overcome all the obstacles on the path to happiness and understanding, you have fought with dignity for your love and family well-being, and now you have rightfully earned a period of rosy hopes, joyful events and wonderful moments in your life. I wish you a new blossoming of your feelings, as well as health, harmony, prosperity and warmth.

17 years is a young age for a wedding,
And her tenderness is called pink:
Beauty and passion with the scent of roses
These years will bring with them.

Keep your young feelings forever,
Let them not be allowed to fade for years.
Let passion accompany you from now on,
And tenderness will be with you forever.

For 17 years you two lived next to each other,
And after a while they were able to carry it,
A love that both treasured.
And the happiness that we cherished together.

Let winter bring coldness to the earth,
You are always warm, always hot.
We congratulate you, we have a reason
Give you heartfelt words.

We wish you continued success,
Let there be love tomorrow and now.
And the future from the foggy shadows
Let him give only the best for you.

So they flashed by like daylight,
Your first 17 years...
Let it come to your home “for the light”
Happiness is happy to stop by more often!

Let trust reign in everything,
A cozy home will be a full cup.
And let everything that is to come
It will only be your bright happiness!

Pink wedding! How beautiful!
Your union is as good as a rose,
You haven't changed - it's a miracle
You can't take your youth away!

Be happy, love even stronger,
Let love hold you
From hurtful words, it will be easier,
Save the fire so it doesn't go out!

May God bless you with patience,
He will bestow wisdom and faith,
Never leaves you on the way,
He will spare you from trouble and grief!

17 years ago
Gave their consent
And what I want to say, friends:
We didn't miss a beat!

We are pleased to look at you
Sheer pleasure
17 years is a long time,
And important, no doubt.

Live 117 years
And always be there.
And these roses are a big bouquet,
Little reward for you.

Seventeen years! So much and so little...
It seems like you have been together for a century.
But it didn’t make you bored,
After all, next to you is exactly the same - a loved one.

You will be together for just as long, even longer!
We wish you and your dear children happiness.
After all, they made you like that too -
The most beautiful family on the whole planet!

You lived together for 17 wonderful years,
Today you are approaching your pink wedding anniversary,
Let your heart beat faster with love,
Until these years, you carried your marriage with dignity.

May the world always be favorable to you,
Let there be only joy and cheerful laughter in the family,
Let the marriage be adamant to discord,
And new sensations of passionate outburst await you.

What could be more beautiful than love?
What warms our soul
What keeps you two together?
Gives you warmth even in the cold?

You show your love through sorrows,
Cares, joys, dreams,
Through troubles and moments of happiness
We were able to carry it for 17 years.

So let your love grow stronger
You two deserve it.
After all, this always happens in life:
Only he who is in love is young at heart!

Congratulations: 33 in verse, 9 in prose.

Numerology gives meaning to all numbers present in our lives. It is believed that they influence the course of development of all events that happen to us. Most important to us significant dates- year and birthday, wedding day and its anniversary, each of which carries its own meaning.

Each year that the spouses lived together marks a certain milestone in their destiny. The tin wedding is celebrated twice. The first time - after a decade of marriage. This first round date is celebrated on a certain scale. Unlike the anniversary date, the 17th wedding anniversary, although it has the same name, is celebrated in a close family circle.

What is your wedding anniversary - 17 years?

After 17 years of marriage, a tin wedding is celebrated, which is also called a pink wedding. According to numerological canons, the combination of these two numbers suggests the opening of new horizons for the spouses. But not everything is so simple - when comprehending something new, a married couple can expect different life trials, including those of a heartfelt nature.

Symbolic meaning of the name

The Tin Pink Wedding is named so for a reason. Tin is synonymous with the flexibility of the spouses’ relationship to each other, and at the same time symbolizes strength family relations that have stood the test of time. And roses, also an obligatory attribute of this holiday, symbolize the romance and feeling of love that the couple managed to preserve, despite all the thorns and obstacles on the way to the 17-year mark of family life.

How to celebrate your 17th wedding anniversary?

Options for celebrating this event can be very different. Since the tin wedding anniversary of 17 years is not a round date, it is absolutely not necessary to celebrate it on banquet hall at large cluster people. Most agree that spouses should dedicate this event only to themselves by going on a romantic trip.

A joint decision was made to celebrate this significant event in a narrow family circle? It would be great if grown-up children take over the organization of the celebration dedicated to this event. Prepare festive table, the table setting of which must necessarily include the color pink, order tin rings, shower parents with rose petals - when drawing up a scenario for a home celebration, invention and creativity are only welcome.

Nuances for choosing gifts

After so many years material values are relegated to the background. On this day, it will be very important for the spouses to hear warm words addressed to them not only from each other’s lips, but also from close friends and relatives. What is a 17 year wedding anniversary called a rose wedding without roses? Bouquets of fresh flowers (preference when choosing is, of course, given to roses) from children and loved ones will be just right. Tin interior decoration items or tin spoons and photo frames will also match the theme of the festival. If you don’t get hung up on symbolism, then you can give any gifts, the main thing is that they are made with all your heart.

Gift options for husband

In addition to assurances that the husband is still the one and only, the wife can present him with the most various items. Although after so many years of living together, it will be difficult to surprise your betrothed with something unusual.

  • Kit tin soldiers- An excellent gift for a spouse endowed with a sense of humor.
  • For business man Pewter cufflinks will match the theme of the celebration.
  • All items that have all shades of pink will come into place - a bottle of red wine, a pink shirt, bright red car seat covers.
  • Leather goods in wine-red shades.

Gift options for wife

A mandatory gift, in addition to compliments, is a bouquet of roses. Some sources claim that these should be exactly Red roses. Others place the main emphasis on their number, which should be seventeen, and the color should be chosen based on the preferences of the spouse.

  • Jewelry that every woman loves dearly. They can be made of either tin or precious metals. A ring and earrings inlaid with red and pink stones (topaz, garnets, tourmaline, jade, coral) will surely please your wife.
  • Intimate gifts of scarlet colors are also welcome on this day. You can choose them together so that there are no issues with the style and size.

The choice of gifts is huge - from leather goods to a car. It all depends on how much you are willing to spend to please the woman you have loved for so many years.