So that it doesn't hurt excruciatingly. So that there is no excruciating pain for the years spent aimlessly

It is difficult to find an older person who would not regret something that he did not do when he was young... If you are still young, then you definitely need to try some things, even if they seem senseless and reckless to you today. It’s not a fact, of course, that you will like all this, but later there will definitely be something to remember!

Spend sleepless nights

Only until we are twenty-five years old can we afford not to sleep without any consequences. For example, play around all night, and the next morning calmly and with a clear head go to an exam or to work. Nowadays, many people, however, spend almost until dawn on the Internet, but we invite you not to stare blankly at the computer screen, but to spend a magical night filled with adventures.

You can invite guests, or you can go visit yourself. Or "roll" into some night club, where you can dance on the tables... We guarantee - in good and interesting company you won't want to sleep.

Of course, we do not encourage you to lead a nocturnal lifestyle, as this will quickly exhaust you, and your studies and work will begin to suffer. But you can try at least once.

Attend parties

Sometimes we refuse to go to a party because we need to study or we are afraid to go to an unfamiliar company. In fact, any party is new experience and sometimes useful contacts.

Try to go not only to those companies where you know someone, but also to places where you will be a stranger. This will teach you how to communicate. In addition, parties are often associated with thrills, new experiences that will only benefit you. Don’t forget about safety, but don’t be afraid to leave your comfort zone - this will become a kind of training for you, because you won’t be able to spend your whole life in an exclusively greenhouse environment.

Try as many alcoholic drinks as possible

Of course, you shouldn't go to, say, a bar and try them all at once in one evening. Moreover, they should not be mixed with each other - your health will not be the best. But if you drink the same thing all the time, for example, champagne or gin and tonic, then it means that you are not yet a mature person and are not open to new experiences.

If possible, try a little of everything: red and white wines, vodka, whiskey, drinking at least a small glass of this drink at one time... This is the only way you can understand what you really like and what you don’t.

Even if you really overdo it a couple of times with alcohol, it’s not that bad. Let this be a lesson to you. You will know your norm and learn to drink “correctly.”

Read books!

This does not mean textbooks, which you will have to read anyway. We often put off reading books “not in our specialty” until the future, believing that in this very future we will have time for this. And now there are more interesting things to do - say, video games or dates...

The point is that in mature age you will have so much work and other various things to do that you simply will not be able to allocate time for books, unless you are a philologist or literary critic by profession. Be prepared for the fact that if you don’t read a lot when you’re young, this will never happen again.

Play pranks on your friends

From childhood we are taught that lying is bad. And sometimes we grow up like this, feeling awkward every time we have to tell a lie.

But literate and funny prank- this is a completely different matter! Tell your classmates that the teacher is sick and there will be no classes, whisper to a friend that Slava, whom she has liked for a long time, has asked for her phone number, call a friend who is an excellent student and tell him that he has won a prestigious grant and is going to study abroad...

Try to keep your pranks harmless so that they do not have far-reaching consequences. negative consequences and didn’t cause real pain to people... It wouldn’t hurt to involve your friends in your ideas either. Such a joint venture will most likely become one of the most pleasant and positive memories.

At a more mature age, you may not get away with this - they will be offended at you, because you are an adult and serious person and you should not do such stupid things. But youth is just the time to do stupid things...

Where does the phrase “life must be lived in such a way that there is no excruciating pain” come from?

    Everyone remembers these words from childhood. Nikolai Alekseevich Ostrovsky's novel How Steel Was Tempered was included in school curriculum and was required reading. An excerpt from the novel with just this phrase was required to be learned by heart. Years have passed, the details have been erased, the names of the heroes, well, maybe, except for Pavka Korchagin, but the immutable truth and meaning of what the great classic said remained - a call to a worthy, active life, to commit thoughtful actions, responsibility for one’s life and what was done in it.

    From the novel (Part 2, Chapter 3) How steel was tempered (1932-1934):

    Now not many people remember where this phrase came from and who said it, because today its relevance has disappeared. This phrase was first voiced by Nikolai Ostrovsky in the work How the Steel Was Tempered. Its meaning is that you need to do good deeds such that your conscience does not torment you in old age. And what we have today: our society will suffer and suffer if someone does not deceive someone, and if this happens, it will be the height of happiness and good luck and no one will repent of it.

    As the Steel Was Tempered. Ostrovsky. Good work.

    Life must be lived in such a way that there will be no excruciating pain later - enough famous phrase every schoolchild from the book by the writer Ostrovsky - How the Steel Was Tempered. There is a film of the same name based on this book.

    Now, most likely, not all schoolchildren know or remember it. But before, the topic of patriotism developed all the time, and when there were pioneers and Komsomol members, this work and phrase were very relevant.

    IN this moment time, patriotism has been forgotten to some extent. The meaning of this phrase is that one must always be a decent and honest person who must love his Motherland, must improve and develop, so that later in his declining years he would not be ashamed of himself.

    N. Ostrovsky How steel was hardened. Previously, at school they were forced to learn this passage by heart. Think about the content and compare it with your life. Are you ashamed of some actions that have already been committed? I think there are many such people. Then you live and worry that what has been done cannot be undone. Therefore, before you do something, you need to think about whether it is good, whether I will be ashamed of what I did for the rest of my life?

    This phrase was once said a long time ago by a pristine old maid, when she realized that there was no chance for her in this matter. Since then, every old maid who has never experienced joy in her life intimacy, justifies herself before people and herself with these words.

    This phrase belongs, so to speak, to writer N. Ostrovsky.

    The phrase is philosophical, as I believe, there is a double subtext in it. In general, each of us perceives it in our own way, I think!!!

    In fact, this phrase is now used so often in speech and it has acquired so many meanings that not everyone knows where it came from. I, too, to be honest, before I read the answers that Life must be lived in such a way that it would not be excruciatingly painful, I did not know that this was from the work How the Steel Was Tempered. In general, it makes a good motto)

    I remember that in literature class at school we wrote something like this in notebooks with aphorisms and learned it by heart. The work is called How Steel Was Tempered. , written by Nikolai Ostrovsky.

    This phrase is from famous work Nikolai Ostrovsky How the Steel Was Tempered, a film about Pavka Korchagin was created based on this book. Life must be lived in such a way that there is no excruciating pain for the years spent aimlessly, for the petty, petty past.... Previously, it was included in the program of Russian literature for mandatory learning by heart.

    Nikolai Ostrovsky very succinctly, literally in one phrase, expressed the whole philosophy human life and relationships between people in society.

    The work is called How the Steel Was Tempered - the title is also very powerful and figurative with a deep inner subtext of self-improvement of human character.

International children's and youth literary competition named after Ivan Shmelev “The Summer of the Lord” is carried out by the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church. Students in grades 6–12 of general education and Orthodox schools, gymnasiums and colleges in Russia, the CIS countries and abroad are invited to participate in it. Today we are publishing the work of Angelina Zimina, finalist of the competition among students of grades 10-11 in 2016


Secondary school No. 19 named after. Hero of Russia Alexey Kirillin of the city of Syzran, urban district of Syzran, Samara region.
Teacher: Kurtyanik Margarita Arkadyevna

Heroes of the spirit. “Life must be lived in such a way that it does not cause excruciating pain for the years spent aimlessly”

Correspondence stage

Heroes of the spirit. “Life must be lived in such a way that it does not cause excruciating pain for the years spent aimlessly”

Little Ella woke up and looked out the window. Low clouds hung like a torn blanket. Everything was grey. The rain was pouring, the wind was howling. Ella had not gotten out of bed for several days now: she caught a cold during a walk and did not leave her room.

The girl shivered: it was uncomfortable and damp outside the window, like a lollipop. Streams of water ran along the glass, and the little girl, approaching the window, began to repeat their movement with her palms. Mom entered the room, her skirt rustling.
- Ella, a gift for you.

- Present? Where?

From Russia.

Russia... I've heard a lot about this country.

The girl unwrapped the package and took out a little angel from it. It was all made of glass and clearly lovingly painted with bright and delicate colors. His wings seemed to be dusted with snow.

How beautiful!

Ella ran to the Christmas tree and hung the angel on a branch. He seemed to glow and give his light to little Ella. The girl looked at him in fascination, and her lips whispered: “Russia... How I would like to live in Russia.”

Nobody knows exactly when Grand Duchess fell in love with Russia with its snows, blizzards and... Orthodox churches. Maybe this happened exactly when she was holding a little angel in her arms as a little girl.

And here it is, Russia! The wedding was fabulously beautiful. The Grand Duchess did not yet know that she was taking an oath of allegiance to the country, which would give her a lot of bitter and captivating happiness. Having married Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, Princess Elizabeth, and now Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna Romanova, began

Visit shelters, nursing homes, prisons. She remembered her mother’s behest: “The closest path to God is self-denial and service to others.”

Soon Elizaveta Feodorovna will write to her father that only in Orthodoxy can she find all the real and original faith in God that a person must have in order to be a good Christian. In 1881, the rite of acceptance into the Orthodox Church was performed over Elizaveta Fedorovna.

Although bright sun hid behind gloomy clouds, and the meadows near Moscow still rested under the snow, no one doubted that the long-awaited spring had come. Such a happy and joyful Easter! What rejoicing was in her soul on Easter, when, together with her beloved husband, she sang the Holy Troparion “Christ is Risen from the Dead, trampling down death by death...” and approached the Holy Chalice.

Morning 1905. No signs of trouble. And suddenly - an explosion! Grand Duke was torn to pieces.

Elizaveta Fedorovna arrived at the scene of the explosion, white as a sheet. A crowd had already gathered there. In the scarlet mess of snow and blood are shreds of clothing, shoes, and pieces of her husband’s body. The terrorist did not miss: the bomb hit the Grand Duke directly in the chest.

The princess knelt down in the wet snow. My hands were shaking, fog was floating before my eyes. She began to slowly place everything that was left of her Sergei on the stretcher. It turned out to be a small bump. Some soldier covered him with an overcoat.

She walked behind the stretcher with tightly compressed lips and a pale face. No one heard her scream or cry, no one saw tears in her eyes. The stretcher was brought into the church and placed in front of the pulpit. Elizaveta Fedorovna stood in front of him throughout the service.

“I am leaving the brilliant world where I occupied a brilliant position, but together with you I am ascending to a more high world- into the world of the poor and suffering,” Elizaveta Fedorovna said to the sisters of the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent on April 9, 1910, when she changed her black mourning dress to a monastic robe.

The first beauty of the country disbanded the court, moved from the palace to the cell of the Marfo-Mariinsky monastery, slept on boards without a mattress, and observed all fasts. She bandaged wounds herself and helped during operations.

Not being Russian by origin, she became Russian in spirit, bringing mercy and kindness, love and forgiveness to the world... She loved Russia and Orthodoxy with all her heart, and did not abandon it even on the verge of death.

In the spring of 1918, she was detained and expelled from Moscow. In May, she, along with other representatives of the Romanov dynasty, was transported to Yekaterinburg.

The night from May 17 to 18, 1918 was dark and dull, not a sound was heard. It seemed that even the crickets had fallen silent. And only the wind-whipped trees moaned. A convoy came for the prisoners. Elizaveta Feodorovna constantly prayed. But not about herself... The prayers addressed to God were about her executioners, about their sinful souls. “Lord, forgive them, they don’t know what they’re doing!” Everyone was pushed into an abandoned mine, which reached a depth of 60 meters. The executioners threw bombs into the mine to hide traces of the crime.

2017 Clear sunny day. I carefully open the gate of the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent. It seems that nothing has changed over the years: forged gates, cast-iron bars... and the temple, soaring upward to God like a white swan. Here, in the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent, one feels particularly keenly one feels involvement in the history of Russia and responsibility for everything that happens, one can feel the heroic spirit of the new martyrs.

I reverently venerate the icon and relics of the Venerable Martyr Elizabeth Feodorovna. “Forgive them, Elizabeth, forgive us all.”

Our life is so short. But it is no more valuable than eternity. And this proves the feat of the new martyrs and confessors of Russia, who illuminated our lives with a bright and even light!

Bright love for God! And blessed memory to spiritual heroes! Website of the Summer of the Lord competition

When implementing the “Summer of the Lord” project, state support funds are used, allocated as a grant in accordance with the order of the President Russian Federation dated 04/05/2016 No. 68-rp and on the basis of a competition held by the All-Russian public organization « Russian Union Youth"

I recently read about this interesting research, which simply shocked me!

A survey was conducted at a hospice (a place where terminally ill people in the last stages of their illness are cared for) asking what people regret most before they die.

And 87% responded that their biggest regret was living a meaningless and empty life! Think about these wild numbers!!! 9 out of 10 people, instead of doing what they really like and going towards their dreams, essentially just threw their lives into the trash! The survey is very revealing: after all, young and healthy person It always seems that there is a lot of time ahead to fix and change everything. But life flies by very quickly, and by the end we get such a sad result.

What exactly did the dying people regret?

They regretted that during all the allotted time they did not have the courage to live the life that was right for them, and not the life that others expected from them. Most people have barely attempted half of what they dreamed of. They died knowing that all this happened as a result of their choices, which they made or did not make. If you do not take responsibility for your life, do not go towards your goals, then there will always be someone else for whose goals you will live.

They were sorry that they worked so hard, doing something they didn’t like, and life passed them by. Think about the activity you are currently engaged in, whether you are ready to devote your whole life to it. Do you consider it your favorite thing, purpose, mission? Would you do this activity as a hobby? People think they need a lot of money and spend all their time earning it. They do not think that before death, which is inevitable, they will not be able to take all this condition with them. In fact, all the money you make at this point will have no value. Much more important are the memories and emotions that you receive during your life, so that when you die, you say: “I lived a bright and rich life“I’ve seen a lot in my life and I’m not ashamed to retire.” Leave time for hobbies, family and friends and your life will become happier.

Many regretted that they did not have the courage to express their feelings, then perhaps their lives would have turned out completely differently. They regretted that they didn't stay in touch with their friends, that their friendship wasn't given as much effort and time as it deserved, everyone misses their friends when they die. Sometimes pride outweighs everything in the world, which is why in old age or before death you are left completely alone, no one needs you. Imagine your funeral for a second. How many people came to them? What words would people say about you? Would it be true?

Perhaps you are already regretting that there is one girl you like, but you still don’t dare talk to her. Or you want to return this girl, having foolishly parted with her once, but later you realized how dear she really is to you. Maybe every day, when you are in crowded places, you see beautiful girls, but you still don’t dare to come up and get acquainted, putting off your personal life for later. Don't be surprised if you end up living a life you didn't choose.

In general, people on the verge of death regretted that they did not allow themselves to be happy. This was a surprisingly common regret. Many have not fully understood that their happiness is a matter of their choice. Be happy today, you have one life, live it right, so that you don’t regret anything at the end.

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions Serov Vadim Vasilievich

Life must be lived in such a way that there is no excruciating pain from wasted years.

Life must be lived in such a way that there is no excruciating pain from wasted years.

From the novel (Part 2, Chapter 3) “How the Steel Was Tempered” (1932-1934) Soviet writer Nikolai Alekseevich Ostrovsky(1904-1936): “The most precious thing a person has is life. It is given to him once, and he must live it in such a way that he is not painfully ashamed of the years spent aimlessly, so that the shame of his petty and petty past does not burn, and so that, dying, he can say: all his life and all his strength were given to the most important thing in the world: the struggle for the liberation of humanity. And we must hurry to live. After all, a ridiculous disease or some tragic accident can interrupt it.

Overwhelmed by these thoughts, Korchagin left the brotherly cemetery.”

Quoted as a call to a dignified, active life.

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The most precious thing a person has is life. It is given to him once, and he must live it in such a way that there is no excruciating pain for the years spent aimlessly, see Life must be lived in such a way that there is no excruciating pain for the years spent aimlessly

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