Roman Zhigan Chumakov was imprisoned for what. Svetlana Chumakova: "Why is Roma Zhigan imprisoned"

The editors of the site received a letter from the mail of Roman “Zhigan” Chumakov, who is still in the pre-trial detention center.

It presents the answers of the rapper's wife Svetlana Chumakova to questions regarding the current situation with her husband. We present them with minor abbreviations.

How long have you known Roman and how long have you been married?

We met Roma about 5 years ago, we have been married for almost three years. He is the best husband and father in the world!

How many children do you have?

We have two wonderful children, the same age as Alexander and Rada Romanovna. Our babies are now 1, 7 and 7 months old, this is the age period when babies take their first steps, their first tooth appears, they begin to speak their first words. This is a unique period. Unfortunately, our dad is forced to miss these bright moments, but I sincerely believe that everything will work out.

Do you listen to Roman's songs?

I listen with great pleasure to my husband’s work, he puts meaning and soul into his lyrics, the topics are very different, from songs about love to political and patriotic themes. One of my favorites is “Gangsta World” with the French rapper Gizo Evoracci and the legendary LV, I grew up on his famous song “Gangsta Paradise”, the video was filmed in Russia, Israel and Los Angeles, Snoop Dogg and the fighter also took part in the filming Magomed Ismailov, who, by the way, goes to fights accompanied by this song, it turned out very cool!

On June 13, my husband had a meeting in the restaurant of the Monarcha business center with Stanislav Kirsankin. Previously, Roma had entered into 2 agreements with this man, according to which he was supposed to make a profit from watching videos posted on his account on the YouTube channel. But Kirsankin didn’t think so, he deleted Roma from all social networks, did not answer calls, messages and ignored him in every possible way for a whole year.

During the trial, we learned that Roma is not the only one, but only one of them. Kirsankin turned out to be a fraudster, he forged the passport details and signature of the famous beatboxer Vakhtang Kalandadze, and on his behalf entered into an agreement with YouTube partners, accordingly, he appropriated the funds for himself. Also, Kirsankin and his friend hacked Vakhtang’s email and on his behalf assured themselves as reliable guys, whom Vakhtang supposedly recommends instead of himself for the annual Russian beatboxing championship “Red Bull”, which takes place every year in Luzhniki. The organizers, without suspecting anything, agreed. It didn’t end there, Kirsankin entered into the same agreement as with my husband with the Ukrainian rap artist Evgeniy Timonin and similarly disappeared. When Evgeniy realized that he had been deceived, he terminated the contract and never received the promised earnings. We also learned that the XMedia company sued Kirsankin and won the case.

Who do you think needs all this?

During the meeting, Roma took his money and told Kirsankin that he would no longer work with him and would terminate all previously signed contracts and, by the way, before this, Roma and Stas Kirsankin agreed to sign an agreement for another, completely new Roman’s YouTube channel, which was made especially for the documentary "Russian Hip-Hop Beef", which my husband has been filming for two and a half years. Kirsankin understood that this was a commercially very successful project, since almost all Russian and some foreign rap artists took part in this film, and he was afraid that my husband would enter into another agreement, but not with him, but with his competitors. Then Roma went to the charity car rally Smotra Run 2013 "Caucasus" and when they got to Ukraine, a mutual friend of theirs, who works in the music industry, wrote to Roma and asked him to urgently call Stanislava. When the husband called him, Kirsankin said that his uncle, a police officer (Yuri Yuryevich Shornikov), would communicate with his husband. My uncle, speaking very arrogantly and feeling complete impunity, demanded that a large sum of money be returned by evening, otherwise he would connect all his connections and do everything to put my husband in prison.

When was Roman arrested and how did it happen?

On December 11, the husband was detained by law enforcement agencies at Vnukovo airport. He flew to Chelyabinsk with MMA legend Jeff Monson for the opening of the MMA Championship, which was attended by mixed martial arts legends such as Fedor Emelianenko, absolute world champion Roy Jones and three-time Olympic world champion in freestyle wrestling Buvaisar Saitiev.

Under what article is Roman being judged now?

Roma was charged with grave article 162 part 2 “Robbery”, under which he faces from 0 to 10 years in prison. This article was charged only because the victim gave false testimony; he described in detail how he was beaten at the ATM, how he was afraid for his life and health. But when the investigation received a recording from CCTV cameras at the ATM, which shows that no one touched him with a finger and, returning back to the restaurant, he could calmly turn for help to the security officers who were twenty meters away from him. Kirsankin, having read the recording, radically changes his testimony and says that he was a little mistaken and no one beat him. In the following testimony, he claims that, after all, at the ATM, Roma’s acquaintance twirled a knife in front of him. The lawyer turned to experts, who refuted this too, concluding that the knife-like object was a telephone, and it was even clearly visible how people were talking on it.

Where is Roman now?

Now Roma has been kept in pre-trial detention center #4 in Medvedkovo for 5 months.

Were there many meetings? And how long will Roman remain in prison?

Eight hearings have already passed; the victim, witnesses on both sides, eyewitnesses, and experts have been interrogated. Our lawyer Yuri Elmashev, who, by the way, took on this difficult case absolutely free of charge, suggests that there are about 3 hearings left before the verdict is pronounced.

What do you expect from these ships? Will he be released? And what will you tell the children if their father is imprisoned?

I believe in the justice and humanity of our trial, and in the best outcome of this case, but if we expect the worst... I will tell our children that their daddy is saving the world, but soon he will definitely come to be near his beloved kids.

Tell me, do many of Roman’s friends support you now?

The support of friends turned out to be twofold. There are those who shouted “My brother” the most in the courtroom and were blown away already in the first month, they don’t call anymore, they now have their own affairs, concerns, but the good news is that there are only a few of them. There is another side, those from whom we did not expect any support at all, they help as best they can, they are interested and are very worried. But in general, Roma has many true friends, to whom we are immensely grateful, they are with us at this very difficult stage in our lives, their attention and help are priceless. We will never forget all the good they did for us. Thank you very much!

The letter ends with the following message: “Friends, Roma Zhigan is now in prison, if you are not indifferent and want to help him and his family with something, you have the opportunity to send any possible amount to your personal account - SBERBANK: 4276 3800 7250 2037. Roma has "My wife and two small children remain free. Thank you for your understanding!"

Having been released after a year in prison, the singer told MK how he lived in prison

The famous rapper Roma Zhigan, who received a sentence for robbery (beating up his agent who did not pay him money), was released from prison. He served, as he himself says, “from bell to bell,” and was not the most exemplary prisoner. Even the night before his release he spent in... a punishment cell, where he ended up for “wearing an unknown form of clothing.” In reality, the jailers were most likely afraid that the rapper would have a fun farewell night and played it safe.

Roma Zhigan before leaving the colony. Photo: courtesy of the author

The rapper told MK about how he spent time behind bars.

On December 11 I was imprisoned, on December 11 I was released,” Roma begins. - Exactly a year in prison. I didn’t want to apply for parole. This is not welcome here. They gave you a deadline - sit down, and don’t bow to this “changeable world” in order to leave early.

- “With us” - is it with the gangsters? And the “changeable world” is the administration of the colony? I'm sure you caused a lot of trouble for the jailers...

I did not allow anyone to communicate with me in a raised voice. They believe that they have a right to this. I think not. For the majority of colony employees (and this is not only in the Lipetsk correctional facility, where I was imprisoned, but everywhere), a prisoner is dirt under their feet. This attitude has been developed over decades in the penal system. I argued with this. As a result, I was in the punishment cell three times. And this is a prison within a prison.

I know what a punishment cell is... But you can’t just put a person there. We need at least a formal reason.

What were the reasons - for example, I left the “local room”, where I was not supposed to. Wore clothes of irregular shape.

They can even send you to a punishment cell for not saying hello. The jailers are like kings in their small state. Almost uncontrolled power over people. And they don’t always think about the law, I assure you. I constantly told them, “If a prisoner complies with the rules of the Criminal Code, then you should too.” They didn't like it very much.

- Did you have to stand up for other prisoners?

It happened. The jailer will approach the prisoner and say, “Turn your face to the wall.” He reasonably asks “For what?” “I’ll hit you with a stick.” Isn't this nonsense? They didn’t allow themselves to do this with me, because they knew who I was, they knew that I would soon be free and they would have a hard time.

- Lipetsk colony “black” or “red”?

Neither one nor the other. She's experimental. There are “red” areas in it, and “black” ones. It's all mixed up. Many prisoners work for the administration, and there are also real “thieves”. In 2012, there was a riot here, masked special forces were brought in, and all the prisoners were beaten. There was nothing like this when I was there. But the day is not far off when the riot may happen again. I want to come to the FSIN, talk, to change the situation, to make it easier for prisoners behind bars.

- So that they don’t beat you?

First of all. After all, I spent another two months in a transit prison. So the first thing they did to us when we arrived there was to beat us.

- And you too?

I was the first to be beaten because I refused to remove the paddy wagon. And then, when they “lifted me up” to the transit cell, I quarreled with everyone more than once, for which I received punishment.

- I have no doubt that the employees themselves think it’s deserved.

They wrote reports against me, telling me what a persistent offender I was and all that. They need to somehow justify themselves to their superiors. The problem is that a prison is really a state within a state. It is difficult to achieve the truth here. That's why I want to create a human rights movement. In general, there are a lot of plans. I'll get creative. A new stage in my life begins. I also want to tour all the Russian colonies with concerts. And you know, it’s still a shame that I gave such a concert on the eve of liberation! The prisoners were happy, the jailers were happy, and instead of thanking me, they sent me to the punishment cell. What kind of people are they?!

August 27th, 2014

Just recently I told you about one of my friends named Vorobiev. Some people have such an unfortunate fate - to sit for the rest of their lives. This is their fate, a vicious circle. Rapper Zhigan did a lot of PR, appeared on television shows, where he gave “intellectual” opinions on many issues. He made speeches. And, in general, the boy walked the right path. But he lost it.

Today the verdict of the Savelovsky Court of Moscow against Roman Chumakov, better known as “rapper Roma Zhigan,” came into force. He was sentenced to a year in prison for robbery.

However, the author-performer will not have to spend long in the zone - he has already served more than half of his term in a pre-trial detention center. He is unlikely to be released on parole - due to the fact that Zhigan is a repeat offender - from 2002 to 2006 he was imprisoned from bell to bell inclusive, having been convicted under the same Article 162.

This time, according to the prosecution and according to the case materials, Roma Zhigan Chumakov, at knifepoint, and four friends robbed a specialist who he had previously hired to promote his work via the Internet. Roman withdrew 100 thousand rubles from the victim’s card. The “gangsta musician” did not admit his guilt, but his fingerprints remained on someone else’s bank card.

“I am ready to admit that it was arbitrariness, to bear responsibility for the fact that I did not contact law enforcement agencies, but came to the victim and asked for my money. If I had known that this would happen, then I would have taken this money, having received a notarized receipt", says Zhigan.

Another famous colleague of Roman’s in the creative workshop, Andrei “Pale” Pozdnukhov, commented on the news of Zhigan’s imprisonment as follows:
I know Roma exclusively from the good side, as a decent person. I would like to wish him that in the future his name will appear in the media only in the context of his work. We will always be happy to see Roma in our studio and are ready to brew him special tea. recipe - fortunately it doesn’t have long to sit.

In general, of course, I am against prison. But rappers and Russia are incompatible, in my opinion, like Russia and McDonald’s, Russia and Coca-Cola, Russia and whiskey with tick poison. It’s better for rappers, these sick guys, to be treated in special institutions until they start listening to normal Russian chanson. Not what he has degenerated into now, but what he was like before: “When you and I met, the bird cherry tree was blooming, and the music was playing gently in the park, and I was still very young then, but I managed to do a lot of things. .."

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Famous rapper Roma Zhigan, who is charged with robbery, will remain in pre-trial detention until March 12; his arrest period has been extended

The Savelovsky Court of Moscow today extended the arrest term of the famous rapper Roma Zhigan (real name Roman Chumakov). He will remain in jail until March 12. The artist is charged with robbery (Part 2 of Article 162 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) in the amount of 110 thousand rubles. His lawyer offered 10 times more as collateral - 1 million rubles. But the court rejected the request.

“I’ve been sitting for two months now, really, for nothing! “I agree to answer for arbitrariness,” the accused insisted in court and begged Judge Alexandra Trubnikova to let him go to his small children. But she considered the investigation’s arguments “worthy of attention.”

It must be said that since the arrest, which took place on December 13 last year, the singer was brought to court for the third time: they succeeded in keeping Chumakov in custody until February 12. But then the investigation period was extended until mid-March, and the detectives decided to ask the court to leave the accused in pre-trial detention until the end of the investigation.

Several friends-athletes of impressive physique came to court to support the 29-year-old accused. Eight bailiffs were present in the small hall, which immediately filled half the room.

The rapper, whose career was developing quite well, was detained on December 11 last year, when he was about to fly to Chelyabinsk to sing several songs at the opening of the Ultimate Fighting Championship. A former friend, an employee of the Quiz Group company Stanislav Kirsankin, wrote a statement against him to the police. Moreover, this happened a few months ago. He claimed that in June 2013, Chumakov, together with several friends, beat him and forced him to withdraw 110 thousand rubles from a Sberbank ATM located in the Monarch business center. Chumakov himself denies guilt. He claims that his friend owes him money: last year he entered into an agreement with his company to watch clips on YouTube, but he did not pay a penny. Therefore, he only got his own from Kirsankin. Moreover, he gave him the money voluntarily.

Wrong criminal record

In the courtroom, Zhigan did not hide the fact that he had previously been convicted of robbery (Part 1 of Article 161 of the Criminal Code). He said that he received a four-year sentence in 2002 by the verdict of the Tagansky court, served his sentence in Tambov and was released in 2006.

“So the criminal record has already been expunged a long time ago,” the accused noted.

And then he burst into an indignant speech. The fact is that during the previous extension, the investigator stated that Chumakov was allegedly convicted of drugs and hid this from the investigation and the court. Zhigan did not forget this. “I received an award from Putin and performed at the opening of the Olympics in Vancouver, I have never held drugs in my hands. And they want to make some kind of scoundrel out of me!” — the defendant was indignant.

The singer complained that he was detained while in the status of a witness. “They could at least send a message!” - said the artist.

“Are there any exemptions?” — the chairwoman listened to him patiently.

“To the judge - under no circumstances, I would gladly challenge all investigators!” - said Zhigan.

The investigator of the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the capital's Begovaya district, Sergei Pavlyuchenkov, asked to remain in the pre-trial detention center, citing the fact that, while at large, the accused could escape or interfere with the investigation. Meanwhile, the investigation into the case has not yet been completed: investigators need to identify and interrogate eyewitnesses to the crime, namely the security guards of the Monarch business center.

“There is no information that Chumakov is officially employed. No one ever provided an employment contract. The crime was committed by a group of people. The accused can put pressure on the victim and witnesses, and this can affect the course of the investigation. Although he is registered in Moscow, he does not live at the place of registration,” Pavlyuchenkov concluded. He added that the investigation needs to collect characterizing material on Chumakov and “deal with his criminal record.” “There’s most likely a mistake there,” he admitted.

Speaking in court

In response, Roman Chumakov stated that all this was not true. Zhigan gave a whole speech, accusing the investigation of inaction and pressure on the victim. “During the two months (of the investigation), people never stopped by the Monarch. It’s just like no one has ever come to my house! They wrote a report that they came to my house and that there was a cobweb on the door. But this is not true,” the artist assured.

He claimed that he lived in the capital’s Brateevo microdistrict with his retired mother, wife, two small children and a disabled brother who did not leave the house.

He had friendly relations with Kirsakin, until he “threw him away” with the money. “I swear to you, I knew him all year, and we had a normal relationship. We even read rap together on Arbat. It’s on YouTube,” Zhigan insisted.

According to him, he faces up to 10 years in prison only because Kirsankin slandered him, stating that near the ATM his friend allegedly hit him in the stomach and held a folded knife in his hand, demanding to know his PIN code. However, the video footage near the ATM shows that this did not happen.

“Were there any confrontations with the victim?” - asked the judge.

“Of course, at the confrontation I told him: “Take this money, but return to me the money you owe under the contract!” - said the accused.

Zhigan again put forward the version that Kirsankin achieved the initiation of a criminal case against him with the help of his uncle, a law enforcement officer. He allegedly demanded not only to return what the rapper took, but also to pay much more in order to avoid criminal prosecution.

Zhigan said that he was ready to answer for “arbitrariness,” but not for “robbery,” and asked the court to place him under house arrest or release him on bail. “I’m ready to pay bail, sit at home with my family, I’m ready to give you your passports and cell phone. I don't understand why I'm in prison. I dream about my son and says: “Dad.” All his teeth have already come out...” he turned to the judge. “I beg you, I beg you, I really beg you, make the right decision.” This is where it already sits for me!”

Bail of 1 million rubles and sureties

The lawyer of the arrested person, Yuri Elmashev, offered to post 1 million rubles as bail. His wife Svetlana was ready to contribute money for the singer. The artist’s relatives and friends volunteered to help the latter financially.

The defense lawyer stated that all the allegations of the investigation are unfounded, and the investigation into the case is being conducted ineffectively.

He presented the court with a mountain of positive characteristics about his client, including from the All Stars company, with which Chumakov had a five-year contract. According to the defense lawyer, in addition to his own family, Zhigan also supports his wife’s sick brother and sister, a disabled person from childhood. In addition, the judge was given a certificate stating that the singer was invited to the opening of the Olympics in Sochi, as well as guarantees for the artist from the regional Federation of Mixed Martial Arts and two State Duma deputies - Dmitry Novikov and Shamsail Saraliev.

However, after spending half an hour in the deliberation room, Judge Anastasia Trubnikova granted the investigation’s request. In her decision, she noted that Chumakov “with a high degree of probability” could hide from the investigation and trial, despite having a family, permanent residence and a constant source of income.

Roma Zhigan tried not to lose optimism. “We won’t be intimidated by prison!” - he said. The singer said that while sitting in jail, he almost finished writing a new album. He is ready to appear in court and even serve time. “But not for robbery, but for arbitrariness. I only regret one thing - that I got involved with this Kirsankin,” the rapper admitted.

According to his lawyer, almost all the main investigative steps in the case have been completed and, most likely, the case will “go to court” in the spring.

The Savyolovsky Court of Moscow sentenced the famous rap artist

Rapper Roma Zhigan. Photo: ITAR-TASS

The Savyolovsky Court of Moscow on Tuesday sentenced the famous rap artist Roman Chumakov, better known as Roma Zhigan. Last summer, the artist forced 19-year-old Stanislav Kirsankin to withdraw 100 thousand rubles from his card and give him. For robbery, the artist was threatened with 10 years in prison, but the court found it possible to limit himself to just 1 year in prison.

However, perhaps the singer will never go to the zone. In just a few days, he can apply for parole, since he has served half of his sentence.

Before announcing the verdict, judge Vladislav Polovnikov listened to the defendant’s last word. Zhigan was taken to court wearing a black T-shirt with the words “I am innocent” written on it. Actually, he tried to convey this idea to the judge.

"Your money"

Zhigan stated that he did not beat the victim, that he did not have any weapons with him, and that the entire accusation was based only on the testimony of the victim and one of his friends. “Two people say that I am bad, a robber, I came and took everything away. But I only asked the victim for my money, exactly my own, which I honestly earned,” the artist insisted.

According to the case file, on June 10, 2013, Chumakov and several friends forced Stanislav Kirsankin, an employee of the Quiz Group company, to come to the premises of the Monarch office center on Leningradskoye Shosse. They forced him to withdraw from an ATM and give Zhigan 100 thousand rubles. The young man refused to give his pin code, and then one of the rapper’s friends put a knife to his throat. An iPad worth 10 thousand rubles was also taken from the young man. However, the singer gave the tablet to the young man the very next day through one of his friends.

Kirsankin contacted the police, and a criminal case was opened against the artist. The singer was detained a few months after the incident - on December 11 last year at Vnukovo airport, from where the rapper was planning to fly to Chelyabinsk to sing several songs at the opening of the championship in fighting without rules. Two days later, the court authorized his arrest and Zhigan has been in custody since then.

The identities of those who helped him could not be established, so they were treated as unidentified persons in the case.

Failed collaboration