Angel Falls is the tallest waterfall in the world. The highest waterfall on Earth - Angel

Everyone loves to make lists. Forbes magazine annually publishes a list of the wealthiest people. Children make a list of gifts for the New Year, sending it to Santa Claus or Father Frost. The music industry constantly creates lists of the best singles, and there are many nature-themed lists too. In this article we will describe the largest waterfalls in the world. But in this case it is not the size that is meant, but their height.

A waterfall is a river that goes around a rocky outcrop and creates a cascading stream. Surely you have already seen this magnificent spectacle. And the higher the waterfall, the more beautiful it is. So let's get closer to the topic. Let’s make a rating called “The Largest Waterfalls in the World.” Photos of these giants will be attached to the article. So you can see these natural masterpieces at least in the picture.

1. Angel

Its height of 986 meters gives it the title of “The Largest Waterfall in the World.” This miracle of nature is located in South America on the Carrao River. The waterfall is hidden from everyone by a dense tropical forest and is not easy to get to. Additional difficulties are created by the complete absence of roads. Tepui is what the natives call the flat mountain from the top of which Angel falls. Its full name is Auyan Tepuy (translated as “Devil’s Mountain”), and it takes its place among hundreds of similar mountains.

The main characteristics of these dormant rocks are flat tops and vertical slopes, which are continuously eroded due to the effects of heavy rains. In 1910, the Spanish explorer Sanchez La Cruz discovered it, but this event did not receive wide publicity.

The official discovery was made by the American gold miner and pilot James Angel, after whom this miracle of nature was named. In 1935, he flew over Mount Tepuy and landed on its flat top in search of gold. But James' monoplane fell into the swampy jungle, and the gold miner had to go in search of civilization on foot. It was then that he noticed this impressive giant and soon told the world about it.

2. Tugela

This is the second largest waterfall in the world. This is evidenced by its height of 947 meters. The Tugela is located in the Natal Drakensberg National Park (South Africa) and consists of five cascading waterfalls. It can be seen in its brightest colors after rain. To do this, you just need to walk along the main excursion road.

This giant got its name in honor of the source of the river of the same name, located near the cliff in By the way, the water in the river above the waterfall is clean and suitable for drinking. During the winter months the cliff is covered with snow. At the same time, the entire surrounding area becomes like a postcard depicting a magical winter country.

The Drakensberg is a separate world of solitude and majestic landscape. Tourists are treated to a landscape of cliffs, farmland, river valleys and vast areas of untouched wilderness. Anyone can find a vacation to their liking. For lovers of active recreation, there is hiking, mountain biking, mountaineering and canoeing. And those who like passive pastime can choose scenic tours, day walks, bird watching or fishing.

Two paths lead to the foot of the waterfall. The first is to the top of Mount-Aux-Sources, starting at the car park at Witsishoek and then on to Futujabu, from where there is a short climb to the top of the Amphitheater. The total travel time (round trip) is 10 hours. Another trail to the Tugela leads from the national park. The seven-kilometer climb up the gorge winds through the local forest. Any tourist visiting the Drakensberg should definitely visit this wonderful creation of nature.

3. Three Sisters Waterfall

It is no coincidence that this beautiful Peruvian waterfall, located in the Ayacucho region of the country, received this name. It consists of three separate tiers. The top two are clearly visible from the air, and the third is a huge pool into which water flows.

“Three Sisters” were discovered by a group of photographers who came to photograph a completely different waterfall - Katarata (267 meters). Needless to say, how happy they were with the find. "Three Sisters" is almost completely surrounded by forests with more than 30-meter trees. The creation of nature itself rises to 914 meters.

4. Olupena Waterfall

This beautiful waterfall is located in the USA, but you have to walk a lot to see it. All this is because its location is the most remote Hawaiian island of Molokai. Most people have never heard or seen this waterfall. Even among enthusiasts, a significant part of the visual information about this giant was obtained using aerial photography.

Olupena Falls is surrounded on both sides by huge mountains. Despite the fact that the giant does not have enough water to discharge, it is considered the highest waterfall in the United States (900 meters). The Olupena waterfall is multi-level and extremely delicate. Therefore, in the general classification it is registered as tape.

5. Yumbila

The fifth is located in Peru, in the region. The height of this giant is still disputed. According to the National Institute of Peru, it is 895 meters. Other sources indicate a height of 870 meters. Yumbila is a multi-level system with 4 descents.

Previously, Gocta with its 771 meters was considered the highest waterfall in Peru. Therefore, the discovery of Yumbila greatly delighted the Peruvian government. And this event prompted the Ministry of Tourism to develop a 2-day excursion during which you can see all the largest waterfalls in the country. Tourists should take note of this.

6. Vinnufossen

This Norwegian giant is not the largest waterfall in the world. But the total height of 860 meters gives it the title of the highest in all of Europe. It is located in the municipality of Sunndal. Vinnufossen is cascading. 420 meters is the size of the largest step. The maximum height of water fall is 150 meters.

To feel Vinna on your body, you just need to walk five minutes in its direction from the nearest highway. This giant is especially beautiful in summer and spring, when the river is filled with water from melted glaciers. As it falls, Vinnufossen splits into parts and flows through the trees.

The name Angel Falls does not sound the same in different languages.

In Spanish it's Salto?ngel, in Pemon - Kerepakupai Vena, or the waterfall of the deepest place, or in other words, a fall from the highest point - Parakup? Vena. Angel - the highest waterfall on Earth, its height is 979 meters or in pounds it is 3212. The height of the continuous fall of water is 807 meters or in pounds 2648.

The highest point of the waterfall is Mount Auyantepui, which is located in the Canaima National Park, in Spanish - Parque Nacional Canaima. The park is included in the UNESCO heritage list. Its location is South America, Venezuela, Bolivar state, Gran Sabana region.

Angel Falls has rightfully earned the title of the highest waterfall. It consists of the main stream of water, sheer cascades and rapids of about 400 meters in length or in miles this is 0.25 and steep rapids downstream of 30 meters or 98 feet in length.

There are many stories and legends to be told about Angel Falls. One of them concerns how the tallest waterfall on Earth was discovered. The name of the waterfall comes from the name of the American pilot, whose name was James Angel. In 1937, his plane was damaged near the top of the falls. One of his landing gear burst when the pilot wanted to land. For almost 11 days, the pilot and his team searched for ways from the waterfall to human civilization, after which they told the whole world about the waterfall. Today in Venezuela it is one of the best and favorite vacation spots for tourists and locals.

Angel Falls can be reached in one of three ways. You can get to it on foot, but such an excursion is not suitable for everyone, because... There is a fairly steep climb to the waterfall. The advantage of such a trip will be getting to know the picturesque views of the waterfall and observing the beautiful nature of these places. In addition to walking, you can get to the waterfall by boat, in which case you will also need to climb the mountain. You can see Angel Falls from a bird's eye view if you choose a helicopter tour.

Angel Falls It is also famous for the height of its sheer drop. More than twenty-six hundred feet of water rushes down. If we compare these data with the height of a continuous fall, one of the most famous, Niagara Falls, then these figures will be 15 times less. Thus, the tallest waterfall on Earth also holds the record for the longest water fall.

Canaima National Park, where Angel Falls is located, is famous not only in Venezuela but throughout the world for its exquisite beauty. First of all, tourists strive to visit this park in order to see with their own eyes all the beauty and power of the waterfall.

Angel Falls has a base of one hundred and fifty meters. The hike from the lower base to the top of the falls can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Excursions to the top of the waterfall are a success among tourists from all over the world.

In addition to the name Angel, this waterfall has other names. For example, Big River Falls or Big River Falls, Tulume Bena or Tulume Ben. You can fly to Caracas on one of the cheapest flights, which is why hundreds of tourists from all over the world fly here every year. Falling water is very beautiful because... has a silvery tint that looks like a shimmering glow.

During the rainy season, the flow of Angel Falls is divided into two parts. If the water level rises, the spray of the waterfall can be felt for several kilometers around.

The world's highest waterfall is Angel Falls, located in Venezuela. The total height of Angel Falls is 979 meters, the height of the continuous fall is 807 meters. Water falls from the top of Mount Auyantepui. Canaima National Park, where the falls are located, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This is how modern traveler Alexander Klenov describes Angel Falls: “It remains a mystery where the waterfall is fed from. At the top there is no lake, no river, nothing. Only strange vegetation, unprecedented animals, fog and silence... The place is enchanted.”

The world's highest waterfall was named after the American pilot James Angel, who in the 30s of the last century opened the waterfall to the world community. For the first time, Angel, in search of ore deposits (according to other sources, diamonds) flew over the waterfall in 1933, and in 1937 he returned to the waterfall and tried to land on its top, but the plane got stuck in the mud and was damaged, so Angel, his wife and two more of their companions were forced to return home on foot (this journey took 11 days). Angel's plane was recovered from the top of the falls 33 years later using a helicopter.

In Spanish, the pilot's surname (Angel) is read as "Angel" - hence the name of the waterfall. In 2009, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez proposed the original name for the waterfall - Kerepakupai-meru ("Waterfall of the Deepest Place"), as the waterfall was called by the indigenous people - the Pemon Indians. Hugo Chavez motivated the renaming of the waterfall by the fact that local Indians knew about the waterfall for thousands of years before it was discovered by an American pilot.

Mount Auyantepui:

Getting to the falls is not so easy - Angel is located in the wilderness of Venezuela. A trip to the waterfall includes air travel from Caracas or Cuidad Bolivar to Canaima, water crossings and meals. At the request of tourists, an air flight over the waterfall can be included in the price of the trip. On cloudy days, Angel may not be visible. Therefore, it is better to visit the waterfall from December to March, when there is a better chance of seeing it from above, although at this time there is less water in the waterfall. The entire trip from the city and back takes approximately 24 hours. For an organized trip for a whole group of people, you can rent a private jet.

You can look at the flowing water endlessly. And if the water falls from a great height, then even more so. Fortunately, nature spoils us with such gorgeous views, scattering waterfalls here and there around the world. Any ledge in a river where water falls from a height of more than a meter can be called a waterfall or threshold. Both of them have always attracted many travelers. One of the most famous waterfalls in the world is Niagara Falls, although it is not that high at all, and there are many rapids wider than it. But even water falling from just 50 meters simply fascinates tourists. But less known are the more inaccessible high waterfalls, some of which were discovered relatively recently.

1. Angel, Venezuela (979 m)

It is, undoubtedly, the highest waterfall on Earth, located in the distant Venezuelan tropics, where it falls from a fantastic height of 979 meters. When water falls from a dizzying height, it breaks into millions of small splashes, so clouds of dense fog always hang below. This waterfall was discovered by pilot James Angel, who was flying over the local jungle while doing geological exploration and accidentally noticed this waterfall. This was in 1933, and 4 years later Angel, his wife and several other people decided to go to the waterfall to explore its source in more detail. But the plane they were flying on had an accident, and he miraculously landed on this very top. As a result, the travelers had to wade through the jungle for 11 days to get home. Returning, Angel revealed to the world the secret of the existence of the waterfall.
In 1994, the waterfall, along with the surrounding area of ​​Canaima, was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Although the Venezuelan president decided to rename this waterfall in 2009, returning to it the name Kerepakupai-meru, used by local residents, such a complex name did not take root for the rest of the world, and it remained Angel Falls.

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2. Tugela, South Africa (948 m)

Another waterfall, Tugela, is only slightly inferior in height to Angel Falls. It is located in South Africa and consists of five cascades that fall down. The highest cascade has a height of 411 meters, but in total all its steps add up to almost a kilometer. But this waterfall cannot be called very powerful - it is nowhere wider than 15 meters, and the per second flow of water in it does not exceed 400 cubic meters. It is fed by the Tugela River in Natal National Park, where it tumbles down from the Drakensberg Mountains.
This waterfall looks especially impressive during sunset or after a heavy rainfall. The rays of the setting sun make the streams of falling water sparkle. The river itself is very short - it begins just a few kilometers from the cliff. The water in it is so pure that it is quite suitable for drinking.
In winter, the waterfall often freezes, turning into pillars of ice and making the surrounding area look fabulous. Many tourists traveling around South Africa strive to get to the waterfall. Two paths about seven kilometers long lead to it. It will take about 8 hours to climb them to the waterfall and about the same time on the way back.

3. Three sisters, Peru (914 m)

In the Peruvian Andes there is one of the highest waterfalls in the world, called the Three Sisters. It consists of three cascades of powerful water flows. The waterfall is very narrow - only 14 meters. It is surrounded by lush green tropical jungle, some of which grow up to 30 meters tall. The surrounding area is so beautiful that it resembles paradise. This is the region of Ayacuccio, remote from civilization.
The world discovered the Three Sisters Waterfall relatively recently and, in general, by accident. A group of photographers went to shoot another waterfall - Katarata, which has a falling height of 267 meters, however, making their way through the jungle, they came across a much more spectacular miracle of nature.

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4. Olopena, USA (900m)

Even in the United States, the above-mentioned Niagara Falls is far from holding the record for height. There is a waterfall in this country that is much higher, but you shouldn’t look for it on the mainland of the country - you’ll have to fly to the Hawaiian Islands. Among them is the island of Molokai, where the Olopena waterfall is located. But not everyone expects to see such a grandiose waterfall on these remote islands, because it is very difficult to get to. Therefore, most of his photographs were taken using aerial photography.
The waterfall is surrounded on both sides by mountains of volcanic origin. The stream of the waterfall is quite weak, and as it falls it falls from ledge to ledge many times. She doesn’t even fall, but rather slides along an almost vertical rock, rushing into the waters of the ocean. The waterfall cut deep into the rock, which is why it could not be discovered or photographed for so long. The best view of it is from the ocean, so many local travel companies organize tours to it. True, you can only fly there in stable good weather.

5. Umbilla, Peru (895 m)

This is another high waterfall, relatively recently discovered in Peru. It is located in the Amazon basin, and regarding its height, there is still debate among scientists regarding its exact characteristics. Some data give 870 meters, while others give 895.4 meters. The waterfall consists of many cascades along four steep slopes. The Ministry of Tourism of Peru was very happy about the discovery of another beautiful waterfall in its country, after which it decided to organize a two-day tour of the most significant waterfalls in the country.
This waterfall boasts height, but not the power of the stream. Of the entire trajectory of its fall, only about 600 meters remain visible. It is impossible to get to the waterfall without a local guide, since there are no signs installed here. And its inaccessibility became the reason for the small number of available photographs.

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6. Vinnufossen, Norway (860 m)

Norway is home to the highest waterfall in Europe, Vinufossen, which is formed by the fall of the Vinnu River from the top of Vinnufjellet, which then flows into another river, Driva. Winnu is fed by meltwater from the Winnufon glacier, which melts from the sun's rays. It is curious that the root “vinnu”, which is present in the name of a mountain, glacier, river and waterfall, is no longer present in the current language of the Norwegians.
This is a cascading waterfall, its largest step is 420 meters. There are other attractions near Vinnufossen that are interesting for tourists. Also nearby (only 39 kilometers) is the Dovrefjell National Park.

7. Balaifossen, Norway (850 m)

There is another tall waterfall in Norway - Balaifossen. It becomes especially full-flowing towards the end of spring. The waterfall is 6 meters wide and is fed by the Bala stream, flowing from a mountain lake. This waterfall has three steps, after the last of which the water falls into the sea. The highest cascade reaches 452 meters. But it is not very interesting for tourists, since the volume of its spillway is quite small, and at some moments it even dries up. As soon as the warm summer begins, Balaifossen turns into a barely noticeable trickle, and all thanks to its low-water source.
Since the waterfall is completely dependent on melting snow, its power depends on the weather, time of year and characteristics of the season, and therefore is an extremely fickle thing. If you travel around Norway in July and plan to look at the Balaifossen waterfall, then when you get here you can see a stone and completely dry riverbed. The general warming of the world's climate has the most negative impact on this waterfall. The glacier above it is gradually decreasing in size, and is less and less able to provide water for the autumn replenishment of this waterfall, so after some time it may completely disappear.

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8. Puukaoku, USA (840 m)

On the small Hawaiian island of Molokai, there are two waterfalls that are among the ten highest in the world. It is at its fullest during the rainy season, which lasts here from November to March. And in this case, the water from the waterfall flows directly into the Pacific Ocean. By the way, it is best seen from the water. In many ways, this waterfall repeats its taller brother Olopen, since it also does not give the picture of a free fall of water, which slides along almost vertical rocks. Since the surrounding slopes are inaccessible to the average person, few people were able to photograph this waterfall.
There are many dense thickets growing along the slopes, which, on the one hand, hide the waterfall from view, and on the other, holding weakly in the loose volcanic soil, they are a very unreliable support, at least for a person loaded with additional equipment. But it’s quite easy to look at it from the sea - you just need to buy a ticket for a boat, which is provided specifically for this by various travel companies. By sea you can get so close to the place where the water falls that you will find yourself immersed in a cloud of fog that always surrounds this place.
An even more impressive picture opens up when you look at the waterfall from a helicopter. Sometimes, when a strong wind blows from the ocean, the gusts of water do not fall into the ocean, but are picked up by the wind. But tourists, as a rule, cannot see such a unique spectacle either from helicopters or boats, since such a trip becomes too dangerous in bad weather.

9. James Bruce, Canada (840 m)

This tallest waterfall in North America was named after the famous traveler, Scotsman James Bruce, who distinguished himself by reaching the source of the Blue Nile. Bruce Falls itself is located in British Columbia, in the Princess Louise Marine Park. It is not too wide - only 5 meters, and it is fed by two streams generated by mountain glaciers, one stream is constant, and the other dries up in the summer. Therefore, the largest spillway is observed at this waterfall in autumn or rainy winter.

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10. Brown, New Zealand (836 m)

Brown Falls is located on the South Island of New Zealand, within Fiordland National Park. With a width of 12 meters, it discharges 3 cubic meters of water every second, but when the water level in the lake that feeds it is at its maximum, the flow increases to 14 cubic meters. This is a very long waterfall, the water flows in it at an angle of 42 degrees, so it reaches its lowest point after covering 1130 meters horizontally from the start. We can say that this is one large cascade, where the maximum drop is 244 meters high.
Brown Falls is surrounded by typical New Zealand rainforest. It feeds on water from the alpine lake of the same name. At the end of its journey, the water enters the fjord, which is part of Arm Bay. The waterfall and lake were named after the aerial photographer Victor Brown, who first discovered them when he flew over local lands in 1940.

Angel Falls is located on the territory of the state of Venezuela in the Canaima National Park on the mainland of South America. It was discovered by the Spanish pioneer Ernesto Sanchez la Cruz, not so long ago, namely in 1910. However, the whole world learned about it even later - in 1935, when it was discovered while flying nearby by American pilot and gold miner J.C. Angel. Actually, the waterfall is named after him (or rather, his surname) (in Spanish, Angel sounds like Angel).

The height of Angel Falls is 979 (according to other sources - 1054) meters, which is twenty times higher than Niagara. It falls from the top of Mount Auyantepui. Moreover, falling from a kilometer height, the water does not reach the end, but descends as fog spreading for many kilometers around the waterfall. The height of the giant was measured in 1949 by an official expedition of the National Geographic Society.

The discovery was a matter of chance; the monoplane he was piloting got stuck in the impassable jungle. This is where Jimmy noticed the giant waterfall. His plane lay at the site of the unsuccessful landing for 33 years, remaining a mute witness to the discovery of its owner, until it was lifted by a helicopter.

In 2009, the late President of Venezuela, guided by anti-imperialist aspirations, renamed his country's main attraction Kerepakupai-meru (one of the names of the local population). But for the whole world it is still better known by its original name.

Oddly enough, the tallest waterfall in the world - Angel (full name Salto Angel) - is not the most famous and popular in the world. Niagara Falls in North America and Victoria Falls in Africa are much more popular. This is largely due to the not very favorable location of the giant. It is surrounded on all sides by impenetrable tropical forest. The only way to get there is by plane or helicopter, or along the Kerep River, Angel’s final destination.

Tours to the Salto Angel Falls are organized by air from the capital of the country, Caracas, and from the city of Ciudad Bolivar, and they are sold in packages. The package also includes landing in the village of Canaima, where the entrance to the National Park is located, subsequent water crossing directly to the waterfall, food, and all the necessary accessories.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that Venezuela is rich in waterfalls. In particular, not far from Angel there is the Acha Falls, a little further - the Arrasine Falls, on the border with Guyana.

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