Nicole's illness. Nicole Kuznetsova: what awaits Russia in the future

The finalist of the sixteenth “Battle of Psychics” Nicole Kuznetsova won recognition among people for her kindness and sincerity. She conducts personal sessions where she helps people with issues related to family well-being, career and health. In addition, Nicole is raising two lovely sons, Yegor and Stepan, whom she tries to raise into real gentlemen. Kuznetsova talked to StarHit and talked about vital operations and what they teach in magic courses.

Nicole, we are following your life after participating in the “Battle of Psychics.” Don't people stop you on the streets asking you to solve their problems?

It happens, of course. But I don’t work on the street, so I have personal appointments, people sign up there. If they come up asking for an autograph or a photo, of course, I don’t refuse them.

Does a large flow of letters and requests come to your mail? We recently saw a post on your Instagram in which you made it clear that you were annoyed by such a stream of requests...

At the moment when I published this post, it was not easy for me. I had just undergone another operation and needed support. You see, I have a job, and it pays. I don't give friendship advice. When a person comes to me, he knows what he wants to get. At the same time, I never tell him what to do. Higher power always provide the client with options for the development of events. I don’t have to regret the work I’ve done; I approach everyone with my soul. That is why it takes a lot of energy, and when it runs out, and requests for help continue to come, it becomes difficult for me. This is all I wanted to tell my subscribers in that very post.

When you first discovered the gift of clairvoyance, was it difficult to accept it?

I had the gift of clairvoyance from birth, there was no insight. I always saw something, felt that I was very an unusual child. I see death, I see disease, the dead. Gradually I managed to learn to block out visions and sensations. As a child, I could not control this power and tried not to tell anyone about it.

Why did you decide to go to the “Battle of Psychics”? Did you want popular recognition?

Participation in the “Battle of Psychics” is the merit of my director. I wasn’t eager to go there myself. He wrote a letter to the program about a talented witch, told about me and attached my photographs. He confronted me with a fait accompli - he said that I had already been invited. Since I am a desperate person, I had a dream of getting into “Psychics Are Investigating,” so I decided to go to battle.

Do you communicate with any of your colleagues in the “Battle of Psychics”?

I don’t communicate or be friends with psychics. I have a narrow circle, it is virtually impossible to get into it. I can keep in touch with the participants in the “Battle of Psychics,” but these are not close friends. I consider myself a self-sufficient unit that does not need mentors, ideals, or idols.

People come to magic with already innate abilities. First, each of my students undergoes a rite of passage, as a result of which he becomes part of a single organism that works for the benefit of people. For those who have the ability, we offer developmental courses. The classes are taught by my students. I don’t teach myself, but I managed, without having any oratorical abilities, to teach them all the most important things. The course “Energy Balance, the human chakra system” is aimed at revealing feminine energy. My personal achievement: two students who had problems conceiving children pleased me with their pregnancies. This is the main reward for me.

You also sell various accessories and amulets that you make yourself. Have these amulets changed people's lives?

I thought for a very long time about what form to convey to people who cannot come to me, a piece of my magic and work. I cast amulets based on photographs and date of birth; I don’t have ones that are sold to the masses and suit everyone. I collect them with my own hands. The very stones that I work with absorb the program that I set very well. When a person puts on the bracelet, it starts. The client himself chooses what he wants to receive a spell for: love, career, financial stability, or perhaps even pregnancy.

You recently underwent your 217th operation. How do you feel? Are there any improvements?

Every time I recover from operations, it’s a real moral test for me. After them, I cry while driving home, because I feel that there will be no end to them. But I understand that I simply cannot live without them. This the only way to maintain the lifestyle that I lead, not to be tied to hospital walls. They give me a breath of fresh air. Without surgery, I suffer from hypoxia. Sometimes I just wait for it, because without them I can neither speak nor breathe. For me, even climbing the stairs at the entrance becomes difficult test. I am glad that for now it is possible to correct my condition, although I have a precancerous stage of the disease, and every time I thank the Lord that it is not cancer.

Tell us about your children. Egor already goes to school, Stepan recently went to kindergarten. Who in your family is stricter towards children: you or your husband Alexander?

My eldest son is in third grade. He has psychic abilities, like me, but he has also been disabled since childhood. I have on right hand tattoo, and it is dedicated to children. It says there that Egor is my life, Stepan is my strength. They make me stronger. Every year the children grow, and I become happier. The sons are very obedient; in the morning they get ready on their own and go for a walk with the dog. They help me clean, go to the store, help me put everything away, open doors... They will grow up to be real men. In matters of upbringing, I am still a very strict mother who can severely punish my children.

The reason why Nicole Kuznetsova wears a scarf is a disease that manifested itself in her early childhood. She herself has already gotten used to it and is not ashamed of her illness, and wears a scarf so as not to shock others.

In the article:

Nicole Kuznetsova - the disease has haunted her since childhood

It is known that Nicole Kuznetsova has been suffering from an unknown disease to the public since childhood. It was she who became the reason that her natural parents abandoned her. They decided that the child would not survive or would not live very long.

Nicole Kuznetsova tube in the neck

Nicole Kuznetsova claims that she lived with a foster family. She was adopted despite serious illness. The clairvoyant herself says that she lived in the family of a criminal authority, quite famous in certain circles. But there are sources, and they say that Nicole’s natural parents did not abandon her, and she grew up in the family of a police colonel.

The psychic suffered two clinical deaths back in childhood. The first occurred at the age of one year, and the second at six years. Nicole believes that psychic abilities appeared precisely after this. They became a reward for all the trials that she suffered. Nicole believes it is right to use them for the benefit of people.

Nicole Matveeva - what's wrong with the neck

Many viewers of the show “Battle of Psychics” are interested in what’s wrong with Kuznetsova’s neck, and also why she always wears a scarf. In the very first episode of the TV show, you can see that she quite clearly answered the presenter, who was interested in why Nicole Kuznetsova spoke in a whisper. She took off her scarf and showed tracheostomy tube through which she breathes.

The famous psychic underwent an unsuccessful throat operation, as a result of which she had a tube installed. With its help she breathes. Nicole cannot breathe without a tube. Without it, she is unable to stay alive. There is no chance of a favorable outcome of the disease and life without a tube. Nicole is sure that this is impossible.

Due to a throat condition and a failed surgery, Nicole is unable to speak full voice. During the filming of “The Battle of Psychics,” there were difficulties due to the fact that she simply could not be heard. As a result, the clairvoyant was equipped with a microphone that allows you to hear and record everything she says.

Nicole Kuznetsova - illness of Jap's wife

It is known that a lot of videos have appeared on the network that can prove that Nicole Kuznetsova is, and on these videos there are recordings of her voice confirming the presence of the disease. Indeed, she can only speak in a whisper. There is a scandalous recording of a conversation with a representative of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, in which they talked about some criminal agreements and proposals.

On this recording you can hear that the clairvoyant cannot speak louder than she does now during the filming of “Battle of Psychics.” Some believe that Nicole Kuznetsova's voice is an innate feature, and the pipe is only a way to attract attention to herself.

Indeed, based on several photographs of the clairvoyant on the Internet, in which there is no tube in the throat yet, one can form such an opinion. But in these pictures Nicole looks much younger. Most likely, they were done before the unsuccessful operation, which led to consequences in the form of a tube in the throat. In addition, there are newer photographs in which both the pipe and the scar on the neck are clearly visible.

The girl is not at all shy about her features and does not want to hide it. In the first episode of “The Battle of Psychics,” she demonstrated this when the host began to suspect that something might be hidden under the scarf that would help the clairvoyant pass tests in a dishonest manner.

Nicole Kuznetsova - what's wrong with my throat now?

It is known that the famous clairvoyant and practitioner cannot breathe without a tube. The network says that once a month she is forced to undergo surgery in order to be able to breathe. It is unknown whether this is true or not. There are rumors that for medical reasons she may be forced to leave the project ahead of time. It is impossible to rule out the possibility that Nicole will need another operation.

There are assurances online from people who showed Nicole’s photo to a medical specialist. The doctor confirmed that participating in a TV show with such a tube is almost impossible. In his opinion, serious illness is completely excluded, as is the need to use a breathing apparatus.

There is a possibility that the pipe is a high-quality dummy that the psychic needs to attract attention and better suit the image of a white magician. The latter often cannot cure themselves, but help others. Back in 2012, Nicole didn’t have a tube in her neck, but her voice was always the same as it is now. There is also a possibility that the pipe is really a dummy, and the voice is an innate feature. But a scar on the throat, visible in some photographs, partially rules it out.

In general, there are many inaccuracies and discrepancies in Kuznetsova’s biography, which, however, add mystery and enigma to her image. Only one thing is clear - only the clairvoyant herself and her loved ones can know the truth.

The 32-year-old clairvoyant with fiery red hair has become not only one of the most prominent participants in the “Battle” in history and travels around Russia with meetings, but has also learned to live and enjoy with a congenital respiratory disease. The number of operations Nicole has undergone is already close to 300, and she is forced to breathe through a tracheostomy tube.

– This year you did not take part in the casting of “Battle”, although many participants go to the show two or three times...

– The fact is that I didn’t plan to go to the “Battle” at all, much less go there every year and prove that I am worthy of second place. I am a person without any grudges towards the project and in no case do I want to indulge my ego and prove something to someone. My life after the project already speaks for itself. Plus, one of the TV channels is now planning my show, in which I will appear in a new capacity as a presenter. Now it's a matter of time.

– An interesting detail: you once said that with age your abilities become stronger...

– Like any specialist, he develops his abilities over the years. This is an illusion that a person is born with some kind of witchcraft gift and knows from the cradle what rituals to do. Every new person in consultation for me it’s new experience. Now, for example, I have mastered the magic of tarot, and there is already an agreement to release my deck of cards. Another question is that my health condition is deteriorating, and my doctor is setting many restrictions. But I don’t listen to him, for which, of course, my husband constantly scolds me. I take all kinds of inhalers and a loading dose of painkillers with me on tour, since the agreements are scheduled a year in advance. But the weekend is just our time with my husband and children. We go to the country, play Monopoly, lie on the sofa. And, as you noticed, I don’t have any miracle attributes at home. I don't accept magical image life transfer to real life.

Nicole with her husband Alexander Sadokov and sons Egor and Stepan

“The eldest son, Egor, entered the 4th grade this year, and the youngest is probably already preparing for school. Are there house helpers, and maybe an assistant at work?

The nanny looks after the children when my husband and I (Nicole’s husband is sports commentator Alexander Sadokov. - Note from Woman’s Day) are busy, she can also cook something or help with cleaning. In some ways, she replaces our grandmother. But on the plus side, the boys are growing and becoming more independent! The other day I woke up with my husband, and Egor (Nicole’s eldest son is 9 years old) had already prepared breakfast for himself and his brother. They both walk their own dogs. And if I can’t be with the boys for a long time, then I want to socialize them as much as possible now. And be calm that the elder will tell the story to the younger, as I taught them, that they, holding hands, will go to the store. In general, they won’t be lost without me.

First the multiplication table, then... extrasensory perception!

– Are you developing your son’s extrasensory abilities? You said that you noticed the elder’s gift quite early...

Here I am a strict mother. And I think that the main thing for a man is to get a good education, profession. And then the magic. I’m not raising him to be Harry Potter, Egor is growing up as an ordinary boy who goes to capoeira, runs in the yard with friends, learns lessons... Yes, he may be more sensitive to the emotions of other people, but due to his age he still does not understand everything. And from the youngest ( youngest son Nicole Kuznetsova and Alexandra Sadokov Stepan – 5.5 years old) husband dreams of raising a hockey player, boxer or football player.

– Who is the “strict policeman” in the family? You or your husband?

My husband never yells at his children. I didn’t hear him raise his voice at all... I can be strict if I don’t like something. I'm generally a pretty tough person. And although I don’t have a voice (Nicole can only speak in a whisper. - Ed.), I have lively facial expressions. All I have to do is look - and my sons already know that they did something wrong... When I am sick, recovering from another operation, they also know that mommy needs help. They will make me tea and bring me pillows. But again, I don’t want their entire weekend to go like this, so if my husband takes the kids to the movies, I’ll be only too happy. Boys should not have memories of childhood with their mother always sick on the sofa...

Nicole travels often, but her favorite country is Spain, where the clairvoyant has an apartment

– Almost 300 operations... Any Olympic champion would envy your willpower. What do you tell yourself after each one and, most importantly, what gives you the strength to smile?

When you can’t breathe, you run to the operation yourself and ask for something else to be done faster. But then, I have a family that shouldn’t suffer from this. And I “shake myself out” of this difficult situation as much as possible. And when we all climb onto the sofa together, hug and laugh, I understand that it’s worth the effort: surgical interventions and painkillers. Well, plus, if I didn’t give birth to children, I would be enough healthy person. At the same time, I wouldn’t change anything in my life now. During my first pregnancy, I underwent 10 operations without anesthesia and still decided to have a second one... The second one did not go so smoothly. And already in the sixth month I had an emergency caesarean section in the first hospital where the ambulance managed to take me... They stitched me up so unevenly that terrible suppuration began. I already removed the stitches myself at home with tweezers. And even now, having gone through all this, I have not given up the dream of having a daughter. And I think, as the elders grow up, my husband and I will take up this issue closely.

“After the “battle” my husband threatened to burn me at the stake”

– Surely after so many operations you don’t even want to think about plastic surgery?

I have a fairly relaxed attitude towards anesthesia and don’t believe that general anesthesia alone takes 7 years of life... I don’t hide the fact that I had a nose job and breast surgery. At the same time, my husband initially reacted to breast augmentation in much the same way as he did to my participation in the “Battle.” Before casting for the show, he threatened to burn me at the stake, and considered my large bust a whim and said that he would quit. Like, I'll be too beautiful. But now he loves me even more. We tease each other with him: in our family we have “smart and ugly” - that’s him, and “handsome and stupid” - that’s me, but I’m also Kuzya and Monkey, so we have a rich arsenal of nicknames. And jokes are jokes, but it is precisely this kind of “mocking” at each other that helps to avoid many conflicts in the family. Now you’ve already said everything as a joke, and you don’t feel like swearing at all.

– Your husband is a sports commentator, you are also a public figure... Are there quarrels on this basis? How do you feel about each other's successes?

This is out of the question. We just laugh that my husband has been on the air for five years, and they take autographs from me... And so my husband is my pride, the person closest to me. When I'm in doubt or upset, he's the only one who can pick me up Right words to comfort me and give me hope. Although we had a funny story with him at first: when I first met Sasha, I literally ran from him and shouted: “Don’t bother me, I’m looking for a husband.” I felt that I was about to get married, but I didn’t know that it would be... him!

– Many of your images, including photographs on Instagram, are quite frank. How does he react to such pictures?

I can go days without eating

– What allows you to relax and recover after touring? Maybe a good spa or some beauty treatments?

You will laugh, but in 32 years I have never been to a spa. I immediately felt like some kind of wrong woman... In fact, I always feel sorry for wasting time on myself. As soon as I get ready to go to the salon, the children start hugging me and saying: “Mommy, you and I will sleep tonight,” and you immediately think: “I’ll go another week without a manicure.” Or you go to the dacha with a shaggy bun instead of “showing yourself” at all sorts of social events and presentations.

In the first episode of the 16th season of the “Battle of Psychics,” Nicole Matveeva attracted the attention of viewers with her bright appearance, her manner of speaking in a whisper (the girl has a laryngeal disease that does not allow her to speak in a full voice), the ease of passing the test and her past (she positions herself as a widow the notorious mafioso Yaponchik). Viewers have already included her among the contenders for participation in the final. What is known about this girl and where did she come from?

But little is known about her for sure.

She is 30 years old (although for some reason they write 27 everywhere), she is married to sports commentator for Channel 1 and the Fighter TV channel, Alexander Sadokov, and has two sons.

Nicole herself claims that she was common-law wife crime boss Yaponchik and gave birth to a son from him. But all this is only from the words of Nicole herself.

Those few people from the “circle” who at least somehow commented on these rumors call her a “false widow” from the series of “children of Lieutenant Schmidt.” By the way, she definitely couldn’t be a common-law wife - Ivankov had an official wife. Nicole was also not present at the funeral or at the hospital where he died. And in general, such statements in Nicole’s mouth appeared only 3 years after Jap’s death.

In 2012, Nicole’s name was involved in a scandal with Communist Party politician Evgeny Bessonov. A live recording of a conversation appeared in the media, in which Nicole, in her insinuating half-whisper, offers Bessonov to “remove” someone from the Rostov police leadership and discusses remuneration. Around the same time, Nicole gives an interview to the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, in which she does not hesitate to say that she “works” in the criminal sphere, where she “solves problems” and “helps the parties negotiate.” That she grew up in a “difficult family” where they “live according to rules”, and she got into crime “by the call of blood.”

In fact, according to the media, Nicole’s mother is Svetlana Ternova, who retired with the rank of colonel, and before that she worked at the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then worked in security structures. Now she seems to have returned to the authorities, to the unit that oversees the circulation of weapons in security structures... Now she claims that her extrasensory gift awoke at the age of 6, but she began practicing at the age of 15.

Nevertheless, just 3 years ago, she did not show any abilities or hints of them, except for writing and a thirst for fame. And how does an alleged criminal past relate to the fact that Nicole “works only for the benefit of people” (according to a report on official page) - unclear. She prepared for the “Battle” - she started her pages in in social networks, where he calls himself a white magician, offers his services and sells amulets.

Nicole is a bright girl, and will certainly become a favorite among the viewers of the “Battle”. But the truth of her gift, like the honesty of the program, is Once again raises doubts.