Signs of destruction of an agrarian society table. Agrarian society: concept and main features

Absolutism (absolute monarchy)-

a form of government in which the ruler (monarch) has absolute, unlimited legislative, executive and judicial power.

Agrarian society

the first type of civilization created by people; its signs:

  1. The basis of the economy is agriculture. The overwhelming majority of people live in villages and engage in subsistence farming.
  2. Society consists of separate classes and communities, the rights and responsibilities of a person depend on origin.
  3. As a rule, only the landowning nobility can influence the government of the state.
  4. Culture, worldview and public life Most people are subject to religion, traditions and customs of their ancestors. There are few literate people in society.

Signs of the destruction of an agrarian society

1. The emergence and growth of the machine industry. The growth of cities, the replacement of a subsistence economy with a market economy.

2. Destruction of class barriers and the struggle for equal rights of citizens

3. Decrease in the influence of the landowning nobility, the emergence of democratic elections and parliaments as a result of revolutions or reforms.

4. Reducing the influence of religion and church on culture. Spreading literacy and education.


a judgment given in support of truth.


the most important part of the temple, serving for sacrifices during worship


(from Greek “power of the best”)

  1. The highest stratum of society is the tribal nobility.
  2. A form of government in which the highest positions are occupied only by representatives of noble families.

Baskaki -

officials of the Golden Horde who collected tribute in Rus'.


collection of sacred books of Judaism (Old Testament) and Christianity (Old and New Testaments)

Bolsheviks -

a party in Russia formed as a result of the split of the Social Democratic Party into Bolsheviks and Mensheviks. The Bolsheviks came to power in Russia in October 1918.

Boyars -

the most noble and privileged inhabitants Russian state, patrimonial landowners (transferred land ownership by inheritance); As a rule, they performed military and government service.

Boyars -

the highest council under the sovereign in Rus' and in Russia of the X-XVII centuries. Consisted of representatives of noble families of boyars - landowners.

Bourgeoisie (capitalists)-

owners of capital who organize production or trade for the purpose of making a profit and use the labor of hired workers


non-Roman population of Europe, consisting of Celtic, Germanic, Slavic and other tribes.


a period of time of 100 years

Old Testament

the first book of the Bible that tells the story of the Jewish people from the creation of the first man to the birth of Jesus Christ.


era in the development of European culture (14-16 centuries), transitional from medieval culture to the culture of the New Age.

Distinctive features of Renaissance culture:

1. Secularism (non-churchishness)

2. Humanism – addressing a person as to the highest principle, affirmation of the ideal of liberated creative personality, which combines beauty of body and soul, feelings and thoughts

3. Appeal to cultural heritage Antiquity: search and restoration of ancient Greco-Roman buildings, sculptures, paintings, manuscripts; imitation of ancient models.

Eastern despotism-

The designation accepted in society for many states is the monarchies of the East. The head of state (despot) is considered a deity or sacred vicegerent of God. Any order of a despot must be carried out immediately and unconditionally. At any time, by one decision, he can deprive any of his subjects of life, liberty or property.


land ownership transmitted by inheritance.

Temporarily obliged peasants -

the situation of former serfs in Russia after the abolition of serfdom in 1861, which meant that until an agreement was concluded with the landowner to buy out the land, all former serfs were still required to pay quitrent (sharecropping) and perform corvée (works off).


the purchase by peasants of land from landowners after the abolition of serfdom in Russia in 1861.


a settlement that is the center of power, craft and trade for the surrounding lands; usually surrounded by fortress walls.

State -

organization of management of society, people who live in a certain territory (within the borders of the state). In every state there is a management apparatus, that is, professional rulers and officials; system of laws (law); law enforcement service (city guard, police, militia); army to protect borders, independence and interests of the state; collecting taxes from the population to support the army, police, officials and perform other government tasks.

Signs of the state

1. Organization of management of society, people living in a certain territory.

2. Management apparatus (rulers - officials)

3. System of laws (law)

4. Army to protect borders

5. Collection of taxes from the population


in ancient states (more often applied to Greece and Rome) – free man, a member of the community (farmer, artisan, merchant, noble landowner), who has the right to part of the land in the community and for this bears responsibilities to it. In ancient policies (Greek and Roman), a citizen also had the right to participate in the government of his state and the duty to defend it in the military militia.

Civil War

armed struggle for power between citizens of the same state.


obligatory gifts from the subject population to their ruler


class of those who served the sovereign's court, and subsequently in the sovereign army of people who are for military service received temporary land ownership.

In the 18th century, Russian nobles became a class serving for a cash salary, and since 1762 they were exempted from service and became a privileged class.

Palace coup -

changing the monarch on the throne by force and in violation of the law of pre-succession.

Democracy, democratic state

political regime of the state, based on the participation of the people in solving the most important state affairs, protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens. Its signs:

  • holding referendums on the most important issues state life(direct democracy),
  • competitive regular elections to various bodies state power(representative democracy)
  • real separation of powers between legislative, executive judicial authorities;
  • active and conscious participation of citizens in political life,
  • exercise of one’s rights in the election of government bodies, freedom of speech, assembly, creation political parties,
  • critical attitude of citizens to the promises and actions of political leaders;
  • subordination of a minority of citizens to the opinion of the majority, but while preserving the minority's right to fight to change the decision within the framework of legitimate political opposition;
  • coexistence of ideologies, public spheres and privacy(production, education, culture, media, etc.)


the designation adopted in Europe for many states-monarchies of the East. The head of state (despot) is considered a deity or sacred vicegerent of God. Any order of a despot must be carried out immediately and unconditionally. At any time, by one decision, he can deprive any of his subjects of life, liberty or property.


1. In the Roman Republic, a person who, in emergency circumstances, was given all the power in the state for six months.

2. A person who has completely subjugated state power and is capable of depriving any citizen of property, freedom, and life.

Dictatorship, dictatorial state

political regime of the state, based on total control of all aspects of private and public life. Its signs:

  • lack of separation of powers between legislative, executive and judicial authorities;
  • restricting citizens from participating in political life,
  • lack of rights and freedoms of citizens
  • one party system
  • dominance of one ideology
  • presence of punitive authorities


a series of successively reigning monarchs from the same family, replacing each other by the right of kinship and the laws of succession to the throne.


a state whose population created its own parliament, government, army, but the autonomous authorities must coordinate all their decisions with the government of the metropolis.


one of higher degrees priest in a Christian church, head of an ecclesiastical region - a bishopric.

Dependence of Rus' on the Golden Horde

Rus' survived as a state, but fell into vassalage from the Golden Horde, which manifested itself in the following:

1. Rus' paid tribute to the Golden Horde

2. Russian princes received a label for reign from the Khan of the Golden Horde

Law -

a mandatory rule of citizen behavior approved by the state, violation of which is subject to state punishment (fine, prison...)

Golden Horde –

the state of the Mongols, which included all the countries conquered by the Mongols. The capital is Sarai Batu.


written signs denoting whole words or parts thereof - syllables.


(from Latin "supreme power")

  1. During the Roman Republic, a commander who won a victory and was awarded a triumph (ceremonial entry into Rome).
  2. During the Roman Empire, he was a full-fledged head of state, usually transferring power by inheritance.


a large state that consists of different territories with different populations, economies, and traditions, but is governed from one center, usually by one person (the emperor). The head of an empire is often considered God's representative on Earth, or even a living God.


latest art direction thirds of the XIX- the beginning of the 20th century, whose representatives sought to capture in the most natural and unbiased way real world in its mobility and variability, to convey your fleeting impressions.

Industrial society –

stage of development of society, type of civilization. Its signs: 1. most people and resources are employed in industry; market relations based on a diverse division of labor are established; 2. the urban population, as a rule, prevails over the rural one; civil equality is strengthening; 3. the masses of the population are involved in political life(participate in elections of government bodies, take part in the life of political parties);4. Mass education and diversity of worldviews are increasing.


armed intervention in the internal affairs of another country

Historical source-

an object (record, object, knowledge, legend, etc.) preserved from past times to the present day that carries information (information) about life in the past.


creativity of people who create artistic images(literary, musical, sculptural...) of what they see, feel, realize


  1. Development process human society.
  2. Science, the task of which is to reconstruct from sources a picture of the past of humanity, to provide possible explanations for the process of development of society and thereby help people understand their present.

Cadets –

party of constitutional democrats in Russia. (Liberal)

Capitalism -

in Marxist (communist ideology - social system, following the primitive, slave and feudal;

based on

  • private ownership of basic wealth,
  • on the division of society into the bourgeoisie (capitalists) owners and organizers of production and the proletariat - wage workers.

From the point of view of Marxists, regardless of the form and regime of the state (monarchy or republic, democracy or dictatorship), power under capitalism belongs to the rich bourgeoisie, which uses the state - officials, police, army - to protect their financial interests and suppress the resistance of the proletariat.

According to Marxist theory, the struggle of the proletariat against the exploitation of capitalists was supposed to lead to world socialist revolution, the overthrow of the capitalist system and the establishment of socialism (communism).

Capitalist relations

social and economic ties between people, implying competition in the market between private owners of capital (fixed wealth) and free hiring relations between capitalists and workers.

Classes (public)

social strata that differ from each other in

  • presence or absence of capital
  • income level
  • roles in the production system (organizer, performer...)

Classicism –

style that dominated the art of the late 17th and early 18th centuries. The “classical” ones were taken as a model - antique works art. Every work had to proclaim the ideas of citizenship

The colony-

1. A settlement founded by people from one country in foreign lands

2. Dependent territory under the supreme control of the metropolis

Colonial Empire-

state owning colonies and dependent territories in different parts Sveta


central government bodies in Russian Empire V XVIII-early XIX centuries, in charge of certain areas of government activity.


in Marxist (communist) ideology - the highest stage of development of human society, developing on the basis of socialism. Under communism, from the point of view of the authors of this theory:

  • All wealth will be common property
  • Class division will disappear and complete social equality of all people will be established.
  • Each person will consciously and voluntarily work for the good of society and receive for free everything they need (products, things, services...) - “from each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs.

In accordance with communist ideology under communism free development each person will ensure the free development of everyone and people will build relationships with each other on friendly mutual assistance: the state (officials, police, army) will replace public self-government, in which all people will actively participate.


supporters of socio-political teaching for whom the main value is the preservation of the traditions of a particular society: state, family, religious...

Counter-reform –

revision of reforms and cancellation of some advanced innovations.


the teachings of the ancient Chinese sage Confucius (5th century BC). According to Confucianism, the will of the great Heaven reigns over the entire world of people and spirits. The main goal of Confucianism is to properly organize the life of society so that people overcome wild beast and saved human culture. To do this, you must strictly follow the rules of action (rituals) that connect Heaven with people, and people with each other:

  • Honor the ancestors who understood and wrote down the rules of action (rituals);
  • Loving people means “not doing to others what you don’t want for yourself”;
  • Know your place in society - obey your elders, take care of your younger ones.


a form of dependence of peasants when they personally and all their property belong to the owner of the land.

Peasants –

rural residents engaged in agricultural work.

"The Peasant Question"

one of the problems in Russia is late XIX- the beginning of the 20th century, expressed in the difficult situation of the peasants (lack of land, lack of rights, lack of money).


supporters of socio-political doctrine, for which the main value is personal freedom, respect for human rights, protection of private property

Personal assessments

your attitude to events


an enterprise in which manual labor is used, but each person performs only one operation, and thus there is a division of labor.

Mensheviks –

a party in Russia formed as a result of the split of the Social Democratic Party into Bolsheviks and Mensheviks.


the core of the colonial empire, the territory on which the state and people formed, who began to seize colonies


legendary (with supernatural fictional details) tales about heroes, gods, natural phenomena, social events


the transition from an agricultural society to an industrial one, which includes several processes:

1. Development of market relations

2. Development of division of labor

3. Industrial Revolution

4. Growth of cities and urban populations

5. The collapse of classes and communities and the formation of civil equality

6. Reducing the influence of religion and traditions on culture and public life

7. Gradual spread of literacy and science education

8. Involvement of broad sections of the population in political life:

  • the struggle for the creation of elected authorities,
  • struggle for expansion voting rights,
  • increased interest in political events and news...)


a form of government in which the head of state is a monarch, who transfers his power by inheritance and is the source of power; the inhabitants of the state are called "subjects"

– the monarch rules the country based on the decisions of meetings of representatives of the estates.

Absolute monarchy – the ruler (monarch) has unlimited legislative, executive and judicial power.

A constitutional monarchy - the power of the monarch is limited by law - the constitution and the elected legislative body - parliament.

Capitalist monopoly-

an association of firms, enterprises, banks that control the production of a large share of goods in any industry and receive excess profits.


community of people who are united by:

  • self-name (name of the people);
  • a common language of communication;
  • special image life, customs.


social movement of Russian socialists who believed that Russia could move to socialism if the life of the entire society was built on the model of a peasant community, a workers' artel (people would jointly own the means of production, work together and enjoy the results of labor).

Scientific fact

a fact whose accuracy has been proven.


transfer of private property into the hands of the state (with or without redemption)

"National Question" –

one of the problems in Russia at the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries, expressed in the lack of independence of the national outskirts of Russia.

New Testament

the second book of the Bible, telling about the birth, teaching, death on the cross and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Scientific and technological revolution of the second half of the 20th century -

discoveries and inventions:

1. New energy source (nuclear)

2. Space exploration

3. New materials

4. Discovery of the DNA molecule

5. Robotics

6. Computers

7. Internet


many people united living together and activities according to accepted rules (morality, ethics, laws).

All actions of people in society can be divided into four main areas of life:

1. Farm- the work of people to produce and distribute everything that is necessary for life

2. Social division - communication between people, divided into different groups, layers, organizations within society.

3. Power– managing the life of society to establish order

4. Spiritual culture – people’s knowledge of the world through science, art, religion and all achievements in these areas

Octobrists –

monarchist party in Russia. (Conservative)

Horde tribute -

tribute that Rus' paid to the Golden Horde.


lands that were confiscated from peasants after the abolition of serfdom (1861), if the peasant allotment exceeded the norms for the given area.

V VIII -VI centuries. BC e. - indigenous full-fledged inhabitants of Rome.

From the 3rd century. BC e. - noble families of Roman society.

Primitive society

the first stage of development of society in which

  • people live in parking lots or villages
  • unite into clan communities and tribes
  • governance is carried out by people's assemblies, elders and leaders
  • knowledge is stored and transmitted mainly through legends.


mobile association art exhibitions(Every year the partnership organized exhibitions in different cities Russia)

Capitation tax–

tax, which since 1718 was levied in Russia on every soul of a male serf, from infants to the elderly.


in Rome, free migrants, not full citizens, gradually achieved equality with the indigenous inhabitants (patricians).

In II century BC e. - the lowest, poorest layer of citizens of Rome.



"Political question" -

one of the problems in Russia at the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries, expressed in the lack of rights among the population, the absence of a constitution and parliament..


a state that outwardly remained independent, had its own government, laws, and army, but at the same time, special treaties with Western powers limited the independence of this state in a number of issues.


conditional land ownership (subject to military service).

Posad people -

tax-paying population of the trade and craft part of the city in Rus' (posad).

Post-industrial society-

folding modern society, which is characterized by the following features:

1. Information (knowledge) becomes the main product

2. Automation of production occurs

3. Most people are employed in information processing and service industries

4. It is planned to resettle people from large industrial cities to well-maintained “Electronic Villages”


central authorities in which clerks and scribes served for a salary.



a class of hired industrial and agricultural workers who voluntarily hire themselves for pay to the owner of production


a state in which supreme power belonged to a governor-general sent from the metropolis, to whom the local ruler (sultan, rajah, leader) was subordinate


the required amount of agricultural products was “developed” - distributed as norms mandatory delivery to the state from every province, district, volost, village community. Only after delivering the food quota did the village community have the right to receive industrial goods from state warehouses: matches, salt, kerosene, agricultural implements (often they could not receive anything even after delivery, since the townspeople themselves did not have enough of these goods)

Industrial Revolution -

replacement manual labor machine-based, as a result of which factories replace manufactories


Human, imprisoned, belonging to other people, as a thing, an animal that can be forced to work for free.

"Work question" -

one of the problems in Russia at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries, expressed in the difficult situation of workers and the absence of labor legislation that protected workers.


a radical violent revolution in all spheres of society (economics, politics, social sphere and culture)

Recruit kits

method of recruiting the Russian regular army in the 18th -19th centuries. The tax-paying population (peasants, townspeople, merchants) were obliged to supply recruits for lifelong (later 25 years) military service.


people's faith in God or gods, in some supernatural powers, capable of performing miracles, as well as the belief that a person has a soul that continues to exist after the death of the body. IN different religions, as a rule, there is Holy Bible, setting out the foundations of the doctrine - the idea of ​​​​the world and deity, the goal and rules human life. In addition, in religion there are rituals (rules of worship), sacred places and temples - buildings for worship; priests (clergy) - people who perform rituals, intermediaries between ordinary believers and supernatural forces.


ideological and artistic direction in European and American culture late XVIII century - first half of the 19th century century. It is characterized by an affirmation of the intrinsic value of the spiritual and creative life of the individual, the depiction of strong (often rebellious) passions and characters, spiritualized and healing nature.


a form of government in which the head of state is an elected person, and the source of power is the citizens of the state.


changes in order in the spheres of society (economics, politics, social sphere and culture) planned by the state authorities


struggle to rebuild the church

Tribal community

a union of families descended from the same ancestor, jointly owning land and governed by elders.

Senate -

the highest legislative and advisory body of the Russian Empire.

Synod -

the highest government body for Russian affairs Orthodox Church. Created in 1721 after the abolition of the rank of patriarch.

Mixed economy

an economy characterized by:

1. Private property

2. Market competition

3. Government regulation

4. Social security of citizens

Adviсe -

authorities that appeared in Russia initially as representatives of the interests of workers, and in October 1917 became bodies of state power in the center at the local level. Distinctive feature Councils - the inseparability of legislative and executive powers, the work of non-professional politicians in them (deputies continued to work in their main professions, but during meetings of the Councils they participated in governing the state). From about 1919 to 1989, the Soviets in Russia had no real power, which was transferred to the Communist Party.

Neighborhood Community (rural community, peasant community) –

an association of unrelated families who live in the same town (village, hamlet), jointly own land, but each family farms on a plot allocated to it. Neighborhood community governed by the gathering of householders and the headman elected at it

Estate -

a group of people with special rights and responsibilities in society. According to Western Europe,

  • the clergy prays for everyone and receives a tenth of the harvest,
  • chivalry protects people and owns lands with peasants,
  • the third estate (peasants and townspeople) works and feeds others

Class system -

division of society into classes, large groups people who have certain rights and responsibilities in the state, enshrined in laws.

Estates – representative monarchy -

a form of government in which the head of state, in governing the country, relies on an estate - a representative body of power (Representatives from estates gather to discuss important issues).


in various communist theories, this is a society of the future, based on equality and justice, providing all people happy life . In Marxist (communist) ideology, socialism is considered the first stage of a communist society, in which communist principles:

  • public property for basic wealth,
  • collective distribution of goods
  • combined with the characteristics of previous types of society (preservation of individual households, money, state).

During the 20th century in the USSR and other countries where communist parties came to power, they were created and modified different models socialism, who sought to apply Marxist ideas in practice. IN modern times Many non-Marxist (non-communist) theories of socialism developed: “democratic socialism”, “Christian socialism”, etc., which in one way or another influenced the development of society in different countries.

Welfare state

A state characterized by:

1. Creating equal starting opportunities for all citizens

2. Concern for ensuring a decent lifestyle

Ivan's Code of Law III -

All-Russian code of laws adopted in 1497.


political regime of the state, based on total (universal) control of the state over all spheres of public and personal life. Its signs:

  • The dictatorship of one political party, completely subjugating the legislative, executive and judicial authorities, around whose leader a cult of personality is created (exaltation and admiration);
  • Complete dominance of one official ideology, deviation from which is considered a state crime;
  • Elimination of fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens, all political parties and organizations that are in opposition to the ruling party;
  • The actual abolition of elections of government bodies;
  • Mass repressions (executions, arrests, exile) against those social groups and strata from which opposition to the regime may arise;
  • Subordination of the economy and public organizations(trade unions, creative associations, newspapers, youth associations, schools) to party and state authorities.

"Table of ranks" -

Peter's decree I, who streamlined the service (the service had to be completed gradually - from lower ranks to higher ones, and promotion depended on personal merit, and not on the nobility of the family).


A large industrial enterprise based on the use of machine production.

Factsingle knowledge, the reliability of which has been proven.


a political movement that emerged in the first half of the 20th century. At different options The main idea of ​​fascism is:

division of people into “chosen ones” - belonging to “their” state community, nation, “ superior race“and others – serving the interests of the “chosen ones” and subject to enslavement or even destruction. On the way to power, fascists often use terror and violence, and having received it, they strive to “unite the nation” around the “leader” and replace democracy with totalitarian or authoritarian regimes.

Feudal relations

social and economic ties between people, presupposing vassal (service) relations between the conditional owners of land (fiefs) and the right of feudal lords to quitrents and corvée from dependent peasants.

Khan -

head of some countries of the East

Walking among the people -

The populists went to the villages in order to convince the peasants that in order to abolish taxes, redemption payments and return the land, they needed to rebel against the tsar and rebuild their lives on socialist principles.

Christianity –

one of the world religions, belief in Almighty God - One God in three persons (Holy Trinity): God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Christian doctrine is set out in the Bible (Old Testament and New Testament).


1. Organization of believers of one religion

2. Christian temple for worship

Centralized State

a state in which all power is held by the central government, which

  • Issues uniform laws
  • Collects taxes
  • Contains a unified army
  • Appoints officials


the stage of development of society following the primitive system, from which civilization is distinguished by:

  • emergence of cities
  • division of people into social strata,
  • creation of states,
  • invention of writing.


a large community of people, usually including several nations and states, which are united:

  • cultural and religious traditions, defining the idea of ​​good and evil, beautiful and ugly, and so on,
  • features farming,
  • features of relationships between people,
  • features of government.


    Khan's letters - permission in the Mongol Empire for the right to own this or that land.


    people's belief in many gods, spirits personifying the forces of nature.

Economy of France Napoleon's reforms: protection of private property; changing the taxation system (increasing taxes on alcohol and tobacco); road construction; trade development; creation of the French Bank; exhibition of inventions in Paris; equipping industrial enterprises with equipment. BUT! He forbade workers from uniting in unions and taking part in strikes.

Domestic policy France Napoleon's Reforms: Elections local authorities authorities are abolished; people loyal to Napoleon were appointed to positions; most of the exit is prohibited printed publications; Secret Police created; amnesty for emigrants, return of confiscated property to them.

Foreign policy France Transformations of Napoleon: created the Great Army, with the help of which he captured part of the countries of Europe. Spain, Austria, Germany, Italy, Holland, and Portugal were under control. During conquests Napoleon created a powerful army.

Signs of modernization Spheres of social life Signs Economy Development of market relations. Division of labor. Industrial revolution. Growth of cities and rural populations. Social structure Disintegration of classes and communities. Formation of civil equality. Policy Involvement of broad sections of the population in public life. Culture Reducing the influence of religion on culture. Gradual spread of literacy.

Unlike modern people, a man of antiquity and the Middle Ages was much closer to the land-nurse, to the traditions and customs of his ancestors. Therefore, the type of civilization that existed before the New Age is usually called agricultural society(from Latin word"ager" - "earth"), or traditional society.

Signs of an agrarian society


The purity of the air and rivers was not poisoned by the smoke of factory chimneys and car exhausts. Above the endless village fields, the fortress towers of small towns could very rarely be seen. Almost all families created food, clothing, shoes and necessary items for themselves, rather than buying it in stores.


Born a simple peasant, he had to live in the village, plow the land, pay taxes, carry modest dress. Born into a noble position, he was exempt from taxes, could take a position, and dress in expensive clothes. The wife or husband for the children was chosen by the parents. Those who disobeyed were flogged with rods.


In most states, people considered the ruler to be God's representative on Earth. When he appeared, they bowed low or even fell to their knees. As a rule, any actions of the ruler and his officials were dutifully accepted by the people, and often were not known to the majority of residents.


Handwritten books were expensive and inaccessible to most people, and printing had not been invented. Many lived to old age without ever learning to read and write, without ever knowing what cities and countries there are in the world. However, this did not bother most people at all, who were not interested in what was going on behind their village fence.

Destruction of agrarian society

In modern times, human civilization began to change and acquire modern look. The features of the old agrarian society were destroyed, and in their place the features of a new society grew. The destruction of agrarian society became the main content of the entire modern era.

Destruction of agrarian society

Prosperous burghers in the market. Hood. P. Ersten
Table. Destruction of agrarian society

Features of an agrarian society

Signs of the destruction of an agrarian society

The basis of the economy is agriculture

The emergence and growth of the machine industry

The vast majority of people live in villages and engage in subsistence farming

Growth of cities, replacement of subsistence economy with market economy

Society consists of separate classes and communities, the rights and responsibilities of a person depend on origin Material from the site

Destruction of class barriers and the struggle for equal rights of citizens

As a rule, only the landowning nobility can influence government

Declining influence of the landowning nobility, the emergence of democratic elections and parliaments as a result of revolutions or reforms

The culture, worldview and social life of most people are subordinated to religion, traditions and customs of their ancestors

Lesson topic: “Russia: economy and estates” 7th grade

Lesson objectives along the lines of personality development:

Picture of the world in facts and concepts. Learn to identify signs of preservation and destruction of agrarian society in Russia. compare Russian and European life in the 16th century. Strengthen the ability to use historical concepts: patrimony, estate, quitrent, corvee, St. George's Day

Moral and civil-patriotic self-determination. To give students the opportunity to evaluate the rules of family and everyday life of Russians from the perspective modern man and from the perspective of a person of the 16th century.

Mandatory minimum content: repetition of key concepts from the 6th grade course: patrimony, estate, quitrent, corvee, St. George's Day, boyars, nobles, townspeople, clergy, peasantry

During the classes:

We begin to study the first section of our textbook. Open the table of contents on p. 3 and read its title. /"The original path of the Moscow kingdom." /

    Guess why it is called that? What are we going to talk about here? /versions - we will talk about a special path of development of Russia, not similar to the path of the West/

Creating a problematic situation

Write down the topic of today's lesson based on the first paragraph of the textbook.

    Using the timeline before § 1, determine which century will interest us today. /16th century/

Us. 32 read what foreigners Richard Chancellor and Francesco Tiepolo wrote about Russia at that time.

Judging by Chancellor's notes, what was the level of development of trading in Russia? Give examples

Trade in Russia was well developed: in Novgorod, Dutch merchants had their own storage house. Vologda traded in flax, wax and lard, Kholmogory traded in salt and fish.

Does this indicate the preservation or destruction of an agrarian society?

The development of trade in Russia indicates the destruction of an agrarian society, the replacement of a subsistence economy with a market economy.

How did the Italian Francesco Tiepolo speak about Russia? What did he say about the development of trade?

Francesco Tiepolo noted in his notes that in many regions of Russia there is no money at all, and where there is money, it is transferred to the benefit of the sovereign. Trade consists of the exchange of goods.

Does this fact indicate the preservation or destruction of the characteristics of an agrarian society?

This text provides examples of how an agrarian society was preserved in Russia.

Formulation of the problem

What contradiction do you see? Formulate the question for today's lesson.

Problem: In RussiaXVIcentury, the destruction of agrarian society began or not.

We need to remember the signs of an agrarian society and the signs of its destruction.

Updating knowledge- Verification work according to options

Option 1– Highlight the characteristics of an agrarian society. Complete the missing features (correct answer: 1,3,5, complete - preservation of natural economy, class system).

Option 2- Highlight the signs corresponding to the destruction of an agrarian society. Complete the missing features (correct answer: 2,4,6, complete - decreasing role of religion, emergence of democratic elections and parliament)


1. The main occupation is agriculture.

2. The emergence of a market economy.

3. The large role of the landowning nobility in management.

4. Destruction of classes.

5. The value of traditions and religion.

6. Spreading literacy and education.

Check and correction stage: students exchange notebooks, check each other’s work and evaluate (criteria: 1 error - “3”, all signs are highlighted correctly - “4”, missing signs are completed - “5”)

Discovery of new knowledge.

Let's move on to searching for the question posed. Draw the following table:


Is the agrarian society preserved or destroyed?





1 row- Read the text on p. 23- 25, 29. Complete (orally) the task for the illustration on p. 24.

- signs of an agrarian society prevailed in the Russian economy, but signs of its destruction began to appear. Subsistence farming dominated, the peasants provided themselves with everything they needed, paid quitrents (on patrimonial and local lands), and went to corvée. Craftsmen supplied part of their goods to the market (for sale), purchasing bread and raw materials at regional auctions. Some of the handicraft products were taken by the state. In addition to artisans, peasants from black-mown lands supplied part of the goods to regional auctions, buying iron products and earning money. those. Commodity farming gradually began to develop. State-owned manufactories appeared in Russia. carrying out orders from the state. Workers in factories received orders, raw materials and wages from the state, but they could not leave the factory.

2nd row- Read the text on p. 25-28 (Russian villages and their owners). Complete (orally) the task for the illustration on p. 27.

Did the destruction of agrarian society begin in Russia in the 12th century or not?

In Russia there was an estate system, that is, the entire society was divided into estates, groups of people with certain rights and responsibilities that were inherited. The bulk of the population were peasants. They belonged to the tax-paying classes. In addition to the peasants, the tax-paying stratum included the townspeople. The service stratum included service townspeople, nobles, boyars and service princes. The clergy and monks (votchinniki) were free from state duties. Since 1497, landowner peasants could leave their master only on St. George’s Day, and their rights were limited. This type social order characteristic of an agricultural society.

3rd row- Read the text on p. 29-31. Compare Russian and European cities of the 12th century according to the following criteria: appearance, lifestyle and occupations of residents.

Conclude which features prevailed in the city: features of an agrarian society or features of destruction.


Differences Russian city

Differences European city



occupations, residents

The cities were

development center

crafts and trade.

The cities looked like villages, the streets were overgrown with grass, the houses were surrounded by gardens, there were chapels on everyone's faces, people lived in ordinary huts.

Residents of Russian cities continue to lead

their economy and life are determined by religion and

traditions. In cities they live according to Domostroy.

The appearance of multi-storey buildings made of stone and brick, the streets were paved with cobblestones,

illuminated by oil lanterns.

Manufactories and banks appeared in cities.

stock exchanges, townspeople strive to open their own business,

appears new type person - entrepreneur.

Presentation and discussion of the results of the work.

As they answer, the class fills out the table that the students drew at the beginning of the lesson.




Preservation of natural economy, emergence of state-owned manufactories, Main value- land, subsistence farming, trade is poorly developed. The agrarian society is preserved, but elements of a new one appear.

Preservation of classes (the bulk are peasants), nobility was determined by the amount of land with those working on it

The value of customs and church rules. "Domostroy".

    Select from the table the signs of preserving an agrarian society and name them.

    Can we say that no changes have occurred in Russia?

    How would you answer the question posed at the beginning of the lesson?

    What area has been left unattended?

You will learn about how the government of Russia was organized by reading §2 and answering the questions before it.


1. §2 and answer the questions before it

2. Fill out the table on page 32 (expansion of territories) using point 4 (pages 39-40)

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