Sergei was recently released. Sergei Semyonov was released on parole

A resident of the Ulyanovsk region, Sergei Semenov, convicted of raping Diana Shurygina, spoke in the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live broadcast" about the conditions of early release. As it turned out, the young man is now required to walk with an electronic bracelet on his leg. Semenov was forbidden to leave native home in the village of Novocheremshansk, Novomalyklinsky district, Ulyanovsk region, more than 25 kilometers, and also walk after 22 hours.

As soon as Sergei is able to leave, he is going to go to another city. This should happen in a year and a half. Semenov watched the broadcast of the program “Let Them Talk,” in which Diana Shurygina emotionally reacted to his release. The young man continues to deny his guilt.

“I don’t think I’ll find a job under my release conditions. Diana's mom screams that I don't pay claims. For now, this is difficult to do due to circumstances. You can say that I am locked for a year and a half within 25 kilometers,” says Sergei.

Semenov’s relatives did not expect that his freedom of movement would be limited, but over time they came to terms with this measure provided for by law. Life young man became significantly more complicated. “Sergei didn’t tell us about this so as not to upset us. Mom reacts to everything very emotionally and takes it hard,” said Sergei’s sister Ekaterina.

“At first, the bracelet bothered him, he couldn’t sleep. Yesterday I was somehow upset, and this morning I woke up with a different thought. Now no one will take him away or imprison him. I think this is his protection,” said the young man’s mother, Olga.

Semyonov took letters from prison that were written to him from different cities and countries - it turned out to be two heavy bags. “In all this time I have not received a single bad letter. I would like to thank everyone,” the young man shared.

Yulia Kors, a friend of the notorious resident of Ulyanovsk, claims that she is going through a difficult period. “Diana is terribly traumatized by this situation,” she said. – How many people, so many opinions. Diana and I have been friends for about a year. They write that she drinks and partakes, this is not true.” Designer Kirill Mintsev also tried to support Shurygina. He denied rumors that he received a decent income from the project in which Diana participated.

Other participants in the sensational events that occurred in March 2016, when Shurygina was raped, also appeared in the studio. Another participant in the high-profile party, Anastasia Kulakevich, does not understand why Diana even went with them then.

“She didn't know anyone. She asked to join us at the very last moment. That day Diana climbed on everyone and hung herself. “I don’t consider her a victim,” the girl says. – There was a moment that everyone saw. She sat on Rukhlin in only a bra. It's none of our business what they did there. We were questioned and intimidated in the investigative department. They forced us to take testimony about how Diana’s father beat her.”

Actress Alexandra Kholoshina believes that Sergei Semenov should be sent back to jail. She began collecting signatures so that the young man would return to prison. Pavel Pyatnitsky, who was present among the experts on the program, reminded those around him of the young woman’s dubious past. Semyonov himself, who got in touch via Skype, said that he did not take her words seriously.

Convicted for the rape of Diana Shurygina, Sergei Semenov, after being released on parole, cannot move further than 25 kilometers from his home in the village of Novocheremshansk, Novomalyklinsky district, Ulyanovsk region. His movements are monitored using an electronic ankle bracelet.

The misadventures of Sergei Semenov, who became famous throughout the country after scandalous story with the rape of Diana Shurygina, did not end after leaving prison. “You can say that I’ve been locked up for a year and a half within 25 kilometers,” the young man said on the air of the “Live” program with Andrei Malakhov on the Rossiya 1 TV channel. He took part in the program via video link.


“I don’t think I’ll find a job under my conditions of release. Diana’s mom is screaming that I’m not paying the claims. For now, it’s difficult to do this due to the circumstances,” he added. In addition to the ban on moving further than 25 kilometers from home, Sergei Semenov is subject to another restriction - he is not allowed to walk after 22:00.

Compliance with these conditions is monitored using an electronic bracelet worn on the ankle. “At first, the bracelet bothered him, he couldn’t sleep,” admitted Sergei Semenov’s mother, Olga. However, she noted, the device can also be perceived as a kind of protection. “Now no one will take him away or put him in jail,” Olga Semenova noted.

The young man took letters from prison that were written to him from the most different corners Russia. The volume of correspondence amounted to two bags. “In all this time I have not received a single bad letter,” he noted.

Sergei Semenov was unable to give a clear answer to the question about future plans. "Nothing is clear about my limitations yet. I will think according to the circumstances. Everyone Thanks a lot", he concluded.

At the end of last year, a sex scandal occurred in Ulyanovsk, which received wide resonance everywhere. A 16-year-old girl accused Sergei Semyonov of rape, but the guy himself and his relatives denied involvement in the crime. After several months of investigation, the guy was sentenced to 8 years and 200 thousand rubles in compensation. However, the defense did not give up and filed an appeal. Yesterday a new court hearing took place, as a result of which the accused was sentenced to 5 years.

Sex scandal

Semenov’s sister, Ekaterina, told Rupor’s correspondent the defense version. On April 1, 2016, Semenov went to a friend’s birthday party. Several girls who were friends of the birthday boy came to the party. Among them was a minor, Diana Sh., who allegedly behaved provocatively, drank a lot of alcohol, and constantly hinted at sex to the boys present.

After some time, sexual intercourse took place between Sergei and Diana. Semyonov was sure that she was already 18 years old - the girl allegedly said this herself. A little later, at the same party, the girl entered into an intimate relationship with another young man.

Soon, her parents came for the young party girl and took her away. That same night they wrote a statement to the police, accusing Semyonov of rape.

Guilty or not?

Then there were a long and tedious 8 months of investigation, after which the guy was found guilty of rape and sentenced to 8 years in prison. Semenov’s relatives did not put up with such injustice and decided to make the story public.

As a result, the incident became public. Society is literally divided into those who support Sergei and those who support Diana. Large federal TV channels filmed stories about a sex scandal, famous bloggers talked about it on their channels. It is curious that even Diana herself admitted in an interview that she did not want such a severe punishment for her “rapist.”

Minus 5 years

Yesterday, a second hearing on this case was held in the Ulyanovsk Regional Court. Semenov’s relatives immediately spoke on social networks about the results of the hearing: “...we have a very good result! 3 years of general regime instead of 8, including house arrest.”

Ekaterina Semyonova, Sergei’s sister, confirmed her victory in court in telephone conversation with Rupor correspondent. “We are now in slight shock from everything that is happening - after all, Seryozha’s sentence also included house arrest, so he has even less than 3 years left, although recently everything threatened to turn into 8 years. “And all the relatives, and he himself, are very happy that the period has been reduced so much.”

According to Ekaterina, now the defense has not decided on a further strategy and it is not yet known whether they will fight for a complete cancellation of the term.

For a week, three thousand people searched for Daniil Biryukov, who disappeared on October 23. Zheleznogorsk searched and lived in hope that the boy would be found. Today those hopes have died. The Investigative Committee reported that the child was dead.

- On the evening of October 23, 2018, a statement was received from a resident of Zheleznogorsk about the unknown disappearance of his son. By this fact immediately opened a criminal case on the grounds of a crime under Part 2 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (murder), informs the press service of the department.

According to investigators, on October 23, at approximately 3 p.m., Danya entered the elevator of his building. There I met a 39-year-old man. Under a fraudulent pretext, he lured the child to his apartment, where, as the investigation suggests, he committed violent acts of a sexual nature.

To avoid punishment, he killed the boy by stabbing him in the head. Then he put the body in a large sports bag and took it to the village of Troyanovo, located about 20 kilometers from Zheleznogorsk. The corpse was hidden in a forest plantation outside the territory of his summer cottage, throwing branches, leaves and grass in the ravine.

Footage from the scene: Daniil Biryukov’s belongings.
Photo: Investigative Committee for the Kursk region.

The body was found, removed and taken to Zheleznogorsk. The suspect has been detained. Investigators examined the burial site of the boy's body.

The suspect's dacha, not far from which the boy's body was found.
Photo: Investigative Committee for the Kursk region.
- Currently, the scene of the incident is being inspected and the detainee is being interrogated. In the near future, a complex of forensic examinations will be carried out, including a psychiatric examination of the suspect to establish his tendency towards pedophilia. In relation to the man, the investigation will apply for a preventive measure in the form of detention. The investigation continues, the Investigative Committee reports.

A suspect has been detained in the murder of a schoolboy.

...“Found. Died Biryukov Daniil. “Thank you to everyone who did not remain indifferent and helped in the search,” these lines on the page of the “Lisa Alert” search team read like an epitaph. The city is in shock and mourning. Lord, help us all survive this terrible grief!

And social networks, where everything was already heated to the limit, simply exploded. The name of the alleged killer has already been named. People are shocked by what happened. They write that no one could have thought that a seemingly harmless neighbor would be capable of such a thing.

Not much is known about the 39-year-old detainee. Neighbors describe him as uncommunicative and withdrawn. Single, no children. Born and lived in Zheleznogorsk. After school, he graduated from college and worked as an electrician, they write on the networks.

He was polite to his neighbors, said hello, but did not communicate with anyone in particular. His mother (the woman died last year) complained that her son was hanging out on computers and was not interested in anything else.

Locals say the man was not seen with women. He rarely left the house at all. But they didn’t notice any unhealthy close attention to the children.

- He was an ordinary, unremarkable man. Lived alone. About some mental disorders It will be possible to speak only after the examination. Now he is only being interrogated, Maxim Rassamakin, senior assistant to the head of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Kursk Region, explains to KI.

The Investigative Committee is investigating the circumstances of the crime.
Photo: SK in the Kursk region.

Dear moms and dads, Please tell your children that they CANNOT enter other people’s apartments. Even neighbors. DO NOT talk to strangers. DO NOT get into other people's cars. Remind both kids and teenagers about this again!

Although Diana Shurygina herself stated that she is not going to petition for Semenov’s return to prison, her fans are collecting signatures to make this happen. Sergei himself currently placed under house arrest. The guy was put on an electronic ankle bracelet and he cannot go far from home. To go to study or work, for example, he needs to write an application.

This happened due to the fact that, by a court decision, Semenov had to pay compensation for moral damage to Diana Shurygina as the injured party, but this did not happen. Semenov’s family is deprived of funds, so the guy hoped to find a job and resume his studies. However, this will be difficult to do with a bracelet.

Sergei’s sister said that he knew about this decision when he was released, but did not immediately upset his mother.

The girls who were at that ill-fated party came to the studio of the “Live Broadcast” program to Andrei Malakhov. They claim that Diana behaved extremely defiantly, and also seduced guys herself and was not in the state of victim that she talks about. The girls saw how Diana flirted and made advances with Alexander Rukhlin, being alone with him naked. Witnesses also confirmed that it was her father who beat Diana that evening. Guests of the program, as well as Internet users, are shocked.

“Let’s collect signatures to bring Diana Shurygina to justice for giving false testimony”

“Poor guy, but I don’t feel sorry for the girl at all”

“I hope Sergei will be acquitted, and the Shurygin family (with capital letters I don’t want to write about them) they will go to prison. For all the slander"

“Hmm, is it possible to create a petition for Shurygina so that she can be put in prison?”

“I don’t understand people who are for Shurygina”

“Where are we going... The guy slept with a rogue, who herself provoked it, as the girls said, he has already served a year, and she has gained popularity and now they want to deprive him of his freedom again. We need to help financially and find the guy a strong lawyer.”

On Andrei Malakhov’s program it was repeatedly said that the witnesses were intimidated by investigators, and Semenov’s family did not even have a lawyer.

Diana Shurygina often changes her testimony, but she gets away with it all. She whole year She said that on that day, after the incident with Semyonov, a second rape occurred. But on the Channel One program, the girl admitted that this was not so and the testimony of female witnesses is all the more interesting because, according to Diana intimacy she was with Rukhlin after being raped by Semenov, and she was unconscious. The girls' words say otherwise.