Domestic and foreign policy. Domestic policy of the state

a set of areas of economic, demographic, social integration, socio-cultural, repressive, etc. activities of the kudarstvo, its structures and institutions aimed at preserving or reforming the existing socio-political system.

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a set of activities of the state, its structures and institutions for the organizational, concrete and substantive expression of the interests of the people in order to create conditions for normal human life; maintaining or reforming the existing social and government system. The areas of domestic policy are diverse: economic, demographic, cultural, agricultural, social, etc. One of these areas is political.

Domestic policy in the political sphere is aimed at modernization, improvement of the political system of society, its individual institutions, political relations and relationships between institutions, rules, norms, laws governing these interactions, and in general, the creation of a stable, effective policy. This policy is based on real human interests, fundamental constitutional principles: the exercise of human rights and freedoms should not violate the rights and freedoms of others; the rights and freedoms of man and citizen are directly applicable; everyone is equal before the law and court; the state guarantees equality of rights and freedoms of man and citizen, regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, property and official status, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, membership of public associations, as well as other circumstances; the dignity of the individual is protected by the state; citizens have the right to participate in the management of state affairs, both directly and through their representatives; elect and be elected to state and local government bodies, participate in referendums, etc.

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Politics is one of the social sciences, namely the study of ways to achieve state goals. There are internal and external P. The first is determined by the content of the goals that the government and the ruling classes of society set for themselves, and the means by which these goals are achieved. The goals of internal politics can be dynastic (protecting the interests of the ruling family), aristocratic (protecting the rights and advantages of a small group of noble families), military (promoting the power of the armed forces), popular (caring for the spiritual and economic interests of the entire population); according to the form of means: conservative (protection of the old system of institutions and privileges of individual classes), progressive (striving for transformations of the state and social system), liberal (government’s trust in social elements), etc. Dismembering the state. management into individual sectors, we can talk about financial, customs, railway, tariff, land, trade, industrial, etc. External control includes questions about the relations of states among themselves, about war and peace, about alliances and agreements between states in business international trade, questions about the division of spheres of influence in border countries, about ownership of the sea, about colonies, etc.

Ext.p. implements various functions of the state: ensuring the unity, independence, sovereignty and security of society and satisfying its interests that go beyond its borders, affecting the interests of other countries. This is its connection with internal p. Ext value increases when society is threatened by an external enemy, and the rest of the time it comes down to creating favorable externalities. conditions for solving internal problems.

Policy (external and internal) is determined by the prevailing political force. Each force has its own ideas about the interests of society and the capabilities of the state, its external goals and ways of solving international problems. But when developing and carrying out external activities. it is forced to take into account the positions of other political forces that are capable of influencing external affairs. As a result, external p. may correspond to, deviate from, or even contradict the common interests of heterogeneous sections of society. But in any case, it expresses the state’s attitude to international problems and its position in international political processes.

In Russia, the basis of external p. – use of the country’s human and natural resources for more efficient production and meeting the needs of the population. The people are not recognized as one nation and their “common interest” cannot be called national. There are various watered. forces that put forward different external sexes. priorities and concepts. Communist party - the revival of the USSR and its tasks external.p. Russian-national forces - for the expansion of territory, access to the Indian Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea. Liberal democratic – development of a market economy, inclusion of the country in the world economy. Now the influence of the Russian Federation on the world stage is weakened by a shortage of capital and high technology. Insufficient efficiency of power, slowness and costs of reforms, bloody wars (Chechnya) and ambitions make it difficult to strengthen international positions and achieve foreign policy. goals.

Internal functions: 1. Security. 2. Economic. 3. Social. 4. Cultural and educational. 5. Environmental protection.

External functions: 1. Protection of the state from armed attacks of other states. 2. Maintaining international political relations (diplomatic activities), economic and cultural ties. 3. The fight against international crime. 4. Participation in international environmental protection.

Among the traditional problems of political psychology: the study of mechanisms for ensuring political influence and types of political leadership, identifying the causes of aggressiveness and violence in politics, studying the mechanism of political decision-making and models of political activity, its motivation, creating psychobiographies of famous political figures aimed at identifying those key points in their lives, which determined the peculiarities of their political character, their characteristic ways of solving political problems and establishing contacts with followers.

Interdependence of domestic and foreign policies

Every state pays attention to its domestic and foreign policies. The internal policy of the state apparatus is aimed at solving its own problems of power: optimizing the interaction of legislative, executive and judicial institutions of power, as well as solving issues of reproduction of the material and spiritual culture of society, improving the quality of life of the population, improving civil society, ensuring the internal security of the individual and society and the state itself as a country.

The foreign policy of a state is determined mainly by national interests, which in international relations can be perceived as fair or unfair, peaceful or aggressive, tolerant or ambitious, consistent or inconsistent with international law. In the course of implementing foreign policy objectives, the state strives to ensure its security and the security of the subjects of society, eliminate or neutralize external threats.

In foreign policy, many other tasks of a diplomatic, economic, social, spiritual and other nature are solved. As a result of foreign policy activities, the country's state apparatus seeks to create favorable conditions for the implementation of domestic policy. They can be important both for the well-being of citizens, society, and for the apparatus of government itself. Another important desired result of foreign policy is the international recognition and authority of the country and its leadership. The terms “great power”, “developed state”, “moderately developed state”, “tertiary state”, “collaborating state” are filled with specific content in the process of foreign policy interactions. In this case, both real internal and external successes of the state and ideological and manipulative means are used.

Depending on the specific historical cultural development of society and the characteristics of the interaction of state power with subjects of society, internal politics can have varying degrees of extension to social relations and processes. In countries where indicators of material and spiritual culture have not received developed forms, public administration, as a rule, extends to all aspects of the life of society, and often subordinates them to itself. Public administration itself is carried out in authoritarian forms, which can be based on legal norms or established subjectively. At the same time, domestic policy is carried out primarily from the top down.

In industrialized and socially developed countries, the internal policy of the state does not apply to all spheres of life of society and types of activities of its subjects. In civil society, independent sociocultural entities are emerging that are capable of reproducing material and spiritual culture without the support of the state apparatus, and even more so without its interference in their affairs. Such internal political governance requires not only an intelligent and fair, active “tsar”, a “good” government and other state institutions, but also democracy based on law, highly developed subjectivity of citizens, and their awareness of their rights and freedoms.

In the course of emerging crises and conflict in any society, the scope of state power expands. The country's state apparatus has more opportunities and means to overcome crises and conflicts in society, including violent ones on a legal basis. The long-term inability of the state apparatus to successfully manage social development and unsuccessful internal policies are also the causes of social tensions in society and lead to a change in state power and political regime.

General features of domestic and foreign policy.The foreign policy of a state is largely determined by the success or failure of its domestic policy. This is their common characteristics.

1. Both domestic and foreign policies are carried out in typical spheres of life of society and community: economic, governmental, social, spiritual, environmental, military-political. The activity, for example, of the state in the foreign economic sphere is based on internal economic policy: how public administration interacts with the financial, industrial, transport, mining, trade and other structures of the country, how it forms and uses the state budget, how it manages state property. The foreign policy legal activity of the state also depends on the state of law within the country, on the activities of legislative, law-executive and other state institutions.

We can say that what is common to the domestic and foreign policies of the state is the identity of their content and main directions of implementation. Effective internal policy for state management of spheres of social life largely determines the credibility and effectiveness of the state’s foreign policy in these areas.

2. Domestic and foreign policy have two varieties, taking into account its scale and time indicators. Both domestic and foreign policy have tactical and strategic components. Tactical (current) policy is aimed at implementing immediate goals and objectives, as well as plans and programs of political strategy. It has flexibility, a close connection with current political processes, events and situations, the use of temporary agreements, the acquisition of allies (supporters) in solving specific problems, the prompt use of methods and means of political interaction, the involvement of citizens (electorates, layers) in election campaigns, the formation of internal and foreign policy public opinion.

Strategic domestic and foreign policy is aimed at long-term interactions, at the development and implementation of long-term plans and programs, at the future of politics itself, the state and the world community. The essence of strategic policy is the selection and justification of the fundamental significant goals and priorities of the internal and foreign policy development of the state. The content of strategic policy may include: the search for political forces, logistical, financial, spiritual and other necessary resources to achieve the intended goals, the creation of new political parties and blocs within the country and in the international arena, the conclusion of agreements with other states, the forecast of intermediate and final results . Strategic policy is considered to include long-term (10-15 years) and medium-term (3-10 years) stages.

DOMESTIC POLITICS - a set of areas of economic, demographic, social integration, socio-cultural, repressive, etc. activities of the state, its structures and institutions aimed at preserving or reforming the existing socio-political system. In the implementation of domestic policy goals. the state uses a wide range of means: consolidating existing property relations or transforming them on its territory; tax levers and benefits; creation of socially prestigious and socially non-prestigious social statuses by economic, propaganda, ideological and repressive means; regulation of employment by creating jobs in the public sector of the economy; targeted organization of social education, general and special education; events in the field of health and sports; organization of investigative, judicial and penitentiary systems; regulation of the readaptation service for persons observed in deviant behavior, etc. The foundation of domestic policy. is the correlation of socio-economic structures that has developed at a given stage of development of society, and the resulting correlation of the dominant classes and other social groups in society, which determines the priority of goals, the choice of methods and means, and the degree of satisfaction with the intermediate results of internal political development.

FOREIGN POLICY - the activities of the state in the international arena, regulating relations with other subjects of foreign policy activities: states, foreign parties and other public organizations, world and regional international organizations. Foreign policy is based on the economic, demographic, military, scientific, technical and cultural potential of the state; the combination of the latter determines the foreign policy capabilities of the state in certain areas, the hierarchy of priorities in setting and implementing foreign policy goals. The form of traditional implementation of foreign policy is the establishment of diplomatic relations (or a decrease in their level, suspension, rupture, and even a declaration of war when relations with former partners worsen) between states; opening of state representations at world and regional international organizations or state membership in them; cooperation with state-friendly foreign political parties and other public organizations; implementing and maintaining at various levels episodic and regular contacts with representatives of states, foreign parties and movements with which a given state does not have diplomatic relations or friendly ties, but with which it is interested in dialogue for one reason or another. The presence of stable channels of communication with foreign partners allows the state to diversify the combination of methods and means of foreign policy activities: regular exchange of information, exchange of visits at different levels; preparation and conclusion of bilateral and multilateral treaties and agreements on a wide range of issues, including treaties and agreements of a confidential and secret nature; promoting the development of opportunities for the domestic and foreign policy activities of some states and blocking similar opportunities for others (in one direction or another); preparation and implementation of partial or complete blockade; preparation for war and ensuring favorable conditions for conducting military operations, etc.

In general, the foreign policy course of a given state is determined by the character, class nature of its domestic policy. At the same time, the foreign policy situation significantly influences domestic policy. Ultimately, both foreign and domestic policies solve one problem - to ensure the preservation and strengthening of the existing system of social relations in a given state. But within the framework of this fundamental community, each of the two main policy directions has its own important specifics. Methods for solving internal political problems are determined by the fact that the state - even with pronounced opposition - has a monopoly on political power in a given society. But in the international arena there is no single center of power; there are states that are, in principle, equal in rights and relations between them are formed as a result of struggle and negotiations, various kinds of agreements and compromises.

In its content, politics is a social attitude, primarily regarding power. Politics is manifested through the activities of institutions and institutions of state power, the science and art of political maneuvering, its methods and means, political ideology, including the development of goals, objectives and principles of policy. In the scientific literature, a distinction is made between the terms “foreign policy” and “international relations”. The latter are considered as a broader concept, including not only political, but also other connections between subjects of international relations.

In the history of social relations, foreign policy appeared almost simultaneously with the emergence of states. The foreign policy of a state can be defined as the area of ​​its activities, primarily its governing bodies in the field of international relations, in order to exert directed influence on other participants in international relations.

Foreign policy is an integral part of state policy, determining the actions of the state in the sphere of domestic policy. Sometimes it is simply a function of internal politics. Each state pursues one or another foreign policy course. The need for foreign policy arises from the fact that domestic policy does not fully meet the needs and interests of a given society. In this sense, foreign policy is a continuation and complement of domestic policy, performing auxiliary functions in relation to domestic political processes. Every political regime faces the need to implement a foreign policy that would serve the needs of domestic policy.

It must be remembered that foreign policy is carried out in different social conditions than domestic policy. The international community has its own decentralized structure, the constituent elements of which are sovereign states. Ultimately, political action in the international arena is based less on regulations that subordinate individuals to a given government authority, but on the joint activities of people and their cooperation.

Specific features of foreign policy.

Some specific and basic features of foreign policy can be identified. One of its most important features is development and implementation of foreign policy goals . Of course, the formulation of programs and the organization of political action are always determined by the specific situation in the international arena. For example, the successes of Soviet foreign policy during perestroika are largely related to the proclaimed principle of de-ideologization of foreign policy.

One of the features characterizing the foreign policy activities of the state, as already noted, is the ability of this state to maintain political stability at the proper level within the state . The interrelations and interdependencies of domestic and foreign policy extend to almost all spheres of public life, be it economics, culture, science. Therefore it is obvious feedback from the impact of domestic policy on foreign policy . An effective foreign policy can actively influence the implementation of domestic policy goals. The domestic policy of each state not only determines the directions, but also provides the means for implementing foreign policy. The latter not only serves the goals of domestic policy, but also adjusts it in accordance with international conditions.

Types of foreign policy.

The implementation of the internal functions of the state takes on different forms depending on the prevailing circumstances in the international arena. It is possible to identify certain types of foreign policy that are characteristic of certain states in modern conditions.

One of these types is passive foreign policy , which is inherent in economically weak states forced to adapt to the international situation. Aggressive foreign policy consists in the formation of one’s own domestic policy and the desire to adapt (through foreign policy) or force other states to change in the domestic and foreign policies. Active foreign policy consists of an intensive search for a balance between domestic and foreign policies. Conservative foreign policy consists in the active or even aggressive protection of the previously achieved balance between domestic and foreign policy. This policy is typical of some former superpowers. An example is the British response to the 1984 Argentine invasion of the Falklands-Malvinas.

Foreign policy is designed to regulate the relationship between states and peoples, the course of a particular state and its representatives in the international arena, aimed at achieving national and state interests. To determine the essence of the foreign policy course of any country, it is extremely necessary to take into account the prevailing internal social relations. Being “transferred” to the international arena in the person of the state, they become state foreign policy aimed at preserving and strengthening this structure of social relations and forms of ownership. Any state strives to turn its international policy into an important tool for strengthening its positions and achieving its class goals. The foreign policy of any civilized state is based on national interests. Foreign policy thereby expresses national interests in the international arena and selects adequate means and methods for their implementation.

The main subjects of foreign policy are:

· The state, its institutions, as well as political leaders and heads of state. The state plays a decisive role in shaping foreign policy.

· Non-governmental organizations, the so-called “public diplomacy”, which includes the activities of both political parties and movements, and non-political associations and unions.

The success of foreign policy depends on the objectivity and reality of the reflection of pressing public interests, as well as on adequately developed means and methods for realizing these interests and achieving set goals.

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