How to draw anime Lady Bug and Super Cat with a pencil step by step for beginners? How to draw a full-length anime Lady Bug and the face of Super Cat with a pencil? How to draw a Super Cat mask with a pencil.

The cartoon “Lady Bug and Super Cat” has gained wide popularity. That is why the characters were very fond of the audience. Many people try to draw Lady Bug on their own and Super Kota. If you do this step by step, based on the photos, recommendations and videos below, then this will not be difficult at all. The girl Marinette with unique abilities and Cat Noir can be drawn with a simple pencil and, if desired, colored with felt-tip pens. So how to draw a superhero drawing?

Step-by-step instructions for drawing Lady Bug and Super Cat

Draw the main characters from a popular cartoon yourself, even without being professional artist, is quite real. Below are several videos to help with this, and master classes with photos. If you follow the recommendations step by step and don’t rush, the drawing will certainly work out.

Instructions for drawing a portrait of Lady Bug

Drawing Ladybug with your own hands is quite simple.

  1. A circle is drawn. It is complemented by auxiliary guides. Marinette's head should be slightly tilted down. This is why the eye line is located just below the center level. This contour must be divided into 5 identical segments.
  2. Now the guide in the center of Lady Bug's head lowers. The jawline is outlined with a horizontal stroke. This segment connects to the points where the ears should be drawn. Sketches of the mouth and nose are made.
  3. All extra contours erased with an eraser in stages. You can leave only hints from them for ease of creating a drawing.
  4. I need to draw top part Lady Bug's eye.
  5. Next, Marinette's nose, the lower part of her eyes and the contours of her mouth are drawn.
  6. Then you need to take care of the little things. At this stage, you should draw the iris of Lady Bug's eyes from the cartoon. A notch is made above the upper lip. You need to draw the lower part of the mouth, ears and outline the shape of the face.
  7. Now we need to draw eyelashes, pupils, and make the outlines of Lady Bug’s mask.
  8. Then the mask is drawn in more detail. You should also make bangs and outline Lady Bug's hair with strokes.
  9. Then you need to draw the shadow of the eyelashes and the iris of Ladybug's eyes.
  10. Next, you need to draw characteristic circles on the mask and outline the direction of Lady Bug’s hair.
  11. All that remains is to make the shadows in the drawing. They will make the drawing more voluminous and realistic.
  12. If you wish, you can color the drawing based on the color range, which is given in the cartoon.

Instructions for drawing Super Cat

It’s quite easy to draw Ladybug and Super Cat yourself. The instructions proposed in this MK will allow you to easily draw a Super Cat drawing. The image is bright and dynamic. The main thing is to follow the proposed instructions step by step.

  1. To draw Super Cat, you should first visually evaluate the sheet and mentally arrange the details of the image on it. The circle is drawn first. This is the future head of Super Cat.
  2. Since this MK allows you to draw Super Cat from a slightly side angle, the circle should be divided by a vertical outline. One half will be larger, the other a little smaller. The face needs to be lengthened a little. Below you should draw the chin and mouth. Don't forget about the very shape of Super Cat's face. The silhouette of a superhero mask is drawn.
  3. Next you need to draw Super Cat's hair. They will be a little disheveled. Hair below the ears. Their tips are slightly pointed. At the same step you need to draw the eyes of the Super Cat. A line is drawn along the central part of the mask. There will be eyes here. It is better to outline them with short dashed lines.
  4. Now let's start drawing the body of Super Cat. It is necessary to outline the contours of the torso and outstretched arms. You need to draw ears in the form of triangles on the top of the head.
  5. Then comes the most difficult part: drawing the hands in detail and accurately. The Super Cat in this picture has them bent.
  6. Only the finishing touches remain. The eraser erases all auxiliary contours. The entire silhouette of Super Cat is clearly outlined. The pupils are made more realistic. All the details and attributes of the superhero are drawn with a pencil.
  7. All that remains is to color the Super Cat with colored pencils or pens. You can use paints or markers.

Instructions for creating a simple Lady Bug drawing

This lesson for beginners will help you easily draw Ladybug from the popular cartoon project.

  1. Drawing this superhero begins traditionally. You need to sketch out the base on a piece of paper with a pencil. Draw a circle on top. It shares a couple of guiding strokes. Plus the lines of the shoulders and torso are drawn.
  2. A sketch of Lady Bug's chin is made.
  3. Above this contour, lines of Lady Bug’s ears, bangs, and side strands are created.
  4. A hairstyle should be drawn above the main auxiliary circle. In this image, Ladybug has pigtails.
  5. Slightly below the guideline and bangs you should draw the eyes.
  6. A Lady Bug mask is being created.
  7. You need to draw a smile and a nose.
  8. Now all the lines and strokes that were auxiliary when working on the Lady Bug drawing will need to be erased. You need to place spots on the mask. The contours of the ear are drawn.
  9. Neck outlines are made.
  10. Lines are drawn for the silhouette of Lady Bug's body.
  11. Everything unnecessary is erased.
  12. Lady Bug's drawing can only be colored with pencils.

Video for beginners: how to draw Lady Bug and Super Cat

"Lady Bug" is a cartoon that modern little princesses like. This fascinating story how ordinary girl who lives ordinary life, has unique abilities. But she hides this very carefully from others. In order to understand and know how to draw Lady Bug and Super Cat using regular pencil, let's get acquainted with general information about these characters.

Life of Lady Bug

For everyone around her, she is just a girl who loves to hang out with her friends, go to parties, and takes care of herself and fashion. She likes a boy from her class named Adrian. But the problem is that he simply doesn’t notice her. Marinette is simply thrilled by his gaze alone. She studies at a regular school in Paris. Her abilities are that as soon as someone is in danger or finds herself in an unpleasant situation, she instantly transforms into Lady Bug. Residents know about its existence, but no one knows who is hiding under the mask. She has a very good and close girlfriend named Alya, but even she is not aware that Marinette is the chosen one.

In addition to Ladybug, the city is also guarded by Supercat. Those around him also don’t know who he really is, but he always finds himself in a place where his help is simply needed. When Parisians get into trouble, they always hope that a superhero will help them. These chosen heroes have become friends, but each of them has their own secrets that they are in no hurry to reveal to each other. The intrigue is what will happen when superheroes find out each other's deepest secrets?

How to draw Lady Bug with a pencil? Girls love not only to watch cartoons with their favorite characters, but also to draw in coloring books, and also create their own images on paper. Therefore, many are interested in how to draw Lady Bug with a pencil. If you know the sequence, it will be easy to do, even if you do not have a unique drawing talent.

Drawing with a pencil...

How to draw Lady Bug step by step? An approximate algorithm of actions will help create a completely unique and unique image a superhero who will look like a famous cartoon character.

  • You should start with bangs.
  • After that, add strands of hair and outline the line of the face shape. The image is already visible.
  • After that, draw a mask on the face in the eye area. After all, Lady Bug is constantly hiding under a special mask.
  • Once the eye area is already defined, you can start drawing the eyes.
  • We depict the nose and lips.
  • The head is already ready. Next, you should decide in what pose the superheroine will be depicted if you want to draw her in full height. She can just stand or sit, or you can depict her in one of the superhero poses. If you have chosen the option of how to draw Lady Bug in full growth, then proceed to outlining the main lines of the body. This must be done with thin solid lines, since this is not the final version. Don't forget to mark where the limbs bend. After this, you can begin to outline the silhouette of the body.

    The final stage of image creation

    The drawing is almost ready, but something is missing... Draw circles all over the body and mask. If your drawing is black and white, then simply paint over them with black. If desired, you can color it with colored pencils or gouache.

    The article contains tips and instructions in pictures on how to draw children's favorite cartoon superheroes - Lady Bug and Cat Noir.

    The adventures of superheroes have always been interesting to children. It is not surprising that they liked the French-Japanese cartoon “Lady Bug and Super Cat” so much. Let's learn how to draw the main characters of this cartoon, endowed with incredible abilities.

    How to draw a full-length anime Lady Bug with a pencil step by step for beginners?

    Lady Bug.

    Ladybug, the superheroine in the ladybug costume, is actually a teenage girl from Paris. When fighting villains, she wears a mask and a tight-fitting costume in the typical color of a ladybug - red with black dots.
    Ladybug has a very cute, cartoonish, easy-to-draw face. The superhero girl costume is also not difficult to reproduce. A 7-8 year old child can handle this.

    IMPORTANT: The greatest difficulty is to draw Lady Bug in one of the signature poses borrowed from martial arts. After all, in still frames from cartoons and pictures she is depicted half-turned, in a lunge, in a half-split, in a jump, but not standing straight.

    Let's start by drawing Lady Bug's face first.

    1. Mark your sheet. The upper half will be occupied by the superheroine’s head, the lower half will be occupied by her neck and shoulders.
    2. Make sketches thin lines a simple pencil– mark the head in a circle, with a slightly curved vertical line – the neck and the central axis of the chest, horizontal line, crossing the vertical line - the shoulders.
    3. Mark a circle - a sketch of the head, so that later you can draw Lady Bug’s facial features in a relatively symmetrical and proportional manner. Please note that in this picture she will be standing slightly sideways.
    4. Ladybug has a pointed chin, so you should lengthen your face. Make it so that vertical line, dividing the face in half, went beyond the circle. Start drawing the contours of our heroine’s face from the chin and cheekbones.
    5. Ladybug's hairstyle is two ponytails and bangs. Draw it. Do not make the bangs continuous, divide it into separate strands, then the hair will not look too artificial.
    6. Our heroine's eyes are large, which is typical for Japanese animation. Now you should draw them. Arrows should extend from the outer corners.
    7. It's time to start drawing the half mask. It covers Ladybug's face from the middle of her forehead to the middle of her cheeks. The mask will be streamlined.
    8. Draw for a girl sharp nose hiccup and thin lips stretched into a smile.
    9. In a chaotic order, draw circles on Ladybug's mask so that it repeats the pattern of the ladybug's wings.
    10. Now all you have to do is finish drawing the teenage superheroine’s neck and shoulders, erasing all the now unnecessary auxiliary lines and color your drawing.
    Lady Bug's face step by step: 1. Lady Bug's face step by step: 2. Lady Bug's face step by step: 3. Lady Bug's face step by step: 4. Lady Bug's face step by step: 5. Lady Bug's face step by step: 6. Lady Bug's face step by step: 7. Lady Bug's face step by step: 8. Ladybug's face step by step: 9. Lady Bug's face step by step: 10.

    Ladybug's face.

    Let's still try to depict Lady Bug in motion, in full growth. Let's choose her two “crown” poses.

    1. Place a sheet of paper horizontally. In its upper half, sketch out Lady Bug's head and face.
    2. Below sketch out the outlines of her body. She seemed to be crouched in a half split. All stretched out right leg from the tip thumb together with the thigh of the left leg, they form a straight line.
    3. The characteristic position of the hands allows our heroine to maintain balance - her right hand rests on the floor, and her left is raised up and pulled back.
    4. Now mark and draw Lady Bug's hairstyle, mask and facial features as indicated in the instructions above in the article.
    5. Add ribbons in her hair and a belt around her waist. First mark the ladybug spots on the costume and mask with circles and then shade them.
    Ladybug in pencil: steps 1-2. Ladybug in pencil: steps 3-4. Ladybug in pencil: steps 5-6.

    Ladybug in pencil.

    The next pose of Lady Bug is even more difficult. In your drawing, the girl will be depicted crouched and half-turned.

    1. First, make sketches for Ladybug's head and torso. The head is a circle, the chest is a trapezoid that has fallen onto a rib, the hips are a circle. Immediately mark the face.
    2. Draw the bases of the girl's arms and legs with straight lines. Since she is crouched, her knees will bend into sharp angles.
    3. Draw Lady Bug's hairstyle, mask and face, you are already good at this.
    4. Using smooth lines, connect your blanks for the heroine’s chest and hips, then give her arms and legs a streamlined look.
    5. Paint Lady Bug's costume with black dots different forms and sizes. Erase the sketched lines and color the drawing if desired.
    Lady Bug in full growth: step 1. Lady Bug in full growth: step 2. Lady Bug in full growth: step 3. Lady Bug in full growth: step 4. Lady Bug in full growth: step 5. Lady Bug in full growth: step 6. Lady Bug in full growth: step 7. Lady Bug in full growth: step 8. Lady Bug in full growth: step 9. Ladybug in full height.

    If you want to draw Ladybug in anime style, use these instructions in pictures.

    Ladybug anime in pencil: steps 1-2.

    Ladybug anime in pencil: steps 3-4.

    Ladybug anime in pencil: steps 5-6.

    Ladybug anime in pencil: steps 7-8. Ladybug anime in pencil: step 9.

    VIDEO: How to draw Lady Bug?

    VIDEO: How to draw Lady Bug with a pencil in the cells?

    How to draw a Lady Bug mask with a pencil?

    One of essential attributes the girls are Marinette, that's what they're called main character cartoon, when she turns into Lady Bug, is a mask, or rather, a half-mask.

    IMPORTANT: A half mask is a narrow bandage on the face that covers only the upper part of it.
    Ladybug's mask is simple; its only feature is the characteristic coloring of the ladybug's wings. If you learn how to draw it with a pencil, after a short practice you can make it for yourself from cardboard as a part of a carnival costume.

    Ladybug mask for carnival costume.

    How to draw Super Cat's face with a pencil?

    Super-Cat (or Cat Noir) is Ladybug's partner, the superhero that Marinette's friend Adrian turns into. He is wearing a black tight suit and a black half mask. In addition, black cat ears appear on the hero's head.
    Let's try to draw him in the company of our Lady Bug. Let's start with the portrait.

    1. As always, you should draw the frame first. The head is in the form of an oval, pointed downwards, the neck and shoulders are in the form of slightly curved vertical and horizontal lines.
    2. Draw Super Cat's hairstyle. Him voluminous hair, which you should divide into strands.
    3. Using the markings, draw the lips, eyes and half mask of the hero. The nose will be visible from under the half mask.
    4. Add Cat Noir's cat ears.
    5. Now, based on your sketched lines, draw out his neck and shoulders.
    6. A distinctive feature of Cat Noir's costume is the large yellow metal bell on his neck. Don't forget to include it in your drawing.
    7. Erase everything unnecessary from the portrait of Super-Cat, color it if desired.

    Super Cat's face in pencil step by step.

    How to draw anime Super Cat with a pencil step by step?

    Now let’s depict Super-Cat in full growth, also in a fighting pose.

    1. Make a frame: a circle for the head, a trapezoid placed on a smaller base for the chest, another circle for the hips.
      Use lines to outline the arms and legs of Super-Cat, make corners where the elbow and knee joints will be. Don't forget that Super Cat still has a tail; sketch out its frame as well.
    2. Draw the hero's hair, ears, mask and facial features.
    3. Give volume to his arms and legs. Our hero is wearing boots, the protectors on the soles of which, by the way, imitate a cat's paw. At his waist, Super-Cat has a belt, the continuation of which is the tail. Hands with sharp claws (if you want, depict them in the picture) are dressed in gloves. And on the guy’s wrists you need to draw wristbands.
    4. IN right hand Super-Cat will be holding a combat staff.

    Full-length Super Cat in pencil: step 1.

    Full-length Super Cat in pencil: step 2.

    Full-length Super Cat in pencil: step 3.

    Full-length Super Cat in pencil: step 4.

    Full-length Super Cat in pencil: step 5.

    Full-length Super Cat in pencil: step 6.

    Full-length Super Cat in pencil: step 7.

    Full-length Super Cat in pencil: step 8.

    Full-length Super Cat in pencil: step 9.

    Full-length Super Cat in pencil: step 10.

    VIDEO: How to draw a SUPER CAT from the cartoon LADY BUG AND SUPER CAT?

    How to draw a Super Cat mask with a pencil?

    Super Cat's mask is slightly wider than Lady Bug's, and she has a more pointed nose. This mask can also be used as part of a carnival costume.

    Super Cat mask for carnival costume.

    How to draw a Super Cat mascot with a pencil?

    Lady Bug and Super Cat have talismans - kwamas. These are small humanoid creatures Tikki (she looks like ladybug) and Plagg (he looks like a cat). These little creatures are very cute, but have incredible capabilities, they are the ones who allow the Parisian boys Marinette and Adrien to turn into superheroes.

    Lady Bug: drawing for children.

    Many of us are fans of animated series. And the characters you like the most are worthy of being drawn. Now we're talking about about Ladybug and Cat Super, two high school students - superheroes who unite against evil. We invite you to look step by step drawing these heroes in pictures and videos.

    What you will need:

    • Sheet A4;
    • Pencil with hardness H or 2H;
    • Eraser;
    • Pencil with hardness from B to 6B (to choose from).

    So, how to draw Lady Bug and Super Cat with a pencil.

    Take a pencil with a hardness of H or 2H. Mark the approximate location of the figures on the sheet and begin to draw more precise outlines of Lady Bug.

    And now, we have the outlines of her figure and hairstyle, and now, with the same pencil, begin to draw facial features: lightly outline rather large eyes, a small nose (two dots and brackets on the sides), draw a line of the mouth, on the sides of which draw stripes-lips . As for the location of the nose and eyes, it is very convenient to navigate by her mask on her face, for example, the width of the mask under the eyes is equal to the width of Lady Bug’s eyes.

    Now draw circles on Lady Bug’s costume and let’s start drawing Super Cat step by step. Having drawn his approximate outlines of the figure in the same way as Lady Bug, draw the specific outlines of his figure and hairstyle. And proceed to the face: a sharp nose, the width of the lower part of the mask (under the cat’s eyes) is equal to the width of the eyes, a light stripe of the mouth and thin lips. Draw ears in the strands of hair.

    The next step is to take a pencil with a hardness from B to 6B (to choose from) and draw Lady Bug in detail: pupils, strands of hair. And we emphasize the main details.

    We also emphasize all the details of the Super Cat’s face, strands of hair and everything that seems necessary to you. (Follow the picture example). Lady Bug and Super Cat are ready!

    We also suggest watching a video on how to draw Lady Bug and Super Cat. Subscribe to our YouTube channel and be the first to watch our new videos! Enjoy watching!

    In this lesson we will draw characters from the cartoon “Lady Bug and Super Cat”. We will draw, respectively, Ladybug and Super Cat :)

    You can draw these characters with any materials: markers, pens or paints. But, we will make sketches with a pencil, so prepare a pencil, eraser and sharpener before drawing, just in case.

    How to draw Lady Bug step by step

    So, let's start with Lady Bug. We will draw with a pencil and then trace the resulting lines, so don’t worry if you did some of the strokes incorrectly. Feel free to erase and redraw.

    Stage 1
    First, let's sketch Lady Bug's head. Let's draw a circle and, starting from it, draw a chin.

    Stage 2
    At the second stage, we draw the nose, mouth and sketch the mask.

    Stage 3
    Now let's draw the eyes. Drawing two identical eyes is one of the most difficult tasks for beginning artists. In our example, Lady Bug looks to the right with her eyes squinted, so in this case the eyes may not be perfectly identical.

    Stage 4
    Let's start drawing the hair. Also, at this stage we will draw the neck. The neck is not just drawn with two straight lines, the lines should be slightly curved. In our example right line much more curved than the left.

    Stage 5
    At the fifth stage, we finalize the hairstyle; you need to add pigtails. Draw circles on the mask. Also, you need to draw the body for our Lady Bug: shoulders, arms and a small part of the chest.

    Stage 6
    We make circles on our superhero’s costume and draw on the hands.

    Stage 7
    Now it's time to erase all the auxiliary lines and outline the remaining ones with a pen or felt-tip pen. Of course, if you want to draw a picture with a pencil, then simply erase the auxiliary lines and outline the remaining ones thicker.

    Stage 8
    We color our drawing and Lady Bug is ready :)

    How to draw Super Cat step by step

    It's time to draw Super Cat!

    Stage 1
    Most easy stage, just draw as much as possible smooth circle. Next it will be a little more complicated :)

    Stage 2
    We will draw Super Cat from the side view. Therefore, the chin and mask should be slightly angled as in the picture below.

    At this stage you should make the nose, mouth and mask.

    Stage 3
    We make a hairstyle for our Super Cat and draw eyes. The beauty of drawing a half-turned head is that the eyes can (should) be drawn differently :) The left eye turns out a little larger than the right one, because it is closer to us.

    Stage 4
    The fourth is a rather difficult step in drawing Super Cat. In this step you need to draw the body and arms spread to the sides. Don’t worry if you don’t get it right the first time, you can always redraw it :) Also, don’t forget about the ears!

    Stage 5
    Now let's work on the arms. The fingers need to be placed in such a position as if Super Cat wants to grab something.

    Stage 6
    We erase all the auxiliary lines and trace the remaining lines.

    Stage 7
    On last stage We color our drawing and Super Cat is ready!