Watch the battle of psychics with the participation of Pakhom online. Sergei "groin" pakhomov


Rating 5

The battle of psychics is the most unusual project on TV. And the new 16th season is not at all like the previous ones. Each participant is special and the working methods are often radically different. Some psychics receive information from deceased ancestors, use fortune telling cards, magic talismans, attributes for portals to the past, information from Space, and much more. One of the participants in season 16 is..

Summary 5.0 excellent

The fight of extrasensories is the most unusual project on television. And the new 16th season is not at all like the previous ones. Each participant is special and the working methods are often radically different. Alone psychics receive information from deceased ancestors, use fortune telling cards, magic talismans, attributes for portals to the past, information from Space and much more. One of the participants is, in society simply called Grandfather Pakhom.

Battle of Psychics with Pakhom

At the beginning of the qualifying tests Groin stated that he was just starting to develop and came to try himself. His competitors in the battle - other psychics - were wary of him, because already at the first test Sergey impressed even the most inveterate skeptics. In addition, the audience loved Pahoma for his kindness and desire to help everyone around him.

Sergey Pakhomov - an extraordinary participant in the 16th season popular TV show"The fight of extrasensories". Arriving at the casting, he introduced himself as Grandfather Pakhom and said that his main mission in life was to bring good to the masses. At the same time, he calls himself a holy fool and this is his life position and his own way of life. Throughout his participation in the battle of psychics, Pakhom time and again amazed television viewers with the accuracy of his words and the accuracy of information. And suddenly, in the middle of the season, Pakhom independently decides to leave the television project. Many TV viewers to this day ask him to return to the project and continue to participate, but now Pakhom has chosen independent work in terms of saying.

Why Pakhom left the Battle

The simplicity with which Sergei passed the tests amazes everyone. Of course, this haunts other participants and they don’t always have only good things to say about him. Thus, there was an opinion that Pahoma There are no extrasensory abilities at all and successfully passed tests are given to him solely thanks to. Another opinion of psychics is that Groin knows in advance the correct answers to solving problems posed in battle. Of course, envy of Pakhom’s achievements haunts psychics.

After all, in battle they are all competitors to each other. Many psychics they say that in the final Pahoma it will not happen precisely because the deception with which he is being tested will be revealed. Myself Groin tells that at the battle a whole conspiracy was created against him and in vain. After all, in his opinion, participating in the final requires a lot of effort, and the participant who spends his energy for other purposes is doing it in vain - it is better to save it until victory. With the help of their psychic abilities Groin established protection for himself from negative influence other participants. And also thanks to his warmth and kindness, he is absolutely not affected by dark forces and black energy. In this case, the negativity that is directed in his direction will be turned into reverse side and perhaps even hit the instigator of this whole conspiracy. In order to go through the battle inside and out, emerge victorious and receive the coveted prize, as Pakhom says, it is necessary to sacrifice something. And in in this case it will be personal happiness. At the price of such a sacrifice, victory in the 16th season of the television project will be obtained.

Many psychics do not agree with this opinion Pahoma, but the grandfather’s prophecies have come true more than once and now TV viewers are closely watching how events will develop further. Those psychics, who does not feel envy, talk about Pakhome exceptionally good. He helps his colleagues in the recovery process, also works with them and on them, and each of them has already become close and dear to him, and not just a colleague in magic. About kindness Pahoma and his supernatural abilities cannot be forgotten. He firmly engraved himself in the hearts of both television viewers and other participants psychic battles.

All that remains is to wait for these actions to begin and see if they come true .

Main prophecies of Grandfather Pakhom does, of course, about the prospects for the development of the Russian economy and the way out of the financial crisis. Regarding this situation, Pakhom says that the financial situation in the country will certainly stabilize over time, but this cannot be expected in the near future. For at least another six months, the price of the US currency will fluctuate, thereby influencing negative impact to strengthen the ruble. Next, according to Pakhom's prophecy In six months, Russia will face a radical change of power, which will mark the beginning of the end of the economy in the country.

  • Another no less exciting situation for society is the war on the territory of Ukraine. Regarding this, Pakhom says that the events will drag on for several more years and now there is no need to wait for the outcome. In Ukraine, according to him, it is also worth waiting for a change of power. It is this change that will change the course of military operations. As a result, at the end of the war, according to Pakhom, the state will experience the disintegration of territories and the complete separation of Western Ukraine. And as a consequence, the second part of the territory will join Russia.
  • Next exciting question, which was asked to Sergei Pakhomov - what will happen to Europe and the USA. Here Pakhom answered evasively, without naming specific facts. But from his words it can be understood that over time global recognition The USA will come to naught, a population rebellion is expected in the country, which will entail civil war and the split of the country. Some territories will unite and perhaps even declare themselves a separate state.
  • As for Europe, Pakhom believes that it is there that the process of the beginning of the End of the World and the launch of the self-destruction mechanism are taking place. The spread of same-sex marriage, the rebellion of feminism, increased mortality, difficulties in the demographic situation, overpopulation of refugees, economic, sanctions, unemployment - all this was initially created by Europe itself. And Pakhom claims that this will lead to the collapse of once strong and significant countries.
    Generally Pakhom's prophecies in relation to Russia they carry more positive information than for other countries. And, considering that Sergei proved his abilities even during his participation in the television project, even the most inveterate skeptics believe that he should be trusted. Together with the energy of kindness and care, Pakhom brings to society the energy of hope for a bright future.

Sergey Pakhom Pakhomov is a showman, underground actor, avant-garde musician, outrageous artist and show participant. He left a noticeable mark on cinema, appearing in leading role in film " Green elephant", And his music album"Boncha" has been called "the first real Russian rap."

Childhood and youth

Sergei Pakhomov (more often known under the pseudonym Pakhom) was born in Moscow in 1966. His patronizing zodiac sign turned out to be Scorpio. According to him, at the age of 5 he was sent to one of the capital’s music schools, from which he graduated in violin class. But Pakhom gave up playing the instrument after a tragic accident: one day, while walking along an icy street, my mother slipped and fell on the violin.

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In addition to playing the instrument, Sergei Pakhomov is already in early childhood was interested in drawing. To develop his artistic talent, he graduated from 2 institutions. He has completed his education in Krasnopresnenskaya art school in 1981.

After her, Pakhom studied at the capital's art and industrial school, graduating in 1985. Here the guy became interested in icon painting and Russian painting techniques.

Sergei "Pakhom" Pakhomov in childhood and youth ( "Facebook")

In his youth, Pakhomov began to show interest in music and sports. He played in various musical groups and practiced wrestling. Pakhom reports that a year before graduating from college, he was placed in a psychiatric hospital named after Kashchenko, where the draft board sent him, instead of sending him to the war in Afghanistan.

In the mid-80s, the artist took part in chamber art exhibitions held in apartments and clubs. But in the late 80s he got the opportunity to demonstrate his skills at painting exhibitions in Russia and abroad, in particular in New York and Austria.


From 1988 to 2000, Sergei Pakhomov had the opportunity to study modern Art in the countries of Europe and America. I was able to visit Paris, Berlin and Marseille.

Psychic Pakhom also worked as an art director in glossy magazines. From 2002 to 2007, he edited the publication Elle Decor as an artist. In 2008, he was acting art director of Marie Claire magazine, and in July 2009, Pakhom was hired for the same position in the editorial office. Russian version"Elle."

Films and TV projects

Pakhom became famous for his roles in the notorious films directed by Svetlana Baskova “The Green Elephant”, “Cocky the Running Doctor”, “Five Bottles of Vodka” and others. Baskova herself working together with Pakhomov compares with the relationship and, emphasizing that the underground actor is an “integral part” of her paintings.

Sergey "Pakhom" Pakhomov and Svetlana Baskova ( "In contact with")

Sergei Pakhomov is more critical, calling his work in cinema (and not only in it) “a mixture of idiocy and absurdity.” Pakhom's most notable film work was the role village man, a “traveled” junior officer in the film “The Green Elephant”, where the hero relieves himself on camera. His partner in the plot was , who plays the role of “brother”.

The film was created over 2 days. It was difficult for the actors to step over own fears, acting in some scenes. The absurd and cruel plot of the film was intended as a protest against Chechen war.

Sergei Pakhomov and Vladimir Epifantsev starred in the film "The Green Elephant" ( "Facebook")

As an actor, Sergei also appeared in the director’s TV series. He starred in several episodes of her “School”, as well as in “ Short course happy life"(as a swinger) and "May Ribbons". IN last movie Pakhomov also worked as a production designer. In Baskova’s film “For Marx...” Pakhom played the role of the foreman of the foundry shop of the plant, who kills the owner of the enterprise, the hero Vladimir Epifantsev.

The film received the White Elephant award in the Event of the Year category, and was also presented at Berlinale 2013 and Kinotavr.

Sergei "Pakhom" Pakhomov in the film "For Marx" ( "In contact with")

In the artistic circles of the capital, Sergei Pakhomov is a fairly well-known personality. Some call him a “cult character,” others call him a “buffoon” and “ social phenomenon». Musical critic Leonid Aleksandrovsky stated:

“This is a Renaissance man from Novokuznetskaya, a wild buffoon in full swing, an always-on swearing racket of the bohemian capital.”

In September 2015, Pakhom became a participant in the scandalous project “Battle of Psychics – 16”. He claims that he knew nothing about the project and never watched a single season. I went there on the recommendation of friends who know it psychic abilities. He impressed the audience by the fact that for the first time in the history of the project he was able to find a hidden person in the trunks of cars twice in a row.

Sergei "Pakhom" Pakhomov in the show "Battle of Psychics" ( "In contact with")

For magical "insights" Pakhom uses trance, which resembles a strange dance.

The Battle of Psychics is the most unusual project on television. And the new 16th season is not at all like the previous ones. Each participant is special and the working methods are often radically different. Some psychics receive information from deceased ancestors, use fortune telling cards, magic talismans, attributes for portals to the past, information from Space, and much more. One of the participants in the 16th season is Sergei Pakhomov, in society simply called Grandfather Pakhom.

At the beginning of the qualifying tests, Pakhom stated that he was just beginning to develop his clairvoyant gift and came to try himself. His competitors in the battle - other psychics - were wary of him, because already at the first test Sergei impressed even the most inveterate skeptics. In addition, the audience fell in love with Pakhom for his kindness and desire to help everyone around him.

Sergey Pakhomov is an extraordinary participant in the 16th season of the popular TV show “Battle of Psychics.” Arriving at the casting, he introduced himself as Grandfather Pakhom and said that his main mission in life was to bring good to the masses. At the same time, he calls himself a holy fool and this is his life position and his own way of life. Throughout his participation in the battle of psychics, Pakhom time and again amazed television viewers with the accuracy of his words and the accuracy of information. And suddenly, in the middle of the season, Pakhom independently decides to leave the television project. Many TV viewers to this day ask him to return to the project and continue to participate, but now Pakhom has chosen to work independently in terms of making predictions.

Why Pakhom left the Battle

The simplicity with which Sergei passed the tests amazes everyone. Of course, this haunts other participants and they don’t always have only good things to say about him. Thus, an opinion has emerged that Pakhom has no extrasensory abilities at all and that he successfully passes tests is given solely due to luck. Another opinion of psychics is that Pakhom knows in advance the correct answers to solving problems posed in battle. Of course, envy of Pakhom’s achievements haunts psychics.

After all, in battle they are all competitors to each other. Many psychics say that Pakhom will not be in the finale precisely because the deception with which he is being tested will be revealed. Pakhom himself talks about how a whole conspiracy was created against him at the battle, and in vain. After all, in his opinion, participating in the final requires a lot of strength, and the participant who spends his energy for other purposes does it in vain - it is better to save it until victory. With the help of his psychic abilities, Pakhom established protection for himself from the negative influence of other participants. And also thanks to his warmth and kindness, he is absolutely not susceptible to the influence of dark forces and black energy. In this case, the negativity that is directed in his direction will be turned in the opposite direction and, perhaps, even hit the instigator of this whole conspiracy. In order to go through the battle inside and out, emerge victorious and receive the coveted prize, as Pakhom says, it is necessary to sacrifice something. And in this case it will be personal happiness. At the price of such a sacrifice, victory in the 16th season of the television project will be obtained.

Many psychics do not agree with Pakhom’s opinion, but his grandfather’s prophecies have come true more than once and now television viewers are closely watching how events will develop further. Those psychics who do not feel envy say only good things about Pakhom. He helps his colleagues in the recovery process, also works with them and on them, and each of them has already become close and dear to him, and not just a colleague in magic. Pakhom's kindness and supernatural abilities cannot be forgotten. He firmly engraved himself in the hearts of both television viewers and other participants in the battle of psychics.

All that remains is to wait for the start of these actions and see whether Pakhom’s prophecies come true.

Grandfather Pakhom makes the main prophecies, of course, about the prospects for the development of the Russian economy and the way out of the financial crisis. Regarding this situation, Pakhom says that the financial situation in the country will certainly stabilize over time, but this cannot be expected in the near future. For at least another six months, the price of the American currency will fluctuate, thereby having a negative impact on the strengthening of the ruble. Further, according to Pakhom’s prophecy, in six months, Russia will face a radical change of power, which will serve as the beginning of the end of the economy in the country.

Sergey Pakhomov

  • Another no less exciting situation for society is the war on the territory of Ukraine. Regarding this, Pakhom says that the events will drag on for several more years and now there is no need to wait for the outcome. In Ukraine, according to him, it is also worth waiting for a change of power. It is this change that will change the course of military operations. As a result, at the end of the war, according to Pakhom, the state will experience the disintegration of territories and the complete separation of Western Ukraine. And as a consequence, the second part of the territory will join Russia.
  • The next exciting question that was asked to Sergei Pakhomov is what will happen to Europe and the USA. Here Pakhom answered evasively, without naming specific facts. But from his words it can be understood that over time, the world recognition of the United States will fade away, a revolt of the population is expected in the country, which will entail a civil war and a split in the country. Some territories will unite and perhaps even declare themselves a separate state.
  • As for Europe, Pakhom believes that it is there that the process of the beginning of the End of the World and the launch of the self-destruction mechanism are taking place. The spread of same-sex marriage, the rebellion of feminism, increased mortality, difficulties in the demographic situation, overpopulation of refugees, economic, sanctions, unemployment - all this was initially created by Europe itself. And Pakhom claims that this will lead to the collapse of once strong and significant countries.

In general, Pakhom’s prophecies regarding Russia carry more positive information than for other countries. And, considering that Sergei proved his abilities even during his participation in the television project, even the most inveterate skeptics believe that he should be trusted. Together with the energy of kindness and care, Pakhom brings to society the energy of hope for a bright future.

Russian showman, underground actor, screenwriter, avant-garde musician , interior designer, psychic, shocking artist . Former participant in the show “Battle of Psychics Season 16”.

He prefers to call himself Grandfather Pakh or Pakha.

Sergey Pakhomov. Biography

Sergei Igorevich Pakhomov(or post Groin) was born in 1966 in Moscow. Graduated music school in violin class, which he entered at the age of five. In 1985, he completed his studies at the Moscow Kalinin Art and Industrial School. In 1984, before graduating from the Moscow Art Pedagogical University, in my own words, was being treated at the Kashchenko Psychiatric Hospital.

In 1984-1985, Pakhom participated in apartment exhibitions, and starting from 1988 , took part in more major exhibitions painting both in Russia and abroad, for example, in New York.

Sergei Pakhomov became famous thanks to his participation in the filming of films.Svetlana Baskova« Cocchi - running doctor"(1998), "Green elephant" (1999) and " Five bottles of vodka"(2002).

Pakhomov himself often calls what he does “a mixture of idiocy and absurdity.”

“Here I am, Pakhomov, a forty-year-old Muscovite with no education - I sing, I dance... I star in banned films, I use drugs, if I have them, I’m as poor as a church mouse...”

At the end of 2013 it became known that Sergei Pakhomov was married to Elena Tokareva, former editor-in-chief of ELLE Decor magazine.

In the fall of 2015, information appeared on the Internet that Pakhom starred in the first television rap musical “Bonus,” directed by the famous Valeria Gai Germanika. All monologues and dialogues in the series take place in the form of recitatives. Pakhom's colleagues on the set were actors Alexander Sudarev, Yulia Aug and Svetlana Limper. Premiere of the series Bonus"took place in the fall of 2015.

In September 2015, Pakhom (Sergei Pakhomov) became a participant in the mystical show of the TNT channel “Battle of Psychics Season 16”.

Marat Basharov about Pakhom: “This season, for the first time, a psychic appeared, which I really don’t like. He has already managed to ruin relations with both his fellow clairvoyants and the people who make this program. And even with me! He has already managed to piss me off, which has never happened before at the “Battle of Psychics.” Well, we will fight him: if this person wants to leave the “Battle” ahead of time, we will not allow him to do this and will torture him to the end.”

Pakhom assures that he has never seen “Battle” in his life and has no idea what kind of program it is. He was advised to come to the casting by friends who know very well about his abilities, and he allegedly agreed because “I want to do something better for people.”

“There is neither good nor miracle on Russian television. Now it will be,” he promised. film crew Groin.

Despite the distrust on the part of observers of the project, Pakhom soon began to amaze even the most ardent skeptics with his psychic abilities. He became the best psychic of the show " Battle of Psychics Season 16" dated October 17, 2015.

However, in the next issue " Psychic battles season 16", broadcast on TNT on October 24, Pakhom upset his many fans. He announced that he was leaving the project so that Voronov’s mother and daughter, whose photograph ended up in a black envelope, would remain on the show.

As Pakhom himself claims, the “Battle” strengthened him from the inside, but also exhausted him, and now his inner psychic resembles a “wise grandfather on the hill,” who is ready to act as a judge in magic competitions.

In the fall of 2017, Sergey Pakhomov became the host of the project "Supernatural Selection" on channel TV-3. He conducted tests for the strongest psychics in six cities of Russia: Tver, Tula, Ryazan, Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod and Kazan. According to the terms of the program, best psychics in the city they themselves will come up with sophisticated tasks for each other, starting from the vulnerabilities of their opponents, and they themselves will evaluate how their colleagues cope with the challenges.

“Each city has its own character, through which you can comprehend the present time. I am a patriot, I love our cities and prefer to illustrate my love with deeds. Finding bright magical characters, identifying among them the strongest in your city is a good deed, but it is also a very interesting and refreshing action,” notes Pakhom.

In March 2019, the TV-3 channel launched the show “,” in which Pakhom became a participant. Together with his colleagues in the magic workshop, he fought on the island in extreme conditions with a team of actors.

According to Sergei Pakhom, he came to the project only to win, but not for the money, but only for the sake of rock and roll.

Sergei Pakhom about participation in the show “ Last Hero. Actors vs. Psychics”: “Physical difficulties don’t scare me. On the contrary, I am interested in testing myself, physically and psychologically. I want to prove by my own example that even such a strange character as Pakhom can sing about fundamental and highly moral concepts - such as goodness and heroism, which we are beginning to forget about. IN modern society these concepts are blurred, and when I was offered to take part in this show, I realized that by truly testing myself, I would have the right to at least talk about such things.”

Sergey Pakhomov is an extravagant and extraordinary participant in the 16th season of the Russian “Battle of Psychics”. Grandfather Pakhom had long established himself as a shocking actor, but no one could have predicted his appearance on a psychic TV show.

In the article:

Pakhomov Sergey in the “Battle of Psychics”

On the TNT channel on September 17 began new season one of the most popular TV shows - “Battle of Psychics”. No one expected that among the participants would be Sergei Pakhomov, an artist, artist and master of extreme stand-up, known for avant-garde films, unconventional behavior and excessive emancipation.

The man decided to try himself in a new role and could not go unnoticed. Quite quickly, Sergei became a favorite of viewers of the popular show.

How Grandfather Pakhom ended up on a TV show

Pakhomov Sergey

The man’s appearance at the “Battle of Psychics” was not accidental. The actor assures that he decided to refute the popular belief that an ordinary person cannot get on such a program.

Pakhomov saw the invitation to the casting, read how you can get into qualifying round, filled out the form and became a participant in the battle on a general basis. The extravagant actor assures how long he has wanted to show the world what he really has supernatural abilities, and took advantage of this chance. Sergey states:

And I’m not only a psychic, but I also love performing - so I went on television.

Actor about the magic of “The Green Elephant”

During one of the interviews, journalists asked the question:

Why do you need additional popularity, since everyone has known you for a long time after Svetlana Baskova’s film “The Green Elephant”?

Sergei Pakhomov answered very unpredictably. The actor claims that “The Green Elephant” is also a magical practice, because the film destroys the usual moral standards of human behavior.

If we consider the canons established by society as reality, any violation of the rules is magic. Pakhomov is sure that his slap in the face of the foundations is magic, a way out to other forms of perception:

“The Green Elephant” was ahead of its time and is now gradually connecting with it - like Bach’s music, which is compared to a huge aqueduct from the past to the future.

Judging by and, we can say that the actor uses provocative things in combination with something sincere and beautiful when no one expects it. This is what the “Battle of Psychics” project has now become. The actor is confident that for the viewer this will be an amazing combination of the actor’s usual image and his new role.

Is everything that happens on the set real?

Often television viewers have the opinion that what is happening at the “Battle of Psychics” is a deception, an entertaining spectacle and nothing more. Sergei Pakhomov answers this with a categorical “no.” The actor assures that the participants are being tested on the program, and no one can know in advance what will be discussed:

The ritual, which in fact is the rules of the project, is valuable in itself, since it has already become part of reality.

The actor claims that sincerity is very important to him, since psychics contact human destinies, gain access to human hearts. The man speaks only positively about the “Battle of Psychics,” assuring that this is an honest program, and viewers can have no doubt about the authenticity of the clairvoyant gift.

Grandfather Pakhom has a gift

Pakhomov Sergey

Many doubt that Sergei Pakhomov really has unique abilities, believing that the actor simply came to increase his own popularity. Grandfather Pakhom responds to this with a categorical objection. Sergei claims that he discovered psychic abilities in early childhood.

The gift of hallucinations and developed intuition manifested itself. Even as a child, Pakhomov gave strange advice to people seeking help. Surprisingly, his words actually helped.

The man claims that he has always been involved in magic, since he cannot call art otherwise. The actor insists that he is an artist thanks to his unique abilities, since he resorts to trance practices in any performances. On the air of a popular TV show, Sergei does the same.

As Pakhom explains, at such moments logic turns off, the psychic falls into a kind of controlled madness and observes what is happening from the outside, controlling unconsciousness. Sergei claims that he went on the TV show to test whether the practice of controlled trance works under such conditions.

Horoscope from Pakhom

Pakhomov Sergey

A successful psychic tries to cast a horoscope and make a prediction. Sergei Pakhomov is no exception.

To get a personal fortune prediction or horoscope, you need to go to the official website ( of the participant in the “Battle of Psychics” and pass a special test that will help answer your questions.