And the spring breezes smelled thick. Short stories about spring

  • Pencil. You will need the simplest and most intuitive drawing tool in any case. Even if you want to learn how to draw with paints, you will need a simple pencil to create a sketch. Not all pencils are the same. Some are for drawing, others for drawing, others for everyday tasks. Too much hard pencils(3H, 4H and more) is better not to choose: they can easily scratch and tear the paper.
  • Watercolor. Water-soluble paint is known for its lightness, transparency and wide palette of shades. However, painting with watercolor is quite difficult: you need to learn how to use its properties and have a good idea of ​​how the paint will behave on paper. On the other hand, if you put in enough effort, you will learn to draw in one of the most impressive techniques.
  • Gouache. This is a thick matte paint that is diluted with water. It is perfect for the first steps in drawing. Thanks to the dense texture of gouache, dark tones can be easily covered with darker ones. This is very important, because then all the flaws and shortcomings can be corrected. Another good news: gouache is inexpensive.
  • Pastel (dry). These crayons are used to create designs in soft colors. Due to its texture, pastel is very easy to shade, which allows you to create beautiful transitions between shades. You should immediately prepare for the fact that your fingers and table (at a minimum) will be stained with dust and pastel crumbs. Ready pastel drawing It is easy to smear, so the pigments on the paper will need to be secured with varnish or fixative.
  • Markers (“copies”). We asked artist-illustrator and teacher Anna Rastorgueva to tell us about this instrument, relatively unknown to most. Because she draws with markers and does it great. We are not talking about text highlighters and not about simple felt-tip pens, but about alcohol markers, which, thanks to their basis, do not deform the paper and allow you to achieve smooth transitions between shades.
Kolidzei /

There are many manufacturers of such instruments, including Japanese brands, German, Chinese, Korean, and Russian. The price also varies - from 160 to 600 rubles per piece, so even a novice author can pick up a small kit to get started.

The palettes of this type of markers are unusually wide, with an average of 300 colors, so in order not to get confused, you can purchase a ready-made set, usually selected on a specific topic: architecture, nature, manga.

What if I don't know what to draw?

If you don’t know what to draw, but really want to, copy, draw and repeat after others. There's nothing wrong with that. On the contrary, this is a normal process. Take a picture that you like, put it in front of you and start.

Video instructions help a lot. Unlike advice in the style of “draw a circle, add sticks, add details - you will get a great canvas,” these notes do not lie. You will see exactly how the drawing is created.

Remember: creativity is an international thing. Don't be afraid to check out the YouTube channels of English-speaking bloggers, even if you don't understand what they're saying.

Try starting with these channels:

  • Proko. An absolute must-have for anyone who wants to learn how to draw. The artist clearly, simply, and clearly explains the most difficult thing - how to draw a person. This is the base and foundation, so the channel will probably be in your bookmarks.
  • Mark Crilley. The artist works in cartoon style, so those who want to learn how to draw cute, cute drawings will find everything they need here. The artist shows different techniques and in detail, frame by frame, demonstrates the simplest techniques for creating an effective drawing.
  • Sycra. The channel will appeal to everyone who loves Japanese cartoons and wants to learn how to draw anime. Video tutorials cover the topic inside and out: body structure, facial features, costumes and everything, everything, everything.
  • Bob Ross. Bob Ross is an American television legend. Perhaps the most inspiring program in the world was created by this man, who for 11 years taught people to create miracles on canvas. You may not understand what Bob says in his soft voice, but you cannot resist the artistic talent that penetrates you directly from the screen.

In general, choosing a topic is the second fundamental issue after choosing the material. And here it is not at all necessary to limit yourself to traditional genres: portrait, still life or landscape. These days, daily household sketches are becoming increasingly popular. Like Instagram photos, artists quickly capture exciting topics in their notebooks, publish them in in social networks, study and communicate together. Absolutely any object can become a subject of interest - from macro-sketches of insects to travel diaries detailed in every detail.

Anna Rastorgueva, illustrator, teacher

"You Can Draw in 30 Days" by Mark Kistler. One of the most famous books about drawing. As many years of observations show, after reading it and, importantly, following the instructions, everyone learned to draw.

"Discover the Artist in You" by Betty Edwards. Those who have doubts can immediately be informed: from this book, about 2 million of those who considered themselves “armless” have already learned to draw. For those who don't believe in anything at all own strength and thinks that all artists know some secret beautiful paintings, we say: yes, the secret exists. It's hidden in this book.

“A sketchbook that will teach you how to draw!”, Robin Landa. As a teacher himself, Robin knows that students draw best on the pages of their textbooks. This is where fantasy comes into full play! Therefore, he created a book in which you can (and should) draw. And learn along the way.

I want to draw, but I don't have time or extra money

Eugenio Marongiu/

The first step can be taken without much investment or effort. Download creative apps and get started right now.

Tayasui Sketches. One of the most beautiful and simple applications with numerous tools will teach you how to draw in different techniques.

Bamboo Paper. Wacom, a company that creates drawing tablets, has developed its own application for artists. Sketches, sketches and full-fledged drawings - this program will be needed at every stage of learning.

Zen Brush. This application will not help with learning, but it will put you in the right creative mood. With a brush you can draw characteristic strokes, and the finished drawing looks like a work of art from some distant eastern country.

We’ve sorted out the materials, the sources of inspiration, too, the books have been studied, and there are applications for the laziest. It's your turn - it's time to get down to business.

The main thing is to find what you really like. Go for it!

Anna Rastorgueva, illustrator, teacher

Today, 3D drawings on paper are becoming more and more popular; you can look at them for a long time and admire them. Such masterpieces can be created not only by talented artists, but also those who are just getting acquainted with fine arts. It's never too late to learn how to draw; anyone can make spectacular 3D drawings.

The tools you need for 3D are the simplest: a pen, pencils, a marker and a piece of paper. By the way, it is best for beginners to draw using cells in a notebook, as it is much easier to draw figures this way.

It is worth noting that the image is created on paper in stages, in this case the main thing is consistency, even if simple and uncomplicated pictures are reproduced.

Many people are interested in how to draw a 3D drawing on paper with a pencil in a bright and realistic way. To do this, you should use photo instructions or videos that will clearly show all the techniques for recreating a 3D drawing.

Let's look at pencil drawings step by step for beginners. For clarity, print out the drawn images to make your task easier. Please note that the first acquaintance with 3D technology can cause mixed impressions, there is no need to rush here, smooth movements and endurance are the main assistants of a beginning artist.

So, let's get down to business, let's learn how to draw beautiful 3D drawings.


A simple diagram will help you understand how to draw amazingly with a 3D pen beautiful insect. Get acquainted with this technique and draw a miracle drawing yourself.

Step-by-step instruction:


If you don’t know what exactly you can draw with a 3D pen or pencil, then start with the simplest. After all, making images look realistic is not at all so difficult, check out the photo tutorial below.

Stages of creating an image:


It is quite simple to imitate fruits lying on the table; there is no need to use special techniques images of objects. You can use 3D pens and markers to create a drawing.

Drawing technique:

More detailed instructions You can see how to perform work using this technique using the example of an alien’s hand in the video (or you can use your hand, just trace your palm and fingers with a pencil, and then follow the video instructions):


If you want to learn how to draw a simple 3D drawing on paper, use the printed sample. Using the mastered technique, you can teach your child how to draw 3D.

Step-by-step work:


Before drawing with a 3D pen, you should try to make similar drawings with a pencil. Learning to create beautiful volumetric images together.

How to draw:


Volumetric, as if living heart will become a great gift for a loved one. Take a pencil and marker in your hands, clearly draw the lines, highlight them and shade them. Believe me, the drawn image will be able to fully convey your feelings.

How to draw:

Video of 3d heart illusion:

Remember, imagination has no limits, create your own unique drawings, amaze everyone with your ability to create three-dimensional images.

For example, you can draw Carlson using these instructions:

Simple option:

Difficult option:

Video bonuses: 3D pen drawings

Draw a beautiful butterfly with a 3d pen:

Drawing a 3D photo frame:

Draw a bouquet of daisies with a 3D pen:

3D Snowman:

3d Christmas tree with pen:

Pencil drawing lessons step by step are activities that will help you master drawing techniques, regardless of your abilities or age. Drawing is really easy!


Don't believe that you can draw beautifully? Of course, a magnificent oil portrait can only really be painted a real artist, but even Small child will soon be able to replicate the character of his favorite cartoon on paper if he takes drawing lessons for children on our website.

Just think how happy your baby will be when you tell her what happened today we are learning to draw with a pencil! Why pencil? You need to start with something simple. And the easiest way to start is with light pencil drawings. Gradually you will master more and more complex skills. And, as a result, you can move on to working with paints. Drawing for children will become a favorite pastime and will gradually introduce kids to amazing world bright images and favorite heroes.

Fundamentals of pencil graphics taught in art school, you and your child will learn much faster if you go through the pencil drawing lessons step by step on our website. We managed to create activities that even kids can handle! With us, learning is simple and fun, step by step you will understand that drawing is very interesting.

Learning to draw with a pencil

The first drawing lessons for children are designed with the help of adults. Help your child grasp the pencil correctly, support his hand while drawing the very first lines. Little artist should get a better feel for how much pressure you need to apply to get a line of the correct thickness. Then let him draw simple line segments himself. different directions. Afterwards you can move on to simple shapes such as a circle, rectangle, etc.

Gradually, the child’s drawing skills will be strengthened, he will be able to come up with more complex plots himself, fantasize and embody his fantasies on paper. But you need to start with the baby with the simplest objects or characters that are well known to him. When purchasing everything you need, please note that for the first lessons to the young artist You will need a thick, soft stylus that leaves a bright mark with virtually no pressure.

Pencil drawing lessons step by step for children

Talent is given to every person by nature, but developing any abilities must begin with early childhood. By helping children learn to formulate images into pictures, you are doing them a great service. Drawing with a pencil step by step is not only interesting, but also very useful for young children. The impact of development has already been proven fine motor skills hands on mental abilities and psycho-emotional sphere in the very early age. Working with a felt-tip pen or pencil, the baby becomes calmer, more balanced, develops a wonderful aesthetic taste, and develops a sense of harmony in relation to the entire world around him. This is also true for adults: when we learn to draw with a pencil, our nervous system resting. Isn't this the best cure for endless stress?

Why is it so important for parents to also learn art lessons for children? Help your child! Your baby, most likely, will not be able to cope with the first tasks on his own; he is very small and, most likely, has not yet mastered many skills. It is difficult for him to hold a pencil in his pen; he has not yet learned to calculate the force of pressure on the paper, or to correctly navigate within the boundaries of a paper sheet. The started drawing may not fit on the paper, and the baby will begin to get nervous. It is important not to miss this moment, but to help the child skillfully organize classes, then drawing will become a favorite pastime.

Pencil drawing lessons are staged in such a way that the child sees only objects familiar to him. They systematize existing experience little man and gradually expand his worldview, introducing him to new phenomena of nature and life. Perhaps now the baby will take a new look at the world, and you will help him with this.

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Pencil drawings step by step. Despite the fact that some flowers are quite easy to draw, for those who have just picked up a pencil, drawing flowers is...

Pencil drawings step by step. Second lesson in the series simple lessons drawing the queen of flowers - how to draw a rose with a pencil step by step. It will be a little more complicated...

Pencil drawings step by step. The difficulty in drawing a flower like a rose is to draw the interlacing of the petals. For beginners this task is sufficient...

Pencil drawings step by step. Another lesson on drawing trees is how to draw a tree step by step for beginners. The tree that we will draw in this lesson...

Pencil drawings step by step. In this lesson for beginners, I will try to tell you how to draw a palm tree step by step with a pencil. A palm tree is very easy to draw, and now...

Pencil drawings step by step. The next tree drawing lesson for beginners is how to draw a tree step by step. You will be interested in drawing a tree, because...
  • Pencil. You will need the simplest and most intuitive drawing tool in any case. Even if you want to learn how to draw with paints, you will need a simple pencil to create a sketch. Not all pencils are the same. Some are for drawing, others for drawing, others for everyday tasks. It is better not to choose pencils that are too hard (3H, 4H and more): they can easily scratch and tear the paper.
  • Watercolor. Water-soluble paint is known for its lightness, transparency and wide palette of shades. However, painting with watercolor is quite difficult: you need to learn how to use its properties and have a good idea of ​​how the paint will behave on paper. On the other hand, if you put in enough effort, you will learn to draw in one of the most impressive techniques.
  • Gouache. This is a thick matte paint that is diluted with water. It is perfect for the first steps in drawing. Thanks to the dense texture of gouache, dark tones can be easily covered with darker ones. This is very important, because then all the flaws and shortcomings can be corrected. Another good news: gouache is inexpensive.
  • Pastel (dry). These crayons are used to create designs in soft colors. Due to its texture, pastel is very easy to shade, which allows you to create beautiful transitions between shades. You should immediately prepare for the fact that your fingers and table (at a minimum) will be stained with dust and pastel crumbs. The finished pastel drawing is easy to smudge, so the pigments on the paper will need to be secured with varnish or fixative.
  • Markers (“copies”). We asked artist-illustrator and teacher Anna Rastorgueva to tell us about this instrument, relatively unknown to most. Because she draws with markers and does it great. We are not talking about text highlighters or simple felt-tip pens, but about alcohol markers, which, thanks to their base, do not deform the paper and allow you to achieve smooth transitions between shades.
Kolidzei /

There are many manufacturers of such instruments, including Japanese brands, German, Chinese, Korean, and Russian. The price also varies - from 160 to 600 rubles per piece, so even a novice author can pick up a small kit to get started.

The palettes of this type of markers are unusually wide, with an average of 300 colors, so in order not to get confused, you can purchase a ready-made set, usually selected on a specific topic: architecture, nature, manga.

What if I don't know what to draw?

If you don’t know what to draw, but really want to, copy, draw and repeat after others. There's nothing wrong with that. On the contrary, this is a normal process. Take a picture that you like, put it in front of you and start.

Video instructions help a lot. Unlike advice in the style of “draw a circle, add sticks, add details - you will get a great canvas,” these notes do not lie. You will see exactly how the drawing is created.

Remember: creativity is an international thing. Don't be afraid to check out the YouTube channels of English-speaking bloggers, even if you don't understand what they're saying.

Try starting with these channels:

  • Proko. An absolute must-have for anyone who wants to learn how to draw. The artist clearly, simply, and clearly explains the most difficult thing - how to draw a person. This is the base and foundation, so the channel will probably be in your bookmarks.
  • Mark Crilley. The artist works in a cartoon style, so those who want to learn how to draw cute, cute drawings will find everything they need here. The artist shows different techniques and in detail, frame by frame, demonstrates the simplest techniques for creating an effective drawing.
  • Sycra. The channel will appeal to everyone who loves Japanese cartoons and wants to learn how to draw anime. Video tutorials cover the topic inside and out: body structure, facial features, costumes and everything, everything, everything.
  • Bob Ross. Bob Ross is an American television legend. Perhaps the most inspiring program in the world was created by this man, who for 11 years taught people to create miracles on canvas. You may not understand what Bob says in his soft voice, but you cannot resist the artistic talent that penetrates you directly from the screen.

In general, choosing a topic is the second fundamental issue after choosing the material. And here it is not at all necessary to limit yourself to traditional genres: portrait, still life or landscape. These days, daily household sketches are becoming increasingly popular. Like Instagram photos, artists fluently capture exciting topics in their notebooks, post them on social media, study and communicate together. Absolutely any object can become a subject of interest - from macro-sketches of insects to travel diaries detailed in every detail.

Anna Rastorgueva, illustrator, teacher

"You Can Draw in 30 Days" by Mark Kistler. One of the most famous books about drawing. As many years of observations show, after reading it and, importantly, following the instructions, everyone learned to draw.

"Discover the Artist in You" by Betty Edwards. Those who have doubts can immediately be informed: from this book, about 2 million of those who considered themselves “armless” have already learned to draw. To those who do not believe in their own abilities at all and think that all artists know some secret of beautiful paintings, we say: yes, the secret exists. It's hidden in this book.

“A sketchbook that will teach you how to draw!”, Robin Landa. As a teacher himself, Robin knows that students draw best on the pages of their textbooks. This is where fantasy comes into full play! Therefore, he created a book in which you can (and should) draw. And learn along the way.

I want to draw, but I don't have time or extra money

Eugenio Marongiu/

The first step can be taken without much investment or effort. Download creative apps and get started right now.

Tayasui Sketches. One of the most beautiful and simple applications with numerous tools will teach you how to draw in different techniques.

Bamboo Paper. Wacom, a company that creates drawing tablets, has developed its own application for artists. Sketches, sketches and full-fledged drawings - this program will be needed at every stage of learning.

Zen Brush. This application will not help with learning, but it will put you in the right creative mood. With a brush you can draw characteristic strokes, and the finished drawing looks like a work of art from some distant eastern country.

We’ve sorted out the materials, the sources of inspiration, too, the books have been studied, and there are applications for the laziest. It's your turn - it's time to get down to business.

The main thing is to find what you really like. Go for it!

Anna Rastorgueva, illustrator, teacher