Olga's friend Buzovoy Olga. Olga Buzova's best friend said that the star really fell in love with Denis Lebedev

The circle of chosen ones includes both celebrities and non-public people

Crocus City Hall could hardly accommodate everyone who wanted to attend Olga Buzova’s concert. The TV presenter, who not long ago also became a singer, gave fans an unforgettable show.

In the front rows at Olya’s concert were her faithful friends: Olga Desyatovskaya, Yana Akru and the TV star’s sister Anya Buzova. The portal site found out more information about the best friends of the star bachelorette.

Designer Bella Potemkina

Olya’s inner circle includes designer Potemkin. Buzova is a devoted fan of Bella's work. In 2017, Olya came to the MUZ-TV ceremony chic dress with a 10-meter train that Bella sewed for her.

Olga Buzova and Bella Potemkina

For Potemkina, Buzova is a muse. Yes, yes, don't be surprised. Last year, during her show, Bella said that when creating the collection, she was thinking specifically about Olya - her successes and achievements. Buzova appreciated Potemkina’s recognition and, during the presentation of her friend’s outfits, performed the hit “Not enough halves.”

Singer Philip Kirkorov

Many stars criticize Buzova, but the king Russian stage- her faithful protector. Kirkorov supports Olya in every possible way. He even featured her in his video for the song “The Color of Mood is Blue.” Buzova admires her experienced mentor and calls him her friend.

Philip Kirkorov and Olga Buzova

TV presenter Andrey Malakhov

Buzova began to be friends with Malakhov even before marriage. Andrei was even invited to the wedding of Olga and Dmitry Tarasov. After the divorce, Malakhov supported his friend and even danced with her fiery dance during a talk show.

Olga Buzova and Andrey Malakhov

Businesswoman Olesya Marshevskaya

Olya calls Olesya “my cat.” They have been friends for over five years. According to Buzova, she appreciates her friend’s devotion and knows that she can always rely on Marshevskaya. Olesya is the co-owner of a beauty salon that specializes in nail design.

Olga Buzova and her friend Olesya Marshevskaya

Footballer's wife Marina Shishkina

Buzova’s marriage did not go unnoticed: Olya became friends with many wives of Russian football players. In particular, her friend was the wife of the defender of the Russian club “Krasnodar” Roman Shishkin, Marina.

Despite the fact that Olya dropped out of the “football crowd” after the divorce, Marina did not stop communicating with her. Buzova is a welcome guest at family holidays.

Buzova maintains warm relations with the wives of football players

Footballer's wife Maria Pogrebnyak

Another friend of Buzova from “ past life" Maria is 2 years younger than Buzova, she is 30. Pogrebnyak is a Muscovite, even before her marriage she realized herself as an Instagram blogger, but it was her marriage to football player Pavel Pogrebnyak that brought her fame and popularity.

Now Maria is known as a mother of many children and a businesswoman - she launched the production of clothing.

After her divorce from Tarasov, Buzova did not stop communicating with the wives of football players

TV presenter Assol

Assol is 32 years old, she comes from Tver. The girl tried many public professions, including trying to discover her inner model, but settled on working as a TV presenter.

Fate brought them together with Buzova on television - on the TNT channel Assol hosted her morning show. Now the girl is married to the brutal rapper ST, but she does not forget about Olya. Girls have a tradition - they always meet at New Year's holidays and spend January 2 together.

Olga has been friends with TV presenter Assol for many years

Comedian actor Timur Batrutdinov

According to Timur, he has been friends with Olya for 13 years. Last winter, the warm relationship almost came to an end. Batrutdinov and Buzova went on a trip together - they vacationed in Thailand. Then Timur admitted that their friendship was on the brink - it was not so easy to resist Olya’s beauty, but Batrutdinov was able to do it!

Buzova and Batrutdinov spent their vacation in Thailand

Businessman Timofey Mayorov

Timofey is 38 years old and he is...Buzova’s former lover. Olya met with Mayorov even before “House-2”. There was talk about a wedding, but in the end the young people broke up.

Now the exes are very good relations, Timofey even took part in the filming of the project “Married to Buzov”, where he helped his ex-lover choose a new groom.

It is known about Mayorov that he has a business related to the design and construction of modern housing. He works in Finland, where he mainly lives. Has two passports: Russian and Finnish.

Timofey Mayorov was Buzova's boyfriend

Model Jana Akru

Yana also took part in the filming of the project “Married to Buzova” as her best friend main character. Akru is not a pseudonym, but real name girls.

Yana is 29 years old, she was born in Kurgan, but the family soon moved to Lipetsk. The girl received her higher education in Moscow. Yana works in Buzova’s company, which produces clothing, and she was also one of the organizers of its solo concert at Crocus City Hall.

Yana Akru is part of the star's inner circle

Former participant of “House-2” Olga Desyatovskaya

The two Olyas met on a TV project, but did not become friends right away, they even voted against each other. Desyatovskaya lasted only a month on the show, but after leaving she became friends with Buzova.

Desyatovskaya has three higher educations in the following specialties: real estate management, state and municipal management, as well as musical art. She worked as a choreographer and art director.

Olga is married and became a mother in 2011. It was Buzova who asked her to baptize her son.

Girls often go on vacation together. Olya even went to Paris this summer with Desyatovskaya.

Olga Buzova and Olga Desyatovskaya in Paris

Sister Anya Buzova

This is probably Buzova Sr.’s closest friend. Anya is her sister’s faithful ally in all endeavors: she, like Olya, came to Dom-2, but could not live under the gun of video cameras.

Now Anya is 30 years old, she received higher education in St. Petersburg. The girl helps Olya with her clothing business. Also, according to media reports, Buzova Jr. owns her own beauty salon.

Olga and Anna Buzov

Malakhov, Nagiyev, Sobchak, Lolita and Fadeev support the host of “House-2”. Who's against it?

After her divorce, Olga Buzova channeled her energy into music. It would seem that this fact should have gone unnoticed by the sharks of the domestic show business. The host of Dom-2 decided to play at being a singer: there was nothing to worry about - there were so many of them. Let him sing! That’s what the “sharks” thought - after all, the desire to become a pop star periodically appears among ballerinas, athletes, actresses, TV presenters... But they did not take into account the fact that the leader of Russian Instagram (back to top) solo career Olga has gained 9 million subscribers) a whole army of fans. Therefore, Buzova’s compositions immediately after their release ended up in first place on iTunes - all three of the artist’s songs made it to the leaders without a single rotation on the radio.

Olya does not have a producer - she works with the “old” director, who has been around for many years. Of course, such success did not go unnoticed by colleagues. Buzova is now invited to concerts and was even nominated for “Breakthrough of the Year” and the Muz-TV awards. Demand means an opportunity to earn good money. Therefore, no one remained indifferent: the host of “Dom-2” was noticed and began to be discussed. There are many opinions, but we chose the most prominent representatives show business, from which two teams were formed.

Buzova herself habitually remarked: “After it was announced that I was in the nomination (“Breakthrough of the Year” - Ed.), for some reason I danced and was happy alone.”

Olya, these guys just weren’t around!

Team No. 1: “FOR”

Many people support Buzova (as well as criticize her) - we have chosen the “hot” ten.


The divorce between Buzova and Tarasov was in full swing when correspondence from Buzova’s iPhone got into the network. Dmitry Nagiyev gave Olga Buzova advice on how to survive a breakup with a loved one. Later, Nagiyev explained that he simply supported Olga at a difficult moment: “I think this is an intelligent and frank person.” Later, on the air of one of the television shows, Nagiyev even joked that he was not ready to part with his phone as long as Olga Buzova had Instagram. And the other day Olya exchanged kisses with Dmitry on the red carpet of the film “Kitchen”.


The popular TV presenter walked at the wedding of Buzova and Tarasova (on the bride’s side). After the divorce, Andrei Malakhov supported Olga: on one of his broadcasts he “lit up” with Buzova in a candid dance, joking after the broadcast that after this he, too, would have to “wake up alone.”


Discussing the TV presenter as a nominee for the MUZ-TV award, he said: “I’m for Olga Buzova, because this girl does everything sincerely.”


Sobchak has known Buzova since the days of “House-2”. It is admitted that with musical creativity I don’t know my colleagues, but she states the fact: “Olga is a wonderful, beautiful girl.”


Having survived a painful separation from her husband, Baranovskaya interviewed Buzova for her program on Channel One (“Male/Female”), of course, the woman ended up on the side of her colleague in misfortune. In the “ex-wives club”, as usual, one for all and all for one


The musician was objective, characterizing Buzova’s work at the MUZ-TV press breakfast, he noted that a person who “fights so much ill will and negativity can be respected for this.” Well, Dima was delicate about the quality of the music - listeners decide here.

Olga Buzova and Dmitry Bilan starred together in Kirill Pletnev’s film “Burn.”


The Dom-2 team is behind Olga: presenters Ksenia Borodina, Olga Orlova, and the participants, of course. Our people!


The singer believes that if Olga has a dream and she decided to make it come true, then this is her right.


The director cast Olga Buzova in his film “Burn” and was pleased with her acting abilities.


“The fact that a person sings, dances, and writes poetry during his divorce cases is great. This is much better than going and banging your head against the wall or ending up in some mental hospital because of a divorce. How do you know: maybe in two years you will also stand with a microphone and tell her: “You are brilliant singer!”, Lolita said at the music award ceremony.

Team No. 2: “AGAINST”

The arguments of these people are most often similar: the host of “Dom-2”, thanks to many years of broadcasting on TNT and interest in her personal life, received a crowd of spectators, but she cannot sing. Note that those who dared to criticize Buzova’s rise had a hard time - Olga’s 9 million subscribers strictly judge ill-wishers on their Instagram pages.








“I have no problems with Dom-2, I’ve been turning it on myself for many years out of habit, and yes, I’m not ashamed! But to hear and download songs like this, I’m really in shock!”

The host of the “Secret to a Million” program, after the MUZ-TV awards gala dinner, wrote about a wonderful event at which “there was one bewilderment that made our evening fun.” Buzova’s fans immediately “trampled” Leroux, rightly assuming that Kudryavtseva meant their idol. After all, Olya took a lot of photographs that evening, danced, laughed, and generally tried to attract attention by any means possible.

The most talked-about couple in domestic show business, which everyone (including Olga and Dmitry themselves) called “Tarabuziki,” broke up after four years life together. The event caused a huge stir. While Buzova was drowning in grief and could not come to terms with the fact that the seemingly ideal marriage had collapsed, information appeared in the media about Tarasov’s new novel. The chosen one of the 30-year-old football player was Rostov model and winner of the title “II Vice-Miss Russia - 2014” Anastasia Kostenko. According to the presenter of “House-2”, after breaking up with her husband, she began to have serious problems with health. The star did not eat anything, slept little, after which the doctors had to put Olga on IVs. However, despite the loss of strength, the TV presenter had to look for housing, because her ex-husband kicked her out of the apartment. By the way, in the former family nest"Tarabuzikov" football player already lives with a new girl.

Despite everything, the 31-year-old TV personality found the strength to start new life. Buzova dyed her hair dark color and got serious about it musical career. Today, Olga is considered one of the most sought-after Russian pop artists. Not a single high-profile musical event is complete without the participation of a newly minted singer. And each single breaks records for downloads on Russian iTunes. The star already has 8 songs and 4 video clips. Release planned for autumn 2017 debut album Buzova "To the sounds of kisses." And this is just the beginning, Olga assures. In a new interview with Starhit.ru, the star spoke about the betrayal of her friends, a spoke in the wheel and about the ideal man.

“I’m not 18 years old, but 31, and the bar is so high that the average option from the “bad and my” category definitely won’t do. It's better to be alone than with just anyone. I want everything to happen like in a fairy tale: a prince galloped up on a white horse, and I lost my head,” notes Buzova. The singer admits that old wounds have not yet healed and for a year she did not even allow anyone to kiss her. Olga is in first place, this moment, has set up a career and she is completely satisfied with it.

Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov

With the passing of life ex-husband, Buzova said goodbye and most of"friends". " Some of my friends dropped out. If 200 people came to the 30th anniversary, then to the current birthday, when I celebrated 31 years, only 25! So count it. But I take it calmly. There are close people who have known me for a long time, love me and will support me at any moment. This is the main thing. Among them is my sister Anya, girlfriend Olya Desyatovskaya from St. Petersburg, wives of football players Masha Pogrebnyak, Marina Kasaeva and others... I’m not ready to open up to new people. Too many people have turned their backs on me. I know how “girlfriends” stick their hands down your husband’s pants. I went through everything,” Olga confesses.

The popular TV presenter also noted that a year ago she could not have imagined such a dizzying career as a singer. Olga’s stunning success haunts many representatives of the domestic show business. " It just so happens that there are no people who treat me indifferently - either they love me or they hate me. You can open social networks and read. Comments or “Olechka, we love you,” or “Die, scum.” And all this is written by people. Enough conscience. But what am I talking about? What kind of education can we talk about if public adult men allow themselves to make insults towards a lonely girl who has no one to protect. But this is the current world, and I accepted it,” shares Buzova.

Olga Buzova with her sister Anna

Olga Buzova and Maria Pogrebnyak

Olga Buzova celebrated her 32nd birthday far from Moscow, in warm Thailand. Olga went on a well-deserved vacation with her friends Olga Desyatovskaya, Yana Akru and her sister Anya. It was they who organized a real holiday for the TV star on January 20th. The girls decorated the villa where they were relaxing with pink balloons, came up with a fun quest and organized dinner at the restaurant. They gave Olga a piece of jewelry with a real diamond. Buzova shared almost every moment with her followers on Instagram.

“This morning I woke up to the hugs of my girls, and the real quest immediately began. The assignments were in verse, and the girls helped me pass the next test in order to receive the coveted gift! Thanks for the diamond. This has never happened in my life, it is very valuable to me. Thank you to each of you for having me and making me happy,” Buzova wrote.

After a little prank with notes and tasks for the birthday girl, another surprise awaited her. A real elephant came to the villa, albeit a small one, still just a baby elephant, which Olga took for a ride. The star was delighted with such a gift. But the pleasant surprises did not end there. Another friend of hers, designer Bella Potemkina, sent Olga a doll as a gift along with the bouquet. Barbie-Buzova in red sparkly dress made to order. “May she bring you good luck,” she wrote in greeting card Bella Potemkina.

Friends, colleagues and fans simply overwhelmed the birthday girl with flowers, including pink, white, burgundy roses, orchids, chrysanthemums, and complex bouquets of exotic plants. The TV star’s phone was blowing up with calls and messages. Olga shared some congratulations. For example, from Yana Rudkovskaya. “Happy birthday to you, I would like to wish you only happiness and success. And most importantly - just forward, not a step back! You're great!" - Dima Bilan’s producer wished Olga.

“You can’t imagine what’s been going on all day today in our villa! Since 8 am they haven’t stopped bringing Flowers and gifts from my friends and colleagues from all over the world. I am grateful to each of you who congratulated me both personally and through Delivery and WhatsApp! Tears of happiness and goosebumps all over the body in the morning. My family and my friends are my reward. You make me happy every second today,” Olga wrote.

The day turned out to be very busy for Olga. After the star accepted congratulations at the villa, and even blew out the candles on the birthday cake, she and her friends went to a gala dinner in a restaurant that was reserved only for them for the occasion. As Olga dreamed, the hall was decorated with burning candles and live orchids, and a violinist played especially for her. And after dinner with her friends, Olga went to a disco, where quite by chance she met Mikhail Galustyan and Timur Batrutdinov. Many fans of Buzova are convinced that with resident Comedy Club she is connected by more than just friendly relations.

In his congratulations, Timur did not publicly confess his love to Olga, although he noted that he would always be there.

“Olyus, happy birthday! You unique woman, containing radically opposite qualities! You are strong and weak, beautiful and homely, you talk a lot and sing a little, energetic and calm, closed and media, smart and, when you want, not very much. You went through a lot, but you walked yourself and your finest hour made solely by you. I'm proud of you! Remember, I'm always there! And on behalf of my character, deputy Yegor Batrudov, I officially announce January 20 national holiday“Buzovaya’s Day,” wrote Batrutdinov.