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Double vision (medical term) diplopia) is an eye disease in which one object is seen as two. With diplopia, two images of one object may overlap one another, shift diagonally, vertically, horizontally, or be rotated relative to each other as a result of deviation of the visual axis of one eye.

Diplopia can be either permanent or temporary. Symptoms of double vision often come and go, or only happen when you look in a certain direction.

The cause of double vision depends on whether the diplopia affects one eye (monocular diplopia) or both eyes (binocular diplopia). The cause of double vision also affects what treatment for diplopia will be prescribed. Treatment for double vision ranges from special glasses and eye exercises to surgery.

Do you have diplopia? Check your symptoms!

Double vision, diplopia, is the reason that a person sees two images of the same object. Diplopia is sometimes confused with blurred vision.

If you see a blurred object, but still one object, this is not diplopia, where you see two images at the same time. Double vision may be constant, it may come and go, or the symptoms only happen when you look in a certain direction.
Weakness in the muscles on both sides eyeball can cause horizontal double vision, where two images are seen side by side, on the left or right, sometimes even overlapping. Visit your doctor as soon as possible if you experience double vision, especially if the problem has not happened before. This may be a symptom of a serious illness.

Double vision in children. How to find out about a child's diplopia?

Adults can describe what is happening to their vision, but young children are often unable to clearly explain what is wrong with them.
If your child has problems with double vision, he or she may squint or squint their eyes in an attempt to see things more clearly; Also, with diplopia, they may often close one eye that suffers from it. The child can turn his head in an unusual way, or look to the side rather than forward.

Sometimes children may also look between two images. However, they tend to quickly learn to ignore one image. This process is called suppression and can lead to permanent vision loss in the dysplopic eye (amblyopia).

If you suspect your child has double vision or strabismus, make an appointment with an eye doctor as soon as possible. Diplopia is actually easy to diagnose and quickly treated.

Causes of diplopia. Why do you see double?

Double vision occurs in one or both eyes and can be caused by several different conditions.

Double vision in one eye (monocular diplopia)

There are five main forms of monocular diplopia:

  1. Aberration diplopia
  2. Neurogenic monocular diplopia
  3. Pupillary monocular diplopia
  4. Retinal form of monocular diplopia
  5. Refractive form of monocular diplopia

Double vision in one eye can be caused by the following reasons:

  • irregularly shaped cornea (astigmatism)
  • dry eye when it doesn't produce enough tears
  • corneal abnormalities
  • abnormalities of the lens, such as cataracts
  • retinal abnormalities such as macular degeneration

The cornea is at the front of the eye and acts like a camera lens, helping to focus the light entering the eye.
The retina is a light-sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the eye that converts light entering the eye into electrical signals.

Monocular diplopia is quite rare. Astigmatism and cataracts are the most common causes of monocular diplopia.

Double vision in both eyes. Binocular diplopia

Double vision in both eyes is caused by your eyes not being able to work together properly, which is known as binocular diplopia. If you have binocular double vision, your vision will usually be normal if either eye is closed.

If you have binocular diplopia, your eyes will point at slightly different angles, causing them to send various images into the brain. The images from each eye are too different for your brain to create a clear, single image. This causes you to see double images.

Conditions that can cause binocular diplopia

In adults, if double vision develops suddenly and is not caused by childhood strabismus, it may be a sign of another condition that affects the proper functioning of the eyes, muscles, nerves, or brain:

  • health thyroid gland which affects the outer eye muscles - your thyroid gland is located in the neck and produces the hormone thyroxine
  • a health condition that affects the blood vessels that supply blood to the brain or the nerves that control the eye muscles (such as stroke or transient ischemic attack)
  • diabetes - the condition can damage the blood vessels that supply blood to the nerves of the eye muscles
  • myasthenia gravis - makes the muscles of the body weak, including the eye muscles
  • multiple sclerosis - affects the central nervous system, including the nerves of the eye muscles
  • aneurysm - a "bulge" in a blood vessel caused by weakness in the blood vessel walls that can press on the nerves and muscles of the eye
  • a brain tumor or cancer behind the eyes that prevents the nerves in the eye muscles from moving freely or damaging them
  • injury to the head, brain, or nerves that connect to the eye muscles, or damage to the eye socket and restriction of eye muscle movement.

How to treat diplopia

If you have double vision, treatment for dyslopia will depend on whether both eyes (binocular dyslopia) or one eye (monocular dyslopia) are affected, and what exactly is causing the problem.

Treatment of monocular diplopia

If you are diagnosed with monocular dyslopia, treatment will depend on the underlying condition causing the double vision.


If monocular dyslopia is caused by astigmatism (an abnormally curved cornea), the patient may be prescribed corrective contact lenses or glasses. Most children over the age of 12 can wear contact lenses.

Laser surgery is another possible treatment option for astigmatism, but only your doctor can determine whether it is necessary.


If monocular dyslopia is caused by cataracts (clouding of the lens), you may need surgical intervention about cataracts to remove them. Cataract surgery is usually performed on the day of admission. medical institution, which means you can return home soon after it.

Treatment of binocular diplopia

Treatment for binocular dyslopia also depends on the underlying cause of the eye disease. Possible treatment options include:

  • special exercises for the eyes
  • attaching prisms to your glasses
  • eye patch for one eye
  • intraocular lenses (IOLs)
  • botulinum toxin (Botox) injection into the eye muscle
  • eye muscle surgery

Sometimes children may ignore double vision because their brain deals with the problem by ignoring, or "suppressing", one of the two images.
Most cases of squint in children (where the eyes look at different angles) can be treated effectively if the condition is detected and treated early.

Prisms on glasses

A prism is a wedge-shaped piece of glass or plastic that refracts light. Special Fresnel prisms can be attached to the glasses and are effective way treatment of dyslopia.

You may need to wear the prisms for several months. The strength can be adjusted according to the condition of your eyes.

Botulinum toxin

Botulinum toxin (Botox) injections are sometimes used to treat eye movement disorders such as squint.
Botulinum toxin is injected into one of the muscles that controls eye movement. It blocks chemical messages sent from nerves to cause muscles to relax. After Botox, the muscle is unable to move, so other muscles take over control of eye movement, which corrects double vision.

Eye muscle surgery

If double vision is caused by strabismus, eye muscle surgery can correct the position of your eyes. Any decision to proceed with an operation is made on the basis that the benefits offered by the operation are greater than any risks.

There are six muscles that control the position of each eye. Each muscle can be weakened, strengthened or moved. Depending on the specific case of strabismus, surgery may be performed to reposition the eyes and "reorient" them.

Intraocular lenses (IOLs)

For some cases of diplopia, one option to resolve the problem may be a surgical procedure to insert an intraocular lens (IOL). However, this procedure is only recommended when other treatments for diplopia have failed.

An intraocular lens may only be indicated for the treatment of people with binocular diplopia (both eyes). The procedure typically involves removing the lens and replacing it with an implant.

Although it is considered a safe procedure, there are risks associated with inserting intraocular lenses:

  • deformation of the lens after installation
  • damage to the natural lens of the eye (if it is not removed)
  • inability to examine the back of the eye (retina)
  • decreased visual acuity

Before inserting intraocular lenses (IOLs), it is necessary to discuss the consequences of the procedure with an ophthalmologist. The procedure is irreversible, and removal of the implant involves a significant risk of eye damage and visual impairment.

Denial of responsibility: The information presented in this article about diplopia is intended to inform the reader only. It is not intended to be a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional.

Vision problems are not always associated with loss of picture clarity. If the image doubles, then this is diplopia - a pathology associated with dysfunction of the visual analyzer. The disorder has various causes, and therefore therapy will vary. In some cases, specific treatment is not necessary to eliminate diplopia. But in order to understand how to deal with the disease, its nature must be established.

Why does double vision occur?

Visual impairment and diplopia are closely related. Similar manifestations occur with strabismus, progressive cataracts, and retinal detachment. If myopia occurs with a large difference between the eyes, then a split image occurs. The causes of double vision are not always caused by ophthalmological problems. It is not uncommon for the picture to appear double after a stroke. With embolism of the posterior cerebral arteries, blurring, episodic blindness, and monocular amblyopia occur. Such defects are observed in 20% of patients after a stroke. In the case of diplopia due to retinal infarction, swelling of the ganglion cells occurs. In such a situation, it will not be possible to quickly restore vision.

Diplopia also occurs for other reasons:

  • paralysis of the extraocular muscles;
  • tumor processes that limit the mobility of the apple;
  • pinching of the eye muscle;
  • hematomas of the eyeball;
  • compression of the oculomotor nerve due to carotid artery aneurysm;
  • head or orbital injuries;
  • neurological disorders, in particular myokymia.

Alcohol intoxication can cause double vision. Alcoholic diplopia is not an ophthalmological disorder. It is caused by poisoning of the cerebral cortex and damage optic nerves. The impairment is not permanent, and therefore vision is restored fairly quickly. Visual dysfunctions disappear as the body detoxifies.

Problems with the visual analyzer can be caused by cervical osteochondrosis. Double vision occurs when the vessels supplying the brain are damaged. This occurs in the late stages of osteochondrosis, when the brain does not receive the required amount of oxygen for a long time. Restore function visual center Without eliminating the root cause it is almost impossible. Treatment should be comprehensive, and the emphasis in therapy is on restoring blood supply to the head.

Diabetes mellitus negatively affects vision. Diabetic retinopathy is not the only disease that you have to deal with when you have high blood sugar. Double image is not uncommon in diabetes mellitus. It is caused by diabetic neuropathy. The situation is aggravated by ptosis, in which there is damage to the oculomotor nerves and drooping of the upper eyelid.

Surgery can also negatively affect eye health. Diplopia cannot be ruled out after brain surgery. Surgical treatment of heterotropia can result in temporary double vision. But if surgery is indicated, you should not delay treatment for fear of side effects. Persistent diplopia due to strabismus of any etiology is much more dangerous than possible complications surgical correction.


Double images don't always look the same. The disease has several forms, and therefore the following types of diplopia are distinguished:

  • binocular - both eyes see with distortion. This violation is more common. Dysfunction occurs when the extraocular muscles are affected. If the fusion mechanism is changed, then sensory diplopia is diagnosed. The direction of the displacement can be any. Most often, horizontal or vertical diplopia occurs, less often - at an angle. Along with sensory diplopia, motor and mixed diplopia are distinguished. Binocular disorders include orbital and neuroparalytic diplopia;
  • monocular - if double vision is detected in one eye, then eye injury or lens subluxation cannot be ruled out. This pathology also occurs when the iris is damaged, namely when it is separated from the ciliary body.

In the case of dysfunction of one eye, the clinical picture develops differently. There are several forms of monocular diplopia. Refractive error is considered the most harmless. It is easily corrected using optics and eye gymnastics. Neurogenic diplopia should be called difficult to treat. It occurs in hysteria and infectious diseases: encephalitis, meningitis. It is not entirely clear how to treat diplopia in this case, because it is more a symptom than an independent disease.

Other types of monocular disorders include:

  • aberration – occurs when the lens or cornea is damaged. Accompanied by distortion of the shape of the cornea and clouding;
  • Pupillary – before diplopia occurs, additional holes are formed in the iris, which leads to distortion of the picture;
  • retinal - appears as a result of eye diseases. Occurs with vascular damage, dystrophic and inflammatory processes.

Crossed diplopia stands out. It belongs to a type of binocular disorder, but has a peculiarity. With this pathology, the image is projected crosswise. The disease is often accompanied by strabismus with a characteristic weakening of the VI and IV pairs of cranial nerves.


Ghosting is characteristic feature diplopia. Clinical picture expands due to additional manifestations characteristic of certain disorders. Ophthalmological problems after a stroke are accompanied by memory loss, speech impairment, paralysis individual parts body and a number of other symptoms.

Diplopia in downward gaze occurs when the oblique muscles lose elasticity. A person has to turn his head because the extraocular muscles are inactive or inactive. Often the problem is accompanied by a violation of fixation or a blurry picture. With constant tension in the neck, blood circulation is disrupted, which aggravates the course of the disease.

Persistent diplopia due to strabismus of any etiology leads to loss of orientation, dizziness and headaches. If the brain becomes overworked when processing visual information, blindness can occur. This is how the brain protects itself from excessive stress.

Research methods

Before you can cure eye pathology, you need to understand its causes. For this purpose, a whole range of diagnostic measures is carried out. The ophthalmologist not only establishes the specifics of double vision, but also identifies which muscles are weakened. If the pairs of cranial nerves responsible for oculomotor activity are affected, then strabismus will occur simultaneously with diplopia. Sometimes the deviation of the pupil from the axis is so obvious that no questions arise regarding the nature of double vision.

Persistent diplopia due to strabismus of any etiology implies a limitation of the visual field. To more accurately assess visual perception, an ophthalmologist conducts a refraction test and visual acuity. Coordimetry allows you to establish double vision. This method helps evaluate the field of view of both eyes. Color filters provide an accurate representation of the state of the visual system and the clarity of perception of a picture in space.

The study of diplopia involves the use of a method such as provoking double vision. In this case, the patient evaluates the proposed picture with both eyes separately. Most simple method diagnostics is a study using light beam. The patient observes his movement, and the doctor notes the coordinates of the recorded images and compares them with real ones.

Diagnosing double vision in a child is more difficult, but the disease is often accompanied by strabismus, or rather is its consequence. There are also congenital pathologies that cause diplopia, but they are usually diagnosed in the first days of a child’s life and are subject to immediate correction.

An adult has double vision visible image may be episodic. In this case, additional studies are carried out to more accurately assess the condition of the visual apparatus. A cover test, a study of light perception, an ultrasound of the eyeball, and a study of the conjunctiva are prescribed.

Classical therapy

A neurologist, neurosurgeon, rheumatologist, endocrinologist and other specialized specialists come to the aid of an ophthalmologist. Only complex therapy will ensure sustainable vision restoration and prevent relapses. Diplopia after surgical treatment does not require specific correction. All efforts of doctors are aimed at reducing the rehabilitation period. If a disorder is detected after blepharoplasty, then additional studies are carried out to clarify the functionality of the extraocular muscles. But usually side effects surgeries are quickly disappearing.

If double vision is detected in a child, then radical therapy can be dispensed with. Eye gymnastics has proven itself well. Eye exercises for diplopia include:

  • strengthening muscles - for this purpose it is useful to move your eyes vertically and horizontally, in a circle and diagonally, along the sides of an imaginary square;
  • accommodation training - it is necessary to alternately fix the gaze on near and distant objects;
  • increasing visual acuity - to carry out the exercise, you need to fix a white sheet with a black stripe a meter from the patient. Fix your gaze on the strip so that the line is as clear as possible. Turn your head, holding the line and not allowing it to split. The exercise is contraindicated for sensory diplopia.

Optical correction will improve visual perception. An ophthalmologist prescribes prismatic glasses, but such treatment reduces the likelihood of natural vision restoration. If there is persistent diplopia due to strabismus of any etiology, then the optics are selected in such a way as to reduce the manifestations of strabismus.

For diplopia due to compression of nerve endings and blood vessels in the cervical spine, massage of the collar area is recommended. If visual impairment occurs after a stroke, then efforts are aimed at restoring cerebral circulation, which is achieved with the help of exercise therapy and medications.

Diplopia itself is practically untreatable, but the elimination of provoking factors will allow restoration of normal vision.

If optical correction is ineffective, surgical treatment is advisable. To eliminate double vision, injections of botulinum toxin are given, and in extreme cases, tightening of the extraocular muscles. Persistent diplopia due to strabismus of any etiology cannot be treated, and only surgical correction will restore the symmetry of the eyeballs and binocular vision.

Traditional medicine recipes

The use of herbal decoctions gives a weak result, but can increase the effectiveness of the main therapy. Treatment of diplopia folk remedies makes it possible to quickly restore vision after surgical treatment and neurological diseases.

After a heart attack or stroke, bay leaf oil, which is used for rubbing, helps. It is prepared as follows: 10 g of leaves are crushed, poured with a glass of olive oil and left in a dark place for a week. The product is used to massage the collar area to improve blood circulation and restore sensitivity. In this form it is used Bay leaf from pinching due to osteochondrosis.

Eyebright is used to improve visual acuity. It must be boiled at the rate of 50 g of raw material per 0.5 liter of boiling water. Leave for about 5 hours and take 10 ml 3 times a day. Duration of treatment – ​​1 month.

If the symptoms indicate neurological disorders and a tendency to hysteria, then it is advisable to take medications based on mint, chamomile, lemon balm, and motherwort. They are safe and very calming.

Persistent diplopia due to strabismus of any etiology cannot be treated traditional methods. And double vision after alcohol intoxication can be easily eliminated with the help of vitamin-mineral complexes and antioxidants. You can use pharmaceutical products, or you can use home recipes. Green tea with the addition of lemon and honey will cleanse the body of acetaldehyde and improve redox reactions.

Diplopia in persons with severe myopia is treated with blueberry preparations. Good to eat fresh berries and a decoction of the leaves. Take 30 g of leaves per glass of water, bring to a boil, infuse and take in two batches with a break of several hours. Getting rid of diplopia in this case will not be quick, but as vision is restored, the clarity of perception will improve.

Diplopia is a vision pathology expressed in doubling of images visible objects, which occurs as a result of a change in the location of the visual axis. Actually, double vision occurs due to the fact that images are focused instead of the central fovea in a different area, this occurs due to deviation of the eyeball.

Diplopia is always a disorder of binocular vision and is fully called binocular diplopia. This defect disappears immediately as soon as one eye is covered. True, sometimes (extremely rarely) with eye injuries that are associated with a separation of the root of the iris, forming two false ones, or with subluxation, monocular diplopia occurs. It is characterized by the ability to see two images of an object at once with one eye, and this state does not stop when the other eye is closed.

Causes of diplopia

The development of diplopia is caused by various disorders of the central parts of the visual analyzer, as well as pathologies of muscle balance, which arise as a result of a weakening of the functions of the eye muscles when it is damaged. This leads to restriction in the movement of the eyeball or its displacement to the side. In addition, diplopia can be provoked by neurogenic causes or pathological processes localized directly in.

As a rule, diplopia occurs due to weakening (paresis) or complete paralysis of the extraocular muscles, which disrupts coordination in the movements of the eyeballs. This loss of mobility occurs due to damage to the muscles responsible for the movements of the eyeball (myasthenia gravis - muscle weakness), as well as damage to the nerves that control these muscles.

However, the causes of diplopia can be:

  • pathological processes in the orbital cavity, provoking displacement of the eyeball;
  • orbital disorders arising as a result of fractures of the lower wall of the orbit, in which the eye muscle is pinched;
  • hematomas and tumor processes that cause restrictions in the movement of the eyeball or its complete immobility;
  • carotid artery aneurysm compressing the oculomotor nerve;
  • head injuries and damage to the oculomotor nerve.

Lesions of the oculomotor nerves can cause numerous pathologies of a neurological nature (tumor processes inside the skull, tuberculous meningitis, etc.). In addition, diplopia is one of the symptoms of infectious processes in the brain stem, indicating that the central system is involved in the process. nervous system(diphtheria, rubella, mumps, tetanus), or drug and alcohol intoxication. Diplopia also occurs with botulism, thyrotoxicosis, multiple diabetes and diabetes mellitus. It can develop against the background of injuries or operations on the brain, as well as as a result of surgical treatment, with psychoneuroses and states of hysteria.

Symptoms of diplopia

Diplopia manifests itself:

  • double vision,
  • persistent dizziness,
  • difficulties in assessing the location of objects.

Symptoms of diplopia always depend on the location of the pathological process. For example, damage to the rectus muscles entails parallel double vision, and oblique muscles affected by the disease can cause the “arrangement” of objects one above the other during double vision. With diplopia, the eye always deviates from the affected muscle in the opposite direction. The degrees of deviation are very different: sometimes it is the absence or restriction of movement of the eyeball towards the affected muscle; sometimes there is a forced position of the head, with a characteristic turn or tilt towards the affected muscle, which eliminates double vision.

Infectious diseases, meningitis, vascular diseases brain, intracranial tumor processes and fractures at the base of the skull give clearly defined signs of diplopia that characterize the corresponding condition. For example, with botulism, diplopia is one of the first symptoms, and patients with diphtheria experience a similar condition at the height of the disease.

The main task of treating diplopia is to identify and immediately eliminate its causes. The form of emergency care is dictated by the course of the underlying disease. For example, for diphtheria, botulism, meningitis, immediate hospitalization to the infectious diseases department is indicated, for fractures in the skull to the neurosurgical or trauma department. In other cases of diplopia, hospitalization is carried out when the underlying disease is particularly severe or the general condition of the victim.

If diplopia is a consequence of only an ophthalmological disease, then treatment is usually carried out in the eye department of a hospital or in a specialized eye center.

01.09.2014 | Viewed by: 4,952 people

Diplopia is double vision of objects in the field of vision. Diplopia is rarely an independent pathology. However, sometimes diplopia appears immediately after birth and is not accompanied by other eye diseases. The pathology causes quite unpleasant sensations for patients.

Double vision, or double vision, causes very rapid eye fatigue from the images of the picture and from the fact that the patient has to squint and look closely to fixate the gaze.

Types of diplopia

There are 4 types of diplopia, including:

1. Binocular. The patient looks at the object with both eyes, but the picture is not displayed normally due to a change in the visual axis of one organ of vision.

2. Monocular. The patient looks at the object with only one eye, but the image appears on two areas of the retina. This phenomenon often accompanies cataracts, polycoria, and iridocyclitis.

3. Paralytic. Occurs against the background of paralysis of the oculomotor muscle.

4. Cross. Causes severe inconvenience to the patient. The image is transmitted in the form of a picture with crossed objects.

Double vision of objects in the field of vision develops when the eye is unable to move normally. This causes doubling of the picture.

In most cases, diplopia appears due to damage to the eye muscles, diseases of the nervous tissue that provides innervation to the extraocular muscles.

Sometimes diplopia is diagnosed with injuries to the orbit of the eye, significant hemorrhages in the structure of the eye, which can limit the movement of the eyeball. Diplopia can also be secondary, for example, due to trauma to the skull.

Diplopia often accompanies diabetes mellitus (secondary diplopia). Usually, with proper correction of diabetes, pathological phenomena disappear on their own, but in many cases they periodically reappear.

The risk of diplopia is quite high with a disease such as carotid aneurysm. An aneurysm can compress the oculomotor nerve, which leads to double vision. Similar phenomena are observed when the nerve is compressed by edema that develops against the background of thyrotoxicosis.

Diplopia due to damage to the optic nerve can also occur with infectious lesions - tuberculosis, rubella, mumps, diphtheria, tetanus. Intracranial neoplasms and tumors can also compress nerve roots and lead to diplopia.

Cases of doubling of objects are also recorded when the dosage of botulinum toxin administration is exceeded. Botulinum toxin preparations are used to eliminate wrinkles.

If too high a dose of the drug is injected into the area of ​​the wrinkle localized on the eyebrow, double vision may appear. This occurs due to disruption of nerve and muscle conduction, but after appropriate treatment and blood purification, the condition may improve.

Symptoms of diplopia

A healthy person looks with both eyes and sees one object. Thus, in the absence of visual defects, one picture is formed in the brain. If a patient develops diplopia, then the person has two identical images the same picture.

In this case, the picture, as a rule, has clear contours, without any distortion. Some types of diplopia can produce a blurry image, but in this case the pathology is combined with other visual impairments.

The patient immediately pays attention to such a symptom, since it is simply impossible not to notice it. A person tries to restore vision by closing his other eye.


During the history taking, the patient describes complaints of diplopia. The ophthalmologist must prescribe a series of studies to identify its cause. To correctly diagnose, two main examinations are required: coordimetry and provoking diplopia.

To carry out coordimetry, the viewing areas of the eyes must be divided using special green and red filters. If such devices are superimposed, the picture disappears. This is how it is determined how an object is captured by both eyes.

To perform the coordimetry method, you need a screen, as well as glasses with colored lenses and flashlights of the same shades. The patient should be in semi-darkness. A screen with lined squares (5*5 cm) is attached to the wall. The total screen size is 2*2 m.

In its central part there are 9 marks, and their location should be consistent with the work of the oculomotor muscles.

The subject is located one meter from the screen and puts on glasses. Next, he looks at the screen, and his head should remain in a fixed position, his eyes opposite the central zone of the screen.

To determine the function of the right eye, the patient takes a flashlight with a red glow, and glasses with a red lens cover the right eye.

Using a green flashlight, the doctor highlights nine marks on the screen, while the patient must show the points of light with his flashlight.

The flashlight in the patient's hands is not visible due to the red lens covering the eye. In this regard, it is clearly visible only Green Lantern doctor

With diplopia, the spots of light are combined, and the ophthalmologist marks the inaccuracies on the same screen, only presented on paper in a reduced form. The patient's second eye is examined in the same way. All results are summarized and analyzed in a summary table.

If the work of the eye muscles is impaired, then the fields of vision change and the points on the screen shift greatly. Where the muscle is affected, the field becomes significantly shorter. At the same time, a healthy muscle tries to balance the balance, as a result of which pathological changes are felt even on its part.

The method of provoking diplopia is to evaluate the picture and is also performed using colored glasses. The red glass adapts to the right eye, and with the second eye the patient determines the nature of the position of the picture.

Then the study is repeated on the other side, as a result of which it is revealed in which organ of vision the diplopia occurs.

To perform the examination, you need a 1.5 * 1.5 m screen with thin slits cut out, which are located at some distance from each other. Under these slots there are lamps that can be controlled remotely.

In semi-darkness, the patient sits 50 cm from the screen, and looks towards the approximate center of the screen. After preliminary determination of which eye is “guilty” of diplopia, red glass is attached to this organ of vision.

The lights light up alternately. In this case, the patient can visualize red and white stripe through the cracks in the screen. He marks the location of the red stripe with chalk. This produces 9 marks, between which the distance is measured, and the data is entered into a computer or on paper.

There is another way to detect diplopia - using light bulbs. Flashing the beam of a flashlight within the patient’s line of sight allows you to determine how many luminous points he sees.

If the patient marks 2 points, then he must describe in more detail their location and the distance between them. This is necessary to diagnose the nature of the muscle damage and its location.

Treatment of diplopia

Diplopia must be treated without fail, as it causes severe inconvenience in the patient’s life. Various methods are used for therapy to eliminate or correct the underlying pathology - the cause of diplopia.

Most often, a neurologist and an ophthalmologist are involved in treatment, since for the most part diplopia is a consequence of damage to the optic nerves.

The phenomena of diplopia can be significantly reduced if you use prismatic correction techniques. For this purpose, special glasses are selected that will individually suit the patient. Unfortunately, there are also negative aspects of this treatment - for example, a decrease in visual acuity.

That is why diplopia in children should not be corrected using prismatic glasses, or at the same time using additional methods to improve visual function. Sometimes patients are recommended special glasses with an offset center, which improve the visibility of objects.

There are also special exercises that are prescribed to improve vision in a patient with diplopia, as well as to strengthen eye tissue. Most of them can be done freely at home.

Here is one of them: a person is a meter away from a light wall, on which a piece of paper with a dark stripe is placed. The patient must choose a head position in which this strip will be displayed clearly and in a single quantity. Then the person focuses his vision on the strip and smoothly turns his head to the sides.

You should try to ensure that the strip remains single for as long as possible.

This exercise is quite effective if performed at least 2 times a day, but is suitable only for patients with partial diplopia.

Thus, sensory diplopia requires a completely different type of activity. The patient must visually combine two pictures located within the field of view into one whole. Moreover, such images should be at a small distance from each other. As you repeat the exercise, this distance gradually increases.

Surgical correction of pathology

There are also methods of surgical correction of pathology, which are recommended in the absence of results from other treatment methods. These include recession of the eye muscle, during which the muscle moves backward and the cut fascia is sutured to the sclera.

Another type of operation is muscle resection, which is aimed at reducing its length to compensate for the work of the affected muscle.