What do you see in the picture test. Psychological test in one click: What do you see in the picture? If you see faces in objects, you are normal

In this test we selected the most outstanding people who changed the world and its history for the better. There are scientists and artists, politicians and engineers, physicists and artists here. If you recognize all these famous personalities, then your level of education and erudition can be envied. Test your knowledge. Go!

Many of us remember life in the USSR with nostalgia and warmth. Soviet people were lucky enough to live in the era of the first scientific discoveries, the first flight into space, in an era when life was affordable, education and medicine were free, an era good people and natural products. In this test we have prepared questions for people born in the USSR. If you can answer everything, then you are a Soviet person!

Idioms Some of our favorite films have already become an integral part of our lives. Instead of a dozen words, it’s enough to express yourself in one popular phrase, and everything will become clear. If you are confident in your abilities and consider yourself an expert in Soviet cinema, then our test is definitely for you! Let's check it out!?

The average US resident is not as erudite as the average Russian. The reason is simple - different systems education. If in our country teachers cram everything into their students’ heads, then in America they teach what will be useful to a person in his future career. Let's check who knows more - you or the American.

Human erudition is a huge store of knowledge and its competent use in life. How smart and educated are you for your age? Do you have enough knowledge to answer all the questions without turning to the Internet for help? If you have a high level of knowledge, then you will cope with this test quickly and easily, but if not, then the encyclopedia will help you! Go!

Today our country is a great and powerful state with rich history. Behind the formation of this country there are many great victories and defeats, many iconic names, including: artists, military men, scientists, politicians and ordinary Russian people. All these events and people played key roles in the history of Russia. What do you know about this? Test your knowledge of history by answering all the questions in this quiz.

Have you already forgotten how many years ago you graduated from school? Or are you still looking forward last call? It doesn't matter who you are or how old you are! After all, today we have selected questions exclusively on school curriculum. However, let's say right away: we will not ask how much 2+2*2 is - this is baby talk. Only the most interesting and necessary things during the difficult years of study!

Have you noticed for a long time that you are smarter than many of your colleagues? Or just tired of your friends' illiteracy? Today we will give you food for thought! This test will definitely be able to evaluate you at your true worth. I'm already wondering what's there? Then let's not waste time on empty talk! Forward!

Knowledge of geography reveals such human qualities as: erudition, general cultural level, amazing memory and excellent travel skills. If you have information about geography, then you know, understand and imagine the planet on which you live. Today we will test your memory and knowledge. Go!

Many people know the history of their country in general outline, but few people remember exact dates, names, events and accomplishments that preceded the formation of a great state. But every decent citizen of Russia should have this information. If you are an erudite, educated and well-read person, then you will pass the test in one go. Test your strength and knowledge. Go!

If you see faces in objects, you are normal!

Do you remember how, as a child, you looked at the patterns on the carpet or on the wallpaper - and found in them big-nosed and big-eared monsters, smiling or threatening grimaces? But there was no one like him hiding there! Just innocent patterns. Many people retain the ability to “see a gopher where there is none” even at an advanced age. This phenomenon has a beautiful scientific name - “pareidolia”.

Psychological reference books call it “perceptual disorder.” But in general, if you wish, you can find this phenomenon anywhere. Strictly speaking, clouds are not white-maned horses at all. And even a smiley is not an image of a human smile: it’s just two dots and a bracket. Have you ever seen two dots and a bracket on a smiling face? That's it...

The Internet is having fun finding faces on Google Maps and drunken octopuses shaped like coat hooks. So we're all a little pareidolic, baby... But some are especially so. And they actively infect those around them!

Mars attacks!

For example, space explorers. It seems that serious people do not hunt for ghosts in vain... But no: in the photographs of the hills of the Martian region of Cydonia, taken by the American Viking-1 in 1976, everyone saw a certain face. And off we go: this is “Sad Angel”, and here we have ruins ancient city, and there are pyramids, and the hill is generally a phallic symbol of the origin of life... From one play of light and shadow in the human brain, another extraterrestrial civilization blossomed and began to flourish wildly.

Holy Virgin on a Sandwich

But science fiction fans - that’s okay, they read and write for themselves beautiful myths and they don’t really bother anyone. But what about traveling thousands of kilometers to worship... a cake? And in 2002, this is exactly what happened: 20,000 (twenty thousand!) pilgrims descended on the Indian city of Bangalore in India to see the “face of Christ” mystically appearing on a chapati cake. And the American designer Diana Deiser kept the sandwich that showed her the “image of the Virgin Mary” for ten years. Only then was she able to part with the relic. For $28,000. And they bought it!

Funny Cars

The pareidolic effect is deliberately used by manufacturers. For example, bottles and vials are given seductive curves so that the subconscious associates them with a female figure, and cars are given individual “facial expressions” depending on the “character” that will attract the consumer: aggressive, assertive or sweet.

Loading a face from the cache

Where does this property come from - to see in a banana not just a banana, that is, at every step to find, if not a divine face, then a funny face? Of course, these are tricks of the brain. He reads the information falling on us from the outside, very quickly - but very approximately. Since he already has certain connections and associations stored in his “RAM” (or “cache”), the main one of which: stick-stick-cucumber - this is clearly homo sapiens. Our customized “facial recognition program” works in one-fifth of a second. And it is precisely the outlines of the face that she gladly substitutes wherever she gets, and for how much in vain.

Where do ears come from?

Why do some see more of this good, while others see less? The opinions of specialists, as usual, differ. The patterns and versions here are as follows.

    • Those who believe in God (gods, demons, the universal mind, the supernatural - underline what is necessary), tend to find images of the animate in the inanimate many times more often: in shadows, mountain bends, chips, fish cutlets and any other objects. Starting with the Shroud of Turin, the origin of which we will not discuss;)
    • Among representatives of the fair sex, the tendency to pareidolia is more common than among representatives of the stronger sex.
    • Similar effects often arise and flourish rapidly in the brain under the influence of psychotropic substances or in the initial (that is, initial) stages of acute psychoses.
    • As was said, we automatically “substitute” the details we see into the overall picture, without processing each one separately - to save time. Based on this known effect texts like “By rzelulattam ilsseovadniy odongo anligysokgo unviertiseta, not ieemt zanchneiya, in kokam pryakde rsapozholeny bkuvy v solve.” Everything is wrong, but it still reads quickly and clearly.

  • However, above all, the human brain is programmed to search for and recognize faces - and this feature is “triggered” from the very beginning. The first thing a newborn baby does is distinguish from the surrounding reality the faces of the people who are next to him.
  • This is the basis for one of the theories of the origin of the pareidolia effect: they say, the ability to recognize faces on long distance or in the fog was so important to our distant ancestors that evolution diligently developed it for survival - until it developed in some places to the level of Diana Deiser with her divine sandwich.
  • Some psychologists believe that if a person in his normal everyday state has this feature well developed, this is one of the signs high level neuroticism.
  • However, this is also a sign of a creative and subtle nature. So if you see an elf in every curl on the upholstery, and a dragon in every fold of the blanket, this means you have a fine mental organization and developed creative abilities!

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Dual or polysemantic images, as the Big Psychological Dictionary tells us, are explained by the fact that when perceiving such pictures, a person experiences different views, identically corresponding to the one depicted.

How many women do you see?

At first glance, 90% of people see attractive girl 20-25 years old, the remaining 10% see an old woman over 70 with a huge nose. For those who see the picture for the first time, it is difficult to see the second image.

Clue: A girl's ear is an eye elderly woman, and the oval of a young face is the nose of an old woman.

The first impression, according to psychologists, usually depends on what part of the picture your gaze fell on at the first moment.

After a little training, you can learn to order yourself who you want to see.
Psychiatrist E. Boringou used the portrait in the 1930s as an illustration for his work. The author of such an image is sometimes called the American cartoonist W. Hill, who published the work in 1915 in the magazine “Pak” (translated into Russian as “elf”, “fairy-tale spirit”).

But back in the first years of the 20th century, a postcard was issued in Russia with the same picture and the inscription: “My wife and my mother-in-law.”

The picture with two ladies can be found in many psychology textbooks.

Hare or duck?

Which character did you see first on modern version"Ehrenstein illusions"? The very first "duck-hare" drawing was published in Jastrow's book in 1899. It is believed that if children are shown the picture on Easter Day, they will be more likely to see it as a rabbit, but if shown to them in October, they will tend to see a duck or similar bird

Clue: In the picture you can see a duck, which is directed to the left, or a hare, which is directed to the right.

Singing Mexicans or old men?

Mexican artist Octavio Ocampo is the author of quite unusual paintings with hidden meaning. If you look closely, you will see another, hidden image in each of his drawings. He made the scenery of more than 120 Mexican and American films. Created several portraits famous people the Western world in a surreal style (“Portrait of the singer Cher”, “Portrait of the actress Jane Fonda”, “Portrait of Jimmy Carter”, etc.).

Clue: The old man and the old blonde woman look at each other. Their eyebrows are the hats of Mexican musicians, and their eyes are the faces of musicians.

Just Rose?

At first glance, yes. An ordinary flower and nothing more. But it was not there. The author of this image, Sandro del Pre, formed a new direction in art, which he called “illusorism,” focusing on the creation optical illusions when painting.

Clue: In the center of the rose you can see a couple kissing.

Old man or cowboy?

This painting by Ya. Botvinnik, first half of the twentieth century, USA, is called “My husband and my father-in-law.”
Who did you see first? Young man in a cowboy hat or an old man with a big nose?
Psychologists say that a person’s attitude towards himself influences the choice of image: with a positive attitude, people are more likely to perceive a young image in the first seconds.

Clue: The cowboy's neck is the old man's mouth, the ear is the eye, the chin is the nose.

What do you see in the sixth picture?

Leave your options in the comments to this article. The answer will appear at 13:00 on October 8, 2013.

Answer: Skull or young couple