Angels friends original comic part 12. Let's come down from Heaven to Earth! Differences between animated series and comics

Italian pop music goes around the world, devouring the hearts and confusing the minds of the mass consumer - to such an extent that in some places it is already beginning to be considered almost a trend of “extra-Japanese anime” - despite the entirely European artistic style of the works.

Let's come down from Heaven to Earth!

So, this time we... we again have magical girls saving the world from evil (we say the mantra three times)! Alas, the Italian series “Angel’s Friends” will not say anything fundamentally new in its field, although it still managed to play out some characteristic aspects of the chosen genre in a rather fresh and interesting way.

By the way, for some reason the name “Angel’s Friends” is most often translated in our country either as “Friends of angels” or generally as “Friends are angels”, although the word “angel” is clearly in singular. Literally – “Friends of the Angel.” In my opinion, more close value"Angel Friends" Well, yes it is, little things.

It all starts, of course, with a schoolgirl who considers herself the most ordinary. Only, for the sake of variety, not “earthly”. Or even literally – “unearthly”, since the main character of the series, Raf, is an angel-student who, in the very first episode, will have to leave her usual heavenly city and go to Earth to practice in the difficult work of a guardian. Unfortunately, as is usually the case, it was she who had to collect almost all the characteristic clichés for the sake of the genre direction. Raf, of course, is a very kind girl, a little timid and indecisive, afraid of loneliness and constantly pouring out her soul to her friends, to her diary, or to her “totem” - the ladybug - but selfless and - how could we live without it? - possessing some hidden unique power, which for the time being she herself is not even aware of. And with her origin, not everything is so simple. In general, the only thing that distinguishes her from the host of similar heroines of this genre is her intrigue “in the opposite direction.” Yes, by the way, I don’t know whether the creators of the series set out to play with this, but the “magical transformations” of the heroes are also the opposite: both angels and devils constantly live in their ordinary ethereal guises, invisible to people, and for contact with a human ward by classic "henshin" take on the guise of human teenagers. That is, in this story magical transformation changes not an ordinary hypostasis to a magical one, but on the contrary - quite, in my opinion, a good plot solution (it is not so easy to create at least some variety within a clear genre framework).

Together with Raf, her best friend Uri goes to Earth (the girl looks like the fruit of the vicious passion of Aisha from Winx and Professor Avalon, but this is not a reproach to her!) - an expressive mulatto, sometimes prone to complexes because of the fictional “ excess weight”(considering that the figures of all the heroines are drawn with approximately the same build - this is exactly how it immediately looks like speculation) and knows how to photograph dreams and dreams. They meet two more classmates on Earth: the frivolous, flirtatious chatterbox Dolce (for some reason her name was literally translated into Russian as the adjective Sweet) and the more serious, slightly ruff, tomboyish Miki (oddly enough, it is she who turns out to be a second-year student who failed her internship last year , however, the reasons for its failure are not reported).

Having become acquainted, the girls decide to unite in an informal group in order to come to each other’s aid when necessary - the words “Angel’s Friends” become the formula for such a call. Ideally, there is no need to translate the slogan at all, because native language The series is Italian, and the slogan is an Anglicism, incomprehensible to the Italian ear to the same extent as to the Russian.

Also, immediately after the flight, it turns out that the angels will have to undergo practice side by side with the devils, who came to the Golden School from the underground “hellish” city of Zulfanello for similar practice. Actually, the first person Raf meets when he falls to Earth is the second main character stories - an imp named Sulfus. He soon turns out to be her “opponent” in the struggle for the moral (or immoral - depending on who is luckier in the confrontation) image of the boy under his charge.

The character of Sulfus is built on contrasts with Raf - he is an ironic and hot-tempered boy; Despite the attempts to portray cynicism and individualism instilled by his hellish upbringing, Sulfus is, perhaps, much more emotional than Raf, and is also subject to mood swings: in a very short time he goes from deep pessimism to an energetic fighting spirit and just as quickly fizzles out back. In the very first episode, she incites the enemy to unwittingly break one of the basic rules of cooperation between angels and devils on Earth, which attracts the attention of both of them to the mysterious “third force” and ensures a bunch of common troubles in the future.

A company is also formed around Sulfus. What I don’t understand is why the demons have a unisex team, while the angels have a purely female team? In the original comic, there were also two boys in the angelic company, replaced by one Dolce, who was absent from the original. The mysterious intriguer Cabiria (who amused many viewers familiar with Winx with her resemblance to the witch Stormi and her character to Darcy) becomes Uri’s opponent. The second she-devil is the cheerful hooligan Kabale, even by the standards of their stream, the most indifferent to rules and laws. Kabala is very gambling and at the same time loves all kinds of scams, because of which her “Sweet” opponent Dolce constantly has to, such a paradox, is not at all sweet: in the struggle for human souls, the devil also finds it too boring to play by the rules. She is the one in the “hellish” group best friend Sulfusa. Although this is not said directly, it seems that he knew both girls back in their historical homeland. The fourth little devil is the charming Gus. Introduced clearly as a comedic klutz, but I personally liked him much more than the Byronic Sulfus. Unfortunately, this little devil got very little screen time; it’s hard to say how he’s doing with dispelling human vices, but Gus has two fatal passions of his own: food and - which surpasses even the first - secret love to the curator of their course, the devil Temptel. Because of this, Gus is not in the best position as a student - after all, the devils are encouraged to have a tendency to misbehave in class and violate discipline in every possible way, and he listens to the speeches of his beloved teacher, literally holding his breath, and does not take his eyes off her - and such involuntary diligence is on the devil's stream not in honor. Because of this, he always becomes the object of teases from the Cabal and Cabiria. And the red little devil is also a big gossip, capable of spilling the beans about something or informing his beloved teacher, even to his own detriment! Therefore, if you suddenly need to spread some information, but without looking like you’ve spilled the beans, you just need to tell it to Gus in great confidence! Gus confronts Miki, and, unlike the other trainees, they have two wards - a pair of twin girls.

In general, the supporting characters, as often happens, seemed to me much more successful and interesting than the main characters. The teachers are especially impressive - the already mentioned curator Temptel and, accordingly, the dean of the angelic stream Arkasha (that is, of course, Arkan), upon seeing whom my first thought was: “Dumbledore was forced to work in his specialty in the next world!” Contrary to, alas, a common tendency, here the mentors do not fall into gurism and behave quite naturally for people... well, okay - for not quite people - on whose necks several gangs of restless teenagers have fallen.

Well, and, of course, a couple of antagonists: imprisoned for a particularly serious crime of the past in Limbo (I didn’t understand why the creators of the series turned out to have Limbo worse than hell, but well, that’s their business) a lady named Reina with a very rich past (and also appeared a couple of times from behind the ears of Nerissa from ““) and her uncomplaining (for the time being) servant Malakhov... uh, that is, Malaki, unlike his mistress, is able to move between worlds - accordingly, and runs about half of the series there -Back on her instructions. He also turns out to have an interesting, and within the genre even dramatic, past, but, alas, his line is cut off, never allowing him to fully reveal himself. It is also notable for the fact that it is voiced by a pleasant voice in Russian dubbing - an almost incredible thing. As for Reina, she is simply a born fanfictionist: noticing a spark of attraction between the heroes for each other, she for a long time she pushed them in every possible way to get closer, specially setting up adventures and quests in which the “needed perring” could be realized. In addition, Reyna is a kind of embodiment of Raf's main fear, absolute loneliness. This helps the heroine subsequently understand her - and use this understanding to win.

This, by the way, brings us closer to the last point - the rather weak ending of the series, as if glued to the plot with tape. In the end, the characters develop and become less clear-cut, the heroes even begin to develop something like strategic thinking (it’s strange, of course, that a hundred-plus-year-old opponent could fall for such a scam from a toddler, but apparently she really felt feeling incredibly lonely and really wanted to believe that someone was ready to come over to her side voluntarily), but in the end, alas, the writers couldn’t stand it and reduced everything to “victory through obtaining new super-awesome powers,” even from this resource more could have been squeezed out. In addition, it is immediately stipulated that the ending is “passable”: wait, kids, for the next season!

A little about the second season

Unfortunately, the subsequent sequel only aggravated the matter, actually negating the themes of friendship, mutual assistance and angelic mission, which at first, although pushed aside by the semi-love line, were still basic not only for angels, but even for devils. Probably because of this outcome, Raf realized that she was the main character here, that she could get away with any mistakes and dirty tricks - which means that everything is permitted.

It's quite a shame that the unimportant script for the second season implements a very interesting idea. For many years now, a truce has been established between angels and devils, which does not allow the two Eternal Nations to destroy the enemy of the enemy and regulates for each angel or devil the work with their earthling ward. However, not everyone likes the concluded truce: both in Heaven and in the Underground there are those who dream of the opportunity to restore their honor after the “offensive” treaty in the renewed war between Light and Darkness... The new antagonists of the series are an angel and a devil from the times when between The heavenly and underground peoples waged a full-fledged war, and not a peaceful confrontation, they dream of reviving the holy war: only the final victory of one of the parties, from their point of view, will truly put an end to the hostility. And, according to the already established tradition, Raf plays a serious role in their plans, although this time they will interact more with Sulfus, who, by coincidence, is forced to become their puppet.

But the interesting beginning is not realized at all: instead, we will watch how Raf, over the course of the season, destroys his relationships with friends, turning from a sweet, modest girl into a bossy lady, how he forgets his dream of becoming a Guardian, and generally stops believing in that goodness. which he “teaches” to the earthling under his charge. The end, however, is natural and even reasonable from Raf’s point of view: she no longer wants to be an angel and renounces her powers in order to become a human. Alas, there is no repentance in this, no understanding that the mission is impossible, and no fear of becoming “the new Reina, only worse” - all the emphasis is shifted to falling in love, which is not realizable for an angel.

For the second season, perhaps this happy end, even if it doesn’t redeem the script’s disappointments. Therefore, although in the epilogue they again tried to cast the bait for a continuation, it is felt that the series has run out of steam and there would be no better way for this continuation. We can only hope to someday see the film adaptation of the original comic book, which was planned, judging by the initial trailer.

Raf is the main character of the story in both the comic and the series. The girl, in both her variations (and very different styles drawings) has a typical angelic appearance: flaxen blonde with blue eyes.
In the comic Raf there are twelve “stars” (an angelic analogue to the year of growing up, the exact chronological extent is unclear), she and her mother (presumably with her parents, but her father not only never appeared in the frame, but also did not give a voice) spent her entire life in the heavenly city of Angietown, and at the beginning of events he is sent to Earth to practice the difficult skill of a guardian angel. Raf, like all trainees, is considered to be only 99% an angel, and she will have to gain the missing percentage through practice working with people. The girl is friendly, lively, a little adventurous, but at the same time naive and trusting (especially considering that until recently she had to deal exclusively with angels). She was the leader of the company of angel trainees and a vocalist in their amateur music group. She is passionate about ecology and “natural” natural remedies such as masks and herbal teas. There are hints that Raf’s “flaw” is her stubbornness, but it would be a bit of a shame if she really had to overcome all the “imperfections” of her character. Almost from the very beginning of the story, both her new friend Gabe (Gabriel) and her rival in practice Sulfus are not indifferent to Raf, but the girl herself manages to get carried away by an earthling named Raoul - this forbidden love sooner or later threatens to force Raf to make a choice and, perhaps, refuse altogether from his angelic essence (however, the mention of another story about how love for a person and refusal of immortality ultimately led to very sad consequences makes one strongly doubt whether such an act would be reasonable). In the comic, Raf has pink wings and a halo, and her talisman, the ladybug Cox, which helps her remain invisible to earthlings and “ghostly” to earthly objects, turns into a pendant on her chest. Raf dresses in a green skirt and top with red boots.
In the series, Raf already has fifteen “stars” (again, with a controversial chronology regarding time on Earth) and she and her parents similarly live in the heavenly city of Angietown, only now it looks not like a fairy-tale tower, but like a futuristic metropolis. And similarly, it begins its history from the beginning of guardianship practice on Earth. But Raf herself is no longer the same as before. Now this is a very typical heroine of a romantic story: feminine, gentle, sensitive and a little timid. She is very attached to loved ones, and more than anything in the world she is afraid of loneliness. The support of friends helps her cope with shyness - this is what one of the new classmates notices, who proposed creating a group on earth in order to come to each other’s aid using a special formula-call. This formula becomes “Angel’s friends”. However, the first (and ultimately most significant) meeting for Raf, who has literally barely descended from heaven to earth, is meeting her future opponent, the little devil. As a result, both the violation of the Veto (which in this story refers not to earthlings, but to opponents) and the emerging tender feelings go to Sulfus instead of the earthling Raoul who never appeared. And everything would have been fine if, firstly, the hobby had not turned out to be categorically forbidden here, and secondly, someone had not decided to thoroughly fan this still timid spark of mutual sympathy. Raf's passion for nature is not mentioned in any way in the series, and even in the musical group that spontaneously appeared in one of the episodes, her friends play without her. But the girl really likes to delve into her feelings, pouring them out either to a diary or to a talisman. In the series, Raf has blue wings and a halo and a blue and gold disco suit of short shorts and a T-shirt, more stylish, but perhaps too flashy for her delicate feminine personality. Ladybug Cox now turns into a buckle on the strap of shorts, and serves not for shielding, but, on the contrary, for full embodiment, temporarily turning the hostess into an earthly girl. As often happens with heroines of this genre, Raf’s origins are not so simple. As with fate in general - in particular, her angel parents are declared adopted at a certain moment. *Already so often ordinary-earthly-girls have learned that they are unusual, but for an unusual-unearthly-girl to suddenly receive a similar “moment of truth” in the opposite direction - this is the first time I’ve encountered this!*

Gabe (Gabriel). One of the most reworked characters in the film adaptation, so there is essentially nothing to generalize about him
In the comic, Gabe is a fellow student, Raf, in earthly practice, whom she meets on the way to Earth in a celestial sphere very similar to an ordinary school bus, well, or rather, an airbus. Gabe has tousled brown hair, brown eyes, and a green halo and wings. The boy is a computer genius who relies on his PDA processor for everything, seemingly capable of doing all the calculations. When communicating with classmates, Gabe is a little awkward and withdrawn, due to his constant thoughtfulness, so communication with his classmates does not go well at first. However, he really liked Raf, so Gabe tries in every possible way to overcome his detachment in order to become a good friend to her. In romantic terms, his sympathy never meets with a response, but the relationship itself is gradually improving. In parallel with this, he is slowly getting closer to Miki, however, in exactly the opposite way: from a purely friendly relationship to a sympathy that is already emerging in a close friendship. In the musical group of angels, there is a keyboard player (no less, in childhood they tortured him with the piano - and now it came in handy). Gabe's mascot, the bumblebee Ginger (can be translated as Ginger or Ginger), turns into a keychain that the boy wears, clipped to his pocket.
In the series, Gabriel's appearance, personality, and history have changed beyond recognition. The shy hedgehog-like boy genius has turned into a candy-colored handsome man, now he is several “stars” older than the company of the main characters and, apparently, has already completed his training, and arrives on Earth as a Guardian, whose duty is to prevent Raf from do something stupid (in the end, Gabe himself does the most colossal stupidity, but that’s not the point). Now Gabe is a young man (he looks to be about seventeen or eighteen years old... that is, a “star”) with snow-white shining wings, turquoise eyes and caramel-colored light brown hair, from which, as soon as he appears in the class, all the girls present are delighted, except Raf herself, completely dissatisfied with the fact that a convoy was assigned to her, even a very nice one. Apparently, Gabriel himself, on the contrary, feels some sympathy for Raf, since he soon falls under the spell of a “third party”, which inflates this spark of innocent interest into a passionate obsession. But either this interest in itself was very fleeting, or Gabe did not stay under the spell for too long - and after being freed from it, he no longer felt anything that went beyond the scope of universal human affection for his ward. Gabe's own feelings prevented him from adequately performing his duties as a Guardian and did not allow him to establish a trusting relationship with Raf. Having failed to fulfill his mission and considering himself to blame for the cataclysm that occurred, the young man soon decided to ingloriously return back to Angietown. Gabe's mascot was never shown in the series, one can only assume that it is the same bumblebee (some kind of golden thing with a tassel was hanging on his jeans, maybe a deactivated totem).
PS: PS: “Gabe” is actually in the American style. Form of the name of the Archangel Gabriel. *that is, about as logical as in the Russian translation calling the poor boy simply Gavrilka)))* in Italian sounds like Gabi, since most Italian names end with a vowel sound.
Off the record, I’ll add that the comic book suits the name Gabe better, but the series suits Gabriel

Miki is another classmate and potentially a new friend whom Raf meets during his internship on Earth. A ruff, tomboyish girl with a sharp tongue and slightly boyish manners. An ethnic Eskimo (this is quite obvious in the drawing of the comic; in the series only certain features have been preserved), short, black-haired, with a high-cheeked face and almond-shaped eyes - though blue, not dark. Mika has golden-yellow wings and a halo, she cuts her hair quite short and unevenly, braiding a long strand on one side into a short asymmetrical braid, on which her talisman, the dragonfly Lula, is usually disguised as a hairpin. Miki is a second-year student who has already tried to practice on Earth once, but was unsuccessful - because of this, she carries herself with a somewhat exaggerated rigidity and confidence. For an angel, she can sometimes seem a little unrestrained and harsh.
In the comic, Miki is very vertically challenged, which caused official confusion about her age (I’m not sure about this, so I won’t say anything) and is slightly overweight. During the last year of training, Miki helped an absent-minded earthling boy become more sociable and friendly - and at first she was quite successful in this, but a misfortune happened to her ward. The guy was apparently seriously injured after falling down the stairs. Although angels are prohibited (at least at the student level) from directly interfering in the lives of earthlings with their superpower, Miki, by touching the boy, healed him of his injuries - and in the end received suspension from classes and failed internship. As they say, no good deed goes unpunished - even for angels. In Angietown, Miki lives with her mother, who strives to accustom her daughter to more feminine outfits, but Miki herself is even more than completely indifferent to clothes (shorts and especially tights cannot be called anything other than quiet horror, only as a sign of protest to these “additions” and wears it!). A music lover, she composes music herself and plays the bass guitar in a group of angels, which very accurately reflects her character. During practice, he becomes especially close to Gabe and supports him when they learn that Raf is in love with an earthling; it is possible that romantic sympathy gradually arises between these two “hedgehogs.”
Glamor is merciless and unforgiving, so even the “tomboy” Miki had to become a spectacular and attractive girl in the film adaptation - she “grew up” to the same proportions as the others, and began to dress with the greatest taste of all the angels. The passion for music still flickers from time to time, but in rather small touches - the original importance of music, as well as melody own composition, if they remain, it is almost completely behind the scenes. But Mika also develops sports hobbies and successes. The causticity and irony are also significantly softened, although she is still the most serious and in some ways a little harsh among the angels. The series does not say anything about the reasons why Miki, despite this, did not pass the internship the first time - perhaps, of the main characters, for some reason she is given the least amount of plot time. It seems that she was not indifferent to Gabe, but in this reality, alas, he did not notice her at all behind all this whirlpool of events and general running around. I hope she will still be allowed to reveal herself properly in the following seasons.

Ang Lee. A thin, dark-haired boy-angel with an oriental appearance (judging by the name, probably stylized as Chinese or Korean), wears a white and gold jacket, breeches and classic “nerdy” glasses. Ang Lee's wings and halo are silver-blue. Calm and quite friendly, but does not show much activity, so he gets involved in stories a little less often than others. He loves comics, especially manga (I wonder how he reacted to “Ghetto of Angels”?) - on the basis of common interests, he manages to make friends with Cabiria, with whom he exchanges materials and discusses new items. Saxophonist in a music group. The mascot is the stick insect Zeppo.
He is not one of the main characters in the cartoon and only appeared in the crowd a couple of times, so it is difficult to say anything about his character. Outwardly he remained almost unchanged, although he became a little older.

Pysh-pysh, Urka. The Italian Wikipedia gives somewhat unclear information, and in the chapters that I saw, Uri had not yet had time to really show herself, only in the Airbus she introduced everyone to Raf, so it turned out to be the most “half-baked” thing(

Uri. Friend Raf still with junior school in Angietown. A dark-skinned girl (mulatto or, in a less common version, Arabic) with chestnut curls tied into curled ponytails. Her mascot is the firefly Lampo (or Lightning), which takes the form of one of the decorations.
In the comic, Uri has eleven "stars" and has green eyes and soft lilac wings and a halo. Soft, gentle, dreamy, creative nature. Photographer, collects beautiful photographs of all sorts of things from the earth. With his camera he knows how to photograph not only the real world, but also dreams and daydreams, which helps the heroes delve into the mind of Vera, the ex-wife of the necromancer Malachi. There is a drummer in the music group of angels.
In the series, the exact age is unknown, but at least fourteen "stars", Uri's eyes became violet, and his wings and halo golden yellow. In contrast to Raf, Uri in the film adaptation has become tougher, more confident, decisive and stubborn, and now she plays the role of the “older” girlfriend in tandem. Still loves photography and owns a “dream camera”, but is no longer such an inspired artist. From time to time she spontaneously begins to develop complexes due to mythical “problems” with her figure (considering the doll-like style of the series, it looks a little wild!), but is usually a cheerful and optimistic girl.

Sulfus. The informal leader of the devilish group.
In the comic, he repeatedly remained in his second year, so he is slightly older than the rest of his comrades (he is thirteen “flashes”). I am always ready, using my experience, to help with unkind advice both to other little devils and especially trusting angels (only the latter for some reason are not happy at all) - to some extent, I managed to become a living legend in the faculty of dirty tricks. A dark-haired boy with burgundy-red horns and wings, he tends to dress somewhat foppishly. Sulfus is a selfish, arrogant and arrogant type who loves to make rather cruel jokes on everyone who comes his way. Tenacious and purposeful (academic failure is a deliberate rebellion, not a lack of ability), brave and decisive. He loves sports, especially motorcycle racing, punk rock music and all kinds of competitions. In a rock band created by devils, he plays bass guitar. He also likes to charm girls - as one of the ways to Once again to shine and enjoy the victory, but he treats girls as such with condescension (with the possible exception of Kabale, whom he respects in his own way). He gradually falls in love with his angelic opponent, at first showing this in the typically boyish (and devilish) way of “pulling her pigtails”: Raf even more often than usual becomes a victim of his stupid jokes and cruel pranks, of course, not knowing what his real feelings are they are built into these outrages. By uniting, Raf and Sulfus create a kind of “resonance” capable of destroying the creatures revived by Malachi, so that common difficulties still force them to get closer and learn mutual understanding. Sulfus's second secret weakness is his fear of doctors. Sulfus' mascot in the comics is the rattlesnake Basilisk, which, in addition to the usual shielding, spies for its owner and is trained to sniff out bad qualities in earthlings.
In the series, although it is not directly stated, Sulfus has at least fifteen “flares”. Apart from this, his appearance was almost unaffected: he just had his hair cut and changed his clothes. But the character receives a completely different development: the young devil is just making his debut in the role of the usual arrogant joker, starting his evolution into a Byronic romantic from the second episode. A noble knight, even if “in black armor,” Sulfus retains his determination, courage and perseverance, and tries to do everything in order to remain the best – that is, of course, the worst – trainee in his group, but the former mental harm is no longer is felt. From his own temper, which sometimes forces him to commit rash acts, he himself suffers no less than those around him. He tries, as befits the devil, to be cunning and hypocritical, but in reality he is one of the most sincere characters in his feelings. Here his devilish nature is expressed mainly in his temper and instant mood swings, which regularly push him to actions that Sulfus later regrets. It quickly lights up with inspiration, but just as quickly it cools down and runs out of steam. As in the comics, almost from the very first meeting between him and his opponent, a spark of romantic sympathy ignites, but outside interference does not allow them to properly understand their feelings, artificially inflating from this spark a hurricane of passions, gradually depriving the heroes of their will. The appearance of a “rival” in the pretty face of the Guardian angel Gabe almost makes Sulfus go crazy. Despite this, when the spell broke and the heroes sincerely planned to return to normal life and natural enmity, Sulfus retained his tender feelings for Raf, only now they became more sober and conscious. It is he who, partly in conflict with his own nature, tries to help and support Raf when she is completely confused in the revealed secrets - but, like the devil, he clearly lacks experience in such matters, so in the end all Sulfus can to help a girl means to get involved with her in a new risky adventure, although he himself is not particularly eager for this. Sulfus's mascot in the series is still the Basilisk snake, only now it is not a rattlesnake, but a coral one.

Kabale. A miniature mischievous devil who despises all rules and laws, even by devilish standards. Chaotic and slightly crazy. Perhaps, Sulfus’s truly best friend is precisely her (despite the fact that in the series she is also in love with the “head of the gang”). In both versions he prefers a mixed style of punk and “gothic lolita”. The mascot is the Nosferatu bat.
In the comics, Kabale has light golden-red hair worn in a short, high ponytail. Her horns and wings are purple with a violet tint. Mad genius, experimenter. She is passionate about alchemy (the only student who has won the approval of the quarrelsome greengrocer, Professor Putzo), and constantly invents a variety of potions and elixirs. Including the Disturbing Mix, which Sulfus later uses to play a prank on Raph and Gabe in the Fun Room. In the rock band of devils, Kabale is the guitarist.
In the series she turns into a brunette with short hair, but general image still remains. Unfortunately, she never mentions her passion for alchemy, but in the series another passion of Kabale was revealed - this gambling, especially maps. There she fully demonstrates her passion and talent for cheating.

Cabiria. Not just very beautiful girl, but also the most intelligent and erudite little devil on the team. However, being sensible, she does not challenge Sulfus’s leadership, although she is quite capable of competing with him in arrogance and pride. Cabiria's mascot is the fluffy spider Arachne, who turns into one of her earrings.
There are eleven “flares” in Cabiria’s comic, but she is a girl who is serious, balanced, elegant and stylish beyond her age. Underneath her coldness and constant immersion in thought, she is somewhat jealous and touchy, and gets upset if attention goes to someone else. Cabiria's main passion is cinema, especially old films, and comics - she has collected the best library of rare publications in the Sulfur City. Based on a common interest, he develops something like a friendship with the angel Ang-Li, with whom he actively exchanges treasures from his collection and new items. In the comic, Cabiria has purple and lilac hair, purple horns and wings, and cat-like yellow eyes. The band has a devilish drummer, but sometimes he changes with Gus and also plays the synthesizer.
In the series, the exact age is unknown (at least fourteen “flashes”, one has to assume), the hair becomes black and grows almost to the knees, and the eyes, horns and wings become ruby ​​red (with the exception of the “prism” transformation, where Cabiria has blue horns and wings). She is calm and stubborn, loves intrigue and psychological experiments on others, has a good understanding of people (as well as angels and other devils), although from the outside she may seem like an ironic, closed-off egoist who thinks only of herself. She enjoys the reputation of a virtuoso liar, but in practice this has not been confirmed in the plot.

Gus. A fat red-haired boy, in the company of devils he mainly plays the role of a jester. He is lazy and a slacker, little inclined to think about anything other than food and video games, and tries to show at least some zeal in practice and study in general solely out of sympathy for the teacher. True, for the most part, it is pointless, because as soon as the professor asks him about something, Gus is completely lost and begins to utter complete nonsense. He often becomes a target for teasing both from his dearly beloved teacher and from his friends: laziness and indiscipline in the devilish environment can still be forgiven, but for an overly soft, peace-loving character you have to rake full program. There is a common belief that Gus is the kindest among the devils, but in fact, his lack of conflict is more likely a consequence of cowardice and, due to laziness, reluctance to get involved, rather than sincere kindness. For this little devil, the optimal form of expressing aggression is shooting games (that is, something that allows you to express it without leaving the couch). He has a passion for food in all forms, but especially prefers pizza and burgers.
He didn’t change too much in the series (fortunately, no glamor was able to turn such a grandiose blockhead into a “cover boy”), although he became older, acquired quite serious supernatural powers and even - simply incredible given his lifestyle – certain sporting achievements, which allowed me to gain some self-confidence. Gus is still a target for all sorts of ridicule - of course, who else is much easier to hit than to miss! – but now he perceives them much more calmly, and many of the attacks even flatter him. Unlike the comic version, he does not particularly curry favor with Sulfus. Judging by indirect moments, in reality he is not such a clumsy simpleton as he plays; he also knows how to overcome his cowardice, but he does not like extra effort, so this happens only in very rare cases and when absolutely necessary. His love for video games was not directly mentioned in the series, but judging by the scenery Gus chooses for his duel during the Tournament of Light and Darkness, he also loves shoot-'em-up games.
Gus's totemic mascot is Garsid the Toad, which in the comics turned into a skull medallion, and in the TV series into a design on a T-shirt.

Mephisto. Another fool, whom Sulfus, apparently, tolerated as friends solely for the opportunity to look even more impressive against such a contrasting background. Meph is a sloppy rude man (unlike the irony of Sulfus and Cabiria, his rudeness is very dull), does not differ in any special qualities, is absent-minded and does not even know how to speak correctly. But Mephisto is a passionate music lover and, it seems, still has certain talents in music. He constantly walks around with a player, wearing huge headphones, and is the vocalist in the rock band of the devils (although he prefers “heavy metal”). Mephisto has tousled brown hair with green streaks in his bangs, purple horns and wings. His mascot is the little gecko Occhio.
In the series, Mef disappeared from the cast of main characters, relegated to wordless extras in the background. Sometimes flashes in the classroom during classes and among spectators at events. He hasn’t changed much in appearance, except that he has become older and instead of just shaggy hair, he wears the same tousled dreadlocks.

Once again I feel a frightening solidarity with Gasik, I would probably give a damn about such a teacher)))

The dean of the Department of Tempters at the Golden School (and in the series also, it seems, the only teacher of this department), despite his youth, is an honored teacher of everything unreasonable, evil and perishable. Temptel's appearance, fortunately, was practically not changed, only her hair was changed from dark red to purple. In the comics, she herself had a very lively and mischievous character, demonstrating to her students by personal example the bad behavior befitting the devil, but in the film adaptation she became more serious and responsible, yielding to some stereotypes of the “stern teacher.” Sometimes this leads to mutually exclusive concepts: Temptel simultaneously requires students to be inattentive during lectures, encourages cheating and cheating, but at the same time, she can also be punished for poor knowledge of the material. Those caught violating the rules are punished, but not for breaking the rules, but for getting caught.

But the archetype of the “wise mentor” played a bad joke on the dean of the Department of Guardians, not only forcing the film adaptations to age him almost twice as old, but also turning him into either a glamorized Dumbledore or a male version of Faragonda’s veil.
In the comic, Arkan is a young (a little over thirty and certainly no more than forty “stars” in appearance) black-haired man. Of course, much more serious and responsible than his colleague with " dark side"(Moreover, she willingly shifts all administrative worries onto Arkan), and the restless students who fall on his head force him to show rigor from time to time, but he has a very lively character and a rather caustic sense of humor. Despite the great habit of following traditions, before notices and accepts the mixed alliance formed among the students.
In the series, Arkan has at least sixty “stars” and his appearance has become more handsome in every sense. There is a sort of majesty of a wise mentor who knows a lot, but for some reason hides useful information from the main characters, leaving them to make their own mistakes. However, as if in mockery, with the beginning of the new academic year, it is Arkan who immediately begins to encounter incomprehensible and inexplicable things, forcing him to delve into archives and interrogate higher authorities in search of little-known or classified information. Although, judging by his age, he should have personally witnessed not only Reina’s “fall from sin,” which by angelic standards happened quite recently, but also the story with Taiko and Sae (but we’ll write that off on another continent, where there were almost no witnesses. Although a reasonable question arises - How then did Reina, much younger, like an angel, know about them so well?).
%-) Children, do not be overly creative in processing the translated text of the Italian Wiki! But the bastard online translator spit out such nonsense that I couldn’t restrain myself...

In one city there lived a girl with a wonderful name - Rafaella. She was fourteen years old and in the eighth grade. This girl with golden hair loves blue and all its shades. Raf is a strong-willed and kind person, the captain of the Angels team (that’s what they call school team volleyball players). She has faithful friends, whose names are Uriah, Dolce, and Miki, but even such a brave “angel” is often visited by doubts. She asks the diary for advice when there is only empty space in her soul.

If you have always dreamed of seeing an earthly angel, then he will probably look like Raf. She has long blond hair, a red strand in her bangs and blue eyes that sparkle with mischievous joy. Her hairstyle is loose hair with a small ponytail, curled at the front. She, like everyone else, doesn’t like school, but unfortunately for her, today was the thirty-first of August - roll call. Well, we have to go to school.

Jake Wheels - Raf's father, brunette with green eyes. He was engaged in business and had his own chocolate factory. The blonde's mother's name was Angelie Wheels. She has long, blond hair, a small red streak in her bangs, and blue eyes. Raf is very similar to her mother. This woman was simply lovely, but when the blonde was ten years old, Angelie fell ill and died. When the blonde was eleven years old, her father bought her a black dog. The dog had bright red eyes, so the girl called him the Devil.

The alarm clock rang. Raf turned it off, lay for another five to seven minutes in the soft bed, and reluctantly got up. She went to the closet and started looking for something to wear to school, then another half hour passed, and Raf was not visible on the horizon, because she was very, carefully choosing what to wear. We don’t know whether she was a “bummer” or simply lost and confused in the shelves of clothes, but finally she decided on the outfit completely and irrevocably. The girl took them and went to the bathroom. There she washed her face, combed her mop of golden hair, brushed her teeth and got dressed. She came out in a striped top, vest, gray jeans, as well as white knee-high boots and a school backpack, it was black with blue rollers.

Ten minutes later she was already at school. As we said earlier, she had friends: Uri - a girl with tanned skin, violet eyes, and dark hair the color of dark chocolate; Dolce – A girl who often likes to hang out in shopping centers, her friends call her Sweet. And, of course, Mikki - she has a sharp tongue, most often the victim of her jokes is Dolce, Miki has dark hair with a blue tint and blue eyes. She is free from fashion and tries in every possible way to show it. Mickey's short hair is always braided in a braid that falls over his right shoulder.

A teacher entered the class where our heroes studied, his name is Anton Vladimirovich. He is young, has light brown hair in a ponytail, an unkempt beard, and blue-gray eyes. His style is free, but at the same time fashionable.

Hello children, sit down! This year new students arrived to us: Sulfus, Kabale, Kabiria and Gus. They will study in our class.

Raf turned to Miki:

Listen, I think I like this brunette.

I don’t know, I think this “redhead” is cuter.” Miki said and pointed at the guy, but no matter how she tried to do it as secretly as possible, the guy noticed her.

Meanwhile, they were whispering

Listen, the blonde is okay,” the guy said, whistling.

I don’t know, I like the blue-haired one better.

Okay, guys, don't just stand there, sit down.

Everyone sat down.

So guys, tomorrow we will have a song contest, who wants to, raise your hands.

Gus, Uri, Mickey, Dolce, Raf, Kabale, Cabiria, Sulfus and several other people raised their hands.

Sorry, can I have my own song? – asked the blond one.

What are you talking about, cloudhead? - Kabale shouted, she called everyone that she was not too lazy.

Kabale, what can a girl like her sing about? Of course, about love!

But no! Well, apologize to her! – Dolce shouted.

“Okay, kids, stop the farce,” the teacher shouted. – Raf, can you tell me what your song is about?

Yes, I'll tell you! – everyone calmed down and prepared to listen, and the girl became noticeably sad. – Well, this song is about the death of someone dear to me. When I was ten years old, my mother died, and around eleven I wrote this song - the girl began to cry and ran out of the class.

Well? Satisfied?! Got it! – Miki shouted to Sulfus.

Anton Vladimirovich, can I go out and apologize? – the guy asked sadly.

Certainly go!

The guy ran out of the class, looked around and saw the following picture: the girl was sitting with her elbows against the wall, crying and saying something under her breath, like “Mom, I feel so bad without you! Why did you go into eternity?”

The guy approached the girl and said:

Raf, excuse me, I didn't think.

Nothing... You didn’t know,” the girl stood up and wiped her tears.

Under the leadership of the Italian animation company Mondo TV. The new plot was based on the comics "Friends of Angels", published from March to June 2008 by Play Press and based on the original storyline of Simone Ferri. On October 12, 2009, the first season of the animated series premiered on Italia 1.

The success of the first season and positive reviews film critics were encouraged to begin work on the script for the second season. Also on April 23, 2011, the premiere of the full-length film “Friends of Angels: Between Dream and Reality” took place. The second season was originally scheduled to premiere in Italy in the fall of 2012, however due to delays it was moved to the spring of 2013. The series is dubbed by the Pythagoras studio (several episodes). Dubbing director - Andrey Kazantsev.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 5

    Friends of Angels between dreams and reality.

    Friends of Angels Season 1 Episode 6 RU

    Friends of Angels Season 1 Episode 26 RU

    Friends of Angels Season 1 Episode 9 Life on Earth

    Friends of Angels Season 1, Episode 12 RU



In 2011, on April 23, the full-length film “Friends of Angels: Between Dreams and Reality” was released on screens in Italy, continuing the events of the first season and adding some details to it.

The world premiere of the new season took place on April 29, 2012 in Russia on the Multimania TV channel, when the premiere in Italy was announced only for the fall of 2012. The first 38 episodes ready at that time were shown, then new episodes began to be shown in Russia with long breaks ( last series appeared on screens only on January 27, 2013). The interruptions in the broadcast were caused by the fact that at this time animation studio Mondo TV continued to create new episodes. Also due to these production delays premiere show the second season in Italy was postponed to the spring of 2013.

In total, as of February 2013, the animated series has 111 episodes (taking into account the episodes obtained during the breakdown of the full-length film).

Editions on DVD and CD

The first season of the animated series was published in Italy as a DVD collection released by the television company Mondo Home Entertainment in November 2009. The collection includes 10 DVDs, the first two of which contain 6 episodes, and the remaining ones contain 5 episodes each. DVD compilations of the first season were also later released in the Czech Republic.

Differences between animated series and comics

During the adaptation of the comic book to television, some changes were made, aimed, in particular, at increasing age level target audience of the animated series. Both the plot and some of the characters of the original comic have undergone changes.

  • In the animated series, all the main characters are much older than in the comics. In addition, if in the cartoon they have approximately the same age (15 “stars” for angels and 15 “flares” for demons), then in the comic the ages are different: Raph - 12, Uri - 11, Miki - 9, Sulfus - 13, Cabiria - 11, Kabala - 10, Gasu - 10.
  • Initially absent story line relationship between Raf and Sulfus.
  • The design of the characters from the cartoon differs significantly from the comics; during the redrawing, they were given more rounded shapes.
  • When reworking the plot, characters such as Sweet, Michelle, Reina and many others were added to it. Played a role in original story The angel Ang-Li, the demon Mephisto and the mortal Raoul (with whom Raf was in love), on the contrary, were excluded from the animated series, and some of their character traits and abilities were transferred to other characters.
  • If in the comics Malachi played the role of the main antagonist and was a former demon, then in the animated series, after adding the character of Reina, he became her mortal assistant.
  • Unlike the animated series, Professor Arcana in the comic book has no more than thirty stars. Also, his hair is not gray, but black, and his beard is much shorter.
  • In the comic, angels and demons created their own music bands, where they competed in creativity outside of schoolwork. In the animated series, there are no musical groups of angels and demons, but their motive is repeatedly raised in the cartoon.
  • In the comic, Miki repeats academic year, because she tried to heal her ward in violation of the VETO. In the animated series, she remained for the second year due to failure in the first.
  • The film “Friends of Angels: Between Dreams and Reality” and the second season of the animated series are almost entirely based on the original ideas of the developers and writers from Mondo TV.

"Angels' friends" (English “Angel's Friends”) - a fantasy animated series tells about the events at the school of Angels and Demons.

A special school for angels is full of secrets! What happens if both angels and demons are at the same table? Raf, Uri, Sweet and Miki are a company of angels. But to become a real team, they need one person. Friends leave their homes and descend to Earth to the Golden School. They need to get the last “missing percent”, which will make them 100% guardian angels. Their mission is to accompany selected earthlings in their daily adventures...

Director: Orlando Corradi. The roles were duplicated: Maria Ovchinnikova, Larisa Nikipelova, Olga Shorokhova, Mikhail Tikhonov, Alexander Novikov, Ekaterina Florova.

Main characters:

  • Raf is the leader of the angel team. She has long blonde hair with a red streak and blue eyes. Style - sporty. Wears clothes in all shades of blue, white and sometimes pink flowers. Her mascot is the ladybug Cox, which when inactive turns into a buckle on Raph's belt. Raf is a very curious, caring and kind angel girl. In most cases, she behaves rationally and very practically, although she can rarely seem to be an idealist. Quickly knows how to get out of difficult situations thanks to his persistence and willpower.
    • Strengths:
      • Fast Wings: Allows you to fly at very high speeds.
      • Stone Wings: The wings create strong protection around Raph from external influences.
      • Mental Wings: a type of telepathy - allow Raf to conduct mental dialogue with other persons without the possibility of being noticed. She most likely inherited this ability from her mother Angeli.
      • Bell Wings: Allows Raph to accurately strike an opponent with a small energy wave.
      • Flame: The ability to create blue fireballs. It was adopted from Sulfus during the 1st Tournament of Light and Darkness.
      • The color of the Prism Wings is bright blue.
  • Uri is Raf's best friend. She has chestnut hair curly hair, gathered into two lush braids on the sides of the head. Her eyes are violet and her skin is pleasant dark color. Her clothes are mostly yellow and orange, with occasional green. Uri's talisman is the firefly Lightning, which when inactive becomes a flower on the skirt. Very cheerful, sociable, sometimes even naive. Uri is always ready to support in difficult times. She also has a strong sense of justice, which is why she really doesn't like to lose.
    • Strengths:
      • Flower Wings: Help Uri grow any plant anywhere.
      • Weather Wings: control weather events, be it a thunderstorm or a hurricane.
      • Hydro-Wings: Allows you to fly (or rather swim) quickly underwater.
      • Beast Wings: With these wings, Uri is able to transform into any animal on earth.
      • Green Wings: Shoots green arrows that, when they hit an enemy, coat their legs with green slime. Received during the 2nd Tournament of Light and Darkness.
      • Jump-Wings: Helps you make very high and long jumps.
      • Hurricane Wings: Allows you to create tornadoes.
      • The color of the Prism Wings is yellow.
  • Sweet is an elegant and very beautiful angel girl. Her style is based on all shades of pink and purple, which is the same color as her hair. Her eyes are gray-blue. Her mascot is the butterfly Butterfly. Sweet fully lives up to her name, naive, cheerful and funny, she manages to bring a smile to the faces of her friends at any time, even when they are sad. Sweet loves to laugh and, being a dreamer, does not take things seriously, even if it turns out to be something important, which can make her look a little silly.
    • Strengths:
      • Sonic Wings: create powerful sound waves, stunning anyone affected by them.
      • Video Wings: allow you to create any hologram.
      • Stop-Wings: strong energy protection that can stop anything and anyone.
      • Hairy Wings: Sweet's hair lengthens and turns into a sort of stiff whip that Sweet can use to hit her enemies.
      • The color of the Prism Wings is pink.
  • Miki is the most experienced of the entire angelic team. Miki wears bell-bottom pants, wide-leg sweatshirts and T-shirts. Her blue hair is cut short, but on the right side there is long strand, braided in a braid decorated with several colored hairpins, one of which is shaped like a star. Mika has big blue eyes and her favorite colors are blue, yellow and green. The mascot is the dragonfly Lula, which becomes a bow on a pigtail when inactive. Kind and generous to everyone, except demons, who, according to Mika, should never be trusted.
    • Strengths:
      • Sticky Wings: The ability to throw sticky blobs in the shape of smiley faces that immobilize the enemy.
      • Wing-Wall: build a strong wall anywhere.
      • Rubber Wings: Forms an elastic rubber ball around Miki, from which blows bounce off.
      • Ice Wings: The power to create ice from thin air, as well as emit powerful beams of cold. Was obtained during the 1st Tournament of Light and Darkness.
      • The color of the Prism Wings is green.
  • Gabe is a Guardian Angel called by the Arcana to watch over Raf. Dresses seriously and reservedly, does not like bright colors. Typically wears white shirt and dark trousers.
    • Strengths:
      • Star Flight: Gabe's main power. Star power.
      • Wednesday Wings: With these wings, Gabe can trap opponents with a magical net.
      • Maximum Wings: Strong wings that emit thousands of rays of light! These rays take power from the stars!
      • Wing Strike: With this power, Gabe can hit his opponent with powerful targeted strikes.


  • Arkan is a professor of the angel class. Looks like a tall old man with long beard and white hair. Possessing a calm character, he approaches any problem carefully and with great prudence, thanks to which he is very experienced in working with wards. He is quite strict with his students, but at the same time, he constantly stands up for them and protects them in every possible way.
    • Strengths:
      • Wings-Radar: allows you to track carriers of such grave sins as lies, violence or theft.
      • Blade Wings: Professor Arcana's halo transforms into a sharp round blade.
  • Terence is a stylish, handsome angel. First appears in Summer School as a teacher of angels.
    • Strengths:
      • Water Wings: He can sweep away anyone like a grain of sand.
      • Shock Wings: Can move in very quickly and strike the opponent.
  • Olympia (Omnia) - according to her, she used to work in kindergarten in the city of Angels. I told the angels about VETO and traveled with them around the countries.
    • Strengths:
      • Sleep Wings: Her wings put those they point at to sleep. Olympia herself is armed with a magic wand, which makes interesting sounds and fireworks, which allows her to gain more control over sleep.
  • Taiko is an experienced Angel from the ancient Aztec civilization.
    • Strengths:
      • Radius Wings: Wings that fire beams that hit the enemy.
      • Wings of Protection: Wings that create a shield for protection.
      • Kuspis Wings: Wings that shoot arrows of light.
      • Multiplier: Wings that create clones of Taiko.
      • Rubes Wings: Wings that create lightning that burn when they fall.
      • Agilis Wings: Wings that allow you to avoid enemy attacks. Used in the film.
  • General Cassidy is a relatively elderly female angel. General of the city of Angie. Cassidy, along with Kubral, tried to destroy the VETO scales because she wanted war. She, along with Kubral, successfully manipulated Sulfus, and later Raf, to destroy the scales of VETO and unleash a new Thousand-Year War between demons and angels.
    • Strengths:
      • Binding Wings: Allows Cassidy to tightly chain any opponent.
      • Atvitum: allows Cassidy to revive a dead person or return time back.
      • Mirror Shield: Allows Cassidy to reflect an attack against his enemy.

Cassidy Honor Guards

  • Able and Mabel are two sisters who are bodyguards for Mayor Cassidy.
    • Strengths:
      • Ball Wings: Creates a ball.
      • Double Ball Wings (Double Strike): Creates a lot of balls.
      • Clothes wings: allow you to quickly change clothes.
      • Fire: Allows you to create fire.
  • Archangel is Mayor Cassidy's secretary.
    • Strengths:
      • Cutting Wings: Allows you to cut an object or creature.
      • Fusion Wings: Allows you to merge into one being with other angels.
  • Tyrone is Mayor Cassidy's secretary.
    • Strengths:
      • Throwing Wings: Allows you to throw a barbell like a boomerang.
      • Fusion Wings: Allows you to merge into one being with other angels.


Ambassadors of the Higher Spheres. They came in the first season to take Raf to the City of Angels, but they were stopped by Arkan, who visited Limbo and learned that it was not Raf who was to blame for the blasphemy, but Reyna. Submit To the higher spheres and Directors of the Golden School.

  • Sulfus is the leader of a group of demons. He dresses in a biker style, wearing jackets and leather pants, preferring clothes in red, black and gray colors. The hair is dark blue, almost black and always very disheveled. Sulfus's eyes are yellow and he has a red star around his left eye. His mascot is the Basilisk, a coral snake which, when inactive, becomes a pattern on the right forearm of its owner. Sulfus is a typical embodiment of the devilish character: cold, merciless towards his enemies, arrogant, vain, afraid of nothing. Often he even looks cruel and domineering. His demonic essence can only be changed by one thing - his opponent, the angel Raf, for whom he feels strong feelings, and mutually.
    • Strengths:
      • Fire Wings: Allows you to create fireballs.
      • Wings of Power: Gives Sulfus incredible physical strength.
      • Large Wings: With these wings, Sulfus grows to enormous size.
      • Iron Wings: Allows you to throw sharp steel spikes at your opponent. At the same time, the wings become iron, which allows them to be used as a shield.
      • Impact Wings: a skill similar in effect to Wings of Force, but allows you to deliver concentrated targeted strikes.
      • Wings of Healing - allow Sulfus to heal any wounds.
      • The color of the Prism Wings is red.
      • Sulfus also has the ability, unusual for a demon, to heal the seriously wounded, received from Raf during the 1st Tournament of Light and Darkness.
  • Kabale is elegant and sophisticated. She dresses in a punk style, and her clothes often look very revealing. Her clothes are mostly pink, purple and black. She has short dark purple hair with a red streak and yellow eyes. Talisman - Nosferatu, a bat that, when inactive, becomes a bracelet on the Kabala's hand. Kabale is a friend and right hand Sulfusa. Extremely selfish, she can only think about others when it interests her. He often treats everything with irony and sarcasm. Kabale loves to take risks, and tries in every possible way to show this.
    • Strengths:
      • Invisible Wings: These wings grant invisibility.
      • Twin Wings: Creates many Kabale doppelgängers.
      • Wings of Transformation: allow you to transform into any real or mythical animal.
      • Psycho Wings: Incapacitates an enemy using psychic influence.
      • Wings of Hocus Pocus: Drowned the gladiators in quicksand.
      • The color of the Prism Wings is purple.
  • Cabiria is Kabale's best friend and a member of the demonic group. Her long dirty black hair is decorated with two strands of lilac. This demon has red eyes. Cabiria's favorite color of clothing is purple, and her tight-fitting vest and trousers are of this color. Cabiria's mascot, the spider Arachno, turns into one of her earrings when not active. A stubborn and determined demon girl, she never gives up too easily, preferring to fight to the last. She is the coldest, most calculating and intelligent of the group. She spends a lot of time thinking about her plans of action, loves to deceive others and create intrigue, which is most often manifested in her fights.
    • Strengths:
      • Night Wings: Create darkness anywhere and anytime.
      • Wild Wings: With these wings, Cabiria can make any animal helpers for herself.
      • Wings of the Web: make it possible to throw a strong web at the enemy.
      • Dry Wings: Creates a hot desert wind that dries out everything in its path.
      • Wings of Wind: A special magical wind that can stop the movement of anything. Rarely used.
      • Hot Wings: Allows Cabiria to melt any object.
      • The color of the Prism Wings is blue.
      • Cabiria also has the ability to hypnosis, acquired during the 1st Tournament of Light and Darkness.
  • Gus is a funny, fat demon with short red hair and dark blue eyes, always hidden behind a pair of sunglasses. For clothes, Gus prefers mostly T-shirts and baggy pants in black and blue colors, sometimes purple. He is the only one of the entire group of demons who has blue wings. His mascot is Croc the frog, which becomes his spiked bracelet when inactive. More than anything else, he loves to relax and eat well, especially pizza, hamburgers and ice cream. Gus cannot be called devilishly smart, and it is he who creates the majority comic situations in the series.
    • Strengths:
      • Burger Wings: Allows you to throw heavy stone projectiles that look like patties.
      • Earthquake Wings: Creates a small local earthquake. Creates a funnel when used in water.
      • Thick Wings: Makes the enemy fat and, as a result, very clumsy.
      • Magnetic Wings: The power allows Gus to control metal objects from a distance.
      • Toxic Wings: Creates a cloud of poisonous gas.
      • The color of the Prism Wings is orange.
  • Michelle is a real Demon Tempter, called upon, like Gabe, to keep an eye on Raf and Sulfus. She is very provocative and witty.
    • Strengths:
      • Scented Wings: Her wings release a scent that Michelle controls to seduce and attack any enemy.

Demon Teachers

  • Temptel is a demon class professor. Slender woman with lilac long hair. Her special feature is her glasses and characteristic blue lipstick. She is sarcastic and does not hesitate to show it even when working with students. But she, just like Arkan, actively protects her students, protecting them in every possible way.
    • Strengths:
      • Wings of Guilt: This ability helps to find sinners.
      • Wing Strike: Delivers an energy strike to an enemy or object.
  • Scarlett is a beautiful demon. Scarlett has quite unusual appearance for a demon: blond hair and blue eyes. Just like Terence, he appears at the Summer School, then, in the second season, he teaches demons personification and projection, and manages their sports training. According to her, she knows all the secrets of beauty.
  • Gnosis - teacher of demons. Small and plump. Gnosis has such poor eyesight that Gus takes a pillow to his lesson, saying that he "can't see anything anyway." Gnosis tells the story of VETO, together with Olympia he travels with angels and demons across countries.
    • Strengths:
      • Stop Wings: Wings that stop time.
  • Sai is a demon of the Aztec civilization, very similar to Sulfus.
    • Strengths:
      • Agelis Wings: Wings that allow you to jump high.
      • Ignis Wings: Wings that can shoot fire.
  • Count Kubral is a relatively elderly male demon. Count of the district, as well as general of the demon army. Kubral, along with Cassidy, tried to destroy the VETO scales, since she wanted war. He, along with Cassidy, successfully manipulated Sulfus, and later Raf, to destroy the VETO scales and start a new Thousand-Year War between demons and angels.
    • Strengths:
      • Tornado: Allows Kubral to deflect any enemy attack and turn it against him.
      • Electric Shock: Allows Kubral to fire electrical charges at his opponent, thereby paralyzing his opponent.

Kubral workers

  • Deimos and Phobos are two brothers, guards of Count Kubral. Fought with Sweet and Cabiria during the second tournament of light and darkness and won.
    • Strengths:
      • Gravity Power: Allows you to change gravity.
      • Fireballs: Allows you to throw fireballs.
  • Miguel is Count Cubral's honor guard. He fought with Uri during the second tournament of Light and Darkness, but lost.
    • Strengths:
      • Earth wings: do not allow the victim to move, sticking him to the ground.
      • Bull Wings: Creates a larger bull.
      • Horse Wings: Creates a purple horse that can be ridden and moves very quickly.
      • Fusion Wings: Allows you to combine into one creature with other demons.
  • Kubsida is Count Kubral's honorary guard.
    • Strengths:
      • Poison Wings: Allows you to shoot snake venom, which melts the area where it hits, and works in the presence of a snake.
      • Fusion Wings: Allows you to combine into one creature with other demons.

Devil's Minions:

Ambassadors of the Lower Spheres. They came in the first season to take Sulfus to the City of Devils, but they were stopped by Temptel, who visited Limbo and found out that Sulfus was not to blame for the blasphemy, but Reyna was to blame. They submit to the Lower Spheres and the Directors of the Golden School.

  • Blue is an immortal girl who appears at the beginning of the second season. She has sea-colored hair and red eyes. Wears clothes in dark and pale purple shades. She also has a semblance of a tattoo under her right eye. Exact Origin Blue's affiliation with any group of immortals is unknown. Proud and principled. He acts on the orders of Kubral and Cassidy, but does not consider himself their servant, since he works for a certain reward - a key.
    • Strengths:
      • Panther Bite: Gives you huge bright blue claws that can cut even wood or metal. Blue herself dresses in black with blue stripes tight suit.
      • Shadow Bite: gives intangibility to strikes (transparency); however, Blue can still attack the opponent.
      • Hypnotic Bite: The power of completely and completely subjugating hypnosis.
      • Hypnotic Gaze: hypnosis using gaze. "Eyes to eyes".
      • X-Ray Bite: Vision that allows you to see through objects like an X-ray.
  • Reina is a Neutral (neither Angel nor Demon), ruthless, cruel and arrogant. She wants to take revenge on the Angels and Demons for being imprisoned in Limbo for many years.
    • Strengths:
      • Electric Wings: Wings that are capable of attacking an opponent with an electrical charge (available when Reyna was an angel).
      • Black Sphere: has a lot different forces, and can also cause perox.


  • Slogan: “There’s a magic” world around you."
  • The new plot was based on the comics "Friends of Angels", published from March 2007 to June 2008 by Play Press and based on the original storyline of Simone Ferri.
  • On October 12, 2009, the first season of the animated series premiered on Italia 1.
  • A total of 104 episodes were released.
  • During the Bologna book fair in 2007, Simone Ferri begins to collaborate with child psychologist and sociologist Eddie Jamus. Together they decided to raise the ages of the characters to make them childish role models.
  • The plot of the cartoon received positive assessments from European child psychology experts, who noted that through the example of the main characters, children can learn independence from the opinions of the team and develop leadership qualities.
  • "Friends of Angels" quickly gained popularity around the world. The cartoon is currently broadcast in many European countries, such as France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Czech Republic, Greece, Slovakia, countries Latin America(Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, etc.), as well as in the USA, Ukraine, Russia, Canada, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan, Tunisia, Moldova and South Africa.
  • Licenses to display the animated series have been sold to more than 56 countries.

Differences between the animated series and the comics:

  • During the adaptation of the comic book to television, some changes were made, aimed, in particular, at increasing the age level of the target audience of the animated series. Both the plot and some of the characters of the original comic have undergone changes.
  • In the animated series, all the main characters are much older than in the comics. In addition, if in the cartoon they have approximately the same age (15 “stars” for angels and 15 “flares” for demons), then in the comic the ages are different: Raph - 12, Uri - 11, Miki - 9, Sulfus - 13, Cabiria - 11, Kabala - 10, Gasu - 10.
  • Initially, there was no storyline between Raf and Sulfus.
  • The design of the characters from the cartoon differs significantly from the comics; during the redrawing, they were given more rounded shapes.
  • When reworking the plot, characters such as Sweet, Michelle, Reina and many others were added to it. The angel Ang-Li, the demon Mephisto and the mortal Raoul (with whom Raf was in love) who played a role in the original plot, on the contrary, were excluded from the animated series, and some of their character traits and abilities were transferred to other characters.
  • If in the comics Malachi played the role of the main antagonist and was a former demon, then in the animated series, after adding the character of Reina, he became her mortal assistant.
  • Unlike the animated series, Professor Arcana in the comic has no more than thirty stars. Also, his hair is not gray, but black, and his beard is much shorter.
  • In the comic, angels and demons created their own musical groups, where they competed in creativity outside of schoolwork. In the animated series, there are no musical groups of angels and demons, but their motive is repeatedly raised in the cartoon.
  • In the comic, Miki repeats the school year because she tried to heal her ward in violation of VETO. In the animated series, she remained for the second year due to failure in the first.
  • The film “Friends of Angels: Between Dreams and Reality” and the second season of the animated series are almost entirely based on the original ideas of the developers and writers from Mondo TV.
  • Many online flash games have been created based on the series.