The star secret of Amanda Seyfried's slimness. Star parameters of Amanda Seyfried

On the TV screen we see well-groomed, slender, attractive stars. It seems to us that they were lucky, and nature gave them. However, many star girls have to put in a lot of effort to achieve a brilliant result.

Amanda Seyfried - biography, weight, height

Amanda Seyfried was born in 1985 in Pennsylvania. As a child, she did not like her appearance; the actress remembers herself as a bony girl with braces on her teeth. However, her own self-doubt did not prevent her from working as a child model and appearing on the covers of Francine Pascal's books. The period from 11 to 18 years old became, according to her, the most terrible time in her life - the teenage girl had to subject herself to constant stress and restrictions. Interest in work was also stimulated by the salary, which was mostly spent on sweets. At the age of 15, Amanda played in her first soap opera film, Guiding Star.

Currently, Amanda Seyfried's height is 161 cm, while she maintains a weight of 49 kg. The girl believes that it was thinness that helped and is helping her in her career - if she had been even a little thicker, she would not have gotten many roles, including in the musical “Mamma MIA!”

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Height and weight - ideal parameters for Amanda Seyfried

Amanda does not hide the secrets of her attractiveness:

  • desire to change and look charming;
  • persistence, without which it is simply impossible to achieve results;
  • easy disposition, helping to more easily endure hardships and stress;
  • busy schedule allowing you to forget about delicious food;
  • strict diets and intense training.

With Amanda Seyfried's current body measurements - height and weight, she looks graceful, petite and neat. But she constantly takes care of herself:

  1. Attends daily yoga, Pilates, and ballet classes that last at least 45 minutes. For those who wonder where she gets the time for this, the star says that ballet studio is close to home, and yoga has become a huge passion in her life, for which she always has 30-40 minutes.
  2. He runs in the morning, rides a horse, walks the dog. Amanda combines morning jogging and walking her beloved dog; she has an extraordinary love for horses and tries not to miss any opportunity to communicate with these animals.
  3. He is fond of a raw food diet, only occasionally including baked and boiled foods, cheese and sweets in his diet. The actress admits that spinach for breakfast, lunch and dinner is not so tasty, but she takes it calmly, accepting the costs of the profession.
  4. She always drinks a vegetable smoothie in the morning - it helps her recharge her batteries and gives her strength for the whole day.

Amanda Michelle Seyfried (possible spellings of the surname as Seyfried and Seyfried) - American singer and actress, before her film career famous model. Amanda has been in the modeling business since she was 11 years old, and her first role was in the series “As the World Turns” when the girl was only 15 years old.

Amanda Seyfried's first notable role for viewers appeared in 2004, it was the role of Karen Smith in the youth comedy Mean Girls. Then there were equally notable roles in the films “Nine Lives” (2005) and “Alpha Dog” (2006). Further work in such projects as “Mamma Mia!” (2008), Jennifer's Body (2009), Chloe (2009) and Dear John (2010). As of 2018, Amanda Seyfried's filmography includes about 50 roles in TV series and films, the actress has a large number of awards and nominations for the MTV channel, as well as a nomination for the Actors Guild Award.

What is Amanda Seyfried's real name?

Amanda Seyfried's real name ( full name) - Amanda Michelle Seyfried. Last name and first name native language- Amanda Michelle Seyfried.

When was Amanda Seyfried born?

What age is Amanda Seyfried

At the time of writing (summer 2018), Amanda Seyfried's age is 32 years old.

What is Amanda Seyfried's zodiac sign?

Amanda Seyfried's zodiac sign is Sagittarius. Born in the year of the Green Wood Ox according to the eastern horoscope.

Where was Amanda Seyfried born?

Amanda Seyfried was born in the USA, Pennsylvania, Allentown.

How tall is Amanda Seyfried?

Amanda Seyfried's height is 5 feet 2½ inches. IN metric system Amanda Seyfried's height is 159 centimeters.

What is Amanda Seyfried's weight?

Amanda Seyfried's weight is 114 pounds, which is approximately 52 kg. This is data from 2017. According to 2018 data, Amanda Seyfried's weight is 49 kilograms, at least that is what is stated in the actress's fan pages.

What eye color is Amanda Seyfried?

Amanda Seyfried's eye color is green. Some sources indicate them as gray-green.

What is Amanda Seyfried's real hair color?

Amanda Seyfried's real (natural) hair color is blonde. Sometimes referred to as light blonde, the shade is pearlescent gold.

What is Amanda Seyfried's color type?

Amanda Seyfried's color type is Soft Spring.

What are Amanda Seyfried's body measurements?

Amanda Seyfried's body measurements: 90-59-84 (chest-waist-hips). Data from 2018. In general, Amanda Seyfried says about her weight and figure parameters: “I go for a run with my dog ​​every morning, it benefits both of us. I’m also a fan of a raw food diet - chewing raw spinach is not so tasty, so I eat very little, even if it concerns low-calorie diet foods.” Largely thanks to this, Amanda Seyfried's clothing size has not changed over the years, and the appearance of her figure pleases not only the actress herself, but also her many fans.

What is Amanda Seyfried's foot size?

Amanda Seyfried's foot size according to American standards is 7. In our usual meaning, it is approximately 37 shoe size.

What is Amanda Seyfried's breast size?

Amanda Seyfried's breast size is 3. Amanda herself claims that earlier, at the age of 19-20, her bust size was slightly larger. Is this possible without intervention? It is unknown, but the actress herself says that she changed her size D bra to size C underwear.


02.04.15 12:25

Amanda Seyfried, unlike most Hollywood artists, does not claim to eat whatever she pleases and does not adhere to a complex program to maintain ideal weight. On the contrary, the actress honestly admits that she eats according to a very strict regimen and spends several hours a day in the gym. Amanda Seyfried's diet was developed personally for her by an experienced nutritionist and is based on individual characteristics the girl’s body and her schedule. But this does not mean that some recommendations should not be taken into account.

Even though Amanda never had any obvious problems with overweight, the specifics of the work always made her struggle even with a couple extra pounds. If a girl is happy with her figure, her diet is based on the following rules:

  • You should eat lean meat, poultry or fish every day.
  • A complete ban on confectionery and sweet pastries.
  • Bread is allowed, but only from coarse grains.
  • Sugar can only be consumed in the form of natural products (fruits, honey).
  • You need to eat at least five times a day, in small portions.
  • The diet should include vegetable juices and plenty of water.

The Hollywood diva is an ardent supporter of a raw food diet. This approach allows you to thoroughly cleanse the body of toxins and waste. Often, to enhance the effect, a girl eats only spinach, seeds and sprouts for lunch. When the natural craving for sweets overpowers, Amanda adds cheeses and baked goods to diet chicken, salmon and broccoli. This does not go unnoticed and then Amanda Seyfried’s diet comes into play.

The menu on such days looks something like this:

Breakfast: Fresh fruits or raw vegetables in the form of a multi-ingredient salad or thick juice. Green tea without sweeteners.

Lunch: A glass of kefir with a hard-boiled egg or a portion of low-fat cottage cheese.

Lunch: Boiled or fried meat (red or white) without oil, can be replaced with fish. Salad from raw vegetables or ground vegetable mixture.

Afternoon snack: Fruit salad and a glass of one-ingredient fruit juice (the ingredients should not be very sweet or high in calories).

Dinner: Any acceptable low-carb meal. You can cook something protein from legumes or mushrooms.

There is also a strict diet for Amanda Seyfried, which the actress has to resort to when unwanted roundness appears. This approach implies the following menu:

Breakfast: Smoothie made from fruits and vegetables.

Lunch: Dessert made from raw vegetables.

Lunch: Spinach salad with low-fat nuts and sprouts.

Afternoon snack: A couple of unsweetened fruits or a glass of any berries.

Dinner: Large plate of salad seaweed or vegetable soup.

TO positive aspects diet can be attributed to the fact that with this approach, weight is lost evenly and not very quickly, which has a positive effect on the condition and health. The duration of a regular diet can be any, it is balanced and more similar to proper nutrition. As for the strict regimen, it is best not to use it for more than one week.

Diet type: dietary food to maintain minimum weight.

What to lose weight: the whole body.

How many kg are lost: strictly individually, to the acceptable minimum.

A lot of women are not happy with their appearance. Some people don’t like their hair to be curly, while others, on the contrary, dream of voluminous curls. Many girls consider their figure unattractive, and for some, the way their facial skin looks doesn’t suit them. This dissatisfaction becomes even greater when on TV screens we see such well-groomed, beautiful and successful stars. And it seems to us that they are simply lucky that nature has generously endowed them, and they do not make any effort to look perfect. But is this really so? Another star beauty destroys stereotypes about an easy life: Amanda Seyfried shares the secrets of her appearance, which really decided a lot in her career... But this “decision” of the young actress was obtained with great difficulty...

Amanda Seyfried: height, weight, star appearance

Amanda Michelle Seyfried is a very graceful girl. With a short height of only 161 cm, her officially declared weight is this moment is 49 kg. At the same time, if she had been even a little fatter, Amanda is sure that the role of the charming Sophie in the career-defining musical “Mamma MIA!”, which brought together many top stars on one set, would have gone to another lucky girl... But even 4 years before of this film, being Karen Smith from “Mean Girls”, Amanda weighed 54 kg:

Amanda Seyfried: 'I think about my weight all the time'

Strictly monitoring your weight is one of Amanda Seyfried's main mottos; she thinks about it constantly and does not hide it. In order to look the part, the actress makes every effort. For example, to lose weight for the film Mamma MIA!, she intensively practiced yoga, ballet (it was he who gave her such excellent posture) and Pilates. If the actress does not urgently need to lose weight, then her usual sports regimen to stay in shape is daily morning jogging and regular visits to the gym. In addition, one of Amanda Seyfried's favorite activities is horse riding, which also helps to maintain excellent physical shape.

The exercise machine the actress relies on is an elliptical. Every day - 45 minutes of exercise at maximum load.

Another important rule in maintaining slimness from Amanda, which NameWoman managed to find out: the first run and the first morning exercises go strictly until breakfast time.

Amanda Seyfried - raw food beauty

Amanda admits that sometimes she cannot resist a piece of sweets or cheese in the evenings. But this happens quite rarely. The rest of the time the star is very demanding of herself. Seyfried's main diet is based on: raw vegetables and fruits. A minimum of baked and boiled foods. From cereals, Amanda eats bulgur, brown rice, and quinoa. In the morning he drinks a vegetable smoothie. Nutrient-rich, but low-calorie seafood is also in favor. During the day he eats 4-5 times in fractional portions.

As soon as Amanda Seyfried notices even a slight undesirable deviation on the scale, she immediately goes on a diet, strictly limiting herself, and making broccoli, spinach and green salad the main, and sometimes the only, components of lunch. And, of course, no desserts! The actress considers raw food detoxes very effective for herself, but admits that they are inherently terrible as true tests and are difficult to withstand.

The secret of Amanda Seyfried's hair beauty is naturalness and timely rest.

In order to always look perfect, Amanda has a personal hairdresser - Hollywood star Harry Josh. He is the one who makes her stylish hairstyles for going out. But at home, Amanda prefers to give her hair a rest. After washing to dry her hair, she never uses a hairdryer; there is simply none in the actress’s house. Amanda Seyfried believes that it is healthier for your hair if it dries naturally, which is confirmed by the light waves of silk threads falling on the actress’s shoulders.

The film “Time” gave viewers the opportunity to see Amanda as a sexy and mysterious brunette with an appearance frozen at the age of 25, which is exactly how old the actress was at the time of the film’s premiere. One of best roles, one of the most interesting and very suitable images for this girl, but Seyfried herself remained faithful in life tender image fragile blonde. As the actress herself jokingly claims, by doing without hair dye, she makes her life much easier. Neither forgetfulness nor circumstances will be the reason for her photo with unpainted roots.

If you want to achieve slimness, then diets alone will not help.

Height 161 cm

Weight 52 kg

5 meals

Amanda doesn’t refuse to eat delicious food, but she strictly monitors portions. In fact, the star has her own diet, developed by nutritionists just for her, consisting of five meals. Seyfried's main diet is based on the principles of a raw food diet: raw vegetables and fruits. A minimum of baked and boiled foods.

The morning begins with a fruit or vegetable salad and a cup green tea. A few hours later, a cottage cheese dish or a soft-boiled egg, and kefir as a drink. Lunch consists of: a portion of fried or steamed meat, and a vegetable salad (dressed with olive oil). Meat is used low-fat varieties, can be replaced with fish. In the afternoon - any fruit, freshly squeezed juice. For dinner, any dish containing a small amount of carbohydrates is allowed; it can be replaced with a protein option.

As you can see, there is no place for cakes and pastries in the diet, but Amanda admits that she really loves sweets. In order not to let her addiction set in, the actress works off all the extra calories in training. In addition to the gym, the girl also likes hiking, jogging in the morning and cycling. Paparazzi often took pictures of the star's morning walks with his beloved dog Finn. We can say that the Australian Shepherd is incredibly lucky - the owner herself walks the pet for hours, combining two useful activities, sports fresh air and walking the dog.


In order to look the part, the actress makes every effort. For example, to lose weight for the film Mamma MIA!, she intensively practiced yoga, ballet (it was he who gave her such excellent posture) and Pilates. If the actress does not urgently need to lose weight, then her usual sports regimen to stay in shape is daily morning jogging and regular visits to the gym. In addition, one of Amanda Seyfried's favorite activities is horse riding, which also helps to maintain excellent physical shape.

At least an hour a day is devoted to the gym. Amanda's favorite type of workout now is ballet and hot yoga. Private lessons from the choreographer really made the star’s body look like a prima, there’s not an ounce of excess! And the flexibility of the body is a merit of persistent yoga practice. The girl chose the hot type of exercise, which allows her body to get closer to perfection. Hot yoga training takes place in a prepared room, the air temperature is maintained at 38-420C, and the humidity is at least 40%. Proper breathing strengthens the abdominal muscles, and stretching gives elasticity to the entire body. Therefore, long-term exercise in other sports is not painful.

Another hobby of the star in sports training turned out to be exercise on an elliptical trainer, At the same time, a colossal load is placed on the arms, legs and back. Movements in the simulator can be compared to skiing. This is a fairly strong load, recommended for athletes.

What to learn?

What can we learn for ourselves? There is only one life, and you shouldn’t limit yourself in absolutely everything. But there is no need to overeat, giving shocking doses of calories to the body. If you want to achieve slimness, then diets alone will not help. Yes, it is possible to become thin, but the muscles need to be formed, otherwise they will look flabby. Choosing sports loads, navigate by physical abilities. It's better to start small and gradually add load. The result will begin to appear gradually, because beautiful figure- a labor-intensive task. And, having achieved the desired shape, you will have to maintain the result daily. But it's worth it!