What exercises can you do in the morning? Morning exercises for vigor and energy; exercise in the morning

You will need:

Basic Rules

After awakening, the nervous system and blood circulation in the body are inhibited, the lungs do not work at full capacity. Therefore, you cannot put a lot of stress on the body. This is fraught with imbalance in the body.

When to do it

It is ideal if you start every day with exercise. A quarter of an hour is enough. But if you have time and desire, the movements can be performed for half an hour. If you can't exercise every day, do it whenever you can. This is better than not doing it at all.

You need to exercise before meals. But drinking a glass of liquid is simply necessary. You didn't drink for quite some time while you slept. Some of the fluid was lost in urine or sweat. If there was no water flow, the blood became thicker. By improving blood circulation in this form, you risk putting stress on the heart. Therefore, drink water or juice. For lovers of morning coffee or tea, these drinks are not prohibited. But keep in mind that the liquid must be at least two hundred and fifty grams.

The hotter the weather, the more active you should start.

How to do

Let your body wake up. Take your time, get up and wash yourself. Prepare yourself for the load.

Fifteen minutes will be enough for all this.

Start by lightly warming up your joints and muscles. It is necessary for blood to circulate in the muscles. This way you will protect yourself from stretching and increase muscle tone.

Decide what you want to get from morning exercises. If the goal is to wake up, a warm-up will be enough. If you need high muscle tone, after warming up, increase the load, add light running, stretching exercises and strength exercises.


  • Start with slight turns of the head and rotational movements of the arms to develop the joints. The head should not be thrown back.
  • Include exercises that use all muscles. Walking around the yard or in place will do. Keep your back straight and move your arms.

To have a beautiful, toned figure, you need to exercise at least every other day. Ideally, you need daily training. The frantic pace of life, work issues and family concerns do not always allow the modern man to find an hour in his schedule to visit the gym. There is always a way out! If you get up half an hour earlier, you can devote this time to physical development. Morning exercises for men will energize you for the whole day and allow your body to always stay in good shape!

What are the benefits of morning exercise?

Physical activity is necessary for every man. Moreover, we are not talking about exhausting workouts aimed at losing body weight or building muscle mass. We are talking about the usual maintenance of body and spirit in a healthy state. And morning exercises for men will help with this. Why in the morning? Because it is in the morning that the effect on joints and muscles is most effective. They are still soft and easy to train. In addition, morning physical education will set up the whole body to work properly. The effect will be enhanced by a contrast shower after training: it will have a beneficial effect not only on the body, but also on the internal organ systems.

Exercising in the morning for men will bring the following benefits:

  • maintain correct posture;
  • strengthens the muscle corset;
  • normalizes blood flow;
  • will reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases;
  • normalizes hormonal levels;
  • will reduce excess weight and prevent its re-gain;
  • will make the body beautiful and fit;
  • will improve your mood and productivity for the whole day.

How to motivate yourself to study?

The following factors can motivate men to exercise in the morning.

Factor What's the point
Economic Morning exercises at home will save both money and time. It does not require the purchase of special sportswear or a membership to a sports club. There is no need to spend money and time to get to the place of classes.
Wellness Morning exercises for men will improve all body systems, prevent premature aging, get rid of the “beer belly”, and give an attractive figure. In addition, the morning is considered the best time for physical activity. The highest performance occurs at five to six o'clock in the morning. Blood pressure rises, heart function increases.

How should a man do exercises in the morning?

Stretching, relaxed movements of the arms and head, without getting out of bed, are not full-fledged morning exercises. Proper exercise in the morning for men consists of observing the following principles:

  1. You need to start exercising immediately after waking up, preferably at the same time.
  2. Before the complex you can’t eat or drink, and to cheer yourself up, you just need to wash your face with cool water and, if necessary, rinse your mouth.
  3. If possible, exercise outdoors. Otherwise, keep the window open.
  4. Choose comfortable clothes for exercise. It should not restrict movement and not be too loose. The body must breathe. Just shorts are ideal for training.
  5. Pay attention to your breathing. You need to breathe in the rhythm of the exercises and strictly through your nose. During intense elements, you can take short exhalations through your mouth, folded into a tube.
  6. Start with simple exercises and gradually increase their complexity. The same applies to the number of repetitions: start with their minimum value, gradually increasing to the maximum.
  7. Remember that morning exercises for men are just exercises, and not a full-fledged workout. There is no need to put a full load on yourself in the morning - this can lead to excess stress on the heart.
  8. Start your exercises with a warm-up and only then move on to the main part.
  9. Turn on rhythmic music to get your body working.

Morning workout

The best morning exercise for men begins with a set of warm-up exercises. The body needs to be prepared after sleep for the main load. And you can start right in bed.

So let's get started:

  1. We stretch our whole body, throwing our hands behind our heads.
  2. We do it within a minute.
  3. We make several swing movements with our arms.
  4. We sit down and try to reach our feet with our fingers.

Next, we get out of bed and walk around the apartment: the body must finally wake up and get ready to work. During the “walk” we open the window and wash ourselves. That's it, the body is ready for the next part of the warm-up. Yes, yes, there are still warm-ups: before starting the main set of exercises, you need to activate small muscle groups. For this:

  1. We rotate the brushes - first each separately, then both, locking them together to do this.
  2. Rotate your elbows - stretch your arms in front of you and rotate your forearms away from you and towards you.
  3. We rotate the shoulder joints - to do this, we bend our arms at the elbows and place our fingers on the shoulders.
  4. We make circular movements with our heads in different directions.
  5. We rotate our pelvis - with our feet shoulder-width apart, we make circular movements with our pelvis in different directions.
  6. We bend our body forward, trying to reach the floor with our hands, and in different directions.
  7. We do it - we bring our arms, bent at the elbows, in front of the chest and make turns to the sides to the possible maximum point. The pelvis and legs do not move.

This concludes the warm-up. If your goal is to awaken the body and give it vigor, you can end there. But if you want to keep your body in good shape, then move on to the main set of exercises.

Set of exercises

At home, a man can exercise no less wonderfully and effectively than in the gym. Moreover, you can plan your morning exercises in such a way that you can work out all muscle groups within half an hour. Morning exercises for men, including a set of exercises that are well prepared and worked out, can improve the general condition, energize and tighten the body.

General set of exercises

Make a lesson plan for yourself in such a way that one element smoothly leads to the second. The exercises can even be similar to each other, the main thing is that they involve different muscle groups. For example, a set of elements could be as follows:

  1. We stand on our feet with our hands on our waists and our feet together. Raise your arms, simultaneously turning your body first in one direction, then in the other.
  2. A similar exercise, only with the arms raised, we move one leg back onto the toe. And lowering our hands, we swing our legs forward. Repeat on the second limb.
  3. We spread our legs wide. We move one leg to the side, raising both arms at the same time. Repeat on the other leg.
  4. Feet remain shoulder-width apart. Raising ourselves on our toes, we raise our arms and bend forward, touching the foot of the opposite leg with our fingers.
  5. We remain in the same position and do deep squats. The hands are on the knees. Next, we stand up without straightening and try to touch the floor with our palms. After holding this position for a few seconds, we straighten up completely.
  6. We jump in place for half a minute, then move on to walking with our knees raised high.

For men, beautiful arms, strong abs and well-developed pectoral muscles are of great importance. Therefore, it is advisable if gymnastics is complemented by strength exercises in the morning for men. Just a few elements are enough for one or another part of the body to keep it in shape.

A set of chest exercises

To pump up your chest muscles, you can use additional equipment, such as dumbbells, a rubber band or an expander.

  1. We lie on our backs, spread our arms with dumbbells to the sides. We begin to slowly bring the arms straight and then bent at the elbows.
  2. Attach an expander to the wall by a hook and lie on your back with your head towards it. As you exhale, stretch the expander along the body, and as you inhale, loosen your grip.
  3. We get to our feet, take the rubber band and fold it in half. We place one hand on the bend of the tourniquet, and with the other we take its handles. We repeat the movement of the archer when he tries to shoot.

If you don’t have any equipment, you can do regular push-ups, which will simultaneously work your arm muscles.

Arm exercises

Any push-ups are great for your arms:

  • from the floor from your knees or straight legs;
  • similar, but from the sofa;
  • everything is the same, but lifting first one leg, then the other;
  • push-ups with clapping hands.

Working out the abs

A classic abdominal exercise is the crunch in all its variations:

  1. Straight twist - we lie on our back, bending our knees, and placing our hands behind our heads like a butterfly - we begin lifting the upper body.
  2. Lateral twist - we do the same thing, but when bending to one and the other knee, the corresponding arm can be straightened and pulled towards the toe.
  3. Reverse twist - from the same position we lift not the upper part of the body, but the lower part, while lifting the legs off the floor and pulling the knees to the chest.

Additional exercises

Additional exercises include stretching and relaxation exercises, which will complete our morning exercises for men.

  1. We put our feet apart, rise on our toes and, while inhaling, spread our arms to the sides. As you exhale, bend over, crossing your arms and slightly bending your knees.
  2. We sit on the floor and bend over with our legs straight.
  3. We lie on our backs and completely relax. You can even close your eyes and lie there for a couple of minutes.

Possible difficulties

The main difficulty in morning exercises can be getting up early. Not everyone can force themselves to get up half an hour to an hour earlier in order to devote time to exercise. Many will prefer to devote this time to sleep. The main thing here is motivation. Think about what morning exercise will do for you and what benefits it will bring to your body. Try to go to bed half an hour to an hour earlier, especially at first, so that your body does not feel a lack of sleep. Better yet, turn men's morning exercises into family exercises. Joint activities bring us closer together and bring even greater benefits!

Think about why you need morning exercises. If only to wake up and prepare the body for a new day, then you can simply perform the main set of exercises in a relaxed state. Don’t rush anywhere, but slowly let every cell of your body wake up in motion.

If you don’t have time for additional exercises other than morning exercises, then it is better to pay more attention to it, especially in the strength department. Work your abs deeper, do exercises for your arms, chest and legs.

You can do the warm-up complex every day, and add the main one every other day. This way the muscles will recover from the main load, but will not forget the taste of movement.

Hello, dear ladies! The other day a friend told me this story:

An uncle came to visit them, who still has a Soviet background (you know, there are such “communies,” as my mother calls them). He is a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, which characterizes him only on the positive side. So, my friend’s uncle does morning exercises every morning. Of course, this is a good habit. But he makes it to a Soviet radio recording, in which a cheerful male voice commands which way to turn and how intensely to wave his arms.

In our family, the attitude towards warming up in the morning has always been, in my opinion, undeservedly indifferent. And after meeting such an ardent fan of hers, I seriously thought about revising my morning schedule. But with the marches of the Soviet radio, it’s still too much.

Today I invite you to consider exercises for morning exercises, which were dictated by a cheerful male voice, and find out why they are useful. I suggest performing all these activities to modern dynamic music that you personally like.

Why do you need to do exercises in the morning?

For reference: Morning exercises are a single set of exercises that help you get a huge boost of energy for the whole day. It helps tone the body, relieve lethargy and drowsiness. Supports physical health, improves performance and helps to have a positive outlook.

Warming up increases the flow of blood and lymph, helps metabolism activate, and eliminates congestion in the body that forms during sleep.

It should be regular. Exercises must be done every day and at the same time. Regularity increases body flexibility and promotes weight loss.

Physical activity helps improve intellectual abilities. Therefore, exercising in the morning will help you cope with your work at work every day.

What will you need? Light sports clothing and light sports shoes. To perform exercises while lying down, you will need a mat.

You should not include heavy loads in the complex. It is better if they are simple, but activate all muscle groups.

Warm-up will be more effective if done outside, in the fresh air.

Now let's summarize all of the above. You need to exercise! And you will be positive all day! And as they say: “Health is good - thanks to exercise!”

Set of exercises

Let's move on directly to the set of classes. It is worth remembering that they should be done to rhythmic music that you like, observing the sequence of execution. It is better to choose music in advance. The duration of the warm-up music series is approximately 10-15 minutes.

Starting position: standing, legs spread at shoulder level, you can do a dance spring to the beat of the music.

Warm-up (1 minute)

  • Slowly walking around the room with calm breathing.
  • Walking in place.

Activating the neck

  • Head tilts left and right (6 times).
  • Now back and forth (6 times).
  • Slow rotation (10 times).

For arm and shoulder muscles

  • We rotate our shoulders simultaneously and alternately, while our arms are lowered (6 times each).
  • Rotate alternately with outstretched arms (10 times).
  • Alternate sharp swings of the arms (10 times).
  • We bend our elbows at shoulder level, then sharply straighten them and move them back. Return to the starting position (6 times).
  • We move our bent arms back several times, after which we move our straight arms back once (6 times).
  • We spread our arms to the side and rotate our hands, sometimes clenched into a fist, sometimes with open palms. Alternately and simultaneously (10 times).

Activating the torso muscles

  • Smooth forward bends touching the floor with your fingertips (7 times).
  • Rotation of the pelvis. First to the right. Then left. At the same time, we keep our hands on our belts (10 times).
  • Place your right hand on your belt, raise your left hand above your head and bend to the right. Then we change hands and the side of the tilt (6 times).
  • Raise your hands and lock them together. Tilts left and right, back and forth (6 times).
  • Arms straight, parallel to the floor. Turn your torso left and right (6 times).

Leg muscles wake up

  • Alternately swing your legs back and forth (10 times with each leg).
  • Squats without lifting your heels off the floor (10 times).
  • Alternate swings of legs to the sides. Left and right (6 times each).

Stretching exercises

  • Sitting on the floor with your legs straight, try to touch your toes with your fingers (10 times).
  • Lying on the floor, with your knees bent, rotate your knees left and right. Your knees should touch the floor (6 times in each direction).
  • Lying on your side, swing your legs up. First with one leg, then turn and swing with the other leg. (10 times).

Strengthening the press

  • From a lying position, lift your torso up. With straightened arms, reach for your toes. Lie down on the floor again (10 times).

Improve your mood (5-7 minutes)

  • Slowly running in place.
  • We dance freely to the beat of the music.

Congratulations, you did it. Let's move on to water treatments!


I took this set of exercises from a Soviet radio recording that the hero of my story listened to. But after looking at the information about exercises for morning exercises, I came to the conclusion that little has changed since then. Some sources add two or three more, others add a couple of exercises less. This means that many generations have been doing this warm-up in the morning.

A huge number of specialists: athletes, coaches, doctors, teachers, psychologists, have confirmed the effectiveness of these trainings. Also, this complex is not divided according to gender and age. That is, it is universal.

Well, thanks to my friend, or rather her relative. He gave us a wonderful gift. And my uncle changed his march for classes, now he does exercises in the morning not to the sounds of a march, but to modern music. And now I start every morning with a warm-up. And I can say with confidence that it lifts the mood great:

Well, if you still have nostalgia for the Soviet past, this video is for you:

With this, dear women, I say goodbye to you. I really hope that you learned a lot from this article. Don't forget to tell your friends and subscribe to blog news. Health and beauty to you. See you again!

There is an opinion that the morning warm-up should be light, without strength and explosive exercises and cardio loads. It is believed that strenuous exercise immediately after waking up puts stress on the heart, increases blood pressure and can cause a heart attack or stroke. In fact, it's quite controversial.

Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to include something more serious than push-ups and leg swings in your morning exercises.

Choosing the intensity of your morning workout

Within two hours of waking up, there is a natural increase in blood pressure. During exercise, especially under heavy loads, the pressure rises even more, which negatively affects the heart - the risk of myocardium increases, especially in people suffering from hypertension.

In addition, in the morning there is an increased amount of cortisol and adrenaline - stress hormones that the body needs to wake up. Physical exercise further increases their number, causing the heart to work faster.

All this is true, but should you be afraid of morning workouts? If you have hypertension or heart problems, are overweight or have a long history of smoking, it may be worth reducing the exercise to joint warm-up and gentle stretching, and postponing the workout to a later date.

If you are a healthy person without excess weight, you should not be afraid of more intense exercise. Morning exercise will only benefit you.

Benefits of a morning workout

Normalizes blood pressure and sleep

Morning exercise has a positive effect on blood pressure throughout the day and improves sleep quality. This was confirmed by the study Early morning exercise is best for reducing blood pressure and improving sleep. Dr. Scott Collier from Appalachian State University.

Together with his assistants, Dr. Collier tracked the blood pressure and sleep quality of the study participants - people from 40 to 60 years old who exercised three times a week. One group walked on the treadmill at seven in the morning, the second at one in the afternoon, and the third at seven in the evening.

Participants who exercised at 7 a.m. experienced a 10% reduction in blood pressure during the day and a 25% reduction in blood pressure during sleep. They slept better and had more beneficial sleep cycles than those who exercised during the day or evening.

Makes you wake up faster

A short morning workout increases blood circulation, awakens the nervous system and provides a powerful flow of oxygen, including to the brain. So no burnt scrambled eggs, forgotten things and liters of coffee - after charging, the brain will fully wake up and be ready to work.

Good for your figure

Early exercise is also good for your figure. If you start exercising immediately after getting out of bed, you are exercising on an empty stomach. This triggers the release of growth hormone and increases your sensitivity to insulin, which allows for better blood sugar regulation and allows the body to store glucose in muscle rather than subcutaneous fat.

By including strength exercises in your exercises, you will normalize and ensure normal absorption of substances from food, which is also beneficial for your figure.

Helps you think better and feel happy

Study Differential effects of acute and regular physical exercise on cognition and affect. The University of Pennsylvania has proven that exercise has a positive effect on brain function and a sense of well-being throughout the day.

In the study, scientists found that people who exercised for a month showed better results in memory tests and felt happier and more prosperous than those who led a sedentary lifestyle.

In addition, active participants were also divided into two groups: one exercised in the morning before testing, and the second did not. As a result, the best results were shown by participants who exercised in the morning on the day of testing.

It turns out that in order to make your brain work better and be in an elevated mood during the day, you need to exercise in the morning.

Charging is definitely useful. But what about the exercises that should be included in it? Here are five rules that will help you create a good complex.

Rules for good charging

Exercise immediately after waking up

Morning exercises are most effective if done immediately after waking up. Yes, you can go to the toilet and have a glass, but after that, start studying.

The first minutes after waking up are the best time to form a new habit. At first, you may have to force yourself, but after a while, exercise will become a permanent part of your morning.

Do a joint warm-up

A regular joint warm-up will help warm up your muscles and joints and prepare them for work. Here's a video with a great warm-up option.

To avoid confusion with the number of repetitions, perform 10 times in each direction, for example, 10 head turns, 10 knee rotations. Hold static stretches for 10 seconds.

Add explosive exercises

To speed up the blood and increase metabolism, include in your complex.

These could include jump squats, jump lunges, switching legs, explosive push-ups, or pop jumps, in which you rotate 90 to 180 degrees as you jump.

Jumping Jack with 180 degree rotation

Choose stretching exercises

The National Academy of Sports Medicine recommends starting your morning with dynamic stretching. This will lengthen the muscles and relieve restrictions or pain. Dynamic stretches include bodyweight exercises such as squats, lunges, push-ups, and others.

You can perform dynamic exercises with freezing at the extreme point: Spiderman lunges, Bulgarian split squats with a delay at the bottom, Hindu push-ups with a three-second delay at the top, lateral lunges with a delay at the bottom.

Charging should be short and sweet

Exercising is something you will do every day, including training days. If you do a full, hard workout in the morning, you simply won’t have time to recover until the evening. Therefore, morning exercises should not be longer than 15 minutes, and the exercises should not be too hard or complicated.

So, we have discussed the general rules, and now we will present two complexes for charging: for beginners and people more advanced in fitness.

Two charging examples

A set of exercises for beginners (15 minutes)

1. Joint warm-up ( 5 minutes).

2. Power part ( 5 minutes):

  • 2 sets of 20 squats with hands behind head.
  • 2 sets of 10 push-ups. If you can’t do push-ups using the classic technique, do a lighter version - push-ups from your knees or with your hands on a hill.
  • 2 sets of 20 jumps with legs together/apart with clapping overhead (Jumping Jack).

3. Explosive exercise ( 1 minute: 30 seconds - exercise, 30 - rest). Try overhead clapping jumps with a 90-180 degree rotation. Can be replaced by jumping from side to side.

Jumping from side to side

4. Dynamic stretching ( 4 minutes):

  • Deep lunges forward with a delay of 5 seconds at the extreme point. In total you need to do 10 lunges while moving around the room. This exercise simultaneously pumps the quadriceps and gluteal muscles and stretches the hamstrings and adductors.

Deep lunges forward
  • Exercise “Cat and Camel” - 10 times (two deflections are counted at one time). This exercise engages the back and abdominal muscles and alternately stretches them.

Exercise “Cat and Camel”
  • Side lunges with a 5 second delay at the extreme point. This exercise is also performed 10 times.

Side lunges
  • Exits to . Stand in a lying position with your feet on your knees. From this position, stand in a classic plank and hold it for 5 seconds, then return to the starting position and rest for 5 seconds - this is one circle. In total you need to do 5 circles in a minute.

A set of exercises for advanced (15 minutes)

1. Joint warm-up ( 5 minutes).

2. Power part ( 5 minutes). 10 jumping jacks with legs together / apart with clapping overhead, 10 squats and 10 push-ups - this is one circle. It takes about 45–50 seconds, the remaining time of a minute is rest. Complete 5 laps.

3. Explosive exercises ( 1 minute: 30 seconds - exercise, 30 - rest). Perform 20 jump squats. Can be replaced with jumping onto a hill, explosive push-ups.

4. Dynamic stretching ( 4 minutes):

  • 10 Spiderman lunges with a delay at the extreme point for 3-5 seconds. The exercise stretches the back of the thigh, buttocks and adductor muscles well.

Spiderman Lunges
  • 10 Hindu push-ups with a delay in the extreme position. This exercise works the abdominal muscles, back and arms, stretches the muscles of the back, shoulders, chest, abdomen, and back of the thigh.

Hindu push-ups
  • 10 side lunges with a delay in the extreme position.
  • Classic plank for one minute. If you want to make the exercise more challenging, lift one leg for 30 seconds, then switch legs and stand for another 30 seconds.

These are fairly simple sets of exercises that do not require simulators or additional equipment, but still allow you to work and stretch all muscle groups.

Try it and see that with exercise your morning becomes much more cheerful.

Share your favorite charging complexes in the comments to the article.

Some people don’t do exercises, considering physical exercise a waste of time. You can feel invigorated by drinking a cup of strong coffee. But the aromatic drink contains caffeine, which can hardly be called beneficial. But the benefits of charging are beyond dispute!

The benefits of morning exercises are revealed when the complex is performed regularly. Gradually getting used to physical activity, a person becomes active and does not experience drowsiness or excessive fatigue during the day.

Increased performance

The benefits of exercise in the morning are manifested in increased performance. Warming up makes blood move through the vessels more intensely. As a result, the body tissues are saturated with nutrients and oxygen. Oxygen saturation of the brain leads to increased concentration, improved memory, and acceleration of thought processes.

A person who is in no hurry to get out of bed after the alarm goes off experiences drowsiness for 2-3 hours after waking up, which makes it difficult to concentrate on the tasks facing him. The amateur is forced to periodically replenish caffeine reserves in the body - the substance is eliminated after an hour, which provokes “energy hunger.” An exercise enthusiast has no problems waking up, easily gets into a working rhythm and enjoys good health.

Improvement of the body

The benefit of exercise for the body is to stimulate blood flow, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain and respiratory organs. Stagnation of blood in the veins is eliminated, phlegm that accumulates during sleep is removed from the lungs and bronchi. At the same time, the functioning of the vestibular apparatus improves, which leads to increased coordination of movements.

We cannot remain silent about positive changes in posture. Systematic physical exercise straightens the back and teaches a person to stand upright. And this is prevention against scoliosis, spinal hernia, osteochondrosis. Saturation of lung tissue with oxygen simulates acid-reduction processes, which helps to remove extra pounds, strengthen muscles, and achieve coordinated functioning of internal organs.

Physical exercise, performed without excessive zeal, strengthens the immune defense. A person who does not neglect exercises rarely catches a cold. The immune system protects the body, preventing infectious processes from getting a chance.

Improved mood

If you perform a gymnastic complex to an invigorating musical tune, a long-lasting mood is ensured. A rhythmic melody coupled with exercises cleanses energy channels, removing the negativity accumulated over the past day. Relaxation to relaxing melodies does not increase the strength of bone tissue and joints. Morning exercises combine 2 in 1 - improves mood, awakening interest in life, and blocks the path of pathogenic microorganisms.

Strengthening discipline

Parents have long appreciated the benefits of exercises for children. Children accustomed to physical activity in the morning wake up easily, are not capricious, are happy to attend kindergarten, and do not experience problems with discipline. A person accustomed to exercise copes with adversity and moves up the career ladder.

Elimination of insomnia

Waking up early will allow you to stick to your daily routine. A person does not stay up all night. Fatigue makes itself felt when the biological clock indicates rest time. Compliance with the regime guarantees sound and restful sleep.

Exercises for exercise

It's easy to change your life using exercises for morning exercises. The complex is divided into 3 parts: warm-up, main and finishing.

It is recommended to start warming up before you even get out of bed - stretch and have fun. The first part includes smooth bends forward and to the sides, turns of the body and head, and stretching. They warm up by walking around the room on their toes, rotating their arms.

A warm-up set of exercises for charging lasts 2-3 minutes and helps to stretch the muscles.

Having completed the warm-up, they perform toilet procedures and begin the second part of the gymnastic complex. Exercises are selected individually, based on your own preferences.

If there are no personal preferences, use a ready-made complex. Practice these exercises to exercise children, men, women.

  1. Tilt your head alternately to the sides, perform torso turns.
  2. Clasp your hands in a “lock” and turn your hands towards and away from you.
  3. Bend your elbows, touching your fingers to your shoulders, and slowly rotate your arms.
  4. Bend forward, touching your toes to the floor.
  5. Raise your left hand up, place your right hand on your waist. Lean to the right. Change the position of your hands through 2 bends.
  6. Place your hands on your waist and rotate your hips alternately to the right and left. Try not to lift your feet off the surface. Make the exercise more difficult by stretching your arms forward and clasping your hands together.
  7. Swing your legs while holding the back of the chair with your hand. Lunge forward with your legs, squatting as deep as possible. Squat without lifting your heels from the surface, stretching your arms in front of you.