Cheese for weight loss: choose the lowest-calorie and low-fat varieties. How to choose the right cheese that is healthy for a healthy diet

When losing weight, people have to adhere to a diet consisting of healthy and low-calorie foods. In most cases, the standard diet menu is not particularly sophisticated, but you can diversify it with the help of certain types of cheese. At the same time, many doubt whether it is possible to eat cheese on a diet, so we will now look into this.

The benefits of cheese for weight loss

Nutritionists confirm that cheese is allowed and even healthy for weight loss. In addition, there are cheese diets, with the help of which some manage to successfully lose weight, according to reviews on the Internet.

Nutritionists believe that cheese can be eaten and is even necessary, as it contains protein that is valuable for a person losing weight. Lack of proteins is dangerous. That, together with fat, muscles are broken down, decreasing in volume. This has a bad effect on the figure and disrupts the functioning of internal organs. Like other dairy products, certain types of cheese are very beneficial for the diet for the following reasons:

  • intestinal microflora is normalized;
  • material metabolism is regulated;
  • metabolism accelerates;
  • toxins are neutralized and removed.

Even a large amount of cheese is quickly absorbed in the body without being stored as fat. In this regard, those losing weight should not give up curd cheeses and hard varieties that contain a minimum of fat. The product contains linoleic acid, which helps the body consume energy from fat reserves.

A useful property of cheeses for overweight people who want to lose weight is the quick satisfaction of hunger. A small 30-gram piece is enough for this, and the energy intensity is minimal, but depends on the type and fat content of the product.

How to eat cheese while losing weight?

When losing weight, you can eat hard cheese and other varieties, but you need to do it correctly. Remember that this product should be consumed in limited quantities and treated as a treat. You should definitely pay attention to the percentage of fat content, which determines the calorie content.

Don't be lazy to use a kitchen scale if you want to lose extra pounds. A single serving of cheese should be no more than 60-70 g, but it all depends on lifestyle, body type and diet.

When is there cheese?

Cheese will bring the most benefit to the body if consumed in the first half of the day, preferably for breakfast. By including the product in your diet, you will add many valuable vitamins and minerals to it. This food product, made from milk, also provides energy for the whole day ahead.

In the afternoon, when eating properly, especially before bedtime, eating cheese is not recommended. It does not have time to be absorbed, and all the calories are deposited as fat reserves in problem areas.

What kind of cheese can you eat while losing weight?

There are many types of cheese in stores, from which you need to choose a healthy one. All cheeses have a fat content percentage - this is what you should focus on first if you are interested in losing weight. Give preference to low-fat ones, which contain up to 20% fat. It should also contain a lot of protein - ideally about 30 grams.

Be sure to look at the composition, which determines the taste. Natural cheese suitable for losing extra pounds includes the following:

  • milk;
  • sourdough with lactic bacteria;
  • salt;
  • rennet enzymes;
  • beta-carotene (sometimes annatto extract) are natural dyes;
  • calcium chloride.

All additives in the form of palm oil, sodium nitrate and vegetable fat are harmful, so don’t even consider such options. If you want to lose extra pounds, experts advise buying cheeses in vacuum factory packaging. Products sold by weight harbor bacteria and mold.


It is made from whey and does not contain simple milk proteins, but contains albumin protein. It is found in human blood, so it is absorbed especially quickly. Low-calorie cheese contains approximately 172 kcal, and fat content varies between 8-20%. The amount of protein is small - about 11 g. The product contains a lot of vitamins and calcium. When losing weight, it is better to choose Ricotta with 8% fat content, made from cow's milk.


It is prepared according to a Swedish recipe and has a recognizable taste with a nutty aroma. The cheese has a semi-hard consistency, and there are many small holes on the surface - salty droplets sometimes protrude from them. This should not be confusing, but on the contrary, they give this product maximum benefits in the form of magnesium, calcium, vitamins A, B and D. The calorie content of cheese is low - only 220 kcal per 100 g, but the amount of protein reaches 30-31 g.


The most delicate curd cheese, which is easily digestible, so you can eat it while losing weight. It is made by rennet ripening, that is, the raw material is partially broken down by special enzymes. This technology retains maximum beneficial properties and vitamins. The calorie content of cheese can reach 350 kcal per 100 g, so when losing weight you need to choose a variety made from skim milk - it contains no more than 150-160 kcal.


Tofu cheese holds the record for the lowest calorie content - 70-90 kcal per 100 g with a fat content of 5%. The amount of protein reaches 8-9 g. It contains many essential amino acids, and complete protein competes even with meat protein. The product is quickly absorbed and provides energy, which is often lacking when losing extra pounds.


An affordable low-calorie cheese, containing up to 240 kcal per 100 g. It contains a lot of phosphorus and calcium, and also supplies the body with fat-soluble vitamins. The dense consistency of the product allows it to be used on a diet for preparing salads and other low-calorie dishes.

Feta and Fetax

It contains almost no carbohydrates, so nutritionists give this product the green light when fighting extra pounds. Even people with allergies to cow's milk are allowed, since Feta is made from sheep or goat. The calorie content of this cheese is not the lowest - about 290 kcal per 100 g, so do not rely on it on a diet. Fetax cheese has a similar calorie content, although it is a similarity to the original Feta.


Soft curd cheese with 23 percent fat content. The amount of protein is 21 g with a calorie content of 291 kcal per 100 g. This blue cheese has a creamy, nutty taste, it contains many amino acids and minerals that the body needs when losing excess weight.

Processed cheese

You can also eat processed cheese, including sausage cheese, in small quantities. At the same time, it is better to exclude smoked from the diet, as it is less healthy and contains more calories. On a diet, processed cheese can be spread on slices of rye or whole grain bread - this will be an excellent breakfast. The average calorie content of processed cheese is 220-240 kcal per 100 g, and the amount of protein is 21-24 g.

You now know about all the cheeses that you can eat when you are losing weight and on a diet. Use this information wisely and learn how to prepare truly healthy dietary dishes with hard, curd and processed cheeses.

Cheese has been on the menu of mankind for a very long time. Our ancestors quite quickly mastered the science of cheese making and subsequently improved it with each century. Today there are hundreds of varieties of this fermented milk product, each of which is good in its own way. If you can undoubtedly be called a gourmet in the world of cheeses, and this is the only thing you will definitely never give up, but at the same time you are puzzled by the question of how to quickly and without any difficulties get in shape, then this article is for you. It's time to answer frequently asked questions: “Is it possible to have cheese on a diet?” and “What kind of cheese is possible on a diet?”

“Pro” cheese on a diet

During a diet, cheese can provide a share of protein that is incomparable to any other product. And without this most important building component, there can be no proper and healthy diet. After all, if there is a lack of it in the diet, the body actively “burns” muscles—its own protein tissue—in the furnace of metabolic processes, and due to this, weight loss occurs. Although hard cheese is a high-calorie product, and it can contain up to fifty percent fat, and the average calorie content is 340-380 kilocalories per 100 grams of product, you still shouldn’t give it up completely. What's the solution? If you want to reduce the amount of fat in your diet as much as possible, eliminate hard cheeses. And if the number of calories is primarily important to you, just take into account the true calorie content of cheese. If you eat no more than 50 grams of light cheese per day, you will get no more than two hundred kilocalories. In general, even hard varieties are not so scary, and you can eat cheese on a diet, only in this case limit its consumption and remember the calorie content.

The cheese is famous for its composition, including the abundance of calcium and proteins. However, despite the fact that it is possible to eat cheese while on a diet, you must carefully monitor the inscriptions on its label, such as fat content and calorie content, choosing low-fat options. It can be homemade cheese or low-fat cottage cheese - with a relatively low calorie content, they contain many nutrients and are quite filling. Pigtail cheese is not bad, although it is slightly higher in calories and, due to the significant salt content in its composition, can retain water in the body, reducing the effectiveness of diets. In addition, eating cheese while dieting has other disadvantages.

“Against” cheese when dieting

First of all, it is worth mentioning possible digestive problems, in particular constipation. Despite the fact that cheese is digested fairly quickly, not every body adequately perceives dairy products. The problem of lactose deficiency, that is, the minimum content or absence of the enzyme necessary for digesting lactose, can be completely solved by using lactose-free cheese in the diet, which is popular in Northern European countries. However, if you did not eat cheese before trying to lose weight, then even during dietary restrictions you should not experiment with this product. Hard types of cheese in combination with insufficient water consumption can cause significant discomfort, in which case it is better to avoid them. Excess cholesterol, as well as overload on the body’s excretory system (liver and kidneys), also does not do this product any favors and limits its use. In general, do not forget that cheese will not replace the entire set of required substances found in cereals, vegetables, fruits and other products.

When dieting, it is better to choose cheese based on its bright taste or smell. They can be added to a particular dish in small quantities, which will reduce calorie content. Thus, goat cheese of the Crottin de Chavignol variety is not too fatty, but has a rich fruity or nutty flavor that can add a touch of piquancy to a dish even in small quantities. If you like cheese as a snack, eat a slice of Oltermani with 17 percent fat, proportionally reducing the calorie content or volume of the main dish. Camembert, like all blue cheeses, is very aromatic, so you can simply smell it before lunch.

Cheese is a favorite product of many. Thanks to the abundance of species, you can feel the taste of each and choose your favorite. Often in the evening in front of the TV you want something tasty and not harmful. And the first question that arises is, is it possible to eat cheese at night?

Is it possible to eat cheese at night?

Almost everyone knows about the benefits of cheese: high% protein, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, etc. It is well absorbed by the body and can be eaten during the weight loss period in the first half of the day. What about the evening reception? Despite its rich composition, the cheese is quite high in calories and, after all, a bit heavy on the stomach. And as we know at night, the intestines should rest... But nutritionists respond favorably to eating low-fat cheese in the evening. Only no more than 40g. So, if you are an avid cheese lover and can’t stand it until the morning, you can treat yourself. On average, the calorie content of cheese per 100g = from 250 to 400, depending on the variety. Interesting fact: cheese protein is much better absorbed by the body than fresh milk.

What type of cheese can you eat at night?

If you are on a healthy diet or on a diet, then you need to be careful when choosing cheese. And do not eat too fatty and carbohydrate varieties at night. The most optimal in terms of % fat, carbohydrates and calorie content: Brynza, Ricotta, Adygei, Mozzarella, Tofu, Camembert, Feta, etc.

  • Cheese cheese 260kcal (contains sufficient protein and little fat)
  • Adyghe 240 kcal (minimal fat content, helps normalize intestinal microflora, recommended for people who are losing weight)
  • Tofu 100kcal (high% vegetable protein, Ca, iron; used for weight loss; does not contain cholesterol)
  • Ricotta 174 kcal (has a beneficial effect on the liver, strengthens the immune system)
  • Mozzarella 180-350 kcal (depending on the type; contains vitamins and macroelements necessary for the body)
  • processed cheese 225 kcal (contains all necessary components: magnesium, phosphorus, K, etc.).

Such a delicious dairy product as cheese is loved by everyone around. There are thousands of its types, hundreds of recipes. Is cheese healthy? Whatever it is: melted, rennet, soft, hard, moldy, suluguni, with additives, it is useful for the human body.

Useful properties of cheese

High-quality cheeses are beneficial for the body, because they contain a lot of useful elements. When preparing cream cheeses from milk, they “absorb” its most beneficial properties. The benefit of cheese is that it is rich in minerals and proteins, which are especially important for children and pregnant women.

Nutrients of cheese:

  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin PP;
  • B vitamins (cobalamins, thiamine, pyridoxine, riboflavin, folic acid);
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin E (TE);
  • Vitamin PP;


  • Phosphorus;
  • Calcium;
  • Potassium;
  • Sodium;
  • Magnesium;


  • Manganese;
  • Zinc;
  • Iron;
  • Copper.

Is blue cheese healthy?

Blue cheese is called "brie". It is classified as a soft table cheese. Brie is made from cow's milk. It contains many beneficial bacteria that improve digestive activity and prevent the development of caries. Among other things, blue cheese is rich in useful minerals, vitamins B, A and D. Noble mold has a beneficial effect on the skin, protecting it from the aging effects of ultraviolet radiation. It is recommended to eat blue cheese little by little, because overuse of this product can cause dysbacteriosis.

Another type of specific blue cheese is called “dor blue”. This semi-hard cheese also contains a noble mold that improves digestion. This product is indicated for rapid restoration of strength, strengthening the immune system, it is recommended in the postoperative period and for cancer.

Is processed cheese healthy?

Processed cheese is 100% absorbed by the body, which cannot be said about hard varieties of cheese. This cheese contains practically no carbohydrates, a lot of vitamin B, and phosphorus compounds. The fats contained in processed cheese supply the body with vitamins E, D, A. However, soft processed cheese contains a lot of sodium compounds, which is harmful under severe pressure changes. They often contain completely unhealthful food additives, so it is better for allergy sufferers, as well as people with kidney problems or high acidity of gastric juices, to avoid this cheese. Processed cheese is very high in calories.

Be careful when choosing such cheese in a store, because manufacturers offer surrogate cheese analogues under its guise. Good cheese should not contain palm or rapeseed oil.

Buy processed cheese only in packaging marked “PP” (polypropylene containers), but in no case “PS” (polystyrene containers) - it is prohibited for storing food.

Is Adyghe cheese healthy?

This delicate cheese with a pronounced yogurt taste is rich in essential amino acids, B vitamins, calcium and phosphorus. Adyghe cheese is especially useful for children and the elderly, pregnant and lactating women.

If you have fragile bones, or suffer from osteoporosis or tuberculosis, then you should definitely include Adyghe cheese in your diet.

This is a low-fat and low-calorie product with a low salt content, which makes it accessible for consumption by heart patients, hypertensive patients, people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and those who are overweight.

Is braided cheese healthy?

Suluguni or pigtail cheese is a type of pickled cheese. Traditionally it is made from goat, sheep, buffalo or cow's milk.

Its salinity is moderate. Cheese containing complete protein is very useful. It is rich in vitamins, amino acids, mineral salts, therefore it is useful for everyone, especially children and weakened patients (who have suffered fractures and pulmonary tuberculosis), pregnant and lactating women, and the elderly.

The proportion of fat in it is 40-50%. There are also smoked types of suluguni braided cheese, which have contraindications for those suffering from cardiac and renal edema, peptic ulcers, and gastritis.

Cheese is contraindicated:

  • Overweight people;
  • Hypertensive patients;
  • If you have milk protein intolerance;
  • For colitis and gastritis;
  • Patients with peptic ulcers;
  • For kidney diseases;
  • Suffering from migraines and insomnia.
  • Blue cheese is contraindicated for pregnant women.

How much cheese can you eat per day?

2-3 slices of 30 grams of cheese with a fat content of less than 20% is enough.

How to choose cheese

The cut of low-quality cheese is loose and uneven.

The cheese should not be very bitter. This indicates an incorrect preparation technology, the addition of calcium chloride to the product to improve milk coagulation, or the feeding of the animals from whose milk the cheese is made with bitter types of feed.

The cheese should not have a musty smell.

Do not buy cheese that has droplets of moisture, a dry rind, or slight mold visible on the surface.

It is better to choose cheeses with a short shelf life that do not contain preservatives.

How to store cheese

Cheese is a perishable product. Its soft varieties cannot be stored in the refrigerator for more than 2-3 days, and hard varieties - for more than 7-10 days.

You should not leave cheese open next to other strong-smelling foods, because it is an absorbent. Wrap the cheese in paper or tracing paper, and then in a plastic bag or special container.

Cheese stored in the freezer is only suitable for use in oven-baked dishes.

If you notice a moldy crust on the surface of the cheese, don’t worry! Carefully cut it off and use the cheese in a salad or other dish.

Recipes for healthy dishes with cheese

Cheese and avocado snack

  1. Grate 100 grams of cheese on a coarse grater.
  2. Add to it 50 grams of mayonnaise, 1-2 cloves of crushed garlic.
  3. Cut the avocado in half and remove the pit.
  4. Using a teaspoon, scoop out the avocado pulp, chop it and also mix with the cheese mixture. Place the resulting snack in a boat.
  5. Decorate the finished dish with herbs or nuts.

Cheese-rice cutlets with mushrooms

  1. Finely chop the onion and greens.
  2. Grate 150 grams of cheese.
  3. Sauté the onion in oil with 200 grams of champignons.
  4. Boil 1 cup of rice.
  5. Beat 2 eggs.
  6. Combine all the ingredients, add salt and pepper and let it brew.
  7. We begin to form cutlets and dip them in breadcrumbs. Fry until golden brown.
  8. You can serve the finished cutlets with herbs, potatoes, vegetables or any other side dish.

From this article you learned the benefits and harms of cheese. Bon appetit!

List of the lowest calorie varieties of cheese.

During a diet, we try to eat low-calorie foods. We choose vegetables, cereals, lean meat and fish. But we are afraid to include such a healthy product as cheese in our diet because of its high calorie content. We have compiled for you a rating of cheeses with the lowest fat, carbohydrate and lowest calorie content. Find out what kind of cheese you can eat while losing weight without harming your figure.

Ricotta - 174 kcal

Ricotta is one of the most dietary Italian cheeses. It is prepared from buffalo, cow or sheep whey. For a richer taste, whey of different types is mixed. The fat content of cow's milk cheese is only 8%; you should be careful with sheep's milk ricotta. Its fat content is about 23%.


  • sweetish;
  • fermented milk;
  • curd.


    Vitamin A is responsible for visual acuity and eye health.

    Vitamin E - maintains the beauty of the skin, moisturizes and nourishes it.

    Vitamin B - normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, promotes good growth of hair and nails.

    Calcium - gives strength to bones.

Amber - 220 kcal

The dairy product, brewed according to a Swedish recipe, has a recognizable taste with a nutty note. The cheese has a semi-hard consistency. On its yellow surface there are many small holes from which salty drops can appear. They contain many useful substances: calcium, magnesium, B vitamins, vitamins A and D, zinc and phosphorus.

Energy value per 100 g


  • sweetish;
  • slightly spicy;
  • with a nutty aftertaste.

Oltermanni – 210 kcal

This is a Finnish dairy product that is produced specifically for those who are watching their weight. It is made from 9% cow's milk. The uniqueness of the cheese is that it does not contain lactose. And the protein content in it is quite high - about 30 g per 100 g of product. Thanks to these properties, oltermanni is included in the diet of athletes and people losing weight.

Oltermanni can be given to small children. It will not cause allergies since it does not contain lactose.

Energy value per 100 g


  • light, unobtrusive;
  • creamy;
  • slightly salty.

Mozzarella – 240 kcal

The Cheese Princess is what the Italians call her. They put pieces of mozzarella in many dishes: pizza, pasta, ravioli, bread, salads. Mozzarella has a characteristic appearance and a pronounced fermented milk taste. It is sold in the form of white balls in brine. When purchasing, be sure to ask for the expiration date. Delicate cheese quickly deteriorates, acquiring a sour taste and unpleasant odor. Mozzarella is made from fermented milk. It is higher in calories than ricotta. Compared to oltermann, it contains more fat and less protein. But it also does not contain carbohydrates.

Energy value per 100 g


  • gentle;
  • slightly salty;
  • fermented milk

Beneficial features

Mozzarella can be included in the menu for children, hypertensive patients, and obese people. It promotes:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improving vision;
  • strengthening bones;
  • normalization of pressure.

Cheese cheese - 208 kcal

This type of salty cheese was first obtained by the Arabs. Due to the long journey in the wineskin, the milk was fermented by bacteria. Opening the bottle, the merchant discovered salted sour-milk cheese. This is how the first cheese appeared. Modern cheese is produced in a less extreme way. The basis is goat's milk, less often sheep's milk. Cultures of lactic acid bacteria are poured into it for fermentation. Once the mixture is fermented, the cheese pieces are placed in brine. There it ripens, acquiring a recognizable salty taste. Natural cheese has a white curd-like surface. It is usually covered with a network of cracks. 100 g of feta cheese contains about 200 - 210 kcal.

Energy value per 100 g

The ripening of cheese takes place at low temperatures. The cheese is not subject to heat treatment. It contains vitamins and useful minerals: A, D, E, B, fluorine, magnesium, calcium. The listed elements are useful for the growth and strength of bones and teeth, strengthen the immune and nervous systems. Brynza is put in salads, soups, and on sandwiches.

Brynza is suitable for those on a low-carb diet. But you can’t abuse it because of its pronounced salty taste. Salt slows down the removal of fluid from the body, so your weight loss process may slow down.

Adyghe - 240 kcal

Cheese with a distinct sour-milk salty taste. It is characterized by a granular consistency. It is made quickly, using sourdough. The cheese does not need ripening or heat treatment. It is ready after separating the whey from the curd mass. It is collected in gauze and placed under pressure. The formed cheese heads are ready to eat. It is valued by nutritionists as it belongs to the group of low-calorie foods. In addition, it does not contain carbohydrates. The animal protein included in the product promotes the formation of muscle mass.

Energy value per 100 g

The composition of the cheese is rich in phosphorus, calcium, B vitamins and amino acids. The useful formula has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It can be used by those who are prone to gastritis. It is not recommended to eat a lot of cheese because of the salty taste. Salt causes swelling and slows down the removal of moisture. If you eat cheese in the afternoon, you will have bags under your eyes in the morning. Adyghe cheese is eaten raw on sandwiches with butter and herbs, as part of vitamin salads, and grated into pasta.

Feta – 290 kcal

Famous fermented milk product of Greek origin. It is very similar to Slavic feta cheese - white, soft, curdled, salty. It is also made from goat's milk, less often from sheep's milk. The difference between feta is that after the whey has bounced off, the curd mass is placed for aging. It reaches the desired consistency within three months. The name of the cheese is patented and assigned exclusively to Greece. Cheese made using the same technology, but in another country, is no longer feta. Of the fermented milk cheeses presented, feta is the fattest. The fat content of cheese can vary from 30 to 60%. When buying cheese, you should definitely pay attention to this indicator.

Energy value per 100 g

Of the cheeses presented, Italian ricotta turned out to be the least high in calories, and feta was the fattest. But these brands are far from the calorie content of Parmesan or Roquefort. They can be eaten during a diet without harming your figure.