Sania Babi personal biography. Celebrity parameters. Celebrity diets

Alexey Sergeevich Glyzin. Born on January 13, 1954 in Mytishchi. Soviet and Russian singer. Honored Artist of Russia (2006).

Father - Sergei Vasilyevich Glyzin. A war veteran, he was wounded twice, shell-shocked, and reached Poland.

Mother - Serafima Alekseevna Glyzina.

His parents divorced when Alexei was four years old. He was raised by his mother and grandmother.

He said: “The apartment where we lived was located near the Los station, on Yegor Abakumov Street. It was a four-story red brick house from the Ministry of Railways, where my mother worked all her life and earned... a room in a two-room apartment on first floor. Long live our railways! When I was four years old, my parents separated “for political reasons,” and my mother and I were left alone. But I have more vivid memories from my grandmother’s house. Most I spent my childhood near the Perlovskaya station in Yaroslavskaya railway, in 4th Leninsky Lane, where she lived. Once upon a time this was the first station outside the Moscow Ring Road."

Growing up as a hooligan, my mother was often called to school. In the fifth grade, he was expelled from the pioneers for fighting. “But everything was fair there. We defended the girl’s honor,” he said.

He studied, according to him, unevenly - sometimes well, sometimes not so well. “I graduated from the eighth grade with straight A’s, despite the fact that I spent two weeks with suspected appendicitis and took exams not with everyone, but one on one with the teacher. Then I began to rave about music, which prevented me from studying normally,” the singer shared his memories of those times of his school youth.

Graduated music school in piano class.

After finishing the eighth grade, he studied at a radio equipment-building technical school for three years. Shortly before graduation, he quit and began playing in the Mytishchi ensemble.

After studying at the correspondence department at the Tambov cultural and educational school, he was transferred to the Moscow state institute culture, where he studied full-time at the pop-brass department.

In his 3rd year, he was drafted into the army in the Far East, where he served near the Chinese border as a junior aviation specialist. Then he moved to the music platoon.

After serving in the SA, he worked at the Checheno-Ingush Philharmonic as part of the “Vernost” ensemble. Then for several years he was a member of VIA "Good fellows", with whom in 1976 he became a laureate of the Red Carnation competition in Sochi.

After this, Alexey Glyzin was invited to the famous VIA team "Gems", where he worked in 1977-1978.

In 1978 he also played in composition of VIA "Rhythm", who accompanied.

From 1979 to 1988 member of VIA "Funny boys", in which he gained all-Union popularity.

As a member of the ensemble “Jolly Fellows” he took part in the festival “For the best performance of Soviet rock and pop music “Yerevan-81”” and in international competition pop song "Bratislava Lyre - 1985". Participated in the recording of the cult magnetic album “Banana Islands” and the LP “Minutochka”.

I recorded a lot with the group “Vesyolye Retyaby” popular songs: “Easy to say”, “It’s time”, “Redheads are always lucky”, “Triangle”, “Ships”, “Train going south”, “Bologoe”, “Evening by candlelight”, “Traveling artists”, “Rosita” ", "Don't worry, aunt." As part of the ensemble, he traveled abroad a lot, among the countries visited on tour were Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Cuba, Germany, Bulgaria, Finland, etc.

At the end of work in the ensemble, the songs “Episode” and “Forest Tale” were released in “Morning Mail”.

In August 1988 he formed a group "Hooray" and started solo career.

He has released 7 albums, 3 of which are collections of his songs.

Alexey Glyzin - Winter Garden

In 2006 he was awarded the honorary title “Honored Artist Russian Federation».

In 2007, he participated in the television show “You are a superstar!” (NTV) and took 2nd place there. In 2008, he took part in the show “First Squadron” (Channel One) and took 2nd place there. In 2009, he began participating in the show “Cruel Intentions”, but was hospitalized. This program was shown in 2010.

In 2012 he released a new album.

In 2015, he participated in the 3rd season of the show “Exactly the Same.” Reincarnated as Al Bano, Alexander Kutikov, Jon Bon Jovi, Alexander Serov, Sergei Garmash, Billy Joel, Willie Tokarev, Alexander Barykin, Sergei Shnurov, Yuri Antonov and Garik Sukachev.

According to the artist, he prepared very carefully for each release of the program. “I take responsibility for creating this or that image. I learn the text, listen to the artist, watch his behavior on stage, his facial expressions, work with teachers. Every little thing, every detail is important,” he said.

In September 2016 (as well as his brother) he was a confidant of the party " United Russia"in the elections to the State Duma of the VII convocation.

Alexey Glyzin's height: 170 centimeters.

Personal life of Alexey Glyzin:

Was married twice.

First wife - Lyudmila Glyzina. He met her before the army, and she waited for him. The wedding took place in the golden hall of the Rossiya Hotel. The marriage gave birth to a son, Alexey, a director on November 15, 1975 (known for the films “Territory of Ghosts”, “In Search of Adventures with M. Kozhukhov”, “All at Once” on NTV; he was the director of the TV program “Dachny Otvet”). In April 2005, Glyzin became a grandfather - his son Alexey gave birth to a boy who was named Denis.

A few years after the divorce, he restored his relationship with his first wife and they communicated on friendly terms. A few years ago she died.

Second wife - Sania Babiy(married - Glyzina; born 05/07/1971). They met in 1989. Then Sania was doing gymnastics, she is a world champion in rhythmic gymnastics, now the director of the ballet “Releve” (the company often performs in Alexey Glyzin’s programs).

The marriage gave birth to a son on December 12, 1992, who was named Igor. “Igor Nikolaev claimed that the name was given in his honor, Igor Krutoy insisted that it was in his honor. But in fact, in honor of Igor Talkov, who had already been killed by that time,” said the singer.

Son Igor goes in for swimming, dances, enjoys music, and plays the guitar. Studied Chinese at a school with a Chinese bias. Plays in Alexey Glyzin's band at concerts and filming.

Not everything went smoothly in the family of Alexei and Sania - once the wife even filed for divorce because of Glyzin’s infidelities. But then they made up.

His musical hobbies include rock: Sting, Pink Floyd, Eric Clapton.

Loves football. IN free time plays in the Starko team along with other “star” football players - Nikolai Trubach, Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. and Sergei Minaev. He also practices hand-to-hand combat.

Filmography of Alexey Glyzin:

1987 - She with a broom, he in a black hat
1988 - Primorsky Boulevard - episode, song “Triangle”
2006 - I'll be back... Igor Talkov (documentary)

Discography of Alexey Glyzin:

1990 - Winter Garden. Alexey Glyzin and the group "Ura"
1990 - “Winter Garden”
1994 - “Ashes of Love”
1995 - “This is not true”
1999 - “Late Express”
2001 - “Golden Collection 1987-2001”
2004 - “The soul flies”
2004 - “Legendary Songs”
2012 - “Wings of Love”

Cooperation Labels

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Awards Autograph

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Alexey Sergeevich Glyzin(born January 13, 1954, Mytishchi, Moscow region) - Soviet and Russian crooner and actor, Honored Artist of Russia (2006). Winner of the “Chanson of the Year” award (2016).


Alexey Sergeevich Glyzin was born on January 13, 1954 in the city of Mytishchi into the family of employees Sergei Vasilyevich Glyzin and Serafima Alekseevna Glyzina.



Personal life


Public position

In September 2016, like his brother, he became a confidant of the United Russia party in the elections to the State Duma of the 7th convocation.


  • 1988 - Primorsky Boulevard - episode, song “Triangle”
  • 2006 - I'll be back... Igor Talkov (documentary)


Winter Garden. Alexey Glyzin and the group "Ura". One of the most popular Soviet records in 1990, solo album, songs by Viktor Chaika, poems by Simon Osiashvili.

see also

  • Alexey Glyzin (English) on the Internet Movie Database website

Excerpt characterizing Glyzin, Alexey Sergeevich

“Why didn’t you tell me?!..” Stella was very surprised. – I wanted to please you, not upset you! I'll leave now.
– But you really made me happy! – I sincerely objected. - It's just because of them...
– Will you come again soon? I miss you... It’s so uninteresting to walk alone... It’s good for grandma - she’s alive and can go wherever she wants, even to see you....
I felt wildly sorry for this wonderful, kindest girl...
“And you come whenever you want, only when I’m alone, then no one can disturb us,” I sincerely suggested. “And I’ll come to you soon, as soon as the holidays are over.” Just wait.
Stella smiled joyfully, and once again “decorated” the room with crazy flowers and butterflies, she disappeared... And without her, I immediately felt empty, as if she had taken with her a piece of the joy that filled this wonderful evening... I looked at my grandmother, looking for support, but she was talking very enthusiastically about something with her guest and did not pay any attention to me. Everything seemed to fall into place again, and everything was fine again, but I couldn’t stop thinking about Stella, about how lonely she is, and how unfair our Fate is sometimes for some reason... So, I promised myself as soon as possible to return to my faithful girlfriend, I again completely “returned” to my “living” friends, and only dad, who had been watching me very carefully the whole evening, looked at me with surprised eyes, as if trying hard to understand where and what was so serious He once “missed the mark” with me so offensively...
When the guests had already begun to go home, the “seeing” boy suddenly began to cry... When I asked him what happened, he pouted and said offendedly:
- Where are the nine?.. And the bowl? And there are no grandmothers...
Mom just smiled tensely in response, and quickly took her second son, who did not want to say goodbye to us, and went home...
I was very upset and very happy at the same time!.. This was the first time I met another baby who had a similar gift... And I promised myself not to calm down until I managed to convince this “unfair” and unhappy mother how her baby was truly a huge miracle... He, like each of us, should have had the right free choice, and his mother had no right to take this away from him... In any case, until he himself begins to understand something.
I looked up and saw dad, who was standing leaning on the door frame, and all this time with great interest was watching me. Dad came up and, affectionately hugging me by the shoulders, said quietly:
- Well, let's go, you can tell me why you fought so ardently here...
And immediately my soul felt very light and calm. Finally, he will find out everything and I will never have to hide anything from him again! He was my best friend, who, unfortunately, did not even know half the truth about what my life really was... It was dishonest and it was unfair... And I only now realized how strange it all was this is the time to hide my “second” life from dad just because it seemed to mom that dad wouldn’t understand... I had to give him such a chance even earlier and now I was very glad that I could do it at least now...
Sitting comfortably on his favorite sofa, we talked for a very long time... And how much I was delighted and surprised that, as I told him about my incredible adventures, daddy’s face brightened more and more!.. I realized that my whole “incredible” story not only did not frighten him, but, on the contrary, for some reason made him very happy...
“I always knew that you would be special to me, Svetlenka...” when I finished, dad said very seriously. - I am proud of you. Is there anything I can do to help you?
I was so shocked by what happened that, out of nowhere, I burst into tears... Dad cradled me in his arms, like small child, quietly whispering something, and I, from happiness that he understood me, did not hear anything, I only understood that all my hated “secrets” were already behind me, and now everything would definitely be fine...
I wrote about this birthday because it left a deep imprint in my soul of something very important and very kind, without which my story about myself would certainly be incomplete...
The next day everything seemed normal and everyday again, as if that incredible thing had never happened yesterday. have a good day birth...
The usual school and household chores almost completely filled the hours allotted in the day, and what remained was, as always, my favorite time, and I tried to use it very “economically” in order to learn as much useful information as possible and as much “unusual” information as possible. to find in yourself and in everything around you...
Naturally, they didn’t let me near the “gifted” neighbor’s boy, explaining that the baby had a cold, but as I learned a little later from his older brother, the boy felt absolutely fine, and was apparently “sick” only for me...
It was a great pity that his mother, who had probably gone through a rather “thorny” path of the same “unusual” at one time, categorically did not want to accept any help from me, and tried in every possible way to protect her sweet, talented son from me. But this, again, was just one of many of those bitter and offensive moments of my life, when no one needed the help I offered, and I now tried to avoid such “moments” as carefully as possible... Again, it is impossible for people had something to prove if they didn't want to accept it. And I never considered it right to prove my truth “with fire and sword,” so I preferred to leave everything to chance until the moment when a person comes to me and asks me to help him.
I again became a little distant from my school friends, because in Lately they almost constantly had the same conversations - which boys they liked best, and how they could “get” one or the other... Frankly speaking, I could not understand why this attracted them so much then, that they could mercilessly spend such free hours, dear to us all, on this, and at the same time be in a completely delighted state from everything said or heard to each other. Apparently, for some reason I was still completely and completely unprepared for this whole complex epic of “boys and girls”, for which I received an evil nickname from my girlfriends - “proud girl”... Although, I think that it was just a proud woman I wasn’t... But the girls were just infuriated that I refused the “events” they offered, for the simple reason that I honestly wasn’t interested in it yet, and I didn’t see any serious reason for throwing away my free time in vain causes. But naturally, my school friends did not like my behavior in any way, since it, again, set me apart from the general crowd and made me different, not like everyone else, which, according to the guys, was “anti-human” according to the school students. ..
This is how my winter days passed, again half “rejected” by school friends and girlfriends, which no longer upset me at all, since, having worried about our “relationship” for several years, I saw that, ultimately, in this makes no sense, since everyone lives as they see fit, well, what will come of us later is, again, a private problem for each of us. And no one could force me to idly waste my “valuable” time on empty conversations, when I preferred to spend it reading most interesting books, walking along the “floors” or even riding along the winter paths in the Purga...
Dad, after mine honest story about my “adventures”, for some reason suddenly (to my great joy!!!) he stopped considering me a “little child” and unexpectedly gave me access to all his previously unauthorized books, which tied me even more to “loneliness at home” and , combining such a life with grandma’s pies, I felt absolutely happy and certainly in no way alone...
But, as was the case before, it was clearly “contraindicated” for me to quietly engage in my favorite reading for a long time, since, almost without fail, something “extraordinary” was bound to happen... And so that evening, When I was calmly reading a new book, crunching with pleasure on freshly baked cherry pies, an excited, disheveled Stella suddenly appeared and declared in a peremptory voice:
– It’s so good that I found you - you should come with me now!..
- What happened?.. Go where? – I asked, surprised at such an unusual rush.
– To Maria, Dean died there... Well, come on!!! – the girlfriend shouted impatiently.
I immediately remembered little, black-eyed Maria, who had only one friend - her faithful Dean...
- Already going! – I was alarmed and quickly rushed after Stella to the “floors”...

We were again greeted by the same gloomy, ominous landscape, which I almost didn’t pay attention to, since it, like everything else, after so many trips to the Lower Astral, had become almost familiar to us, as far as one could get used to such a thing in general. ..
We quickly looked around and immediately saw Maria...
The baby, hunched over, sat straight on the ground, completely drooping, not seeing or hearing anything around, and only affectionately stroked the shaggy, motionless body of the “departed” friend with her frozen palm, as if trying to wake him up... Severe and bitter, completely not childish tears flowed in rivulets from her sad, extinct eyes, and, flashing with brilliant sparks, disappeared into the dry grass, watering it for a moment with clean, living rain... It seemed that this whole already quite cruel world had now become even more cruel for Maria colder and even stranger... She was left completely alone, so amazingly fragile in her deep sadness, and there was no one else to console her, or caress her, or even just protect her in a friendly way... And next to her, a huge , a motionless mound lay her best friend, her faithful Dean... She clung to his soft, furry back, unconsciously refusing to acknowledge his death. And she stubbornly did not want to leave him, as if knowing that even now, after death, he still loved her just as faithfully and also sincerely protected her... She really missed his warmth, his strong “furry” support, and that familiar, reliable, “their little world”, in which only the two of them lived... But Dean was silent, stubbornly not wanting to wake up... And some small, toothy creatures were scurrying around him, trying to grab at least a small piece of him hairy “flesh”... At the beginning, Maria still tried to drive them away with a stick, but, seeing that the attackers were not paying any attention to her, she gave up on everything... Here, just like on the “solid” Earth, there existed “ the law of the strong,” but when this strong one died, those who could not get him alive, now with pleasure tried to make up for lost time by “tasting” his energy body, at least dead...

) - Soviet and Russian pop singer and actor, Honored Artist of Russia (2006). Winner of the “Chanson of the Year” award (2016).


Alexey Sergeevich Glyzin was born on January 13, 1954 in the city of Mytishchi into the family of employees Sergei Vasilyevich Glyzin and Serafima Alekseevna Glyzina.



Personal life


Public position

In September 2016, like his brother, he became a confidant of the United Russia party in the elections to the State Duma of the 7th convocation.


  • 1988 - Primorsky Boulevard - episode, song “Triangle”
  • 2006 - I'll be back... Igor Talkov (documentary)


Winter Garden. Alexey Glyzin and the group "Ura". One of the most popular Soviet records in 90, a solo album, songs by Viktor Chaika, poems by Simon Osiashvili.

see also

  • Alexey Glyzin (English) on the Internet Movie Database website

Excerpt characterizing Glyzin, Alexey Sergeevich

“Nothing, Mama, really nothing, just like this: Petya scared me,” she said, trying to smile, but the tears kept flowing and sobs were choking her throat.
Dressed up servants, bears, Turks, innkeepers, ladies, scary and funny, bringing with them coldness and fun, at first timidly huddled in the hallway; then, hiding one behind the other, they were forced into the hall; and at first shyly, and then more and more cheerfully and amicably, songs, dances, choral and Christmas games began. The Countess, recognizing the faces and laughing at those dressed up, went into the living room. Count Ilya Andreich sat in the hall with a radiant smile, approving of the players. The youth disappeared somewhere.
Half an hour later, an old lady in hoops appeared in the hall between the other mummers - it was Nikolai. Petya was Turkish. Payas was Dimmler, hussar was Natasha and Circassian was Sonya, with a painted cork mustache and eyebrows.
After condescending surprise, lack of recognition and praise from those not dressed up, the young people found that the costumes were so good that they had to show them to someone else.
Nikolai, who wanted to take everyone along an excellent road in his troika, proposed, taking ten dressed up servants with him, to go to his uncle.
- No, why are you upsetting him, the old man! - said the countess, - and he has nowhere to turn. Let's go to the Melyukovs.
Melyukova was a widow with children of various ages, also with governesses and tutors, who lived four miles from Rostov.
“That’s clever, ma chère,” the old count picked up, getting excited. - Let me get dressed now and go with you. I'll stir up Pashetta.
But the countess did not agree to let the count go: his leg hurt all these days. They decided that Ilya Andreevich could not go, but that if Luisa Ivanovna (m me Schoss) went, then the young ladies could go to Melyukova. Sonya, always timid and shy, began to beg Luisa Ivanovna more urgently than anyone not to refuse them.
Sonya's outfit was the best. Her mustache and eyebrows suited her unusually. Everyone told her that she was very good, and she was in an unusually energetic mood. Some kind of inner voice told her that now or never her fate would be decided, and she in her man’s dress seemed like a completely different person. Luiza Ivanovna agreed, and half an hour later four troikas with bells and bells, squealing and whistling frosty snow, drove up to the porch.
Natasha was the first to give the tone of Christmas joy, and this joy, reflected from one to another, intensified more and more and reached highest degree at a time when everyone went out into the cold, and, talking, calling to each other, laughing and shouting, sat down in the sleigh.
Two of the troikas were accelerating, the third was the old count’s troika with an Oryol trotter at the root; fourth Nicholas's own with his short, black, shaggy root. Nikolai, in his old woman's outfit, on which he put on a hussar's belted cloak, stood in the middle of his sleigh, picking up the reins.
It was so light that he saw the plaques and eyes of the horses glinting in the monthly light, looking back in fear at the riders rustling under the dark awning of the entrance.
Natasha, Sonya, m me Schoss and two girls got into Nikolai’s sleigh. Dimmler and his wife and Petya sat in the old count’s sleigh; Dressed up servants sat in the rest.
- Go ahead, Zakhar! - Nikolai shouted to his father’s coachman in order to have a chance to overtake him on the road.
The old count's troika, in which Dimmler and the other mummers sat, squealed with their runners, as if frozen to the snow, and rattled a thick bell, moved forward. The ones attached to them pressed against the shafts and got stuck, turning out the strong and shiny snow like sugar.
Nikolai set off after the first three; The others made noise and screamed from behind. At first we rode at a small trot along a narrow road. While driving past the garden, shadows from bare trees often lay across the road and hid bright light moon, but as soon as we left the fence, a diamond-shiny, bluish-gray snowy plain, all bathed in a monthly glow and motionless, opened up on all sides. Once, once, a bump hit the front sleigh; in the same way, the next sleigh and the next were pushed and, boldly breaking the chained silence, one after another the sleighs began to stretch out.
- A hare's trail, a lot of tracks! – Natasha’s voice sounded in the frozen, frozen air.
– Apparently, Nicholas! - said Sonya's voice. – Nikolai looked back at Sonya and bent down to take a closer look at her face. Some completely new, cute face, with black eyebrows and a mustache, in moonlight, near and far, peeked out from the sables.
“It was Sonya before,” thought Nikolai. He looked at her closer and smiled.
– What are you, Nicholas?
“Nothing,” he said and turned back to the horses.
Having left for the turnpike, high road, oiled with runners and all covered with traces of thorns, visible in the light of the moon, the horses themselves began to tighten the reins and speed up. The left one, bending its head, twitched its lines in jumps. The root swayed, moving its ears, as if asking: “should we start or is it too early?” – Ahead, already far away and ringing like a thick bell receding, Zakhar’s black troika was clearly visible on the white snow. Shouting and laughter and the voices of those dressed up were heard from his sleigh.
“Well, you dear ones,” Nikolai shouted, tugging on the reins on one side and withdrawing his hand with the whip. And only by the wind that had become stronger, as if to meet it, and by the twitching of the fasteners, which were tightening and increasing their speed, was it noticeable how fast the troika flew. Nikolai looked back. Screaming and screaming, waving whips and forcing the indigenous people to jump, the other troikas kept pace. The root steadfastly swayed under the arc, not thinking of knocking it down and promising to push it again and again when necessary.
Nikolai caught up with the top three. They drove down some mountain and onto a widely traveled road through a meadow near a river.
“Where are we going?” thought Nikolai. - “It should be along a slanting meadow. But no, this is something new that I have never seen. This is not a slanting meadow or Demkina Mountain, but God knows what it is! This is something new and magical. Well, whatever it is!” And he, shouting at the horses, began to go around the first three.
Zakhar reined in the horses and turned around his face, which was already frozen to the eyebrows.
Nikolai started his horses; Zakhar, stretching his arms forward, smacked his lips and let his people go.
“Well, hold on, master,” he said. “The troikas flew even faster nearby, and the legs of the galloping horses quickly changed. Nikolai began to take the lead. Zakhar, without changing the position of his outstretched arms, raised one hand with the reins.
“You’re lying, master,” he shouted to Nikolai. Nikolai galloped all the horses and overtook Zakhar. The horses covered the faces of their riders with fine, dry snow, and near them there was the sound of frequent rumblings and the tangling of fast-moving legs and the shadows of the overtaking troika. The whistling of runners through the snow and women's squeals were heard from different directions.
Stopping the horses again, Nikolai looked around him. All around was the same soaked through moonlight a magical plain with stars scattered across it.
“Zakhar shouts for me to take a left; why go left? thought Nikolai. Are we going to the Melyukovs, is this Melyukovka? God knows where we are going, and God knows what is happening to us - and it is very strange and good what is happening to us.” He looked back at the sleigh.
“Look, he has a mustache and eyelashes, everything is white,” said one of the strange, pretty and alien people with a thin mustache and eyebrows.
“This one, it seems, was Natasha,” thought Nikolai, and this one is m me Schoss; or maybe not, but I don’t know who this Circassian with the mustache is, but I love her.”
-Aren't you cold? - he asked. They did not answer and laughed. Dimmler shouted something from the back sleigh, probably funny, but it was impossible to hear what he was shouting.
“Yes, yes,” the voices answered laughing.
- However, here’s some magical forest with shimmering black shadows and sparkles of diamonds and some kind of enfilade of marble steps, and some silver roofs of magical buildings, and the piercing squeal of some animals. “And if this really is Melyukovka, then it’s even stranger that we were traveling God knows where, and came to Melyukovka,” thought Nikolai.
Indeed, it was Melyukovka, and girls and lackeys with candles and joyful faces ran out to the entrance.
- Who it? - they asked from the entrance.
“The counts are dressed up, I can see it by the horses,” answered the voices.

Pelageya Danilovna Melyukova, a broad, energetic woman, wearing glasses and a swinging hood, was sitting in the living room, surrounded by her daughters, whom she tried not to let get bored. They were quietly pouring wax and looking at the shadows of the emerging figures when the footsteps and voices of visitors began to rustle in the hall.
Hussars, ladies, witches, payassas, bears, clearing their throats and wiping their frost-covered faces in the hallway, entered the hall, where candles were hastily lit. The clown - Dimmler and the lady - Nikolai opened the dance. Surrounded by screaming children, the mummers, covering their faces and changing their voices, bowed to the hostess and positioned themselves around the room.
- Oh, it’s impossible to find out! And Natasha! Look who she looks like! Really, it reminds me of someone. Eduard Karlych is so good! I didn't recognize it. Yes, how she dances! Oh, fathers, and some kind of Circassian; right, how it suits Sonyushka. Who else is this? Well, they consoled me! Take the tables, Nikita, Vanya. And we sat so quietly!
- Ha ha ha!... Hussar this, hussar that! Just like a boy, and his legs!... I can’t see... - voices were heard.
Natasha, the favorite of the young Melyukovs, disappeared with them into the back rooms, where they needed cork and various dressing gowns and men's dresses, which were received naked from the footman through the open door. girl's hands. Ten minutes later, all the youth of the Melyukov family joined the mummers.

Alexey, what memories did he leave for you? parents' house?

The brightest and most nostalgic. The apartment where we lived was located near the Los station, on Yegor Abakumov Street. It was a four-story red brick house from the Ministry of Railways, where my mother worked all her life and earned... a room in a two-room apartment on the ground floor. Long live our railways! When I was four years old, my parents separated “for political reasons,” and my mother and I were left alone.

But I have more vivid memories from my grandmother’s house. I spent most of my childhood near the Perlovskaya station of the Yaroslavl railway, in 4th Leninsky Lane, where she lived. Once upon a time this was the first station outside the Moscow Ring Road. I had friends both in the city and outside the country. In the Moscow region - friend Vitka Suslov, in the city - Seryozhka Stinin, who lived with me in the same entrance on the second floor. We played football and hockey with him. With him I tried my first cigarettes and my first bottle of vodka for 2.87 rubles, which I washed down with two cartons of milk for 16 kopecks each.

Mom was very soft person. I remember how one day I came from the street after football and saw that on round table in the center of the room, under the lampshade, lie my “Friend” cigarettes, which I hid under the sofa. And my mother sits silently at the table. I slowly, almost along the wall, walked past and went to bed. Mom didn’t say a word then, and I didn’t tell her anything. But after this incident I still don’t smoke. That's what it means great power education - silently, without a single word, you can achieve a much greater effect than with scandal and abuse. I don’t rule out that if they started lecturing me and shouting at me, I would most likely get angry and continue smoking.

What traditions existed in your family?

Probably like everyone else: I always looked forward to the New Year, and then my birthday, which is on January 13th. Christmas trees, tangerines, gifts... I had a whole month of pleasant events! Another good old tradition - on May 1st I always went to the demonstration. Big men carried their children on their shoulders, everyone walked with flags and willow branches in their hands - there was such a joyful mood, I was charged with it. It might not be a family tradition, but it was a tradition of our state.

Tell me, were you spoiled as a child? Did you live in abundance or, on the contrary, were you in need?

We had the usual Soviet family, in which the mother was the breadwinner. Such families were all over the place. But I never felt disadvantaged in any way. We lived like everyone else. That is, on Soviet power I'm not offended. But by and large, I didn’t even think then that someone could live better than us. Everyone lived the same life, at the very least and generally not bad.

Did you have dreams of your own home back then?

No, it was not. For some reason, as a child, I dreamed of building a bomb shelter so that I could lock myself in there with my friends and live in one community. Somewhere in the subconscious there was such a feeling - I wanted to hide. Times have taken their toll cold war. But it was rather childish - like Timur and his team, in which we all played then. There were also opposing groups in our yard - both Mishka Kvakin’s gang and Timur’s men.

Who were you?

Of course, Timur! But in the evening he turned into Mishka Kvakin, because he climbed through the gardens and carried apples. There were many fruit trees at VDNKh. Apples were constantly falling there; there was no need to even pick them. We collected them, and then came to our area and threw them at cars driving along the highway. I understand, of course, now that it was stupid, but that’s what childhood is all about.

Did you live with your mother throughout your childhood in that room in the communal apartment?

Until my mother was given her own housing on Yeniseiskaya Street in the Babushkinskaya area. We finally got our own one-room apartment on the third floor, with a balcony. The room is 20 meters and the kitchen is as much as 10.5 meters. Unheard of “luxury”! It’s strange, of course, that they didn’t give us a two-room apartment, as usually happens if the child and mother are of different sexes. But thanks to our state for this too. I was finishing eighth grade then.

That is, you spent your entire childhood in communal apartment and experienced all the delights of a “hostel”?

Yes, I remember it very well. And it's not like that bad memories. For example, I could knock and enter any apartment if my mother was at work. It was absolutely normal. All the neighbors knew me, I could eat with them and watch TV. It was, on the one hand, a difficult time for people, but on the other hand, it was a spiritual time, when all the neighbors calmly communicated with each other, gathered in the yard, celebrated holidays and birthdays together, played dominoes or cards. There was such a wonderful way of life, people were more open, trusted each other, and were not divided. Today one can only dream about this. And despite the fact that I did not have my own corner, a separate space, my mother and I got along well - both in the communal apartment and in the one-room apartment I did not feel any discomfort.

What happened after the one-room apartment?

Then there was the army and barracks with bunk beds. I served on Far East in a special command, near the Chinese border. After the army I graduated from the conducting department music school. I never lived in student dorms because I got married right away. Even before the army, I met a girl named Lyuda, she was waiting for me. She even got a job washing dishes in the dining car in order to work off a ticket for the Moscow-Vladivostok train and come to me for just a day, since they wouldn’t let me go. And so I returned from the army in May, and in the fall I got married.

By the way, the wedding took place in the golden hall of the Rossiya Hotel. In this hotel and in the same hall they filmed a scene from the film “Mimino”, where Frunzik Mkrtchan and Vakhtang Kikabidze argued about which cognac was better - Armenian or Georgian, and then danced merrily.

At first, my wife and I lived with her parents in a three-room apartment in Novogireevo. Then my first son Alexey was born. I was on tour in Ryazan at that moment and urgently returned to Moscow to see my first-born, and then went on tour again.

When did you get your own home?

When I started working at Gems, I could already afford something. We toured a lot, earned good money, and I was offered to buy a cooperative apartment on Malygina Street, not far from the Babushkinskaya metro station. There was only one three-room apartment left, in which the parquet floor was flooded with boiling water. We didn't even have to enter through the door like everyone else. normal people, but through the window, because the parquet had risen. Thank God it was the first floor. Overall, I liked the area. The Presnyakov family settled not far from us. In “Gems” we became very good friends with Vovka. And I made up my mind.

The apartment then cost as much as a car, that is, criminally cheap. Although at that time it was still a lot of money. I had to borrow from several people to collect the entire amount. But everything worked out - we moved into our own home with my wife and son in the early 1980s.

Weren't you bothered by the fact that this is not the center of Moscow and, moreover, the first floor?

There were such thoughts. But on the other hand, I was born in this area, I got used to it and it suited me.

Was the renovation done on a grand scale?

No, there was no money for repairs, so they did it “with the whole world.” I remember how friends came to me and laid tiles in the toilet. No planners, architects, designers... This all appeared later, and then they did everything themselves: they could whitewash, paint, wallpaper, and nail baseboards.

I remember buying furniture cheaply at the Spanish embassy. My colleague from Valera Khabazin’s team had a Spanish wife, and her parents informed us that there was some kind of sale at the Spanish embassy. So I took out half the embassy!

How long did you live in that apartment?

About 10 years. Then we got divorced. He left the apartment to his wife. He left home at five in the morning without his things and never returned. Then after some time, after three or four years, our relationship began to improve. We communicate well now, but it took time for things to settle down. It happens. All this time I lived in my mother’s apartment, where I was registered. And now my eldest son Alexei lives there with his family; his mother left him this apartment as an inheritance. She, unfortunately, died two and a half years ago. Recently, my mother lived with me in a country house.

When did you earn money for a new home?

Probably in 1993−94. I left "Merry Guys" and created new team- group "Ura". With her we began to tour cities and villages, worked very hard large audiences- sports palaces and stadiums.

In the early 1990s, I met my second wife Sania, and we got married. And in 1992 I had a second son, Igor. Igor Nikolaev claimed that the name was given in his honor, Igor Krutoy insisted that it was in his honor. But in fact - in honor of Igor Talkov, who had already been killed by that time. I remember how we celebrated the birth of our son in the Kremlin, where the filming of “Song of the Year” was taking place. Cognac, champagne, etc. flowed like a river in my dressing room.

Then I was puzzled by the purchase new apartment. First, I bought a huge apartment on Yamsky Polya Street. But it turned out that there was someone there who was not registered, and the ownership might not be recognized. As I remember now, I bought it for $75 thousand. I had to return my money.


Where will they go? Imposing-looking “envoys” came from me, so there were no options. Then I bought a three-room apartment on Leninsky Prospekt. Not everything was calm here either. At first they came here all the time different people, acquaintances of the former owner of the apartment: some wanted to “get over”, others said that he owed them... Then, thank God, everyone realized that this person no longer lives here.

How did you do the repairs here?

Hired, thank God. The repairs were done by a team from Ukraine. I had a director with a formidable surname - Palkin. A relative came to see him and needed help. So he contracted with me - he assembled a team of self-taught people to do European-quality repairs for me. The result was a pseudo-repair with Euro elements. Neither shaky nor wobbly. A lot of things were redone several times: they greased up here, they filed there. Now, of course, I understand that it was a quiet horror, but then it seemed to me like nothing. Now this apartment belongs to my second son. And we all moved four years ago to a new apartment.

Have you expanded?

No, my wife insisted on buying a house closer to the school. The fact is that my son studied in a special school where they taught Chinese. The school is located next to the Gazprom office, on Nametkina Street. So we moved closer. The Yugoslavs were already doing renovations there. They really do everything professionally, but expensively. And at least you could ask them.

At the same time, we also hired a professional designer who “conjured” and thought through everything according to Feng Shui. It turned out well. But I said from the very beginning that I would not interfere with the repairs. My wife came to me only for money. I saw the finished apartment just before the New Year, December 30th.

What style is it decorated in?

High tech. But I didn’t care what the style would be, as long as they didn’t bother me. I trust my wife’s taste, so I was sure that everything would turn out well.

Are you doing anything around the house?

I can wash the dishes, cook scrambled eggs, take out the trash...

What does owning your own home mean to you?

This is the place where you can forget about everything that is happening in the world outside the gates. When I'm with loved ones, I dream of switching off mobile phone, but, unfortunately, I can rarely afford this.

Firstly, you need to carefully select builders, who must be qualified specialists. When you are chasing cheapness and thinking about how to save 10-20 thousand euros, then you will probably pay another 100 thousand on top to redo everything. Therefore, you need to hire a team that you are confident in. It is better to invite people based on recommendations who are in this case at least some kind of guarantee.

Secondly, you should not save on building materials. If you buy tiles, then they are of normal production - Italian, Spanish, French, and not Turkish. European tiles are really high quality, meeting all sizes - millimeter to millimeter. In short, there is no need to save, starting from cement and ending with interior items.

And thirdly, when starting a renovation, it is imperative to plan the entire process. If you change windows in November, the house will freeze and the radiators will burst. It is better to do this in the warm season and be sure to stipulate the deadlines for completing the work.

Interviewed by Alena DYMOVA

Alexey Sergeevich Glyzin (born January 13, 1954, Mytishchi, Moscow region) is a Soviet and Russian pop singer and actor, Honored Artist of Russia (2006).
Alexey Sergeevich Glyzin was born on January 13, 1954 in the city of Mytishchi into the family of employees Sergei Vasilyevich Glyzin and Serafima Alekseevna Glyzina.

Career of Alexey Glyzin
He worked in the ensemble of the VIA “Good fellows”. In 1977 he performed as a member of the VIA "Gems". In 1978 he performed as a member of the VIA "Rhythm", accompanying Alla Pugacheva.

From 1979 to 1988 he was an artist in the ensemble “Vesyolye Rebyata”, in which he gained all-Union popularity. As a member of the ensemble “Merry Fellows” he took part in the festival “For the best performance of Soviet rock and pop music Yerevan-81” and in the international pop song competition “Bratislava Lyre-1985”. He took part in the recording of the cult magnetic album “Banana Islands” and the LP “Minutochka”. In the ensemble “Jolly Fellows” he recorded many popular songs: “Easy to Say”, “It’s Time”, “Redheads are Always Lucky”, “Triangle”, “Ships”, “Train Going South”, “Bologoe”, “Evening at Candlelight”, “Traveling Artists”, “Rosita”, “Don’t Worry, Auntie”. As part of the ensemble he traveled abroad: Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Cuba, Germany, Bulgaria, Finland. On the border latest works in the ensemble and solo career, the songs “Episode” and “Forest Tale” were published in “Morning Mail”.

In August 1988, he assembled the group “Ura” and began a solo career. In 1990 he performed in program “A”. In 1999, he competed in the “Music Ring” with Sergei Rogozhin. (66th issue. Alexey Glyzin vs. Sergei Rogozhin. Recorded June 18, 1999. Duel of singers chanting romantic love.) He has released 7 albums, 3 of which are collections of his songs. In 2006, V.V. Putin signed a Decree conferring the honorary title “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation” on Alexey Glyzin. In 2007, he participated in the television show “You are a superstar!” (NTV) and took 2nd place there. In 2008, he took part in the show “First Squadron” (Channel One) and took 2nd place there. In 2009, he began participating in the show “Cruel Intentions”, but was hospitalized. This program was shown in 2010. In 2012 he released a new album.

Since September 20, 2015, he has been taking part in the 3rd season of the transformation show “Just the Same.” Reincarnated as Al Bano (1st issue), Alexander Kutikov (2nd issue), Jon Bon Jovi (3rd issue), Alexander Serov (4th issue), Sergei Garmash (5th issue), Billy Joel (6th issue), Willie Tokarev (7th issue ).

Family Alexey Glyzin ( Alexey Glyzin)
First wife Lyudmila Glyzina
July 10, 1992 - second marriage
Wife: Sania Glyzina(Babiy) (05/07/1971), world champion in rhythmic gymnastics, master of sports, director of the Releve ballet (this group often performs in Alexei Glyzin’s programs).

Children: Alexey Glyzin(11/15/1975) director of “Territory of Ghosts”, “In Search of Adventures with M. Kozhukhov”, “All at Once” on NTV. Director of the "Dachny Answer" program.

Igor Glyzin(12/12/1992), goes in for swimming, dances, enjoys music, plays the guitar, studies Chinese at a school with a Chinese bias, plays chess. Plays in Alexey Glyzin's band at concerts and filming.

Hobbies of Alexey Glyzin
Alexey Glyzin is engaged in hand-to-hand combat.

Most famous songs Alexey Glyzin
1990 - "Winter Garden"
1990 - “You are not an angel”
1990 - "Ashes of Love"
1994 - “You are my happiness”
1994 - "Dream"
1995 - "Best Woman"
1995 - “You are mine”
1995 - "Dream"
1999 - "Late Evening in Sorrento"
1999 - "Roses for Memory"
1999 - "Sinful Tango"
2001 - "Between North and South"
2001 - “Song about me”
2004 - "Salty Sea"
2004 - "Prodigal Son"
2004 - "Heart of a Bird"
2012 - “Five Minutes”
2012 - "New Year"
2012 - “Oh, this evening!”
2015 - “Late Flowers”

Alexey Glyzin from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia
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