The progressive role of V.F. Odoevsky in the creation of orphanages (based on the work “Instructions for persons directly in charge of orphanages”). What is the son of the Fatherland?

This is a revolutionary journalistic article (1789), published in the magazine “Conversing Citizen”. When discussing who can be awarded the title of true son of the Fatherland, Radishchev puts forward the main condition: he can only be a “free being.” Hence he refuses this title to a peasant in serfdom, and refuses it with great pity. But how angrily does his denunciation sound against the oppressors, those feudal landowners, “tormentors” and “oppressors” who are accustomed to consider themselves sons of the Fatherland. In the article we are presented with whole line satirical portraits of evil, insignificant, frivolous landowners. But who is worthy to be the true son of the Fatherland? And Radishchev answers that a true patriot can be a person full of honor, nobility, capable of sacrificing everything for the good of the people, and if necessary, if he knows that “his death will bring strength and glory to the Fatherland, then he is not afraid to sacrifice his life.” This is one of the strongest political speeches of Radishchev the revolutionary, demanding freedom for the people.

Ode "Liberty"

For the first time, the theory of popular revolution receives journalistic and artistic embodiment in written by Radishchev in 1781-1783. ode "Liberty", excerpts from which were included in "Journey".

The fate of the homeland and people is the focus of the author’s attention, advanced person, capable of comparing historical facts and events with modern times and coming to general philosophical conclusions about the pattern of the emergence of a revolution in Russia, whose people are capable of responding to violence with violence. The ode “Liberty” is a work of enormous poetic and oratorical passion, testifying to the maturity of Radishchev’s revolutionary worldview. “The Diviner of Liberty” proves “that man is free in everything from birth.” Starting with the apotheosis of freedom, which is realized as “ priceless gift man”, “the source of all great deeds”, the poet further discusses what prevents this. Unlike the enlighteners of the 18th century. Radishchev, speaking about freedom, means not only natural, but also social equality, which must be achieved through the struggle for the rights of the people. He passionately denounces slavery and despotism, the laws established by autocratic power, which are “an obstacle to freedom.” He exposes the dangerous alliance between royal power and the Church for the people, speaking out against the monarchy as such.

The monarchy should be replaced by a democratic system based on social equality and freedom. In the “kingdom of freedom,” the land will belong to those who cultivate it.

Faith in the future victory of the people's revolution animates the poet; it is based both on the study of the experience of his country (the peasant uprising led by Pugachev), and on examples taken from the English and American revolutions. Historical events, the historical names of the leaders of the revolution, Cromwell and Washington, can be instructive for other nations. Recreating controversial image Cromwell, Radishchev gives him credit for the fact that “... You taught from generation to generation how peoples can take revenge on themselves: you executed Charles at the trial.”

The ode ends with a description of the “chosen day” when the revolution will win and renew the “dear fatherland.” The pathos of the ode is faith in the victory of the people's revolution, although the historically minded Radishchev understands that “there is still time to come.” The philosophical and journalistic content of the ode finds appropriate stylistic forms of expression. The traditional genre of ode is filled with revolutionary pathos, and the use of Slavicisms, which give a solemn sound to the expressed ideas, only emphasizes the unity artistic form and content. The success of the ode was enormous.

The theme of revolution in “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow” by Radishchev. (printed in 1790)

Radishchev began writing “Journey” in the mid-80s. There is no calm narrator, immersed in the world of his own feelings and experiences, but there is a man, a citizen, a revolutionary, filled with sympathy for the powerless and indignation towards the oppressors. The theme of revolution is heard in many chapters of the Journey. Pictures of inhumane treatment of the people and awareness of social injustice evoke in Radishchev passionate calls for the overthrow of the power of the serf owners. Because most of people in an autocratic state are “likened to draft animals”, humiliated, then a constantly insulted person, “drawn by a sense of his safety, is forced to repel the insult” (“Chudovo”).

The cruelty and greed of the “bloodsucker” landowner, whose actions are described in the chapter “ Vyshny Volochok”, provokes the anger of the traveler, who calls on the people to respond to violence with violence.

Everything that the traveler sees on his way: road meetings, observations of the life of different classes, makes him deeply sympathize with the oppressed people and fills him with a feeling of irreconcilable hostility towards the oppressors, an awareness of the need for a revolutionary struggle for the liberation of the people, the struggle of the people themselves. Revolution arises as the inevitable result of oppression.

An open call for an uprising is also heard in the chapter “Gorodnya”, where there is a dramatic story about recruitment, about the illegal sale of people as recruits only because their landowner “needed money for a new carriage.”

Radishchev believes that the time will come when new people will emerge from the people and freedom will come not from above - “from the great patriots”, but from below - “from the very severity of enslavement,” but he understands that “the time has not yet come.” Historic thinking told him that the revolution in Russia would take place, but it would take time. Russian reality, features of Russian national character- the guarantee of the inevitability of revolution.

Radishchev’s experience of the Pugachev uprising also convinces him of the people’s ability to rebel. However, the revolutionary writer understands that the spontaneous nature of the uprising cannot lead to fundamental changes in Russian reality or to the victory of the people. In this regard, the chapter “Khotilov” is complex and controversial, in which Radishchev gives an assessment of the Pugachev uprising and proposes a possible project for future transformations through reforms.

The basis of the “Journey” is a call for revolution, but Radishchev knew that victory was possible only after decades, and therefore it was quite possible for him to search for a solution to the most pressing issue - the liberation of the peasants in other ways, one of which was a project as an attempt to alleviate the lot of the people at least in the near future time.

The A.N. Radishchev Museum has announced a competition “What is the son of the Fatherland.”

about the competition “What is the son of the Fatherland”
The competition “What is the Son of the Fatherland” in 2018 is dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of I.S. Turgenev.

1. Organizers, competition partners, jury.
1.1. The competition was established in 1999 by decision of the State Budgetary Institution “Association
state literary - memorial museums Penza

1.2. Competition organizer: A. N. Radishchev Museum, branch of the State Budgetary Institution of Culture
“Associations of state literary and memorial
museums of the Penza region".

1.3. Competition partners: Education Department of the Kuznetsky Administration
district, education department of the Kuznetsk city administration, department
for youth affairs, culture, physical education and sports Kuznetsky

1.4. The composition of the jury is approved by the organizer of the competition.

2.Goals and objectives of the competition.

2.1. The competition “What is the Son of the Fatherland-2018” is held in order to
popularization of the work of the great Russian writer I.S. Turgenev and activation of reader interest.

2.2. Competition objectives:
— identification and support creative potential beginners
-moral education of youth.

3.Conditions and procedure of the competition.

3.1. The competition is held from 01.01.2018 to 30.11.2018.

3.2. Students are invited to participate in the competition
secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges and
institutions of further education.

3.3. Applications for participation in the competition “What is the Son of the Fatherland” are submitted to
Museum of A. N. Radishchev in form (see Appendix No. 1) according to
e-mail: [email protected] until November 1, 2018

4. Requirements for competition participants.

4.1. The competition was announced in the theatrical category “Chronicle of Souls”
folk" (production based on the works of I.S. Turgenev).
4.2. The competition presents productions that reveal the meaning
works through artistic images.

4.3. Only one production from one
educational institution.

4.4. All competitive productions will be assessed by a jury based on four
- disclosure and brightness of the images of literary characters
- originality of the director's decision;
— use of means of expression;
- musical, decoration performance.

4.5. The production can be performed in any theatrical genre
arts (comedy, mime, musical, drama, parody).

4.6. The duration of the performance should not exceed 10 minutes.

4.7. The production must be accompanied by theatrical
program indicating at least 3 performers
pieces according to shape (see Appendix No. 2).

4.8. The production prohibits content that incites racial,
ethnic or religious hatred that violates laws
Russian Federation and of an antisocial nature.

442514, Penza region, Kuznetsk district, Radishchevo village,
Central street, 63.

Curator of the competition – Svetlana Alekseevna Galkina (8-927-362-41-82)

5. Summing up and encouraging the winners of the competition.

5.1. All competition participants are awarded certificates.

5.2. Winners who take 1st, 2nd and 3rd places are awarded diplomas and
valuable gifts.

5.4. The competition organizers have the right to establish special

5.5. The jury's decisions are final and cannot be revised.

6. Contacts

Address: 442514, Penza region, Kuznetsk district, Radishchevo village,
Tsentralnaya street, 63.
Email: [email protected]
Tel.: 8(841-57) 5-16-25
The curator of the competition is Svetlana Alekseevna Galkina (8-927-362-41-82).

Appendix No. 1

Application for participation

Total number of participants in the production ______________________________
FULL NAME. participant, age, class, role: ________________________
Title of production, genre of performance ___________________________

Supervisor ______________________________________________
Name of the organization representing the competitor ____________
Contact number: ________________________________________

Address:_____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

Radishchev "Conversation about the fact that there is a son of the fatherland."

This is a revolutionary journalistic article (1789), published in the magazine “Conversing Citizen”. Arguing about who should be awarded the title of true son of the Fatherland, Radishchev puts forward the main condition: he should only be a “free being”. Hence, he refuses this title to a peasant in serfdom, and refuses it with great pity. But how angrily does his denunciation sound against the oppressors, those feudal landowners, “tormentors” and “oppressors” who are accustomed to consider themselves sons of the Fatherland. In the article we see a whole series of satirical portraits of evil, insignificant, frivolous landowners. But who is worthy to be the true son of the Fatherland? And Radishchev answers that a true patriot must be a person full of honor, nobility, capable of sacrificing everything for the good of the people, and if necessary, if he knows that “his death will bring strength and glory to the Fatherland,” then he will not be afraid sacrifice one's life. This is one of the strongest political speeches of Radishchev the revolutionary, demanding freedom for the people.

Ode "Liberty"

For the first time, the theory of the people's revolution receives journalistic and artistic embodiment in what Radishchev wrote in 1781-1783. ode "Liberty", excerpts from which were included in "The Journey".

The fate of the homeland and people is the focus of the author, a progressive person who is able to compare historical facts and events with modern times and come to general philosophical conclusions about the pattern of the emergence of a revolution in Russia, whose people are capable of responding to violence with violence. The ode “Liberty” is a work of enormous poetic and oratorical passion, testifying to the maturity of Radishchev’s revolutionary worldview. The “prophet of liberty” proves “that a person is free in everything from birth.” Starting with the apotheosis of freedom, which is realized as “a priceless gift of man,” “the source of all great deeds,” the poet further discusses what prevents this. Unlike the enlighteners of the 18th century. Radishchev, speaking about freedom, means not only natural, but also social equality, which must be achieved through the struggle for the rights of the people. He passionately denounces slavery and despotism, the laws established by autocratic power, which are “an obstacle to freedom.” He exposes the dangerous alliance between royal power and the Church for the people, speaking out against the monarchy as such.

The monarchy should be replaced by a democratic system based on social equality and freedom. In the “kingdom of freedom,” the land will belong to those who cultivate it.

Faith in the future victory of the people's revolution animates the poet; it is based both on the study of the experience of his country (the peasant uprising led by Pugachev), and on examples taken from the English and American revolutions. Historical events, the historical names of the leaders of the revolution, Cromwell and Washington, can be instructive for other nations. Recreating the controversial image of Cromwell, Radishchev gives him credit for the fact that ʼʼ... You taught from generation to generation how peoples can take revenge on themselves: you executed Charles at his trial.

The ode ends with a description of the “chosen day,” when the revolution will win and renew the “dear fatherland.” The pathos of the ode is faith in the victory of the people's revolution, although the historically minded Radishchev understands that “there is still time to come.” The philosophical and journalistic content of the ode finds appropriate stylistic forms of expression. The traditional genre of ode is filled with revolutionary pathos, and the use of Slavicisms, which give a solemn sound to the ideas expressed, only emphasizes the unity of artistic form and content. The success of the ode was enormous.

The theme of revolution in “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow” by Radishchev. (printed in 1790ᴦ.)

Radishchev began writing “Journey” in the mid-80s. There is no calm narrator, immersed in the world of his own feelings and experiences, but there is a man, a citizen, a revolutionary, filled with sympathy for the powerless and indignation towards the oppressors. The theme of revolution is heard in many chapters of “Travel”. Pictures of inhumane treatment of the people and awareness of social injustice evoke in Radishchev passionate calls for the overthrow of the power of the serf owners. Since the majority of people in an autocratic state are “likened to draft animals”, humiliated, the constantly insulted person, “drawn by a sense of his safety, is forced to repel the insult” (“Miracle”).

The cruelty and greed of the bloodsucking landowner, whose actions are described in the chapter “Vyshny Volochok,” arouses the anger of the traveler, who calls on the people to respond to violence with violence.

Everything that the traveler sees on his way: road meetings, observations of the life of different classes, makes him deeply sympathize with the oppressed people and fills him with a feeling of irreconcilable hostility towards the oppressors, an awareness of the extreme importance of the revolutionary struggle for the liberation of the people, the struggle of the people themselves. Revolution arises as the inevitable result of oppression.

An open call for an uprising is also heard in the chapter “Gorodnya”, where there is a dramatic story about recruitment, about the illegal sale of people as recruits only because their landowner “needed money for a new carriage”.

Radishchev believes that the time will come when new people will emerge from the people and freedom will come not from above - “from the great patriots”, but from below - “from the very severity of enslavement,” but he understands that “the time has not yet come.” Historic thinking told him that the revolution in Russia would take place, but it would take time. Russian reality, the peculiarities of the Russian national character are the guarantee of the inevitability of revolution.

Radishchev’s experience of the Pugachev uprising also convinces him of the people’s ability to rebel. At the same time, the revolutionary writer understands that the spontaneous nature of the uprising cannot lead to fundamental changes in Russian reality, to the victory of the people. In this regard, the chapter “Khotilov” is complex and controversial, in which Radishchev gives an assessment of the Pugachev uprising and proposes a possible project for future transformations through reforms.

The basis of the “Journey” is a call for revolution, but Radishchev knew that victory was possible only after decades, and in this regard, it was quite possible for him to search for a solution to the most painful issue - the liberation of the peasants in other ways, one of which was a project as an attempt to alleviate the lot of the people at least for soon.

Radishchev "Conversation about the fact that there is a son of the fatherland." - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Radishchev "Conversation about the fact that there is a son of the fatherland." 2017, 2018.

Many people ask the question: “What is a son of the Fatherland?” But A.N. was the first to start talking about this. Radishchev, in which he said that “Not everyone born in the Fatherland is worthy of the majestic name of son of the Fatherland (patriot).” And I absolutely agree with this statement. Because not everyone is ready to defend their Fatherland in right time, and therefore he is not worthy of such a title as “son of the Fatherland.”

In my opinion, a son of the Fatherland is one who is always ready to stand up for his Motherland, protect it in difficult times, protect it and always love it. And I can name such people without a drop of doubt: the sons of the Fatherland are, first of all, those who fought for their country. These are the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. These people were ready to give their lives for their Motherland, defended it and did not give it into the hands of the enemy under any pretext. They loved her like a mother and did not let her be offended. These are the real sons of the Fatherland.

In principle, it does not have of great importance, in which country you were born, the main thing is in which country you grew up, how and why you fell in love with it. I would like to give an example of an orphan child. If someone else’s parents took him into their home and consider him their child, then the child, in turn, will love them and consider him his parents, because it was they who raised him, loved him with all their hearts as their own, invested their patience and kindness in him. And he calls them mom and dad. It’s the same with the Motherland. Your Motherland is the one that raised you, instilled in your heart patriotism and faith; the one you loved as your Fatherland.

A.N. Radishchev said that honor, good behavior and nobility ignite within a person a love for the Motherland, which encourages him to perform great feats for her sake. Thanks to these qualities, patriotism awakens in people, which, in turn, will help them in any trials thrown by fate.

But the most important thing is to truly love your country and believe in it. As you know, most people choose what is more profitable or better for them personally. I think this is wrong. I’ll give an example of an ordinary child or even ourselves. We cannot choose our parents, we are born and already love them for the gift of life. Even if someone’s parents are richer or more worthy in some way, we can’t just go and go to other parents, leaving ours behind just like that. So with the Motherland - you can’t leave it, you need to fight and try to be better, you need to help it in every way, and then, indeed, you can proudly call yourself a son of the Fatherland!

“...The root of all good and evil is education”

Socio-economic transformations in Russia XVIII century, during the reforms of Peter I, the development of industry, the army and navy required not only qualified specialists, but also patriots of their country. A major role in their upbringing was played by the school reform, begun by decree of the tsar on February 28, 1714. It envisaged the opening of numerical schools and colleges in all provinces at monasteries, compulsory education of children of nobles, “parish ranks,” clerks and clerks. In 1722, training in reading and writing for “carpenters, sailors, blacksmiths and other craftsmen” was introduced. The school reform took into account the experience of public upbringing and education, the intellectual achievements of Russian educators, public figures and teachers.

Russian historian and statesman

V.N. Tatishchev (1686 - 1750), supporting the initiatives of Peter I, in his pedagogical writings raised questions “about the benefits of sciences and schools”, the role of the teacher in education and upbringing. He emphasized that young people need to “know the civil and military laws of their Fatherland.”

One of the first legislative documents of civil and patriotic education- approved by Catherine II (1729 - 1796, empress from 1762) in 1764 “General Institution for the Education of Both Sexes of Youth.” Its author was public figure, personal secretary of Empress I.I. Betskoy (1704 - 1795). While studying abroad, he met pedagogical views Ya.A. Comenius (1592 - 1670, Czech humanist thinker, teacher, writer, founder of didactics), D. Locke (1632 - 1704, English philosopher, founder of liberalism), J.J. Rousseau (1712 - 1778, French writer, philosopher, proponent of social contract theory).

The “General Establishment...” states: “Art has proven that a mind adorned or enlightened by science alone does not make a good and upright citizen. But in many cases, it is even more detrimental if someone from the tenderest years of his youth was not brought up in virtues and they are not firmly rooted in his heart, but through his negligence and daily bad examples he gets used to extravagance, self-will, dishonest delicacy and disobedience. With such a deficiency, we can safely say that expecting direct success in the sciences and arts and the third rank of people in the state is in vain and caressing oneself.

Therefore, it is clear that the root of all good and evil is education.”

The pedagogical views presented in the “General Establishment...” and a number of other documents are subordinated to the idea of ​​education and upbringing of a citizen. The principles served this purpose new system enlightenment.

Decline of morality -

to the fall of the state

According to researchers, in the reforms of the times of Catherine II, the education of a person and a citizen was considered primarily as moral education. To make new schools primarily educational institutions, to harmoniously combine upbringing with education - this was the fundamental issue of educational reform. The education of a person, according to the initiators of the reform, should culminate in the education of a citizen. The new system of upbringing and education was based on the state's need for dedicated and qualified citizens.

Both a Serbian and a Russian teacher, a member of Russian Academy Sciences, participant in the development of the plan for school reforms 1782 - 1786. F.I. Jankovic (1741 - 1814). He was a follower of Ya.A. Comenius, sought to increase the role of the teacher in teaching and education. In his “Charter for public schools in Russian Empire"education is associated with the civic-patriotic education of youth: "The education of youth was so respected among all enlightened peoples that they revered it single means to affirm the good of civil society; and this is undeniable, for the subjects of education, which contain a pure and reasonable concept of the creator and his holy law and solid rules of unshakable loyalty to the sovereign and true love to the fatherland and their fellow citizens are the main pillars of the general state welfare. Education, enlightening a person’s mind with various other knowledge, adorns his soul; inclining the will to do good, it guides a virtuous life and finally fills a person with such concepts that he absolutely needs in the community.” He proposed that, along with books on grammar, history, arithmetic, and geography, it was mandatory to teach young people the book “On the Positions of Man and Citizen.”

The reign of Catherine II is associated with the reform of the education system, the adoption of a number of legislative acts relating to the civic and patriotic education of youth. In her plays, articles, and books, the empress constantly turned to the idea of ​​strengthening Russian state, emphasized that the decline of morality in the country, disrespect for the sovereign and superiors, the elderly, fathers and mothers indicate the imminent fall of the state. In her opinion, much in society depends on the correctness of decisions government leader. “First of all,” wrote Catherine II, “ statesman the following five things should be kept in mind: 1. The nation to be governed must be enlightened. 2. It is necessary to introduce good order in the state, support society and force it to comply with the laws. 3. It is necessary to establish a good and accurate police force in the state. 4. It is necessary to create a state that is formidable in itself and inspires respect in its neighbors. Every citizen must be brought up in the consciousness of duty to the Supreme Being, to himself, to society...”

Honor, good behavior, nobility

In developing theoretical foundations A.N. plays a great role in state-patriotic education. Radishchev and A.F. Bestuzhev.

Writer, publicist, founder of Russian revolutionary pedagogy, sentenced to death for a book in defense of his people death penalty, only on the occasion of the conclusion of peace with Sweden was replaced by a prison, A.N. Radishchev (1749 - 1802) in his work “Conversation about the existence of a son of the Fatherland” emphasized: “Not everyone born in the Fatherland is worthy of the majestic name of a son of the Fatherland (patriot).” He highlighted three distinctive feature patriot worthy of this name: the first is ambition (love of honor). “He kindles this beneficial flame in all hearts; he is not afraid of the difficulties that he encounters during this noble feat... and if he is confident that his death will bring strength and glory to the Fatherland, then he is not afraid to sacrifice his life; if it is needed for the Fatherland, then it is preserved for the full observance of natural and domestic laws; to the best of his ability, he averts everything that could tarnish the purity and weaken the good intentions of them, as a detriment to the bliss and improvement of his compatriots.” The second sign is good behavior; the third is nobility. “A noble person is the one,” he writes, “who has made himself famous for his wise and philanthropic qualities and actions... true nobility is virtuous actions, animated by true honor... in continuous benefit to the human race, and especially to his compatriots.”

Democratic educator, military man and writer A.F. Bestuzhev (1761 - 1810) defended state system education and proposed to build it on the principles of Ya.A. Comenius. Giving preference to youth in civic development public education, he pointed at him positive sides: an opportunity to get to know civil society, to understand the need to live within limits of one’s freedom, to develop in young people the ability to communicate with other members of society, the willingness to do everything that honor, position, and the Fatherland require.

Bestuzhev points out that civic-patriotic qualities are acquired in the process of education, going from feelings to true concepts and further through experience to skills and habits. In his opinion, the subject of moral education is the formation of a person’s ability to be in war time a fearless defender of the Fatherland, and in times of peace - a zealous citizen, virtuously and law-abidingly fulfilling his duties job responsibilities. He suggests using moral education the principle of “from simple to complex”, a personal highly moral example of the teacher’s behavior, as well as a number of rules: “Do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you”; “Do good for others, as far as it is possible for you to do for them”; “Keep the laws... protect the fatherland from enemy attacks”; “Deliver to the fatherland all the benefits that are within your power; do not stop within the limits only prescribed by the laws, but strive to do for him every good that your love can breathe; may its benefit be achieved by your supreme, only law.”

Turning to the civic-patriotic education of youth, literary critic V.G. Belinsky (1811 - 1848), argued: “Whoever does not belong to his fatherland does not belong to humanity.” He also noted: “Patriotism, no matter who it is, is proven not by word, but by deed.”

Russian writer, publicist, literary critic, one of the ideologists revolutionary movement in Russia N.G. Chernyshevsky (1828 - 1889), developing the ideas of citizenship and patriotism, wrote: “The nature of the means must be the same as the nature of the goal, only then can the means lead to the goal. Bad means are only suitable for bad ends.” He emphasized that only a person with a low soul can change the Motherland, and a true “patriot is a person serving the Motherland, and the Motherland is, first of all, the people.”

First - the individual, then - the specialist

A huge role in the development of civic education and upbringing of the younger generation in Russia was played by the founder of scientific pedagogy in Russia K.D. Ushinsky (1824-1870/71). Author of many pedagogical works, he contributed to the creation of a new system female education and the revival of pedagogical work in Russia, he was convinced that in order to establish a new system of educating youth, teachers were needed who had a good understanding of the physical and spiritual nature of man. In his opinion, education should become the main thing for a teacher. “This type of education,” he pointed out, “...has nothing to do with the production of ordinary officers, engineers, rural owners, teachers, etc., etc. ... upbringing must form, shape, first of all, a “person” - and then from him, as from a developed, moral personality, an appropriate specialist is certainly developed, who loves his chosen work, is devoted to it, carefully studies it and therefore is able to bring the greatest benefit in his chosen field of activity..."

A scientific contribution to the understanding of such categories as “Fatherland”, “Motherland” was made by the writer, lexicographer, ethnographer, creator of “ Explanatory dictionary living Great Russian language" V.I. Dahl (1801 - 1872). He said that “Russia is a land, the fatherland of many peoples, different in language and faith, that every people whose root is nested in the Russian land has the right to consider Russia a fatherland, and that a non-Russian living in Russia and considering it a fatherland is a full-fledged and worthy citizen." In his opinion, “The Fatherland is motherland, homeland, where someone was born, grew up; the root, the land of the people to which someone, by birth, language, faith, belongs.” Dahl explained: “In Russia there are more than sixty provinces and regions, and another province is more than an entire German or French land. To the people... everything is more Russian; and there are, in addition, many other nations. All these provinces, regions and multilingual peoples make up the Russian land,” all of them “must stand for each other, for the land, for their homeland... like same-family members.”

The creator of the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” gave an understanding of the words “patriot” and “patriotism”. According to his definition, this is “a lover of the fatherland, a zealot for its good, a lover of the fatherland, a patriot or fatherlander. Patriotism... is love for the fatherland.”

Thus, in pre-revolutionary Russia The main goal of the upbringing and education of the younger generation was the formation of a patriotic citizen. The works of domestic educators and scientists, government and military figures, writers, publicists and teachers suggest solutions modern problems youth education.