Concert of Olga Buzova on Palace Square. Olga Buzova, who lost her voice, put her native St. Petersburg on her ears, video

Wearing a cosplay costume to work educational institution- not always inappropriate. And what should you do if you want to stand out from the crowd and highlight your style with motifs from your favorite TV series? The solution is simple - buy everyday things with anime: comfortable, practical and directly or indirectly related to the passion for Japanese animation. Today it is simple and accessible to everyone: just open an anime clothing store and choose the item you like.

Clothes from anime, unlike full-fledged cosplay costumes, although they look original, are suitable for constant wear and do not cause confusion among people around them. Another plus: you can buy anime items either as separate elements for your “look” or put them together as a whole costume, every detail of which will look harmonious.

Clothes for anime fans: types and limitations

Anime-themed items are only slightly different from regular clothing from stores. The exception is anime costumes for cosplay and cozy onesies, which can be purchased either for home or for walking on the street. Otherwise, these are ordinary anime T-shirts, anime sweatshirts, hoodies, shoes and others basic elements wardrobe

There is an opinion that anime clothing is not always appropriate. It is not true! Even under a strict dress code, you can complement your look with a black strict T-shirt with a minimalist print of symbols from your favorite cartoon series. In other cases, the choice is simply incredibly large: from colorful T-shirts with cute designs to stylish and practical hoodies. No age restrictions and social status- anime items are available to everyone!

How not to make mistakes when buying anime clothes in a store

Clothes for anime fans are cool and original, but you shouldn’t thoughtlessly buy the first things you like. To avoid disappointment from your purchase, when ordering from an anime store you need to:

  • Take your measurements and carefully study the sizes (even if you need to order onesies);
  • Decide on a color and don’t forget to choose the right one;
  • Study the material to avoid allergies;
  • Consider whether the item will be combined with another wardrobe;
  • Assess how hot the item will be in summer or cold in winter.

If you follow these simple rules when chosen, anime clothes will fit perfectly on the body, fit into the rest of the wardrobe and last for a long time no incidents.

The anime genre originates from Japanese cartoons. In addition, this is the term used to describe all Japanese animation that develops in various areas of the cultural world, including fashion.

The emergence of anime style in clothing

After Japanese animators began to apply Western animation techniques, it was truly invented unusual genre, developing and up to today. The main features of Japanese animations are the obligatory presence of certain features of characters and images, as well as excessive emotionality. For example, the character of any character can be studied and understood only by his appearance - than larger size the character's eyes, the kinder he is. Certain elements of the image or the color of the character’s hairstyle have some meaning. When such trends arose in animation, they began to create a unique style of clothing, which this moment popular among fashionistas in Japan and the rest of the world.

Anime style dresses and costumes

Anime-style dresses are not yet separate elements of high fashion, but despite this, some designers take great pleasure in using anime elements when creating some of their models. In addition, it is worth noting a certain trend where it is not fashion that takes the features of anime, but, on the contrary, the style of anime takes the characteristic features of fashion from some trends. Girls in anime style very often mix in their images some features of Victorian and aristocratic styles, gothic, and cyberbank.

Of course not one Fashionable style cannot do without certain youth elements, which include casual T-shirts, caps and sports shoes, and not just pieces of clothing that were created individually. Character traits Anime trends are clothes that have applications with images of cartoon characters, great amount the most original and luxurious accessories, unusual brightest shades. Such things show the activity and mobility of a fashionista, her a large number of emotions and feelings. This style is characterized by the use of a huge variety of different details, accessories and decorations, and the more such details, the brighter your outfit will be. This direction provides incredible scope for imagination and society.

Increasingly, modern youth choose extravagant images for themselves for every day. One of the popular styles among young people today is anime. The basis of this style is Japanese cartoons with same name, distinguished by high emotionality and original portrayal of characters, the difference of which is especially big eyes. What are anime clothes? What are the features of this style? How to dress in anime style?

History of the origin of the style

Anime cartoons appeared quite a long time ago - back in the 20th century, the first such films were drawn in the land of the rising sun. And their popularity grew every day, not only in Japan, but throughout the world. The spread of cartoons led to the fact that fans began to copy their favorite characters - sewing copies of their clothes and applying the same makeup to feel like a character from their favorite cartoon. This style of copying is called cosplay, but there are other ways to dress in style direction anime. Today Japanese style Anime in clothes has become fashionable all over the world.

What is anime style?

The characters of such cartoons are distinguished by extravagance, brightness and originality in attire. Therefore, the anime style is primarily about bright things, layers of clothing and original drawings. This style is suitable for both girls and boys.

To create such an image, you can use different things that will help you create an elegant and original outfit. For this purpose, both unusual and creative dresses, trousers and skirts are used, as well as ordinary, at first glance, things like T-shirts and sweatshirts. In this case, special dresses are used, usually options with short skirts, but also sometimes longer versions.

If there is no goal of copying a cartoon character, then the clothes are simply added with special brightness using the color of the items or prints on them. Rich shades are preferred, such as pink, red, blue, emerald, however, white and black can also be present in outfits.

Varieties of anime style in clothing

Despite the fact that this style trend has the same roots, costumes can look very different, since there are several popular varieties of it:

  • Cosplay. This is a special version of the anime style, as it is a complete copy of your favorite character. To do this, choose absolutely the same clothes as in the cartoon, which are complemented by shoes and accessories characteristic of a particular character. Moreover, those who choose this way of dressing for their lives do the same hairstyles as their favorite character and even copy his behavior to create exactly the same image.
  • Lolita. This is a variation of this style for girls. They choose bright, doll-like dresses and skirts for themselves. pastel colors, create vanilla images. To create this look, tulle items, numerous ruffles, knee socks and stockings, bows and hairpins are used. It is mandatory to use original accessories, which include gloves, umbrellas, and small handbags. A variation of this type of anime style is Gothic Lolita, which is characterized by the use of all such features in black, diluted with white, pink and bright details.
  • Ganguro. This is what dark-skinned characters in anime cartoons are called. Young people who dress in this style try with all their might to give their skin the darkest shade possible, and when choosing clothes they rely on the use of the brightest, even acidic shades, and usually combine several of these things at once in one outfit. This style often uses T-shirts with prints dedicated to your favorite cartoon characters.

Some anime fans refuse to use such unusual images For Everyday life. They prefer clothes with characteristic prints - these can be things like Naruto T-shirts, Bleach sweatshirts, Death Note sweatshirts and other clothes with anime characters.

How do guys and girls dress in this style?

The fashionable anime style attracts both boys and girls. For a woman, creating such an image is not too difficult a task - you should choose a vintage dress and add original accessories. The image is also especially popular among girls Japanese girls schoolgirls - dark bottom and white top (preferably a shirt, but maybe a T-shirt), a bright tie, white socks or knee socks and patent leather shoes.

For men, when choosing clothes, it is important to give preference to original items that can be decorated with lacing, prints with animated characters. These can be numerous shirts and jackets or original T-shirts. Guys should also give preference to more dark shades with bright details and accessories.

You don’t have to be a fan of Olga Buzova to admit that yes, this girl really is a star. A star without titles or prestigious awards, but such an army of fans can be the envy of many “deserved” and “national” ones.

Yesterday, on the eve of Russia Day, Olga Buzova went to her native St. Petersburg. The beloved city greeted the TV show star unkindly, however grey sky, the wind and drizzling rain did not spoil the cheerful Buzova’s mood at all. Olga shared on her Instagram latest news and posted photos. The TV star is happy to be in her beloved St. Petersburg, at least for a short time.

This afternoon Olga Buzova gave a performance on Palace Square in St. Petersburg. The aspiring singer posted a video of the concert on her Instagram, which collected more than 1 million views in just 6 hours.

Olga Buzova's subscribers are delighted with her performance in St. Petersburg

Either Olga was worried, or completely unaccustomed to the St. Petersburg weather, but before her performance on Buzova Square she lost her voice. In the video that the host of “House-2” posted on her microblog, you can see how hard it is for her to speak:

Nevertheless, the entire square supported Olga Buzova, loudly chanting her name. When the TV star uttered the first lines of her hits, the audience unanimously picked up the words.

As a result, those gathered on Palace Square sang the song “I’m getting used to it” acapella with their fellow countrywoman.

Such support in hometown came as a surprise to Olga, causing her strong emotions:

How nice it is when the whole Palace Square sings acapella with you! To tears... to trembling knees... you are my life! I love you

In the comments on Olga Buzova’s Instagram today there were almost no usual scandalous discussions.

The star’s followers bombarded her with compliments, noting that an unreceived award at MUZ-TV means nothing, and the real “breakthrough of the year” can be seen at today’s concert:

tanusha82.09 Awesome! this is the breakthrough of the year

madamekh13 This is better than the plate from Muz TV! This is cooler!! I respect you!

tovaru_dla_doma Super!!! I even get goosebumps!!!

privet2507 The most interesting thing is that as soon as Olga finished her performance, the crowd dispersed... that is, did people come to Palace Square for her?)))) Bravo, Olga... I, of course, as a vocal teacher, can talk for a long time about inaccurate intonation and weak vocal position... but this is of no use... because you, Olga, have the most important thing, you firmly believe and love what you do... and your sincerity captivates!!

vecherininaelena Well, where are the talents from the show “The Voice”) or are they invited only to the anniversaries of this project! You can love Buzova or hate her, but there is only one fact, only once did I hear that the whole square was chanting the surname) and she was Red and the surname was Putin !))))Olga, this is some kind of phenomenon! And respect to Peter

The program for celebrating Russia Day in St. Petersburg has been compiled and announced. On June 12, on the occasion of the national holiday, Olga Buzova will perform on Palace Square.

Usually stars of the first magnitude perform on Palace Square: Dmitry Hvorostovsky and Anna Netrebko, Madonna and Elton John, Joe Cocker and Paul McCartney, “ Rolling Stones" and "Scorpions". Now their ranks have been joined by the Dom-2 TV presenter, whose scandalous divorce from football player Tarasov is being discussed by half the country. Moreover, as it turned out, she doesn’t sing herself either. Recently, Olga’s now ex-girlfriend and ex-soloist of the Serebro group, Elena Temnikova, reported that in one of Buzova’s songs, it is actually her, Temnikova’s, voice that sounds.

Despite this, Olga Buzova’s performance will become perhaps the main thing in the first part holiday program on the occasion of Russia Day, prepared by one popular radio station. Olga will take the stage immediately after the Vice-Governor Northern capital Konstantin Serov - the organizers announced his welcoming speech at 14:00. 20 minutes are allotted for the ceremonial speech.

Buzova has five minutes more. It is unlikely that in the 25 minutes allotted to her, the former “legally blonde” will have time to perform all her hits – she has six of them. But what will be on the playlist? “To the sound of kisses”? “It doesn’t hurt me anymore”? Or, perhaps, the latest single “Not enough halves”, for the filming of the video of which Buzova attracted 17 half-naked men at once? For now we can only guess.

Buzova took off 3 corsets and 17 pumped up guys in the video

  • More details

In addition to Buzova in festive concert The James Bond cover band, DJ Tsvetkoff and DJ Feel will take part - they will appear on stage in the late evening, after 20:00. The program will conclude with a performance by Anna Sedokova - the singer recently resumed touring after the birth of her third child.

Well, for those who have not yet been inspired by the work of the TV presenter of “House-2”, there is no need to go around Palace Square on June 12. At 16:30 on main square St. Petersburg there will be a competition floral dresses, hairstyles and umbrellas as part of the Flower Parade festival. Famous florists will create unique flower arrangements and bouquets, and models in floral costumes will parade around the area. At 18:30 the “Flower Ball” will begin here - a concert in which world opera stars from the Mariinsky and Bolshoi Theaters, Vienna and Geneva Opera, as well as Gleb Matveychuk.