How to draw with a 3D pen. What is a 3D pen? D handle - video of work

Let's expose! Do pink pigeons exist? April 9th, 2016

I found this photo on the Internet and was surprised, it seemed like I had never seen such pigeons, but you never know. Otherwise, you and I have already exposed and. But Google persistently suggests that pink pigeons definitely exist (check it yourself) and this is a rather rare bird, but somehow “the eye does not believe” what it sees.

Let's look at this issue in more detail...

Photo 2.

Pigeons existed on Earth long before the advent of humanity. Scientists believe that they originated 35 million years ago during the Oligocene Epoch. Now pigeons are widespread on the planet. According to official data, the pigeon family now includes 285 species. Unofficial statistics put the figure at more than three hundred.

The variety of species and breeds of pigeons is so great that even professional pigeon breeders find it difficult to answer how many there actually are. Wild pigeons are particularly colorful in their plumage. Among them rock pigeon, Bronze-winged Dove, Lemon Dove, Emerald Dove, Blue Dove, Green Dove and many more. Here the name of the species is determined by the color of the bird in which it is painted. most of her plumage. Some species of wild pigeons were brought to Europe from East India and other parts of the world by English and Spanish sailors

Photo 3.

Are there pink pigeons? The pink pigeon is an endemic genus of the pigeon family. The habitat of these birds is evergreen forests on the small islands of Mauritius and Aigrettes in the Indian Ocean. In Mauritius they inhabit a corner in the south of the island, and in Egret they live in the mountain forests in the eastern part of the island. To date this type is in danger of extinction. The population numbers no more than four hundred individuals.

But still, all that you see in the photographs above and below are pigeons painted with food coloring or potassium permanganate.

Photo 4.

This is done for wedding ceremonies, films or simply entertaining the public.

Photo 5.

These are still painted pigeons, I will warn you when the photos show real ones.

Photo 6.

Photo 7.

Photo 8.

Photo 9.

Photo 10.

Photo 11.

Photo 12.

Photo 13.

The pigeon you see in the picture was photographed in London by a tourist from France and most of the Internet is sure that this is really a Madagascar pink pigeon. Don't believe it!

Photo 14.

Photo 15.

The true pink dove gets its name from the dull pink color of the feathers growing on the bird's head, neck, chest, upper back and belly. At the same time, the pigeon has brown wings and a wide red-brown tail with a reddish tint in places.

Photo 16.

Pink pigeons live in small flocks of twenty to twenty-five individuals. Birds give birth once a year. Usually the litter consists of two chicks, which become fully sexually mature by the age of one year. The lifespan of pink pigeons is up to twenty years. At the same time, females live less than males.

Photo 17.

Pink pigeons, like most representatives of the species, are excellent flyers. Their flight is distinguished by speed and great maneuverability, but they do not fly long distances, since this is not necessary for them: all the food that pink pigeons feed on grows in their habitat. Birds eat fruits and buds of local trees, leaves and flowers of plants, and young shoots.

Since 1970, pink pigeons have been kept in zoos. Despite the fact that the pink pigeon is a wild bird, unaccustomed to life in captivity, zoos have managed to create appropriate conditions for the birds and get them to produce offspring.

Photo 18.

In addition to the pink dove, there are other birds from the pigeon family that have in their plumage pink color. For example, the Muscat pigeon, which lives in the tropical forests of India and Burma, has a grayish-pink tint to the feathers of the head, neck and lower part of the body. And the pink-necked pigeon, whose homeland is Southeast Asia, distinguished by a wine-pink color on the front of the neck. The sides of the neck and chest of the bird are matte pink.

Photo 19.

The pink pigeon reaches a length of 36 to 38 cm and weighs from 320 to 350 g. Its neck middle length, the head is small and round; wings from dark gray to dark Brown, primary flight feathers are somewhat darker; the fan-shaped tail is red-brown, the rest of the plumage is pale pink. The beak of this bird is strong and slightly thickened at the end with a light red base and a white to pale pink tip. The pink dove has light red feet with one short and three long, strongly clawed toes. The pink dove is characterized by a red periorbital ring and dark yellow eyes.

The pink pigeon lives only in the south of Mauritius and on the east coast of the island of Île aux Aigrettes). It feeds on leaves, fruits, flowers, seeds and buds of both local and introduced plants. Both birds build a nest of branches in the crown of a tree. The female usually lays 2 eggs.

Photo 20.

Pink dove - rare view, listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List. Most of all, it is threatened by loss of habitat due to deforestation and death due to animal species introduced by people (black rat, common mongoose, cat and Japanese macaque.) In addition, pigeons suffer greatly from strong storms. So in 1960, 1975 and 1979, approximately half of all pink pigeons died due to cyclones.

Photo 21.

Already in 1830, the population size was assessed as critical. In 1991, the number of birds dropped to 10 individuals. In 1970, pink pigeons were first kept in captivity, in Mauritius and at the Gerald Durell Zoo in Jersey. Other breeding groups were created in zoos, among which it is worth noting - this is primarily Walsrode in Germany. Today approximately 150 birds live in zoos. The birds have already begun to be released back into the wild and in 2005 there were already 360-395 individuals (in 5 populations), of which 240-260 were adult birds.

Photo 22.

Pink Dove - very rare and extremely beautiful bird. To prolong their existence on Earth, the conservation fund environment is actively implementing programs for the restoration and reproduction of these birds. It is possible that if they are successful, pink pigeons will spread throughout the world and will be able to delight more people with its beauty.

Photo 23.

Photo 24.

Photo 25.

Photo 26.

Photo 27.

Photo 28.

Photo 29.


We all know about pink flamingos, but are there pink pigeons in nature?

The pigeon you see in the photo was photographed in London by a tourist from France. This very rare species of pink pigeon - Nesoenas mayeri - does exist, but these birds live in Mauritius, thousands of kilometers from England and have gray wings, which our hero does not have. Bird expert Tim Webb from the RSPB confirms it is a pigeon, but is unable to figure out where the plumage came from.

Regularly eating foods high in beta-carotene and canthaxanthin - harmless natural pigments in food - can change the color of feathers, he said. Eg pink flamingo gets its color from feeding on shrimp. In addition, the pigeon could have been painted intentionally or accidentally fell into a puddle of colored water.

In addition to the London landmark, there is a rare species of the pigeon family in nature - the Pink Pigeon (lat. Nesoenas mayeri) and it lives only on the island of Mauritius.

The pink pigeon reaches a length of 36 to 38 cm and weighs from 320 to 350 g. Its neck is of medium length, its head is small and round. The wings are dark gray to dark brown, the primary flight feathers are somewhat darker. The fan-shaped tail is red-brown. The rest of the plumage is pale pink. The strong beak, slightly thickened at the end, has a light red base and a white to pale pink tip. The light red paws have one short and three long ones, with strong toe claws. The periorbital ring is red, the irises are dark yellow.

The pink pigeon lives only in the south of Mauritius and on the east coast of the island. Ole aux Aigrettes

The pink dove feeds on leaves, fruits, flowers, seeds and buds of both native and introduced plants.

Females emit a short, nasal “hoo-hoo”, males loudly coo “cooo”. Both birds build a nest of branches in the crown of a tree. The female usually lays 2 eggs.

The main threats are deforestation and human-introduced animal species such as the black rat, common mongoose, cat and cynomolgus macaque. Severe storms can reduce the pink dove population. So in 1960, 1975 and 1979, approximately half of all pink pigeons died due to cyclones. The local population of the island does not pose any threat, as they are convinced that the pink dove sometimes eats the fruits of the poisonous fangama tree.

The pink dove on the reverse of the £2 silver coin.

Already in 1830 the population was assessed as in critical condition. Later it came to more accurate calculations. In 1991, the number of birds dropped to 10 individuals. In 1970, pink pigeons were first kept in captivity, in Mauritius and at the Jersey Zoo. Other breeding groups in zoos were also created, among which it is worth noting de:Weltvogelpark Walsrode. Today approximately 150 birds live in zoos. In 2001, there were 350 individuals in the wild (in 5 populations), after birds bred in captivity were released into the wild.

The pink pigeon, as a species of Columba mayeri, was previously assigned to the genus Columba, and later separated into own gender Nesoenas. However, recent research, including DNA analysis, has shown that the closest related species is the Madagascar dove (Streptopelia picturata), after which the pink pigeon was assigned to the genus of doves.

Scientific classification:
Domain: Eukaryotes
Kingdom: Animals
Type: Chordates
Class: Birds
Squad: Pigeonidae
Family: Pigeon
Genus: Turtle Doves
View: Pink dove (lat. Streptopelia mayeri (Johnson et al., 2001))

The pink dove looks more like " blue bird» — fairy creature, which no one has ever seen in reality, although numerous photographs in newspapers, magazines and in social networks so they are full of them with photographs. On them, the birds have bright pink feathers, although they look like ordinary representatives of the pigeon genus.

It is precisely because of such photographs that many people have doubts, because it is obvious that a painted bird is being served under the guise of a pink dove. It looks impressive, of course, but it is not a creation of nature itself. This trick is used in circuses, photo shoots and themed parties for creating fabulous atmosphere, during the filming of films and videos, etc. To do this, use a solution of potassium permanganate or food coloring.

But this does not mean that the pink dove is just a fiction. It exists, it just doesn’t look quite the way most photographers try to present it, circus performers etc.

A real pink dove does not have flashy pink feathers. On the contrary, its feathers have a muted color or, as it is now fashionable to say, powdery pink. Such feathers grow on the bird’s back, belly, chest, neck and head. Its wings are brown, sometimes dark gray. The tail is quite wide, grows in a fan with brown feathers that give off red and ginger shades. Short neck, medium-sized round head.

The beak of the pink dove is strong, thickened towards the end. At the base it is usually pale red, and along the length it is calm pink or even white. The feet are featherless, light red, with four toes and also with strong claws.

The eyes are brown or dark yellow, with a red ring around them.

It usually grows to 35-38 cm in length and reaches about 350 g in weight.

The sounds that pink pigeons make are reminiscent of a soft “huuuu” or “hooo” during flight. Males sometimes cry “coo-coo” loudly and for a long time.


Unfortunately, not every person has the opportunity to admire birds in person. True pink pigeons live only on the island of Egret and on the southern part of the island of Mauritius, which are located in the Indian Ocean. On Egret they are located in mountain forests. It is here, according to organizations involved in their protection, that this species is able to survive.

Those parts of the forest that are densely overgrown with trees and vines become a safe haven for pink pigeons.

At the end of the twentieth century, the pink dove also appeared in zoos. It was possible to accustom him to life in captivity and even managed to create such conditions so that the birds began to reproduce.


Food for birds is provided exclusively by those plants and their parts that tend to grow on the islands (including poisonous ones). Depending on the season, these could be:

  • seeds;
  • fruit;
  • early shoots;
  • leaves;
  • tree buds;
  • flowers, etc.

At the same time, due to the introduction of alien plants into the nature of the islands, birds are deprived of their usual food, so places are organized for them where they can eat what people give them. For example, cereals, corn, etc.

Pink pigeons especially need such help during the period of nursing young offspring.

The same individuals kept in captivity are accustomed to eating mixtures of grains, cereals, greens, as well as carrots and fruits.

Life and habits

The lifespan of a pink dove is 18-20 years. Both in captivity and in life, males turn out to be more tenacious than females.

They fly beautifully, although they do not make significant flights. They just don't need it. The food and climate suit them throughout the year.

In nature, birds unite in small flocks to live together, obtain food, etc. In addition, they are monogamous. With its mate, the pink dove is ready to defend the territory chosen for life, not letting even its relatives get close.


If birds in zoos are able to reproduce at least whole year, then in nature they have only one period allotted for this: in August or September they begin to build nests for themselves.

Their courtship is not very different from the advances of other pigeons. The male begins to walk around the female that attracted him, further stretching his neck and inflating his crop, then the turn of mating begins.

Females are capable of reproduction throughout almost their entire life, while the male half does not reproduce after 10-11 years of life.

The nests of pink doves are a fragile structure of thin branches on a tree. They hatch no more than two eggs, and they do it together: the male is responsible for the roost during the day, and the female is responsible for the roost in the morning and at night. They only need two weeks to hatch chicks.


Pink pigeon chicks are born blind, with sparse white fluff on their bodies. They are not able to eat themselves, and at first their food is goiter milk. After the first week they open their eyes and by 10 days they are eating solid food.

By the 20th day of their life, they begin to fly, but their parents still carefully continue to feed them. They become sexually mature only at one year of age.

Facts about pink doves

The pink dove is held in high esteem by the local population of the island of Mauritius. They do not eat it because it eats the fruit of the fangama tree, which is poisonous.

The pink dove is a rare bird whose existence on earth is under serious threat. The reason for this is human activity: environmental pollution, deforestation, importation of animals (rats, crabeater macaques, etc.) to the islands, which are dangerous for birds.

Pigeons also suffer from cyclones, dying en masse during severe storms.

All this led to the fact that in the early 90s of the last century these birds could be counted on one hand, but keeping the birds in captivity helped preserve the species, and the increasing population is gradually being released back.

Still exist today special programs aimed at saving pink pigeons, incl. establishing feeding points mentioned above. Their goal is the preservation and wider distribution of this species on earth.

In this article we will tell you how to learn to draw with a 3D pen. simple figures. This instruction will be useful for beginners. For those who already know how to draw simple shapes, we recommend that you read the second part of the article -

Preparing for work

To start painting, you will need a stencil. You can draw a stencil on a sheet of paper yourself or. The downloaded stencil must be printed on a regular printer.

It will be more convenient to draw if you put tracing paper on top of the paper stencil. Hot plastic adheres perfectly to tracing paper and is easily removed after cooling. Tracing paper can be used many times. If there is no tracing paper, then the figures can be traced directly on the paper, but after tearing off the plastic, some of the paper will remain on the plastic figure. If necessary, the paper can be removed from the plastic by moistening the figurine with water.

In order for the child to have a pleasant experience after drawing and want to continue creating with a 3D pen, you need to pay attention to ease of use.

Before you start drawing, you need to prepare workplace: The power cord should not get in the way or get underfoot; the working surface should be of sufficient size so as not to hinder the movements of the hands; You can prepare additional rolls of plastic if the figurine contains several colors. An ordinary table and chair are ideal for work; their height should be adjusted in accordance with the height of the person drawing. There should be enough lighting to see the stencil clearly. If there is a table lamp, place it on the left so that the shadow from your hand does not fall on the drawing point.

To remove plastic from paper or tracing paper, it is convenient to use a plastic card or something similar. It is not recommended to use sharp objects. You need to separate the plastic from the stencil after the plastic has cooled (1-10 minutes, depending on the thickness of the plastic layer).

Before you start using the 3D pen, you need to study the operating instructions, which you can find in the box with the pen. As a rule, to get started with a 3D pen you need to do the following:

  • Connect the pen's power supply to a power outlet
  • Wait until the handle reaches operating temperature for the selected type of plastic
  • Insert plastic into the handle and press the plastic feed button. After a few seconds, the plastic will begin to flow through the nozzle of the 3D pen.


After preparing the workplace, you can start drawing. To start, we recommend drawing a simple two-dimensional figure, for example. For the first time, you should not choose a figure containing many small elements.

If your handle has a plastic feed speed control, set it to the middle position.

Let's start drawing:

First we need to outline the outline of our figure:
Bring the nozzle of the 3D pen to the contour of the figure almost close to the stencil, at a distance of 0.5 mm, and press the plastic feed button. The plastic will begin to flow out of the nozzle and adhere to the stencil.

Move the pen along the outline of the shape until the outline is closed, if possible. It is convenient to move the pen from left to right if the person drawing is right-handed.

After the outline or part of it is outlined, you need to fill the outline with plastic:
Start painting from left to right, drawing lines from the top to the bottom, gradually filling the empty space with plastic. Don't be afraid to go back and fill out. empty seats stencil. Release the plastic feed button when moving the handle to another part of the template.

After the stencil is outlined and painted over, you need to wait a little until it cools down. Cooled plastic is better removed from paper or tracing paper. If you can’t remove the resulting figure with your hands, use a plastic card or something suitable.

Don't stop training if you can't! , print it out and try drawing other figures. Over time, the lines will become clearer and the figures will become more and more stencil-like.

Once you have a simple two-dimensional figure, you can begin to create a more complex one. We will talk about creating complex 3D shapes in the next article on our blog.

Do you know what these figures are made with? No, not made of plasticine or paper. Everything is much simpler. This is a 3D pen that can make anything. It is enough to turn on your imagination.

A 3D pen is the first step towards realizing the dream of owning fairy tale item, magic wand.

With its help you can draw in the air. It is designed to produce color inscriptions, drawings and volumetric figures, which you can use to decorate your home, workplace, or give to loved ones and friends as a gift.

Do you think this is magic, witchcraft? In fact, this is yet another technological innovation in 3D modeling. A 3D pen is something like a compact 3D printer for “printing” using molten plastic that hardens in air. Drawing shapes in three-dimensional space is fun and interesting, but more difficult compared to creating drawings on a plane. Therefore, at first you will need training in mastering this process.

Let's open it.

Inside the box there is a 3D PEN 3DALI PLUS:

  • Several rolls of plastic;

  • Power adapter;

  • 3D Pen;

  • Instructions

3D pens will allow you to develop Creative skills child. They are also used with pleasure by adults, for example, to create three-dimensional models, beautiful ornaments and items for interior decoration, as well as for fastening loose parts or restoring damaged plastic parts.

To create a variety of figures, the pens have several functions. This:

  • smooth adjustment of the density and feed speed of plastic threads;

  • quick replacement of thread of one color with another for drawing multi-colored shapes;

  • changing nozzles of different diameters.

The device is not dangerous for children. The only care required is at the nozzle location. The plastic is fed at high temperature, so contact with the nozzle is extremely undesirable.

You can purchase a palette with 10 spools of plastic for the pen. different color, not touching or getting confused with each other.

The 3D palette is a compact case where it is convenient to store a 3D pen and everything you need to obtain volumetric drawings.
When you finish drawing, you need to close the lid and put the box aside.

Shall we try?

Drawing process and preparation

We set the position to ABS or PLA - depending on what kind of plastic we use.

A little lower, I will show you the difference. We set the temperature, for example 190 degrees.

We wait for the green indicator to light up and thread the end of the coil into the hole.

We press the button forward and the handle inside picks up the plastic and drags it to the nozzle at the tip.

To remove the spool, just press the back button.

The side slider allows you to adjust the plastic feed speed.

Now we can draw. The most convenient way is to use a stencil. And to prevent the plastic from sticking too much, you can use parchment paper.

The nozzle can be pulled out, but carefully. This is necessary to clean the plastic remaining in the handle.

During my use, nothing got stuck.

The nozzle at the tip of the pen is hot, so be careful not to touch it with your hands.

Video: The process of creating a house using a stencil from a 3D palette.

They wanted to make SpongeBob, but the Watson plastic doesn't fit him, because... it's almost transparent.

3D palette (PLA)

For creating fairy tale character used PLA plastic

The color palette contains 10 colors.

Each color of the 3D palette (PLA) contains 10 meters of plastic.

Just 100 meters. The palette is specially marked PLA. do not forget to move the handle to the PLA position

When using PLA plastic, select "PLA" mode. The material is very bright. Flowers. Suitable for drawing horizontal and 3D figures. The creation of three-dimensional drawings is ensured by instantly hardening vertical “sticks”. The plastic is flexible and odorless.


Simon's cat.

But if you want things that look like jewelry, transparent plastic WATSON is suitable for you

3D palette (WATSON)

Watson plastic has a high light transmittance (up to 93%).

For example, you can make a Celtic Tree of Life.

The material is ideal for imitating glass and precious stones, and also has greater ductility than PLA plastic. Does not emit any odors. If Watson plastic is used, the temperature control must be set to the “ABS” position.

Also 10 colors.

Marking on the box.

Each color is available in 10 meter rolls.

In light, the plastic looks transparent.

Works performed using WATSON plastic

House and snowman.

New Year's meeting.

Each palette contains stencils and a place where you can store a 3D pen.

To summarize, 3D PEN 3DALI PLUS great gift for a child aged 7 years and older. And adults are even more drawn into creativity. The exciting process of creating figures and models will help develop imagination and fine motor skills child. Allowed for children from seven years old and even adults!

3D pen can be purchased