A list of modern dances for girls with recommendations for selection and training. Where to learn to dance quickly and beautifully

The Dance.Firmika.ru portal contains information on where you can sign up for modern dance classes for children in Moscow: addresses and telephone numbers dance schools and dance studios, prices for the most popular areas, student reviews. For greater convenience in using the portal and searching for a dance school, we suggest using a convenient filter by area and metro station. Visual tables will help you compare the cost of classes and training in different dance studios in the city, choosing the best option for the price.

Children's modern dances are a great opportunity for a child to have fun and interesting time. During classes, kids perform exercises with elements modern dance al styles, developing your own coordination, body flexibility, ear for music, self-expression, physical health and imagination. Communication with peers allows the child to reveal his individual creative personality. Modern dancing for children is a wonderful hobby for which the child will definitely thank you in adulthood.

Modern dance for children - features of the direction

During classes, experienced teachers use a specially designed set of exercises aimed at young dancers. It is very important that modern dance lessons for children are taught by qualified teachers, since when selecting exercises to perform, it is necessary to take into account the level of natural abilities of the child, his age and skills. By instilling in children a love of dancing, such a teacher will help strengthen the child’s physical health and immunity, develop memory and creative thinking, and introduce him to art. And of course, modern dances for girls and boys will give you a great mood, introduce you to other positive kids and simply make your pastime positive and fun.

Contemporary dance classes can offer children many interesting opportunities. At the age of about 9 - 11 years, teenagers are physically developed enough to perform any, even the most complex dance movements. Therefore, lifts, various supports and pyramids are beginning to be used in dances, opening up unlimited scope for creativity. As a rule, by this age children already have clearly formed views and interests of their own, therefore dance style they choose deliberately. The following areas can be distinguished:

  • Hip-hop for children is a modern, energetic dance that gives the child fun and a positive attitude, a boost of energy and self-confidence. It's a fluid style that offers variety physical activity during classes. Sweeping movements not only strengthen muscles, but also improve endurance and strengthen the cardiovascular system. Hip-hop classes are useful for children because they will help them feel confident among their peers, become fit and athletic.
  • Breakdancing for children is an interesting and unusual activity that develops agility, endurance and strength, which boys love very much. Unusual elements demonstrate the best masculine qualities, therefore break dancing the guy is sure to get a lot of admiring glances.
  • Go-go and wacking for children - for girls these directions are more suitable, which will help them learn to move beautifully to modern popular music. Elegant and soft movements will give the baby self-confidence.

Many of the most different styles will allow you to choose the ideal direction for the interests of each child.

Children's modern dances in Moscow

Many dance studios in Moscow offer modern dance lessons for children to their young clients. Our portal will help you choose a suitable institution. With the reviews left on the pages, you can evaluate the qualifications of the teachers and find out the opinions of children and their parents about the classes, get acquainted with the prices for one-time lessons and find out the cost of subscriptions.

Direct the teenager’s energy in the right direction and provide him with conditions for harmonious and comprehensive development– the main task of parents. The Madison modern dance school for teenagers in Moscow can do it!

Madison is a place where talents are revealed and bright emotions are given!

Classes in dance studio for teenagers are held 3 times a week. The program includes:

  • general physical preparation;
  • gymnastics;
  • classical choreography;
  • modern choreography: hip-hop, jazz funk, dancehall, jazz dance.

Our teachers provide students with qualified dance training, help them discover and develop individual creative abilities.

Regular dancing classes are not just an exciting hobby, but also a huge contribution to the health and socialization of a child, because they:

  • develop coordination of movements and a sense of rhythm;
  • strengthen the body, including the respiratory, cardiovascular, and musculoskeletal systems;
  • improve posture and form a beautiful gait;
  • increase self-confidence;
  • develop communication skills and teach them to find their place in a team.

Varied, useful and interesting lessons Dance classes for teenagers at Madison School are sure to please your child!

Our studio is:

  • A team of certified choreographers with at least 7 years of experience working with children and adolescents.
  • Thoughtful and effective programs training. By developing new courses, our teachers try to ensure that teenagers develop comprehensively and harmoniously, master new choreographic elements gradually and do not lose interest in dancing.
  • Classes in spacious, bright, well-equipped rooms in modern building Vegas Crocus City shopping center near the metro.
  • Groups for teenagers with any level of training and the possibility of registration at any time of the year, subject to availability.
  • Individual lessons for those who need preparation for entering choreographic schools.

What to do?

You should come to modern dance classes for teenagers in Moscow in a top or T-shirt with leggings, pants or shorts and a sports shoes on non-slip soles (sneakers, sneakers). Clothing should be light, breathable, and not restrict movement.

To practice classical choreography, girls will need a leotard or top and tight tights or leggings, boys will need a T-shirt and shorts. Ballet flats are used as shoes.

Dancing - The best way find and express your self! We are waiting for all teenagers at the Madison dance school in Moscow!

Dancing is ideal for girls who want to have a beautiful, stately figure, and for modern girls, in which the inner fire burns and energy beats. The Evgenia Papunaishvili Dance School offers learning to express your feelings through movements, to always be in shape and in the center of events.

The music industry today combines many rhythms and melodies. On dance floors they combine harmoniously
pop music and hip hop, funk and RNB. Therefore, dance training for girls at school is carried out in several styles.
And dance styles:

To develop muscles and plasticity, the school offers Lady dance and Stretching classes. Lessons are taught by the best teachers, prize-winners and winners international competitions. Under them sensitive leadership girls discover new traits of grace, passion and dynamism. Training is carried out both in groups and on an individual schedule in specially equipped rooms.

Special attention Evgeniy Papunaishvili's school devotes itself to a program for children. Dance training for girls is provided for beginner students and for already experienced dancers who want to expand the range of their knowledge.
The school has developed original techniques for new dance styles, and also uses classic techniques, thanks to which successful and organic development of personality occurs.

The learning concept for girls is:

  • Feeling the Rhythm with the Basics musical literacy
  • Posture correction using various dance moves and gymnastics
  • General physical development with the development of endurance and improved health
  • Acting and performing skills
  • Classical choreography
  • Modern dances: Hip-Hop, Electro dance, Jazz Funk, House, Jazz Modern and other directions

Many girls come to school to keep themselves in good shape. Various exercises are great for this.
for stretching and dance Sport. They are not as monotonous and tiring as regular aerobics or Gym. Learning is easy and enjoyable for students. As a result of regular classes, the school guarantees excellent results.

You can study the lesson schedule in more detail and sign up for classes on the profile page of the official website of the dance school

What girl wouldn't strive to learn how to move well? Especially in school age. Dancing for girls aged 10 is of enormous importance. Children watch clips and try to imitate modern stars, repeating their movements. What should you do if your daughter is so carried away by them? You can send him to study in a studio, but what if there is no such opportunity at all? Video dance lessons for children 10 years old come to the rescue.

Start of classes

Dance lessons for beginners 10 years old are aimed at beginners who have never done choreography. Teachers in accessible, interesting form will tell and show the very basics that children can easily repeat of this age. The emphasis is on developing flexibility, musicality, smoothness, and grace of movements.

All dance lessons for children 10 years old take place in game form to everyone's favorite rhythmic music. Choreographers build lessons, moving from the simplest to the most complex elements, the lessons are designed specifically for girls. Naturally, it is assumed that the children did not know how to do anything before this video, so learning begins from the very beginning.

Children's styles

Dance video for girls 10 years old includes various styles and directions. Children will be introduced to folk variety dancing, will talk about the features of ballroom trends. Each girl will be able to choose what she likes, what will be interesting to her. Perhaps after this he will want to seriously develop in this form of art, and his hobby will become his favorite pastime throughout his life. Even from home video lessons you can learn a lot and learn a lot.

Where are the children dancing?

In addition, dancing for children 10 years old, especially for girls, is now very popular: various holidays and events are often held where they can show their skills. When she comes to her friend’s birthday party, her daughter will no longer just sit modestly and be embarrassed because she doesn’t know how to do something, but she will be able to show her friends what she has learned.

Popular destinations

A beautiful, spectacular video of modern dance for children 10 years old will tell you what is popular and interesting for children in our time, what modern trends exists, what are their features. The choreographer will show some movements that are especially relevant now.

Modern dance for children 10 years old can include various elements and is designed for any number of people. For example:

  1. Hip-hop;
  2. House dance;
  3. MTV dance;
  4. Club.

They can also be executed in different ways:

  1. The whole team;
  2. In pairs;
  3. Solo.

Group or team - where many participants are involved. It can only be practiced on a large platform, together with a teacher. And pair and solo are suitable for mastering them at home.

Solo dance

A solo dance for a 10-year-old girl is a solo dance, where only one participant is herself. It can be either pop or ballroom, which is undoubtedly very beautiful.

A dance video for 2 10-year-old girls introduces pair choreography, where two participants are involved. It will help you put on a number for some holiday or event at school, where your daughter can show off with her friend or sister. A beautiful plastic number may bring your girls victory in the competition and delight the audience. This great gift for a holiday for parents, relatives, teachers.

Benefits of children's activities

Of course there is a video from light dancing for girls 10 years old, which shows the most simple moves, accessible to absolutely everyone. Even it will help to develop in many aspects:

  1. Become liberated;
  2. Become plastic;
  3. Corrects posture;
  4. Will develop physically;
  5. Helps develop taste.

Instill in your children a love of art, because it’s so cool, useful and beautiful to do interesting thing, which I really like. Moreover, it is quite accessible even at home.

Video lessons