Mogilevtsev basics of drawing. Fundamentals of painting: Study guide - V.A

Tutorial, prepared by one of the leading teachers of the drawing department of the Institute. I. E. Repin by V. A. Mogilevtsev, is a serious generalization of the experience of teaching drawing in a personal workshop at a higher art educational institution. The author shares his drawing method human figure and heads, outlining the sequence of the various stages of depicting the form. This work may be useful for young artists who are improving their skills in depicting a person. The work reminds us of the infinity of art, its development and improvement. This manual, among numerous publications containing methods of teaching drawing, is unique in its own way. The author expresses his view based on personal experience in training future artists.

Drawing is the most important, one might say, defining component creative process. She is independent artistic value It is hardly possible without previous, often long practice, understanding of drawing methods. A manual created by V. A. Mogilevtsev, one of the most experienced teachers Department of Drawing of the Institute named after. I. E. Repin PAX, designed to help a young artist master the skills of drawing the head and human figure. Perennial personal experience teaching allowed the author to create a clear, precise system of working on the drawing. It is fundamentally important that the practical part, which consistently reveals the stages of work, finds its development and confirmation in reproductions of works by outstanding masters. There is no doubt that this manual will be in demand by those who seek to master the secrets of the world of Art


Before starting work, you need to think about the drawing. First of all, you need to try to see the beauty of the model. Beauty can be seen in everything created by nature. You need to determine for yourself what you want to convey to the viewer in this drawing. Feature visual arts is that with the help of an image the artist can “record” his feelings and thoughts in the work, which it (painting, drawing or sculpture) will convey to the viewer throughout its existence. A work of art creates an emotional environment where it is located, and gradually, unobtrusively influences a person. Artistic depiction is a carrier of sensory information. Therefore, any drawing, even educational, should not be indifferent.



I. Concept
Selection of materials
II. Sketch
Tonal relationships
III. Building from a sketch
IV. Drawing details
1. Eyes
2. Nose
3. Mouth
4. Forehead
5. Analysis of the form based on the main fractures of the planes
6. Inserting the neck into the shoulder girdle
V. Final stage
Sequence of work
I. Concept
Selection of materials
II. Sketch
Tonal relationships
III. Building from a sketch
IV. Drawing details
2. Head
3. Hands, pelvis
4. Knees
5. Feet
V. Final stage

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Approved by the Faculty of Painting of the St. Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. I. E. Repina PAX.

From the publisher
Today we can say that the new textbook by V.A. Mogilevtsev became a bestseller on the educational book market. Over the course of 3 years, the author has done a lot of work together with publishers, designers and photographers for step-by-step demonstration key educational productions of the Academy of Arts named after. I. Repin. For several years V.A. Mogilevtsev wrote educational productions, recording each stage.

Color is a very difficult and almost impossible task for any publication, not to mention a textbook, where talking about color is impossible without first-class tables. Careful storyboarding and color correction, selection of fragments that meet modern school requirements and unshakable traditions make the book unique.

Using this textbook, you can get a complete picture of the basic requirements of the school and its methodology, and receive professional step by step guide about how to start, lead and finish academic work in painting. And also how to copy using samples.

The book is indispensable for those entering higher education. educational establishments, showing in a very brief, and most importantly - visual form - HOW true and correct.

“It is impossible to become a professional in any field without mastering the basics of literacy. This fully applies to masters of painting. The proposed textbook by V. Mogilevtsev “Fundamentals of Painting” is such an initial and mandatory one. With this essay, the author continues the series of books he began on the basic laws of the artist’s work in book "Fundamentals of Drawing" /2007/. The undoubted advantage of both the first and second editions is the brevity and clarity of presentation, strict consistency, ordering of tasks, constant appeal to the experience of world art. I dare to say that this manual, like the previous one, is useful not only painters, but also graphic artists, design masters, art historians and even art critics." /N.S. Kuteinikova, candidate of art history, professor of the department of Russian art at the Institute. I.E. Repin, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation./

“The book by Vladimir Aleksandrovich Mogilevtsev is of interest for a number of reasons. in a certain sense This tutorial is useful for both beginning artists and anyone interested in art. It is the result of many years of experience in teaching one of the most important disciplines of the academic school - the image of a person, demonstrating loyalty to the traditions of which we are deservedly proud. Clarity and presentation are obvious strengths of this publication." / S.I. Mikhailovsky, rector of the Institute. I.E. Repin, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts./

"The book by Vladimir Aleksandrovich Mogilevtsev is the result of many years teaching practice, what he wrote about through suffering and deliberation. His passionate desire to help beginners master the basics of understanding visual literacy is respectable. There is no doubt that this book will bring practical help to all who study it." / V.F. Rudnev, folk artist Russia, Professor of the Department of Painting at the Institute named after. I.E. Repina./

“I consider Vladimir Aleksandrovich Mogilevtsev’s book “Fundamentals of Painting” interesting and worthwhile. In a popular and accessible form, it talks about the features, principles, and techniques of creating works of art. Great importance V.A. Mogilevtsev attaches importance to the study of the laws of life and questions of methods of teaching special disciplines. The book contains well-chosen illustrative material and pays much attention to understanding the best examples of world and Russian art, the traditions of the Russian realistic school of painting are developing. I am sure that the book by V.A. Mogilevtsev’s “The Basis of Painting” will be in demand and will bring great benefit in the education of young artists." / V.S. Pesikov, professor, head of the department of painting at the Institute. I.E. Repin, full member of the Russian Academy of Arts./

"Prepared by V.A. Mogilevtsev, associate professor of the I.E. Repin Institute, the textbook "Fundamentals of Painting" is a logical continuation of the previous project - "Fundamentals of Drawing", carried out by the same author and awarded the Medal of the Russian Academy of Arts. This manual is of interest to everyone ", who wants to master the basics of painting, so necessary in the process of improving this complex cultural phenomenon. The author shares his teaching experience, as well as observations that allow us to draw some conclusions, while referring to the rich experience of our predecessors - the great artists of Russia and the World." / O.A. Eremeev, professor, full member of the Russian Academy of Arts, People's Artist of the Russian Federation./

Exclusive rights to publish and distribute the textbook “Fundamentals of Painting” by V.A. Mogilevtsev belong to the company 4art. To receive a letter of guarantee, send an application to.

It is impossible to become a professional in any field without mastering the basics of literacy. This fully applies to masters of painting. The proposed textbook by V. Motilevtsev “Fundamentals of Painting” is such an initial and mandatory one. With this essay, the author continues a series of books on the basic laws of an artist’s work, which he began in the book “Fundamentals of Drawing” (2007). The undoubted advantages of both the first and second editions are the brevity and clarity of presentation, strict consistency, well-structured assignments, and constant reference to the experience of world art. I dare to say that this manual, like the previous one, is useful not only for painters, but also for graphic artists, design masters, art historians and even art critics.

N.S. Kuteynikova

At our institute, students gain knowledge and practical skills in painting by performing educational performances. The setting is a still life or live model, placed in any color situation, which is determined mainly by draperies. The performances are staged by the teacher, taking into account curriculum in painting.

The program provides for gradual complication of tasks. First they paint the head, then a portrait with hands, after which they move on to the nude figure.

When working on a production, a student must solve many problems on his canvas in order to get a good result. It is impossible to solve all problems at the same time. Therefore, the work is divided into stages. At each stage, its own tasks are solved sequentially. The final result depends on how the student solves each problem.

Taking this as a basis educational system, we will complete several learning tasks. While completing the tasks, we will try to acquaint the reader with the sequence of work and the basic concepts in painting: what are color relationships, heat-coldness, touch, and so on. Let's talk about the materials that are used in painting.

This book is structured as follows. On the double page on the right side there is a step-by-step guide educational task. On the left side are explanations and examples from classical works, where you can see how these problems were solved outstanding masters Russian and world painting.

Knowledge about painting can only be acquired through practical lessons. This book is useful if a person writes at the same time. During work, questions arise, the answers to which can be gleaned from this manual.

About the author of the book - Vladimir Aleksandrovich Mogilevtsev

In 1991 he graduated from the St. Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. I. R. Repin, workshop easel painting under the leadership of a full member of the Russian Academy of Arts, Professor Yu. M. Neprintsev.

From 1994 to 1997 he continued his studies in the creative workshop of monumental painting of the Vice President Russian Academy arts of Professor A. A. Mylnikov.

Since 1995, he has been teaching drawing in senior courses at the Faculty of Painting of the Institute. I. E. Repina PAX. Since 1994 - member of the Union of Artists of Russia, participant in all-Russian and foreign exhibitions.

Awarded gold and silver medals of the Russian Academy of Arts for pedagogical activity and creation of teaching aids «