How in Kyiv they decided to demolish the most famous monuments in the city. “If we don’t demolish it, we’ll set the tires on fire.”

Before the appearance of their own coins, Roman denarii, Arab dirhams, and Byzantine solidi were in circulation in Rus'. In addition, it was possible to pay the seller with fur. From all these things the first Russian coins arose.


The first coin minted in Rus' was called a silver coin. Even before the baptism of Rus', during the reign of Prince Vladimir, it was cast from silver Arab dirhams, of which there was an acute shortage in Rus'. Moreover, there were two designs of silver coins. At first, they copied the image of the Byzantine solidi coins: on the front side there was an image of a prince sitting on a throne, and on the back - Pantocrator, i.e. Jesus Christ. Soon, silver money underwent a redesign: instead of the face of Christ, the Rurikovich family sign - a trident - began to be minted on coins, and around the portrait of the prince there was a legend: “Vladimir is on the table, and this is his silver” (“Vladimir is on the throne, and this is his money”).


Along with the silver coin, Prince Vladimir minted similar gold coins - zlatniki or zolotniki. They were also made in the manner of Byzantine solidi and weighed about four grams. Despite the fact that there were very few of them in number - up to today A little more than a dozen gold coins arrived - their name is firmly entrenched in folk sayings and proverbs: the spool is small, but heavy. The spool is small, but it weighs gold; the camel is large, but it carries water. Not a share in pounds, a share in spools. Trouble comes in pounds and goes away in gold.


At the turn of the 9th - 10th centuries, a completely domestic monetary unit appeared in Rus' - the hryvnia. The first hryvnias were weighty ingots of silver and gold, which were more of a weight standard than money - weight could be measured using them precious metal. Kyiv hryvnias weighed about 160 grams and were shaped like a hexagonal ingot, while Novgorod hryvnias were a long bar weighing about 200 grams. Moreover, hryvnias were also in use among the Tatars - in the Volga region the “Tatar hryvnia”, made in the shape of a boat, was known. The hryvnia got its name from a woman’s jewelry - a gold bracelet or hoop, which was worn on the neck - the scruff or mane.


The equivalent of the modern penny in ancient Rus' was the veksha. Sometimes she was called a squirrel or a veritetka. There is a version that, along with the silver coin, a tanned winter squirrel skin was in circulation, which was its equivalent. There is still controversy surrounding famous phrase chronicler about what the Khazars took as tribute from the glades, northerners and Vyatichi: a coin or a squirrel “from the smoke” (at home). To save up for hryvnia, Old Russian man 150 veks would be needed.


The eastern dirham was also used in Russian lands. It, and also the European denarius, which was also popular, was called kuna in Rus'. There is a version that the kuna was originally the skin of a marten, squirrel or fox with a princely mark. But there are other versions related to the foreign origin of the name kuna. For example, many other peoples who had the Roman denarius in circulation have a name for the coin that is consonant with the Russian kuna, for example, the English coin.


The problem of accurate calculation in Rus' was solved in its own way. For example, they cut the skin of a marten or other fur-bearing animal, thereby adjusting a piece of fur to a particular price. Such pieces were called rezans. And since the fur skin and the Arab dirham were equivalent, the coin was also divided into parts. To this day, halves and even quarters of dirhams are found in ancient Russian treasures, because the Arab coin was too large for small trade transactions.


Another small coin was the nogata - it was worth about a twentieth of a hryvnia. Its name is usually associated with the Estonian nahat - fur. In all likelihood, nogata was also originally the fur skin of some animal. It is noteworthy that in the presence of all kinds of small money, they tried to associate every thing with their money. In the “Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” for example, it is said that if Vsevolod were on the throne, then the price of a slave would be “at the price,” and the price for a slave would be “at a price.”

Currency unit Ancient Rus'

Alternative descriptions

American Indians

In Ancient Rus' and the Muscovite state - the taxable natural unit and its monetary compensation

Monetary unit in Ancient Rus', equal to 1/25 of the hryvnia

Old Russian coin

Marten skin, used in ancient times as a currency

Monetary unit of Ancient Rus', equal to 1/25 hryvnia

Old Russian monetary unit

Currency, monetary unit of Croatia

Indian people in Panama

1/25 hryvnia in Rus'

Punishment for fights in other Rus'

Croatian money

1/25 hryvnia in the 10th century

1/50 hryvnia in the 14th century

Old Russian monetary unit equal to 1/25 hryvnia

Chibcha Indian people in Panama

J. Ryaz. Thumb. handfuls; kunka, -nochka, handful, handful. Kuna or kuna? shackles, iron chain, ligatures, tear collar; from the forge, forge

Marten animal Mustela; stone marten, mountain marten, Bukhara marten, foina, white-eared marten. Forest coon, yellowtail, best, martes. When wooing a girl, she is called a marten in speech. Coon or marten muzzle, old. a monetary sign when linen, marten, and sable furs replaced money. A marten, a fox, a golden hryvnia and a glass of wine are asked for the bride price. Cook, cook father, cook mother, stand on marten feet, on sable heels, etc., the friend says. Give the red maiden for the marten. The kun and sable runs, and the lamb's coat in the sleigh trembles. The sable and the marten run and tremble, and the lamb of the barn lies and blazes. The need of the kuna will give birth. Kuna, kunnoe, kunichnoe cf. old payment for the bride to the owner, tax from the newlyweds; deduction, payment for a bride going to someone else's estate; princely Kunschik M. old. tax collector. Marten, forester, marten industrialist. Kunitsyn, belongs to her. Marten, from or from marten. Marten fur, nest. Kunet, about the marten, and then about other fur-bearing animals: to come of age and move into proper wool, to receive fluff and hair (to kunet); about a teenager, esp. for a girl: to enter all years, to mature, to develop; to recover from an illness, to regain strength, like a shed animal, or to re-wash. Something is wrong with him and he is not getting better. Kuny, plentiful, expensive. fishing (Naumov)

National currency of Croatia

Currency in shops in Croatia

Monetary unit of Croatia

Money in Rus'

Quarter of a hryvnia in Ancient Rus'

Committee youth policy and tourism of the Volgograd administration, department of foreign, regional and foreign economic relations administration of Volgograd and the State Institution of Higher Education "Tourism Development Agency" announced a competition for the best option new brand of Volgograd. Both individual authors and companies involved in solving similar problems are invited to participate in the competition. The main goal of this competition is to rid the region and Volgograd itself of the “stamp” of the Battle of Stalingrad. Most contemporaries have an idea of ​​our city solely as a place where the course of the Great Patriotic War was turned. Where hundreds of thousands of our compatriots died in battles against fascism.

According to the terms of the competition, it is necessary to create a symbol of the Volgograd region, positioning Volgograd and the region, which can be used as a symbol of the city and region, to promote the Volgograd region as a center of tourism, culture, industry, sports, and also to promote the recognition of Volgograd and the region as a whole. According to officials, the Motherland and everything connected with the Great Patriotic War, is no longer very relevant for the region”: “The Motherland is still a legacy of Soviet times. Unfortunately, many people associate it with something heavy, tragic and mournful. Especially for foreigners. And we would like our region to be perceived as a pleasant area for recreation.” end of quote. Technical parameters of the statue.
The sculpture is made of prestressed concrete blocks - 5,500 tons of concrete and 2,400 tons of metal structures (excluding the base on which it stands).
The total height of the monument is 85-87 meters. It is installed on a concrete foundation 16 meters deep. Height female figure- 52 meters (weight - over 8 thousand tons).
The statue stands on a slab only 2 meters high, which rests on the main foundation. This foundation is 16 meters high, but it is almost invisible - most of it is hidden underground. The statue stands freely on the slab, like a chess piece on a board.
The thickness of the reinforced concrete walls of the sculpture is only 25-30 centimeters. Inside, the entire statue consists of individual chamber cells, like rooms in a building. The rigidity of the frame is maintained by ninety-nine metal cables that are constantly under tension.
The sword, 33 meters long and weighing 14 tons, was originally made of stainless steel covered with titanium sheets. The huge mass and high windage of the sword, due to its colossal size, caused the sword to sway strongly when exposed to wind loads, which led to excessive mechanical stress at the place where the hand holding the sword is attached to the body of the sculpture. Deformations in the sword's structure also caused the titanium plating sheets to move, creating an unpleasant sound of rattling metal. Therefore, in 1972, the blade was replaced with another one - consisting entirely of fluorinated steel - and holes were provided in the upper part of the sword, which made it possible to reduce its windage. The reinforced concrete structure of the sculpture was strengthened in 1986 on the recommendation of the NIIZHB expert group led by R. L. Serykh. Some interesting facts.
The sculpture “Motherland” is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest sculpture-statue in the world at that time. Its height is 52 meters, arm length is 20 meters and sword length is 33 meters. The total height of the sculpture is 85 meters. The weight of the sculpture is 8 thousand tons, and the sword - 14 tons (for comparison: the Statue of Liberty in New York is 46 meters high; the Statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro is 38 meters). On this moment the statue ranks 11th on the list of the most tall statues peace
the author of the composition “Motherland” Evgeniy Viktorovich Vutetich once told Andrei Sakharov (Soviet physicist, one of the creators hydrogen bomb): “My boss asks me why her mouth is open, because it’s ugly. I answer: And she screams - for the Motherland... your mother! - shut up" The monument is the second part of a triptych, which also consists of the monuments “Rear to Front” in Magnitogorsk and “Warrior-Liberator” in Berlin’s Treptower Park. It is implied that the sword, forged on the banks of the Urals, was then raised by the Motherland in Stalingrad and lowered after the Victory in Berlin.

in the picture: “Rear to Front” is a monument located in the city of Magnitogorsk. The authors of the monument: sculptor - Lev Nikolaevich Golovnitsky, architect - Yakov Borisovich Belopolsky. Material - bronze, granite. Height - 15 meters. "Warrior Liberator" - a monument in Berlin's Treptower Park. Sculptor E. V. Vuchetich, architect Ya. B. Belopolsky, artist A. V. Gorpenko, engineer S. S. Valerius. Opened on May 8, 1949. Height - 12 meters. The silhouette of the sculpture “Motherland” was taken as a basis when developing the coat of arms and flag of the Volgograd region. According to the will, in Volgograd, on Mamayev Kurgan, at the foot of the Motherland monument, the commander of the 62nd Army, who especially distinguished himself in Battle of Stalingrad, Marshall Soviet Union- Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov. There are almost always fresh flowers at the grave of V.I. Chuikov.
You will forgive me of course, but maybe someone will answer me: Where is the world and our Motherland going??!!

it turns out that a handful of bureaucrats will now take and erase part of our great history?!....
I have no words...

In the year of the 70th anniversary of the victory at Stalingrad, the Department of Foreign Relations of the City Hall announced a competition for new symbol hero city. Officials believe the demolition is worldwide famous symbol will be positively assessed in Europe, which will lead to an influx of tourists and investments from there.
A remarkable text entitled “Volgograd is looking for its new symbol” was published on the website of the Volgograd City Hall. Its authors - employees of the Department of Foreign Relations - announce the holding of the competition "Brand of Volgograd and the Region", the goal of which is to create a "new image hometown and edges."
According to this bastard, the Motherland and everything connected with the Great Patriotic War are no longer very relevant for the region: “The Motherland is still a legacy of Soviet times. Unfortunately, many people associate it with something heavy, tragic and mournful. Especially for foreigners. And we would like our region to be perceived as a pleasant area for recreation.”
Construction of the monument began in May 1959 and was completed on October 15, 1967. The work of sculptor E. V. Vuchetich and engineer N. V. Nikitin represents a multi-meter figure of a woman stepping forward with a raised sword. The statue is an allegorical image of the Motherland, calling its sons to fight the enemy. IN artistic sense the statue represents modern interpretation image ancient goddess victory for Nika, who calls on her sons and daughters to repel the enemy and continue the further offensive.
The total height of the monument is 85-87 meters. It is installed on a concrete foundation 16 meters deep. The height of the female figure is 52 meters (weight - over 8 thousand tons).
The statue stands on a slab only 2 meters high, which rests on the main foundation. This foundation is 16 meters high, but it is almost invisible - most of it is hidden underground. The statue stands freely on the slab, like a chess piece on a board.
The thickness of the reinforced concrete walls of the sculpture is only 25-30 centimeters. Inside, the entire statue consists of individual chamber cells, like rooms in a building. The rigidity of the frame is maintained by ninety-nine metal cables that are constantly under tension.
The sword, 33 meters long and weighing 14 tons, was originally made of stainless steel covered with titanium sheets.

By the way, the competition is according to official Regulations– has already ended, its results were planned to be summed up on October 19. But not a single application was received. This fact once again proves that in public opinion Volgograd residents and Russian citizens official symbol- this is the Stalingrad Victory, embodied in the Motherland monument on Mamayev Kurgan.

There are still a thousand monuments to Lenin in Ukraine that need to be demolished. However, the nationalists promise to take on Shchors and... the Motherland. "Strana" found out how much money can be obtained for one party leader?

“If we don’t demolish it, we’ll set the tires on fire.”

Once upon a time, experts calculated that the “Motherland” in Kyiv could stand for 150 years and withstand an earthquake of 8-9 magnitude. But will the 450-ton monument withstand the pressure of the nationalists who intend to demolish it?

“This, of course, is a complex action, but the Motherland must be demolished,” OUN leader Nikolai Kokhanovsky is confident. “But technically it will be difficult for us to do this. For now, we are planning to start an information campaign around it, since it is a monument to the occupation regime. On our own.” We won't demolish it, but, in any case, some tires near it can be set on fire. We don't do everything ourselves. For example, we simulated the demolition of the monument to the security officers several times, and, in the end, forced the authorities to dismantle it. In addition , we intend to demolish Shchors,” OUN head Nikolai Kokhanivsky told Strana. “When? I won’t tell you. How it will happen. It will be multi-way combination. But we are not giving up our plans. I won't be announcing any dates for now."

Earlier, information appeared that the nationalists intend to demolish the monument to Shchors this Friday - on Intercession, when nationalist marches are planned in Kyiv.

In total, according to Kokhanivsky, he personally had a hand in five monuments - Petrovsky near the Dynamo stadium, Krupskaya in the park on the Left Bank. And a dozen more monuments were torn down by his fighters.

Let us remind you that the nationalists tried to carry out the last action to demolish the monument on Independence Day on August 24. Then their victim was supposed to be Shchors in the Mariinsky Park. However, the police did not allow the OUN members to go to the site of the alleged battle.

Kravchuk is not against the demolition of Shchors, but the Motherland cannot be touched

Meanwhile, Kyiv Shchors has a very interesting story. It was copied from the first president of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk.

True, as the first president assured Strana, he will not feel sorry for the former commandant of Kyiv.

“One day I was walking along Khreshchatyk, and a short, hunchbacked man came up to me and spoke to me. It was the sculptor Lysenko. He said he works at art institute and he needs natures. And he promised to pay 10 rubles per hour. Super crazy money. Then you could have lunch for two rubles. Have a nice lunch. I visited Lysenko’s apartment on Proriznaya. But I was not at all interested in what Shchors would look like. I approached this work technically. I came to Lysenko because he was very good man, deep, told a lot of interesting things, paid regularly. I don’t know what happens in practice with decommunization, I haven’t studied it. But the law is correct and necessary.

On the contrary, Valery Shvetsov, one of the sculptors of the monument to the Motherland, who worked first under the guidance of sculptors Evgeniy Vuchetich and then Vasily Borodai, is sure that the monument should not be demolished under any circumstances.

“First of all, this is terrible stupidity,” Shvetsov was indignant. — According to UNESCO, this monument is included in the list of 300 best monuments millennium! I don’t know who can raise their hand... And, secondly, in order to mount the monument, they assembled a special crane, which no longer exists. It will not be possible to demolish the monument with an ordinary excavator. Unless it blows up atomic bomb. What stupidity...

The Motherland is truly a unique monument. Its height is 102 meters, higher than the Statue of Liberty in the USA. By the way, it was originally planned to cover the monument with gold leaf, but later this idea was abandoned.

"Lenin's head is priceless"

However, even without gold leaf, monuments are not cheap.

Thus, as soon as the radicals demolished the monument to Lenin on Bessarabka in Kyiv in December 2013, the following message immediately appeared on the free classifieds site slando (now olx):

"I will sell a piece of the last Kiev Lenin, toppled on December 8, 13. The monument has been on Shevchenko Boulevard in Kiev since December 5, 1946. The monument was made of a rare material - Karelian quartzite, from which the Mausoleum was built in Moscow. The cost of pieces of Lenin depends on the part of the body and weight. A palm costs 1,000 hryvnia, a piece of a hand costs 750 hryvnia. We sell pieces of legs and torso by weight - 50 hryvnia per kilo. The head is priceless. Offer your price for it."

Meanwhile, back in July, Deputy Prime Minister Vyacheslav Kirilenko reported that since December 2013, 1,018 Ilyichs and 148 monuments to other Soviet figures had been dismantled in Ukraine. And he noted that more than a thousand monuments to Lenin still remain to be demolished.

80 thousand for Ilyich

Meanwhile, it is not clear where the already dismantled monuments go.

So, the Department of Urban Improvement of the Kyiv City Administration told Strana that they were being taken to the aviation museum.

— This decision was made at the board meeting. Perhaps someday they will create a separate museum. But there is no solution on this matter.

Moreover, as Strana found out, there is, by and large, nothing to create a museum out of.

— They brought us only two monuments: the Chekists and the bust of Primakov. We had an agreement that we would take them for temporary storage. We did not give consent to other monuments. We have nowhere to store them,” deputy director of the museum Anatoly Fatov told Strana.

People complain that monuments are being demolished completely uncontrollably.

- That's how it was with us. Some guys were wandering drunk around the regional center, caused an accident, and toppled two monuments to Lenin,” one of the residents of Dobropolye, Zaporozhye region, told Strana.

Art critics do not rule out that the Ilyichs are being sold for scrap metal.

— Imagine, a monument to Lenin, and even in big city. It’s either marble, granite, or bronze,” says Anna Yarovaya. — Hardly anyone needs it in its entirety, although I know a man who once collected monuments to Lenin and displayed them at his dacha. But it is much more profitable to sell it as scrap.

Scrap of ferrous and non-ferrous metals costs 3800-4000 hryvnia per ton, and marble is even more expensive. That is, for a monument weighing 20-30 tons (that’s what Lenin weighed, for example) you can earn from 80 thousand hryvnia.

Marx lived, Marx lives

Meanwhile, some monuments still remain in Kyiv Soviet era. So, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya survived in the park at the intersection of Gonchar and Bogdan Khmelnitsky streets.

In September, some vandals tried to desecrate it, the monument was knocked off its pedestal, but now it adorns the square again.

Karl Marx also survived. Moreover, not just anywhere, but at the Roshen factory.

Meanwhile, many of Korchinsky’s subscribers came to the defense of the author of Capital.