Which Russian folk tales contain a wolf? Research work "wolf - an image of fairy tales and its prototype"

Wolf's image
Russian folk
fairy tales
Vekshin Yaroslav 3a class

Purpose of the study
The goal of my research was to understand why
The wolf in fairy tales is always depicted differently. That
like a stupid and narrow-minded animal, then how
faithful friend and assistant, then both creepy and
evil enemy.
Let's try to figure it all out.

It is not in vain that the wolves are shrouded in a peculiar aura of mystery
became heroes of legends and horror films, songs and novels.
They are credited with mystical abilities and incredible strength.
Which, strictly speaking, they don’t have. Yes, wolves can smell prey
or each other at a distance of 1.5 km, and if necessary, they
many hours will pass without fatigue.
Besides the fact that wolves are still one of the most dangerous
predators (yes!), they also make a huge contribution to the cleansing
territory of their residence from the sick, weak and even dead
animals. It was not for nothing that they were given such a nickname.

All over the world, people tell stories to entertain each other.
Sometimes fairy tales help you understand what is bad in life, and
what well. Fairy tales appeared long before the invention of books, and
even writing.
In fairy tales about animals, they argue, talk, and
animals quarrel, love, are friends, are at enmity: the cunning “fox”
there is beauty in conversation”, stupid and greedy “wolf-wolf - from under a bush
grabby", "gnawing mouse", "cowardly bunny - bow-legged,
skok slide." All this is implausible, fantastic.
The appearance of various characters in Russian fairy tales about animals
initially determined by the circle of representatives of the animal
peace, which is typical for our territory. That's why
It is natural that in fairy tales about
animals we meet with the inhabitants of forests, fields, steppes
open spaces (bear, wolf, fox, wild boar, hare, hedgehog, etc.). IN
In fairy tales about animals, animals themselves are the main characters -
characters, and the relationship between them determines the character
fairy tale conflict.

In fairy tales about animals one of
the main characters are
wolf. It's straight
the opposite of the image
foxes. In fairy tales the wolf is stupid, he
easy to deceive. No, it seems
such trouble, no matter what
this unlucky guy got caught
an eternally beaten beast. So,
the fox advises the wolf to catch
fish, lowering the tail into the hole.
The goat offers to the wolf
open your mouth and stand under
mountain so he can jump into
mouth The goat knocks over
wolf and runs away (fairy tale “Wolf-
fool"). The image of a wolf in fairy tales
always hungry and lonely. He
always gets into something funny
ridiculous situation.

However, in the ancients
cultures image of a wolf
associated with death
that's why in fairy tales this
animal character
often eats someone
("The wolf and the seven Young goats")
or disturbs the peace
animal life (“Zimovie”
animals"). But in the end they are good
fairy tale characters
Russian fairy tales always
cheat or win
wolf For example, the wolf in
fairy tale "Little Fox-Sister"
and the wolf" remains without a tail.

"... meets young
warrior gray wolf..." This
also a symbol. The symbol itself
Perun. Mighty Storm God,
God of justice, light and
military valor,
appearing on earth
prefers the appearance of a wolf.
Wolf-Perun is wise, brave and
very fast. It's on him
other fairy tales Ivan Tsarevich
covers huge
distances. Moreover, Perun
becoming a knight is not easy
friend, but also brother. ABOUT
what does this say? That,
having himself as a brother
Peruna, Russian hero
capable of crushing anyone

So now let's think
why is there a wolf in all fairy tales
so different? For this you need
remember that fairy tales were originally
no one wrote it down, they
were transmitted exclusively from
word of mouth. And only in a narrow circle.
It's impossible to imagine that
some merchant's son was listening
a fairy tale from an ordinary peasant.
Who could be afraid of wolves?
That's right, peasants. Wolves
could attack livestock, people,
and the peasants could suffer from this
terrible losses. For these people
a terrible wolf, that's in their fairy tales
he was scary, but still
conquerable. Yes, and peasants
children were told such tales,
so that it is discouraging to go into the forest
walk "will come gray top
and bites you on the side.”

Wolf in Russian folk tales in most cases he is a negative character. He is a strong and dangerous opponent, but at the same time he is a naive and not particularly intelligent hero. He often gets into trouble because of his stupidity, maliciousness, and excessive trust in Lisa and other smarter characters. In rare stories, the wolf still becomes true friend and protector.

Wolf in Russian folk tales

The positive and negative role of the wolf in fairy tales: its origins

The ambiguous image of the character is associated with the same unclear attitude towards the animal among the people. In fairy tales he often becomes collectively, endowed with strength and stupidity at the same time. By using instructive stories it is demonstrated that the physical strength of the enemy is not the main quality for winning a fight. This character is successfully complemented by the proverb “If you have strength, you don’t need intelligence!” But at the same time, when in a fairy tale sly Fox mocks the wolf, we empathize with him. His simplicity is closer to us than the cunning of the red-haired cheat.

The image of the simple-minded wolf is refuted in some fairy tales. For example, in the story about Ivan Tsarevich, the wolf hero, on the contrary, demonstrates wisdom, unexpectedly takes the side of good, and plays the role of an adviser and assistant. But this is the exception rather than the rule.

In the picture fairy wolf people have strayed far from the real qualities of the animal. If the quality of cunning given to the fox, and cowardice to the hare, seem quite logical, then it is not at all clear why stupidity was attributed to such a dangerous predator. In nature, a wolf is an excellent hunter. He even brings some benefit as a forest orderly. The quality of straightforwardness attributed to him can only be associated with the fact that he is capable of facing danger eye to eye. His style of hunting also speaks of his ingenuousness: the wolf does not chase the prey for a long time, attacks more often in a pack and only on the weakest individuals from the herd.

The character of the wolf in folk tales

First of all, the wolf is a villain character. It’s just that in some fairy tales he poses a threat to other heroes, but in others he is harmless and even useful.

  • “How the wolf was taught intelligence”- the wolf character in this story is stupid and lazy. He shows straightforwardness, which could be regarded as positive feature, if it were not associated with stupidity.
  • "Wolf and Goat"- here he is a malicious deceiver, ruthless and greedy, but still not without naivety.
  • "Sister Fox and the Wolf"- the wolf hero is depicted as a stupid and naive character who, despite his evil face, suffers from the tricks of the Gossip-Fox.
  • "Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf"- portrayed as a conscientious villain who decided to repay his crime good deed and help a person with advice and action. Here he is revealed as a kind and selfless character.
  • "Wolf, Cat and Dog"- here the character demonstrates simple tricks, this is one of the few stories where his ability to deceive is manifested. Not as skilled as the Fox, but still capable of causing harm.

As you can see, the gray wolf is the most instructive, both in positive and negative forms.

Will there be examples... of wolves - favorites of children and adults? "(With)

Vasnetsov Viktor Mikhailovich is a wonderful Russian artist. He has no equal in the skill of writing historical and folklore paintings. The whole world knows such of his creations as “Bogatyrs”, “The Knight at the Crossroads”, “Alyonushka”. The artist’s painting “Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf” looked like a fairy tale come to life on canvas. It was written based on the plot of a folk tale, when you look at it, you immediately remember your childhood and wonderful stories O fairy tale characters. The main characters look as if they are about to step out of the picture and rush into the distance.

Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf
in the dungeon there the princess is grieving
and the gray wolf serves her faithfully

The wolf is not always a negative character.
In folklore different nations The wolf often acts as part of a noble and grateful force. Sometimes even sacred. There are often cases when people considered the wolf as their ancestor.
The wolf was also revered by the ancient Germans. The names Adolf or Wolfgang have a root origin from the word “Wolf”.

In nature, the wolf, first of all, is the orderly of the forest, ensures the development...
In addition, from personal experience- wolves are excellent parents, some freaks take advantage of this to tie up wolf cubs - the parents will feed them anyway, and the skin of an adult wolf is much more expensive than a wolf cub.
The wolf does not attack near its lair (unless it is protecting its offspring).
“... a young warrior meets a gray wolf. This is also a symbol. The symbol of Perun himself. The mighty God of thunder, the God of justice, light and military valor, when appearing on earth, prefers the appearance of a wolf. Wolf-Perun is wise, courageous and very fast. It is on it that in other fairy tales Ivan Tsarevich covers enormous distances. Moreover, Perun becomes the knight not just a friend, but also a brother-in-arms. What does this mean? About the fact that, having Perun himself as his brothers, the Russian hero is capable of crushing anyone. That he has no equal among people on earth. And here, in the tale of the fight against Koshchei the Immortal, his magical speed is required.” (With)
From the tale of the death of Koshcheeva.
“Negative hero - “Gray Wolf”. The wolf is a strong, noble and independent animal. For whom is the wolf an unambiguous nightmare, carrying obvious negativity? Definitely not for a feudal lord, who rather feels a kinship of souls with this wolf, can kill it in battle, hang it on the fireplace as a trophy, and give the wolf cubs to children to raise. A wolf is a nightmare for a goat herder, and for a goat herder for whom the loss of a couple of heads from the herd is extremely critical because The flock is not his, but the master’s, and for one master’s goat you can be left without a head. For a goat herder who cannot organize a wolf hunt himself - because then he will not just be a goat herder, but also a hunter and a warrior (consider, free man with weapons, who will build relations with the feudal lord according to completely different principles) - therefore, the master’s forest and everything in the forest is the master’s, the master’s game... it turns out that the wolf in the forest is also the master’s vassal, and to hunt the master’s game with the master’s permission. And the life of a goat herder is to make sure that the master’s wolf does not inadvertently kill the master’s goat. You can’t explain to the wolf that he is the master’s vassal and has no moral right to eat the master’s goat - or rather, you can’t explain it, but the goatherd MUST explain how, his goatherd problems... Moreover, the goatherd himself in this hierarchy is lower than the wolf, his life is filled with permanent tragic excitement and very bleak prospects.
So goat herders tell their children, also future goat herders, tales about a terrible gray wolf that needs to be outwitted. The feudal lords, of course, told their children completely different stories.

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Entry: The image of a wolf in... folk tales
posted May 4, 2016 at 9:11 pm and is in |
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The gray wolf occupied almost the entire territory of Eurasia, the Arabian Peninsula and Indochina 200 years ago.

In addition, the animals lived in North America. But today these predators are no longer in the United States, and in Europe they are found only in Russia and northern Spain. In Asia, the gray wolf is also found, but not everywhere: in Turkey, Mongolia, Central Asia and in China. But in Canada, Siberia and Alaska there are quite a lot of these animals.

The “gray” species consists of 30 subspecies. Predators living in the northern regions are much larger than their southern counterparts. Canadian individuals grow to 140-160 centimeters, and in height they reach 85 centimeters. The length of the tail reaches 30-50 centimeters. They weigh at least 38 kilograms, the average weight is 55 kilograms. European brothers weigh no more than 40 kilograms, and Gray wolves those living in Turkey weigh 25 kilograms, representatives living in Pakistan and Iran weigh even less - 13 kilograms. Males are approximately 15% larger than females.

Appearance of a gray wolf

The gray wolf has fluffy and dense fur. From severe frosts predators are warmed by a short undercoat, which resembles down in its structure.

The wool is coarse and long, it also serves as protection from the cold, and it does not get wet. The longest hair grows on the neck and in front of the back. The length of hair on these parts of the body reaches 110-130 millimeters. The ears are framed with short and elastic fur. The same fur is found on the paws. The length of the hair on the back of the back and sides does not exceed 70 millimeters. The fur is so warm that these predators practically do not feel the frost of 40 degrees.

When a gray wolf buries its muzzle into the ground, its warm breath prevents frost from forming on the hairs. U southern residents the fur is much rarer and coarser than that of the northerners.

The color has a large number of shades. Gray wolves living in Alaska are light in color, sometimes dark beige. Taiga wolves have gray-brown skin.

Predators living in the Mongolian steppes and Central Asia have a light red color. In some areas, completely black or dark brown predators live. But the most common color is dark gray. Wolves with such fur are found in the south and north. There is no difference between the color of females and males.

Behavior and nutrition of the gray wolf

Gray wolves know how to dig holes, but they do not like this activity, so they often make a den in thickets or crevices between rocks. These predators live in steppes and forest-steppe areas. They enter the forest extremely rarely.

The diet mainly consists of ungulates: roe deer, saigas. IN southern regions Gray wolves hunt antelope. Pets can also fall prey to these predators.

The gray wolf is a dangerous predator and an excellent hunter.

Gray wolves attack people quite often. These animals engage in cannibalism. They also eat carrion. They enjoy hunting arctic foxes, foxes and rodents. Predators do not refuse wild fruits and berries. A gray wolf can go without food for 2 weeks.

Listen to the voice of the gray wolf

These animals have excellent physical characteristics. While running, they can accelerate to 65 kilometers per hour. But at this pace they can run no more than 20 minutes. In search of food, these hunters travel up to 60 kilometers.

Gray wolves hunt large animals in packs, with some waiting in ambush, while others chase prey into it. If the chase continues for a long time, then predators replace each other. This indicates that gray wolves have high intelligence.

Representatives of the family live in flocks, the number of which reaches 40 individuals. This society is controlled by a dominant couple. After the couple, on the hierarchical step there are her close relatives, mostly young individuals who have not reached sexual maturity. The next step is occupied by wolves who have joined the pack. Children are at the lowest level.

Basically, the dominant female is responsible for procreation. Upon reaching sexual maturity, young animals leave the flock and form own family. Marriages are never formed between brothers and sisters. Gray wolves look for partners on the side.

Reproduction and lifespan

These animals are monogamous, they form pairs for life. There are fewer females than males, so it is easier for females to find a partner. Females come into estrus at the end of winter, and pregnancy lasts 2.5 months. The female gives birth to 5-6 babies, but there can be significantly more of them in the litter, 14-16. Newborn puppies are deaf and blind, they weigh no more than 400-500 grams. 2 weeks after birth, their eyes open, and a month later their teeth erupt.

At 1.5 months, wolf cubs stand confidently on their feet. The mother does not leave her puppies for 2 months. At this time, the male is engaged in obtaining food. He makes a sacrifice, the female eats it, and regurgitates food for the babies. Puppies begin to eat solid food at one month of age. Puppies grow quickly and at the 5th month of life they catch up with their parents in size. In females puberty occurs at 2 years, and in males 1 year later. The lifespan of these predators is about 15 years.

In culture Eastern Slavs The wolf is an animal - a myth.
The wolf belongs to the “alien” world.

The appearance of the wolf in legends is associated with the earth. According to legend, the Devil was jealous of God, who sculpted a man. The devil sculpted a wolf from clay. But having created the form, he could not revive him.

The devil suggested that if a wolf was directed against God, it would come to life. The devil began to run around the wolf and shout: “Bite him!” But the wolf did not come to life. This continued until God shouted, “Bite him!”

The revived wolf attacked the Devil. The devil got scared and climbed onto the alder tree.

But the wolf managed to grab the Devil by the heel. Blood from the Devil’s wounded heel fell onto the tree trunk. Since then, alder wood has been reddish.

And the Devil became fifthless. People call him Antipka (Anchutka) Fingerless or Fingerless.

IN folk culture The image of a wolf correlates with death and the world of the dead.

The wolf acts as an intermediary between the world of people and the forces of other worlds.

Proverbs and sayings about the wolf.

If you're afraid of wolves, don't go into the forest.
And the wolves are fed - and the sheep are safe.
No matter how much you feed the wolf, he looks into the forest.
The wolf can also be seen in sheep's clothing.
A wolf won't eat a wolf.

Poems about the wolf.

"Wolf" Sasha Cherny

The whole village sleeps in the snow.
Not a word.
The month disappeared for the night.
Snow is blowing.
The kids are all on the ice,
On the pond.
The sleighs squeal together -
Let's go in a row!
Some are in the harness, some are the rider.
The wind is sideways.
Our convoy has expanded
To the birches.
Suddenly the front line shouts:
"Devils, stop!"
The sleds have become. The laughter stopped.
"Brothers, wolf!.."
Wow, they sprayed back!
Like hail.
Scattering everything from the pond -
Who goes where.
Where is the wolf? Yes, it's a dog -
Our Barbos!
Laughter, roar, laughter and talk:
"Oh, yes, a wolf!"

Counting rhymes about the wolf.

One two three four five.
There is no place for the bunny to jump.
There's a wolf walking everywhere, a wolf.
He uses his teeth - click, click!
And we will hide in the bushes.
Hide, bunny and you!

Wolves prowl
They are looking for food.
We'll catch them first
And then we'll play

Tales of the Wolf.

The wolf is the hero of many fairy tales. Everyone knows them.
Vladimir Propp in the book "Mythology" fairy tale" writes that in Russian fairy tales there is admiration and respect for the wolf. The wolf is an assistant and friend in "The Tale of Ivan the Tsarevich, the Firebird and the Gray Wolf."

In the fairy tale "The Tale of the Little Fox - Sister and the Wolf" a simple-minded wolf is deceived by a fox. In the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats,” the wolf is bloodthirsty and wants to eat the kids. In the fairy tale "Teremok", the wolf, like all animals, asks to go to the tower and lives amicably with other animals.

Outdoor game "Wolves and Koloboks"

For a group of children

Purpose of the game: development of speech, development of dexterity and attention, adherence to the rules of turn-taking.

Progress of the game:

All children stand in one big circle. Each child holds an object in his hands (a cube, a cardboard circle, a small hoop for ring throwing, a round or oval lid bright color or another.) One half of the circle of children is “Wolves”, and the second is “Koloboks”. And there is a dialogue between them.

Wolves: Kolobok - Kolobok,

We know that you are timid.

Get into our bag

Shut your mouths,

Wait quietly for your result.

Koloboks: We won’t get into the bag.

We know that the wolf is cruel!