General history. History of modern times."China in the 19th century

Target: explore China.


  1. Based on independent work with sources of information, draw up an economic and geographical profile of China and find out the significance of studying this topic.
  2. To educate students to have a tolerant attitude towards the culture and way of life of other peoples; cultivate hard work and a sense of patriotism.
  3. Improve communication skills: the ability to speak, create a culture of listening to the speeches of your classmates, the ability to express your thoughts, the ability to analyze, draw conclusions based on available statistical material.

Equipment: economic map of China, wall newspapers on China, folding book “The Art of China”, statistical handouts for practical work, atlases and textbooks for grade 10, DVD “Tourist Atlas of the World”, DVD “In Search of Adventures with Mikhail Kozhukhov (China)”.

Seminar plan:

  1. Territory, borders, position of China. State structure.
  2. Population.
  3. China's economy: achievements and problems.
  4. Agriculture.
  5. Foreign economic relations.

Seminar progress

High school students already have some information and knowledge on this topic. Therefore, giving a comprehensive description of China is a completely feasible task. A seminar on studying a new topic is the highest form of these classes.

To enter into this topic, let’s create a cluster (translated from English as “bunch”), i.e. what words and associations arise when this topic is mentioned.

We get acquainted with the symbols of China, listen to a sound fragment of the country's anthem.

1. Territory, borders, position of China

The People's Republic of China is the third largest country in the world in terms of territory. From west to east the country stretches for 5.7 thousand km, and from north to south - almost 3.7 thousand km. The area of ​​the country is 9572 thousand km 2. In terms of the total length of land borders (22 thousand km), China ranks first in the world. But since they mostly pass through inaccessible natural boundaries, the exits to the Yellow, East China and South China seas are mainly used for external economic relations. The river route along the Yangtze also provides access to the sea to the inland areas.

The country borders on Mongolia and Russia in the north, North Korea in the east, Vietnam, Laos in the south, Myanmar, India, Bhutan and Nepal in the west, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan in the north. west.

Administratively, China is divided into 23 provinces (including Taiwan), some of them have a population exceeding the population of the largest countries in foreign Europe, 5 autonomous regions and 4 centrally subordinate cities - Shanghai, Beijing, Chongqing, Tianjin.

In 2002, the 16th Congress of the Communist Party of the People's Republic of China elected Hu Jin Tao as Chairman of the People's Republic of China. Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China - Wen Jiabao.

2. Population of China

For two millennia, China has remained the most populous country on the globe. It is no coincidence that one of the Chinese sayings says: “Ren shan, ren hai,” which means: “Mountains of people, sea of ​​people.”

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the population of China has more than doubled and, according to the 2000 census, amounted to 1 billion 284 thousand people. Nowadays, China accounts for 21.2% of all inhabitants of our planet. If not for strict demographic policies, it would have been much higher. Thanks to this policy, China moved from the second to the first type of population reproduction, entering the third phase of the demographic transition, which is characterized by low fertility and mortality.

There are more than 700 million people of working age in China, of which over 2/5 are young people. In terms of ethnic composition, the vast majority of China's population is Chinese. They inhabit the eastern part of the country. The Chinese language has seven main dialects - Beijing, Cantonese, etc., the differences between which are so great that when speaking, residents of the northern and southern provinces have difficulty understanding each other. They use hieroglyphic writing to explain things. In addition, during the years of people's power, a single national language, Putonghua, was developed.

Although the proportion of national minorities is small, this country is still considered multinational. Firstly, the number of non-Chinese nationalities is approaching 60. Secondly, their total number exceeds 100 million people. And thirdly, because they inhabit more than half of the country's territory.

China is characterized by large contrasts in settlement: almost 90% of the inhabitants are concentrated on 1/3 of the country's territory. In terms of the proportion of urban residents, China is still one of the least urbanized countries. But the “urban explosion” affected him too. Nowadays, the country ranks first in the world in the total number of urban settlements (500) and millionaire cities (50), as well as in the absolute number of citizens (400 million). However, China also holds the world championship in the number of villages, of which there are approximately 700 thousand!

China is a country of ancient culture. Monuments of the material culture of the Chinese people are the famous garden and park ensembles, Buddhist temples and pagodas, such a great structure as the Great Wall of China, 4 thousand km long. Traditions of spiritual culture that have survived to this day include specific Chinese theater, painting, music, cuisine, Wushu gymnastics, and the lunar calendar. Chinese philosophy, astronomy, geography, and medicine have existed since ancient times.

Pay attention to wall newspapers and a folding book.

Watch a video about the Great Wall of China.

3. Chinese economy: achievements and problems

Modern China is a powerful industrial-agrarian power that occupies an important position in the world economy. Nowadays it forms the third most economically powerful center of the world economy. China ranks first in the world in the production of 26 types of industrial and agricultural products. Along with old, traditional industries, electronics, aerospace and other knowledge-intensive industries have developed significantly here. In October 2003, China carried out the first launch of a spacecraft with a person on board.

However, one cannot ignore the fact that the equipment of many enterprises is very outdated, almost half of the villages have no electricity, and manual labor predominates in agriculture. The face of China is now largely determined by heavy industry, which relies heavily on domestic resources. The basis of China's fuel and energy complex is the coal industry. Coal mining is dispersed across many basins; the largest of them (for example, Datong) are located in the northern part of the country. Oil production is also dispersed, but the main field (Daqing) accounts for 1/3 of production.

The development of oil resources on the continental shelf of the seas began. 4/5 energy production is based on thermal power plants. China has one of the largest hydropower development programs; The main cascades of hydroelectric power stations are being built in the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze (including the world's largest hydroelectric power station, Sanxia) and the Yellow River. The first nuclear power plants were built. The use of non-traditional types of energy began - geothermal, tidal. Recently, China has been increasing its imports of oil and liquefied gas. A project has been developed for the construction of a main oil pipeline from Eastern Siberia to Daqing.

The basis of the metallurgical complex is made up of large full-cycle plants, focusing on deposits of coal and iron ore or their flows. China's largest iron and steel plant, Anshan Iron and Steel Works in the northeast of the country, uses local coking coals and iron ore. 7-8 million tons of steel are smelted here per year, and the number of employees reaches 150 thousand people.

The machine-building complex is dominated not by specialized, but by universal enterprises. They gravitate, first of all, to large cities, seaports, and metallurgical bases. But gradually mechanical engineering begins to penetrate into small cities. This is facilitated by the development of household electrical appliances and electronics, and, more recently, the automotive industry. Until relatively recently, televisions and washing machines were rare accessories in China, even in urban life, but in the late 80s. In terms of their production, the country has taken first place in the world.

The chemical complex is based on coke and petrochemical products, mining chemicals and plant raw materials. There are two groups of production: 1) mineral fertilizers (primarily nitrogen), 2) household chemicals and pharmaceuticals. The location of this complex is characterized by a combination of large plants with many small and medium-sized enterprises.

The textile industry is the main light industry in China. It works mainly for the domestic market; clothes made from cotton fabrics, the production of which China ranks first in the world, are worn by the vast majority of the population.

The silk industry is also one of the traditional industries. Completing practical work No. 1 on the Chinese economy.

Analyze tables 1, 3, 4 ( Annex 1) and draw a conclusion.

Watch a video about the Chinese economy. Before watching, the question is asked: what problems have you noticed in Chinese industry and agriculture?

4. Agriculture in China

Agriculture, which employs 450 million people, plays a big role. After in the 80s. there was a transition from the so-called “people's communes” to the family contract system, this industry became more profitable; The yields of all major crops increased noticeably. Grain harvest in the second half of the 90s. remained at a record high level - about 400-450 million tons. The main agricultural regions are located in the eastern part of the country. This is “yellow China” with a predominance of wheat, kaoliang, corn and “green China”, the specialization of which is determined by rice crops; There are also tea plantations here. Rice, cultivated in the Yangtze basin and in the Xijiang delta, is the main bread of the population. There are thousands of varieties of rice with different tastes. Rice straw is used to feed livestock and poultry, and is used to make paper, hats, mats, bags, and ropes. Fish are raised in flooded rice fields.

Tea, cultivated in the hilly regions of Primorye, is also a traditional crop. China is the birthplace of tea, and until the end of the 19th century. he was the only major supplier in the world. And now it is a major monopolist in the export of green tea. Chinese peasants developed dozens of varieties of tea.

In the north-west, in “dry China”, inhabited mainly by non-Chinese peoples (Uighurs, Mongols, Tibetans), the predominant type of economy is extensive nomadic or semi-nomadic cattle breeding with a few pockets of settled agriculture. And in the southwest, in “cold China” (Tibet), agriculture is generally poorly developed. A characteristic feature of the Chinese village is the development of cooperative rural industry, which employs 140 million people; it makes it possible to employ free hands. Aquaculture has also developed widely. China holds the first place in the world in the cultivation of fish, sea shellfish and algae. In general, the life of the Chinese since ancient times has been connected with the sea. There are many millions of “sea workers” in the country. Carrying out practical work No. 2 on agriculture.

Analyze table 2 ( Annex 1) and draw a conclusion.

5. Foreign economic relations of China

The country trades with more than 160 countries around the world, but only a dozen of them are among its main trading partners. Firstly, these are some of its neighbors - Japan, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia. Secondly, this is the USA. Thirdly, these are the countries of the European Union, primarily Germany, the Netherlands, Great Britain, France and Italy. And fourthly, this is Russia.

China exports mainly ready-made clothing, textiles and consumer electronics, and other consumer goods, but also fuel and raw materials. Its imports are dominated by finished products, especially machinery and equipment.

When the students' performances are finished, everyone writes a syncwine.


(the first line is the theme of the poem, expressed in ONE word, usually a noun);

(second line – description of the topic in TWO words, usually adjectives);

(third line – description of actions within this topic in THREE words, usually verbs);

(the fourth line is a phrase of FOUR words expressing the author’s attitude to this topic);

(fifth line - ONE word - a synonym for the first, on an emotional-figurative or philosophical-generalized level,
repeating the essence of the topic)

Summing up the seminar, we talk about the practical significance of studying this topic.

“Holidays in China” - Rice is served at the table on any occasion. The project was prepared by 8th grade student D Dergacheva Alexandra. The Qingming Festival is also called “Tatsingjie” - a day of walking along the first greenery. Traditional dishes include Peking duck. After mutual congratulations, the New Year's feast began. Yuanxiao Festival.

“China Lesson” - We will travel through a mysterious country - China. China ranks by the largest area occupied. For example, it was even invented in China. Porcelain. Corner. Umbrella. Make a word from the remaining letters. Silk. Paper. The lesson is a journey. Thousands of children are born there every day. We will discover a lot of new and interesting things.

“The Art of Ancient China” - Bronze products. What objects of art from Ancient China do we use in modern times? Ancient Chinese masters built magnificent buildings, decorated with beautiful columns and figures of fantastic animals to scare away evil spirits. The height of the colossal structure reached 10 meters, width - 5 meters, length - 4 thousand kilometers.

“Culture in China” - The construction of the Great Wall of China began in the 4th-3rd centuries. BC e., and ended by the 15th century. Dayanta Pagoda. The great Wall of China. Yungang Monastery is a cave temple belonging to the masterpieces of world architecture. Each cave is dedicated to a specific Buddhist deity. Garden and park complex. Artistic culture of China.

“Chinese Culture” - A little history... Architecture. Amazing Culture of China. Chinese culture has made a significant contribution to the development of world culture. Yin Yang. Calligraphy. Later on a large number of the leading powers of the medieval world. Confucianism. The philosophy of ancient China is based on the ethical and political teachings of Confucius.

"MHC China" - Feast of the 10th century. BC. Stored in the Historical Museum, Shanghai, China Fresco. Confucius VI-V centuries. BC. Zixiaodan Pavilion, 10th century. Wudanshan Mountains, China. Riding 3rd century. BC. From the tomb of Qin Shi Huang, China. Lady from high society of the 1st century. AD Ritual cup for wine from the 15th-11th centuries. BC. Bronze. Hammer-shaped vessel from the 10th century. Stored in the Historical Museum, Shanghai, China Bronze.

Lesson. New history 8th grade

China in the 19th century: from empire to semi-colony.

The purpose of the lesson:

Based on the facts, form an idea of ​​the peculiarities of China’s development in the 19th century: the policy of “closing China” “Opium Wars”

To establish the relationship between the processes of modernization and the preservation of independence in the 19th century.

During the classes.

Teacher's actions.

Creating a problem situation

Guys, when you hear about China, what images flash in your mind?

(Paper, dragons, compass, porcelain, gunpowder)

-Consider a historical map. Determine how the position of China changed during the 19th century.

Let us turn to the facts of historical documents at the end of the paragraph. Read the document. Was it easy for European countries, judging by this source, to conquer China?

Analyze the table data. Who should have had a clear advantage in the clash between the Chinese Empire and individual European states?

Student actions

They look at the map. The symbols show that the country was forced to sign unequal treaties with Western colonialists.

The Chinese should have had the advantage.

Formation of the problem

China turned out to be a “tough nut to crack” for Europeans. But pay attention to the topic of the lesson. What's the contradiction?

What question do we need to find an answer to?


What suggestions do you have for solving the problem? Why did Europeans manage to conquer one of the most ancient civilizations?

(offer their versions)

Updating knowledge

- give examples from every sphere of society that would prove that modernization strengthens the country

In what case did China manage to avoid the fate of a semi-colony?

What are we going to find out in class?

Student actions

Economy. Advanced factories. Lots of goods. Development of trade, Rich country.

Policy. Strong army Captures territories.

Social structure. Civic equality. Each person has the opportunity to decide his own destiny.

CULTURE. Science is developing, the achievements of which are used for military purposes.

Modernization really leads to the strengthening of the country.

- If only modernization had taken place there.

Were there signs of modernization in Chinese society in the 19th century?

Discovery of new knowledge

Using the textbook material, determine what type of society China belongs to at the beginning of the 19th century

Was there a chance to resist the industrial West? Have the Chinese tried to find a way out of this situation?

Students' actions.

Give facts. It turns out that all of them indicate that China is an agricultural country.

There was no chance, but the “closed country” policy began to be pursued. When the Emperor of China learned of the capture of India by an English trading company, he ordered the expulsion of all European traders from the country. The Chinese were forbidden to build large ships and study European languages. For violating Chinese laws, European merchants could be arrested and executed at any time.

Teacher's actions.

Cunning Europeans have found an answer to China's stubbornness. Working in pairs, make a chronological list of the events of 1830-1860, each of which brought China closer to becoming a semi-colony of Western countries. Indicate the significance of each phenomenon in turning China into a semi-colony.

Student actions



    Europeans importing opium into China

    Chinese drug addiction. The economy of Southern China was in decline, people were getting sick and dying.

    "Opium Wars"

    Defeat of the Chinese army (armed much worse than the European one)

    Signing an unequal treaty with England

    The demands of the governments of France, the USA, and Russia for privileges in trade with China.

    "Discovery of China"

    Dividing China into spheres of influence. A flood of cheap factory goods poured into China, ruining artisans. High taxes ruined the peasants.

Conclusion: the “opening” of China led to the ruin of the economy of the entire country

Teacher's actions

Once again, the Chinese find themselves in a difficult position where they can either resign themselves and “go with the flow” or find strength within themselves and prepare to fight back.

Which option will the Chinese choose? In what case will China be able to resist the European army?

Student actions

China could only resist if its army was armed with European weapons

Under Empress Sixi, a course was set for the self-strengthening of China. European-style educational institutions were created in the provinces, foreign languages ​​were taught, military factories and shipyards were built, private factories and the first railway appeared.

But the empress borrowed money from the Western powers. There was no single modernization program

The course was unsuccessful

Application of new knowledge

Knowing the situation of China in the 19th century, compose a syncvent

Student actions

For example: China, closed, Opium, Defends, Resists, Fights

Europeans forcibly “opened” the country


Sinkwine(from fr. cinquains, English cinquain) is a creative work that takes the short form of a poem consisting of five unrhymed lines.

Sinkwine- this is not a simple poem, but a poem written according to the following rules:

Line 1 – one noun expressing the main theme of the syncwine.

Line 2 – two adjectives expressing the main idea.

Line 3 – three verbs describing actions within the topic.

Line 4 is a phrase that carries a certain meaning.

Line 5 – conclusion in the form of a noun (association with the first word).

Making cinquain is very simple and interesting. And besides, working on creating a syncwine develops imaginative thinking.

Lesson summary

What answer to the main question of the lesson can we now give?

Student actions

During the 19th century, China became a semi-colony of Western powers. Modernization processes began in the country, but the course towards self-strengthening failed.

Homework. Continue compiling the table, tasks in the workbook p. 58 (6,7,11,12.13)

The only country that managed to avoid the fate of a colony was Japan. What do you think, due to what? Whether this really happened, you will read at home in the paragraph. Answer the questions before the paragraph.

History teacher, State Budgetary Educational Institution Lyceum No. 1571 Koziy O.I.

The ability to summarize information, to express complex ideas, feelings and perceptions in a few words is an important skill. It requires thoughtful reflection based on a rich conceptual stock.

Despite its apparent simplicity of form, syncwine is a fast but powerful tool for reflection, synthesis and generalization of concepts and information. It teaches you to use concepts meaningfully and determine your attitude to the problem at hand, using just 5 lines.

Creating syncwines - five-line "poems" - allows you not only to summarize information on any topic, but also develops critical thinking. To compose a successful syncwine, you need to analyze all the information about an event, person, concept, and choose the most important.

A little theory.

Sinkwine - a five-line poetic form that arose in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century under the influence of Japanese poetry. Later it began to be used (lately, since 1997, in Russia) for didactic purposes, as an effective method of developing figurative speech, which allows you to quickly get results. A number of methodologists believe that syncwines are useful as a tool for synthesizing complex information, as a snapshot for assessing students’ conceptual and vocabulary knowledge

The traditional cinquain consists of five lines and is based on counting the syllables in each verse: its syllable structure is 2-4-6-8-2, for a total of 22 syllables (haiku has 17, tanka has 31).

  • Reverse syncwine - with the reverse sequence of verses (2-8-6-4-2);
  • Mirror syncwine is a form of two five-line stanzas, where the first is a traditional syncwine, and the second is a reverse syncwine;
  • Cinquain butterfly is a nine-line form with a syllabic structure of 2-4-6-8-2-8-6-4-2;
  • Crown of cinquains - 5 traditional cinquains forming a complete poem;
  • A garland of cinquains is an analogue of a wreath of sonnets, a crown of cinquains, to which is added a sixth cinquain, where the first line is taken from the first syncwine, the second line from the second, etc.

Didactic syncwine developed in the practice of the American school. In this genre, the text is based not on syllabic dependence, but on the content and syntactic specificity of each line.

The procedure for compiling a syncwine allows you to harmoniously combine elements of all three main educational systems: informational, activity-based and personality-oriented.

How to work with syncwines:

  • Compiling a new syncwine.
  • Compiling a short story based on a ready-made syncwine using words and phrases included in the syncwine.
  • Correction and improvement of the finished syncwine.
  • Analysis of an incomplete syncwine without specifying the theme of the syncwine and determining the name of the theme of this syncwine.

Organizational forms of working with syncwines:

  • Independently when doing homework.
  • Independently in a practical lesson.
  • As part of a small group, followed by a competition for the best cinquain, compiled on a chosen topic.
  • As part of a study group with the participation of a teacher acting as a facilitator who helps the group compose a syncwine.
  • When completing a test task on composing a syncwine, writing a story based on a syncwine, or determining the topic of an incomplete syncwine..

Here are some examples of syncwines from my students.

Theme "Zheleznogorsk", subject ORR, 11th grade.


Closed, mysterious

Build, invent, implement

Innovation is our future



Small, closed

Work, enjoy, be sad

The best place on earth because mom is here


(Pleskach Yu.)

Topic “Law”, social studies, 6th grade.


Strict, fair

Complied with, violated, punished

Everyone must obey the law


Shchenina S. 7th grade


Fair, necessary

Protects, preserves, acts

The law is the same for everyone