What is camo coming? "Kamo Gryadeshi" by Sienkiewicz: description and analysis of the novel from the encyclopedia

In the fall of 2009, the religious community was shaken by the tragic news. In his own parish, a clergyman, Priest Daniil Sysoev, was killed. Regent Strelbitsky was with him in the building of the Church of the Apostle Thomas; he was wounded during the attack. Who was this priest in the Orthodox world? What caused terrible tragedy?

The path to religion: biography

Daniil Sysoev was born in January 1974 into a family of Moscow intellectuals. Father and mother worked as teachers and painted.

Daniel converted to Orthodoxy in 1977. The parents tried to observe church customs in the family and baptized their son deliberately. After the child’s initiation into the Orthodox faith, religious aspirations in the family strengthened. They began to participate more often in divine services; for these purposes they attended church, where the head of the family served as an altar boy.

As his son grew older, his father began to take him to work in the church of the Afineevo settlement. Thus, Daniel began to become imbued with the religious Orthodox faith. The boy watched the work of people close to the church, listened to choral singing at the church, and was interested in prayers and reading Holy Scripture. The future priest provided all possible assistance at the church, participated in prayer services, and sang in the choir. This is how the introduction to the Orthodox faith took place.

At the age of fourteen, the young man participated in the restoration of the Novoalekseevsky monastery in Optina Hermitage. There he showed himself as a zealous admirer of the Lord Jesus Christ, which pleased the rector Artemy Vladimirov. He blessed him and advised him to study at the Moscow Theological Seminary.

Three years later, Daniel entered the church educational institution Moscow. He was a diligent student, he studied a lot literary works, God's Law. Daniil Sysoev was appointed reader in 1994. He combined his studies with singing in a choir.

A year before graduating from the seminary, Daniel was ordained to the rank of deacon. The dedication was led by Bishop Eugene of Vereya. Daniel finished seminary well. This made it possible to easily submit documents to the Moscow Theological Academy. He studied there by correspondence.

Orthodox activities

While studying at the academy, Daniil Sysoev worked as a cleric in a church in Gonchary. The active clergyman simultaneously taught the word of God in the senior classes of the gymnasium. In 1996 it began work activity in Krutitsky Compound. Father Daniel provided support to people who fell under the influence of sects and occult scammers. He was a member of the psychological organization of the Counseling Center. The team was headed by hieromonk

Since his studies at the MDA, Father Daniil Sysoev was known as an adherent of the idea of ​​​​the truth of the Orthodox faith. Actively discussed with teachers and students. He did not recognize compromises and deviations from the canons of Orthodoxy.

At the age of 26 he graduated from the MDA with a candidate of theology degree. He was ordained a priest in 2001. The ceremony was performed in person II.

Two years later, with the blessing of the Moscow Patriarchate, he founded a monastery for preachers in the south of Moscow. Over the next three years, a wooden church was erected here - the predecessor of the future sanctuary of the prophet Daniel. The temporary refuge was called the Church of the Apostle Thomas. Orthodox religious meetings and conversations were held there. Daniil Sysoev prepared preachers to take to the streets of the city with the goal of bringing the Orthodox faith to the masses.


IN teenage years During his studies, he married Yulia Brykina. Julia's father is a major businessman. The wife of Father Daniel herself is successfully engaged in writing. Three children were born in the marriage. The girls were given ancient and beautiful names: Justina, Dorothea and Angelina.

Teaching practice

In addition to training preachers, Father Daniel taught courses in liturgy and missiology. He taught within the walls of the Pererva Seminary. The priest helped create schools of preachers in other cities of Russia (Saratov, Ulyanovsk, Murmansk).


The missionary activity of the famous priest was not of an aggressive nature. Among the parishioners, Daniil Sysoev preached gently and without attacks on other religions, because the power of his words was in conviction. He was an active and active person, took part in disputes with adherents of Islam. In heated debates, he did not agree with the tenets of this faith and with its representatives. Father Daniil received threats against him constantly, but he was not afraid and had already managed to get used to them. The nature of his activities meant that there were many who disagreed with his speeches.

On the evening of November 19, 2009, the killer broke into the parish of Father Daniel. With two shots at point-blank range he wounded the clergyman in the head and chest. The attacker's face could not be seen; it was hidden behind a medical mask. Next to Father Daniil was the regent Strelbitsky, who was also wounded in the chest area. After the attack, the criminal fled. On the night of November 20, 2009, Father Daniil Sysoev died in the hospital.

He was buried on November 23. The funeral service took place in Yasenevo, where his body was interred. Attended the funeral great amount man, the public was shocked by the impudence and nature of the death of the priest. The Moscow clergy, led by Patriarch Kirill, arrived to say goodbye to Father Daniel. The Patriarch performed a funeral prayer near the final resting place of Daniil Sysoev. The grave of Father Daniil is located at the Kuntsevo cemetery in Moscow.


Father Daniel left a memory of himself in the hearts of people. He was remembered as a well-read man, he had the talent to remember a lot of information. Easily found mutual language with people, differed from religious preachers in his simplicity of communication and lack of pride.

Notes of a priest

Daniil Sysoev's wife, Yulia, after his death, published several books on religious topics. Her first work is “Notes of a Priest.” The book aims to erase the boundaries between an ordinary person and a priest. It reveals the secret of the life of clergy and their families.

The first book was a success, and later Julia published several more works. In one of them, “God Doesn’t Pass By,” the theme of changing religion is revealed. Thus, the missionary activity of Father Daniel found a response in the works of his wife. And even after his tragic death, ideas and devotion to the faith of Christ live on in the people close to him.

Philosopher about Father Daniel

Arkady Mahler met Father Daniil in 2005. This event took place at the apartment of mutual friends at the table. Arkady was surprised by Daniel's simple manner of communication, the absence of excessive pathos in speeches and arrogance, often inherent in priests. Daniil Sysoev did not stand out for his special charisma or psychological tricks in conversation. He behaved modestly and tried not to offend anyone.

They came from his heart, so they were devoid of spectacular pauses and filled with conviction that they were right. He only wanted to convey his thoughts to his listeners, convince them of sincerity and call for calm reasoning about the Orthodox faith.

Father Daniel was open to people, always ready to help and become a mentor. He brought light to people and true faith into God. He was reminiscent of the priests of antiquity who brought religion to the masses. God was in all his conversations and actions. The man was devoted to his work and did not know fatigue.

Missionary work occupied his entire being. The crowd of listeners was constantly arriving, and these were completely random people from everywhere. People came to the sermons from the street, this showed the character of Father Daniel. He did not divide them into friends and foes. In the photo, Daniil Sysoev often has a recognizable light, slightly sly smile.

Memoirs of Father Georgy (Maksimov)

Father George received a call immediately after the tragedy with a request for prayer for the servant of God Daniel. He immediately hurried to the Church of St. Thomas on Kantemirovskaya. Managed to arrive by the time Father Daniil was taken out ambulance, and he was still alive. By midnight it became known about the death of Daniil Sysoev. At this time, a service was being held at the temple, since they were not allowed inside (the police were working and federal Service security).

This priest is remembered as a truthful and sincere person. He never lied or was a hypocrite. God was at the core of his life. Father Daniel remained in memory as a bright, sincere believer and friend.

"Instructions for Immortals"

In addition to missionary and teaching activities, Daniil Sysoev conducted conversations with parishioners directly in the Church of St. Thomas. After his death, Mother Julia began publishing the works that survived. One of these publications was the book “Instructions for Immortals.”

Its pages contain lectures by Father Daniil Sysoev, parables deciphered during his lifetime and prepared for publication. Due to the fact that the book was published after the death of the priest, Julia’s actions were criticized. Mother herself notes that Father Daniel’s blessing for the appearance of this collection of lectures was given to them personally, and there is nothing illegal in their appearance.


The chronicle of “Beginnings” by Daniil Sysoev was released in 1999. The book is easy and in clear language describes the foundation of the Earth from ancient times to the present day. The priest clearly explains the role of Adam and Eve, Noah's Ark in the creation of the world. The text is written in a unique, individual style.

In the book you can find answers to all questions about the origin of life on Earth and the meaning of existence. It puts into place all available biblical knowledge and structures thoughts about the emergence of nations. Father Daniel presents to the public evidence of the Divine creation of the world, confirming this with modern scientific discoveries.

The main secret of Christians

The book contains an interpretation for new believers. For many people who have converted to Orthodoxy, the process of worship and the understanding of the process of the Liturgy and the All-Night Vigil are not easy for them. It is for such believers that the book was written.

It reveals the meaning of the language of the clergy, the beauty of church action. Father Daniil Sysoev in " The main secret Christians" tells about the differences in daily services and prayer services on Holy Holidays. Reveals the meaning of actions and conveys in simple language the essence of what is happening under the church vaults. Opens for the reader secret meaning communion.

"Islam. Orthodox view"

A book with this title was published after the death of Father Daniel. It is based on the lectures of the priest. In them, Daniil Sysoev analyzes Islamic doctrine. The analysis is based on the study of the life of the Prophet Muhammad and is carried out through comparative theology.

During his lifetime, Father Daniel was an expert in the Koran. According to reviews of people who knew him personally, he knew him extremely thoroughly. During his missionary activities, Daniil Sysoev spoke critically of the Islamic religion, thereby making many enemies who openly threatened his life.

In each chapter of the book “Islam. Orthodox View” makes a critical comparison of this religion with the faith of Christ. Reasoned conclusions supported by references to sources are presented to the reader.


Father Daniel predicted his tragic death at the hands of a killer. His death was worthy for a preacher and missionary. The criminal was subsequently discovered in the Republic of Dagestan. He turned out to be a citizen of Kyrgyzstan Beksultan Karybekov. He was eliminated during the capture process.

The calls of the Moscow clergy to reveal the entire chain and arrest those who ordered the murder were not heard, and the case was closed.

Father Daniil Sysoev will remain in the memory of his contemporaries as a bright and active person, bringing God's word to the people. After his conversations and disputes with representatives of Islam, some Muslims converted to Orthodoxy. This largely explains why aggressive behavior and the terrible result of radical Islamist groups towards the priest. However, like-minded people of Father Daniel believe that even one person brought to Orthodoxy is already a victory, and all efforts were not in vain.

Daniil Sysoev always conducted sermons with Muslims gently and without aggression; disputes with them were conducted sincerely and were interesting to listeners. The priest was the first person who managed to establish peaceful contact with representatives of the Islamic faith and practice disputes and conversations about faith without mutual aggression and pressure.

Father Daniil Sysoev, death and blasphemy

Pravaya.ru continues to blaspheme

Archpriest Vladimir Pereslegin

Truly, death reveals everything. The death of priest Daniil Sysoev exposed the fact that the martyrs of the false prophet Mohammed, who threatened to kill him, did not mince words.

They knew nothing about the “Uranopolitism” of Priest Daniel, nor about his connections with Deacon A. Kuraev. They knew only one thing: Sysoev says and writes that Allah is not God. “If you don’t stop talking about Islam like that, we’ll kill you.” Father Daniel continued, insisting that the definitions of the Council of Constantinople of 1180 are binding on us, which declared that the God of the Holy Scriptures is not the god of Mahommet.

This mission of his was primarily internal, directed inside the Church. He testified to his true Christianity by the fact that, relying on the Revelation of God - the source of our faith - and on the decrees of the Holy Councils that are binding on us, he refuted absurd opinions mass consciousness who have penetrated the Church and threaten the purity of the one saving Faith.

He successfully destroyed the immutable cliches of mass consciousness: “Everyone has one God. God loves everyone. God doesn't punish anyone. I understand the Bible in my own way. I have my own faith. Everyone has their own faith. All faiths are good. Faith cannot divide."

His mission is equally directed against false opinions and apostate positions and, who taught: God is non-confessional. He doesn't belong to a particular religion, and an ordinary Moscow priest declaring on the Russian Line: I have nothing against Islam and have respect for it.

As for Ramakrishna, Vivekananda and non-Christian mysticism in general, it is very difficult to generalize. But no matter who a person prays to, he actually prays to the only God who exists. You can put an idol in front of you, but if you pray to God, beyond the idol you are heard by the One who is, and not by the one who is not. God is non-confessional (Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh. Conversation on Contemplation. Moscow, 1971).

These contagious viruses of indifference to Christ and disregard for the Truth are peculiar dogmas new religion. This “zero religion” of the new Russians is aggressively corroding dogmatic faith, becoming in our time “ commonplace" So “obvious” for modernists that its refutation looks in their eyes as something indecent, provocative, and criminal.

Father Daniel was the main initiator of provocative debates with Muslims, the purpose of which he saw as to publicly theologically prove the fact that the Koran is not an inspired scripture (Yana Brazhnikova, Ilya Khaskovich, Ilya Brazhnikov. Russian Orthodox Church of the era of consumption. Right. Ru).

Disputes with Muslims were carried out even by Saints Cyril and Methodius! Their goal was absolutely the same as that of Father Daniel. Only time has changed - now the “right”, having lost the Right Faith, consider the testimony of Truth a provocation.

Weren't Cyril and Methodius afraid of jihad? Islam has not changed since then. But they overcame fear with the love of God.

It’s amazing how Karpets, Maxim Shevchenko, Heydar Dzhemal are united in this, if I may say so, common modern “brand” (or “trend”?) of aggressive indifference to Salvation, the Eternal Life and the Heavenly Kingdom. Nothing prevents us from adding Pugacheva, Kobzon, Kalmanovich to the list...

But the worst thing is that this irresponsible, primitive and at the same time absurd “brand” (or “trend”?) of indifference perfectly serves the inherently terrible expansion of earthly faith, that bitter star Wormwood, which fell on the sources of water, which the interpreters of the Apocalypse identified with Islam.

Now let's listen to the new Holy Martyr.

What is the difference between Christianity and Islam.

Many modern people do not see the difference between Islam and Christianity. They say: “We believe in one God. Muslims also revere Jesus, Mary, and the prophets, but the difference is only in the ritual. These are two paths to one God.”

One such figure even went so far as to say that we will only know who is right in the dispute between Christians and Muslims, whose faith is true, only after the grave. But let's see if this is true? After all, we already said above that Muslims will go to hell after death. What is the reason for such a grave sentence of the word of God addressed to the followers of Mohammed? Let's turn to the primary sources of these two religions - the Bible and the Koran - to find out whether Christians and Muslims serve the same God.

According to the Koran, Christians who said “Christ is the Son of God” are worthy of disgust: “These words in their mouths are like the words of those who did not believe before. May Allah strike them! How disgusted they are! ... They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their lips, but Allah does not allow anything other than to complete his light, even if the polytheists hate it” (Quran. 9; 30, 32).

According to the Bible, “whoever denies the Son does not have the Father” (1 John 2:23). Thus, for the Bible (which Muhammad requires listening to - see Koran. 2, 79 (85); 3, 2 (3)) Muslims are actual atheists. The wrath of God remains on them (John 3:36). They were condemned even before the Judgment, because they did not believe in the name of the Only Begotten Son of God (John 3:18) and did not honor the Father who Sent Him (John 5:23).

Christians venerate the greatest saints - martyrs who went to death for the name of the risen Christ, thereby demonstrating the power of the Lord. They are witnesses of the victory of the Son of God over death.

Muslims honor as martyrs the “martyrs” who kill in a holy war—those who, in their opinion, are unfaithful to Allah.

Christians venerate the Holy Cross as the altar on which our salvation was accomplished. The cross is a sword that cuts through the snares of the devil, the glory of angels and victory over sin. We sanctify everything with the sign of the cross, and thus avoid demonic intrigues.

Muslims reject the life-giving Tree and consider it an idol. In the lands they conquered, they often forced Christians to remove Crosses from churches. And instead of this sign of victory over Satan, they venerate the black stone in Mecca, considering it (according to one version of their mythology) a petrified angel.

The Orthodox are waiting for the heavenly Kingdom, where the righteous will shine like the sun. They will enjoy the contemplation of the Creator Himself, Who will be their Father, and they will be His children. Our main joy is in the contemplation of God and in union with Him.

Muslims are waiting for a crude material paradise, where carnal pleasures await them (including aesthetic, “gastronomic” and “sexual” ones). Any possibility of union with the Creator is vehemently rejected by Muslims, except Sufis. But they also believe that a person, having met God, himself disappears and dissolves in Him.

Are such opposite religions really “two paths to the same peak,” as many say? No, here it is necessary to make a choice between the Revelation of God Himself, who became Man and saved us with His Blood, and the revelation of a certain spirit that gave nothing to its adherents except returning under the yoke of the external Law.

The victim was a victim of the promotion of a certain trend, - write the “Right”, - a process in which the Russian Orthodox Church is only one of the links, and by no means the most influential.

Trend for holiness, happiness, success.

Yes, the Brazhnikovs and Khaskovich. You're right.

Father Daniil Sysoev is holy, blessed and successful. And happy.

Only one thing was wrong: not he, but you - the unfortunate victims of your “trend”.

He is a voluntary sacrifice of love for the Lord Jesus, a sacrifice for those who hate and love him, a sacrifice pleasing to God, who hates untruth and seeks the truth.

I feel sorry for you. Father Daniel has a homeland beyond his grave. He is in the arms of those spiritually close to him, Sergius of Radonezh, Boris and Gleb, and Nikola Ugodnik. This is the real Russia.

But you don’t have it here, and you won’t have it there, unless you repent and put an end to branding.

When my father worked as an altar boy in the Church of the Beheading of John the Baptist in the village of Afineevo, Moscow Region, Daniil helped him at the altar and sang in the choir. In the summer of the year he took part in restoration work in the reviving Optina Pustyn. When the revival of the Church of All Saints of the former Novoalekseevsky Monastery began, Daniel also sang in the choir there, and the rector, Father Artemy Vladimirov, recommended him for admission to the Moscow Theological Seminary.

After graduating from the seminary, he was appointed full-time cleric of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Gonchary - Bulgarian Compound.

In the same year, the second daughter, Dorofea, was born.

He was the secretary of the Missionary and Educational Center “Shestodnev”, an employee of the rehabilitation center for victims of totalitarian cults and pseudo-religious movements in the name of St. right John of Kronstadt. Father Daniil founded a school of street preachers in Moscow, and also helped in organizing similar schools in Saratov, Ulyanovsk and Murmansk.

For his active missionary work and polemics with Muslims, he was often criticized by Muslims and received threats.

The funeral service took place on November 23 of the same year in the Moscow Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Yasenevo; in the morning a Liturgy took place in the church, after which the vicar of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', Archbishop Arseny of Istra, led the funeral service for the deceased. The dean of the city of Moscow and a host of Moscow clergy took part in the funeral service. At the end of the funeral service, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' arrived at the church and from the pulpit addressed those gathered with a primal speech, after which he performed a funeral litany at the tomb of the deceased. He was buried on the territory of the Church of the Savior of the Image Not Made by Hands on Setun in the territory of the Kuntsevo cemetery in Moscow.

“And I have news again. Today, you will laugh, but the Muslims again promised to kill me. Now on the phone. Well, I’m tired. Already the 14th time. I’m already used to it, otherwise it was annoying before. And God won’t give it away, Islam will not eat. And so I ask everyone to pray. Now I’m no longer afraid. I stopped being afraid five years ago. But now I’m just used to living under a constant threat. After all, the authorities informed me about this same Islamic threat, and not just the Muslims themselves. And so everything is in the hands of God. And if anything happens, go straight to heaven and without ordeals. - This is great! " .



  • The chronicle has begun. - Sretensky Monastery Publishing House, 1999. - 2nd edition: Axios Publishing House, 2003. - M.: Charitable Foundation "Missionary Center named after Priest Daniil Sysoev", 2011. - 608 p.
  • A Protestant's Walk Orthodox church. Published by the author, 2001. - M.: Charitable Foundation "Missionary Center named after Priest Daniil Sysoev", 2011. - 96 p.
  • Anthropology of Seventh-day Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses. - M.: Publishing house “Russian Chronograph”, Missionary and educational center “Shestodnev”, 2002.
  • “Who is like God?” or how long the day of creation lasted. - Publishing house: Dushepopechitelsky Orthodox Center saint righteous John Kronstadtsky, 2003., - M.: Charitable Foundation "Missionary Center named after Priest Daniil Sysoev", 2011. - 170 p.
  • Why haven't you been baptized yet? - Publishing house "Danilovsky Evangelist", 2004. - 2nd edition: Publishing house of the Temple of the Prophet Daniel on Kantemirovskaya, 2008. - 3rd edition: Charitable Foundation "Missionary Center named after Priest Daniil Sysoev", 2011. - 128 p. .
  • Why go to church every Sunday? - M.: Temple of the Prophet Daniel on Kantemirovskaya, 2007, 2008, M.: Charitable Foundation "Missionary Center named after Priest Daniil Sysoev", 2011 - 48 p.
  • Married to an unbeliever? - M.: Publishing house of the Church of the Prophet Daniel on Kantemirovskaya, 2007. Publishing house of the Soul Care Center of St. right John of Kronstadt, 2003. - 144 p. Circulation: 10,000., - Charitable Foundation "Missionary Center named after Priest Daniil Sysoev", 2010. - 32 p.
  • Marriage to a Muslim. - M.: Publishing house of the Temple of the Prophet Daniel on Kantemirovskaya, 2006. Circulation: 3000 copies. - M.: Charitable Foundation "Missionary Center named after Priest Daniil Sysoev", 2012. - 256 p.
  • Will the unbaptized be saved? - M.: Charitable Foundation "Missionary Center named after Priest Daniil Sysoev", 2010. - 128 p.
  • Public conversations. - M.: Charitable Foundation "Missionary Center named after Priest Daniil Sysoev", 2010. - 352 p.
  • Instructions for immortals. - M.: Charitable Foundation "Missionary Center named after Priest Daniil Sysoev", 2011. - 160 p.
  • How to Inherit Eternal Life ( eBook V pdf formats and epub) - M.: Charitable Foundation "Missionary Center named after Priest Daniil Sysoev", 2010. - 320 p.
  • How often should you take communion? (co-authored with Deacon Yu. Maksimov). - M.: Charitable Foundation "Missionary Center named after Priest Daniil Sysoev", 2011. - 128 p.
  • Questions to priest Daniil Sysoev. - M.: Charitable Foundation "Missionary Center named after Priest Daniil Sysoev", 2011. - 192 p.
  • In simple words about the mystery of the Trinity. - M.: Charitable Foundation "Missionary Center named after Priest Daniil Sysoev", 2011. - 64 p.
  • Instructions for the fisher of men. - M.: Charitable Foundation "Missionary Center named after Priest Daniil Sysoev", 2011. - 96 p.
  • Islam. Orthodox view. - M.: Spiritual heritage ANO, 2011. - 96 p.
  • Citizen of the sky. - M.: Charitable Foundation "Missionary Center named after Priest Daniil Sysoev", 2011. - 224 p.
  • Diary of a missionary. - M.: Charitable Foundation "Missionary Center named after Priest Daniil Sysoev", 2011. - 128 p.
  • Course of lectures on dogmatic theology. - M.: Charitable Foundation "Missionary Center named after Priest Daniil Sysoev", 2011. - 432 p.
  • Interpretation of the Apocalypse. - M.: Charitable Foundation "Missionary Center named after Priest Daniil Sysoev", 2011. - 384 p.
  • Holiness lessons. - M.: Charitable Foundation "Missionary Center named after Priest Daniil Sysoev", 2011. - 544 p.
  • Sermons. - M.: Charitable Foundation "Missionary Center named after Priest Daniil Sysoev", 2012. - 288 p.
  • Interpretation of the book of the prophet Daniel. - M.: Charitable Foundation "Missionary Center named after Priest Daniil Sysoev", 2012. - 320 p.
  • Conversations about passions. - M.: Charitable Foundation "Missionary Center named after Priest Daniil Sysoev", 2012. - 144 p.
  • God's Law. - M.: Charitable Foundation "Missionary Center named after Priest Daniil Sysoev", 2012. - 544 p.
  • How to find out the will of God. - M.: Charitable Foundation "Missionary Center named after Priest Daniil Sysoev", 2012. - 96 p.
  • A book that sobers a person. Interpretation of the book of Ecclesiastes. - M.: Charitable Foundation "Missionary Center named after Priest Daniil Sysoev", 2012. - 176 p.

Articles in collections

  • "Six Days Against Evolution." In Defense of the Patristic Doctrine of Creation (Collection of Articles). Edited by Deacon Daniil Sysoev. - Publishing house “Palomnik”, 2000.
  • Divine revelation and modern science. Almanac: Issue 1. Ed. priest Daniil Sysoev, candidate of theology. - Publishing house “Palomnik”, 2001.
  • Divine revelation and modern science. Almanac: Issue 2. Ed. priest Daniil Sysoev, candidate of theology. - Publishing house of the Temple of the Prophet Daniel on Kantemirovskaya, 2005.
  • “The Orthodox response to Islam” (using the example of one apostasy). Editor and compiler of the collection: Yu. V. Maksimov. - Publishing house of the Temple of the Prophet Daniel on Kantemirovskaya, Orthodox Missionary Brotherhood of St. Amir of Jerusalem, 2007.

Daniil Sysoev - biography Priest Daniil Alekseevich Sysoev, was born on January 12, 1974 in Moscow, in a family of teachers and artists. Father, priest Alexey Nikolaevich Sysoev, now rector of the temple of St. John the Theologian at the Orthodox Classical Gymnasium “Yasenevo” and a cleric of the Church of Peter and Paul in Yasenevo, and his mother, Anna Midkhatovna Amirova, teaches the Law of God at the same Gymnasium

On October 31, 1977, he received the Sacrament of Holy Baptism in the church Life-Giving Trinity on the Sparrow Hills St. Evgeniy. Since 1977, they have become permanent parishioners of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, in Kuznetskaya Sloboda. Then we also went to the small Cathedral of the Donskoy Monastery, the Church of the Deposition of the Robe on Shabolovka. When my father worked as an altar boy in the Church of the Beheading of John the Baptist in the village. Afineevo, Moscow region, Daniil helped him at the altar and sang in the choir. In the summer of 1988, he participated in restoration work in the reviving Optina Pustyn. When the revival of the Church of All Saints began. Novoalekseevsky Monastery, where the rector, Fr., also sang in the choir. Artemy Vladimirov recommended Daniil Sysovev for admission to the Moscow Theological Seminary

After graduation high school in 1991, he entered the Moscow Theological Seminary. While studying at the Seminary, he served as a singer and director of the mixed choir of the Regency School. December 19, 1994 His Eminence Rostislav Bishop. Magadan and Chukotka consecrated Sysoev as a reader

On January 22, 1995, he married a girl of the Orthodox faith, Yulia Mikhailovna Brykina. The Sacrament of Wedding was performed in the gymnasium church of St. St. John the Theologian Dionisy Pozdnyaev. In the same year their daughter Justina was born.

May 13, 1995 His Grace Eugene Bishop. Vereisky ordained Daniil Sysoev to the rank of deacon. On June 14, 1995, he graduated from the Moscow Theological Seminary in the first category and entered the Correspondence Sector of the Moscow Theological Academy, which he graduated in 2000. On June 9, 2000, the Council of the Moscow Theological Academy approved the topic for him PhD thesis“Anthropology of the 7th Day Adventists and the Watchtower Society and its analysis”

After graduating from the Seminary, Sysoev was appointed by Patriarchal Decree as a full-time cleric of the Church of the Assumption Holy Mother of God in Gonchary - Bulgarian Compound. Since September 1995, he has been teaching the Law of God in the senior classes of the Orthodox Classical Gymnasium “Yasenevo”. On May 24, 2000, he was awarded a certificate of gratitude from the Department of Religious Education and Catechesis for teaching.

Since August 1996, with the blessing His Holiness Patriarch, Daniel conducted missionary biblical conversations with people affected by the activities of sects and occultists at the Krutitsky Patriarchal Compound. After the creation of the Soul Care Center named after St. right John of Kronstadt under the leadership of Rev. Anatoly (Berestov), ​​he became his employee

In 1999, with the blessing of His Holiness the Patriarch, the publishing house of the Sretensky Monastery published his book “Chronicle of the Beginning,” dedicated to the defense of the patristic teaching on the creation of the world

In 2000, Sysoev graduated from the Moscow Theological Academy. Candidate of Theology. Ordained to the priesthood in 2001. In the same year, his second daughter was born - Dorofea

Served in the church of St. Peter and Paul in Yasenevo (Moscow). Secretary of the Missionary and Educational Center “Shestodnev”. Employee of the rehabilitation center for victims of totalitarian cults and pseudo-religious movements in the name of St. right John of Kronstadt. Author of the book “Chronicle of the Beginning” (M. 1999), editor of the collection “Six Days against Evolution” (M. 2000) and the almanac “Divine Revelation and Modern Science.” Published more than a dozen articles of a creationist and anti-sectarian orientation." On November 19, Priest Daniil Sysov, rector of the Church of the Apostle Thomas on Kantemirovskaya, a famous missionary and apologist, was shot dead. This happened at 22:30. The killer was wearing a mask, burst into the temple, he opened fire and first wounded the choir director Vladimir. At the same time, he shouted “Where is Sysoev?" Father Daniil was in the altar at that time, preparing to confess. Hearing the noise and screams, Father Daniil came out of the altar. The killer shot him twice, Father Daniil fell and the killer shot him in the head, after which he disappeared. Father Daniil, without regaining consciousness, died in the hospital at 00:15. At 2:45, Priest Alexy Lymarev celebrated a memorial service near the church, which was attended by the relatives and spiritual children of Father Daniil. To Priest Daniil Sysoev was 35 years old, three daughters were left without a father. Father Daniil repeatedly said that he received threats from Muslims. However, the preaching of Christ was most important for him. Father Daniil very much loved his parish and the temple that he built, and in which he graduated from earthly path. He was killed while performing priestly service, leaving confession, wearing an stole and holding a cross. We ask everyone for prayers for the murdered priest Daniel, as well as prayers for the health of the servant of God Vladimir, who is now in the hospital

Murder investigation. Versions According to the main initial version of the criminal investigation, the murder was committed on religious grounds: the deceased had previously been repeatedly threatened by representatives of a certain extremist group

On November 20, 2009, the head of the press service of the Moscow Patriarchate, priest Vladimir Vigilyansky, who personally knew the murdered man, said about him: “Father Daniel was a bright figure in the Moscow priesthood - a creative, active man, a true preacher and missionary. I think he suffered precisely because of his active position" A similar opinion was expressed on the same day by MDA professor Protodeacon Andrey Kuraev. For help in catching the killer, the Investment Holding “Your Financial Trustee” announced a reward of 1 million rubles

Temple of the Apostle Thomas Main article: Church of the Apostle Thomas in Tsaritsyn In 2005, the Moscow government allocated 0.5 hectares of land in Tsaritsyn (Proletarsky Avenue, 62/16) to the community headed by Daniil Sysoev for construction stone temple in honor of the prophet Daniel. By November 2006, a temporary wooden temple was erected in honor of the Apostle Thomas

The church has missionary courses, a singing school, an icon painting school, and a scout troop. In 2009, four years after the land was allocated, the Moscow Department of Natural Resources, pointing out violations of environmental legislation by the community’s activities, stated [source?] that there would be a park area and a nature reserve in this place - instead of a temple. In August 2009, the deputy prefect of the South-Eastern Administrative District stated that a decision in principle had been made to allow the construction of a temple in this place, and residents, during public hearings on the new General Plan of Moscow, demanded that the temple be included in the draft General Plan

Position and activities He was known for his active missionary work among Muslim migrants (in Moscow), the conversion of Tatars to Orthodoxy, discussions about creationism, disputes with Muslims, multi-page polemics and articles about patriotism and “Uranopolitism”. Some media classified his assessments of Islam and Muslims as “radical”, in connection with which he was criticized and received threats

He spoke on the topics of preaching Orthodoxy and missionary work among various non-Orthodox groups, including skinheads, Old Believers, and Muslims. Since August 1996, he conducted conversations with people who suffered from the activities of sects and occultists. Took a conservative position in relation to yoga, karate, Latin American dances and belly dancing, urging Christians not to attend these classes. Criticized the theory of evolution, was the editor of the collection “Six Days Against Evolution”

He adhered to the views of “Uranopolitism” (from the Greek Uranos - sky, polis - city), asserting the primacy of Divine laws over earthly ones, the primacy of love for the heavenly Father and His heavenly kingdom. Ouranopolitism recognizes that the main kinship is not kinship by blood or country of origin, but kinship in Christ. Father Daniel said that in Christ Jesus “there is neither Greek nor Jew,” and the propaganda of nationalism is a departure from true Christianity. Here he meant nationalism as a feeling of superiority of one's nation over others, and not as upholding national interests and culture. Regarding the second, he believed that only Christianity can provide real national identity, saying: So which religion provides real national identity? It is obvious that only Christianity, which does not destroy nations, but indicates its place of love for the nation in the general chorus of a truly universal Faith

Criticism of the position In 2007, the co-chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia, Nafigulla Ashirov, was going to sue Daniil Sysoev for the book “Marriage with a Muslim,” which, according to him, contains expressions offensive to Muslims; Nafigulla Ashirov named Orthodox priest"Russian Salman Rushdie"

Journalist Khalida Khamidulina accused Daniil Sysoev of inciting hatred of Islam in his publications and filed a lawsuit

In the fall of 2009, Sysoev himself claimed that he had been repeatedly threatened with death for his statements about Islam

Anonymous commentators hidden behind neo-Nazi nicknames, as well as some far-right Orthodox publications, expressed their dissatisfaction with the position of Daniil Sysoev for his anti-monarchist position

Representatives of the Old Believers gave negative assessments to the statements of Daniil Sysoev regarding some aspects of their doctrine, considered his publications about the Old Believers as slander against the Old Orthodox Church, accusing him of a low level of argumentation of the expressed judgments and distortion historical facts

Priest Daniil Sysoev
Birth name: Daniil Alekseevich Sysoev
Occupation: Priest of the Russian Orthodox Church
Date of birth: January 12, 1974
Place of birth: Moscow, USSR
Date of death: November 20, 2009
Place of death: Moscow, Russia
Father: Archpriest Alexy Nikolaevich Sysoev
Mother: Anna Midkhatovna (Amirova) Sysoeva
Spouse: Yulia Mikhailovna Sysoeva
Children: Justina, Dorothea, Angelina

Daniil Alekseevich Sysoev(January 12, 1974, Moscow - November 20, 2009, Moscow) - priest of the Russian Orthodox Church, rector of the Moscow Church of St. Thomas the Apostle on Kantemirovskaya, founder of the Orthodox Missionary School.
He was actively involved in missionary activities, in particular, preaching Orthodoxy to Muslims. He was criticized by them for his statements about Islam. He was killed by an unidentified person in the temple while performing priestly duties. Many Orthodox Christians consider Father Daniel's death a martyrdom and expect his canonization in the future.

In his own words, “half Russian, half Tatar.” He grew up in a family of Soviet dissidents. Father - priest Alexey Nikolaevich Sysoev, rector of the Church of the Apostle John the Theologian at the Orthodox classical gymnasium "Yasenevo" and cleric of the Church of Peter and Paul in Yasenevo. Mother - Anna Midkhatovna Amirova; teaches “The Law of God” at the same gymnasium. My maternal great-grandfather was a mullah.
In the summer of 1988, he participated in restoration work in the reviving Optina Pustyn, where he met the future hieromonk Vasily (Roslyakov) (on April 18, 1993, killed along with the Optina Pustyn monks Trofim and Ferapont).
In 1991, he entered the Moscow Theological Seminary with a reference and recommendation issued by priest Artemy Vladimirov (whom he tried to imitate in many ways). At the Seminary he served as a singer and director of the mixed choir of the Regency School.
Even at a young age, while studying at the Moscow Theological Seminary, he was imbued with the ardent conviction that only Orthodoxy contains saving truth. Possessing excellent abilities, he is already in student years knew church canons and argued heatedly with students and teachers when they made the slightest compromise.

In 1994, Bishop Rostislav (Devyatov) of Magadan ordained him as a reader. In the same year, he married Yulia Mikhailovna Brykina, the daughter of the famous businessman Mikhail Brykin. In 1995 he graduated from the Moscow Theological Seminary. In 1995 he was ordained to the priesthood of deacon. In the same year he entered the Moscow Theological Academy, continuing his education in the correspondence sector.
The deacon's service took place in the Church of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Gonchari (Bulgarian Compound). Not tolerating any compromises in observing the charter, he was in a conflictual relationship with the rector of the temple, Archimandrite Boris (Dobrev) (now the Bishop of Agathonica of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church).
In 2000 he graduated from the Moscow Theological Academy with a PhD in Theology. Topic of the defended dissertation: “Anthropology of the 7th Day Adventists and the Watchtower Society and its analysis.” In January 2001, he was ordained to the priesthood of priest by His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, and appointed cleric of the Church of Peter and Paul in Yasenevo, under the rector, Abbot Melchizedek (Artyukhin).

In 2003, he organized an independent parish community in the Kantemirovskaya metro area, and having received the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II in November 2003, he began organizing the construction of a new church in honor of the Prophet Daniel (his heavenly patron) on the territory of the South administrative district city ​​of Moscow. In November 2006, a temporary wooden temple was erected, the throne of which was consecrated in honor of the Apostle Thomas.
At the Church of the Apostle Thomas, where he was rector, a missionary movement developed, which included training courses for Orthodox “street missionaries,” whose task was to attract people to the Orthodox faith by addressing passers-by on the street.

Family of Daniil Sysoev
Was married to Julia Sysoeva(nee Brykina). The marriage produced three daughters: Justina, Dorothea and Angelina.

Teaching activities of Daniil Sysoev
Since September 1995, he taught the Law of God in the senior classes of the Yasenevo Orthodox Classical Gymnasium.
From approximately 2000 to 2004, he taught liturgics at evening theological courses at the church of St. Peter and Paul in Yasenevo (the courtyard of the Holy Vvedenskaya Optina Hermitage in Moscow).

From 2004 to 2009, he first taught liturgics and then missiology at the Perervinsk Orthodox Theological Seminary at the Nikolo-Perervinsky Monastery.

Missionary activities of Daniil Sysoev
By missionary activity, Father Daniil Sysoev meant, first of all, the preaching word about Christ. At every service he always preached a sermon. At the Liturgy, he spoke a word dedicated to the topic of the Gospel reading, at the All-Night Vigil - a sermon on the topic of an event or saint celebrated by the Church, he also spoke a word at a prayer service and at a memorial service, and in general on any occasion.

Since 1997, he has held regular Thursday evening Bible talks (Bible reading with interpretation), first at the Krutitsky courtyard, and since 2006 at the Church of the Apostle Thomas on Kantemirovskaya. First I read a chapter from the Old Testament and interpreted almost every verse, based on the interpretations of St. John Chrysostom and other holy fathers. Then a chapter or at least part of a chapter from the New Testament (mainly Acts or Epistles or the Apocalypse) was read and a verse-by-verse interpretation was given to the place being read.

In 2007, he led a missionary group’s trip to the Kryashen villages of Tatarstan.

In 2008, a summer trip of a missionary group to the Republic of Kyrgyzstan was organized. In which Fr. Daniel accepted Active participation: Conducted several conversations both in local Orthodox parishes and with local residents, and performed several baptisms local residents. Part of the missionary group made a trip to the Muslim region - near the city of Osh.

In 2009, a new trip of the missionary group to the city of Zainsk - the administrative center of the Zainsky district of Tatarstan.

There were also many personal trips (without a missionary group) to different dioceses of Russia and throughout foreign countries- for example, two trips in 2007 and 2008 to Macedonia.

Father Daniel was one of the main participants in two open disputes with Muslims:

Is the Bible or Koran a revelation from God?
The idea of ​​God.

And three debates with the Old Believers (with representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church):

Ritual and faith.
Symbol of faith.
Old and new rituals.

Regularly participated in various television and radio programs.


On November 19, 2009, he was mortally wounded in the Church of the Apostle Thomas with two shots from a pistol (according to other sources, there were four shots). The killer (“non-Russian,” as noted by eyewitnesses by his “characteristic accent”), who was wearing a medical mask, also shot twice at the choir director who met him at the exit and disappeared. Daniil Sysoev died on the operating table at 0:15 on November 20 of the same year.

Funeral service for Fr. Daniil Sysoev on November 23, 2009 in the Church of Peter and Paul in Yasenevo was headed by Archbishop Arseny (Epifanov); At the end of the funeral service, Patriarch Kirill performed a funeral litany at the coffin of the deceased. In his speech, Patriarch Kirill said, in particular:
“Father Daniel did a lot to establish God’s truth, but probably the most strong word what he said is what we are witnessing today. If a person is killed for God’s truth, this means that this truth strikes people who do not accept it and has enormous power. »

At the funeral service Fr. Daniel was attended by 237 priests and about a thousand laity.

Father Daniel was buried on the territory of the Church of the Savior of the Image Not Made by Hands on Setun at the Kuntsevo cemetery in Moscow.

40 days from the death of Priest Daniil Sysoev fell on his name day - the day of remembrance of the Prophet Daniel.
Murder investigation. Versions and opinions
Previous conflicts

Daniil Sysoev himself spoke about repeated death threats for his statements about Islam in the fall of 2009.

On November 20, 2009, the head of the press service of the Moscow Patriarchate, priest Vladimir Vigilyansky, who personally knew the murdered man, said about him: “Father Daniel was a bright figure in the Moscow priesthood - a creative, active man, a true preacher and missionary. I think he suffered precisely because of his active position.” On the same day, MDA professor Protodeacon Andrei Kuraev spoke about what happened:

I am convinced that this was a religiously motivated shot. If this is so, then, of course, Father Daniel joins the number of Russian new martyrs.

On November 23, 2009, political scientist S.A. Belkovsky expressed the opinion that “Fr. Daniel had a conflict with one large company", who "wanted to take land plot, on which stood the church of St. Apostle Thomas"; it was also noted that the murder was committed on the eve of the birthday of Patriarch Kirill.

Hieromonk Dimitri (Pershin), who personally knew Fr. Daniel, responded about what happened:

The murdered Father Daniel is a martyr. Today is his birthday in Eternity. Keywords The Gospels of this day are the words of the Savior: “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body...”.

Investigation version

According to the main initial version of the criminal investigation, the murder was committed on religious grounds: the deceased had previously been repeatedly threatened by representatives of a certain extremist group. Responsibility for the murder was taken by a supporter of the Muslim emir, Doku Umarov, who had never been to the Caucasus, whose name has not been disclosed.

For assistance in catching the killer, the Investment Holding “Your Financial Trustee” announced a reward of 1 million rubles. Later, some information about the killer was provided by Caucasian resistance fighters, but the promised reward was never paid.
Incidents after the murder of Daniil Sysoev

On December 5, 2009, at about 4 pm, priest Vitaly Zubkov, a cleric of the Church of the Apostle Thomas, was beaten by three unknown men on Kantemirovskaya Street, on the way to the temple, according to information received from Zubkov himself. Father Vitaly connects the attack with the murder of the rector.

On the 40th day after the death of Priest Daniil Sysoev, December 30, 2009, DPNI decided to hold a picket dedicated to his memory. An appeal appeared on the website of the Missionary Center of the Prophet Daniel with a request not to participate in this action and “not to succumb to possible provocations on interethnic grounds.”
Statements about solving the murder of Daniil Sysoev

On March 16, 2010, the representative of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Markin, stated that on December 1, 2009, law enforcement officers shot during the arrest in Makhachkala, a native of Kyrgyzstan Beksultan Karybekov, who offered armed resistance, and seized from him a pistol, from which, according to the statement of the Investigative Committee, he was killed in November 2009 Daniil Sysoev. On the same day, the head of the press service of the Patriarchate, Vladimir Vigilyansky, said: “We, of course, are satisfied that there is some clarity associated with this high-profile crime. However, I have some doubts that the murder of Father Daniil has been fully solved.” The next day, it was reported, with reference to the words of Mr. Karybekov’s mother, the opinion of Kyrgyz journalists that the person killed on December 1, 2009 at a post in Makhachkala might not have been Beksultan Karybekov; the head of the company “Your Financial Trustee” Vasily Boyko, who had previously announced a reward for solving a murder, as of March 17, 2010, refrained from paying the bonus - due to the fact that, according to a company representative, “on this moment there is no evidence - neither documentary nor any other - that Sysoev’s killer has been found.”
Community of the Temple of the Prophet Daniel
Main article: Temple of the Prophet Daniel on Kantemirovskaya

In 2005, the Moscow government allocated 0.5 hectares of land in Moskvorechye-Saburovo (Proletarsky Prospekt, 62/16), near the Kantemirovskaya metro station, to the community of the Temple of the Prophet Daniel on Kantemirovskaya, headed by Daniil Sysoev, for the construction of a stone temple in honor of the Prophet Daniel. So far, only a temporary wooden church in honor of the Apostle Thomas has been built (in November 2006).

In August 2009, the Moscow Department of Natural Resources, pointing out the violation of environmental legislation by the activities of the community, announced its intention to demolish the temple. On August 11, 2009, the deputy prefect of the Southern Administrative District stated that a decision in principle had been made to allow the construction of a temple in this place, and residents, during public hearings on the new General Plan of Moscow, demanded that the temple be included in the draft General Plan.

The church has missionary courses, a singing school, an icon painting school, and a scout troop.
Position and activities

He was known for his active missionary work among Muslim migrants (in Moscow), the conversion of Tatars and Chechens to Orthodoxy, discussions about creationism, disputes with Muslims, multi-page polemics and articles on patriotism and “uranopolitism.” Some media outlets have characterized his assessments of Islam and Muslims as “radical.” For his harsh statements about Islam, he was also criticized by Orthodox clergy. In this regard, Sysoev repeatedly received threats against him.

He spoke on the topics of preaching Orthodoxy and missionary work among various groups, including skinheads, Old Believers, Muslims. Since August 1996, he conducted conversations with people who suffered from the activities of sects and occultists. He took a conservative position in relation to yoga, karate, Latin American dancing and belly dancing, calling on Christians not to attend these classes. He rejected the theory of evolution and was the editor of the collection “Six Days Against Evolution.”

He adhered to the views of “Uranopolitism”, which recognizes the main kinship as kinship not by blood or country of origin, but kinship in Christ. Father Daniel said that in Christ Jesus “there is neither Greek nor Jew,” and the propaganda of nationalism is a departure from true Christianity. Here he meant nationalism as a feeling of superiority of one's nationality over others, and not as defending the interests of one people and culture. Regarding the second, he believed that only Christianity can provide true national identity, saying:

So which religion provides true national identity? Obviously, only Christianity, which does not destroy nations, but indicates its place of love for the nation in the general chorus of a truly universal Faith.

He had a negative attitude towards communism, considering it an infection, the root of evil of which was a feeling of envy.

He believed that education should be only church education, and non-Christian education is obviously destructive
Criticism of the position

In 2007, the co-chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia, Nafigulla Ashirov, was planning to sue Daniil Sysoev for the book “Marriage with a Muslim,” which, according to him, contained expressions offensive to Muslims; Nafigulla Ashirov called the Orthodox priest “the Russian Salman Rushdie.”

Journalist Khalida Khamidulina accused Daniil Sysoev of inciting hatred of Islam in his publications and filed a lawsuit.

Some far-right, near-Orthodox publications expressed dissatisfaction with Daniil Sysoev for his anti-monarchist position, in the opinion of these publications.

Representatives of the Old Believers gave negative assessments of the opinions of Fr. Daniil Sysoev for his statements about the history of the schism, about the Old Believers. Especially after the publication of the article about. Daniel, entitled “Reflections on Archpriest Avvakum, Church Troubles and Love for the Motherland,” the Old Believers accused Sysoev of a low level of argumentation for the judgments he expressed, of slander, lies and distortion of historical facts. It was for this reason that three disputes took place with the Old Believers (see above in the article).

Protodeacon Andrei Kuraev, a professor at the Moscow Theological Academy, expressed “the wish... that the methods of his mission would not be canonized along with Father Daniel.” In his opinion, the “fault” that many Muslim websites reacted joyfully to the murder of the priest lies with him.

Protestants did not ignore Daniil Sysoev either, sharply polemicizing against his publications containing criticism of them from Orthodox positions.

On October 14, 2010, his widow presented a fund in his memory. According to Yulia Sysoeva, “the idea of ​​the foundation is to implement as fully as possible all the projects and ideas of Father Daniil regarding mission, charity and publishing.”

In defense of the doctrine of the Divine creation of the world

The chronicle has begun. - Sretensky Monastery Publishing House, 1999. 2nd edition: Axios Publishing House, 2003
“Who is like God?” or how long the day of creation lasted. - Orthodox Counseling Center of the Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt, 2003.

On the foundations of Orthodox Christianity

Why haven't you been baptized yet? - Danilovsky Blagovestnik, 2004. - 2nd edition: Publishing House of the Temple of the Prophet Daniel on Kantemirovskaya, 2008. ISBN 978-5-98988-014-0.
Why go to church every Sunday? - M.: Temple of the Prophet Daniel on Kantemirovskaya, 2007, 2008.
Married to an unbeliever? - M.: Publishing house of the Temple of the Prophet Daniel on Kantemirovskaya, 2007.
Discourses on the book "Song of Songs". - M.: Publishing house of the Temple of the Prophet Daniel on Kantemirovskaya, 2008.
How often should you take communion? - M.: Publishing house of the Temple of the Prophet Daniel on Kantemirovskaya, 2009.
Instructions for immortals or what to do if you do die... - M.: Publishing house of the Temple of the Prophet Daniel on Kantemirovskaya, 2009.
Interpretation of the Apocalypse. - M.: Missionary Center named after Priest Daniil Sysoev, 2011.
Will the unbaptized be saved (Can the unbaptized be saved?). - Charitable Foundation "Missionary Center named after Priest Daniil Sysoev", 2010.

Books dedicated to polemics with infidels

Anthropology of Seventh-day Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses. - M.: Russian Chronograph, Missionary and Educational Center “Shestodnev”, 2002.
A Protestant's walk through an Orthodox church. - M.: Publishing House of the Soul Care Center of St. right John of Kronstadt, 2003. - 10,000 copies.
Marriage to a Muslim. - M.: Publishing house of the Temple of the Prophet Daniel on Kantemirovskaya, 2006. - 3,000 copies.
Islam. Orthodox view. - St. Petersburg: Autonomous non-profit organization “Spiritual Heritage”, 2011.
Marriage to a Muslim. - M.: Autonomous non-profit organization “Spiritual Heritage”, 2012. - 240 p. - (Church. Canons. Society). - 5,000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-7868-0033-4 (reg.)

In Latvian

Daniels Sisojevs, priesteris. Instrukcija nemirstīgajiem jeb ko darīt, ja Jūs tomēr esat miris… (“Instructions for the immortals”) Riga. - 2010. - 102.

In collections

"Six Days Against Evolution." In Defense of the Patristic Doctrine of Creation (Collection of Articles). Edited by Deacon Daniil Sysoev. - Pilgrim Publishing House, 2000. ISBN 5-87468-045-4.
Divine revelation and modern science. Almanac: Issue 1. Ed. priest Daniil Sysoev, candidate of theology. - Pilgrim Publishing House, 2001. ISBN 5-87468-126-4.
Divine revelation and modern science. Almanac: Issue 2. Ed. priest Daniil Sysoev, candidate of theology. - Publishing house of the Temple of the Prophet Daniel on Kantemirovskaya, 2005. ISBN 5-98988-001-4.
“The Orthodox response to Islam” (using the example of one apostasy). Editor and compiler of the collection: Yu. V. Maksimov. - Publishing house of the Temple of the Prophet Daniel on Kantemirovskaya, Orthodox Missionary Brotherhood of the Holy Amir of Jerusalem, 2007. ISBN 978-5-98988-004-1.

In magazines

Deacon Daniil Sysoev. Parisian theology and neo-renovationism. Magazine "Holy Fire".
Deacon Daniil Sysoev. Theological temptations of the monarchical movement. Magazine "Holy Fire".
Priest Daniil Sysoev. Ex oriente lux, or Our response to the Vatican. Magazine "Holy Fire".
Priest Daniil Sysoev. Theologumen in modern theology. Magazine "Holy Fire".
Priest Daniil Sysoev. Dr. Joseph Overbeck and Western Orthodoxy. Magazine "Holy Fire".
Priest Daniil Sysoev. The concept of “traditional religions” as the main obstacle to the cause Orthodox mission. Magazine "Holy Fire".
Priest Daniil Sysoev. A new confession: a declaration of regality instead of repentance. Magazine "Holy Fire".
Priest Daniil Sysoev. About the mistakes of our mission among Muslims. Magazine "Holy Fire".
Priest Daniil Sysoev. Eucharist: Christ's humanity or deified food. Magazine "Holy Fire".
Priest Daniil Sysoev. Miracle and honesty. Magazine "Holy Fire". No. 18/2008.
Priest Daniil Sysoev. Modern currents of Islam - Orthodox assessment. Magazine: "Imperial Revival". Issue 1/2006.
Priest Daniil Sysoev. Marriage to a Muslim. Magazine: "Imperial Revival". Issue 3/2006.