Short fairy tales of the peoples of the world for children. Questions and tasks for the fairy tale

The book includes fairy tales of the peoples of the world (French, Italian, Japanese and others), studied in elementary school.

Tales of the peoples of the world

Aladdin and the magic lamp

An Arabian tale from One Thousand and One Nights (Retelling by M. Salye)

In one Persian city there lived a poor tailor Hasan. He had a wife and a son named Aladdin. When Aladdin was ten years old, his father said:

“Let my son be a tailor like me,” and he began to teach Aladdin his craft.

But Aladdin did not want to learn anything. As soon as his father left the shop, Aladdin ran outside to play with the boys. From morning to evening they ran around the city, chasing sparrows or climbing into other people's gardens and filling their bellies with grapes and peaches.

The tailor tried to persuade his son and punished him, but to no avail. Soon Hassan fell ill with grief and died. Then his wife sold everything that was left after him and began to spin cotton and sell yarn to feed herself and her son.

So much time passed. Aladdin turned fifteen years old. And then one day, when he was playing on the street with the boys, a man in a red silk robe and a large white turban approached them. He looked at Aladdin and said to himself: "This is the boy I'm looking for. I've finally found him!"

“Aren’t you the son of Hassan, the tailor?”

“I am,” Aladdin answered. “But my father died a long time ago.”

Hearing this, the Maghreb man hugged Aladdin and began to cry loudly.

“Know, Aladdin, I am your uncle,” he said. “I have been in foreign lands for a long time and have not seen my brother for a long time.” Now I came to your city to see Hassan, and he died! I recognized you immediately because you look like your father.

Then the Maghrebian gave Aladdin two gold pieces and said:

- Give this money to your mother. Tell her that your uncle has returned and will come to you for dinner tomorrow. Let her cook a good dinner.

Aladdin ran to his mother and told her everything.

– Are you laughing at me?! - his mother told him. - After all, your father didn’t have a brother. Where did you suddenly get an uncle?

- How can you say that I don’t have an uncle! - Aladdin shouted. - He gave me these two gold pieces. Tomorrow he will come to dinner with us!

The next day Aladdin's mother prepared a good dinner. Aladdin was sitting at home in the morning, waiting for his uncle. In the evening there was a knock on the gate. Aladdin rushed to open it. A Maghrebi man entered, followed by a servant who carried a large dish with all sorts of sweets on his head. Entering the house, the Maghreb man greeted Aladdin’s mother and said:

“Please show me the place where my brother sat at dinner.”

The Maghribian began to cry loudly. But he soon calmed down and said:

“Don’t be surprised that you’ve never seen me.” I left here forty years ago. I have been to India, the Arab lands and Egypt. I've been traveling for thirty years. Finally, I wanted to return to my homeland, and I said to myself: “You have a brother. He may be poor, but you still haven’t helped him in any way! Go to your brother and see how he lives.” I drove for many days and nights and finally found you. And now I see that although my brother died, he left behind a son who will earn money by craft, like his father.

- No matter how it is! - said Aladdin's mother. “I have never seen such a slacker as this bad boy.” If only you could force him to help his mother!

“Don’t worry,” answered the Maghribian. “Tomorrow Aladdin and I will go to the market, I will buy him a beautiful robe and apprentice him to a merchant.” And when he learns to trade, I will open a shop for him, he himself will become a merchant and get rich... Do you want to be a merchant, Aladdin?

Aladdin blushed with joy and nodded his head.

When the Maghrebian went home, Aladdin immediately went to bed so that morning would come sooner. As soon as it was dawn, he jumped out of bed and ran out the gate to meet his uncle. The Maghribian soon arrived. First of all, he and Aladdin went to the bathhouse. There Aladdin was thoroughly washed, his head was shaved and he was given rose water and sugar to drink. After that, the Maghrebian took Aladdin to the shop, and Aladdin chose the most expensive and beautiful clothes for himself: a yellow silk robe with green stripes, a red hat and high boots.

He and the Maghreb man walked around the entire market, and then went outside the city, into the forest. It was already noon, and Aladdin had not eaten anything since the morning. He was very hungry and tired, but he was ashamed to admit it.

Finally he could not stand it anymore and asked his uncle:

-Where will you get lunch from? – Aladdin was surprised.

“You’ll see,” said the Maghrebin.

They sat down under a tall, dense tree, and the Maghreb asked Aladdin:

– What would you like to eat now?

Aladdin's mother cooked the same dish for dinner every day - beans with hemp oil. Aladdin was so hungry that he immediately answered:

-Give me some boiled beans with butter!

- Would you like some fried chicken? – asked the Maghrebi man.

- Want! - Aladdin was happy.

– Would you like some rice with honey? – continued the Maghrebi man.

- I want to! - Aladdin shouted. - I want everything! But where will you get all this, uncle?

“From this bag,” said the Maghrebin man and untied the bag.

Aladdin looked into the bag with curiosity, but there was nothing there.

Aladdin really didn’t want to go, but when he heard about the bag, he sighed heavily and said:

- Okay, let's go.

The Maghrebian took Aladdin by the hand and led him to the mountain. The sun had already set and it was almost dark. They walked for a very long time and finally came to the foot of the mountain. Aladdin was scared, he almost cried.

“Get thin and dry branches,” said the Maghrebin. - We need to make a fire. When it lights up, I'll show you something that no one has ever seen.

Aladdin really wanted to see something that no one had ever seen. He forgot about fatigue and went to collect brushwood.

When the fire flared up, the Maghreb man took a box and two planks from his bosom and said:

- Oh Aladdin, I want to make you rich and help you and your mother. Do everything I tell you.

He opened the box and poured some powder out of it into the fire. And now huge pillars of flame - yellow, red and green - rose to the sky from the fire.

There are thousands of fairy tales on earth, belonging to thousands of peoples. Each time has its own fairy tales: folk and author's. Folk tales are a kind folklore, reflecting the life and traditions of a particular people, its wisdom and essence. Author's fairy tales belong to a specific author and are literary look creativity. In this section we have collected the most interesting folk tales different countries. There is also European works, both eastern and African.

Fairy tales of the peoples of the world for children - choose the best

Tales of the peoples of the world can also be read to children, because when told by the people, they are especially useful and interesting: as a rule, they are based on real events and relationships between people. Similar literary works often ridiculed human vices and extol kindness, courage, generosity and love. And very often people in fairy tales are represented as animals or forces of nature.

Every fairy tale that has come down to us has been passed down from generation to generation, and everyone who told it brought something new and unique to it. Each fairy tale is unique and interesting in its own way, reflecting the life of the people in which it was born.

Children simply need to read such works, and even better if they are works from different corners peace. It is through a fairy tale that you can explain to children what good and evil are, talk about friendship, true love And folk wisdom. Fairy tale works for children younger age in an accessible form they will introduce you to the structure of the world around you, about good and bad deeds, about how to get out of difficult situations.

Fairy tales different nations for children are of great value in education and development little man. Each fairy tale contains information about the traditions, culture and life of the people who wrote it.

In addition, children's works have another value: reading bedtime stories is useful so that children calm down and fall asleep better.

Hello dear parents, teachers and educators!

Fairy tales... By pronouncing this word, we are instantly transported to Magic world childhood... What fairy tales did we love most? What fairy tales did our parents read to us? What fairy tale did mom tell us most often? And what fairy tales would we like to give to our children? Of course, first of all it must be good fairy tales. Wise tales, developing a correct perception of the world. Interesting tales, full of mystery and wonder. Beautiful fairy tales, wonderful both in content and illustrations. Fairy tales that teach goodness. Fairy tales, awakening all the best and kindness in a child. Fairy tales, carrying light and joy, hope and faith, mystery and inspiration.

Folk tales... We offer you a collection of 100 fairy tales from the peoples of the world. In addition, we have written more 900 fairy tales, legends and parables about kindness and wisdom, about the secrets of the universe and the beauty of nature, about colors and music, about different professions and masters of their craft, about logic and the beauty of mathematics, about uniqueness native language. In a word, about everything that surrounds our children and what they have to comprehend.

Our books are not only about fairy tales. They contain hundreds of games, questions and tasks. After reading a fairy tale, it is very important to discuss with children the deep life problems, touched upon in it.

If you want your children to be able to think and express themselves freely, listen and ask questions, talk to them as often as possible and you will be amazed at the wisdom of our children.

We offer you 100 fairy tales from our collection:

“Tales from different peoples of the world about the meaning of life”

Fairy tales are Russian, English, Dagestan, Bulgarian, Finnish, German, Chinese, Japanese, Uzbek, Kazakh, Moldavian, Ukrainian, Russian, Vietnamese, Armenian, Bashkir, Georgian, Arabic, Greek, Danish, fairy tales of the peoples of Burma, based on the folklore of the American Indians and etc.

Eagle in a pigeon's nest

English folk tale

Oh, what is this? - exclaimed the dove when something fell from the sky into her nest and almost knocked little Biel and Ku off the branch, who sat wondering if they would ever dare to fly.

“This is a very ugly bird, mother,” said Bil, one of their pigeons, looking with all his eyes at the terrible stranger.

He has no feathers and looks so sad and scared. Caress him, mother,” cooed little Ku, an unusually kind dove.

Poor chick, he seems to have been hurt and scared, but he is so big and so wild! “Oh, he’s not at all like other chicks, I’m even a little scared to approach him,” said the dove, looking fearfully into the nest.

It was a really strange chick. Despite his young age, he occupied the whole nest and, although he could hardly breathe from the bruise, he boldly looked at everyone with his golden shining eyes, impatiently flapping his bruised wings and opening his curved beak, as if about to bite someone.

The chick is hungry, said Bil (he himself had a good appetite and loved to eat heartily).

Give him that pretty berry that you brought for me,” said Ku, always ready to help anyone.

The dove brought the chick a ripe strawberry, but he did not want to eat it and shouted so loudly and fiercely that the gentle pigeons trembled on their pink paws.

I will fly to the owl, ask her to look at our guest and explain what kind of bird it is and how to care for it.

The dove carefully placed her children in a nearby empty nest and flew away. Bil and Ku sat motionless and looked with curiosity at the unfamiliar bird, which screamed, flapped its wings and sparkled with its golden eyes.

“Oh, yes, it’s an eaglet,” said the owl. -You'd best push him out of the nest, because as soon as he grows up, he'll eat you all or fly away without thinking to thank you for all your troubles.

I can't kick the poor chick out of my house. Or maybe, by leaving the eaglet and treating him kindly, I will make him love us and feel happy with us? Of course, when he is able to take care of himself, I will let him go,” said the dove.

If anyone can do this, it’s you,” said the owl. - Only you know how difficult it is to tame a bird of prey; eagles are very predatory. This is the royal eagle, the most beautiful bird of all, he probably lived in some nest in the mountains. I can't imagine how he got to you. But it happened: you have the eaglet, it is hungry, it is not yet dressed in feathers, and you can do as you want. Just remember: feed it worms and caterpillars and, if possible, tame it.

The owl quickly flew away. She hated the light, and besides, she didn't want to talk anymore. She thought that the dove would be foolish if she kept the eaglet.

Let him rest with us, and then send him away,” said the dove, who was very careful.

No, no, mother, leave the little eagle here, love him and make him good. “I know that he won’t want to offend us,” little Ku exclaimed.

I will think about it, my dears. “Now we need to bring him something to eat,” said the dove and flew away.

The dove was a very kind and intelligent bird with a strong character. When she decided on something, she never changed her decision. Soon she returned and brought a thick, fat worm in her beak; her fosterling quickly swallowed it and began to scream, demanding new food. The good dove had to fly back and forth nine times before the eaglet was full. She wanted to feed him enough. Finally, the eaglet hid his head under his wing and slept for a whole hour. He woke up in good mood and began to answer questions in a shrill and harsh voice, completely unlike the gentle cooing of doves.

What is your name, my dear? - asked the dove.

My name is GoldenEye, but daddy just calls me Goldeneye.

Where did you live, my dear?

Far, far away, in the mountains, among the clouds, in a nest that was much larger than this.

Why did you leave him, my dear?

My mother died, and when my father was at her funeral, an evil hawk grabbed me and carried me away, but I pecked him so hard that he abandoned me. That's how I ended up here.

Ay-ay-ay, what sad story, - said the dove with a sigh.

Bil looked to see if there was a hawk nearby, and Ku wiped away a tear with her left wing, jumped closer to the nest and said:

Please, mom, leave Golden with us, because he doesn’t have a mother and he can’t return to his home. We will love him very, very much, and I hope he enjoys living with us.

Yes, dear, I will leave Golden with us without any fear. Eagles are noble birds, and if I treat this poor little eagle well, perhaps his family will spare the little birds for our sake.

I will gladly stay here until I learn to fly. And I will tell my people not to touch you, because you are good birds, and I love you,” said the Golden One and extended his beak to the dove to kiss her. The eaglet was pleased that she praised his breed, and the meekness of his new friends touched him.

The forest birds took turns flying to look at the dove’s adopted son, and they all unanimously said that he would cause her a lot of trouble. Indeed, it was clear that given Golden’s stubbornness and harshness, it would be difficult to get along with him. However, the mother dove did not drive the eaglet away, and although he often drove her into despair, she still loved her adopted child and believed that sooner or later, with the help of love and patience, she would be able to tame him.

Her own children did not give her any trouble. True, Bil liked to act willfully, but as soon as she said: “My son, do as I command, because it will please me,” and he immediately gave in. And meek Ku loved her mother so much that one look from the dove was enough to stop and warn her.

But, my God, how much the dove suffered with her adopted child. If the Golden One was not given what he wanted, he screamed and pecked, demanded that they bring him only what he wanted for food, and if he was refused this, he threw his lunch on the ground, and then sat for hours with a ruffled face. He mocked Bil and Ku, put on airs in front of other birds that flew to visit him, and told everyone that he was not an ordinary eagle, but a royal one, that he would someday fly up and live among the clouds with his royal father.

But despite these shortcomings, the winged inhabitants of the forest loved the Golden One, because he had many attractive qualities.

He took pity on every offended bird, was very generous and gave away everything that belonged to him. When the young eagle was in a good mood, he sat proudly erect, like a real king, and told tales to the pigeons and their friends, who loved to listen to him and look at him. The golden one has become very prettier: its fluff has been replaced beautiful feathers, his wonderful golden eyes shone brightly, and he learned to speak softly, and not to scream like eagles, who have to call loudly to each other up there, where the winds rage and thunder roars.

When the eaglet fell, it severely damaged one wing, and the dove immediately tied it up with a piece of grape mustache so that it would not drag and weaken. The other wing of the Golden One had long since become strong and could work in the air, but the bruised one still had a bandage on it. The smart and kind dove did not want the eaglet, realizing that its wing had healed, to fly away too early.

Golden changed a lot, and although he dreamed of seeing his father and returning home to the mountains, he fell in love with pigeons and felt happy with them.

One day, when he was sitting alone on a pine tree, a kite flew past him. The kite saw the eaglet, stopped and asked him what he was doing alone in the tree. Golden told him his story. Having listened to the end, the kite remarked mockingly:

Oh, you stupid bird! Rip the bandage off your wing and fly with me. I will help you find your father.

These words excited Golden. When the kite, with its strong beak, tore the bandage from the wing of the young eagle, the Golden One flapped its wings and felt that they were healthy.

With a cry of joy, the Golden One soared up, he began to soar in the air, describing wide circles and trying to learn to stay still, descend and take off, as other eagles did. The kite showed him how birds of prey fly, praised him, flattered him, he hoped to lure the eaglet into his nest, and then find Golden’s father and, by returning his son, earn the favor of the king of birds.

Dove, Bil and Ku flew home and saw that the nest was empty. They became alarmed, and then the linnet told them that the Golden One had flown away with the kite.

What did I tell you? - shouted the owl, shaking its round head thoughtfully. - Your kindness and all your efforts were in vain. I'm sure you'll never see this ungrateful bird again!

The dove wiped away tears from her sparkling eyes with her pink paw and said meekly:

No, my dear, love and care are not wasted. Even if Golden never returns to us, I will still not cease to be glad that I treated him like a mother. Oh, I’m sure that he will never forget us and will become kinder and gentler because he lived in a pigeon’s nest.

Ku began to console the dove, and Bil flew up to the top branch of a pine tree in the hope of seeing the fugitive.

“It seems to me that I see our Golden One flying with this evil kite,” he said. “It’s a pity that he has such a dangerous comrade.” The kite will teach our friend something bad and, perhaps, will begin to treat him cruelly if the Golden One does not want to listen to him.

Bill stood up on tiptoes, peering at two black dots visible in the blue sky.

Let's all shout, coo, sing and whistle together, maybe the Golden One will hear us and come back. I know he loves us. Despite his pride and waywardness, he is a kind bird,” said the dove and began to coo with all her might.

The other birds chirped, whistled, chirped, sang and screamed. The whole forest was filled with this music, and a faint echo reached the cloud in which the Golden One was bathing, trying to look directly at the sun. He's already tired. The kite was angry with the young eagle because he did not want to fly to his nest, but wanted to immediately go in search of his father. The Kite began to beat the Golden One with its beak and scold. And so, when the singing of forest birds reached the eaglet, it seemed to him that he heard the words: “Come home, dear, come back to us. We are all waiting for you, we are all waiting!”

Some force forced the Golden One to turn towards the ground, and he began to quickly descend. Kite did not dare to fly after him, because he saw a farmer with a gun and realized that this man would shoot him, a thief who often stole his chickens.

Golden was glad that he got rid of the kite, and happily returned to his friends, who greeted him with joyful cries.

“I thought that my dear one would not leave us without saying goodbye to us,” cooed the mother dove, gently smoothing the ruffled feathers of the young eagle.

It seems to me, dear mother, that you not only tied a thread around my wing, but also chained my heart to our nest,” said Golden, sitting down closer to a white chest full of such Great love to him. - I will fly away and return and tell everything that happens to me. If I meet my father, I will not fly to him without saying goodbye to you and thanking you from the bottom of my heart.

Golden remained in the pigeon family, he became strong and beautiful. Now there were golden feathers on his head, his eyes sparkled brightly, and his wide wings easily lifted him into the sky, and there he, without blinking, looked straight at the sun. He became a real eagle, fearless, beautiful, proud. But Golden still loved meek doves. Returning from afar, he sat on an old pine tree and told his friends about everything that he saw on the green earth and in blue sky. The pigeons and other forest birds never got tired of his stories. They sat quietly, without moving, fixing their round eyes on him. They all admired him and loved him, because, despite his strength, the Golden One never offended them and, when a kite flew up to the forest, he drove it away, thus protecting the forest birds. They called him the prince of the forest and hoped that he would remain with them forever.

However, the golden one yearned for his home on the top of the mountain, for his father, and the older he became, the stronger his longing was, because he did not live as a bird should live, born for mountains and clouds, to fight storms and for flying high under the sun. But he hid his melancholy.

One day the Golden One flew very far and landed on a small cliff to rest. Suddenly, not far from him, he saw a huge eagle on a stone, looking down at the ground with its keen eyes, as if trying to find something there. Golden had never seen such a regal bird and decided to talk to his proud neighbor.

The old eagle listened with interest to the young eagle, and before the Golden Eagle could finish, he cried out loudly with joy:

You are my lost child! I looked everywhere for you and already began to think that you had died. Hello, my brave son, prince of the air, joy of my heart!

The golden one felt how large eagle wings hugged him, how royal golden feathers pressed against his feathers. The eagle's sparkling eyes looked at him lovingly. The King of Birds told him for a long time about his beautiful mother, about his new home, about the friends who were waiting for the Golden One to introduce him to a free life.

The young eagle listened with pleasure, but when his father wanted to take him away with him immediately, he answered kindly but firmly:

No, father, I must say goodbye first of all to the sweet, kind birds who took care of me when I was a pitiful, helpless, angry chick. I promised them this and I don't want to upset them. I won't fly away without telling them how happy I am and thanking them for everything.

Yes, you should do it. Please convey my gratitude to them. Moreover, take this feather to the dove and tell her that no flying creature will dare to harm her while she has this royal gift. Hurry up, my son, and come back as soon as possible, because I cannot be away from you for long.

Golden went down to the pine tree and told everything to his friends. Although the doves were very upset by the upcoming separation from him, they decided that it was all for the best, because the Golden One’s real place was near his royal father. Moreover, they themselves, like others migratory birds, were already planning to fly south for the winter, they would still have to part with him, because eagles love snow, wind, storms and do not fly to warm countries in the fall.

The rest of the forest birds were happy to learn that Golden had found his father. When the time came for him to fly away, they all gathered to say goodbye to him. The dove was very proud of the golden feather given to her. Bil and Ku felt as brave as lions when she stuck the feather into her nest like a banner. It was considered a great honor among the birds to have such a gift from the king.

The forest was filled with the sounds of a farewell concert. Anyone who could sing at least somehow took part in it. Even the owl screeched, and the hoarse crows cawed. Mosquitoes were buzzing in the air, and crickets were chattering like crazy in the grass, and after a long goodbye, the Golden One took off into the air. He rose higher and higher, getting lost in the blue sky, but under his wing he hid a small white feather, the last gift from his adopted mother dove.

The lessons of the meek bird all his life helped him control his will, be his father's support and pride high mountains. Truly, he became the most noble eagle that ever turned his golden eyes to the sun.

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale:

Why didn’t the dove listen to the warnings of the forest birds and drive away the eaglet?

How did she raise her children and eaglet?

Confirm with examples from your life that love and care are not wasted?

What do you think the eaglet would have become if the dove could not stand his wayward behavior and drove him away?

Imagine that the forest birds chose Golden as their king. Tell us about his reign.

Why did the dove fall in love with the Eaglet? Which good qualities did she see it in him?