Opera singer Andrey Popov, how old is he? Is the “Red Principle” a revolution? But this is an abstract ballerina, or a model posing

Andrey Popov Graduated from the St. Petersburg State Conservatory named after N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov (class of Professor Lev Morozov). In 2000 he was admitted to the Academy of Young People opera singers Mariinsky Theater, has been a soloist of the opera company since 2007.

Andrey Popov Graduated from the St. Petersburg State Conservatory named after N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov (class of Professor Lev Morozov). In 2000 he was accepted into the Academy of Young Opera Singers of the Mariinsky Theater, and since 2007 he has been a soloist of the opera troupe.

Participated in productions as a guest soloist Bolshoi Theater: “The Golden Cockerel” (dir. Kirill Serebrennikov) and “Lady Macbeth” Mtsensk district"(dir. Temur Chkheidze).

At the Mariinsky Theater he performed several dozen different characters opera parts, among which: Grishka Kuterma (“The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia”), the Fool (“Boris Godunov”), the Astrologer (“The Golden Cockerel”), Kashchei the Immortal in opera of the same name, Truffaldino (“The Love for Three Oranges”), The Shabby Little Man (“Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk”), The Spotted Monk, the Prince, the Magnetizer, the Old Man in the Forest, the Narrator (“The Enchanted Wanderer”), Lefty in the opera of the same name, Don Basilio (“ The Marriage of Figaro), Monostatos (The Magic Flute), Mime (Das Rheingold and Siegfried), Herod (Salome), Brighella and the Dancing Master (Ariadne auf Naxos), Hunchback (The Woman Without a Shadow) ) and many others.

The press has repeatedly noted the vivid characteristics of his characters:

“Andrei Popov in the role of Hunchback (in Richard Strauss’s opera “Woman Without a Shadow”) was remembered for his sharp portrayal of the role” (“Musical Review”).

“Tenor Andrei Popov had to portray five characters at once: (in Rodion Shchedrin’s opera “The Enchanted Wanderer”): the Prince, the Old Man in the Forest, the Storyteller, the Magnetizer and the Ghost of the Halted Monk. He did an excellent job: all five came out characteristically, brightly, and the singer’s voice sounded stable, even, and moderately shrill” (“Nezavisimaya Gazeta”).

A. Popov took part in a concert performance of the opera “ May night"in the Arkhangelskoye estate (conductor Mikhail Pletnev), in the first performance of the opera “Kashchei the Immortal” in Japan (conductor Vladimir Ashkenazy). He was involved in the Metropolitan Opera's productions of Boris Godunov, Prince Igor, and The Nose. IN Lately the singer performed on the stages of the Dutch National Opera, Finnish National Opera, National Opera Amsterdam, at the Edinburgh and Salzburg festivals.

Popov also performed the role of the Quarterly Warden in the opera “The Nose” at the festival in Aix-en-Provence and the Rome Opera. A recording of this opera with the participation of the singer, made on the Mariinsky label, was nominated for a Grammy Award in 2010.

Andrey Popov is a laureate of the national theater award“Golden Mask” for the roles of Burdyukov and Storchenko in the play “Gogoliad” (nomination “Best Actor in musical theater", 2010). First performer of the role of Lefty in Rodion Shchedrin's opera of the same name (2013, nominated for the Golden Mask). At the Mariinsky Theater he sang in the premiere performances of The Enchanted Wanderer, The Brothers Karamazov, The Mystery of the Apostle Paul, and in the Russian premieres of Women Without a Shadow and Ariadne on Naxos.

During a rehearsal for a new show, she was urgently hospitalized Ukrainian singer Svetlana Loboda. Doctors assessed her condition as moderately severe. The singer's press secretary Daria Burlakova said that the artist underwent emergency kidney surgery.

“She has been prescribed strict bed rest for the next week. The artist’s condition was stabilized,” she said.

"In connection with sharp deterioration health of Svetlana Loboda, the dates of the upcoming concerts have been changed. The concert scheduled for October 25 is postponed to January 17, 2019. From October 26 to January 18, 2019. From October 28 to January 20, 2019,” reports FAN. All purchased tickets will be valid for the new dates without exchange.

As you know, in May of this year Loboda gave birth to her second child, and two weeks later she went on stage to receive the award as the best performer of the year.

Still remains unknown name baby's father. For a long time in the press this role was attributed to the soloist Rammstein bands Till Lindemann, the singer named her newborn daughter Tilda, but the star herself did not confirm this information. The news was discussed not only by the Russian but also by the German press.

On March 6, the German publication Der Westen published an article that collected unconfirmed information about the affair between Svetlana Loboda and Till Lindemann. As confirmation, the publication cited the singer’s Instagram post dated July 28, 2017, with the caption “Love will unexpectedly appear when you least expect it.” In the photo, Svetlana Loboda is shown with Till Lindemann. Later, his pictures appeared on her account several more times.

The fact is that in 2017, at the end of July, the singer flew to Baku for music Festival“Heat”, where I met Svetlana Loboda, observers noticed that the artists spend a lot of time together. After this, rumors spread about their romance, despite the fact that the artist denied everything.

Svetlana’s ability to keep her secrets to the last can be envied. So, in the show " Evening Urgant", Svetlana admitted that her daughter Eva first learned that she would have a sister only when the singer was eight months old. Until this period, the girl had no idea about anything.

The singer named her daughter Tilda and did not reveal the name of the child’s father. However, fans of the singer’s work are sure that this is Till Lindemann, the lead singer of the group Rammstein.

“My daughter found out when she was eight months old. She kept saying: “Mom, you already look very ugly, you have gained a lot of weight and you need to do something about it.” And when I was eating, she came up and took the bun from me: “Mom, you should perform on stage, look how your belly has grown,” Loboda noted.

According to the singer, she did not tell her daughter about the pregnancy because she did not want the school where the girl went to know about it.

Svetlana Loboda gained fame in 2004, becoming one of the participants popular group « VIA Gra" However, her collaboration with the team did not last longer than a year, and in December 2004 she released a solo single. While part of the group, the singer managed to star in a video for one of the most popular songs group "Biology".

In 2009, Svetlana performed at international competition songs "Eurovision", representing Ukraine, with the song "Be My Valentine", where she took 12th place. Despite the not the most successful result, Loboda was very popular among viewers. According to the number of views on the official YouTube channel of the competition, the clip for her performance took third place shortly before the competition itself. The singer combined her performance at Eurovision with her own social campaign - “Say Stop to Domestic Violence.”

The singer's discography includes three albums and several music awards, including the Ukrainian “Song of the Year” (2013 and 2014), “Golden Gramophone” and the Muz-TV Award, which she received in 2017 as the best performer for the hit “Your Eyes”.

Andrey Popov- Russian Opera singer(tenor), soloist of the Mariinsky Theater, winner of the Golden Mask Award (2010).


Born in Leningrad. Graduated from the St. Petersburg Conservatory (class of L. N. Morozov). Since 2000 - soloist of the Academy of Young Singers of the Mariinsky Theater. In 2007 he joined the Mariinsky Theater troupe.


  • Vinokur (“May Night” by N. Rimsky-Korsakov)
  • Old grandfather (“The Tale of Tsar Saltan” by N. Rimsky-Korsakov)
  • Stargazer (“The Golden Cockerel” by N. Rimsky-Korsakov)
  • Prince Nilsky, The Sick Gambler (“The Gambler” by S. Prokofiev)
  • Truffaldino (The Love for Three Oranges by S. Prokofiev)
  • German translator (“Semyon Kotko” by S. Prokofiev)
  • Quarterly overseer (“The Nose” by D. Shostakovich)
  • Doctor Caius (Falstaff by Verdi)
  • Goro (Madama Butterfly by Puccini)
  • Pang (Turandot by Puccini)
  • Innkeeper ("Benvenuto Cellini")
  • Brighella (Ariadne auf Naxos by R. Strauss)
  • Young Servant (Elektra by R. Strauss)
  • Selifan (Dead Souls by R. Shchedrin)
  • Prince (“The Enchanted Wanderer” by R. Shchedrin)
  • Smerdyakov and the Devil (“The Brothers Karamazov” by A. Smelkov)
  • Iopas (“The Trojans” by G. Berlioz)
  • Gonzalvo (The Spanish Hour by M. Ravel)
  • Monostasos (The Magic Flute by Mozart)
  • Mime (Das Rheingold and Siegfried by Wagner)
  • Hunchback (“Woman Without a Shadow” by R. Strauss)

Awards and prizes

  • 2004 - Competition for Young Opera Singers named after. Rimsky-Korsakov (St. Petersburg), special prize for the performance of a contemporary work
  • 2010 - “Golden Mask” in the nomination “Best Actor in Opera” for the performance of the roles of Christopher Burdyukov (“Litigation”, directed by Anton Kovalenko), Grigory Storchenko (“Shponka and his Aunt”) in the production of “Gogoliad”

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  • Turova, Varya. Kommersant-Ukraine, No. 74 (04/26/2006). Retrieved April 20, 2010. .
  • Renansky, Dmitry. newspaper " Golden Mask» No. 1 (03/26/2010). Retrieved April 20, 2010. .
  • Dudin, Vladimir. Kommersant No. 69 (4369) (04/20/2010). Retrieved April 20, 2010. .

Excerpt characterizing Popov, Andrey (opera singer)

- From what? – Natasha asked, looking carefully into Pierre’s eyes.
- How why? - said Princess Marya. – One thought about what awaits there...
Natasha, without listening to Princess Marya, again looked questioningly at Pierre.
“And because,” Pierre continued, “only that person who believes that there is a God who controls us can endure such a loss as hers and ... yours,” said Pierre.
Natasha opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but suddenly stopped. Pierre hastened to turn away from her and turned again to Princess Marya with a question about the last days of his friend’s life. Pierre's embarrassment had now almost disappeared; but at the same time he felt that all his former freedom had disappeared. He felt that over his every word and action there was now a judge, a court that was dearer to him than the court of all people in the world. He spoke now and, along with his words, reflected on the impression that his words made on Natasha. He did not deliberately say anything that might please her; but, no matter what he said, he judged himself from her point of view.
Princess Marya reluctantly, as always happens, began to talk about the situation in which she found Prince Andrei. But Pierre's questions, his animatedly restless gaze, his face trembling with excitement little by little forced her to go into details that she was afraid to recreate for herself in her imagination.
“Yes, yes, so, so...” said Pierre, bending forward with his whole body over Princess Marya and eagerly listening to her story. - Yes Yes; so has he calmed down? softened? He always sought one thing with all the strength of his soul; be quite good that he could not be afraid of death. The shortcomings that were in him - if there were any - did not come from him. So has he relented? - said Pierre. “What a blessing that he met you,” he said to Natasha, suddenly turning to her and looking at her with eyes full of tears.
Natasha's face trembled. She frowned and lowered her eyes for a moment. She hesitated for a minute: to speak or not to speak?
“Yes, it was happiness,” she said in a quiet chesty voice, “for me it was probably happiness.” – She paused. “And he... he... he said that he wanted this, the minute I came to him...” Natasha’s voice broke off. She blushed, clasped her hands on her knees and suddenly, apparently making an effort on herself, raised her head and quickly began to say:
– We didn’t know anything when we drove from Moscow. I didn't dare ask about him. And suddenly Sonya told me that he was with us. I didn’t think anything, I couldn’t imagine what position he was in; I just needed to see him, to be with him,” she said, trembling and gasping for breath. And, not allowing herself to be interrupted, she told what she had never told anyone before: everything that she experienced in those three weeks of their journey and life in Yaroslavl.
Pierre listened to her with open mouth and without taking his eyes off her, full of tears. Listening to her, he did not think about Prince Andrei, or about death, or about what she was telling. He listened to her and only pitied her for the suffering she was now experiencing as she spoke.
The princess, wincing from the desire to hold back her tears, sat next to Natasha and listened for the first time to the story of these last days love of his brother with Natasha.
This painful and joyful story was apparently necessary for Natasha.
She spoke, mixing the most insignificant details with the most intimate secrets, and it seemed that she could never finish. She repeated the same thing several times.
Behind the door, Desalles' voice was heard asking if Nikolushka could come in to say goodbye.

Paris is getting married, the girl's chosen one is her musical colleague The group Soundflowers Gabriel Glenn. Sources close to the couple claim that Paris and Gabriel are so “hopelessly in love” with each other that they haven’t even broached the topic of discussing a prenuptial agreement – ​​but in vain.

Radar Online published a message from one of the couple's close friends: "Paris told some family members that she really believes that Gabriel is the one for her and she wants to marry him." The source also added that she and Gabriel have become very close over the past few months and "she feels a strong connection to him."

While everyone in Jackson's family is very happy for her, insiders say they are "insisting on signing a prenuptial agreement to protect her vast fortune."

"On this moment the family is in turmoil,” the source commented. “One second she’s a lesbian and dating Cara Delevingne.” The next second she's straight and dating a guy from her group."

The anonymous author continued that the relatives are not so much frightened by the situation with marriage as by her emotional condition. “Gabriel doesn't have the best reputation and some members of her family feel like he might be taking advantage of her. They just want her to be careful,” one of Paris’s friends noted.

Paris's relatives are worried about her for a reason - it is known that the girl does not look for easy ways and often gets involved in relationships that do not bring her happiness. Jackson’s previous romance with rapper Michael Snoody in 2017 ended rather disastrously for her: after a series of breakups and reconciliations, Paris, according to her relatives, “went off the rails,” and her family was already preparing to send her to treatment for alcohol addiction.

By the way, the idea of ​​marrying a dubious young man This is not the first time he visits the girl. When the only daughter of the King of Pop was 18, she wanted to marry Snoody - and as a symbol eternal love which continued whole year, got a tattoo of the rocker's name on her ankle.

In July 2018, the 20-year-old daughter of Michael Jackson publicly announced her unconventional identity for the first time. sexual orientation, when she commented on her stories on Instagram - however, she thought that official statement was not required. Jackson half-jokingly added, “I thought everyone already knew.”

Then she found herself at the center of a scandal: the press learned that she was dating three girls at the same time - one of them was a supermodel. It is worth noting that Jackson and Delevingne’s relationship began in February 2018, and six months later the first reports of a romantic relationship between Paris and Gabriel appeared. At the same time, details of the girls' separation were revealed - Michael Jackson's daughter cheated on Kara with her current fiancé.

In an interview with News, Paris said that she told her relatives about her attraction to women at the age of 14. She admitted that she fell in love with girls when she was 8. The singer noted that she does not consider herself bisexual, although she is attracted to representatives of different genders.

Paris Michael Katarina Jackson's second child legendary singer, and she grew up in the same atmosphere in which all children of rich and famous parents live - Paris was hidden from the public throughout her childhood, because wherever she went, the girl was followed by paparazzi.

The family said that Michael associated himself with Peter Pan, and only daughter named Tinker Bell after the tiny fairy from this book. The singer got a tattoo that echoes affectionate nickname: Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust.

Paris's refusal to sign marriage contract with her fiancé, it seems to her family that the mistake was not at all in vain. Paris Jackson's annual income is estimated at approximately $110 million. most This amount constitutes the benefit that she and her brothers Prince and Blanket have received annually since 2014. In 2016, it was established that when children reach 30 years of age, they will face a division of their father's remaining inheritance in the amount of $1.74 billion.

If the young people do get married and then divorce, Gabriel Glenn could lay claim to a significant portion of Michael Jackson's money. In the meantime, Paris introduces the groom to his doubting relatives, perhaps to change their opinion about him. Glenn recently met 88-year-old Katrina Jackson, Paris's grandmother.

“Not Volochkova!”

Tireless in all manifestations - musician, artist, writer, poet and, of course, citizen - Andrei Makarevich, having purred for days on the Internet a short song sketch “Paradise”, which, of course, greatly excited this Network, again stirred up the air of space and time with an unexpected exhibition. Now, in addition to numerous techniques, the master has also mastered silk-screen printing. Under the motto “Life is short and sad, there is no time for mistakes,” also framed in the form of a silk-screen engraving in an elegant mourning frame, he opened the exhibition “The Principle of Red” in one of his favorite galleries in collaboration with avant-garde artist Alla Reshetnikova.

“The Red Principle” by Andrei Makarevich and Alla Reshetnikova. Photo: Margarita Shoal

Everything is in very red, exciting colors. An alarming note was added, as in a Stendhal novel, by rich strokes of black. And even White color- the basis of any painting - against this crimson-gloomy background pulsated with nervous flashes. The guests happily took their first selfies with the “exhibitors” against the backdrop of a black and red self-portrait of Makarevich. Questions began. “Well, I’m not crazy enough to paint myself, I’m not Rembrandt,” the cheerful Makar stunned everyone, inviting the guests to take a sip of the red one - a concept with the color of the exhibition mood, therefore. That is, it was the avant-garde artist Reshetnikova, for the sake of opportunity, who moved away from her own abstractionist principles and printed the cover image of a rock musician for herself. In all other respects she was in highest degree avant-garde - strokes, blots, spots, stains, arcs, dots, commas...

Against this background, Makarevich’s works stood out, of course, for the greater concreteness of their exaggerated figures – human, cat. Yes, he still loves cats. “Is this also an abstraction?” asked other guests, not very privy to the nuances of painting genres, rather stupidly.

“I am extremely far from the field of art history,” Andrei answered patiently and, as it seemed to me, with a hint of condescension, “I really don’t like some kind of classification, to put it in order - this is rock, this is pop, this is our abstraction, these are the Wanderers. For myself, I define everything by how close or like something is to me. Since I got a good education, then I think that I am not very subjective - in the sense that I can distinguish worthy works from uninteresting ones. And the ballerina is not abstractionism, but a very concrete image: legs, arms, head...

- Is the “Red Principle” a revolution?

It is terribly common for people, and especially, apparently, for Soviet and Russian people, to attach some specific meaning to abstract concepts. If it’s not there, then they look for it, invent it, and stick it on anyway. For me, red is just a color. And black is just a color for me. I am not looking for associations associated with any concepts - rebellion, revolution...

It’s just such a nervous, volatile time, as those in power timidly put it. The enemies, you see, are all around - cockroaches from the cracks, the revolution, especially when the schoolchildren at Pushka hang funny sneakers on the trees... The communists, again, spoil the reporting on the elections. And then there’s you – with your “Red Principle”

Actually, Alla (Reshetnikova) suggested this. But in principle I love the combination of white and red, white and black...

Stendhal also respected... Slava Zaitsev, the guru of Soviet fashion - his favorite “holy trinity”: black, white, red. Classic!

Yes. Well, because it's a good combination.

- I see you hung a whole pantheon of silk red, white and black ballerinas. Why is this?

Again! Don't know! I completely and completely turn off my head when I draw. I raise my hand to the paper and for a second I still don’t know what I’ll draw. I'm waiting for the paper to tell me.

- And she suggested a ballerina, then?

- But is this an abstract ballerina, or was the model posing?

Not a model. I have never painted ballerinas from life.

And she looks like Volochkova. Yes, with powerful legs... To Volochkova, rebellious in red, black and white... Just her image...

No, God forbid.

In your newest song sketch, or rather remark, on the statement of the first person at the Valdai Forum, where he was going to heaven, and prophesied hell to his enemies, you seem to have some doubts about the certainty of such an outcome? You even claim that the archangels at the entrance to heaven will not allow this...

The statement is, let’s say, strange, if we remain within the framework of political correctness.

- Well, in the song you were less politically correct, you swore, like a real Shnur...

Somewhere my statement is called boorish. I don’t consider him boorish at all, because if we talk about addressing the president, then I call him both “well done” and “handsome.” No other way! And the rest, in general, is not about him. What is not typical for me in this life is rudeness.

- Where do you think you will go – to heaven or to hell?

I think that heaven is very abstract concept.

- Yes, in the song you very clearly depicted this using the example of martyrs...

And hell is also a very abstract concept. We know nothing about what awaits us after death, but we can expect some popular prints in the form of pink angels on swings and devils with hooves, goat horns and pitchforks - somewhat frivolous for adults.

But your, as always, elegant Aesopian figure of speech and merciless satire, poorly hidden under the guise of melancholy irony, rather painted a picture of total hell, didn’t it?

Seriously speaking, then, forgive me, but for four last year, judging by the events directly or indirectly related to our country, then we are such righteous people, martyrs... We really suffered! From Crimea to the Skripals - nothing but torment...

Well, there are enemies all around, very often there are pimply toads, as Philip Kirkorov likes to say, and we are pink and fluffy. This is an axiom!

That's it.

This “Principle of Red”, as well as your other artistic and aesthetic exercises in different areas, genres and formats, are you getting emotional for the 50th anniversary of The Time Machine next year?

No. There is no need to mix everything together. In fact, for now I’m waiting with horror for its approach, this anniversary. And somewhat fascinated. Like a frog before a snake. And they just took it and did it, because it is necessary to bring it, once they have taken it, to its logical conclusion. You can, of course, draw it, put it in a box and let it lie there, but, in my opinion, this is not correct. And now I'm calm. You can turn this page and do the following tomorrow.

The motto of the exhibition: “Life is short and sad, there is no time for mistakes.” How many mistakes have you made in your short and sad life?

I try to follow this principle, and there could be many more mistakes...