Summary of musical entertainment in the preparatory group. Summary of musical leisure in the preparatory school group “Acquaintance with the works of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

The concert was held in a rural recreation center!

Good afternoon, Dear friends! Maxim Gorky said: “The most intelligent thing that a person has achieved is the ability to love a woman, to worship her beauty; From love for a woman everything beautiful on Earth was born.”

Hymn to Woman.

Spring, like a woman, is beautiful,
And you are as beautiful as spring!
Your soul is light and clear,
You are so calm and pale...

All the wisdom of the world is in your eyes,
And the light of universal fire.
You are loved by God and people,
And the Earth sings about you.

You are a daring creation of the sun,
Conflict between two sides
You are all energy, movement,
You are the reflection on the face of the windows.

How elusive music is
And unreal, like a dream,
How our life is unique,
You are light, love and beauty!

Concert number.

The most spring and tender holiday has come, March 8th. Historically, this holiday appeared as a day of solidarity of working women in the struggle for equal rights and emancipation.

I invite 4 young men to this stage to participate in a small creative competition! (call from the hall)

You must prepare and dedicate odes, messages, wishes to all the women of the planet and all those who are sitting in this room.
I think you will not have any difficulty completing this task. So, let's start. You have 3 minutes for this task (Hand out pieces of paper and pens to the competition participants).
And I will introduce you to the history of this wonderful holiday.
On March 8, 1857, workers from shoe and clothing factories gathered in New York and demanded a ten-hour working day, bright work spaces, and equal wages to men.
Clara Zetkin in 1910, at the Second International Socialist Women's Conference, proposed the establishment of an international women's day. It was meant that on this day women would organize rallies and marches, attracting the public to their problems.
Since 1975, women's holiday has been officially celebrated in many countries of the world, on all continents.
And in our country, International Women’s Day is the first spring holiday, the brightest, most joyful, the whole country congratulates grandmothers, mothers, girls - the entire beautiful half of humanity!
So, let's listen to the dedications prepared in honor of the March 8 holiday! (give the floor to the participants)
I invite you to the microphone... 1. 2. 3. 4.
Thank you very much to our participants, thank you for your courage, resourcefulness and wonderful words on March 8th!
What wonderful poems you made! I think they deserve a standing ovation! Don't spare your palms!
And now, for your attention, congratulations prepared by the young men of the music department!

Concert number 2 and 3.

We give only to the most beautiful female names: Universe, Earth, Motherland, Mother. Since ancient times, peoples have worshiped Woman. Love for a woman is the main engine of life and history. Wars broke out because of Her, heroic deeds were performed for Her sake, and with Her name men made history. Just as the planets of our system revolve around the Sun, so everything in this life revolves around a Woman.
Heart to Heart,
From dream to dream
Light of Women
Will continue the invisible path,
Open only to kindness
And truth, and unique love.
Truly immortal words!
Without this captivating light
Don't feel dizzy with happiness...
There will be neither a hero nor a poet.

Meet! The waltz “Under the Sky of Paris” performed by a duet of accordion players sounds for you.

Concert number.

The greats of this world were great not only in their talent, but also in their love for Woman. They loved talentedly, selflessly, sincerely. We know many examples of love, the only one for life, elevating and ennobling: Pushkin and Natalya Goncharova, Turgenev and Polina Viardot, Tyutchev and Elena Denisyeva, Gumilyov and Anna Akhmatova.
How many beautiful poems have been written in praise of Women! How many great deeds have been consecrated in her name! Love for a Woman is noble and beautiful human feeling. It elevates the souls of men, makes them better, stronger, fills their lives with meaning.

______________ congratulates you!

Concert number.

I believe that all women are beautiful -
And with his kindness and intelligence.
Even more fun if there is a holiday in the house,
Loyalty when there is separation in him.
Not their outfits and not the Roman profile -
We are captivated by the female soul.
And her youth and motherhood,
And gray hair when the time has come.

Honoring and glorifying a Woman, one cannot help but talk about love. Woman and love, love and spring are inseparable. Love is a great happiness that befalls people. Happiness is if through the life of each of us such love has passed, is passing or will pass, for the sake of which to accomplish any feat is joy.

Concert number.

Happy holiday, happy holiday,
Happy, tender, wonderful, beautiful holiday!
Happy holiday of affection, love and attention,
Happy holiday of feminine charm!

We all know that every woman should have a man who will love and appreciate her. Now you, dear, charming ladies, will have to name some association with the word man, for example, “A man is strength,” “A man is harmony in the family,” etc.
(competition for the whole hall)
Our holiday is a holiday charming girls, women. What words can respected men express their attitude towards you?
“What kind of girls are they?” “Girls are...” “My beloved – she...” “I want to meet her - the most...” (which one?)

Musical congratulations to all of you, dear girls and women!

Concert number.

There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,
Vividly marked throughout the centuries.
The most beautiful of women -
A woman with a child in her arms.
May the sun applaud her forever!
So she will live for centuries,
The most beautiful of women -
A woman with a child in her arms.

We are in eternal, unpayable debt to our mother, whose love accompanies us all our lives. Therefore, love her dearly, respect her, take care of her, and do not hurt her mother with your words and actions. Thank her for her work and care for you, be kind, sensitive, and responsive to her.

Oh, how wonderful this word is - mother!
Everything on Earth is from your tenderness.
Yes, the word “mother” has long been popular among people,
Bow, honor and respect to her!

And _______________________ comes to this stage with a song for all mothers!

Concert number.

Strong-willed men
This is the prophetic law of life:
No matter how strong you are,
You are not stronger than a woman.

No matter how hard you tried to ascend,
Shining with strength and knowledge -
You submitted to women,
Even in marshal ranks.

I know, in difficult battles
You did not compromise on your honor.
But they knelt
Asking women for a hand.

Don't argue, men, hurry up -
This is bequeathed by nature:
Words of love, admiration,
You present to women.
number 9
Hannanova Ruzalia - song in English.

Everything is correct and smooth with us
In the vital spatial ring.
The head is not only for styling,
But also for facial makeup!
Let everything continue to be just great,
You'll be incredibly lucky!
Stay stylish and beautiful,
And success will bring you confidence!
May Women's Day never end!
And the streams sing in our honor,
Let the sun smile on us,
And men give us flowers.
Health, luck, love, success -
This is the most important thing for everyone!
May these four beautiful parts
They will make one true Happiness!

I believe that happiness is when a classical or jazz miniature sounds. For your attention - a piano duet.

Concert number.

For the next competition I need volunteers, 3 people! (call from the hall)
You will need to draw a proverb on whatman paper that you draw out (invite participants to choose one piece of paper, on back side which the proverb was written). You need to draw this proverb, for this you can draw animals, people, any objects, arrows, icons, etc., you cannot use letters! You are given 3 (5) minutes to complete the task, after which you turn your images to the audience, and we will all try to guess the proverb together! (distribute markers and Whatman paper to participants).
Time has passed!

In the meantime, our artists are busy creating, here’s a waltz for your attention!

Concert number.

Artists, present your masterpieces to respected viewers! Viewers, be careful - guess the proverbs hidden in these paintings!
The first encrypted proverb: ……….
Second...third... (correct!)

I want to go to the hall! An extraordinary situation! What would you do?

1 situation.
For example, you... (addresses one spectator), what would you do in such an extraordinary situation, when you have been preparing for a party for a long time, bought it specially elegant dress to impress everyone. However, when you arrived, the other girl’s dress turned out to be exactly like yours.
What to do?

Situation 2. Before an important date, you went to the hairdresser. As a result of a terrible mistake, your hair was dyed in green color. There is one hour left until goodbye. What to do? How would you get out of this situation?

3 situation. You came to the business buffet at knitted dress. You are talking with a very important partner and suddenly notice that one of the guests has caught a jacket button on a thread of your dress, and the further he moves away, the more your dress comes unraveled. The important conversation is not over yet. What to do?

Your answers are interesting. I am sure that all women will find the right way out of any situation!

And if it’s difficult for you to make a choice, you can always turn to your mother, your dearest and most beloved. You can ask her, and if your mother is far away, you can write her a letter, as Alina Mukhtarullina did.

Concert number.

With the first drop, with the last snowstorm,
Happy early spring holiday
We cordially congratulate you and wish you
Joy, happiness, love!

Let your holiday days become joyful,
And your beloved family is waiting at home!
May they always be with you
Good luck, happiness, true friends!

Concert number.

The curtain is closed. Phonogram.


Andrey, Alexey and Ilya are employees of the enterprise. In addition, they sing - another gift to women.

Voice of the Palace: Hello! The Palace of Culture... (name) welcomes all spectators! The most Top news weeks - it's spring, ladies and gentlemen! We congratulate you with all our hearts! To commemorate this event, the Palace of Culture will host a competition of beautiful, charming and charming girls “Miss.... - 201 ___”! To organize and conduct the competition, an organizing group consisting of three specialists from our company was created. The deadline for completing the task is March 5, 201 ___ at 18.00 hours.

The curtain opens. Phonogram. In the center of the stage in the spotlight sculptural composition of the 3 leading, symbolizing the utmost tension of all forces, back to back. The composition comes to life.

Andrey: So, my friends, there is almost no time left, what are your suggestions to save the situation?

Ilya: Don’t put off until tomorrow what you already put off yesterday until today!

Alexei: Speak briefly, ask little, leave quickly!

Andrey: But in essence?

Alexei: Yes, everything is as simple as shelling pears, at our enterprise you can go into any workshop or division and just take all the young girls that come to hand... Any of them will suit us: young, beautiful, charming, attractive... I personally don’t like them I haven’t seen it here at all!

Ilya: A serious person cannot rely on chance, and besides, it’s too late to go to the enterprise. I suggest taking girls right here and now! Moreover, the workers of our enterprise are now in the hall!

Andrey: We will be guided by the situation. I’ve prepared something here (takes the participants’ numbers out of his pocket and peers into the hall). What's the main thing?

Alexey and Ilya: What?

Andrey: The main thing is strategy! Congratulate everyone - don't forget anyone! And start, of course, with mom!

Then everyone hits themselves on the forehead, takes out their cell phones and starts congratulating their mothers at the same time, and then leaves the stage.

At the same time, the presenters distribute numbers to the participants sitting in the hall. The girls will enter the stage from the audience.

Andrey(enters the stage from the audience): Well, the problem of the competition participants has been solved. There is one more left - and who are the judges?

Ilya: Like who? Men, of course!

Alexei: That is, we! I!

Ilya: And I!

Andrey: Hey, wait a minute. You and I have a more difficult task ahead of us: to meet all the girls, charm, introduce, get to know each other...

Alexei: The only way get rid of temptation - give in to it!

Ilya(looks out in the hall): Then we’ll send it to the jury... (Now everyone goes into the hall with microphones and there they hand out attributes to the jury members and introduce them, then return to the stage)

Andrey: Well, everything is ready! Is everyone ready?

Ilya and Alexey: Always ready!

Phonogram. They sing “We are brave guys!”

Choreographic opening - “Business Woman”.

1st round of the competition - “Business Woman”

Alexei: Girls, wait, don’t leave, let’s get to know you... (Girls are interviewed on both sides)

Andrey(looks at his partners reproachfully)

Alexei: What?

Ilya: Have we forgotten something?

Andrey: It would be strategically accurate to congratulate your work colleagues at this place.

All: A-a-a-a... (Appealing to the hall, everyone simultaneously congratulates their colleagues, bosses, by name and personally, who are in the hall. They are interrupted by a voice; as soon as they hear it, they leave the stage)


Presenters. In sports uniform - Andrey with a ball, Ilya with a gun or fishing rod, Alexey on skis.

Andrey: One, two... we breathe rhythmically, we don’t slow down, we must look sporty, like Bubka...

Alexei: But you can’t just look like DiCaprio, for example...

Ilya: Or like Brad Pitt?

Andrey(cheerfully): You can’t! Not our morals! Our strategic task at this moment is to quietly join the group of participants, and they are now having a sports competition.

Ilya and Alexey(they stopped and were simply stunned): Well, you give...

Andrey: Don't be afraid of perfection, my friends, we can't achieve it!

Choreographic opening - "Sport".

2nd round of the competition – Sports

The presenters in the background are trying to “join” the composition. When the girls leave, they go to the forefront.

Presenters(they sing “Don’t think down on women” and then walk away with a sporty step): Don’t think down on women: / The day will come, and you will probably understand, / Sometimes we can’t live a day without them, / And this is a reliable axiom. / O dear ones, for your sake we are ready / For everything that we men are capable of, / We wish you on this day and hour, / To be loved by everyone and always. / Every woman has her own reason, / She will evaluate men according to her own criteria. / But for your sake, we will do anything, / And this is unambiguous, without a doubt. / O dear ones, for your sake we are ready / For everything that we men are capable of, / We wish you on this day and hour, / To be loved by everyone and always.

Voice of the Palace: Happy holidays to all women for whom the words “sport” and “ healthy image life" is not an empty phrase. We wish you health, willpower and optimism. And we give you musical congratulations from... (names of performers).


Leading in evening suits, with flowers in their buttonholes and bouquets, are worried.

Andrey: I'm worried like the first time...

Ilya: That’s not the right word... I just feel a legal responsibility... (Ilya - legal consultant of the company)

Alexei: Yeah, and how fair man, having given her a bouquet of flowers, you will simply be obliged to marry her after that...

Ilya: I can't, I'm married.

Alexei: What do you think I went out for a walk? (Proudly) I’m married too... (They look at Andrey)

Andrey: What? What? Me too... this...

Alexei: Yes, there is a problem...

Andrey(calls out in the tone of a conspirator): That's it, guys! We will tell the wives what this task is - to congratulate women. The people trusted us! We are the bearers of corporate traditions! The best traditions! After all, a woman is the best thing in our lives, even if she is a boss or just a colleague! A woman is such... such... space!!! (As the development progresses, they straighten their shoulders and by the end of the monologue they gain pride and significance to the very top. The mobile phone rings) Hello. And it's you? Hello, dear, yes, no, I’m not busy, yes, I’ll be running soon, etc.

Everyone’s cell phone rings in turn, everyone communicates at the same time, after finishing the conversation, they wipe the sweat from their foreheads and get ready to sing.

They sing “Spring will come unexpectedly.”

Choreographic opening - "Evening".

Round 3 – Evening dresses

Voice of the Palace: Dear women! All of you, regardless of status, age, family and financial situation, today we congratulate you on the most spring and most women’s holiday! Be always fresh, beautiful and happy! Our congratulations are joined by the company... (name), which kindly provided its new collection for display in creative tandem with the ensemble... (name).


Andrey: It can be stated that we have practically completed the task entrusted to us. And they wound something around themselves!

Ilya: How much time and effort must a man spend to take advantage of a woman’s momentary weakness!

Alexei: There are such women. She will sew a hanger for your coat, and then she will say that she gave you her life.

Ilya: If a woman is a gift from Fate, then this is her most precious gift!

Andrey: And no matter what, we recognize your excellence... once a year! But completely sincerely! And with joy and excitement we invite to the stage all the participants of the “Miss...” competition, as well as the competent jury.

The participants and jury come out. Ilya and Alexey call their names. Awarding the contestants.

The final song is “It’s Spring”!

The scenario for March 8 at the cultural center is “Woman is the eighth wonder of the world!”

In the garden, where the birch trees crowded together,
A blue eye looked at Snowdrop.
First, I put out a little green leg,

Then I stretched with all my little strength
And quietly asked:
"I see the weather is warm and clear,
Tell me, is it true?
What is this spring?

With the first snowdrops we welcome spring again, which means a wonderful holiday for all women on March 8th! The most beautiful and touching word in the world - mother. This is the first word that the baby says, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Children are the most precious thing for a mother. Mom has the kindest and most faithful heart, the most affectionate and gentle hands that can do everything. And in the right and sensitive heart Mothers' love for children never fades. Our dear women, allow me to sincerely congratulate you on this holiday and wish you on this solemn day good health, family well-being and harmony, perseverance and patience, peace and longevity, and always Have a good mood! Today is our holiday for you!

Spring has come again!
Again she brought a holiday,
The holiday is joyful, bright and gentle,
A holiday for all our dear women.
So that we all smile today,
Our children tried their best for us,
Please accept our congratulations,
Watch the children's performance.


Ved: What is happiness? With such a simple question

Perhaps more than one philosopher has asked this question.

But in fact, happiness is simple!

It starts with half a meter of height.

These are vests. Booties and bib,

A brand new described mother's sundress.

Torn tights... Broken knees,

These are the walls painted in the corridor...

Happiness is soft warm palms,

There are candy wrappers behind the sofa, crumbs on the sofa...

This is a whole heap of broken toys,

This is the constant noise of rattles...

Happiness is barefoot heels on the floor...

A thermometer under the arm, tears and injections...

Abrasions and wounds. Bruises on the forehead...

This is a constant “What” and “Why?” "...

Happiness is a sled. Snowman and slide...

A small candle on a huge cake...

This endless "Read me a story"

These are daily Piggy and Stepashka...

This is a warm nose from under the blanket...

A hare on the pillow, blue pajamas...

Splashes all over the bathroom, foam on the floor...

Puppet show, matinee in the garden...

What is happiness? Everyone will answer you;

Anyone who has children has it!


Ved: How tenderly, with love, your children speak and sing about you, mothers.

Now we’ll find out what your parents think about you guys!

A funny roll call game with parents:

Ved: In the morning he gets out of bed:

“Where did you put your shirt?

Where are the shoes? Where's the sock? »

I made the bed myself,

And I watered the flowers myself,

I helped my mother set the table...

Do you have such a son? (Parents answer...)

I scattered all the toys

And shouts: “Oh, I’m tired!

I can’t clean up, I’ll help you tomorrow!

I don’t want to, period!

Do you have such a daughter? (Parents answer...)

And other daughters are a miracle! Wash all the dishes

They fed Murka the cat, although they themselves were still crumbs,

They work, they try... Do you like them? (Parents answer...)


Ved: All mothers, as you know, know how to cook deliciously.
It happens that mom needs help,
And some children don’t know what scrambled eggs are made from,
Not to mention other dishes.
Do you know what scrambled eggs are made from?
Who helps mom cook, raise your hands.
Now I'll check this.
Who can correctly answer what dishes can be
cook from the listed products?
I name the products, and you name the dish.

Competition "Delicious Recipes".

Mushrooms, onions, potatoes, vermicelli, salt, water, herbs. (Mushroom soup).
Chopped meat, onions, eggs, bread, salt, pepper. (Cutlets)
Beet, green pea, onion, carrot, cucumber, potato. (The vinaigrette)
Flour, yeast, eggs, butter. (Pies, buns)
Meat, potatoes, onions, carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, salt, pepper, water. (Shchi)
8. Rice, carrots, onions, sunflower oil, mutton. (Pilaf)
9. Water, berries or fruits, granulated sugar. (Compote)
10. Milk, butter, cereal, salt. (Porridge)
11. Eggs, milk, butter. (Omelette)

Ved: I want to ask one question:
How can you describe spring?
You can call it spring,
Who creates coolness for us in the heat.
Who warms you in the bitter winter,
Who brings light to the sun in the hour of eclipse,
Who is the angriest, in stormy times
Brings inspiration to our soul.
You can't call spring the time of year.
The flowering time will quickly disappear.
But nature created spring for us,
Which is already all year round blooms.
So it turns out that this is the answer!
Everyone has their own spring!
There is nothing more beautiful in the world,
How close is our beloved Spring!
Yes, women! All this is just about you!
We are grateful to you for your warmth!
Because you love us!
For this eternal spring....


“There are no ugly women!” -
I declare to other skeptics,
In a woman, a man opens
Something that is not noticeable to others.
Time is gaining momentum,
Like the motor runway:
There are no ugly women
It's a pity, not everyone is happy.
In the overflow of rainbows and dewdrops,
On the ground, under the blue sky
There are no ugly women
Among those who love and are loved!
. Years! You have no power over a woman,
And of course it's no secret
All mothers are wonderful for children,
This means there are no ugly women!
Let the rains ring on the sidewalks,

Let the snowflakes swirl, teasing, -
I know: there are no old women,
If there are friends from their youth.
A woman forgets even in grief
Draw a line for love:
There are no ugly women
You just need to see the beauty.

Leading : The eighth of March is women's day,
And it’s a holiday for all men!
And now let's give way to a joke,
We can't live without her,
It's better with her Hard time
Why shouldn't we joke?

Fairy Tale: The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats

March 8 for all men
There are a hundred reasons to worry:
Is that gift given?
Is the tea well brewed?
How long do soups take to cook?
How much flour do you put in the cake?
How should dishes be washed?
Just don’t forget!
On this day there are no lazy people anywhere
Not found among men -
Cook, wash, sweep
All men as one!
For women - bouquets of flowers,
Respect and honor!
Maybe this holiday is coming soon
It will last...
Whole year!


To you, good, gentle, sweet ones.
All the flowers on earth are just for you!
We want you to be happy
And we liked them happy.
- We wish you the very best,
On this day and for many days to come
I wish you great happiness, dear ones!
And success, which is akin to happiness!
– And health, and the very best!
And flowers smile on their faces,
Peaceful sky to you, bright sky!
Let your dreams come true!
- To you, good, gentle, sweet,
On this day and for many days to come
We wish to be loved
And they didn’t struggle in life alone.
- Let the house be filled with a cup of joy,
Let the trouble pass by.
We wish - and may everything come true
This life is not at all easy.


How are you doing, dear mothers?
It’s not easy, because there’s so much trouble,
But we're used to keeping our backs straight
Love doesn't let you get discouraged.
That love that is called family
That love that is in children's eyes
We are the only star that shines
And it will warm you like a shawl on your shoulders!
Thank you for your love, for your kindness, for your affection,
I saw a fairy tale in my mother’s eyes as a child.
And so I grew up, but I retained my memory,
My mother’s eyes were warm, they protected me.
In my mother's eyes, the only one in the world,
In my mother's eyes, we are always just children,
Joy and sadness hid in the eyelashes,
We will always dream about mom's eyes!
I will never forget those wonderful moments,
When I looked for inspiration in the eyes of my family.
They cry to the heavens, let the sun not go out!
And in my mother’s eyes the light of hope does not go out.


Have a joyful and tender spring,
Happy days and pink dreams,
May March give you even a snowy one
Your smiles and flowers.
What is love without hugs?
And what is love without love?
Smile at us, dear mothers
After all, all the flowers bloomed for you

In Russian it’s “mama”, in Georgian it’s “nana”.
And in Avar it is affectionately “baba”.
From thousands of words of earth and ocean
This one has a special destiny.
Our lullaby becoming the first word of the year,
It sometimes entered a smoky circle
And on the lips of a soldier in the hour of death
The last call suddenly became.
There are no shadows on this word,
And in silence, probably because
Other words, kneeling,
They want to confess to him.
The spring, having rendered a service to the jug,
This word babbles because
What a mountain peak remembers -
She was known as his mother.
And lightning will cut through the cloud again,
And I will hear, following the rain,
How, absorbed into the ground, this word
Raindrops are calling.
I’ll sigh secretly, grieving about something,
And, hiding a tear in the clear light of day,
Don't worry mom, I say
Everything is fine, my dear.
Constantly worries about his son
Holy love is a great slave.
In Russian "mama", in Georgian "nana"
And in Avar - affectionately “baba”.

Dear grandmothers, dear mothers! Today is your day! Get ready for the festive wave!

Correspondent 1. If the bun falls asleep under the Christmas tree, who will wake up in the morning?
A) prickly hedgehog,
b) a spiked ball,
c) running cactus,
d) needle yolk.
Correspondent 2. If the cuckoo is “she,” then who is “he”?
a) fig,
b) cuckoo bird
c) cook,
d) kukun.
Correspondent 1. If you have pets and most spend time with them, then you...
a) went wild
b) perked up,
c) have become bruised
d) domesticated.
Correspondent 2. If you put a monkey behind the wheel, what will the car turn into?
a) in tin can,
b) into a flying saucer,
c) as a “disabled person”,
d) in the Macaca Ford.
Correspondent 1. If a person tamed a snake, then he...
a) stung
b) terrible
c) terrifying
d) narrowed.
Correspondent 2. If there is a pest bug in the bean bed in the garden, then this is...
a) priest
b) nabob,
c) blasphemer
d) dressed up.
Correspondent 1. If a fly lands on your ear, what will it be like?
a) screwed up,
b) cheating,
c) fluffy
d) flyy.
Correspondent 2. What will you do if your salary is raised 3 times by March 8?
a) roll out your sponges,
b) clasp your hands,
c) shed tears of happiness,
d) faint
e) decide that this is a joke.

Our dear ladies, have you noticed that today the sun shines in a special way, men smile at you in a special way, and on these holidays spring days everyone wants to do only good, bright, good things for you?
In these days of spring, we want to wish you love, smiles, happiness, success in everything!
We want to wish you that you will always be! Judge for yourself, what would happen if suddenly, one day, all the women disappeared? Can you imagine this?
: Let's try to imagine. Uncut, unfed men in unironed trousers roam the streets... Or even without them, because they couldn’t find them. Hair salons are closed……..
On the buses, there are guys in the role of conductors with montages in their hands, who beat the last money out of the male passengers.....
There are no favorite announcers on TV screens. The Little Swans dance is performed by four hefty men.
Yes, friends, without women there really is no life and there cannot be! And that’s why today we glorify you, our beloved, dear, desired and most, most beautiful!


I would like in spring days,
Take all troubles away from you,
Cup sunny mood
Present to lovely women.
So that under the dome the sky is clear,
Where the frost makes spring angry,
Your children grew up beautiful,
No sadness and no offense.
So that your eyes are filled with joy,
New freshness for many years
And may your life be brighter than the rainbow
It blazed all over the world.

March 8 is coming soon - the first spring holiday! Make this day unforgettable for you beloved wife, mother, girlfriend, sister and don’t forget about your colleagues!

I bring to your attention several scenarios that will help diversify the party in honor of lovely ladies.

Competition program for adults on March 8th:

The hosts begin the celebration, there are two of them, preferably men. If the team is female, these can be lovely ladies.

1st presenter.
Hello, dear friends!
2nd presenter.
Good evening!
1st presenter.
We decided to start this evening with questions. Do you allow them to be asked to you?
2nd presenter.
Thank you! What association does the word “spring” evoke for you?
1st presenter.
What about the word “woman”?
2nd presenter (addresses the first presenter).
You know, for me the words “spring” and “woman” are inseparable. If you say “spring”, you will remember a woman.
1st presenter.
If you say “woman”, will you remember spring?
2nd presenter.
Yes Yes! Absolutely right. Women, like flowers, bloom in the spring. You walk around the city and see a blonde girl coming towards you, modestly lowering her eyes. How she looks like a chamomile!
1st presenter.
But the proud lady, how she looks like a rose.
2nd presenter.
And this sitting lady, what flower does it remind you of?
1st presenter.
It looks like mountain lavender. Honore de Balzac compared women to flowers: “A woman is like a flower. The flower is fragrant and blooms under the rays of the sun. And a woman blossoms from a man’s love.”
1st presenter.
All evening today, men, dear ladies, will talk to you about love.
2nd presenter.
Don't think that we love you only once a year. We love you 365, and sometimes 366 days a year. But they can talk about it in their own words only one day a year.
1st presenter.
And we do this on March 8th.
2nd presenter.
Happy holiday to you, dear, beloved girls, women, mothers, grandmothers, sisters.
1st presenter.
Happy spring day, happy March 8th!
2nd presenter.
This poem is dedicated to you.
“There are no ugly women!” -
I declare to other skeptics,
In a woman, a man opens
Something that is not noticeable to others.
Time is gaining momentum,
Like a motor on the runway:

It's a pity, not everyone is happy.
In the overflow of rainbows and dewdrops,
On the ground, under the blue sky
There are no ugly women
Among those who love and are loved!
Years! You have no power over a woman,
And of course it's no secret
All mothers are wonderful for children,
This means there are no ugly women!
Let the rains ring on the sidewalks,
Let the snowflakes swirl, teasing, -
I know: there are no old women,
If there are friends from their youth.
A woman forgets even in grief
Draw a line for love:
There are no ugly women
You just need to see the beauty.
1st presenter.
And now I will ask a question to the lovely ladies. What do you think men like most about women?
(Women's answers).
2nd presenter.
Now a question for men. What do you like in women?
(Men's answers).

Summing up.

1st presenter.
Yes, opinions clearly do not agree.
2nd presenter.
And they shouldn’t converge, because a woman is a Woman, and a man is a Man!
1st presenter.
And you and I, as men, it’s time to raise a toast to the lovely ladies.
2nd presenter.
A toast to the ladies!
She is a force of nature, this lady.
And this is a fact, not advertising.
How his eyes sparkle,
Secretly, so sweetly sighs,
Doesn't seem to say anything
But there was a man - and he is no more.
You look after her and you won’t understand,
Either you moo or you sing.
What shape, what kind of body,
If you are sober, you will become drunk,
The female character is dynamite,
He is both insidious and alluring,
It's like chocolate in a wrapper,
Enduring it is pure hell.
So what kind of creature is this?
Why in the world does he need his recognition?
This is not the place to judge this,
Her fate gives us life.
But you should also understand -
She can take a life
Who will ever understand a woman?
He will immediately go crazy and die.
That's why I'm still alive
That I don’t understand anything about it.
Madame "Good" and Lady "Evil"
Men live to spite everyone.
But no matter what you say -
And we can’t live without these ladies.
We are all destined by nature
To be at one with this lady!
And in order to have it,
I'm ready to give my life.
And, in order to bring down men's arrogance,
I'm ready to drink this mixture!
For lovely ladies!!!
1st presenter.
Today is an unusual evening for us. Our lovely ladies do everything they can - and they succeed everywhere.
1st presenter.
Among those present there are excellent doctors and teachers (list of professions).
2nd presenter.
But you forgot about the most important female profession.
1st presenter.
Which one?
2nd presenter.
And this is simply a Woman.
1st presenter.
And the wife?
2nd presenter.
ABOUT! This is the most difficult profession for women.
1st presenter.
Tonight will be unusual. Women will try themselves in a completely unusual profession - models and fashion models.
2nd presenter.
They will take part in competitions: “Miss Sponges”...
1st presenter.
"Miss Long Legs"...
2nd presenter.
"Spring 200...."
Those interested prepare in advance for the last competition; each participant is given a number, which she draws on a circle with a diameter of 8 cm and attaches to her left hand. Competition nominations are prepared at home:
“Business Woman” - a demonstration of the clothes of a business woman.
"Beach suit."
"Cellophane skirt."

1st presenter.
To hold the competition, we need to select a competent jury.

Jury's choice: optional, best compliment for women, etc.

2nd presenter.
The jury members took their seats and are ready to work.
1st presenter.
Well, let's start the Miss Sponges competition.

Miss Sponges.
Part 1.
All women are encouraged to tint their lips. The presenters give everyone rectangles of paper measuring 4x8 cm and invite them to leave an imprint of their lips on the paper, making a note on the back side whose lips these are. The presenters collect rectangles with lip prints on a tray and give them to the jury.

At this time they raise toasts “to the lovely ladies” ordances are announced.

After summing up the results of the competition, places are awarded.
1st place - Miss “Seductive lips”.
2nd place - Miss “Sugar Sponges”.
3rd place - Miss “Smile”.
Awarding prizes to the winners.

2nd part of the competition.
2nd presenter.
And now the three bravest ladies who love with all their hearts, the three strongest and most courageous men, are invited to the stage.

Preparations for this competition are underway in advance. Three lip contours are cut into the old sheet. The sheet should be taller than the person's height. It is better to sew 2 sheets. Three men with painted lips are placed behind the sheet. They put their lips into the slot. The presenter opens the curtain.

2nd presenter.
Behind this curtain are charming ladies. They agreed to please you.
1st presenter.
Each of you will choose your lips under some number (1, 2, 3) and kisses your lips. But then he must pay for this broken kiss with a description of his kiss - what you felt when you kissed those lips.
2nd presenter.
Do you agree, brave of the brave?
1st presenter.
Those present in the hall envy you, I assure you, the bravest of the brave.

After the kiss, the men talk about how they felt.

2nd presenter.
Yes, you had such feelings that we should envy you. Would you like to see your chosen ones?
1st presenter.
Sponges-1, sponges-2, sponges-3 are invited to join us on stage. (A hundred come out from behind the sheetmen living there). And these three brave men from the audience should be awarded prizes.
1st presenter.
Here before us are three of the happiest men. Those sitting in the hall will now greatly envy you.

Miss Long Legs.
We continue our competition. We promise there will be no more giveaways. Be brave, dear ladies.

The willing ladies take the stage.The presenter from the audience invites two men, gives them a centimeter, and they measure the length of the woman’s leg from the base of the foot to the thigh. The results of the measurements speak to the jury. Music is playing. The jury sums up the calculations and announces the winner - Miss “Long Legs”.

1st presenter.
Awarded the Miss Long Legs prize. Introduce yourself.
2nd presenter.
Our two female leg meters are rewarded for their painstaking and difficult, but enjoyable work.

Prizes for two men.

Competition “Poems about women”.
1st presenter.
Poets have dedicated many poems to you, dear women. In these verses they express their feelings for you. Now we will find out how you love poetry.
2nd presenter.
You have to find out who these lines belong to:
I remember a wonderful moment
You appeared before me.
(A.S. Pushkin)
1st presenter.
To whom were the poems of the great poet dedicated? (A. Kern).
2nd presenter.
We continue the competition.
It's nice to be your sister
Bequeathed to me by ancient fate,
And I became crafty and greedy
And your sweetest slave.
(A. Akhmatova)
1st presenter.
And sadly I fall asleep like that
And in unknown dreams I sleep:
Do I love you - I don't know
But it seems to me that I love it!
(A.K. Tolstoy)
2nd presenter.
Loving others is a heavy cross,
And you are beautiful without gyrations.
And your beauty is a secret
The clues to life are equivalent.
(B. Pasternak)
1st presenter.
Love, love - says the legend -
Union of the soul with the dear soul -
Their connection, combination,
Their duel is fatal.
(F.I. Tyutchev)
2nd presenter.
Here's the window again
Where they don't sleep again.
Maybe they drink wine
Maybe that's how they sit.
Or simply - hands
Two cannot separate.
In every home, friend,
There is such a window.
(M. Tsvetaeva).

Prizes for correct answers.

Miss Spring competition
1st presenter.
Our lovely contestants were preparing for the contest at home.
2nd presenter.
And now we present the participants of the competition. Participant number 1 (Last name, first name, age, profession).
1st presenter.
Participant number 2 (and so on).

The women come out to the music and position themselves in a semicircle on the stage. Then they walk across the stage and leave.

Nomination No. 1 “Business Woman” .
2nd presenter.
Our participants prepared a business woman's costume at home. Now they will show it to us.

It all depends on the imagination of the participants. The more humor they show, the more chances they have to win. The demonstration is accompanied by music. The participant takes 5 steps forward, stops, hand on hip, 5 steps- stop.Then he stops at the left wall of the stage. Other participants will approach her, completing the semicircle. The presenters announce the participants by numbers.

What kind of costumes can there be?
1. Secretary.
A one-piece swimsuit, a black hat on her head, a ribbon around her neck that matches the heart-shaped apron, and on her feet are stilettos and black tights. In hands - a weekly planner and a pen. On the chest there is a business card with the inscription "secretary".
2. Educator.
Dressed in a robe with rattles attached - to calm children, 20 napkins - for wiping noses, several hooks - so that children do not run away, a rope in the pocket - to pacify naughty children, a whistle around the neck - to quickly call children from a walk. This is all explained during the costume demonstration.
3. Woman press.
Dress made from newspapers held together with tape.
4. Business Woman.
A woman in a suit, covered in mobile phones.
5. Miss pantaloons.
Woman in a jacket. There is a butterfly on the neck, and lace pantaloons instead of a skirt.

Each nomination is evaluated. And the lined up participants are given points. After each nomination for the audience- toasts, dancing or whatever you see fit.

Nomination No. 2 “Beach suit”.
1. A girl from Sochi, where the nights are dark.
Dressed in a black turtleneck, black gloves on her hands, black tights on her legs, a bright red one-piece swimsuit. He wears a black nylon stocking on his head, a hat on top, and large red earrings in his ears. Red lips are taped to the stocking-covered face, and white circles to the eyes, these are the whites of the eyes. A scarf is tied around the hips, beach slippers are on the feet and a bag is slung over the shoulder. She comes out, takes a mat out of her bag and places a huge bottle of Suntan Cream next to her, then lies down and sunbathes.
2. Girl with double protection.
Dressed in a swimsuit and a transparent cape. On his head is a builder's helmet. An open umbrella is in his hands. Helmet and umbrella - double protection against sunstroke.
3. Shy.
She wears a lot of clothes. Slowly and shyly, he undresses, scattering his clothes. Remains in a blouse and pantaloons.

Nomination No. 3 “Cellophane skirt”.
This is your wild fantasy. You can fold 2 meters of transparent film into a skirt under tape. Stick flowers, hearts, and inscriptions on it. The skirt can be made from multi-colored and bright bags. Make tops for skirts - gauze scarves, scarves. An interesting top is made from the top of cut-off tights. This top can be easily decorated with colorful tape.

At the end of the competition, the jury sums up the results and issues diplomas: Miss “Modesty”, Miss “Spring 200...”, Miss “Sex Appeal”, Miss “Charm”, Miss “Smile”, Miss “Promiscuity”.

Couture gift.
1st presenter.
And now, dear ladies, a gift for you - new model from the collection “Spring 200...” by Natalie’s couture - “Universal Model of the Year”.
2nd presenter.
This model is a godsend for your husbands. Not a model, but a complete saving for their wallets. And for you, dear ladies, this model makes it possible to extract additional banknotes from someone’s wallets. Savings are related to a woman’s height; the shorter the height, the greater the savings.
1st presenter.
The model consists of a flared chiffon skirt, the sewing of which takes 3 lengths of fabric; a petticoat, the length of which is 60 cm, and a top. No additional fabric is required for the top. This can be done by cutting off the top of torn tights.
2nd presenter.
The top can be decorated with an applique of multi-colored tape.

The model is being demonstrated.

1st presenter.
This model is universal. Depending on the situation, it can turn into different models.
2nd presenter.
Model No. 1 - “Night butterfly”. If you are late for work, and your boss is coming towards you and you clearly cannot avoid meeting him, you take the edges of your skirt and turn them into butterfly wings. Fluttering easily, invisible, like a moth, you fly past him, unnoticed by this pest. You are a night butterfly.

1st presenter.
Model No. 2 - “Disco”. If your boss is a bore, doesn’t let you go early for a sudden party and you don’t have time to change clothes, there is a way out! With a slight movement of your hand, you tie the opposite side edges of the skirt with a knot at the right hip. The long skirt transforms into a seductive miniskirt with draping at the hip. The success of men is guaranteed to you. They won't take their eyes off your lap. If you walk, they will fall in stacks to the right and left.

2nd presenter.
Model No. 3 - “Saving the Husband.” Yes, this is a surefire way to cure your husband of alcohol and set him on the right path. If you return from work and he is already drunk, you are faking an attack of “delirium tremens” in your husband. With a slight movement of your hand, lift the edges of the skirt from the back and throw it over your head from behind. The result is a head cape, like the Madonnas in the paintings of the great masters. Then you take a scythe, which is used to cut grass, or a sickle, or at worst a large table knife in your hands and say in a terrible voice to your loved one: “I am your death, I have come for you.” And slowly approach him. Healing from alcohol is 99% guaranteed unless you accidentally cut him. For safety, it is better to use blunt objects.
1st presenter.
We remind you that this is an exclusive model from the Spring 2005 collection of the Natali’E Fashion House.
2nd presenter.
On this high fashion and note our holiday ends.
1st presenter.
Once again, happy holiday to you, dear ladies, ladies of our hearts.
2nd presenter.
Happy March 8th! Happy spring holiday!
1st presenter.
Let the ringing joy flow everywhere!
2nd presenter.
Let the sun shine! Let the frost go away!
1st presenter.
Let a sprig of mimosa drive away the winter.
The song of the Freestyle group “Oh, what a woman” is playing.

Scenario for the holiday of March 8 for men. (Script author - Natalya Vladimirovna Vasilyeva)

The 8th of March is coming to us.
It's time to congratulate the lovely ladies!
We want to hug them tightly
And we dedicate the hit to them!

The men sing to the tune of the song “Alice”:

Sasha is with us, Andrey is with us
And many other famous people!
We've been preparing for a long time, and now the moment has come to start!
Flowers, congratulations, bouquets of flowers,
Any of us is ready to congratulate the lovely girls!
Their holiday has arrived, the wonderful day of March 8th!

Holiday? What kind of holiday is this?

And this is a holiday of joy, smiles and spring,
When all our girls are beautiful and tender,
When the hearts of men are full of love and care!
When we are ready to surround them with attention,
When we are diligently ready to serve them,
After all, you can’t overload girls with work today!

Girls? What kind of girls are these?

Who are these girls and where are they sitting?
Of course, in management, they look at computers!
And we, with such faces, will take it and run towards the ladies!

Even our beloved chef is with us,
He, if in the mood, can sing the chorus,
Because everyone knows how many women there are in the department.
They work great, they are passionate about their work,
They look great and please our eyes.
Men can lift their spirits in five minutes!

What do we want to wish for our girls?
Always be young, never get tired!
Health and love, and vacation on the Black Sea!
May life smile on you, may you be lucky in everything!
Health and creativity never end!
And may fate fulfill all your dreams soon!

Ved. You are all so beautiful today
So charming and gentle!
If you look, it will immediately become clear:
The breath of spring is all around!

In this difficult job,
Among computers, papers
You are blooming brighter than ever,
It’s like there’s a good magician nearby,

who gave you a miracle
To be young, to live lovingly,
And laundry, kitchen and dishes
I definitely took it upon myself!

So be happy, healthy,
Take on everything ardently,
And we are ready to set you up
Your reliable shoulder.

We wish you good luck in your business,
Love is beautiful and big!
You smile, which means
Everything in life will be fine!

Now let's summarize the results of the questionnaire that we conducted among our lovely women. Since we celebrate March 8th, we also have eight questions.
(Ved. 1 reads out the question, and Ved. 2- best answers: five to six pre-selected options)

1. Your motto in a relationship with a man.
2. What shortcoming do you forgive men?
3. Which fairy-tale heroine can you compare yourself to and why?
4. What do you dream about in the spring?
5. And if we started everything again,
Who would you choose?
6. Describe your life with a line from a song.
7. Decipher the word HUSBAND by its first letters.
8. But what is love anyway?
Prizes are awarded for the most lyrical questionnaire, for the most witty questionnaire and for the best answer.
for every question.

Ved. Regarding love, I can add the following: love is a disease that can only be helped by bed rest!
- What kind of disease is this? - says the doctor, - when is so much energy consumed?
This is work!
- What kind of work is this? - says the engineer, - when is the main unit stopped?
This is art!
- What kind of art is this? - says the actor, - when there are no spectators!
This is science!
- What kind of science is this? - says the professor when the very last student can do it, but I can’t!
So let's drink to the eternal students in love!

Ved. And now, dear women, let's test your erudition!

I propose to conduct a short quiz. It also has 8 questions.
The winners, or rather the winners, will receive prizes.
Chips will be awarded for correct answers, but if a man answers correctly, he must give his chip to any of the ladies present here.
1. Which ditty mentions both women and the number 8?
(Eight girls, one me.
Where the girls go, there I go!)
2. What alcoholic drink reminds you of Women's Day with its name? (martini)
3. Remember films with the word WOMAN.
(“Strange Woman”, “Sweet Woman”, “Beloved Woman”
mechanic Gavrilov”, “A woman as a gift”...)
4. What movie titles consist of only adjectives addressed to women? (“The most charming and attractive”, “The only one”...)
5. Which songs mention women's names?
(“Lisa! Don’t leave!” “Oh, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka!”
“Me and my Masha at the samovar,” “Hello, hello, Alena!” etc.)
6. Which wines are named after women?
(Lydia, Isabella, Dunyasha...)
7. What plants remind you of women's names?
(Rose, lily, pansy, daisy, Ivan and Marya...)
8. Which movies have women's names in their titles?
(“Mashenka”, “Anna Karenina”, “Valentin and Valentina”,
“Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha”, “Seraphim and Seraphim”...)
So, the title “Vasilisa the Wise” has been earned...
(a prize is awarded for the largest number of chips and a Diploma:
“To Vasilisa the Wise from admiring men”)

However, do not forget: women are given convolutions in order to go around sharp corners!
A musical pause is announced, during which a jury of men most competent in this matter will choose Elena the Beautiful. Men approach a stand with children's photographs of women (without a signature), which was made in advance, for which everyone
the women were asked to bring photographs of themselves as children.
Ved. So, the title “Elena the Beautiful” was earned by photograph N...
We ask the original to come forward to present the prize! The winner is awarded a prize and a similar diploma.
Ved. And now we will ask the women who sewed today’s outfit with their own hands to come here. Please walk in front of us so we can appreciate your art!

So, she deserved the title “Marya the Artisan” and our main prize.....
(The rest of the participants in this competition receive a “Delight” chocolate bar)
However, I want to warn our lovely ladies: if you hear a cry of fashion, do not immediately respond -
what if it’s not you!
And now a competition is being announced for the best toast in honor of our lovely women, as well as on the theme “Man and Woman”.
Regarding the last topic, I have this toast:
Late night. The man is not at home. Two women are worried - a wife and a mother. So let's drink to
so that what happens to a man is not what the mother fears, but what the wife fears!
A competition for the best toast is held throughout the evening. The winners are awarded prizes.
Ved. And now the smartest women will receive keepsakes from us! You only need to guess what is in the package.
1. It can be liquid and solid. Various colors and shapes.
Has some connection to football, opera and television series.
(Soap - “Judge on soap!”, “soap opera”)
2. This gift is related to the song “Eat Coconuts, Chew Bananas”
but edible only by name (cream “Coconut”)
3. The name contains the form,
And you have to fill out the form!
Ved. The soul sings and the conversation
The combined choir will continue again:

Song to the tune “If you leave the house with a frown...”:

If you leave the house frowning,
Remember that today is a holiday!
That any acquaintance is ready to congratulate you
Or even a stranger you meet!

And a smile without a doubt
Suddenly touches your eyes,
And good mood
Will not leave you again!

A happy accident brought us together in the department!
We love our lovely women for good reason!
Gentle, kind, modest, in general - the best!
Our eyes say more about it than our words!

And male admiration
Suddenly touches your eyes,
And good mood
Will not leave you again!

If you want tea early in the morning
Or it's time for lunch,
Get out this self-assembled tablecloth!
Here, in our gift, there are a considerable number of them!

Your appetite, no doubt,
Will play out immediately
And good mood
Will not leave you again!

Presentation of gifts (women are given tablecloths)

Ved. And finally, we would like to wish you with all our hearts:
Don't let your children upset you
They will be as beautiful as flowers!
Get A's at school
And make all your dreams come true.
Just remember that when you have many children, they are obedient; when you have one child, you are obedient.
Ved. Let him be a husband and a dear friend,
And a faithful companion for you!
To make you proud of your spouse,
And so that the fire in the soul does not go out!
When saying: “You are mine!”, immediately specify what exactly to wash!
So that when you come home from work,
Had the strength to joke
So that worries don't age you,
So that you don't get tired of loving!
Don't forget that a woman's age is determined not by years, but by men!
And on this bright spring day
We sincerely wish you
Always be in shape and in the mood
And don’t count the years!