How to restore missing filters in Photoshop CS6. Sketch filter group Adobe Photoshop CS5

Photoshop CS4 Zhvalevsky Andrey Valentinovich

Sketch group filters

Bas Relief

Gives the impression of voluminous stucco molding. He builds cut-off transitions based on Foreground Color(Color foreground) And Background color(Background color). The resulting drawing can be of any shade, not just black and white. Example of using a filter Bas Relief(Relief) is shown in Fig. P3.64.

Rice. P3.64. Result of applying the Bas Relief filter

Chalk & Charcoal (Chalk and Coal)

An interesting filter, the result of which looks like a combination of chalk and charcoal strokes. The “chalk” color is Background color(Background color), and as the "charcoal" color - Foreground Color(Foreground color). Images obtained using this filter, as a rule, have a rather surreal character. Example of using a filter Chalk & Charcoal(Chalk and coal) is shown in Fig. P3.65.

Rice. P3.65. The result of applying the Chalk & Charcoal filter (Chalk and coal)

Charcoal (Coal)

If in the previous filter “coal” was paired with “chalk”, here it is separated into a separate function. Filter Charcoal(Charcoal) simulates drawing with charcoal. The color of the “charcoal” is determined by the foreground color, the color of the background forms the “paper”. This filter does its job very realistically. There are few artistic filters in Photoshop that can bring an image so closely to the simulated original. Example of using a filter Charcoal(Coal) is shown in Fig. P3.66.

Rice. P3.66. The result of applying the Charcoal filter (Coal)

Chrome (Chrome)

In its action, this filter is quite close to the one described earlier Plastic Wrap(Plastic box). However, the result of using the filter Chrome(Chrome) really is a bit like molten metal. This filter is mainly used to imitate metals and metal products. Example of using a filter Chrome(Chrome) is shown in Fig. P3.67.

Rice. P3.67. The result of applying the Chrome filter (Chrome)

Conte Crayon (Wax Crayon)

Cont6 Crayon(Wax chalk) refers to filters that imitate certain real-life artistic techniques. This time it's wax crayon, more precisely, a chalk drawing on a textured surface. The color of the chalk is Foreground Color(Foreground color), and as "paper" - Background color(Background color). Experience shows that combinations of black and white flowers. Example of using a filter Conte Crayon(Wax chalk) is shown in Fig. P3.68.

Rice. P3.68. The result of using the Conte Crayon filter (Wax Crayon)

Graphic Pen (Mascara)

If the previous filter produces a drawing with filled areas and outlines, then Graphic Pen(Ink) creates an image made up of strokes only. Most of all it resembles an ink drawing. Acts as “ink” Foreground Color(Foreground color), making the most various ways application of this filter. In terms of the originality of the result, this filter ranks one of the first places in Photoshop, and we advise you to remember it. Example of using a filter Graphic Pen(Ink) is shown in Fig. P3.69.

Rice. P3.69. The result of applying the Graphic Pen filter (Mascara)

Halftone Pattern

Redraws the original image to grayscale. Halftone colors are determined based on the active ones in given time Photoshop primary colors. This filter is not used very often, but there are interesting options its use. In particular, if you select the mode Line(Line), then, if certain conditions are met, the common effect of screen scanning is quite well recreated. Example of using a filter Halftone Pattern(Halftone pattern) is shown in Fig. P3.70.

Rice. P3.70. The result of applying the Halftone Pattern filter

Note Paper

This filter creates a kind of relief displacement on very soft and thick paper. Using this filter, many phenomena are well simulated, for example, hard snow, paper. Example of using a filter Note Paper(Mail paper) is shown in Fig. P3.71.

Rice. P3.71. Result of applying the Note Paper filter


Judging by the name, this filter simulates a copy of an image on a copier. To be honest, to the authors the result of using the filter Photocopy(The photocopy) does not resemble a photocopy at all. Apparently, they were referring to a very old photocopying machine. Example of using a filter Photocopy(Photocopy) is shown in Fig. P3.72.

Rice. P3.72. The result of applying the Photocopy filter

Plaster (Gypsum)

Useful and beautiful filter. Creates a kind of relief in which light areas protrude above an imaginary surface line, and dark areas, on the contrary, go deeper. The principle is quite simple, and therefore master Plaster(Gypsum) will not be difficult. Example of using a filter Plaster(Gypsum) is shown in Fig. P3.73.

Rice. P3.73. The result of applying the Plaster filter (Gypsum)


A filter that simulates one of the common film defects that professional photographers sometimes use. Externally the result of using the filter Reticulation(Reticulation) simply resembles a very noisy photograph. However, this may come in handy someday. Example of using a filter Reticulation(Reticulation) is shown in Fig. P3.74.

Rice. P3.74. Result of applying the Reticulation filter

Stamp (Linocut)

In some ways this filter is close to Graphic Pen(Mascara). Also, only two colors are used, the only difference is that in Graphic Pen(Ink) – only strokes, here – solid filled areas. Example of using a filter Stamp(Linocut) is shown in Fig. P3.75.

Rice. P3.75. The result of applying the Stamp filter (Linocut)

Torn Edges

A filter that is difficult to describe in analogies with real world. Most likely, it looks as if the image was torn out of paper. It was torn out, not cut out. This filter reduces all the colors of the image to two and distributes them based on user settings, that is, there is a principle already familiar to us from other filters in the group Sketch(Sketch). Example of using a filter Torn Edges(Ragged edges) is shown in Fig. P3.76.

Rice. P3.76. Result of applying the Torn Edges filter

Water Paper ( Wet paper)

A filter that simulates painting with paints on wet paper. The paints are apparently watercolors, as their spreading across the image is clearly visible. Unlike previous filters, which were grayscale, Water Paper(Wet paper) works with the entire spectrum of colors. This makes it quite convenient when imitating painting and in some other cases. Example of using a filter Water Paper(Wet paper) is shown in Fig. P3.77.

Rice. P3.77. The result of applying the Water Paper filter (Wet paper) From the Photoshop book. Multimedia course author Medinov Oleg

Filters of the Imitation Watercolor group The Watercolor filter stylizes an image as if it were painted with watercolor paint. Thus, from regular photography can be done original painting(Fig. 11.2). Rice. 11.2. Result of applying the Watercolor filterWhen selecting the Watercolor filter

From the Photoshop CS4 book author Zhvalevsky Andrey Valentinovich

Filters of the group Distort Ocean Waves When you apply the Ocean Waves filter, ripples appear on the image, as if the image were a reflection in water. The default settings for this filter make this image look less like

From the author's book

Filters of the Stylization group In the Stylization group in the filter gallery window there is a single filter – Edge Glow. This filter analyzes the image, determines contrasting boundaries in it and creates “luminous” lines along these boundaries. After processing

From the author's book

Filters of the Texture group The Texture group contains filters that allow you to overlay an image on a textured

From the author's book

Filters of the Strokes group The Strokes group contains filters of different effects. It’s better for you to see for yourself how the filters of this group work, since it’s not so easy to describe them in words. You can use these filters to decoration photos and

From the author's book

Filters of the Sketches group Filters of the Sketches group are similar in their action to filters from the Simulation group. They are also intended for artistic decoration of images and giving them a special style. Let's look at just a few filters from this

From the author's book

Filters of the Blur group The Blur group (Filter? Blur) contains filters for reducing the sharpness of the image. Blurring can be used, for example, to correct a photo that is too grainy, but also to stylize the image, for example, to blur the background or

From the author's book

Filters of the Sharpness group Now let's look at filters that create the opposite effects. If the filters of the Blur group are designed to weaken the sharpness of the image, then the filters of the Sharpness group, on the contrary, are designed to increase the sharpness of the image. It should be noted that

From the author's book

Filters of the Rendering group The filters of the Rendering group are very different. They are combined into one group because they generate a new image. The rendering (visualization) of a picture or frame is precisely what is called rendering. Highlight If you have used a camera or video camera in

From the author's book

Filters of the Stylization group The filters of the Stylization group are also interesting. Note that some of them are contained in the filter gallery window, and some have their own settings dialog boxes or are applied without any settings at all. We will note only two

From the author's book

Filters of the Noise group Add Noise A filter that adds noise to the image. The main filter of this group. It is indispensable when creating textures and in many other cases. An important quality The Add Noise filter is that the intensity of the noise is determined

From the author's book

Filters of the Render group (Lighting) Clouds (Clouds) This is a fairly simple filter that does not even have a settings window. It creates some formations that are very similar to clouds. The color scheme of the clouds is determined from those set on this moment Foreground Color and

From the author's book

Filters of the Texture group Craquelure A beautiful and easy-to-use filter. Simulates a cracked stone surface, very similar to an old wall. An example of using the Craquelure filter is shown in Fig. P3.87. Rice. P3.87. Result of application

From the author's book

Filters of the Video group (Video) De-Interlace (Progressive scanning) Since the television picture is opened through a line, the image is also copied with only half of the lines. This can be corrected using the De-Interlace filter. It operates on the principle

From the author's book

Filters group Other CustomThis filter allows you to create your own filters based on brightness settings. Of course, you can’t do anything complicated with this filter, and we are limited by color correction, but still this is something. High Pass (Color

From the author's book

Digimarc Embed Watermark Group Filters With this filter, you can secure your copyright on an image by adding a watermark. A watermark is a special noise invisible to the eye that is added to an image and carries information

The filters in this set produce effects that look more like drawings than brush paintings.

A sketch is a preliminary or unfinished visual and graphic document. Sketches are made without the use of drawing tools, without exact adherence to scale, but with the depiction of the necessary views, sections, sections, with dimensions and other explanations.

All filters in this group have dialog boxes that are very similar to the dialog boxes Filter Gallery(Filter Gallery).

This group includes a rather varied set of filters. All of them are characterized by the fact that they turn a color image into monochrome, using the foreground and background colors of the document. It is recommended to set the default colors before applying these filters unless you are going for a special effect. Filters of this group are in the list Sketch(Sketch) menu Filter(Filter).

Basically, the described filters are good for preparing drawings for printing and provide a good way to turn a full-color image into a two-color one (not necessarily black and white). These filters are useful for creating stylized designs.

Filter Bas Relief

Filter Bas Relief(Bas-relief) changes the image, offering it in the form of a bas-relief, i.e. a convex image various items made of plaster, clay, kaya, metal, etc. Has parameters Detail(Detailing), Smoothness(Mitigation) and Light(Light). You can also say that the filter Bas Relief(Bas-relief) creates a minting effect.

Filter Chalk & Charcoal

Serves to simulate working with coal and chalk. Filter Chalk & Charcoal(Chalk and Charcoal) changes the image, presenting it in black and white, produces a three-color image. The third color is neutral gray, so you need to select the first two colors so that they are in harmony with the third. Has parameters Charcoal Area(Coal), Chalk Area(Chalk) and Stroke Pressure(Pressure). Convenient for converting photos into black and white drawing(Fig. 12.24).

Rice. 12.24. Original photo ( A)

and after applying the filter Chalk & Charcoal(b)

Filter Charcoal

Filter Charcoal(Coal), just like the previous filter, changes the invention, presenting it in black and white, but has the ability to more creatively change parameters such as: Charcoal Thickness(Intensity), Detail(Detailing) and Light/Dark Balance(Tone balance). Using a filter Charcoal(Coal) produces a two-color pattern.

Filter Chrome

Filter Chrome(Chrome) changes the image to appear chrome.

Has parameters Detail(Detailing) and Smoothness(Smoothing).

Filter Conte Crayon

Filter Conte Crayon(Magic pencil) has such a wonderful name because it controls the presentation of the grayscale image using many parameters, one of which is Foreground Level(Pad Plan Level) and Background Level(Background level). Filter Conte Crayon(War Pencil), in addition to controlling the colors and detail of the image, controls the choice of texture.

Filter Graphic Pen

Filter Graphic Pen(Ink) transforms an image into a combination of fine strokes of a primary color against a background color, creating a beautiful result. You can change the length, direction of the stroke and the threshold of the main color (make the drawing lighter or darker). How a color photograph was transformed with this filter into a black and white ink drawing is shown in Fig. 12.25.


Rice. 12.25. Original photo ( A) and after applying the filter Graphic Pen(b)

Filter Halftone Pattern

Filter Halftone Pattern(Halftone pattern) turns the original photo into a kind of raster grid, dividing it into raster dots.

Filter Note Paper

Filter Note Paper(Mailpaper) turns a photo into relief, also reducing the image to a halftone representation - a relief design on notepaper or wallpaper.

Filter Photocopy

Filter Photocopy(Photocopy) deliberately coarsens the photographs. Unlike those described above, it acts more subtly and preserves some of the halftones of the photograph. The dialog box allows you to change settings such as Detail(Detailing) and Darkness(Darkness).

Filter Plaster

Filter Plaster(Gypsum) turns a photo into a smooth "plaster" relief, also reducing the image to a halftone representation.

Filter Reticulation

Filter Reticulation(Reticulation) also coarsens photos, similar to the previous ones, but adds grain to the result. Reticulation is the formation of a network structure of the emulsion layer.

Filter Stamp

Filter Stamp(Stamp) deliberately coarsens the photographs, giving them the appearance of log engraving.


Rice. 12.26. Original photo ( A) and after exposure to the filter Stamp(b)

This filter is often used to turn an image into a black and white conventional drawing. In Fig. 12.26 you can see how you can pour a linocut from a simple photograph.

Filter Torn Edges

Filter Torn Edges(Ragged Edges) also roughens up the photos. This filter does the same thing as Stamp(Stamp), but at the same time it still creates an uneven outline.

Filter Water Paper

Filter Water Paper(Wet Paper) allows you to preserve the colors of a photo and transform the image into a watercolor painted on textured paper.

Those who use Photoshop version CS5 (or earlier) are accustomed to the fact that in the menu tab Filters The entire list of available filters is presented. In general, it is convenient to quickly navigate to and use them. With the arrival of the next version, Photoshop CS6, this menu was changed, which led to confusion and created confusion among users. The fact is that a number of filters from this menu have disappeared completely.

List of filters in Photoshop CS5:

Changed list of filters in Photoshop CS6:

As you can see, the following groups have disappeared without a trace: Imitation (Artistic), Texture (Texture), Strokes (Brush Strokes) and Sketch (Sketch). In addition to this, a number of individual filters from the remaining groups were also removed.

But don’t panic; in fact, the filter group data hasn’t disappeared anywhere. Yes, they are not in the main menu, but from Filter galleries no one cleaned them up! Thus, to apply them, you must first go to Filter - Filter Gallery(Filter Gallery). A familiar dialog box will open in which you will find what you were looking for:

(Click to enlarge)

As you can see, all the missing filters are present here and you can still use them. But the next problem appeared regarding smart objects and their smart filters.

Smart objects and filter gallery in Photoshop CS6

Let's say we have one and we need to apply a filter to it.

If we select from those filters that are displayed in the menu, then there are no problems - we see their names and understand what we have applied.

But if you need to use filters from the missing list, that is, through the Gallery, then we see that Photoshop does not write their names!

Agree, this is extremely inconvenient. Let's say we used only one Application, we can still remember this. What if we add another filter? And then another one? Firstly, you can forget not just the names, but also in what order they were. Secondly, you return to this project in a week or even transfer the PSD file to another person, what then?

Of course, you can click through them in order, opening a window with filter settings and thereby understanding what it is. But this is so inconvenient... It slows down the speed of work...

Okay, I got carried away with escalating this problem. The developers left us the right to choose and how to fix everything.

Restoring missing filters in CS6

So, to return the missing filters in the menu to their previous form, you need to go to Photoshop settings: Editing(Edit) — Installations(Preferences) — External modules(Plug-Ins).

In the settings window that opens, check the box next to the setting Show all groups and filter gallery names(Show all Filter Gallery groups and names).

After this, you need to apply the changes and restart Photoshop.

Now the missing filter groups will return to the menu, which means that in smart objects they will, like the others, show their name.

If you notice an error in the text, select it and press Ctrl + Enter. Thank you!

We continue to study filters in Photoshop. In this article we will look at the filters from the package Sketch. So let's go to the menu Filter - Filter Gallery.

Sketch package

In this package great importance The colors set in the palette - the main and background - play.

1. Magic pencil (Conte Crayon)

Simulates a drawing with colored chalk or very soft pencil on a textured surface. For dark areas, the foreground color is used, and for light areas, the background color is used. The parameter sets the level of use of the foreground color in the range from 1 to 15. Sets the level of use of the background color in the range from 1 to 15. In the list Texture select texture type:

  • Brick
  • Burlap
  • Canvas
  • Limestone (Sandstone)

To the right of the option Texture button is located Load Texture, it is designed to use another *.psd image as a basis for a texture. Scale sets the scale of the texture pattern in the range from 50 to 200%. Relief sets the relief level in the range from 0 to 50. In the list Light

  • Bottom
  • Bottom Left
  • Left
  • Up and left (Top Left)
  • Up (Thor)
  • Up and Right (Top Right)
  • Right
  • Bottom Right

Function Invert Inverts dark and light areas in an image.

2. Plaster (Plaster)

Used to imitate flat reliefs made from plaster or plaster. The image is formed in the form of a three-dimensional plaster cast, and then the resulting result is colored using the main and background colors. Dark areas become convex, and light areas become depressed. The color of the plaster is taken from the base color. The parameter is intended to set the proportions of light and dark areas of the relief in the range from 0 to 50. Smoothness sets the image precision in the range from 1 to 15. In the list Light The following lighting beam directions are offered:

  • Bottom
  • Bottom Left
  • Left
  • Up and left (Top Left)
  • Up (Thor)
  • Up and Right (Top Right)
  • Right
  • Bottom Right

3. Photocopy

Simulates a print on a copier. The color of the photocopy is selected as the main color. Parameter Detail sets the precision order of parts in the range from 1 to 24. Darkness sets the degree of darkness, or more precisely, of the toner, in the range from 1 to 50.

4. Linocut (Stamp)

Simulates images created using a rubber or wooden stamp. The parameter sets the threshold value for the distribution of white and black areas in the range from 0 to 50. Smoothness Determines the degree of softening of the image, ranging from 1 to 50. This filter is best used with black and white images.

5. Chalk & Charcoal

Uses three shades for the image. For drawing with charcoal, the main color is used, and for drawing with chalk, the background color is used, therefore it is advisable to select light shade, and dark as the main one. Third color, neutral gray shade, is set by default. Parameter Charcoal Area sets the level of coal application in the range from 0 to 20. Chalk Area sets the level of chalk application in the range from 0 to 20. Stroke Pressure determines the pressure level in the range from 0 to 5.

6. Wet paper

Designed to simulate the creation of a drawing on wet paper, it preserves the colors of the original image while adding vertical strokes to the background. Parameter Fiber Length defines the maximum fiber length in the range from 3 to 50. Brightness sets the image brightness in the range from 0 to 100. Contrast sets the image contrast in the range from 0 to 100.

7. Halftone Pattern

Designed to simulate printing, the main and background colors of the program are used. Parameter Size sets the raster dot size in the range from 1 to 12. Contrast sets the contrast level in the range from 0 to 50. In the T list Pattern Type select the type of raster point:

  • Circle
  • Dot
  • Line

8. Note Paper

Simulates a drawing on soft paper, uses the main and background colors of the program, as well as black to create shadows. Parameter Image Balance sets the ratio of light and dark levels in the range from 0 to 50. Graininess sets the amount of image grain in the range from 0 to 20. Relief sets the size of an individual relief element in the range from 0 to 25.

9. Torn Edges

Rearranges an image so that it appears to be composed of jagged, torn pieces of paper, and then colors it using foreground and background colors. Parameter Image Balance Sets the threshold value for light and dark tones, ranging from 0 to 50. Smoothness sets the degree of blurring of image contours in the range from 1 to 15. Contrast Sets the contrast of outline borders in the range from 1 to 25.

10. Bas Relief

Transforming the original image into something resembling a bas-relief using the program's foreground and background colors. If you choose your colors carefully, the result can resemble copper foil, “forged” metal, or an image carved into stone. Parameter Detail sets the degree of accuracy of parts in the range from 1 to 15. Smoothness sets the degree of sharpness in the range from 1 to 15. In the list Light Direction suggested directions of illumination rays:

  • Bottom
  • Bottom Left
  • Left
  • Up and left (Top Left)
  • Up (Thor)
  • Up and Right (Top Right)
  • Right
  • Bottom Right

11. Reticulation

Simulates the photographic reticulation process that occurs when photographic and film film is processed in solution when the permissible temperature is exceeded. As a result, the image appears crumpled in dark areas and slightly grainy in light areas. Parameter Density sets the crack density in the range from 0 to 50. Foreground Level specifies the number of the primary color in the range from 0 to 50. Background Level specifies a background color number in the range from 0 to 50.

12. Mascara (Graphic Pen)

Imitation of drawing with a drawing pen. Replaces the color of the original image, using the foreground color for paint and the background color for paper. Parameter Stroke Length sets largest size dash line drawn with a drawing pen, in the range from 1 to 15. Tone Balance (Light/Dark Balance) sets the brightness level threshold that divides the image into dark and light areas in the range from 0 to 100. In the list Stroke Direction select the direction of hatching with a drawing pen:

  • Diagonally to the right (Right Diag)
  • Horizontal
  • Diagonally to the left (Left Diag)
  • Vertical

13. Charcoal

Simulates a charcoal drawing. Coal is drawn here as the main color, and paper as the background color. Parameter Intensity (Charcoal Thickness) sets the stroke thickness in the range from 1 to 7. Detail sets the degree of image accuracy in the range from 0 to 5. Tone Balance (Light/Dark Balance) defines threshold levels for white and black colors in the range from 0 to 100.

14. Chrome

Simulates shiny metal surfaces such as chrome, nickel or mercury. Parameter Detail specifies the number of reflective surfaces in the range from 0 to 10. Smoothness determines the level of smoothness of reflective surfaces, ranging from 0 to 10. After applying the filter, increase the contrast of the image in the Levels dialog box.

See you in the next lesson!

Published 10/25/2011 22:06 (Sketch) are intended for imitation artistic instruments and materials and are a logical continuation of the Artistic and Brush Strokes filter groups. This group includes the following filters:

Bas Relief;

Chalk & Charcoal (Chalk and coal);

Charcoal (Coal);

Chrome (Chrome);

Conte Crayon (Magic Pencil);

Graphic Pen (Mascara);

Halftone Pattern;

Note Paper;


Plaster (Gypsum);


Stamp (Linocut);

Torn Edges;

Water Paper.

12.9.1. Bas Relief Filter

The Bas Relief filter is designed to simulate the creation of a bas-relief (Fig. 447). The color of the bas-relief is taken from the base color.

The Detail parameter sets the degree of detail precision in the range from 1 to 15. The Smoothness parameter sets the degree of sharpness in the range from 1 to 15. The Light Direction drop-down list offers the following directions for the light rays:

  • Bottom (Down);
  • Bottom Left (Down and left);
  • Left (Left);
  • Top Left (Up and left);
  • Thor (Up);
  • Thor Right (Up and Right);
  • Right;

12.9.2. Chalk & Charcoal filter (Chalk and coal)

The Chalk & Charcoal filter is designed to imitate a pattern created using chalk and charcoal (Fig. 448).

Charcoal Area sets the level of charcoal applied, ranging from 0 to 20. Chalk Area sets the level of chalk applied, ranging from 0 to 20. Stroke Pressure sets the level of black pressure applied to the charcoal, ranging from 0 to 5.

Charcoal is always black, and the color of chalk is taken from the base color chosen.

12.9.3. Charcoal filter (Coal)

The Charcoal filter is designed to simulate a charcoal pattern. The Charcoal Thickness parameter sets the thickness of the strokes in the range from 1 to 7. The Detail parameter sets the degree of image precision in the range from 0 to 5. The Light / Dark Balance parameter determines the threshold levels of white and black colors in the range from 0 to 100. In this filter, the color of charcoal is not black, but the color of the primary color.

12.9.4. Chrome filter (Chrome)

The Chrome filter is designed to simulate shiny metal surfaces (for example, chrome, nickel or mercury). The Detail parameter sets the number of reflective surfaces in the range from 0 to 10. The Smoothness parameter determines the level of smoothness of the reflective surfaces in the range from 0 to 10. The effect looks good on a volumetric background created from a gradient (Fig. 449).

Rice. 449. Chrome text

12.9.5. Conte Crayon filter (Magic pencil)

The Conte Crayon filter (Magic Pencil) is designed to imitate a drawing with colored chalk or a very soft pencil on a textured surface (Fig. 450). Often also called " french pencil" When carried out with such a tool, it is strongly colored, which determines the unique texture of the drawing.

The foreground and background colors are the colors set in the Tools panel. The Foreground Level parameter sets the level of use of the foreground color in the range from 1 to 15. The Background Level parameter sets the level of use of the background color in the range from 1 to 15. The Texture drop-down list selects the type of texture:

  • Brick (Brick);
  • Burlap (burlap);
  • Canvas (Canvas);
  • Sandstone (Limestone).

The triangular Load Texture button, located to the right of the Texture option, is designed to use another *.psd image as the basis for the texture.

Attention!!! When you click on this button, it may not open a list of textures, but a line with the Load Texture command. Clicking this command opens the Load Texture dialog box. In this list, files are only with the *.psd extension. To have your file reflected in this list, save it in this folder with the *.psd extension. An example of such use is given in section 11.2.2 “Getting furniture.”

The Scaling parameter sets the scale of the texture pattern in the range from 50 to 200%. The Relief parameter sets the level of relief in the range from 0 to 50. The Light drop-down list offers the following directions for the light rays:

  • Bottom (Down);
  • Bottom Left (Down and left);
  • Left (Left);
  • Top Left (Up and left);
  • Thor (Up);
  • Thor Right (Up and Right);
  • Right;
  • Bottom Right.

Checking the Invert indicator will invert the dark and light areas of the image.

12.9.6. Graphic Pen Filter (Mascara)

The Graphic Pen filter is designed to simulate a drawing with a drawing pen (Fig. 451).

The Stroke Length parameter sets the largest stroke line size made by the drawing pen, ranging from 1 to 15. The Light/Dark Balance parameter sets the brightness level threshold that divides the image into dark and light areas, ranging from 0 to 100. In the Stroke Direction drop-down list, select the direction of shading with a drawing pen:

  • Right Diag (Diagonally to the right);
  • Horizontal (Horizontal);
  • Left Diag (Diagonally to the left);
  • Vertical.

12.9.7. Halftone Pattern filter

The Halftone Pattern filter is designed to simulate printing (Fig. 452).

The Size parameter sets the size of the raster dot in the range from 1 to 12. The Contrast parameter sets the contrast level in the range from 0 to 50. In the Pattern Type drop-down list, select the type of raster dot:

  • Circle;
  • Dot (Dot);
  • Line.

12.9.8. Note Paper Filter

The Note Paper filter is designed to simulate a pattern on soft paper (Fig. 453). The design on such paper is pressed inward, forming an imprint very similar to a small bas-relief, only on paper.

The Image Balance parameter sets the ratio of light and dark levels in the range from 0 to 50. The Graininess parameter sets the amount of image grain in the range from 0 to 20. The Relief parameter sets the size of an individual relief element in the range from 0 up to 25.

12.9.9. Photocopy filter

The Photocopy filter is designed to create an image that simulates a print on a copier, photocopier or other copying device.

The Detail parameter sets the precision order of the parts in the range from 1 to 24.

The Darkness parameter sets the degree of darkening, or more precisely, of the toner, in the range from 1 to 50.

The color of the photocopy is selected as the main color.

12.9.10. Filter Plaster (Gypsum)

The Plaster filter is used to simulate flat reliefs made from plaster or gypsum (alabaster).

The plaster is applied to the selected area in the image. If nothing is selected in the image, the plaster will be superimposed on the entire image. The color of the plaster is taken from the base color.

The Image Balance parameter is designed to set the proportions of the light and dark areas of the relief in the range from 0 to 50. The Smoothness parameter sets the image accuracy in the range from 1 to 15. The Light drop-down list offers the following directions of light rays :

  • Bottom (Down);
  • Bottom Left (Down and left);
  • Left (Left);
  • Top Left (Up and left);
  • Thor (Up);
  • Thor Right (Up and Right);
  • Right;
  • Bottom Right.

12.9.11. Reticulation filter

The Reticulation filter is designed to simulate the photographic process of reticulation, which occurs when photographic and film film is processed in solution when the permissible temperature is exceeded. As a result, the image becomes covered with papillomas.

The Density parameter sets the crack density in the range from 0 to 50. The Foreground Level parameter specifies the number of the foreground color in the range from 0 to 50. The Background Level parameter specifies the number of the background color in the range from 0 to 50. 50.

12.9.12. Stamp filter (Linocut)

The Stamp filter is designed to simulate one of the artistic techniques for creating an image - linocut.

The Light/Dark Balance parameter sets the threshold value for the distribution of white and black areas in the range from 0 to 50.

The Smoothness parameter determines the degree of softening of the image, ranging from 1 to 50.

12.9.13. Torn Edges Filter

The Torn Edges filter is used to create two-color images.

The Image Balance parameter sets the threshold value of light and dark tones in the range from 0 to 50. The Smoothness parameter sets the degree of blurring of the edges of the image in the range from 1 to 15. The Contrast parameter sets the contrast of the edges of the contours in the range from 1 to 25.

12.9.14. Water Paper Filter

The Water Paper filter is designed to simulate the creation of a pattern on wet paper, for example ( watercolor paints until it dries) (Fig. 454).

Fiber Length sets the maximum fiber length, ranging from 3 to 50. Brightness sets the brightness of the image, ranging from 0 to 100. Contrast sets the contrast of the image, ranging from 0 to 100.