How to draw a picture from glasses lenses. How to draw a girl with glasses with a pencil step by step

Glasses are an accessory that can turn a person's image upside down. In this lesson we will learn how to draw them, and also learn how to draw them correctly on a person’s face.

How to draw glasses with a pencil

First, let's figure out how to draw them. And then we’ll put them on, for example, some girl.

Stage 1
Let's draw glass. Please note that the glasses are depicted at an angle, which means they are subject to the law of perspective. This means that the shape of the glass will be slightly asymmetrical.

You can come up with your own glass shape. Draw unusual glasses, for example in the shape of hearts or stars.

Stage 2
We draw the frame with thin lines. Don't press too hard on the pencil as these are construction lines.

Stage 3
Now these thin lines and we get an almost finished drawing.

Stage 4
We detail all the lines and apply chiaroscuro.

How to draw droplet sunglasses

If the previous example seemed too complicated to you and you didn’t succeed, then don’t worry. This example will be simpler, but this does not mean that the drawing will turn out worse. The approach to drawing will just be a little different.

As we said earlier, if some thing is depicted in half a turn, then it is affected by perspective. Let's draw three parallel lines.

Let's connect them into a parallelogram (yes, school geometry course), and in the center we will get a triangle.

Under no circumstances press hard on the pencil; all these diagrams are needed for a smoother and more convenient drawing of the essence.

We draw on the frame sticks.

Okay, we have the skeleton on which we will rely. Now we draw lenses based on our skeleton.

We continue to gradually detail them.

Now we take an eraser in our hand and erase our diagram. We don't need her anymore.

We color and the glasses are ready.

How to draw glasses on a face

An important point that we want to tell you about. Don't try to draw super realistic glasses on a character that isn't super realistic.

The art is in simplicity and if you depict hyper-realistic accessories enough simple face- it will look inappropriate. We will analyze both options, starting with the realistic and complex.

We will draw from real photo, prepare more different pencils and paper.

First, let's draw the main lines.

Let's draw this accessory in volumetric form and depict part of the face; the rest of the part is simply unnecessary for this example.

We work with chiaroscuro.

We draw the highlights based on the shape and the light source.

The frame also casts a shadow.

If you didn't succeed, don't worry :) Such drawings are drawn by artists with many years of experience who have spent more than a thousand hours on it.

How to draw a girl with glasses

Let's move on to more simple example and, perhaps, for the best within the framework of this article.

So, let’s draw a girl and two circles under the eyes of different radii (perspective, don’t forget).

We are working on the frame, the connection on the bridge of the nose should be rounded.

We paint. The area under the lenses should be a little darker, but this is not important if you are depicting Sunglasses. So let's move on.

Take a black pencil and shade with a gradient from top to bottom.

Apply highlights on both sides.

We are finalizing it.

This is the resulting drawing.

Few examples

For self-analysis, we will provide you with a couple of pictures.

Important point

Look at the boy below. Sunglasses greatly change the image and idea of ​​the character. Therefore, painting the lenses black will greatly change the character.

Man is far from an ideal creature. The theory of evolution says that the fittest survive. But in the case of people, everything is exactly the opposite. Our body is fragile. Barely strong enough to lift own weight, the speed is on par with a beaver, and the vision is not that of an eagle (we can’t see beyond our nose). But the man has an excellent mind, and he came up with a lot of inventions. Now let's talk about one invention. You will learn how to draw glasses. Glasses serve not so much to improve vision as to normalize it. Often glasses are replaced with lenses, which are more convenient to use, but require a lot of attention and affection.

In addition, glasses have an advantage that a pair of lenses will never have - they make a person smart. Yes, but most often only in appearance. Statistically, a person with glasses looks 20% smarter to others, although he can be 100% stupid. But that's not all. Glasses protect us from the evil and nasty sun, which tries to blind us with ultraviolet radiation. A brilliant invention for all occasions. Here are a few things about this product:

  • Sometimes glasses are used by those who do not need them on their forehead. Thus, in Spain in the 17th century it was believed that the larger a person’s spectacle frames, the higher his status in society. At the same time, I didn’t even remember the lenses, except maybe simple pieces of glass.
  • They even came up with terrible myths about eyepieces. In the Middle Ages they were called Vampires that suck out the soul. They often accompanied witches and other evil spirits in drawings.
  • Everyone knows about the fighting spirit of roosters. In Denmark, farmers found very interesting way to calm the animals - they put glasses with lenses on the roosters so that they were myopic. Aggression was blown away like the wind.

Drawing the glasses themselves would be too simple and banal, so I complicated the lesson, and we will draw a portrait of John Lennon wearing glasses. Let's get started.

How to draw glasses with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's sketch out a round shape with two lines emanating from it at the bottom. As you understand, this will be a head with shoulders. Step two. Let's move on to drawing the elements of the face. Lennon is still that shaggy rocker, we harmoniously scatter the hair on his head with a pencil. Step three. In this step we will do two things at once: first, we will draw beautiful and kind eyes, always with interesting round glasses, lips, nose, neck - we do not forget anything, secondly, we will smoothly move on to removing all unnecessary stripes, blots, and clean the paper from filth . Step four. It's a small matter. Since the drawing has already been cleaned up, all that remains is to spice it up by adding more realistic shadows and shade the necessary places. I hope you found this article helpful. And I know one thing about you - you definitely have interesting ideas for lessons, and most importantly, I know you want to write to us about them HERE. And below you will find more lessons about portraits and people.

Hello! Today we have prepared for you new lesson drawing, it will talk about how to draw glasses. Sunny or ordinary - it’s up to you to decide whether they are drawn exactly the same, right down to last stage. Previously, glasses were considered part of the stereotypical image of such an antisocial nerd, at whom everyone made fun and laughed.

However, believe me, famous quote“Don't make fun of nerds at school. It is very likely that you will have to work for one of them,” is the case, she is extremely fair. And an example of this is not only the non-existent (but so close to every comic book lover), but also the very real and Bill Gates.

Glasses can be not only an attribute of an excellent student at school, they can be worn by, or. Let's start this drawing lesson and find out!

Step 1

First, let's outline the conditional “stickman”. That is, we will be doing this for the next couple of stages. Here we will draw the contours of the lenses - pay attention to their size and shape, the size is especially important. We will draw the glasses slightly unfolded, taking into account the perspective.

Step 2

Now let's draw the arms of the glasses. The lines of the arms should be parallel and slightly curved at the end.

Step 3

Now let’s outline the resulting “stickman”. By the way, we call a sketchy outline a stickman human figure, as, for example, in the lesson about . The very essence of the first two stages of this lesson is the same - we sketched out a conditional “skeleton” of glasses, now we trace it to a completed sketch. Pay attention to the uneven thickness of the glasses' temples. By the way, the partition between the lenses is very thick, do not lose its size during the drawing process.

Step 4

Now we give the sketch the correct, beautiful finished look. Erase the extra guide lines and add details. Be sure to draw the edges of the lens holders, then apply small highlights to the lenses. If you want to draw glasses with dark lenses, paint over the lenses, just be sure to stop the glare on the glasses.

This was a lesson in which we told you about how to draw glasses with a pencil step by step. In general, the lesson was not the most difficult. Please note that the illustrations for this article, as well as for all others from the “drawing lessons” section, were prepared for you by the artists of the site.

If you want to keep abreast of announcements of new articles, do not forget to subscribe to our VK page. By the way, we post there not only announcements, but also various works of art by cool artists. So stay in touch with us, we are not saying goodbye to you!

This is an average difficulty lesson. It can be difficult for adults to repeat this lesson, so I don’t recommend drawing glasses for young children using this lesson, but if you have great desire- then you can try it. I also want to note the lesson “” - be sure to try it again if you still have time and desire to draw today.

What you will need

In order to draw glasses we may need:

  • You need Photoshop program.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Ordinary household things are the easiest to draw, because you can always look at the glasses, they are always at hand and you can see every detail. You have to draw not from your head, but from nature, and this is much more pleasant and easier. If you do not have the opportunity to look at what you are drawing, it is better to turn to a search engine and look at the photos before taking the lesson.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

Tip: Perform different actions on different layers. The more layers you make, the easier it will be for you to manage the drawing. So the sketch can be made on the bottom layer, and the white version on the top, and when the sketch is not needed, you can simply turn off the visibility of this layer.

As you complete this tutorial, please note that due to differences in software versions, some menu items and tools may have different names or be missing altogether. This may make the tutorial a little difficult, but I think you can do it.

In this simple lesson In Photoshop we will look at how you can draw glasses on a photograph.

Final result

Let's start the Photoshop lesson

1. Open the photo File > Open (File > Open / Keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + O”).

2. Draw a black rectangle using Rounded Rectangle Tool(Rounded Rectangle Tool / U Key). Place it above the eye.

3. Double-click on the layer with the rectangle and set the following values ​​in the window that appears:

4. Reduce Opacity to 30%.

5. Duplicate the layer, double-click on the newly created layer, set the following values:

6. Ctrl+Click on the layer with glasses - we get a selection. Go to Select > Modify > Contract (Selection > Modification > Compress). We set a small value. Create a new layer and use the Gradient Tool (Gradient Tool / Key “G”) to fill our selection with a black and white gradient. Raise the layer up a little.

7. Change the layer mode to Screen (Lightening), reduce the transparency to 40%.

8. Using the Ellipse Tool (Oval Shape Tool / “U” Key), draw a small oval near the bridge of the nose.

9. Using the Line Tool (Line Tool / Key “U”) we connect the oval with the frame.

10. Duplicate the layers with glasses (you can merge them into one), mirror them and place them on the second one.

11. Create a new layer. Using Pen Tool(Pen Tool / “P” Key) draw a bridge and set this layer to the same values ​​that were used to create the frame.

12. Using the Line Tool (Line Tool / “U” Key) draw the arms of the glasses.

Final result

I sincerely hope that you enjoyed the tutorial on how to draw glasses. If you put in the effort, I believe you will achieve everything you set your mind to. Now you can pay attention to the lesson “” - it is just as interesting and exciting. Share this lesson with your friends on social media. networks.

    In drawing points of difficulties and subtleties (in figuratively) there are none.

    The shape of the glasses can be completely different, everything will depend only on your own wishes, what kind of glasses you would like to draw, if you don’t need to draw any other details or a face.

    It’s better to start with a sketch to understand the position of the glasses and decide on the size.

    Let's carry out horizontal line thinly, then we will draw glass on it so that the line runs approximately in the center, we will complete the arms and nose pads. Let's erase the line inside the glass and draw the frame more thoroughly.

    You can decorate it, or you can leave it like that - in a pencil.

    I suggest drawing glasses with a pencil step by step as follows:

    1) First we draw general outlines glasses;

    2) Then we thicken the frame and temples of the glasses;

    3) Add dimension to the picture;

    4) We color our drawn glasses at the last stage.

    Glasses are not as difficult to draw as it might seem at first glance. It seems to me that the most important thing is to decide on their shape, and then make a sketch for yourself. That is, display their shape schematically. Let's draw glasses, but not on their own, but on the legendary man John Lennon.

    So, let's make a sketch for ourselves. Let's draw a face schematically, then draw (also schematically) the legs and lips.

    Let's not forget to show your hair. And now the heroes of our question are glasses. They should be round because John Lennon wore them. It turns out? Now we evaluate the drawing and make the lines clearer. Draw the mouth, nose, eyes, glasses. We make the hair a little disheveled. If you want to leave the drawing in black and white, then we will use only a pencil. But you need to understand that the drawing is not considered finished. We also need to show the realism of the image, don’t forget to make shadows.

    To be honest, I tried to draw it like that, but it didn’t work out. Still, here are not just glasses, here is a portrait. I think it's worth watching the lesson in more detail here.

    I suggest you draw fashion glasses Ray Ban. This will not require much time or any special artistic skills and talents. First you need to make outlines, that is, roughly draw the outline of the lenses and arms, do not forget that the arms should bend at the end and be parallel. Now you need to outline the outlines, remove unnecessary lines with an eraser, and add details. Everything in stages:

    Let's draw glasses simply - because we will be drawing with the child. Let's draw grandma's face with glasses. First we draw a circle, this is the face. We finish drawing the eyes, nose, and mouth with a smile, because grandmothers are kind) We draw ovals around the eyes and connect them with an arc on the nose. And from the ovals to the ears we draw straight lines - these are the arms. You can draw a scarf on your head. So grandma will be wearing glasses)

    Let's draw glasses. Let's take a ruler Blank sheet paper, pencil and eraser. We will divide the drawing of glasses into stages, highlighting the following among them:

    First stage. Let's draw a long rectangle, divide it into two parts, and draw two more vertical lines next to the dividing line:

    Second phase. Let's draw upper part glasses frames. And let's also draw an arc for the nose.

    Third stage. Draw the outline of the lower part of the glasses frame.

    Fourth stage. Now we draw directly the lower part of the glasses frame.

    Fifth stage. Draw the lenses of the glasses.

    Sixth stage. We draw the smells from the glasses.

    Seventh stage. We remove the extra lines, paint over the glasses, make shadows, we get:

    You can simply draw glasses if you put them in front of you or take a drawing of glasses as an example. This will make it easier to imagine what, how and where to draw.

    First you need to define auxiliary lines size of frame and temples. Divide the frame into three parts: two rims with lenses and a bridge between them. Now we give the desired shape to the rims, smooth lines connecting them to the bridge. We give beautiful shape sound specialists Add details and the glasses are ready. To identify the lenses, you can paint them in grey colour lightly pressed with a pencil, or in any other color.