Regina Todorenko's house. Regina Todorenko and her pages on social networks

Public “VKontakte”? This question can come to every community owner. There may be several reasons for this: creating a new public page, unwillingness to deal with the current one, and so on. In this article we will talk about several simple steps, which will help you get rid of the annoying community forever. Let us note right away that a specialized program for the VKontakte public has not yet been developed, and all actions will have to be carried out manually.


On the social network about which we're talking about, until a function appeared that allows you to completely and irrevocably delete a community using one button or a series of actions. Therefore, in order to erase your public page and make it inaccessible to other users, the creator will need to perform a series of actions, after which the public page will be inaccessible.

How to delete a VKontakte public? Step 1. Remove administrators

The first thing we will need is to exclude the so-called public leaders, if there are any. To do this we go to public page and under the avatar click on the “Manage Page” button. Next, select the “Participants” - “Leaders” tab. All users enrolled in this category will be displayed in front of us. These are the ones that need to be removed.

How to delete a VKontakte public? Step 2. Remove community members

The second, most time-consuming action is deleting all users subscribed to your public. Of course, if you have only a few dozen people, then this operation will not take you long. Otherwise, you will have to delete it literally"until you're blue in the face." But this step cannot be ignored. Therefore, if you decide to delete a public page, then eliminating participants is one of the most important stages. To implement it, go to the community page, then “Page Management” - “Participants”. Opposite each there will be a link “Remove from community”.

How to delete a VKontakte public? Step 3. Eliminate all content

The third stage is the removal of everything that your public is rich in, namely:

  • posts on the wall (manually deleted by clicking the cross in the upper right corner of the post);
  • music in albums;
  • photographs in albums;
  • documentation;
  • public rules (if any);
  • avatar

The final step. Removing all settings

In order to understand what we are talking about, go to the “Information” tab, which is located in the same “Page Management” section. We have to uncheck all the boxes next to all the items, eliminate the name and description of the public. Also, if you posted links to other groups, accounts or external sites, then they also need to be deleted. This can be done in the "Links" section.

This way we will completely clear the public. Keep in mind that after all the steps taken, it will be impossible to restore the page, so we recommend that you think carefully about this. After all, there will be no turning back. If you are serious, then our article on how to delete a public page on VK will be useful for you.

How to delete a public VKontakte page? The fact is that there is no such function in the community settings, and many users are perplexed when faced with a similar question. In fact, deleting a page is not at all difficult, the main thing is to know how. We will talk about this in this article.

How to delete a public VKontakte page?

  • remove manual;
  • clear the list of participants;
  • get rid of all content that is present in the public;
  • eliminate all posts on the wall, documents, comments;
  • make the settings.

Let's take a closer look at each of these points.

Clearing the user list

Let's start with the managers (administrators) of the public page, if, of course, you have them. Please note that only public owners, that is, the people who created it, can perform the above actions. So, we need to go to the "Manage Page" section and then go to the "Members" tab. In it we will see two categories of users: managers and subscribers. We go to the first one and click the “Demote the manager” button. It is located opposite each user image. We repeat these steps until all managers are demoted. After that, move to the “Participants” tab and remove all subscribers from the community. You will have to spend a lot of time, especially when your page has accumulated quite a lot of fans. We recommend that you think carefully about whether you are really ready to delete them all and abandon this public, since all actions are irreversible.

How to delete a public VKontakte page? Step 2.

Now you need to get rid of all the content that the public page contains. It can be:

  • photographs (albums);
  • audio recordings;
  • documentation;
  • Topics.

This is quite easy to do. However, be prepared that this stage may take a lot of time. Try to completely delete all data.

Deleting wall posts

To delete a public VKontakte page, you must definitely get rid of all the posts that are located on the wall. You will not be able to delete all entries at the same time, since this is not provided for by the site. Each post will have to be deleted manually.

Page settings

At the end of the article on how to delete a public VKontakte page, we will tell you how to change the page parameters. Despite the fact that there are no users or any content in the public, this must be done. Go to the “Page Management” section and delete all information. Namely: name, address, date of formation. Uncheck all the boxes. Finally, go to the “Links” tab and erase all the addresses of sites and other groups that are located in it. This is how a public VKontakte page can be deleted. We remind you once again that it will be impossible to undo all the actions taken, and before deciding to take such a step, think several times.

How to remove managers

To delete your public VKontakte page, you first need to delete all the leaders of the public in VKontakte. To do this, you need to go to the public page, then click on the “Manage Page” button. In the new window at the top you will see the “Participants” button, you need to click on it. In the window with participants you will see two sections: “All participants” and “Leaders”. You in in this case I'm interested in section number two. To enter it, you need to click on its name. After this, you will see a list of users in Contact whom you have appointed as managers of your public page. To remove these people from the list of managers, you need to click on the “Demote manager” button to the right of each of them. Everything is very simple.

Deleting a public page with subscribers

After you have deleted all administrators of a public page, you should delete all subscribers to your public page. In order to delete all public subscribers, you need to go back to the page management and click on the “Participants” button. It will open before you full list subscribers of your public page. A “Remove from community” button will be placed to the right of each subscriber’s photo. You will need to delete each user of your public in turn. What did you think? It's good if there are few of them.

After deleting subscribers, you need to go to the “Contacts” section, which is located in the lower right corner. To do this, you need to click on the “Contacts” button. If you have deleted all the subscribers of a public page, then most likely only you remain in your contacts. To remove yourself from contacts, you need to click in the new window on the button to the right of your photo “Remove from contacts”. After this, you will not appear in the contacts of your previous public. Don't forget to change the page url, remove the avatar and title. Cover the wall, photos and audio recordings. difficult, but to remove... as they say: “Breaking is not building!”

How to delete a public page completely

But even if you do all the above steps, you will not be able to delete your public page completely. Therefore, if you want to delete all the content of a public page, you need to do it yourself - manually. So far, Contact does not provide automatic deletion of a public page with its information content. To delete a post on your public page, you need to click on the cross that will appear in the upper right corner of the post if you hover your mouse over it. This must be done with all posts on the wall of the public page. Well, or close it, as we already said.

So, now you know how to delete a public page in Contact if you are its creator. But our advice to you: do not rush to delete the public page, as it may still be useful to you! If there are a lot of participants, you can try, for example, to sell it.

Since 2014, Regina Todorenko has become the new host of the “Heads and Tails” program, which demonstrates two vacation options in the same country - budget and luxury. The bright, beautiful and eccentric girl was instantly remembered by the audience. However, many knew Regina before, because creative path the young presenter is already filled with bright pages.


The biography of Regina Todorenko begins in the city of Odessa, where she was born in 1990. The girl's creative inclinations showed up early: she played children's theater, did choreography, sang. Her desire to show herself on stage was not stopped by any fears: Regina actively performed not only in group numbers, but also solo.

It is known that after becoming a participant school theater"Balaganchik" in 2000, a couple of years later Regina began playing leading roles in almost all productions. The character of the role was of little concern to the aspiring actress; she played both people and animals, and even the devil from famous play Gogol.

Regina later admitted that the heavy workload in various creative circles developed in her a passion for the high rhythm of life. This helps her in her career even today.

Despite her creative inclinations, Regina entered the National Maritime University at the Faculty of Transport Technologies. But this did not stop her from becoming popular in the media sphere, participating in creative projects as an actress, TV presenter, singer.

Musical activities

Todorenko’s singing career began from the moment she joined the casting of the popular television show “Star Factory”. A talented girl producers noticed, offering her a place in vocal group REAL O, in which she received the prestigious music award"Golden Gramophone Award".

In revelations to fans, Regina admitted that in the nursery music school she didn’t get in the first time: upon first admission she was told that musical abilities she does not have. But Regina, not used to giving up, came to enroll a year later - and she did.

Regina performed in the group until 2014, after which she left the group after the expiration of her music contract, becoming a TV presenter. But musical career It’s too early for Regina to consider it finished: on numerous trips and travels, she manages to write music, which, quite possibly, Todorenko’s fans will definitely hear in the foreseeable future.

In the meantime, it is known that songs composed by Todorenko are performed by such pop stars as Basque, Ani Lorak, Sofia Rotaru.

"Heads and Tails"

When the biography of Regina Todorenko was replenished with a new event: she became the TV presenter of a popular program, her fame increased several times. Regina herself assures that going to the casting was a fateful accident, although the format of such a program is a real dream.

Together with film crew program “Heads and Tails” Regina Todorenko, whose biography until that moment did not include an abundance of travel, with the exception of tours, traveled to many countries, having visited both as a budget tourist and having experienced first-hand the delights of holidays at expensive resorts. After this experience, Regina admitted that inexpensive holiday she liked him much better, he was more unpredictable and fun. “SPA salons and swimming pools at prestigious resorts are the same everywhere,” the presenter summed up her thoughts.

By the time Todorenko joined the program “Heads and Tails,” she had already released 7 seasons with other TV presenters. Regina received criticism from conservative viewers who were sensitive to the castling of the presenters. But she treated her very calmly, saying that, of course, her experience is still far from the professionalism of the previous presenter, Zhanna Badoeva, but she will try and improve.

And it should be noted that the girl’s words were not empty: while watching the video with her participation, Regina felt the need to gain additional knowledge of stagecraft. Thus, the biography of Regina Todorenko was replenished with new theoretical baggage, which was successfully put into practice on the set of “Heads and Tails.”

After a long trip around the world, held as part of creative group Even the most skeptical fans of the program fell in love with Regina. Her sincerity, openness and emotionality create the effect of the viewer’s presence on the other side of the screen. And optimism and the ability to enjoy little things made the program even more inspiring and interesting for travel.

Show "The Voice"

In 2015, Regina Todorenko’s biography was supplemented with a new event - participation in one of the most popular shows in the country - “The Voice”, where the jury evaluates the vocal abilities of the participants blindly, with their backs turned to them.

Personal life

Journalists and fans for a long time tried to find out: what does Regina Todorenko do outside of television? Biography, personal life - all this was carefully hidden from outsiders. When asked if the girl’s heart was free, she answered evasively that busy schedule filming is a serious obstacle to relationships.

But recently it became known that Regina was dating producer Nikita Tryakin, whom they met at university, but their relationship began only in 2016.

People, personally those who know Regina and her chosen one, they believe that the couple is very harmonious: cheerful, ambitious and talented Regina and Nikita are definitely suitable for each other.


In 2014, Regina tried herself as an actress, taking part in the filming of the mini-series “In One Breath.” Whether presenter Regina Todorenko, whose biography is full of pleasant creative surprises, will please her fans with new film works is still unknown.

Today, Regina remains on this side of the film world, being a spectator. Her favorite movie is Eat, Pray, Love.

Facts about the presenter

One of the advantages of the young TV presenter is her bright, attractive appearance. With a height of 167 centimeters, Regina weighs 55 kilograms, which allows her to look great on television and in life. For those who want to know facts about all areas of life that Regina Todorenko leads (biography, personal sphere of relationships, interests), the presenter shares photographs and posts in in social networks.

Despite extensive travel experience, Todorenko considers the most beautiful city in the world small homeland- Ukrainian city of Odessa. Among her favorite activities, Regina lists dancing on the pier and walking along the sea coast.

According to Regina's horoscope, she is a Gemini, which can probably serve as the basis for her changeable nature, striving to succeed in various fields of creativity. It is possible that Regina Todorenko, whose biography at the age of 26 includes successful participation in famous show projects, will surprise her fans more than once, conquering new heights in the Olympus of show business.