Wi fi is on but the internet is not working. Wi-Fi is connected, but the Internet does not work, pages do not open

There are several reasons why there is Wi-FI without Internet access. Often the problems lie in routers and access points, but there are also cases when the fault is caused by services installed in the operating system.

Read on to find out the cause of the problem.

Problem Determination

First you need to find out at what stage of the connection the problem arose. To make sure that the problem lies in the router settings, you need to try connecting to the Wi-FI network through another Windows laptop or smartphone.

If the error disappears and the Internet connection is present on another device, the user will learn that it is necessary to configure the Wi-FI adapter in the laptop itself.

In the event that access to the network was not obtained from any device, you will need to look for problems with the router, access point, modem or Internet provider.

It is also worth trying to connect the network using a network cable, bypassing routers. This will allow you to identify problems more specifically.

If you have access to the Internet via cable, then you should change the settings of the router or access point itself; if not, the problem is with the modem (if available) or the provider.

Disabling network access on the provider side

Sometimes, due to malfunctions or technical work, you can see a yellow triangle, which notifies the user of a limited Internet connection.

In the case where the equipment settings were not performed, but access was nevertheless lost, most likely the problem is on the provider’s side.

In this case, you need to find the company’s phone number, which is usually written in the contract, and call and ask about the reasons for the malfunction.

Advice! But don’t immediately rush to dial your provider’s operator; first reboot the router, since technical support will suggest doing just that first.

If the resource is loaded and access to your personal account is obtained, this will mean that the Internet connection is intentionally limited by the provider, possibly for non-payment.

In the event that the site does not work, you should call the technical support operator.

Operating system settings

If the access points are visible in the system on the laptop, reinstalling the driver will not be required.

When the Wi-Fi adapter is successfully connected to the network, but there is a yellow triangle in the system tray indicating a limited Internet connection, you need to disable the antivirus and Windows firewall, which, if configured incorrectly or malfunctioning, can cause a similar problem.

The best option for checking the functionality of the Internet would be to boot the system on a laptop in safe mode with support for network drivers.

To do this, you will need to go to system settings by pressing the key combination in Windows “Win ​​+ R” and run the msconfig request.

After this, the “system configuration” window will open. In it you need to go to the “boot” tab, where you will need to check “safe mode” with the “network” parameter.

If with this option you have access to the Internet, you need to start the laptop in normal mode, removing the previously installed parameters, and then, one by one, disable applications that affect the operation of the network. Most likely, these may be recently installed or updated programs.

You also need to scan your computer for viruses. The best option for this would be the Dr.WebCureIt! For Windows, since it does not require installation, it is free and always contains an up-to-date database.

Setting up the router

If Internet access is not available on several devices, the problem is in the settings of the router, which is distributing the connection incorrectly. This may occur when resetting the settings for the current provider.

To restore them, you will need to open the setup description on the website of the company that provides the Internet. Also, all the necessary parameters for entering into the router are often attached to the contract concluded when connecting services.

If the router was purchased independently of the provider, the instructions for it most likely will not be present on the website. You will need to find it on the equipment manufacturer's website. Also, documentation is always present in the box with the router.

Sequence of actions for making settings on the D-Link DIR-600 router:

  • open parameters by entering its IP in the address bar of a Windows browser or another OS;
  • enter your login and password (the default value is admin);
  • in the wireless network wizard, configure the name and password of the Wi-FI connection;

Wi-Fi network name

  • by going to the tab in the lower horizontal menu “Advanced settings”, click on the WAN item located in the network section;
  • If there is a connection profile, double-click on it to make settings; if it is missing, add a new one.
  • in the window that opens, enter and save the settings that are indicated on the manufacturer’s website.

Also, for this router model, a simpler setup option is available by clicking Click’n’Connect in the main menu. However, it may not work correctly with some providers.

Restricting access on public routers

When you come to some coffee shops and connect your laptop to Wi-FI, you should not run programs to download torrents, since the network automatically turns off and is no longer restored even after rebooting the router, and access will re-open only after a day.

This limitation is set to ensure that visitors do not overload the already poor quality Internet access.

The installed traffic filtering system adds the mac address of your Wi-Fi network adapter on your laptop to the blacklist for some time. But there is still a solution to this problem.

Since we do not have access to the coffee shop equipment, the only option left is to replace the mac address on our equipment.

Changing mac addresses Windows

On most equipment with the Microsoft WIndows operating system, the best option for changing the Mac address is to edit the registry. Despite the visual complexity, it does not require much time.

Creating a new registry setting

  • create a string parameter named NetworkAddress in this folder;
  • by double-clicking on it, add the value of the new mac address, represented by 12 hexadecimal digits (for example, “406186E53DE1”);
  • Restart Windows to apply the settings.

After this, the adapter will no longer be on the black list, and therefore you will be able to successfully connect to the Internet.

There are many problems and solutions for them. Having found out which equipment malfunctioned, you can find the best way to fix the problem.

If your WIFI stops working, do not rush to turn to paid services of specialists or call specialists to your home. To help you, we have collected all the useful tips and provide the most common problems and ways to solve them.

So, first of all, you need to make sure that there is no Internet via a wireless Wi-Fi connection. Insert the ISP cable into the network card directly. The Internet did not appear in this case either? Call your provider's support service. The problem is not Wi-Fi, but the lack of Internet due to technical reasons. Make sure your internet bills are paid on time.

What to do if the Internet works, but Wi-Fi does not work?

  • Try connecting to the access point from other devices. So, if WIFI does not work on a laptop, but you were able to connect to the same network from a smartphone or tablet, then the problem is in the laptop.
  • Perform a visual inspection of the router and all cables connected to it. The RJ-45 connector or plug may be damaged, or the antenna contact may come off. Try turning it the other way. Very often, the router fails after a severe thunderstorm (if you did not turn off the router in time and did not pull out the provider's wire from it). Problems can be easily identified by the number of flashing lights. Get your owner's manual and find out which bulb does what.

If no visual damage is found, the reason is in the settings. In this material we will not provide complete settings. You will find them in the instructions and service agreement concluded with your provider. Let's consider only the subtleties that many miss.

How to configure a router correctly

First of all, use the setup instructions provided by your provider. Many users ask why there is no Wi-Fi, and the reason may be simple - the provider, for the purpose of modernization, may change some settings and not notify you about it. Therefore, it would be a good idea to call the support service back and clarify the network parameters.

Go to the settings menu by entering the address indicated on the router body into the search bar. What should you pay attention to here?

  • Make sure the DHCP server is enabled. Otherwise, the router will not be assigned an IP address. To do this, go to the DHCP settings and make sure that the value is “Started” or “Enable” (if you have an English-language menu).

  • The data transmission channel on the router is set automatically, but sometimes it is better to select it yourself. What are the consequences of an incorrectly chosen communication channel? Signal overlays. To check channel congestion, use the Free Wi-Fi Scanner (for Windows devices) or Wi-Fi Analyzer (for Android) applications. By setting Wi-Fi channels to “Auto” mode, you give the equipment the opportunity to independently select and assign the optimal channel.

Channel width is a parameter that determines the maximum data transfer rate over a certain period of time. For 2.4 GHz routers the value is set to 20 MHz, for 5 GHz routers – both 20 and 40 MHz. Setting the width to 40 MHz in a 2.4 GHz router is highly not recommended. How to switch the router to 5 GHz? Operation at 2.4 GHz occurs when using b g n protocols. N supports high throughput. But b, g are compatible with devices released more than 5 years ago. Therefore, for a 2.4 GHz router it is better to enable bgn mixed mode. 5 GHz routers operate in 802.11a/g mode (but the Wi-Fi modules on the devices must also support it).

  • MAC filtering provides ideal protection, but can become a serious barrier to connection. The function denies access to the router for specific devices. Or vice versa, you can specify a list of MAC addresses in the settings - gadgets that are not included in the list will not receive access. We do not recommend experimenting with MAC addresses unless absolutely necessary. Quite often, subsequently, because of this, many users do not connect to Wi-Fi and they cannot fix the problem on their own.

What to do if Wi-Fi disappears after installing Windows 10? The problem is solved by installing new drivers. They must be designed for a specific router model and for Windows 10 OS. Please note that not all manufacturers at the time of writing have released drivers that support Windows 10. You can try installing drivers for Windows 8 or contact the contact center of the company that produced your equipment.

Why doesn't Wi-Fi work on tablets and phones, but it works on a computer?

If you don't have Wi-Fi on your iOS or Android device, the following information will be useful for you to know. In many cases, the problem, again, is incorrect settings, although the possibility that the device is “buggy” cannot be ruled out. You can read about what to do if there is no Internet on a specific device running Android.

Before you start changing the settings, make a “backup” so that the result does not turn out “worse than it was.”

At the first stage, remove the Wi-Fi settings from the device that you are having difficulty connecting to. Otherwise, even if you change the router settings, the smartphone or phone will try to connect to the network with out-of-date settings.

So, what do we pay attention to:

  • Network SSID quality. SSID is the name of the network and is what you see when you find your network in the list of networks available for connection. It must be unique. Do not use your router model name or common names. If the SSID is not unique and there is already an identical name, devices will have difficulty authenticating.
  • You don't find your network in the list of available connections and are wondering how to connect to WIFI. It may not exist if the signal is weak or there are problems with the equipment. But also the tablet and phone will not be able to detect the network if you use closed (hidden) SSIDs. How can I determine if hidden SSIDs are being used? Make sure that the “broadcast SSID” option is checked.

  • If Wifi does not work on your phone, you should also check your encryption settings. As a rule, manufacturers recommend installing AES - Personal WPA2 encryption. But some devices connect only via TKIP. Therefore, you should try different types of encryption. Also don't forget about the password.

This completes the description of the most common reasons why there is no Wi-Fi. We hope that this material was useful to you and you solved your problem.

Today we are all highly dependent on the Internet. And when it doesn’t work, panic immediately sets in, your heart sinks into your heels and life seems meaningless. It may be funny to you, but for some it really is.

The user is especially lost when the Internet is connected, but does not work. Today I will tell you why this happens and what to do if this happens to your network.

Why doesn't the Internet work?

If you are connected to the Internet, but it is not working, the first thing you need to do is find the cause of the problem. To do this, you need to restart all devices that are connected to the Internet. This means a router, a computer, etc. Most often, such a reboot completely solves all problems with the Internet, and it starts working properly. If, after rebooting the router and computer, you do not get the expected result, move on to the next “therapeutic” procedures.

Today, most people connect to the Internet using a Wi-Fi router. If you have the same, then you need to check whether the Internet access indicator on the router is on or not. For those users who use a TP-Link router, the Internet access signal is marked with a globe icon. On other routers, this signal is most often signed “Internet”.

If the indicator is off, you need to check your router settings. If everything is fine with them, then we call the technical support of our provider and ask why there is no Internet, perhaps just a repair of the highway or network.

But, if the indicator is on, then there is a connection and the provider is not to blame. Check Internet access on other devices. It doesn’t matter what it will be - a phone, a tablet or another laptop. This way you can figure out which direction you should dig next to solve this problem. I’ll say right away that the case when a router is connected to the Internet, which is known to work well, but at the same time it does not distribute it to other devices, is considered a very rare case. The reason for this problem lies in the failure of the router. It's not difficult to fix this. You need to reset all settings to standard and reconfigure it again, remember that after the reset all settings will be lost and the Internet may not work until the router is configured correctly!

Cases often occur when only one device or computer cannot connect to the Internet using a router, but everyone else can easily access it. In this case, you need to look for the cause directly on this device.

If you are connected to the mobile Internet via a USB modem or WiFi module plugged into a USB port, try disconnecting it and reconnecting it. If this doesn't help, try using a different port to connect. Perhaps reinstalling the driver will help you solve this problem.

Checking your Internet connection in Windows

If the Internet is connected to your PC or laptop, but does not work, and you are absolutely sure that the reason for this is incorrect settings, then you need to perform a series of procedures that will quickly solve your problem.

You need to start reconfiguring by pinging any popular site. To do this, press the combination “Win ​​+ R”. This will bring up the “Run” window.

In the text input field, you need to enter the following “cmd” and click on “OK”. If you are not a fan of my site, you can write Google. After that, press enter and wait for the result. If everything is fine, the server will send you something like this:

If the response from the server contains the line “The connection check failed to find the nodepec-komp.com. Check the host name and try again,” then you need to type another command, for example “ping .”. This is the IP address of the public DNS server from Google, which will always be available. If the computer has access to an external network, then the answer will be the same as in the picture above, but with different numbers after “answer from...”.

If a ping passes through an IP address, but does not open in the browser, then most often this indicates that there is an Internet connection, but the network does not work due to incorrect configuration of the network card, namely, the address is not registered in them or the address is entered incorrectly DNS servers. I'll tell you how to fix this a little later.

If you observe a different response from the server, then you need to check access to the router. We will also check using ping. You can find out the router's IP address on a sticker that is glued to the back of its case. Most often, the IP address of routers is “” or “”. The first address is registered on my router, so I received this answer:

If the router pings, but the Internet node does not, then most likely the reason lies again in the settings of the router or in the router itself.

But if the router is not available for server requests, then there is a reason to go into the settings of the network adapter on the computer. But, before doing this, disable your antivirus and firewall, if you have one. Sometimes it is these two “comrades” that cause problems with the Internet.

If after this the Internet does not work, although there is also a connection, press the key combination “Win ​​+ R” again, but now in the “open” field we write “ncpa.cpl.”.

If you have entered everything correctly, the Windows network connections window will open. In it you need to find your active connection and right-click on it, then select “properties”. In the window that opens, look for the line “IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and double-click on it to open the protocol parameters .

Check “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain a DNS server address automatically”. Click OK and check the result in the browser.

If this does not help, then check the box “Use the following addresses.” You need to register the IP address from the subnet of your router. If it has IP, then set the computer to If the router uses , then on the PC it will be Mask You must specify the router address as the gateway. Register it as the preferred DNS server. An alternative DNS can be specified as the server from Google -

In any case, watch my video on speeding up the Internet, if you apply all the settings, the Internet should work.

Increasing Internet speed to the maximum!

I hope that at least one of the methods will definitely help you regain access to the Internet. If none of the options for solving the problem helped you, then you will have to call a specialist who will determine the true cause and solve the problem. But I’m sure it won’t come to that and you’ll fix everything yourself.

Hello, friends. And again I will write about wireless Wi-Fi networks and setting up a router. The article about this raised a lot of questions. And as a rule, these are questions like: everything works, but the Wi-Fi network does not have access to the Internet, or the Internet works via cable, but not via Wi-Fi. Well something like that.

Today, I decided to deal with this problem, I understand why such problems can arise.

Here are a few more questions from the article about setting up the TP-Link TL-WR841N router:

Or, Oleg asked the following question:

Hello, here’s the problem: everything is connected to Wi-Fi, you can connect to it both from the computer that distributes it, and from other devices, it sees it and connects, but without Internet access, write in a PM or here I will be very grateful, I’ve been suffering for days but nothing. Help.

So I decided to delve into this topic. Oleg has already configured everything, and everything works for him, but first things first.

I think the problem that we will now solve is clear, and it’s the same for you: after setting up a Wi-Fi router, the Internet via Wi-Fi does not work, or only works via a cable from the router, or does not work at all through the router. We will consider this issue using routers from TP-Link as an example, although I have a specific model TP-Link TL-WR841N, but still, I think that they are not very different in configuration. In principle, if you have some other router, then read it anyway, it might come in handy.

Wi-Fi network without Internet access. What to do?

If a problem has already occurred that the device connects to the Wi-Fi network, but the sites do not open, then first of all we need to find what’s wrong. On the Internet itself, on a router, or on a laptop, tablet, phone, etc.

Checking the Internet connection without a router

Let's go in order. First, we check whether the Internet is working, otherwise you never know. To do this, simply connect the network cable directly to the computer, without a router. If the Internet works fine, then everything is fine, let's move on. If not, then solve this problem with your provider.

If everything is fine with the Internet, then there is a problem either with the router, or with the laptop, or other device that you want to connect to your Wi-Fi network.

We find out whether the problem is in the router or laptop.

To do this, just try to connect not only one laptop to your router, but also a phone, tablet, or another laptop. If all devices find your Wi-Fi network, but when connected it will not have access to the Internet (this connection status can be seen on the laptop), or sites simply won’t open, then the problem is in the Wi-Fi router settings.

Well, if, for example, the Internet via Wi-Fi does not work on only one laptop, but other devices connect and open websites, then the problem is in the laptop (not necessarily a laptop, it could be ).

I hope you managed to find out what the problem is, in the router or in the laptop. And now we will look at how to solve, or at least try to solve, this or that case.

If the problem is with the laptop

If it turns out that you have a problem with your laptop and the network without the Internet is only on it, then you need to check the settings of the wireless network connection. Perhaps during the process of setting up the router, you changed some settings on the laptop, or you previously set up some other network. Personally, on my laptop with Windows 7, there are parameters by which the laptop automatically receives an IP address and DNS server from the router.

Everything works for me with these settings, my router is configured as written in the article. In order to check whether your wireless connection on your laptop is configured correctly, do this:

Connect to your network, the laptop should connect, but the notification bar icon that shows Wi-Fi will have a yellow triangle, meaning no internet access. Like this:

Right-click on it and select .

Then, in a new window, on the right, click on "Change adapter settings".

A window will open in which you need to select “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and click the “Properties” button.

Another window will open in which you need to make sure that the items are checked and “Obtain DNS servers automatically”. If not, then mark these values ​​and click “Ok”.

Restart your laptop, and if your Wi-Fi router is configured correctly (and, as we found out above, it is configured correctly), then the Wi-Fi network on the laptop should work and the sites should open.

And one more important point: very often the connection can be blocked by antiviruses and firewalls, so try disabling them.

Update! I wrote a detailed article in which I separately discussed the main problems with connecting a laptop to Wi-Fi -

If the problem is with the Wi-Fi router

Before you start setting up your router, it is advisable to reset the settings to factory settings. To do this, press with something sharp and hold the small button on the back panel of the router for 10 seconds (more details in the article). Then you can configure the router as written in the article on setting up TP-Link TL-WR841N (link is above).

In solving a problem with a network without Internet access, we are only interested in the tab WAN. In this section, we configure the Internet connection that we connect to the router, setting up the provider, so to speak.

In LICs, most often providers use the following connections: Dynamic IP, Static IP, PPPoE, L2TP, PPTP. For example, my Kyivstar provider uses Dynamic IP, so I have the following settings on the WAN tab:

And if your provider uses a different connection technology, for example Static IP, PPPoE, or PPTP, then setting up with Dynamic IP, like mine, will not work for you. Because the router simply cannot connect to the Internet, it creates a network, but there is no Internet. And exactly The whole problem is in these settings.

For example, we can consider the problem that Oleg had, which I wrote about at the beginning of the article. He has a Beeline provider, in the settings on the WAN tab, opposite WAN Connection Type: he chose Dynamic IP and therefore his Internet did not work.

After I started to figure out what the problem was, it turned out that Beeline uses L2TP/Russian L2TP technology. After Oleg installed L2TP/Russian L2TP opposite WAN Connection Type, entered his username and password, and made other settings, everything worked. This is what the router settings for Beeline look like:

As you already understand, this problem is solved very simply. You need to call your provider, or look on the Internet what connection method he uses to connect. And based on the information you receive from your provider, you need to configure the router, or rather the WAN tab. Here is another forum address where it is written how to configure TP-Link routers for some Russian providers, such as Beeline\Corbina, NetByNet, QWERTY, Dom.ru, 2KOM, etc.

If the provider binds to the MAC address

And further about binding to MAC address. Some providers do this, and it can interfere with setting up your router. Therefore, you need to connect the router via a network cable to a computer whose MAC address is registered with the provider, go to the MAC Clone tab in the router settings And click on the Clone MAC Address button, click Save.


They shared with me one solution that helped overcome this problem when connecting via Wi-Fi. The person had Windows 8 and everything worked fine. But he decided to install Windows 7 and after that the problems started. The laptop connected to the wireless network, but “Without access to the Internet.” All the advice didn’t help, but this is what did:

Go to Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network and Sharing Center. Then, on the left select Wireless Network Management.

Right-click on the network that is having trouble connecting to it. Select properties.

Go to the tab Safety, then click on the button Extra options. Check the box next to Enable Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) compliance mode for this network.

Here's an update, perhaps this method will help you!


I hope that I was able to clearly and step-by-step describe what could cause a problem when the network works through a router, but without access to the Internet. And how to solve this problem. Perhaps I didn’t write about something, so I ask you to fill me in in the comments. After all, it is impossible to write about all the ways to solve this problem, because there can be a lot of reasons for its occurrence. Good luck friends!

Also on the site:

Wi-Fi network without Internet access. Solving the problem using the example of a TP-Link router updated: February 7, 2018 by: admin

The laptop is convenient because it has a built-in wifi module and you can do without pulling cables. But sometimes something unpleasant happens - the Internet on the laptop does not work. Let's figure out why and what to do in this situation.

Why does the Internet not work on a laptop?

There may be several reasons:

The first is that you forgot to pay for the Internet, and the provider has limited access. You need to go to your personal account (data from it must be specified in your agreement with the provider) and check the status of your account. There is a connection, but the data is transferred very slowly? Maybe your Internet speed was cut off for non-payment. Some companies do this. For example, Beeline or Rostelecom.

The second is interruptions on the part of the provider. If the account is in order and there is money, try to find out if there is a connection in principle. To do this, connect the network cable directly to the laptop and check if the Internet connection works. No? Check settings:

In the case when you do not have a cable connection at all (you recently changed the OS), then you need to create one. To do this you need:

Did not help? Connect the cable to another laptop or PC. If the network appears, your network card may have burned out.
If the Internet does not work on another laptop via cable, call the technical support of your provider and find out the reason.

The third is poor coverage. When using Internet wifi with a 3G or 4G modem, or distributing it from a phone, there may be no network coverage at the point where you are and wifi does not work. For example, on the highway or outside the city. Check your mobile phone to see if there is a connection. Wireless Internet on a laptop will not work if the tower is located far away.

Fourth, you and your laptop have gone beyond the coverage of your wifi router. For example, you are outside the city in the country. The router is installed in the house, and you are trying to get wifi in the attic, under the roof. Be prepared that the roof will screen the connection or the distance is simply too long (in the case of a weak wifi router). Try moving closer to the router. The connection may begin to work.

Fifth, there are problems with the wifi router and for this reason the Internet on the laptop does not work via wifi. Try rebooting it. To do this, simply unplug its power supply, wait 30 seconds and plug it in again.

Sixth - the drivers have fallen off. Check if everything is ok with the software. To do this, go to Device Manager and check if there is a yellow exclamation mark on any network adapter. In the screenshot there is a red circle around where the yellow icon may appear.

If there is one, right-click and select the desired command.

Update your drivers.

Seventh – the network adapter is disabled. Hover your mouse pointer over it, right-click. If you see the “Enable” command, it means it was disabled for some reason.

Check all adapters.

Eighth – the wifi router settings have been lost. Enter the address in your browser (it may be different - look on the router itself) and enter your login and password (most often admin/admin). In the window, check all connection settings:

  1. Connection type (taken from the contract or from technical support)
  2. Network name
  3. Encryption type (WPA2/PSK)
  4. Virtual server mode activity virtual server mode - DCHP
    Basically, one of these steps should help you gain access to the network or diagnose the problem.

Once again, we list the main steps if the Internet on a laptop does not work well via a wifi router or it has stopped working altogether:

  1. Check your account - this is often the reason why the Internet on a laptop works slowly via wifi.
  2. Reboot your wifi router - it might freeze.
  3. Check your wifi router settings.
  4. Check the integrity of the cable and plug it into the laptop and check the connection. If it has not been created before, create it. If a connection appears, the problem is in the router or wifi drivers on the laptop. Update them.
  5. Try connecting the cable to another laptop or PC. If the connection works, your network card is disabled or burned out. If not, there is a problem on the provider’s side.

Have a great day!