Memorable dates associated with the circus. A brief excursion into history

Hard to imagine modern man, who has never been to the circus. This incredible place is loved by every generation, we come here for positive emotions, behind the incredible sensations, we joyfully clap our hands when we see trained animals in the arena, we freeze with delight and fear when an aerial acrobat flies under the dome of the sky. The history of the circus is rooted in the deep history of each country. In Rus', buffoon fun was known, in Greece, special actors performed at festivals dedicated to the gods, in Rome, in the arena of numerous Colosseums, jesters appeared and various circus acts were shown. It is worth noting that the name circus came into use only in the 18th century, it was invented by the famous circus organizer John Hughes. It was in the 18th century that the immutable laws of the circus were born, so the arena became exactly thirteen meters in diameter, which is optimal for galloping horses; during this period, the first circus acts with acrobats and various exercises on horses were born.

When is Circus Day celebrated?

Well, these days, as a tribute to this amazing art Once a year, on the third Saturday of April, the whole world celebrates International Circus Day, so to speak, of acrobats, jugglers, clowns and other participants in circus performances. In 2015, Circus Day is celebrated on April 18, in 2016 it is celebrated on April 16, in 2017 - on April 15.

True, the first celebration of this holiday occurred only in 2010, when the Circus Association in Europe established this holiday. The date of the celebration was tied to European Circus Day, which was first celebrated in 2008. On this day, Europeans could learn about circus traditions their countries, colorful performances and shows were organized for them. In 2010, dozens European countries picked up the idea of ​​celebrating Circus Day and enthusiastically created unique creative programs and shows (Russia was among the countries participating in the celebrations). Surprisingly, the world circus also has its own headquarters, which is located in the small kingdom of Monte Carlo. The development of the Circus Federation is monitored by its patron, Princess Stephanie of Monaco herself. It was she who took the initiative to create such a non-profit federation designed to develop and popularize circus art, bringing it to the masses.

The purpose of the celebration International Day circus is the development of circus art in all countries of the world, as one of the most ancient forms of culture and art different countries. The circus brings laughter and fun into our lives; circus acts make us believe in a miracle, in a fairy tale. Everyone loves the circus, both adults and children, they come here to relax and forget about everyday problems, people immerse themselves in bright world show, enthusiastically watching what is happening in the arena.

The main feature of this day is the openness of the circus; on this day all circus institutions open their doors and show the most beautiful, most vibrant performances. The circus organizes street celebrations and carnival processions. On this day, everyone can look behind the scenes of the circus and see how life is in full swing on the other side of the arena. On this day, master classes are also organized, where everyone can take part, try juggling, and ride a unicycle.

Circus Day in Russia

In Russia, the maintenance and development of the circus, as well as the organization of Circus Day, fell on the shoulders of the Russian State Circus Company, which includes the leading circuses of our country. It is this organization that created its own award, which is awarded for special merits in the circus genre (all laureates are awarded a figurine of a cheerful Harlequin, who famously stands on one hand on a circus ball); it is also responsible for holding International Circus Day. On this cheerful day, clown performances take place throughout our country, and sounds are heard in the streets. funny music, and inside any circus there is a special atmosphere of celebration and positive emotions.


World Circus Day is celebrated on the third Saturday of April. Circus art is designed to brighten up dull everyday life. bright colors. Funny clowns, gymnasts soaring under the dome, virtuoso magicians give children unforgettable impressions and emotions of delight. Despite all the deceptive ease with which circus performers perform their tricks, this craft requires extraordinary effort, dedication and love for the audience.

The first time this holiday was celebrated was in 2010. Its creation was initiated by the World Circus Federation. In the coming years, World Circus Day will be celebrated on the following days.

  • 2017 - April 15.
  • 2018 - April 21.
  • 2019 - April 20.
  • 2020 - April 18.
  • 2021 - April 16.

From the history of the circus

The circus originated in Ancient Rome. But his performances were quite cruel and differed significantly from modern show programs. Instead of cheerful clowns, resourceful magicians and dexterous tightrope walkers, an enthusiastic audience watched chariot races, gladiator fights and other events in this spirit.

More modern version The circus appeared in 1777 in England, when professional rider Philip Astley staged acrobatic show. It was he who noticed that horses should gallop in a closed circle, and this is how the circus arena was created.

Celebrating Circus Day

On World Circus Day, everyone can attend a circus performance in their city, see an enchanting show, and also take part in master classes conducted by jugglers, magicians, acrobats and other circus performers.

In many countries, Circus Day is celebrated with carnival processions and mass street celebrations. Entertainment programs often include a visit to the circus backstage, where spectators can see with their own eyes the forge of an art that has deep historical roots.

Circus traditions

The circus headquarters is located in Monte Carlo. Its activities are supervised by Princess Stephanie of Monaco. The royal person initiated the creation of an association whose goal was to attract public attention to the circus craft.

In some countries there are circuses that have continued their traditions for more than a hundred years. Dynasties of artists work here, passing on their skills from father and mother to children. " Paradise show from the Celestial Empire" (China), "Circus of the Sun" (Canada) and so on.

Ticket for circus show is relatively inexpensive, and the artists of this organization work hard to create the performance long time, putting yourself in danger. Sometimes their skills reach perfection. They overcome enormous difficulties for the love of the viewer.

Perhaps one of the most vivid memories of every person from childhood is going to the circus. Aerial acrobats, dancing animals, as well as clumsy and extremely funny clowns allow you to forget about the real gray world and be transported to a world of colors, smiles and eternal fun. However, work circus performers is very complex and often involves significant risk to life. Therefore, the world annually celebrates International Circus Day on the third Saturday of April.

The history of the holiday

The idea to establish World Circus Day belongs to several well-known companiesCircus Association Europe, International Federation circus So, in 2010 this wonderful professional holiday circus performers. The date chosen to celebrate such an event was the date of European Circus Day, introduced in 2008. Thus, the date of the celebration of Circus Day in Europe passed to a new holiday, which was insisted on by many countries of the world, including Russia.

The purpose of founding such a holiday is to attract public attention to the importance of the development of circus art. This is really extremely important, since circus art is one of the most ancient, and the main task of any circus is to give the audience maximum quantity pleasure, joy and surprise. It turns out that all circuses work only for the smiles and entertainment of spectators, improving their mood. Therefore, Circus Day is aimed at supporting a circus that can move spectators to Magic world, full of colors, unusual animals and funny clowns, preserving such an ancient and useful art.

On the third Sunday of this month, everyone can join in the celebration of International Circus Day. At this time, many circuses give traveling performances, and masters of circus art conduct unique master classes for spectators, allowing everyone to try themselves as acrobats, jugglers or tightrope walkers. At Circus Day celebrations ordinary people have the opportunity to enter the circus arena and feel like actors, clowns and even trainers, and therefore appreciate the incredible skill and titanic work of such specialists.

Many people don't even realize that the circus has its headquarters located in the mini-kingdom of Monte Carlo. The famous patron of the circus is the Princess of Monaco. She personally monitors the work of the Circus Federation and the development similar art. At the same time, such a crowned lady is one of the initiators of the creation of such a Federation, which is engaged in popularizing the activities of the circus, as well as attracting public attention to the problems of the circus.

In Russia, many measures are also being taken to support the circus art. There is even a specialized State circus company Russia, engaged in supporting the Russian circus, as well as attracting public attention to the main problems of this area. Similar main company Russia, dealing with the problems and development of the circus, is an association of the largest circuses in the country. It provides for the presentation of an unusual prize to people who have achieved great success in circus activities. The prize is a specific figurine of a laughing harlequin clown holding on to a circus ball with one hand.

How did the circus appear?

The first circuses are considered to be funny performances in ancient Hellas dedicated to the glorification of pagan deities. Such festivities were attended by costumed actors, who are the prototype of modern clowns. In the Roman Empire, even more attention was paid to the circus, because there were many full-fledged circuses, where artists regularly delighted the audience with complex and interesting acts. One of the main circus arenas in Rome is the legendary Colosseum, which is the most popular ancient Roman building that has survived many eras. It is noteworthy that in Russia circus art also developed rapidly, which is confirmed by buffoonery performances, as well as fun fairs where various actors and masters who tamed wild animals performed. Moreover, even the harsh Middle Ages, which was the era of the birth of the first cultural entities, is also distinguished by the presence of circus performances. At that time, merry games and feasts were organized, the entertainment of which was jesters and trainers, acrobats and dancers.

The first professional circus, featuring performances by trainers of predatory animals, aerial acrobats, tightrope walkers and skilled jugglers, appeared only several centuries later in Europe. However, such a circus was not held in pavilions, but simply on the street or in pre-prepared places. If we talk about the first circus under a dome with a round arena, it arose only in London (18th century). Since then, circus art has been constantly improved, and the fame and popularity of the circus has grown rapidly. With the advent of the Internet, as well as films with spectacular special effects, the popularity of the circus has decreased significantly. But there are many people who respect the genuine performance of real artists who know how to bring smiles, give joy and instill in children a belief in real miracles.

Perhaps not a single circus building in the area former USSR did not get more than the Lugansk circus. The building was built in 1971 according to a standard design by the architect Solomeya Maksimovna Gelfer - if anyone doesn’t know, similar circuses are located in Ufa, Samara, Donetsk, Perm, Krivoy Rog, Novosibirsk, Voronezh, Kharkov and Bryansk.

After the events of the summer of 2014, the Lugansk circus was an extremely sad sight - the Ukrainian Armed Forces hit it precisely, otherwise there is nothing to explain such destruction: almost all the glass was broken, the walls were cut by shrapnel, there was a direct hit in the dome. The restoration of the building was carried out by the LPR and the Russian State Circus, with the direct assistance of V. Medinsky and V. Gagloev.

You can see how damaged the Lugansk circus was after the fighting here:

Support for circuses in Lugansk and Donetsk remains one of priority tasks Russian State Circus, and therefore it was decided to hold the holiday in Lugansk. The trip was led by General Director Vadim Gagloev, who became the main object of media attention, confirming that the Russian State Circus will not leave colleagues and friends in trouble:

In the foyer you can see a selection of photographs showing the destruction and subsequent restoration of the building. It should be immediately noted that after the renovation, the Lugansk Circus looks even better than some of the circuses of this project in the actual Russian Federation.

The head of the LPR, I. Plotnitsky, also arrived, and he opened the show with congratulations and the presentation of diplomas.

Let us note right away that very, VERY many children from a wide variety of creative and amateur groups of the Lugansk region took part in the performance. Work in this regard is being carried out most thoughtfully and extensively at the state level. In Russia, alas, this can be seen less and less often.

And the director of the Lugansk circus, Dmitry Kasyan, receives the title of Honored Artist of the LPR - without his energy and perseverance, it is generally unknown when the circus would open again.

Vadim Gagloev talked to the youth and congratulated them on the holiday:

There are also foreign artists - a troupe of acrobats from Kenya. It would seem that they forgot in Lugansk? But it’s okay, they arrived and performed well.

Both adults and children come out to the arena with their original numbers:

We especially note the attendance - the hall is packed, all the seats are occupied, families with children. Those who did not have enough space stood in the aisles and on the stairs - here the mandatory safety rules are somewhat simpler than, for example, in Ciniselli. And the audience is completely different - much more spontaneous and friendly.

Let's be honest - the program is modest, based primarily on amateur groups, but everything is so heartfelt that it looks very touching. Of course, not Dusoleil even once. But Dusoleil will not come here for obvious reasons.

And again, let’s note a lot of children participating in the program - after all, the costumes are sewn, the children are happy to participate in the performance, there are no whims, everything is very calm, businesslike and at the same time completely joyful. Everyone works for their own pleasure. Moreover, there are very small children, 5-6 years old.

The oldest artists of the Lugansk circus with their students -

Well, a little protocol. Vadim Gagloev with the management of the Lugansk Circus and guests.

And armed escort awaits us to move to Donetsk through that same Debaltseve.

Let's remember once again what the Lugansk circus looked like quite recently:

Remember - everything will be fine. If we restored the circus, we will restore everything that was destroyed. Wait for the report from Donetsk next time - everything simply won’t fit into one post.

The third Saturday in April annually takes over world holiday, International Circus Day. The history of the celebration includes European Circus Day, founded in 2008. Two years later, the date received international status and since 2010, specialists involved in the production of positive mood have their own professional holiday.

The obvious similarity of the words compass, circus, circulation is dictated by the same Latin root, circus, literally translated as “circle”. Indeed, in terms of shape, circus buildings evoke round associations. Although the very first arenas were not strictly circles in plan, they were elongated, closer to oval, because they had a slightly different purpose than now. Back then, when these buildings were called circuses, they were used as hippodromes, stands for gladiatorial competitions or baiting of animals.

In the Middle Ages, the spectacles presented to the people in circuses were supplanted by theaters. Round buildings fell into disrepair, were neglected, abandoned and broken down, ceasing to serve an entertainment function. After all, it was impossible to adapt them for any other activity, the premises for theatrical performances and the mysteries suggested a completely different structure, markets did not take root here, and these buildings were also not suitable for housing.

Only at the end of the 18th century, around 1777 (according to other sources, 1768), the English rider Philip Astley came up with the idea of ​​making money from the art of horse riding. Being a balancing jockey, he was fond of vaulting (acrobatics in equestrian sports) and decided to popularize this spectacle. He opened a school and built an entertainment venue for viewing. Very quickly Astley realized that the track along which the horses were galloping must be closed.

Empirically, the optimal diameter of the arena obtained inside this circle was determined. It depended on the average dimensions of the horses and their speed of movement. This achieved certain angle tilt required for acrobatic equestrian performances. Since the average performance of circus animals and their speed characteristics are the same all over the world, the radius of the circus arena calculated in this way is used everywhere.

A little later, jugglers, mimes, trainers, clowns and aerialists. This was done later by another family, the Italians Franconi. It is in this form that classical circus art has come down to us. Nevertheless, Philip Astley is still considered the father of the modern revived circus.

Now circus art is international and it has its own headquarters. It is located in the Principality of Monaco, in the Monte Carlo region. The patronage of the World Circus Federation is carried out by the royal family of this dwarf state.

On International Circus Day, it is customary to organize the most spectacular programs consisting of the most successful acts, conduct master classes and interactive shows in which everyone can feel involved in the empire of good mood, positive spirit and celebration.