Jacket without lapels for men. What is a long jacket called?

A jacket for women is a smaller, and possibly fitted or straight copy of a men's jacket. Straight sleeves, turn-down collar, buttons are still used as a fastener, although models with a zipper are also equated to jackets.

Such different women's jackets

Jacket– originally this was a type of fitted waist-length jacket. Today there are models of different lengths. The jacket is fastened along the entire length - today jackets with zippers are popular, the fabric is dense and retains its shape. The sleeves are varied: raglan, classic or one-piece cut.

Basque- not a long jacket, fitting the body to the waist and greatly expanding towards the bottom. The lower part is sewn either simply free or with specially laid folds

Cardigan– a long jacket, without a collar, lapels, many models do not have a fastener, others are fastened with one large button, buckle or belted.

Blazer– a uniform jacket, which became a “club” jacket. Like a regular jacket, it can be single-breasted or double-breasted and fastened with buttons.

Spencershort jacket, ends under the bust, is sewn from fabric that gives a firm shape. Lapels or a collar serve as decoration, some models without lapels. The sleeves are long, the fasteners are usually located along the entire length or one at the top.

Bolero– a festive version of the Spencer, very short, without T-one clasp. The length of the sleeve can be either up to the wrist or very short, down to inserts covering only the shoulder.

Jacket and body type

Slender women with a clearly defined waist are not limited in their choice of jacket: classic, jacket, oversized model.

The triangle requires a model that will emphasize – or shape – the waist. The hips must be covered. An option for a jacket can be a knitted cardigan and a basque.

On the contrary, a rectangle-type figure needs shortened models: a spencer or a bolero. Due to the high cut, the space between the jacket and the belt will stand out as a waist.

The jacket is one of the most popular and versatile men's items. basic wardrobe. It suits any body type due to its trapezoidal shape. The jacket visually widens the shoulders and hides excess fat in the abdominal area, due to which it forms the correct male silhouette. In profile, the jacket slightly reduces the stoop and rounds the chest. However, not all shortcomings can be hidden by clothing, so I recommend not to forget about sports activities, then the conversation will often be about how to emphasize the advantages. In this article I will talk about the types and features of jackets.

The suit jacket is the most common jacket on the planet and the most formal jacket presented in this article. As a rule, such a jacket is sewn from worsted wool. It is best to wear it as part of a suit in which the trousers match in color and material. There are exceptions to this rule, but it is difficult to choose other trousers or jeans to match a suit jacket. I will tell you how to do this correctly later. If you are purchasing a suit, I recommend buying additional trousers, otherwise your wardrobe will end up with a perfectly usable but orphaned jacket after a while. Premature wear of trousers is due to their more frequent washing and cleaning.
Shoes for a suit jacket: oxfords, derbies, loafers. Monks or moccasins look better with an unbuttoned shirt without a tie.

Let's take a closer look at the blazer and sports jacket. They are often confused because these types are always sold separately from trousers. What are the differences? How and with what to wear? The answers to these questions, as usual, lie in the history of the origin of these jackets.

Blazer - in terms of formality, it occupies a place between suit and sports jackets. The dark blue double-breasted blazer originated from the uniform of British naval officers in the early nineteenth century. In Great Britain, this type of military is the most respected, and from the sailors present at social events, the dark blue jacket with copper buttons gradually migrated to men's fashion, becoming publicly available.

The single-breasted blazer has no connection with the British Army and was used primarily in the uniform of elite rowing teams educational institutions England. These jackets had only two buttons so as not to hinder the movement of the rowers.

The modern blazer has many varieties and is made in different colors.
The English blazer is made with structured “solid” shoulders, always fitted, as it is designed for good figure. The double-breasted version has peaked lapels and is fastened with two buttons. The single-breasted version uses rectangular lapels and, as a rule, two buttons, in in rare cases three.

A jacket is an elegant and stylish piece of a man's wardrobe

Despite the enormous popularity of denim clothing, the jacket remains the most sought-after and versatile part of a man's wardrobe. Agree that a man in an elegant jacket looks respectable, stylish and elegant. Today, stores offer a huge selection of jackets; it is possible to choose a model for any weather and in any style.

Unfortunately, for many men, a jacket is associated with an uncomfortable suit that restricts movement, which is why many prefer a comfortable sweater or cardigan. Let's figure it out how to choose the right jacket to highlight your style and not lose the feeling of comfort.

1. Jacket styles.

All models of jackets are divided into two types.

  • Single-breasted jacket - in this case, the buttons are located on one shelf of the product, and the buttonholes for them are on the other. This jacket is always fastened strictly vertically.
  • Double-breasted model - the buttons are located symmetrically on both sides of the product; to fasten the jacket, you need to put the left front on top of the right. Fixation occurs with one or two buttons.

Single-breasted models are the most popular, as they are versatile and, as a rule, fit perfectly on the figure.

2. Number of buttons.

How to choose the perfect jacket to suit your figure

Even the most fashionable and expensive jacket will look out of place and ridiculous if you choose it thoughtlessly, without taking into account your height and build. How to choose a men's jacket that is not only stylish, but also emphasizes your figure.

1. Jacket for tall people.

The best choice for men whose height is above average is a single-breasted jacket with three buttons.

To visually hide the length of the arms, you can slightly increase the length of the sleeves, covering part of the hand.

Jacket for a tall man

The jacket should be elongated to compensate for the disproportion of the figure and visually reduce the length of the legs. The lapels can be wide, this will visually emphasize the massiveness of the shoulders and the width of the chest.

2. Jacket for a thin physique.

Jacket for a thin man

3. Jacket for a short man.

For men below average height, single-breasted jackets with one or two buttons look appropriate and stylish. Thanks to the stylish V-shaped cutout, this model visually elongates the torso line.

Also, the vents create the illusion of height, so their presence on a jacket is mandatory for a short man.

Shortened jacket models visually increase height; they make the legs appear longer.

As for the lapels, they should be narrow and long, preferably with sharp corners.

Fashion tip: short men should avoid double-breasted jackets and items with three buttons or more; pockets with flaps will also spoil the look.

4. Jacket for a full and massive figure.

For such figures, it is important to choose a jacket that will visually reduce weight and elongate the torso. Single-breasted jackets with one or more buttons cope best with this task. At overweight It is not recommended to unbutton your jacket. In this case, the product will reliably distract attention from all the flaws of the figure.

Large men prefer to choose jackets with vents and narrow and long lapels. If your choice falls on a double-breasted model, it is advisable to choose a model with a maximum of six buttons and pockets without flaps.

Jacket for a full figure

A detailed guide to choosing the right size men's jacket

If you delve into the question of which jacket to choose, you will find very strict and specific rules about the details of the product - sleeve and garment length, width at the shoulders and chest.

Remember the popular phrase that a jacket should fit like a glove, this means that the product should emphasize the male figure.

Jacket length

Regarding this parameter, stylists most often advise choosing a model that ends at the level of the knuckles.

However, given the huge variety of jacket styles, this rule should not be applied to every model. Today fashion designers are loyal to length men's jackets, especially since the length of people’s arms differs.

Another classic tip is that a properly chosen jacket should cover the buttocks, but expose the leg line as much as possible.

If you adhere to this rule, the proportions of your body will always be ideal.

Fashion tip: the most harmonious look is the product, the bottom line of which divides the distance from the floor to the collar line into two equal parts.

Shoulder Width

For a sporty, fit figure, the rule is that the shoulder line on the jacket should end exactly where the man’s shoulders end. If you want to correct the features of your figure with the help of a jacket, variations are possible. If you have sloping shoulders, it is appropriate to choose a jacket with a wider and more rigid shoulder line.

Chest volume

The optimal width for a jacket is when a palm, not a fist, fits between the fabric and the body. However, if you prefer freedom of action and do not like to feel constrained in your movements, choose a wider model, but make sure that there is no excess volume in the chest area.

The length of the sleeve

When choosing a sleeve length, you can be guided by a specific place on the arm, it is usually called a bone; then the shirt sleeve should peek out a few centimeters.

Jacket style and silhouette

Remember the rule that applies when choosing any clothing - if the item is chosen in size, the silhouette will be beautiful and clear. Regardless of the style of the jacket, the model chosen according to your size will emphasize only the advantages of your figure and invariably hide its shortcomings.

Depending on how you want your silhouette to look, decide which jacket to choose - fitted, with a natural or increased shoulder line, with a narrow or classic lapel shape, a short or long model.

What fabric to choose a jacket from

Men's jackets made of wool are considered traditional. Today, woolen fabric with different contents is used for sewing clothes. wool thread, thanks to this it is possible to present warm, winter models and demi-season ones made of thinner material.

Wool is the undisputed leader among fabrics for men's jackets - it is a “breathable” material that retains heat perfectly. But these statements are only true for natural wool.

Stylish jackets made of natural wool

This is interesting! A special scale is used to mark woolSuper– from 80 to 180. Than higher figure, the thinner and more expensive the fabric; the optimal value for woolen fabric varies from 110 to 150.

To improve the woolen fabric, lycra is added to its composition - this jacket is more elastic and does not wrinkle. A worthy and stylish alternative to woolen items are jackets made from tweed, corduroy and cashmere. Tweed goes well with knitwear - such a masculine look always remains fashionable.

Lightweight ones are used to sew summer men's jackets. natural fabrics– linen, silk and cotton. In hot weather, wearing such clothes will keep you feeling fresh and cool.

Light linen jacket

As lining fabric Silk and viscose are used; on budget products, as a rule, there is a polyester lining.

Stylist's tip: to determine the quality of the fabric, you need to pinch it; if traces remain, it means the jacket is made of poor quality material.

Which jacket color to choose in the current fashion season

Many men prefer to purchase a classic jacket in rich blue or black shades and end all experiments with colors. Such a limited choice of shades is explained, first of all, by the fact that men do not know how to choose the color of a jacket. Let's fix this problem and figure out what color clothes stylists call fashionable and relevant.

Bright jackets for strong men

1. Striped jacket.

Stripes are considered the most universal print and at the same time unusual. By changing the color scheme and thickness of the strip, you can create images in different styles. This season, the most popular stripes are medium-width stripes in neutral shades - white, black and blue.

Fashion brands that offer such stylish jackets are M&S, Ralph Lauren, Hackett, Zara.

2. Jackets in neutral shades.

Beige shades – the best choice for the warm season, as well as a smart casual look. Light colors reflect ultraviolet radiation; you will never feel hot in such clothes. Besides, beige jacket goes well with shorts, jeans, T-shirts.

Fashion brands that feature jackets in neutral shades are Oliver, Spencer Massimo Dutti, Mango Man, ASOS, Boglioli, Uniqlo.

3. Jacket in green tones.

Green color is a rather rare guest in men's wardrobe, many stylists recommend choosing jackets of different green shades. When combined correctly, such a jacket will harmoniously match with clothes in white, gray, blue, pink and beige.

Fashion brands that feature green jackets are Mango Man Zara Richard James River Island Austin Reed Aspesi.

4. Jackets pastel shades.

The most popular and universal pastel shade is blue - it suits all men perfectly. You can also get creative and use bolder shades - muted purple, yellow.

Fashion brands where you can find a stylish blazer in pastel shades are River Island Austin Reed Zara Richard James Mango Reiss.

5. Jackets with patterns.

A few years ago, men's jackets with a variety of patterns appeared on fashion catwalks for the first time. And today, clothes for men with prints, from camouflage to floral, are considered stylish and relevant.

The choice of a specific pattern - small or large, bright or subdued - depends on the overall style of the image.

Fashion brands where you can pick up a patterned jacket are Noose & Monkey Ted Baker Paul Smith Zara Mango.

Possible problems when choosing a jacket for a man

To make sure that the jacket you choose is perfect for you, try on several more models for comparison.

If you are planning a trip to the store

  • Wear a shirt that makes you feel most comfortable and fits you well. In this case, it is easier to choose a jacket with the correct sleeve length.
  • If you are choosing a jacket for yourself for the first time, stop at the traditional one. color scheme- gray, blue and black. Avoid black shades - these are the colors of weddings and funerals.
  • Choose the style of your jacket carefully, remember that individual parts can correct the figure.
  • After trying on a jacket, be sure to move around in it - the product should not hinder your movements.

How to correctly determine the size of a jacket

Jacket size designations vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, making it confusing to choose the correct size.

Jackets of domestic brands have a traditional size chart– from 44 to 72 in steps of two units. The size is determined by the widest part in the chest area. If the most voluminous part of the torso is in the abdominal area, you need to navigate along it.

Stylist's tip: measurements are taken with a T-shirt on, without the need to tighten the measuring tape. If at the widest point of your torso your volume is 88 cm, your jacket size is 44, with a volume of 100 cm - size 50. It is enough to divide the resulting value in half. When dividing results in an intermediate result, it needs to be rounded only towards the larger value.

How to combine a jacket and trousers

It is impossible to imagine a jacket without trousers - this is classic combination, after all, choosing top part image, you will inevitably need its lower part.

The main thing in the combination of a jacket and trousers is stylish combination colors and textures of fabrics.

  • Tweed and flannel jackets go well with flannel trousers.
  • Warm jackets made of cashmere or wool are combined with trousers made of cotton corduroy.
  • Another win-win winter combination is a tweed jacket and wool trousers.
  • Remember that the color of the top and bottom parts of the chosen look should not match; combine a brown jacket with trousers in gray shades.
  • The color scheme of the entire look should be in the same “key” - this means if you chose a jacket in a warm color scheme, the trousers should also be in these shades.
  • You should not combine a checkered jacket with striped trousers.
  • Blazers are absolutely not combined with khaki trousers.
  • Jackets bright colors are appropriate at a social party and look stylish paired with jeans.

Follow these simple rules, and the jacket will become the “highlight” of your wardrobe, adding elegant masculinity to your image.

Jacket, jacket, tuxedo, blazer... When it comes to clothing, it is very easy to get confused a huge number terms that mean very similar things. Let's figure out how a jacket differs from a jacket, and what types of jackets are most often found in modern fashion.

Mango Vila Oodji

What is a classic jacket?

The jacket is key business style. It is also used as outerwear. Both cases have their own nuances. Thus, not all types of jackets can create a formal look, but a jacket used as a outerwear, has rather philological roots: the English analogue of the word “jacket” - “jacket” is also translated as “jacket”.

Distinctive elements of a classic jacket

A classic men's jacket requires elements such as lapels, vents, side pockets, a chest pocket, and buttons on the sleeves.

The lapels of the jacket are the lapels of the collar. They should reach the top buttons.

The chest pocket is intended only for a scarf, with the exception of Sunglasses as a tribute to modernity.

Slots - cuts on the back from the bottom - help improve mobility. Jackets come with one vent (located in the middle), with two vents on the sides (mainly characteristic of double-breasted models) and without vents at all (modern variations of the jacket).

How to choose and wear a jacket

A jacket that fits your figure should fit fairly loosely, but not hang down: with the button fastened, the palm should fit in the area of ​​the heart (some men prefer looser clothes and measure the width of the jacket in the chest using their fist - this is also acceptable if the jacket looks elegant). There should be no ties on the chest (especially in the fastener area), and on the back horizontal lines. The length of the sleeve with the arm down should reveal 1-1.5 cm of the shirt cuff. A classic jacket has a length that completely covers the buttocks.

The jacket must be unbuttoned when sitting down, and vice versa, buttoned when standing up. Wearing an unbuttoned jacket is acceptable in less formal settings, as long as it is not double-breasted.

Jacket and jacket - what's the difference?

Fashion connoisseurs have not yet come to a consensus on what fundamentally distinguishes a jacket from a jacket, and therefore there are two main interpretations:

1. only a classic jacket can be called a jacket men's clothing(its main elements are described above), and all things similar to a men's jacket intended for women are a jacket;

2. a jacket is called both men's and women's clothing, if it has main elements and length classic jacket, and a jacket will be any shortened and/or fitted modification of a jacket for women.

We are more inclined to the second interpretation, because it would be strange to call the same thing (and in the latest designer collections there are many female models straight cut and classic length) differs only from the fact that it is worn by a woman.

So, let the jacket be a cropped or fitted jacket.

Main types of jackets

Double breasted jacket

home distinctive feature This type of jacket has two rows of buttons and overlapping hems. One row of buttons is not used, it only superficially replicates the British naval uniform. The lower hem is fastened with a jigger (inner button). Double breasted jacket usually part of a costume. Nowadays you rarely see it in everyday life. male images, but such a jacket will add elegance and aristocracy. Both men's and women's jackets are double-breasted.

Single breasted jacket

A variety with one row of buttons and narrow lapels is called a single-breasted jacket. This species has from 1 to 3 buttons in a row, very rarely there may be 4 of them. Important rule: The bottom button of a single-breasted jacket is always left undone (if it is the only button, it is always buttoned). A single-breasted jacket is more democratic than a double-breasted one, because... sometimes it can be worn unfastened. It is also called “American”.