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A white T-shirt is one of the basic things that should be in every woman's wardrobe. It's hard to imagine something more basic. This is the favorite thing of many fashionistas, because with it you can come up with hundreds of variations of going out, both for a walk, for relaxation, for work and for a business meeting, etc.

Ability to combine the simplest things each other reveals the presence of taste and style. And in different versions.

Below we will talk about how and with what to wear this infinitely chic and impossibly simple thing.

White T-shirt: what to wear with it

White T-shirt + jeans

First place among the most popular, budget and fashionable combinations, undoubtedly favors the combination of a white T-shirt and jeans. This is a classic. Like strawberries and cream, this pair complements each other perfectly. This duo can combine any options, thereby emphasizing your excellent taste.

The most perfect and winning combination of white cotton T-shirt with skinny jeans or boyfriend jeans, but in reality jeans can be anything, up to classic models. Ripped black jeans also look stylish with a T-shirt.

When worn with jeans, the T-shirt should not be tight. An interesting option is a loose-fitting T-shirt with dropped shoulders.

It is also fashionable to wear a T-shirt fully or half tucked in. In this form, it is ideal for both a denim overall look and a denim look. business image, and under casual.

White T-shirt + leather and suede

The skin can be any kind, even very hard. Wear a T-shirt with a leather jacket, trousers or skirt. The lightness of this basic item will immediately balance the “heaviness” of the skin, thereby giving you the perfect contrast.

White T-shirt + summer sundress

This is another 90s trend that looks great today. Just wear a white t-shirt under your lungs summer sundresses. Also, if you are not brave enough to wear a slip dress, then a white T-shirt comes to your rescue.

The combination of thin straps with a white T-shirt looks very piquant.

Looks with a white T-shirt

White T-shirt + pants

For creating stylish look in this combination the circle narrows somewhat. A beautiful combination is a duet of a T-shirt with colored trousers or trousers with a print, some models of which look very advantageous. To complete the set, you can choose a jacket in the same color as the bottom or in pastel shades.

In this combination, the T-shirt can be either cotton or synthetic. In the case of synthetics, the model should be tight and can be tucked into trousers. It is recommended to tuck a cotton T-shirt only in special cases.

If you want to look elegant, then it is better to wear a white T-shirt with wide trousers, flared trousers and choose the right accessories.

White T-shirt + skirt

Further proof of the versatility of your favorite white tee is this perfect combination with skirts of any length, color and texture. It fits perfectly even with mini ones. Pair with sneakers for a great look.

So feel free to experiment with different skirts without fear of anything.

White T-shirt + other white items

It may seem that white on white is too heavy for the image, and that something was done incorrectly. However, a well-chosen combination looks very stylish. A white T-shirt paired with a white skirt, white jeans or trousers is a very winning option.

White T-shirt + Blazer

The universal combination of a white T-shirt with a blazer or cardigan will always help you out. No matter where you need to go, an important business meeting or a party, this duo will save you.

White T-shirt + knots

The simplicity of this item of clothing gives scope for creativity and imagination. Knots can be tied in the middle of the T-shirt, then it will look like a top, or you can tie one or two knots on the side. For a loose-fitting T-shirt, you can roll up the sleeves a la "c" male shoulder". There are many options, use your imagination.

How to Wear a White T-shirt

White T-shirt + overalls

Another interesting thing is a jumpsuit. It can be full-fledged, a jumpsuit - a sundress or a jumpsuit - shorts. The material of the overalls can also be any, either denim or cotton. A white T-shirt can be replaced with a crop top.

White T-shirt + shorts

The most comfortable and stylish duo is shorts with a loose white T-shirt. If you want to complement the top, then it is better to choose a cardigan, since not all jackets go with such a pair.

If you take into account the knitted combination, then in this case you will look best in a fitted T-shirt with long sleeve tucked into shorts.

The simpler the image, the more difficult it is to create. It would seem that what can be ruined in the combination of jeans + T-shirt? Since we are talking here about the democracy of fashion, the principles of “there is no beauty without comfort” and “feminine does not mean cutesy,” then it would be logical to assume that this simplest everyday outfit is our philosopher's Stone, that is, excuse me, the basis of the wardrobe. In general, this is how it is. But in order for jeans and a T-shirt to put you on a fashionable pedestal, you need to follow not as few rules as it might seem.

Let's look at bad examples first to determine what to avoid (and what we see in ordinary life more often):

Boring. There are almost no accessories, but there are sneakers. We almost get the image of a runner at the stadium
When there are still a lot of mimimi. Too much children's drawing, even more spoiled by rhinestones and the very cut of the denim vest Jeans don’t need these holes and spots, sandals are too feminine (and old-fashioned), glasses are also outdated (even old European aristocrats wear more interesting models), a lot of red - things were clearly chosen “red to red” Converse and a creepy cardigan. I would take them off and add red lipstick. Earrings and glasses also don’t work on a girl, they’re just “no good” The cat looks cheap and childish. Well, a sweatshirt won’t add anything good to this outfit either. Here everything was ruined by a) the decoration on the neck and b) the scarf on the bag. And that would be good.

Examples that are almost, but not quite cool yet

Lacks contrast. Lipstick, nail polish, maybe just a white t-shirt (which will set off the dark hair). Well, now it’s better to try to buy and wear jeans that are smooth, without holes or artificial abrasions. Everything is good, but also a bit pale. Replacing sneakers with stable boots or sandals, wearing a watch or bracelet would be ideal
Too feminine sandals. And the girl’s figure allows her to wear any jeans, so you don’t have to desperately cling to skinny ones

And finally, the images that I propose to follow

What does this image do? The right jeans, the right T-shirt, unusual shoes and watch
Shoes and bag. Well good jeans where would we be without them? This look would fall into the "almost, but not quite" category if it weren't for the contrast between the color of the hair and the t-shirt. And hair color and glasses Photo by Red lipstick, fancy shoes, nice bag Photo by A T-shirt with a deliberately rough print, cool jeans and a watch. And the exceptional thinness of a girl who looks incredibly graceful in rough men's clothing.

Now I’ll try to formulate the rules:

Jeans should not be torn. It's not cool anymore, no matter what Gigi Hadid or Cara Delavigne wears.

Jeans should be more straight cut, or cropped. Skinny jeans are not exactly on trend, but if they suit you, then let them stay, no big deal.

Classic pumps are the maximum femininity you can afford in terms of shoes (for this image). No sandals with thin heels or beaded shoes. Sneakers and sneakers are also undesirable. They take the urban look towards the sporty-comfortable. Usually this is welcome, but if you are only wearing a T-shirt, jeans and sneakers (not complemented by a raincoat, jacket or parka), then it looks a bit boring. Shoes should be rugged, bold, durable, and bright in color or design. Something like this (all pictures from the site

The T-shirt should not be tight or see through. It should be cotton, maybe with a bright print. But both the print and its content should be rough, a little protest, defiant, laconic. There should be no butterflies, flowers, beads or sparkles there. In general, white, gray and black T-shirts are the safest option.

Accessories. A watch is almost a must. No, you don’t need to run for a Rolex (if you don’t have one), you can get by with a massive Swatch. Rings, leather straps, laconic bracelets - try on one at a time and all together. Perhaps all of them together will look best. It is better not to wear anything around the neck - a T-shirt does not involve any special tricks in the neck area. And especially no silk scarves. Almost any bag, as long as it is of high quality and modern, from a funny clutch to a roomy tote (and then I realized that I still need to write a post about bags - I will, I promise). Sunglasses are very desirable. Let them also be not quite classic: round, in a massive frame, brightly colored.

Now about the main thing. Actually, your appearance. For simple image appearance should be bright. It's okay if you don't have luxury gray hair Sarah Harris. You can always go gray. Just a joke, of course: even out your complexion, use bright lipstick, highlight your cheekbones. Be sure to get a bright manicure (here I will quickly explain that I accept any color of varnish, as long as it is not pearlescent, not “metallic”, not “French” and this color (one) covers the nails on all ten fingers). In the case of jeans and a T-shirt, you can’t get by with beige or pastel colors. Red, wine, black, brown, dark blue - hands should attract attention.

Well, now that we have already learned to wear this “simple” outfit in the harshest conditions (that is, without the help additional elements clothes), you can relax. Here are some examples of how a raincoat, bomber, Leather Jacket or a jacket instantly removes all fears: such an image certainly cannot be called rustic.

Leave the lipstick on your lips; you can only smear it on your chin at shows :)
Are you wearing a jacket? Now you don't have to worry about shoes. Sneakers are our best friend

A regular T-shirt is a necessary part of any wardrobe for both men and women. Celebrities especially have contributed to transforming a simple white T-shirt into a true piece of fashion and style art. So the T-shirt became the basis of clothing for decades. And this is unlikely to change in the near future.

The street style of stars and celebrities is the greatest source of inspiration for coming up with new ways to wear this wardrobe icon. Of course, you could always just throw on a t-shirt with skinny jeans or leggings, but that's so boring! By correctly combining a regular T-shirt, it can be worn not only in casual style, but also at more special occasions, when something more than everyday is required.

Let's quickly see what fresh ideas we'll have stars on how to wear a t-shirt in style and fashion, including a classic white one, with graphic design, shortened and colored.

Why change something that already works great, right? Fashionable girls love to wear their favorite T-shirts the way they've been worn for decades - with their favorite pair of jeans. Simple, effective, sexy and cool. What more could you want?

Currently, the most stylish way to wear a T-shirt with jeans is to tuck it into your jeans with high waist, for example, vintage Levi's. Key moment here is a high-waisted silhouette, otherwise the jeans can be flared, wide, whatever - the image will be the same.

Kendall Jenner is known for her ability to layer clothes in a way that makes it look effortless. Why not take some stylish ideas from her? Here, for example, she's wearing a very soft bra top layered over a simple cotton T-shirt with ripped jeans.

To make such a bow look real life, we would replace the expensive lace top (which not everyone can wear in public) with a delicate, thin and airy tank top with thin straps. Preferred fabrics are lace, corduroy, silk, satin. Each of them can add boudoir chic to something as casual as a T-shirt. Just don't forget the main casual detail: ripped jeans.

Yes, yes, we know, now rarely does anyone wear suits, much less often. However, let's in this case consider a combination of top and trousers or leather skirt and the jacket as a suit. To create such a bow, you only need to select the top and bottom.

And what best suits the “suit”? A completely inappropriate T-shirt, of course. The key here is to do business suit or a top-bottom combination inappropriate for the office, but with a touch of eccentricity and wit. Break up your suit or blazer and trousers with a graphic tee that says it all. A T-shirt will be both a conversation piece and a stylish addition to your ensemble - what more could you ask for?

We really like the image Kristen Stewart, in which she appeared in Cannes to promote Cafe Society. This look is perfect for any informal setting. The beauty of this ensemble is in its simplicity, just a cropped white T-shirt and pencil skirt, stilettos and a couple of neat jewelry. The image becomes absolutely complete and monochrome thanks to blonde hair Kristen.

You can wear a cropped T-shirt with jeans or even a skirt of a different cut, or layer a sweater or jacket over it: a cropped T-shirt doesn't have to reveal everything. You can combine something short with something with a high waist - then the belly will be barely (if not at all) noticeable. As mentioned, just add layers over or under a cropped t-shirt and it becomes such an affordable wardrobe staple that you won't feel insecure about wearing it.

The 90s are still alive in 2017! This look is perfect for all women under 35 years old. Unfortunately, older women will look like they are stuck in the 90s. A dress with a T-shirt can be worn as a casual wear, and to the party. A white T-shirt with sneakers for lunch, a black T-shirt and heels for an evening or a date.

As for wrinkles and a T-shirt sticking out from under your dress, don't worry, there are a couple of tricks. First: replace the T-shirt with a bodysuit with short sleeves. Second: wear a tight-fitting T-shirt.

Most often, it is the white T-shirt that becomes classic version for any everyday look in a casual style. But one look at this ensemble from Giovanna Battaglia proves that bright colors- this is gorgeous!

Giovanna tucked a hot pink T-shirt into a red and pink pleated midi skirt and wore red beads. This combination is both unusual and at the same time quite smooth. The perfect balance of fashion, comfort and functionality. Wonderful, Giovanna Batalha!