How to apply body painting to the body. DIY body art paint

Body painting is an avant-garde movement in fine art. From English, body art literally translates as “body art,” and this is not surprising, because the human body serves as the canvas for creativity. This art took its modern form in the 60s of the last century, and the peak of popularity occurred during the period of postmodernism, in which the human body was not only a material, but also an object of creativity.

Types of body painting

Today, body painting is most often perceived as the art of drawing on the human body, but its concept is much broader. At the moment, several types of body painting can be distinguished, each of which deserves a separate description.


The most common type of body art is painting on the body and face - it would be more correct to call it bodypainting. This is exactly one type of body art, in which the artist creates his creation using special paint on the human body. As a rule, beautiful girls are chosen as models, and body art on the body is created for advertising, show business or photo shoots.

In addition, fashion shows, hairdressing and nail art championships are increasingly being held with elements of body painting. Such an interesting way of self-expression as body painting is actively used by modern youth, for example, goths, punks, role-players, cosplayers, emo, metalheads and other subcultures, and, as a rule, they create drawings with their own hands at home.

Bodypainting techniques

Bodypainting is not just that, it is design, photography, graphics, arts and crafts and makeup together. By creating an image, be it naked body art or with elements of clothing and various accessories, the artist and model express their view of the world, their perception of life and a specific event. By the way, recently bodypainting has increasingly become used as wedding bodypainting. In this case, different techniques can be used - (the image is created using an airbrush) or manual work (the body is painted by hand using brushes).


Another common form of body art is piercing - “piercing holes”, in which earrings, rings, pendants and similar jewelry are subsequently worn. This type of body art on the body can be present anywhere from to and. If it is done correctly, it is considered quite safe, but it should be borne in mind that, for example, such body art on the face in large quantities looks more provocative than beautiful. Of course, you should trust the creation of a piercing only to professionals, refusing to pierce yourself at home.

Permanent makeup and tattoos

The third type of “body art” is tattooing. Thanks to modern technologies, today the scope of its application has expanded significantly, since tattooing is used, for example, in the beauty and fashion industry in the form of and,. Under no circumstances should you get a tattoo yourself or in an underground salon.

Colorful multicolor tattoos made by professional artists look very beautiful. However, you should remember that such body art on the face or body is for the rest of your life, and the image can only be removed through plastic surgery. If you are not sure that you want to change your body forever, try body art with henna. Such a tattoo is painless, remains on the skin for no more than a month and disappears along with the “old” skin.


Another type of body painting is scart. This is a painful procedure, during which deep cuts are left on the body, which then turn into intricate scars. As the famous saying goes, scars make men look good, but such body art on the face or body will certainly cause mixed reactions and is certainly not suitable for girls.

Bodypainting materials

Body art paints are specialized materials. In the case of body painting, designs are usually applied with water-based, oil-based, alcohol-based or aqua-silicone-based makeup, or with special felt-tip pens. Such specialized paint is expensive, so it is often replaced with cheaper and more accessible acrylic paint, and sometimes even with gouache with the addition of shampoo or shaving cream for softness.

Of course, specialized paints are preferable, especially when creating female body art for the whole body, since such paints last longer and do not crack, unlike gouache. Depending on the type, they can be creamy, pressed, liquid, and applied using brushes, sponges, fingers or an airbrush. Sold in art and specialized cosmetic stores.

In the case of permanent makeup and tattooing, special paints are also used, and their quality directly determines the colorfulness and durability of the tattoo, as well as the condition of the skin. Tattoo ink is a base that interacts with the skin and leaves a trace of a certain color. Today, cream-based, alcohol-based and water-based paints are used. For greater durability, it can contain chemical and organic dyes.

What type of paint to choose

Having decided to create male or female body painting, you need to act step by step, having previously prepared all the necessary materials and tools. The instructions in this case are simple:

  • Choose if you want to decorate your body or face with a design for a party or carnival. It is easy to work with, does not crack or spread, but at the same time it is short-lived. For long-lasting decoration, choose specialized professional paints.
  • In addition to paints, you should stock up on skin contour pencils, fixatives, brushes, an airbrush, and sponges. With their help, you can create any drawings and make beautiful smooth transitions between shades of different colors. An airbrush is useful for painting large areas of skin with one color; for fine detailing, brushes of different sizes are better suited. A hairdryer can be useful to dry the paint. It is convenient to wipe off excess paint with wet wipes.

The process of creating drawings on the body

Like any creative process, creating an image on the skin occurs in stages.

  1. To begin with, it is worth treating the areas of the body where the drawings will be with peeling, and then with a moisturizing cream. This is necessary so that the paint goes on smoother and lasts longer.
  2. After this, you can proceed directly to drawing. A diagram or sketch is first applied, for example, using a cosmetic pencil, and then each fragment of the drawing is painted in accordance with the plan. By the way, before you start painting, it’s worth making a sketch drawing so that during the drawing process you have something to compare with.
  3. Since body painting is a component of a complete image, to complete it, as a rule, you cannot do without the usual cosmetics - lipstick, mascara, contour pencils, powder, etc.

Children's body art

Children are real dreamers. Who better than them can come up with intricate designs and agree to paint their face without hesitation? That is why children's body art has recently become very popular and has become an almost obligatory element of most children's parties, birthdays, competitions and festivals.

On their wedding day, brides want to be royally beautiful, bright and original. The best dress, hairstyle, makeup and jewelry are always chosen for this occasion. The trend in wedding fashion in recent years is decorating the bride’s body with a variety of designs, which makes the newlywed’s image spectacular and unusual. Wedding body painting is the decoration of the neckline, arms, back and even legs of a girl with patterns. Let's figure out how the avant-garde pattern is applied to the body and how long it lasts.

Wedding bodypainting ideas for the bride

Body painting is not only an excellent alternative to traditional bridal jewelry, but also a wonderful camouflage of flaws on the body. Girls with birthmarks, scars or other imperfections can easily choose an open outfit and disguise the skin defect using an original pattern. Often, a beautiful drawing acts as makeup, when a professional draws fancy curls and arrows on the newlywed’s face, emphasizing the brightness of the eyes. This look is often complemented with foil, glitter, colored sand or rhinestones. The most popular wedding bodypainting:

  • bracelets;
  • ornaments;
  • orchids;
  • sakura branches;
  • Angel wings.

Cautious girls do a small painting, while the more daring ones decide to surrender themselves to the hands of a master and decorate a significant area of ​​their body with body painting, allowing the artist to fully express his creative imagination. Many brides paint private areas and bikini areas that only the husband can see. Such body painting should surprise the groom on his first wedding night with the original appearance of fishnet stockings, underwear or lace garters.

All kinds of monograms with the surnames of the newlyweds or with the first letters of their names are very popular - such an image on the body is considered a talisman. Body painting is only part of the bride’s image, it does not exist separately, therefore it is effectively woven into the overall style, harmoniously complementing it. Often, fragments of a dress, gloves, jewelry or lace are complemented with the help of a design. Watch the video to see how an ornament is applied to the newlywed’s body before the wedding:

Floral motifs on the face

Even ancient people in the Stone Age painted their faces, which, along with a tattoo, emphasized a person’s status in the tribe. Modern body painting has long stepped into the lives of ordinary people; brides especially often use it. Nowadays, a newlywed's makeup does not necessarily have to add an element of naturalness; on the contrary, every girl tries to stand out on her wedding day. Small masterpieces are created on the bride's face in the form of a floral pattern, descending from the upper eyelid to the cheekbone or passing only along the temple on one side.

Lace gloves on hands

You can draw a snow-white or silver temporary tattoo for a newlywed on any part of the body to which the girl would like to draw attention. It could be an openwork garter around the leg or a cute bracelet wrapping around the ankle, but more often brides prefer to draw openwork gloves. This trend came to us from Indian wedding traditions, during which the hands and feet of the future wife are decorated with ornate henna designs. In India, it is believed that the more exquisite the pattern, the stronger the love of the newlyweds.

Like a necklace around your neck

Multicolor painting in the form of a necklace, made by a professional craftsman, looks very beautiful on the newlywed’s skin. This body painting completely replaces accessories and looks stunning. A wedding necklace made with colors focuses attention on the neckline and emphasizes the elegance of the neck, giving the bold image of the bride a little shockingness.

Lace straps for the dress

Romantic newlyweds will want elegant tattoos that continue the lace or embroidery on the wedding dress. Beautifully intertwined lace straps are created, as a rule, using white paints with a pearlescent tint, complementing them with rhinestones or dusting them with silver or gold powder. At the request of the girl, lace ornaments are used to decorate the open back of the wedding dress, sleeves or décolleté area. The design, located on the shoulder or arm, emphasizes the grace of the newlywed, and not everyone can distinguish the lace applied with paint from the real thing.

How to paint bodypainting on the body: methods

Wedding body painting does not cause any inconvenience and is absolutely safe. Based on the application technique, body painting is divided into manual technique and airbrushing. In the first case, craftsmen use a brush to apply the design, and for airbrushing, a special paint sprayer with automatic air supply. All images are temporary. Materials for applying body painting are face painting, body pencil, paint or henna. Natural henna lasts the longest on the skin (2-3 weeks), but it is represented only in brownish-red shades.

For weddings, newlyweds often choose to apply ornaments with white paint or delicate pastel shades: lilac, emerald, soft blue, peach, pink, silver. To paint the face, face painting is used, which produces rich, bright colors. All of the above paints do not irritate the skin, do not cause allergic reactions, and the painting technique itself is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance.

Bio tattoo

Wedding bio tattoo (mehndi) is applied to the bride’s body using henna. This type of body painting is done quickly - an experienced master will create an image of any complexity in just 1-2 hours. Mehndi is done with a special brush, and the procedure is completely painless and hygienic. When performing it, it is impossible to damage the skin and cause an infection. Natural henna has a beneficial effect on the skin, curing some diseases. After application, it dries for about two hours, after which the drawing cannot be wetted with water for 24 hours.

Glitter tattoo

A popular option for wedding body painting is a glitter tattoo (glitter tattoo), which uses rhinestones, glitter, luminescent powder or professional pigments that glow effectively in ultraviolet rays. The procedure looks like this:

  • The artist applies the image by hand or through a stencil using latex glue.
  • Using a brush, the applied pattern is filled with multi-colored or plain glitter (glitter, powder, pigments).
  • After a couple of minutes, the glue dries, and excess glitter is easily removed.

Photo of beautiful wedding bodypainting on the body

On the wedding day, everything should be harmonious in the image of the newlywed, so when applying body painting you should not forget about the main rule: you should adhere to a sense of proportion in everything. When creating an exquisite wedding look, you need to take into account all the details: the color and style of the dress, the components of the bride’s bouquet, makeup, hairstyle, accessories. Based on this, a professional will definitely find the most suitable shade for the drawing. Perhaps one of the flowers on the dress or in the bouquet will become the dominant subject for the original body painting. Look below for examples of such work.

Body art– a phrase borrowed from the English language. The term is translated as “body art”. That is, the concept is comprehensive and indicates many things that transform the external nature of a person. Implants, branding, scarring and tattoos are all part of body painting.

Body painting is also part of it. In the West it is called body painting. But in Russia the term has not caught on - it is difficult to remember and is not associated with drawings on the body. Therefore, in our country they are designated as body art, without taking into account the other facets of this concept. To be fair, we will consider all aspects of the art of the body.

Tattoo as part of the art of body painting

A classic tattoo differs from body painting in terms of service life. Conventional body painting is superficial and easily washed off. Pigments for tattoos penetrate inside the cells, where they remain for life. Some paints may wash out or fade in the sun. But the general contours of the picture and color spots will remain.

They persist even after a person’s death if the body is mummified. So, in 1948, Sergei Rudenko found several embalmed bodies on the border with China. A Russian archaeologist discovered multiple ones on the remains. The bodies were sent for analysis and it was found that they were about 2,400 years old.

So it already existed then body art. painting It was applied not with needles, but with pointed sticks. This technique was also used in Egypt. On its territory they found a tattooed mummy, whose age is about 4,000 years. The priestess of one of the ancient temples, in which she was buried, used her body as a canvas.

Some modern ones will not provide any information to future archaeologists. The point is not even that the culture of mummification of bodies has been lost, but that the drawings simply will not be preserved. Many designs of the 21st century can no longer be called tattoos. Masters do not use needles. The skin is colored with brushes.

Natural coloring pigments are used, for example, henna. It seeps into the cells, but not deeply. Within a couple of weeks after application, the patterns disappear, are washed off with water and go away along with dead epidermal cells. This is the name of the top layer of skin. Temporary tattoos are a kind of transition from baudiart to body painting.

Body painting as part of body art

Body painting is not inferior to ancient times. Suffice it to recall the wild tribes of Africa and the Indians of North America, who applied frightening “make-up” before hunting and battles. Often, not the whole body was painted, but only the face. This direction of painting is called face art. The art of face painting is closely related to the field of makeup.

It's no secret that make-up sometimes requires masking some elements on the face. For example, makeup artists cover up redness with green concealer. In the color wheel, grassy tones are located opposite red ones, neutralizing them. Apply regular foundation on top and... you get perfect skin.

Naked body art, that is, painting a naked body, also requires some kind of disguise. The video below has an age limit of 18+, so if you are under the age of majority, do not press the play button. By clicking on it you confirm that you are over 18 years old.

Not everyone dares to appear before the master, so to speak, in all his glory. Therefore, silicone stickers are used. They are attached with glue, covering secondary sexual characteristics, for example, nipples. The surface of the overlays is designed for easy paint distribution and rapid hardening. The color of the stickers matches the skin, does not stand out on the body and does not spoil body art

Photo Special stickers are usually offered by foreign stores. Bodypainting is most developed in the West and America. There is a salon procedure, a lot of competitions with substantial prizes are held. In Russia there was an attempt to organize a national championship, but in 2002 it was canceled.

The phenomenon was partially explained nudists. Body art for them it is their favorite “clothing”. But in Russia the climate is not conducive to nudism or body painting. But in the same states there are thousands of nudist communities. Therefore, the service is in demand “ body art". Video professional works are posted online and included in a portfolio.

Worldwide body art association has existed since 2001. The best masters who are listed in the organization are foreigners. Famous Italian Johannes Stetter. He is not only an artist, but also the organizer of a folk group. The man’s musical preferences are reflected in many of his works. The paintings are original and full of mysticism.

Master Cho-San is famous in Japan. She specializes in the visual merging of people with nature. Models are set against the backdrop of mountains, forests, interiors and painted to match them. As a rule, professional fashion models act as “canvases”. It is not easy for an ordinary person to stand for 5-6 hours. But, you get an artistic masterpiece for free, and sometimes an additional payment for your work.

In the USA they are ready to pose for free if James Kuhn draws. Only this master doesn’t need models. A man paints himself. Specializes in body art on the face, your own. Jame depicts self-portraits, but modifies his appearance—he appears in the form of a boar, or a shaman. There are already almost 400 works captured in the photo.

Scarring as part of body art

Body art – body painting and... it doesn’t matter what it’s made of. Scarring is the creation of patterns with blades. In ancient times, glass shards and sharp stones were used. Evidence of scarification is almost 5,000 years old. The technique was invented by African tribes. On dark-skinned bodies they are not visible, but compositions of scars are noticeable.

They are voluminous, so they catch the eye. By the way, to make the scars more convex, they use the juices of poisonous plants. They are poured onto deep cuts. Previously, the technique was used everywhere, but now only some women in Sudan use it.

Scarification is included in body art Buy The service is also available under the name scarification. This is the official name of the technique, also coming from the English language. The term is not popular, and the phenomenon is not popular either. According to statistics, out of 100 people with only 1-2 also undergo scarring.

Firstly, there are few smart craftsmen. Secondly, the pain during the procedure is strong, and in order for the drawing to look impressive, large areas of the body must be involved. So, most choose the usual body art Women Scarification is especially rare.

Implantation as a type of body art

Implantation is a concept made up of two Latin words - “inside” and “planting”. Initially, the term was medical. But gradually implantation became part of the trend body art Photos confirm that it is possible to push metal balls and silicone molds under the skin for the sake of beauty. Many people find this beauty controversial, but such is all modern art. It is intended to shock, make you think, worry, and not just enjoy the ideality of the images.

So instead of body art paints implants are taken. They can be round, in the form of bagels, stars, pyramids. You can choose any variations and create a composition from them. Some, for example, ask for horns on the forehead. Others want spikes sticking out of their fingers, like brass knuckles.

The parts can be left under the skin, or partially brought out. It all depends on the wishes of the client who has chosen an unusual body art Women photos, as a rule, are laid out with stars and devil horns. Men prefer to radically change their appearance, for example, greatly enlarging one of the frontal lobes. Bodypainting video The video below will clearly show how implants are installed, but I would like to warn you that this spectacle is not for the faint of heart.

Branding as types of body art

Officially, the procedure is called branding. It is believed that the movement has its origins in the slave system. In it, special signs were applied to the workers’ bodies, indicating that the people were slaves. The drawings were made with hot iron seals. This is the technique of applying patterns even now. So, branding is not included in the list " pregnant body art" The pain is such that involuntary contraction of the internal muscles can occur, and this is one of the causes of miscarriages.

If body art body painting on photo, as a rule, is planar, then branding gives convex patterns. When the redness and scabs from burns go away, thick, voluminous lines remain. They are a little lighter than the rest of the skin, not . Therefore, to highlight the drawings, many take sunbathing.

Branding is rarely included in the category porn body art" The sight of human suffering excites few. The procedure is painful and the healing of burns is painful. You have to refrain from scratching and constantly treat the wounds with antiseptics.

To apply paint to the body, artists use a variety of tools - brushes, contour pencils, special felt-tip pens, cotton pads, airbrushes and much more. You can achieve the perfect drawing by combining different tools.

Before starting to paint a live model, most artists make sketches or model the image in special programs. This is necessary for more subtle and competent work. Typically, an artist will start with an outline, then use primary colors to paint the base areas, and then work on the details.

Often the process of applying a pattern to a model’s skin can last for several hours; this requires great concentration from the artist. After completing the image, it is fixed on the skin using special means.

Types of paints

Beginning artists often use regular gouache for body art; it adheres well to the skin, and the colors do not mix if allowed to dry. To prevent the paint from cracking after drying, add shampoo, glycerin or petroleum jelly to it. Such painting lasts no longer than twelve to fifteen hours.

Face painting is used by artists who prefer to create complex, multi-colored images with shading, transitions, or bright details. Face painting is suitable for artists because it is not very expensive, but at the same time it has a number of properties that make the work easier. Face painting is quite elastic, does not crack, dries quickly, and has very rich colors. Water-based paints do not cause irritation or allergies. The only problem is that it washes off quite quickly, so artists use strong fixatives to secure it.

Experienced artists combine several types of paints, add glitter tattoos (using special glue and sparkles), and apply a design using an airbrush to achieve an unusual effect or competition.

Body art competitions, or body painting, are held in major cities of Russia. Within the framework of such competitions, not only the artist’s work with paints is assessed, but also the entire image of the model (hairstyle, accessories, shoes). Competitions most often involve short performances of models accompanied by music, during which they try to demonstrate the artist’s intentions to the public through dance movements, complex poses and plastic movements.

The term “body painting” describes a type of modern art in which the human body itself becomes a kind of canvas, an object for creativity. Even in ancient times, it was used as a way to indicate one’s status, religious beliefs, and to obtain protection from evil spirits and diseases. Today this is one of the ways to express and emphasize your individuality.

Types of body painting

For some reason we have a widespread opinion that body painting- these are drawings with paint on the body, while this concept is much broader than we imagine, and, in turn, is divided into different types.


It is this well-known type that we are accustomed to designate as body painting. In fact, its name is bodypainting, which literally means body painting. Such designs are temporary and completely safe, provided good coloring materials are used.

Appearing for the first time back in the Stone Age, body painting became a hallmark of postmodern art at the end of the 20th century. Now body painting is not only a form of self-expression, but is also often practiced in the field of advertising of goods and services. In popular culture, female body painting is much more popular than male body painting - it is believed that body painting on a female body is easier to perform and looks more attractive. And examples of body painting in real life can be seen by football fans, in the form of fans’ faces painted with team symbols.


Facepainting is bodypainting limited to the face only. It also originates from ancient culture and art: for the first time, such body painting on the face was used as an identifier of the main persons in tribes, such as shamans and leaders. Later this style began to be used more widely, for example as "war paint".

Modern face painting is most often “cosmetic makeup”, which is found in the fashion industry, on the theater stage, television and cinema, as well as face painting - low-fat makeup on a special water base.

Mehndi (mehendi)

Body painting, which is created by applying patterns to the skin from a special paste made from henna powder. It has been used for thousands of years in the Middle East and southeast Asia, and is most widespread in India.

After applying the paste to the skin, do not touch it until it dries. The resulting marks first take on an orange tint, which darkens to red or brown over the next two to three days, and then disappears within a few weeks.

This year, flash tattoos have also become popular, which in appearance are very similar to henna designs.


A tattoo is a permanent design or inscription made by injecting permanent ink into the lower layers of the skin - the dermis, which ensures its durability. Tattoos have been a popular form of body decoration since ancient times. The emergence of modern tattooing is associated with the invention of the electric tattoo machine at the end of the 19th century.

In our century, the popularity of tattoos is rapidly growing, and applied images are divided into many different styles, for example, old school, realism, dotwork, biomechanics, Chicano and others.

Permanent makeup

This is a short-lived form of tattooing - permanent makeup. In this case, special pigments are introduced not into the lower layers of the skin, but into the upper ones. Lasts on the skin for four to six years.

Such body painting is now very common because it allows you to forget for a long time about wasting time on applying makeup and buying decorative cosmetics; it does not wash off and always keeps its shape, and a skilled artist and correctly selected colors will help make this makeup as natural as possible.


Body piercing is another ancient form of body art that has remained popular through the centuries. Literally translated from English as “to make holes.” This type of body painting means that the skin is pierced in a certain place and some kind of jewelry is inserted into the puncture site.

Nowadays, piercing has become a huge trend. You can get a piercing at almost any age, starting from three to four years old.

Nail art

Nail art is the most modern form of body art, but at the same time one of the most common among female representatives.

It includes any form of decorative art applied to the fingernails and toenails: coating the nails with varnish, gel, acrylic paints and other suitable means, creating designs on the nails, decorating with beads, stones, pieces of fabric, etc. You can learn how to do nail art and at home.

Scarification (scarification)

This is an extreme form of body painting. To implement it, you have to purposefully injure the skin with cuts of a certain shape, so that after scarring they form a pattern.

Depending on the depth and angle of the scalpel when making scars, the result can be either barely noticeable or deliberately convex or concave.


Another extreme body art, which involves applying electrical, chemical or thermal burns to the skin.

Through such injuries, a certain pattern is formed, which remains on the skin in the form of a burn scar - it consists of convex lines that are darker than the skin, red or brown.


This is the most extreme form of body art, originating from ancient times, which involves various deformations of the body, such as "forking" the tongue, creating "elfin" ears, corseting, and implanting foreign objects under the skin, such as metal spikes or balls.

Like scarring and branding, this body painting can be hazardous to health.

Bodypainting technique

Paint body painting on the body is not so difficult; in fact, the technique for performing it is surprisingly simple and requires only one thing from you - drawing abilities or the desire to develop them and devote time to practice.

  • To begin, separately draw a sketch of the future drawing. If you are not yet confident in your drawing skills, then practice on paper at least a few times. You can also use a stencil - print the desired design and cut it out with manicure scissors.
  • Before applying the design to the body, prepare the skin: it must be epilated, cleansed and moisturized with day cream.
  • After this, start drawing. Always start body painting from the background, paying attention to the outline and details after the bottom layer has completely dried. Do not forget about shadows if the drawing requires the transfer of volume.
  • The finished drawing can be decorated with rhinestones, feathers or special stones.

Paint application methods

It is better to use face painting or other special paints as a material that will definitely not cause an allergic reaction. This is why it is not recommended to paint body art with gouache or watercolor - they tighten the skin and can cause irritation, not to mention the fact that most often they are not environmentally friendly. How can you apply body paint to your skin? There are several options.

Brush and sponge

A sponge is usually used to apply the background of a design, and a brush is used to apply its details. There are many different types and sizes of brushes, which one to choose depends solely on your preferences and the design itself, the main thing is to make sure that there are no long bristles sticking out of the brush, which could cause excess paint to spill.

It is better to buy such brushes not in a cosmetics store, but in an art shop, since this technique is much closer to painting than to applying makeup.

This method is inexpensive, but quite labor-intensive, and it cannot ensure uniform application of paint.


Some companies produce special safe water-based markers designed specifically for children, so you can safely use them for body painting.

The main advantage of using such markers is that they do not flake like paint and do not wrinkle when the skin is stretched. However, such body painting will take quite a lot of time, because the size of the markers does not allow covering too large areas when applied to the skin.


Applying paint with an airbrush is perhaps one of the fastest and highest quality methods of body painting, although the cost of such a tool is not cheap. When sprayed with an airbrush, the paint goes on smoothly and efficiently, without cracking or peeling. This technique is suitable if body painting performed for commercial purposes, with a limited amount of time or for a photo shoot.

The above bodypainting methods can be combined, for example, using an airbrush to create a background and gradient, and using an ordinary brush to draw individual details and lines.

And if you want to learn face painting, start with the following video with simple children's face painting:

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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