Whitney Houston is young. Whitney Houston: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo

Talented Whitney Houston simply blew up the world with her talent. During her life, she gave the world many hits, which are still among the best. Until 2009, the girl delighted us with her compositions. In 2004, Whitney took a long break from songwriting, and until 2009 nothing was heard from her at all. But in 2009 she declared herself new, interesting composition, which the whole world liked, and after a little more time Houston died. This tragedy haunts her fans, but the whole world continues to love her work.

Height, weight, age. The Whitney Houston Years

The girl was born on August 9, 1963, she died at the age of 48. The singer's height is 168, but her weight is unknown, although the photographs show that Houston was very slim. In general, the girl was particularly attractive. She conquered men with her femininity and independence. Photo shoots where Whitney poses in elegant dresses clearly confirm that she had a chiseled figure and extraordinary charm. “Height, weight, age, years of life of Whitney Houston”, this request is of interest to all fans of her work.

Biography and personal life of Whitney Houston

Whitney was born into a musical family, so it is not surprising that she also chose music for herself. Her parents were very religious, they often went to church, and from the age of 11 the girl sang in the church choir as a backing vocalist.

The girl toured with her mother, where she tried to sing on the big stage for the first time. And in the 80s, Houston already had 2 signed contracts with a recording studio.

The singer's first album initially sold out very modestly, but a year later, when songs from it began to be heard in all corners of the country, it was simply sold out in huge quantities. And Whitney herself was invited to sing at the most expensive scenes New York.

And in 1992, Whitney experienced the role of an actress and played main role in the film “Bodyguard”, where she also performed 6 of her compositions. The singer’s albums sold out instantly, her popularity did not subside and the public truly adored her. In 2000 and 2003, the singer released 2 albums, which were criticized and the public received them poorly. Then rumors began to circulate that Whitney had problems with drugs.

In 2004, she went on a world tour, including a trip to Russia, where the appreciative audience did not subside from the applause. But after that, Houston disappeared creatively. And only in 2009 she released another song. This was her last song.

The biography and personal life of Whitney Houston has always been a discussed topic. But in family matters The singer was also not very calm. Romance novels and Whitney's marriage were unsuccessful, but it would be more correct to say that she did not know how to choose good men.

Whitney Houston's family and children

Whitney Houston's family and children are one of the most discussed topics in the singer's biography. Childhood future star, went hand in hand with the bright melodies of jazz and blues, because the female line of the Houston family is directly related to music. Whitney's mother Sissy and her cousin Dion, at that time had already established themselves in the world of jazz and blues, this was the reason for Whitney's early passion for music.

Father John Russell Houston was no different creative abilities, compared to his wife. His priority was to provide for his family. In addition to Whitney, there were two more children in the family, where Whitney herself was the youngest. Later, when he youngest daughter became in demand and famous, he became her manager.

Subsequently, the Houston family gave way. The divorce did not take long to happen. The reason was betrayal, both on the part of John and on the part of Sissy. According to the stories of both, their marriage had long since broken up, and they were together only for the reason of supporting and raising their children.

Whitney Houston's daughter - Bobbi Kristina - Houston Brown

Whitney Houston's daughter - Bobbi Kristina - Houston Brown, also not last man in the world of music. The creative genes of her father and mother made themselves felt, so Christina went to study music and managed to shine a light on her person for the public. The girl’s childhood was difficult, because her mother and father constantly fought and carried out difficult grumpy processes. Of course, such a childhood affected the baby’s psyche. But the biggest blow in life for Christina was the death of her mother, after which the girl began to experience severe depression, constant nervous breakdowns, which, according to journalists, led to the singer becoming addicted to drugs. As a result, Christina fell into a coma and later died.

Whitney Houston's husband - Bobby Brown

In 1989, photographers photographed Whitney in company with musician Bobby Brown, who immediately began to be credited with an affair, which later turned out to be true; the couple got married three years after their first meeting.

Their family relationships cannot be called happy. The couple began to use drugs, which led to drug addiction-related conflicts. The rubicon of the relationship was assault. Bob began to beat his wife severely. Whitney couldn't stand it and called the police. The musician was taken away that same day. A few months later, Bobby was convicted and went to prison. The couple later divorced.

On this moment Whitney Houston's husband Bobby Brown continues to pursue his musical career.

Causes of death of Whitney Houston and her daughter

On February 11, 2011, on the eve of the Grammy Awards, Whitney was found unconscious in a hotel bathroom. The doctors who arrived in time were unable to save the singer. Empty bottles of alcohol and hard drugs in the form of cocaine were found in the room. The cause of death was a drug overdose, which led to cardiac arrest.

After learning of her mother's death and after Whitney's funeral, Christina could not find a place for herself, and nervous system began to seriously fail the young girl and she ended up falling into a coma. Specialists and pathologists still cannot assess this behavior, but in 2015, Whitney Houston’s daughter herself died.

The causes of death of Whitney Houston and her daughter are still disputed by the singer's devoted fans and friends.

Wikipedia Whitney Houston

Wikipedia Whitney Houston will tell you information about all the albums and awards of this wonderful singer. There is currently still controversy surrounding the deaths of Whitney and Christina. Some believe that they were killed, others that it was just a coincidence, but the fact that Whitney, even after so many years, still remains in our hearts is an indisputable truth. She, with her talent, gave unforgettable pleasure and the “Stairway to Nirvana” to every hearing and seeing person, which speaks of her unusually strong talent.

Whitney Houston's biography begins on August 9, 1963, when a third child, a girl, appears in a Baptist family in New Jersey. Born in creative family, she could not become anything other than an artist.

From childhood, the girl watched creative life mother, who was very famous singer In some musical directions. Wanting to be like her mother, the baby herself constantly sang. In her youth, Whitney often performed at Sunday services at the church her family attended regularly.

The fragile girl Whitney Houston, short in stature - only 168 cm, by the time she came of age, signed two lucrative contracts with recording studios. This happened thanks to Whitney's surprisingly strong voice, the energy of which was noted by everyone who heard her performances.


In 1985, the singer’s first album was released, simply titled “Whitney Houston.” And a couple of years later she recorded another one - “Whitney”. Houston's career skyrocketed from that moment on. She was invited to performances and gave concerts. Over the years, the singer has received numerous awards and prizes.

In 1992, she made her debut as an actress in the famous thriller “Bodyguard,” and the song performed by the artist in this film became a worldwide hit. This composition was enough for Houston to gain a foothold in the world charts and be able to successfully tour around the world. different countries with concerts.

At large intervals, Houston released four more albums. The last one was released in 2009, three years before the singer’s death. Crazy stage success was not a reason for her to rest on her laurels. Since the mid-90s, Whitney has played in five films and several TV series.

The singer’s filmography consists of the following works:

  • Thriller "Bodyguard".
  • Film "Waiting to Exhale."
  • Painting "The Priest's Wife".
  • Film adaptation of the fairy tale "Cinderella".
  • Film "Sparkle".
  • TV series "Give Me a Break!"
  • TV series "Silver Spoons".
  • TV series "Boston Society".

Whitney also produced several films:

  • "Cinderella".
  • "The Princess Diaries".
  • "Chita Girls".
  • "The Princess Diaries 2".
  • "Chita Girls in Barcelona."

Personal life

As for the artist’s personal life, everything did not go as smoothly as in her career. Perhaps Houston wasn't made for family life. In her youth, the singer had a short relationship with one of the football players. And even her marriage to Eddie Murphy was fleeting, as it made her sad. According to the singer herself, Eddie was too decent.

Due to her character, Whitney wanted more emotions, passion, adrenaline. She found all these qualities in her future father only daughter. Singer Bobby Brown was able to win the heart of the temperamental artist. However, this union did not bring anything good to both spouses. During his family life Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown, either individually or together, were regulars on scandalous news.

Their relationship was “on the brink” both legally and moral sense, but nevertheless, for some reason, their marriage officially lasted more than 15 years. Until one day a celebrity decided to change her life. She was treated in drug treatment clinic and filed for divorce. In 2007, the couple divorced.

After the divorce, singer Whitney Houston, whose biography had long been associated with scandals, drugs and alcohol, continued performing and at the same time took regular rehabilitation courses at a drug treatment clinic. Unfortunately, the singer used illegal substances for too long, and her addiction became fatal.

Whitney canceled concerts several times due to feeling unwell, which greatly undermined my authority successful singer. This continued until February 11, 2012, when, on the eve of the next Grammy Awards, her body was found in the bathroom of a hotel room. What Whitney Houston died from shocked no one. Fans have long known about Whitney Houston's addiction to drugs. According to Wikipedia, the investigation into the death of the artist was closed on April 12, 2012.

The singer's funeral took place on February 19, 2012. After a 4-hour farewell ceremony, Whitney was buried in Westfield Cemetery, next to her father, John Russell Houston, who died in 2003.

As for children, according to Whitney Houston, they did not inspire her. She was not a model mother and never wanted to be one. Fate gave her a daughter, Christina, whom the singer was not actually involved in raising. The period when her parents lived together was especially difficult for the girl. All the quarrels between the spouses took place before her eyes.

The period of divorce proceedings was even more difficult, when the scandalous spouses could not determine the place of residence of their daughter for a long time. Whitney insisted that Christina stay with her, and Bobby tried to resist this. However, his attempts were unsuccessful, and the court upheld the original decision.

It is easy to assume that living in such psychological harsh conditions, the girl grew up with a disturbed psyche. In three s more than a year after mother's death tragic fate repeated Whitney Houston's daughter. She was also found in the bathroom where the accident occurred, after which Christina spent six months in a coma. On July 26, 2015, the singer’s daughter died. Author: Elena Markova

When she left us in 2012 talented singer, a wonderful actress and simply beautiful and Whitney Houston, many simply could not believe it. She is an entire era in music, two generations grew up on her songs - the 80s and 90s, and the film "The Bodyguard", in which she played the main role, is invariably approved and loved not only by film critics, but also by millions ordinary people. So why did Whitney Houston die?

On this score there is great amount opinions and versions. Here we will try to consider the main ones and understand which of these is most similar to the truth. But first, let's remember the main moments from the life of Whitney Houston.

Biography of the singer

She was born in New Jersey. This happened significant event August 9, 1963. As a child, Whitney was required to attend church (Pentecostal and Baptist), her relatives were closely connected with musical sphere: They sang in the style of blues, jazz and gospel. This significantly influenced the choice life path Houston.

She went on tour a lot with her mother. And then one day, a representative of Arista Records noticed Whitney Houston, then still very young, performing on stage. He recommended her as an excellent performer to some labels, as a result of which the aspiring singer signed two contracts by the early 80s. This is how Houston Whitney's career began. The songs she performed resonated in the hearts of millions of listeners: a strong female voice combined with beautiful arrangements did their job. Despite belonging to the “pop” genre, the music, undoubtedly, was and is of very high quality. One of the most recognizable and popular compositions is “I Will Always Love You", which is also main theme V famous painting"Bodyguard".

What did Whitney Houston die from: versions and assumptions

The saddest answer to this question is the singer’s suicide. According to many of her friends, the last few months before her death, Whitney was depressed, as if she had been consumed by depression. However, others say that this is not true at all, they say, Houston was just feeling a little unwell. But poor health also had its reasons, one of which was drugs.

The singer first began having problems with illegal substances in the late nineties. Then she was legally charged with possession of drugs (marijuana). She paid a huge fine, but did not stop using, and this despite the fact that in her interviews she claimed the opposite. So, one of the versions that answers the question of what Whitney Houston died from is, and, as a consequence, an overdose.

Houston's fans believe that everything happened because of low-quality drugs that the woman used as one of the components of a rehabilitation course to get rid of drug addiction. On the eve of her death, Houston threw a party and drank a lot there. At the same time, she took medication, as she should have, and then decided to take a bath. The combination of drugs and alcohol led to a terrible outcome: the singer lost consciousness and drowned. By the way, this version is supported not only by fans, but also by police and doctors.

It is unlikely that it will now be possible to find out why Whitney Houston died. But it's not that important. What is important is what she left behind: her work, songs and films will undoubtedly be loved by many for a very long time.

Whitney was born on August 9, 1963 in Newark, New Jersey. Her mother was a singer, so Whitney was partial to music from childhood. She attended several churches, and at the age of 11 she became a soloist in the church choir. Traveling with her mother, she performed on stage for the first time. The first contracts with record companies in Whitney Houston's biography were concluded in the early 1980s. At one of the performances in New York, the singer was noticed by representatives of Arista Records, so Whitney soon signed a contract with this company. In 1983, Houston took part in “The Murph Griffin Show” and became famous throughout the country.

Whitney Houston's first album was released in 1985. He brought the singer great popularity and high positions in music ratings. The singer's debut was so successful that after her first album she received several significant awards. For example, Grammy, Emmy, MTV Video Music Awards" and others. The next album was released in 1987, immediately reaching number one on the charts (American and British).

The singer’s third album, “I’m Your Baby Tonight,” which revealed her talent in slightly different genres, was released in 1990. Although the album sold slightly worse than the previous one, it earned great critical praise. And in 1991 the singer performed National anthem at the Super Bowl, while simultaneously making the single commercial.

Houston made her film debut in 1992. For the film with her participation “The Bodyguard” Whitney Houston performed 6 songs. The single “I Will Always Love You” brought her resounding success, as well as Grammy awards in the categories “Album of the Year” and “Record of the Year”.

The next album, “My Love Is Your Love,” was released in 1998, and before that, Houston recorded several soundtracks (for the films “Waiting to Exhale,” “The Preacher’s Wife”). The album revealed new facets of Whitney's talent. In 2000, the singer again received a National Academy Award, this time as “Best R&B Female Artist.” In total, Whitney Houston released eight collections of her best songs.

And the next one studio album released in 2002 (“Just Whitney”), but was severely criticized. The album One Wish: The Holiday Album in 2003 was also not a commercial success and was met with mixed reviews from critics. Whitney Houston's album "I Look To You" was released in 2009.

In 1992, Houston married singer Bobby Brown. After many difficult family situations (scandals, alcohol, drug use), Whitney filed for divorce in 2006. In 2007, by court decision, daughter Christina remained in the custody of her mother. That same year, Brown decided to appeal the court's decision, but the result remained the same.

The singer died on February 11, 2012 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. The results of the investigation were later released, which established the cause of death as drowning, heart disease and drug use.

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Whitney Elizabeth Houston (born Whitney Elizabeth Houston, August 9, 1963, Newark - February 11, 2012, Beverly Hills) is an American pop, soul and rhythm and blues singer, actress, producer, and fashion model. One of the most commercially successful performers in the history of world music. Known for her musical achievements, vocal abilities and scandalous personal life. Houston's superstar status was secured after the release of the film "The Bodyguard" in 1992, in which she played one of the main roles (along with Kevin Costner) and performed the main musical parts. The ballad “I Will Always Love You” (Russian: I will always love you) from the film was a huge success, becoming not only a worldwide hit and the best-selling single among female singers in the history of music, but also a “hymn of love.” Winner of 415 awards, including 6 Grammy awards, 30 awards Billboard Music Awards, 22 American Music Awards, 7 Soul Train Music Awards, 16 NAACP Image Awards, 1 Emmy Award, BET Lifetime Achievement Award and numerous other recording and entertainment industry awards and accolades. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Houston is the most awarded female artist. According to her record label, overall volume records sold amount to 170 million copies. According to the American Association record companies, Houston is the fourth most commercially successful artist in the United States, with 55 million certified records sold in the country. Magazine Rolling Stone included Houston in the list of "100 Greatest Vocalists" under the overall number 34.

She died on February 11, 2012 in a hotel room at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills on the eve of the 54th Grammy Awards. The singer was found unconscious in the bathroom of her hotel room by her aunt Mary Jones. They tried to bring her back to life using cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but to no avail - death was registered at 15:55 US Pacific Coast time. The police immediately ruled out the possibility of a violent death. The 54th Grammy Awards was dedicated to Houston. On March 23, 2012, the results of a police investigation were made public, which showed that the causes of the singer’s death were drowning, atherosclerotic heart disease and cocaine use. The death is being described as an "accident" and investigators have "no suspicion of injury or violence." According to investigators, the examination showed that the singer was a chronic cocaine addict. Other drugs found in her blood included marijuana, a sedative (muscle relaxant) and an anti-allergy drug.