Watch Whitney Houston concert. The death of Whitney Houston: Why the insanely talented singer turned out her light herself

How it was? I'll tell you. “Homo sapiens” with a pale body, please do not read.

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Thanks to the fans for sending in video materials!

At 19.30, as stated in the posters, the concert did not start. In the foyer, spectators spoke out in droves, scolding the careless organizers and the unlucky singer. It was supposed to warm up Whitney will be ours Dima Bilan. Dima never went on stage. Finally, at about 21.00 we exhaled - Whitney Houston. "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" she declared categorically and the angry, nervous, tired hall instantly transformed. The singer explained her lateness, in particular, by the fact that she was stuck in a traffic jam. In addition, there is information that before the concert she communicated with the First Lady of the Russian Federation - Svetlana Medvedeva. By the way, in addition to Ms. Medvedeva, there were other v.i.p. in the hall. - in the range from Edgard Zapashny before Philip Kirkorov.

Now, actually, about the concert itself. Firstly, it was a concert, not a show. Herself Whitney said that she did not set herself the task of making a show. Her main goal is to convey her music to the listener and be heard. Actually, this, according to her, was the reason for the choice of the country for the start of the world tour. According to the singer, in Russia, like nowhere else, they know how to listen. Some people, of course, might call concerts in our “bear land” just a rehearsal and testing of a new program before presenting it to civilized Europeans. However, I don’t want to believe in this version at all. At least everything I saw and heard in "Olympic", convinces me otherwise.

In my opinion, Muscovites are incredibly lucky. They saw a program that had not yet been put on stream, not brought to the point of automatism by numerous repetitions, at a moment when the singer herself was still new, and there was not even a hint of boredom on the horizon. I want to say that not only the audience, but also the heroes of the occasion themselves enjoyed the action on stage - Whitney Houston and her team. I must say, she has absolutely luxurious backing vocals - four colorful chocolate ladies, each of whom had such a voice... It is interesting that during the performance of particularly complex vocal parts, a conductor appeared in front of the backing vocals. I am not kidding. The most real one.

From time to time the hall was torn apart by men's screams "Whitney, Love You!". Which, in general, was strange for someone to hear, given the singer’s already quite serious age. It's all about charm, which Whitney Houston don't borrow. I will say more, this woman has so much charm that the whole of China could drown in it, in its entirety. Whitney jumped, laughed, danced, joked. She wasn't shy at all. She could, for example, complain about unsuitable shoes, disappear, and then appear in new ones, sharing with the audience that, supposedly, this pair is much better. I was amazed by her ability at times to move very, very quickly in a fur coat (she changed two during the evening, the second was no less monumental) and in these very shoes, which were tall stiletto heels (!).

The most controversial moment of the performance is the vocals Whitney Houston. He has changed. She can no longer sing the way she used to. It is a fact. Years of abuse have taken their toll – you know, everyone knows her story. Whitney at times she was out of breath - it was so hard for her, she couldn’t make it, tearing the notes off the thread, but she tried again and again. The most amazing thing is that the audience did not “trample” her for this, did not boo. On the contrary, he was worried every time, bursting into applause when she managed to cope with the ligaments. Whitney Houston could choose the least complex songs from her rich repertoire and get away with little vocal bloodshed. However, she acted honestly. And she fought before our eyes. And she won.

It actually seemed to me that at times Whitney Houston didn't sing. She confessed. That's how it was during "I Didn't Know My Own Stregth". To help you understand what I mean, here is a fragment of the text:

Lost touch with my soul
I had no where to turn
I had no where to go
Lost sight of my dream,
Thought it would be the end of me
I thought I"d never make it through
I had no hope to hold on to,
I thought I would break


I've lost touch with my soul
I had nowhere to turn
I had nowhere to go.
I lost sight of my dream
And I thought that this would be the end of my life.
I didn't even hope to break through
I didn't have enough hope for the best,
I thought I was going to break...

Based on materials from:

She sang this song and cried, sang and cried. What was happening in the hall cannot be described in words.

Whitney talked a lot. About life, about love, about God, about children and, in particular, about her daughter, whom she took with her to Moscow. Michael Jackson– this is a separate topic. She dedicated two songs to him at once - a cover of his imperishable hit "Man In The Mirror" and your own "I Will Always Love You". May lovers of classical performances, including beautiful vocals and other characteristic features of the past, forgive me; there was more sincerity and meaning in the current one. Repeatedly

I love you Whitney! - Whitney Houston's ex-husband, rapper Bobby Brown, burst into tears during his concert in Mississippi, blowing a kiss to the sky.

Having received the news of the death of his ex-wife, Bobby did not cancel the performance - it was too late. He went on stage to the audience. And he literally screamed.

The rapper couldn't finish singing one of the songs - he was choked by tears. He asked the audience to do this for him.


“If the world tour that Whitney Houston is currently on was a boxing match, the referee would definitely stop it,” - with these words in June 2010, critics of the Daily Mail “spanked” the reputation of the once most desirable singer on the planet.

Cynically? Yes. Heartless? Perhaps. But how could it be otherwise if the prima donna of the world pop scene herself gave reasons, “pulling the mustaches” of the writing fraternity.

In the article that we remembered, we were talking about the singer’s overweight. No, not about a couple of extra pounds. And about a serious change in appearance. At a concert in Rome, Whitney's appearance left many genuinely embarrassed. Fans simply did not recognize the star. Miss Houston appeared on stage in tight black trousers and a rhinestone-embroidered jacket.

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Whitney Houston's last performance.

Clothes didn't help. This was not the beauty from the movie “The Bodyguard”, about whom all the viewers of the world went crazy, but some strange woman who had nothing in common with the Whitney, the record holder for the number of Grammys and other music awards, whom we know and love.

One of Whitney Houston's latest social outings was attending the Grammy Awards party on Thursday. She even performed one of the songs - then no one could have imagined that this would be her last performance.

Was it easy for her to go on stage after a long break? Did she sleep soundly, reading before bed about how “spectators from the front row” at concerts shout: “Get out!” Give us back the old Houston"?

Someone smart once thought about this. And the tabloids tempered the fuss by reporting that Whitney’s appearance may have been affected by health problems.

Doctors diagnosed Houston with an acute respiratory viral infection. And they asked the diva to delay her performance. Several concerts in Europe had to be cancelled.

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Whitney Houston - Million Dollar Bill.

Any competent specialist in the field of psychology will confirm: excess weight is a sign of internal imbalance, conflict, breakdown, depression. Whitney, if you think about it, has a whole bunch of “clinical” reasons. But she didn't give up. She resisted circumstances and weaknesses with all her strength. She was treated for drug and alcohol addiction for many years. But was there any result?

In 2009, the star publicly repented on the Oprah Winfrey Show. On air, the singer admitted that she had been taking drugs for many years. And she talked in detail about how terrible her life was with her ex-husband Bobby Brown (singer from the R&B group New Edition - Ed.). “I didn’t even think about singing, about the stage. I just forgot about that life. “I had too much money,” Whitney said, clarifying that she and her husband spent the whole day watching TV, smoking marijuana and snorting cocaine.

Whitney Houston has passed away

Musical critic Artur Gasparyan calls Houston one of the greatest singers of our time:

- It is quite obvious that she was one of the brightest performers of the turn of the century, the turn of the millennium. I Will Always Love You is a timeless hit. And it’s a great pity, of course, that the star went out and burned out so quickly, and it’s a great shame that with her own hands she committed this act of self-destruction, self-destruction, something that, unfortunately, happens to many talented people. This is the man who made soul music such a global brand.


Whitney said her biggest problem was having money. Due to the fact that she did not need them, the singer abandoned music and worked exclusively with her husband Bobby. Houston tried not to overtake her husband in life - not to be more talented, not to be considered more famous. She demanded that everyone call her "Mrs. Brown" and not "Houston."

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Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You.

While filming The Preacher's Wife in '96, Whitney took drugs daily. This became an obvious problem. The singer said that she could buy up to a kilogram of “potion” at a time. Bobby Whitney divorced in 2007. The trial was scandalous.

Houston was forced to fight drugs by her own mother, Sissy, a famous rhythm and blues singer. She could not calmly watch how her daughter’s life was falling apart, and one fine day the police came to her house. All the hopes of fans and relatives for the rehabilitation clinic seemed to be justified...

Perhaps it “just seemed” to everyone that it was so. Meanwhile, Whitney was gradually extinguishing her light...


Whitney Houston became a world-famous star in 1992, when the now classic film “The Bodyguard” was released, in which the singer played the main role.

Houston was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the singer who received the most awards. Houston has received six Grammy Awards, two Emmy Awards, 30 Billboard Awards, 22 American Music Awards and numerous other awards. Her albums have sold more than 170 million copies worldwide.

She also had a Doctor of Arts degree from Grambling State University in Louisiana.

The singer is survived by her daughter Bobbi Kristina.

Whitney Houston's daughter was taken by ambulance from the Beverly Hilton Hotel

“Sources in medical services” told the AP agency about this. Doctors refused to say what exactly happened to the star’s 18-year-old daughter. They only clarified that this happened on Sunday morning, and a few hours later the girl was discharged ().


After the news of the pop star's death, many Russian celebrities reacted with messages to

On May 30, 2018 at 20:00 in the very center of the capital on the stage of the Moscow Musical Theater there will be a grand gala concert dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the birth of the world's greatest star Whitney Houston.

The talent and authority of the “number one singer” in the world made her a guide to the stage for most contemporary artists who evaluate Whitney Houston’s contribution to the world school of music as invaluable and admit that they found themselves on stage under the influence of her work - a powerful cultural message of generosity, purity and humanity.

All the most famous Whitney Houston songs will be performed by pop stars and the show “The Voice”: Alexander Panayotov, Ruslan Alekhno, Alla Reed, Margarita Pozoyan, Elena Maksimova, Lyudmila Sokolova, Alexandra Belyakova, Galina Bezruk, Semyon Velichko, Oksana Kazakova, Artsvik, Kristina Koles, Anneya Pashinskaya, Odysseus Adjinjal, Busha Goman, as well as other stars of the Russian and foreign music scene. These talents make it possible to recreate the repertoire of the legendary singer and breathe new life into her creative legacy, filling the hall with the atmosphere of love and sincerity that has always reigned at Whitney Houston concerts!

One of the mysteries of the evening will be the singer who will perform on stage in a real Whitney Houston dress. Whitney wore this dress during the Bodyguard world tour; it was later bought by the organizers at auction.

The concert, which includes exclusive numbers and unusual duets, will be held in the format of a show with an orchestra, live sound and unique projections.

The duration of the concert is two hours without intermission.

Whitney Houston's incomparable talent has been awarded such titles as “Voice of the Planet” and “Singer of All Time”. Her name is forever inscribed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most awarded personality and best-selling artist in history.