How to draw an old house with a pencil. How to draw a house using pencils, rulers and watercolors

Complexity:(2 out of 5).

Age: from three years old.

Materials: a sheet of thick paper, wax crayons, a simple pencil (just in case), an eraser, watercolors, a palette with indentations for water, a large brush.

Purpose of the lesson: we go through and consolidate knowledge about the shape of a square (house, window), triangle (roof), definition (horizon line).

Progress: the child draws a large square (future house), then a small square (window), then a triangle (roof), color it.

We place the sheet vertically, this means with the short side facing us. Always pay your baby’s attention to this, because he must know such concepts as vertically and horizontally. The more often you mention this in class, the faster the child will remember it.
Now you can choose any color for the walls of your house wax crayon, which he wants and tries to draw a square. If the child is not confident in himself, let him draw a square with a simple pencil until he succeeds. All sketches with a simple pencil are made with light movements without pressing it, so that the eraser can easily remove mistakes.

We draw a roof for the house in the form of a triangle. And paint over the resulting parts. Our house is ready! Let's start coloring with wax crayons.

Let's draw a horizon line. Another definition your child should know. Repeat it more often and your baby will remember it. The horizon line is the line connecting the sky and the earth. Draw it with a simple pencil.

Let's get started with one of the most interesting stages. Take a thick brush and dilute 2 colors of paint in the palette (blue and green) with plenty of water. Dip the brush into the diluted paint and apply blue color from above (sky), from left to right and move from top to bottom towards the horizon line. But then we will have to wait for the paint to dry, otherwise when we paint with green (the earth) it may turn out ugly. We check the sky for drawings, if it is dry, then we proceed to the final part - we draw the earth. We draw it the same way as the sky – from left to right and from top to bottom.

Today I will tell you how to draw a house step by step with a pencil. For beginners, the lesson will seem very simple. But you also need to be able to draw with a ruler. Basically, only the right angles of the walls, roof and windows with doors will be depicted. Beginners need to learn how to paint all kinds of paintings, and this is no exception if you want to become a versatile artist.

In this drawing, at first glance, everything is very elementary, but the main role is played by the roof, it seems three-dimensional. This is exactly the kind of roof you need to be able to draw, and also, in principle, you need to learn how to build a painted house. I will draw a two-story house with two windows.

At the first stage we draw a large triangle, then we need to draw a vertical line. It will be to the right of center. We use the left separated part of the rectangle as the main block for the house, right side for a corridor block with a door.

On the right smaller part we draw horizontal line, again divide the block in half, but closer to the top line. We also make a door there. On the main block of the house we draw lines for the roof so that it looks angular (sharp, peaked).

We duplicate the roof lines, draw them parallel at a short distance, and also in the right block of the house we duplicate the horizontal line, also at a short distance. Below at the base, just above the foundation, draw a horizontal line. Don't cross the doors. On the main part, make two squares, at a moderate distance. There will be two windows.

On the right and left, at the top at the corners we make slopes, then we will wash off the excess. On the doors and windows we duplicate the lines, draw parallel to each existing one. And on the main block, we separate the roof from the wall by drawing a horizontal line.

We finish drawing the windows, doors, foundation, and of course the roof, which greatly decorates our drawing of the house.

Now you have learned how to draw a house with a pencil step by step for beginners. I wish you success in this matter.

How to draw a house with a pencil step by step? In this article we will learn how to do this. It may seem that drawing a house is very difficult, but this is not at all the case.

We are drawing a house, not a house :) Therefore, we will draw with a side view without drawing volumetric figures. This will greatly simplify the drawing process; of course, if you feel strong enough, you can complete the three-dimensional elements of the house, that is, the second wall and draw the roof.

On paper we will depict the most common country house, which can be found in almost every city in the world. So let's get started!

Step by step drawing example

We will draw with pencils, so stock up regular pencil, colored, eraser and sharpener. And, of course, paper.

Stage 1
The house will consist of two parts (you can see the finished drawing), draw a rectangle and divide it into two parts. Please note that the rectangle should not be divided in the middle, but slightly offset to the left.

Stage 2
In the second step we outline the roof and doorway. We designate the doorway so wide for a reason. The doorway is so wide because it will have not one door, but two.

Stage 3
Now we use a pencil to detail the roof and insert windows into our house. Windows do not have to be square; very often buildings have rectangular windows.

However, the windows must be at the same height, otherwise your building will turn out very unrealistic. You can even use a ruler for precise markings. And if you have a diamond eye, then you don’t have to use a ruler :)

Also, you need to draw a decorative strip along the entire bottom of the building.

Stage 4
We outline the windows and door with another line, this will give a little voluminous effect, despite the fact that our goal is not to draw a voluminous house.

A chimney must be depicted on the roof, otherwise where will Santa bring gifts for Christmas?

Stage 5
Fifth - very important step, because it's time to detail the entire building. We insert the doors and draw a staircase under them. We insert glass into the windows, and also detail the roof and the lower, decorative strip of the building.

Today our children are learning creative activities, they barely begin to walk confidently. First we buy them colored pencils, markers, etc. But when it comes time to learn letters and first awkwardly try to write them, the ability to draw an outline becomes as important as knowing and recognizing colors.

In order for a child to understand what contours are, you need to teach him to draw with a simple pencil. For example, children's favorite plot is a village house. Such a concept as perspective can be omitted; as they grow up, they will figure it out. They can color their “creation” at any time, but first they need to create an outline image together. This article will tell you how to use a pencil step by step.

So, how to draw a wooden house? You will need pencils, paper, an eraser and your patience.

Drawing the walls and roof

The drawing must begin with the outline of elementary geometric shapes. The first step will be to draw a square, to which we will “attach” the walls and roof. Draw a triangle on top of it. What it will be, isosceles or another, is not so important. And already at this first stage the child recognizes the house, the same one that he has seen many times.


Now let's create something similar to perspective. We continue to teach the child this step by step with a pencil. We take the second step - we “attach” another square next to the first one. But on top we no longer draw a triangle, as in the previous case, but a parallelogram. The child may not understand the meaning of this artistic “effect”. You will need to clearly explain how to carry out vertical lines and connect them to create a side view. Believe me, children grasp such nuances very quickly. A window remains, which is square in shape. In addition to the fact that you are drawing, you can also have a very meaningful and educational conversation about squares, triangles and rectangles, which will be very well remembered.

Creating volume

Pencil step by step and hold, at least for a short time, the child’s attention? At the third stage, we begin to decorate our house. We draw doors that have the shape of a rectangle. We will have a chimney on the roof. Because the young artist asked about how to draw a wooden house; we will paint one wall with a window with stripes imitating boards. Thanks to this, we will get the illusion of volume.

We imitate roof tiles

Now, at the fourth stage, we put the initiative in the hands of the child. Let him draw the tiles himself. It doesn’t matter what the roof will look like, “fish scales” or “squares”. The main thing is to carefully “fit” the pattern without going beyond the boundaries of the contour. Dormer window above front door Same important element, it is oval.

Drawing a fence and bushes

You should think in advance about how to draw a house with a pencil step by step, paying attention to the development of the child’s imagination. To do this you will have to apply all your own Creative skills. Your house is almost ready! Now, at the fifth stage, all that remains is to improve the area around it. We draw a fence and bushes behind the house.

Children like to draw. They begin to create their first masterpieces as early as early age, gradually moving from curves and fuzzy lines to completely understandable images. With the help of their parents, children master drawing simple elements and objects, for example, the sun, a house, a cloud. With some skill and patience, even younger preschoolers turn out interesting drawings. Let's look at how to draw a house with children different ages, what skills and tools will be required.

In order for a child to sit at the table and painstakingly do something, preliminary preparation is required, regardless of the age of the preschooler. Parents will need:

  • conduct an active outdoor game before drawing;
  • prepare workplace for a child. Depending on the age of the baby, this is done in advance or immediately before drawing. Joint training can replace physical activity. It is necessary that the table surface is clean, level, and well lit. The light should come from the left. You should put several sheets of paper, pencils, a sharpener, a ruler, an eraser, and a garbage container in advance;
  • be positive and cooperative. It is important to support the child in the process of creating a drawing, not to scold, to remember that his picture of the world differs from the adult worldview;
  • When drawing, it is important not to interfere with the child’s creativity. If you want to show your version of the drawing or the child asks for help, then this should be done on a separate sheet. Otherwise, the initiative will disappear, he will not want to finish his picture.

After drawing, you need to jointly remove all objects from the table.

How to draw a house with a 2-3 year old child

Children under 3 years of age have difficulty sitting in one place for more than 20 minutes. Suitable for kids simple drawings, containing a minimum number of elements, for example a house. Parents should purchase triangular pencils for their child, as they are most comfortable for small hands to grip. Wax pencils are also suitable; they draw softly and have bright shades.

At an early age, it is difficult for a child to independently draw a circle, square, etc., so a ruler with geometric shapes. It will make the process of creating a house easier, will help you clearly draw the necessary shapes, and if you wish, you can repeat their name. You shouldn’t draw everything you have planned at once. At the slightest sign of fatigue, the child should stop the lesson and continue it another time.

So, how to draw a house with your baby:

When working wax crayons the house becomes bright and colorful. The background of the sheet can be painted over with watercolors the next day. The peculiarity of wax pencils is that you can paint on top of them with paint. Wax repels watercolors and only paints over White background sheet, and the house remains its original color. Small children really like this kind of work, and the drawing looks finished.

Step-by-step instructions for drawing a house for children 3-5 years old

From the age of three, children develop spatial thinking skills. Therefore, if the child has already mastered a simple drawing of a house, move on to more complex options. For example, they draw a simple house, based on the previous example, but without a ruler. They color it with colored pencils and explain to the child that they must not go beyond the boundaries of the outline. It is advisable to complete the drawing of clouds, grass, trees and similar elements.

For children over 4 years old, they explain how to draw a three-dimensional wooden house. Step by step instructions is presented below:

Preschoolers aged 4-5 years willingly add elements to the house. They depict a chimney, smoke, steps, a path, flowers and trees. The child should be praised for taking the initiative. Consult with him about the completed elements, recommend adding something, for example, the sun, rainbow, people or animals. It is advisable to color the resulting picture with colored pencils, gel pens or paints.

To obtain quick result, it is better to use wax pencils. They paint over all the elements of the picture, and apply watercolor paint in bed colors on top. The beauty of the lesson is that you can drive onto painted elements. After the drawing dries, they will appear and will be the same color as before. The result will be a beautiful, finished picture that will be a pleasure to give to family and friends.

A complex house for children over 6 years old.

How to draw unusual house, for example, a hut on chicken legs or a house with furniture? You will need to be patient and use your imagination. To begin with, you should invite your child to draw a house that will contain the main elements: several rooms, windows, a foundation, a roof. It is necessary to explain how to use a ruler and measure length and width.

Sequence of drawing:

If desired, the house is supplemented with steps, shutters are made on the windows, and the surrounding landscape is added. Color with colored pencils or paints.

Without a ruler you can draw Baba Yaga's house. Step-by-step scheme drawing:

They complement the landscape around the hut with tall fir trees and, if desired, depict a flying Baba Yaga.

Girls are interested in options for houses with many small parts. They can draw furniture, wallpaper, and interior items. It could be multi-storey building in a context with a large number of rooms. If you depict it on a thick A3 sheet, you can later use it for playing.

For children of different ages, there are many more options for houses that differ in complexity. You can select drawings that depict city or village houses. If a child is interested in the topic of drawing houses and asks for new options, he will need to select different styles houses. It is convenient to combine a drawing of a house with applique or plasticine. Usage different materials allows you to get interesting original works that will become the pride of your baby. The choice is up to the child. The adult’s task is to promptly suggest an idea and help implement it.