Beautiful house with kunar maple leaves. Unusual blacksmith's house

Unusual house blacksmith Sergei Ivanovich Kirillov is located in the village of Kunara, Sverdlovsk region.

For more than 50 years, the self-taught master created and embellished his creation.

And now his wife Lydia Kharitonovna is being offered a lot of money for this miracle of construction, but she, of course, refuses to sell the architectural splendor of her husband.

Sergei Ivanovich rarely celebrated holidays, since everything was his free time he spent at work. I was always building and making something for my home. Ultimately, he managed to create a house that, perhaps, cannot be found anywhere else in Russia. There is a highway next to the house, and many motorists, driving past this diva, cannot help but slam on the brakes. This leaves a lot of black tire marks on the road. This is how Sergei Ivanovich’s house gained popularity. Now many come here to look at the painted creation of the folk architect.

Sharing their impressions of what they saw, many say that at first glance this house seems to them like a huge decorated gingerbread, which, for some strange reason, no one has eaten yet. Others think that this house is nothing more than ancient temple, which depicts strange gods with unusual inscriptions that look like spells. Coat of arms Soviet Union, some birds, church domes, grooms with brides and children, forged flowers, knights, beautiful curlicues... One gets the feeling that this house was specially built and decorated for a child. The blacksmith, building this miracle, looked at the world with completely different eyes, and everything he saw in the world he displayed on his home.

The blacksmith is no longer there; he died about four years ago. But everyone who remembers him unanimously says that the blacksmith’s soul was the same as the house he built. Now the master’s wife, Lydia Kharitonovna, lives in this house. She is very open man and never locks its doors from visitors. Instead, there is a special button on the gate that opens the door so everyone can come and admire this wonderful masterpiece of art and architecture. Although there are many visitors, and the house is located near a noisy highway, no one has ever robbed the house or done anything bad.

photo by Pavel Lisitsyn (RIA Novosti)

The blacksmith’s wife says that when she and Sergei Ivanovich got married, they began to live in his father’s house. Over time, the house began to sag and required repairs. It was from this moment that all the metamorphoses began to occur with their housing. At first, Sergei just fixed up the house and began installing new shutters. Then he made the platbands and installed the carved gates, and then he couldn’t stop. That’s how he worked all his life to improve his home.

And to the question: Where did my husband learn this craft? - Lidia Kharitonovna answers that he mastered everything himself. He had only three classes of education, and there was no one in his family so skilled as to teach him. My father went to war and never returned. Seryozha grew up without his father's care and therefore had to learn everything on his own. Over time his mother died and he had to take care of younger brother and sister. He had to earn money for food somewhere, so he became an apprentice to a blacksmith-hammer. So all his life he was the only blacksmith in Kunar.

Then Sergei worked on a collective farm, and at home he built his own workshop. Coming home from work tired, he still always went to the back room and worked there until 12 at night, and at 4 in the morning he got up and went back to work. He never refused anything to his friends or fellow villagers - he always helped. It happened that there were fires in the village. The neighbors' houses would burn, but the blacksmith's house always remained unharmed.

During the election campaign in 1996, a blacksmith’s house was noticed in a branch of one of the parties. The deputies placed an image of this house on many of their party's booklets. Lidiya Kharitonovna showed journalists a certificate stating that the party will help the owners of the house and their descendants. But do you think they were even able to buy a cheap mattress for grandma? That's what you think correctly.

When Sergei Ivanovich died, the house began to gradually deteriorate. Lydia Kharitonovna is 78 years old, and she herself is no longer able to update the house and repair it. There is no one to ask for help - most of the villagers are already elderly people who also cannot help their grandmother. This continued until the Ekaterinburg Museum of Icons and Antiquities became aware of this house. The museum staff sent workers to this house, who helped the old woman. They repaired and transformed the house, and at the same time, left the owner a contact phone number in case she needed help again. As a token of gratitude, the owner of the extraordinary house gave the workers warm woolen socks knitted by herself.

photo by Pavel Lisitsyn (RIA Novosti)

At the cemetery, Sergei Ivanovich’s grave stands at the very entrance in front of a large pine tree. He forged his own tombstone during his lifetime. People who look at his monument are not sad at all. The monument is a set of huge flowers forged from metal. People are born on earth who were supposed to become flowers. If Sergei Ivanovich were a flower, he would grow to the very heavens.

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The unusual house of the blacksmith Sergei Ivanovich Kirillov is located in the village of Kunara, Sverdlovsk region. For more than 50 years, the self-taught master created and embellished his creation. And now his wife Lydia Kharitonovna is being offered a lot of money for this miracle of construction, but she, of course, refuses to sell the architectural splendor of her husband.

Sergei Ivanovich rarely celebrated holidays, since he spent all his free time at work. I was always building and making something for my home. Ultimately, he managed to create a house that, perhaps, cannot be found anywhere else in Russia. Many people come here to look at the painted creation of the folk architect.

website invites you to look at this miracle of architectural thought and read its history.

At first glance, this house seems like a huge, decorated gingerbread that, for some strange reason, no one has eaten yet. There is also an opinion that this house is nothing more than an ancient temple, which depicts strange gods with unusual inscriptions that look like spells. The coat of arms of the Soviet Union, some birds, church domes, grooms with brides and children, forged flowers, knights, beautiful curls...

Sergei Ivanovich died four years ago. But everyone who remembers him unanimously says that the blacksmith’s soul was the same as the house he built. Now the master’s wife, Lydia Kharitonovna, lives in this house. She is a very open person and never closes her doors from visitors. Instead, there is a special button on the gate that opens the door so everyone can come and admire this wonderful masterpiece of art and architecture. Although there are many visitors, and the house is located near a noisy highway, no one has ever robbed it or done anything bad.

The blacksmith's wife says that when they got married, they began to live in his father's house. Over time, the house began to sag and required repairs. It was from this moment that all the metamorphoses began to occur with their housing. At first, Sergei just fixed up the house and began installing new shutters. Then he made the platbands and installed the carved gates, and then he couldn’t stop. That’s how he worked all his life to improve his home.

© Pavel Lisitsyn (RIA Novosti)

And to the question: Where did my husband learn this craft? - Lidia Kharitonovna answers that he mastered everything himself. He had only three classes of education, and there was no one in his family so skilled as to teach him. My father went to war and never returned. Seryozha grew up without care and therefore had to learn everything on his own. Over time, his mother died, and he had to take care of his younger brother and sister. He had to earn money for food somewhere, so he became an apprentice to a blacksmith-hammer. So all his life he was the only blacksmith in Kunar.

Then Sergei worked on a collective farm, and at home he built his own workshop. Coming home from work tired, he still always went to the back room and worked there until 12 at night, and at 4 in the morning he got up and went back to work. He never refused anything to his friends or fellow villagers - he always helped. It happened that there were fires in the village. The neighbors' houses would burn, but the blacksmith's house always remained unharmed.

© Anton Butsenko (ITAR-TASS)

When Sergei Ivanovich died, the house began to gradually deteriorate. Lydia Kharitonovna is 78 years old, and she herself is no longer able to update the house and repair it. There is no one to ask for help - most of the villagers are already elderly people who also cannot help their grandmother. This continued until the Ekaterinburg Museum of Icons and Antiquities became aware of this house. The museum staff sent workers to this house, who helped the old woman. They repaired and transformed the house, and at the same time, left the owner a contact phone number in case she needed help again. As a token of gratitude, the owner of the extraordinary house gave the workers warm woolen socks knitted by herself.

© Pavel Lisitsyn (RIA Novosti)

The tower of the blacksmith Kirillov is located in the ancient village of Kunara, 20 km from the city of Nevyansk, Sverdlovsk region, but is also known beyond its borders. In 1999, according to the results of the All-Russian competition of amateur wooden architecture, the house of Sergei Ivanovich Kirillov was recognized as the best in Russia.

The coat of arms of the USSR, crosses and domes of churches, horse riders, brides and grooms, children, doves, kittens, hundreds of forged flowers and thousands of some cute curlicues - it feels like this house was created by the hand of a child.

Near Kirillov's hut on the highway there is a wide black strip of worn-out rubber. This is inherited by thousands of cars that travel from Yekaterinburg to Nevyansk or from Nevyansk to Yekaterinburg. The people who were driving these cars saw this house and could not help but slam on the brakes.

First impression: in front of you is a huge printed gingerbread. And only due to some misunderstanding no one has eaten it yet. Then comes the feeling that this is a Hindu temple. Here are the figurines of the gods on the roof - Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma. And between them, along the contour of the roof, some words are written. Mantras, probably.

Only for some reason these gods have red ties on their chests. And the mantras are also kind of strange. “Fly pigeons, fly. There is no barrier for you anywhere” - the first mantra. “May there always be sunshine. May there always be heaven” is the second mantra. “Let there always be a mother, let there always be me” is the third mantra.

The blacksmith Sergei Ivanovich Kirillov has already died, everyone who knew him says that his soul was exactly the same as the house he built. Today, the wife of the blacksmith Kirillov, Lydia Kharitonovna, lives in the house. She does not lock the entrance to her house. Instead of a lock, the doors and gates have a special iron button: when you press it, it opens, and anyone can enter the yard. The village of Kunary is located along a busy highway; no one has yet raised their hand to rob such a house.

We got married in 1951,” recalls Lydia Kharitonovna. - We settled in Seryozha’s grandfather’s house. Two years after our wedding, the hut became askew - we began to straighten it out. Since this all started. Seryozha first leveled the house, then he made new shutters, then he made platbands, installed carved gates, and off we go. So I worked on this house all my life.

Where did he learn his craft?

I didn’t study anywhere. Three classes of education. He didn’t even have anyone in his family who was so skilled. My father went to war in 1941 and never returned. Mother died. Seryozha is survived by his younger brother and sister. I had to survive somehow - I became an apprentice to a hammerman.

Until his death, Kirillov was the only blacksmith in Kunar. He worked on a collective farm, and at home he made his own forge and metalworker. I came home from work and went straight to the workshop. I worked until 12 at night, got up at 4 in the morning. If one of the villagers asked to make something, he did not refuse anything. And he also managed to play the accordion at all the village weddings.

A fire raged around the Kirillovs' house twice. Neighboring buildings burned to the ground. But this house remained undamaged.

In 1996, during the election campaign, the hut was noticed in the Sverdlovsk branch of the “Our Home is Russia” party. The image of this house appeared on all party booklets. Lidiya Kharitonovna showed me a certificate that says: the NDR party guarantees assistance to the owners of the house and their descendants. Do you think they gave at least a penny? You think correctly.

After the death of Sergei Ivanovich, this miracle began to slowly deteriorate. One day, a stormy wind knocked a pioneer woman with a poster off the roof: “Let there always be sunshine. May there always be heaven!” The paint on the façade is peeling. At 78 years old, Lydia Kharitonovna was no longer able to renovate the house herself. Most of the villagers are also pensioners. The people who stopped and took pictures near the facade were always in a hurry to get somewhere.

This was the case until the Ekaterinburg Museum of the Nevyansk Icon found out about the house. They equipped a labor force - they painted the façade, revived a girl who had fallen from the roof, repaired the stove and left Lydia Kharitonovna a phone number in case something fell off or got damaged again. The grateful housewife knitted thick woolen socks for her assistants.

Sergei Ivanovich has a grave at the very entrance to the cemetery, under a huge pine tree. Tombstone he managed to forge himself during his lifetime. Both for myself and for Lydia Kharitonovna. When you look at these monuments, you are not sad at all. These are just huge bright flowering flower beds, masterfully forged from metal.

Sometimes there are people on earth who should have been born as flowers. If the blacksmith Kirillov had been born a flower, he would definitely have grown to heaven.

Based on materials

For more than 50 years, the self-taught master created and embellished his creation. And now his wife Lydia Kharitonovna is being offered a lot of money for this miracle of construction, but she, of course, refuses to sell the architectural splendor of her husband.

photo by Pavel Lisitsyn (RIA Novosti)

Construction of the fabulous structure began in 1954, when the self-taught blacksmith got married and moved with his family to his father’s house. My father’s house was old and needed renovation, and that’s when Sergei Ivanovich Kirillov came up with the idea of ​​building a mansion, as if straight out of the pages of Russian folk tales.

For 13 years, the blacksmith devoted all weekends and holidays to finishing the house. Materials such as wood and metal were chosen to decorate the building.

The house-hut of the blacksmith Kirillov amazes with its riot of colors and small parts, it contains colorful ornaments in the style of the Russian hinterland, and fairy-tale symbols, and Soviet propaganda, and children's art. It’s not for nothing that Kirillov’s house won the All-Russian competition original wooden architecture. Construction work was completed in 1967.

Blacksmith Kirillov never learned from anyone, he achieved everything on his own. He had only three classes of education, and there was no one in his family so skilled as to teach him. My father went to war and never returned.

Seryozha grew up without his father's care and therefore had to learn everything on his own. Over time, his mother died, and he had to take care of his younger brother and sister. He had to earn money for food somewhere, so he became an apprentice to a blacksmith-hammer.

Then Sergei worked on a collective farm, and at home he built his own workshop. Coming home from work tired, he still always went to the back room and worked there until 12 at night, and at 4 in the morning he got up and went back to work. He never refused anything to his friends or fellow villagers - he always helped. It happened that there were fires in the village. The neighbors' houses would burn, but the blacksmith's house always remained unharmed.

So all his life he was the only blacksmith in Kunar, and his work, in addition to pleasure, brought a good income to the family.

The central entrance to the house of the blacksmith Kirillov is decorated with large wooden gates with ornaments, heroes from fairy tales and the Soviet coat of arms. Carved shutters open the house's eye windows, and the roof wraps around the building like a knitted hat.

On the roof of the blacksmith Kirillov’s house there are young pioneers holding Soviet-era slogans in their hands: “Let there always be sun, let there always be sky, let there always be mother, let there always be peace!”

It is interesting that during times of general atheism, the blacksmith placed his activists on pedestals in the form of church domes. A girl with a dove is a symbol of kindness, patience and peace.

The central place of the roof is occupied by the coat of arms, on which the flags of all socialist republics And soviet star. The rocket and pigeons seem to speak about the peaceful goals of the conquest of space by the Soviet Union.

Above the attic window was a young guy on a horse and with a bouquet of flowers in his hands, symbolizing the blacksmith himself, talking about eternal love and loyalty to his wife - Lydia Kharitonovna.

Fabulous today house of the blacksmith Kirillov in the Sverdlovsk region open to visitors, everyone can admire man-made miracle. To do this, a special button was attached to the gate, which lets guests into the yard.

The interior of the house's courtyard is no less beautiful. All buildings and outbuildings have the same ornaments as the entire house outside.

Interior decoration of the house of the blacksmith Kirillov.



At the entrance to the house you can see an old Russian stove, the perimeter of which is decorated with colored molding. The ceilings and window openings are made in the old Russian style in the form of wooden bas-relief.


Old furniture, yellowed photographs of the Kirillov family - everything has its own unique ornament and serves as decor. interior decoration Houses. All internal doors are also made by the hands of a self-taught blacksmith. There is an indescribable atmosphere in the house.



photo by Anton Butsenko (ITAR-TASS)



photo by Anton Butsenko (ITAR-TASS)



It’s a pity, but not all man-made elements of the facade have survived to this day. Some figures were destroyed by snow and rain. The paint on the wood trim of the house has faded.

Unfortunately, Sergei Ivanovich Kirillov himself is no longer with us.

When Sergei Ivanovich died, the house began to gradually deteriorate. Lydia Kharitonovna is 78 years old, and she herself is no longer able to update the house and repair it. There is no one to ask for help - most of the villagers are already elderly people who also cannot help their grandmother.

This continued until the Ekaterinburg Museum of Icons and Antiquities became aware of this house. The museum staff sent workers to this house, who helped the old woman. They repaired and transformed the house, and at the same time, left the owner a contact phone number in case she needed help again.

As a token of gratitude, the owner of the extraordinary house gave the workers warm woolen socks knitted by herself.

All the neighbors and people who knew him during his lifetime speak exceptionally well of him and speak of him as an incredibly kind and sympathetic person with a pure soul. Actually, looking at his creation, at this wonderful house, it is impossible to imagine anything else. His inner goodness came out through creation.

The fairy-tale house of the blacksmith Kirillov in the Sverdlovsk region will forever remain a reminder to people that if a person really wants something, he will always find a way to achieve his goal.

House of the blacksmith Kirillov - original architectural structure, located in the village of Kunara, Sverdlovsk region and is a vivid example of naive art. The building was built between 1954 and 1967 by blacksmith Sergei Ivanovich Kirillov to house his family. Starting from the prototype of the hut-tower, Kirillov created an extremely decorative house, decorated with colorful ornaments, fairy-tale symbols, images of Soviet propaganda and children's art.

(Total 18 photos)

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1. Famous house blacksmith Sergei Ivanovich Kirillov, which is located in the village of Kunara, Sverdlovsk region, amazes with its beauty, attracting the gaze of tourists.

2. The house, reminiscent of a fairytale tower, was built in the middle of the 20th century - work began in 1954 and ended in 1967.

3. Sergei Kirillov inherited the house from his grandfather. The building was in poor condition and required renovation.

4. Since then, the blacksmith Kirillov has not stopped working on the house and decorating it.

6. The structure is decorated with figures of children, bird riders, rockets, symbols of the USSR, heroes, various phrases and many other decorative elements.

9. The inscriptions on the house read: “Fly pigeons, fly. There is no barrier for you anywhere”; “May there always be sunshine. May there always be heaven"; “May there always be a mother, may there always be peace.” The numbers under the ridge indicate the start date of work - 1954. And above is an explanation that the work began in 1954, and was completed in 1967 - on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the revolution. All decorations are made of wood and metal.

10. It’s amazing how you can do this with your own hands. And, surprisingly, traces of car braking are clearly visible on the asphalt in front of the house. All motorists who find themselves here for the first time certainly slow down, admire the house of rare beauty, and take photographs as a souvenir.

13. After Kirillov’s death, the house gradually began to deteriorate. One of the figures on the roof (a pioneer) was completely broken and thrown to the ground by a strong wind.