Fedor Bondarchuk VKontakte. Fedor Bondarchuk and his pages on social networks

Film director and actor Fyodor Bondarchuk is known for many films that brought him fame far beyond the borders of his homeland. Although one can often hear a lot of criticism addressed to the famous artist. But with all this, every modern actor dreams of starring in his films.


Fedor was born in Moscow in the family of film director Sergei Bondarchuk, who filmed a lot legendary films on the theme of the Great Patriotic War. Mother of the future actor Irina Skobtseva - famous actress, who starred in her husband’s films and those of other famous directors.

Fedya's upbringing was mainly done by his grandmother, since his parents were busy with work. film sets. Bondarchuk did not shine with success in school subjects, and his behavior left much to be desired.

The only thing that fascinated our hero was drawing. He visited art school, and his grandmother prophesied his future as an architect.

After school, he decided to enter MGIMO, but this attempt failed, and Fedor decided to follow in the footsteps of his parents. At VGIK, where he was accepted based on his results entrance exams he studied in the studio of Igor Talankin. Ivan Okhlobystin, Renata Litvinova and Alexander Bashirov studied with him.

In his interviews, Bondarchuk recalls that fellow students and teachers saw in him the son of legendary parents, but not talented actor. There was a break in his training due to his service in the Armed Forces.

After service, he returned to his native institute, but continued to study with another teacher - Yuri Ozerov.

Actor career

The aspiring actor made his film debut in a film directed by his father. In the drama “Boris Godunov” he played the role of a young prince. In 1990, Bondarchuk starred in the film “Stalingrad” by Yuri Ozerov.

Then came a period when Fedor starred in films made by his fellow students and friends. There, in supporting roles, he not only honed his skills, but also declared himself as a promising Russian actor.

In the period from 1995 to 2000, the actor did not act in films, but in 2000, the film “Midlife Crisis” with his participation became a cult, and the actor again received offers of cooperation from directors.

In 2001, Fyodor Sergeevich played the role of Prince Myshkin in “The Idiot” based on Dostoevsky. It was the work of his fellow student Ivan Okhlobystin, where he also played one of the roles.

Since 2002, Fedor acted as a producer, and his first work in this direction was the film “On the Move.” In the early 2000s, Bondarchuk appeared as an actor with enviable regularity, and his name appeared in the credits, since he was also directing them. Among the films there were many historical films that the audience loved very much.

Directing activity

Bondarchuk first announced himself as a director in 1993. It was the film “I Love” by Lyudmila Gurchenko. After his debut, the actor spent 12 years directing short films, commercials and music videos.

And in 2005 he managed to literally blow up Russian cinema. The film “9th Company” was about real events war in Afghanistan. Although it received a mixed reception from critics, the film received many film awards, and Bondarchuk himself declared himself as a talented director.

In 2009, a film adaptation of the Strugatsky brothers’ story of the same name was released. Inhabited island" And filming work on it lasted almost 4 years.

In 2013, it came out from under Bondarchuk’s wing war drama“Stalingrad”, which also received many film awards.

In 2017, the premiere of the science fiction film “Attraction” took place, which told about the invasion alien civilizations to the territory of Moscow. Many good young actors were involved in this film, namely Irina Starshenbaum, Alexander Petrov and Oleg Menshikov.


At the time Bondarchuk graduated from university, short film was very poorly developed in Russia. And together with their childhood friend, also a child from the famous acting dynasty Stepan Mikhalkov, the friends founded the Art Pictures Group company. The guys were involved in video making and organizing events. For 10 years, Bondarchuk has become one of the most popular directors of music videos for stars national stage. And since 2002, “Art Pictures Group” began producing feature films.

Personal life

Fedor met his future wife in student years. The young people got married in 1990 and lived happily for 25 years. His wife Svetlana, not only beautiful woman, but also a successful businesswoman. She is the editor-in-chief of the glossy magazine “HELLO!”, as well as the founder of a famous PR company. The Bondarchuk family has two children - son Sergei and daughter Varya.

In 2016, Svetlana and Fedor stunned fans with the news of their divorce, and a couple of months later rumors appeared in the press about 50-year-old Bondarchuk’s affair with 28-year-old actress Paulina Andreeva.

But a few months ago, Fyodor and Paulina separated, and no comments on this matter have yet been made.

Social media

The director and producer is not an avid user of social networks. Finding his pages on the Internet is not so easy. But we can analyze his life from the news in in social networks.

Fyodor Bondarchuk is not represented on Instagram, but using the hashtag with his first and last name you can see many posts along with his fiancee Paulina Andreeva, family photos. There are many pictures of him on the pages famous actors modernity.

VKontakte also does not have a personal page for the actor, but there is a group that claims that there are no pages for Fedor on social networks - https://vk.com/fedor_bondar4uk. On VKontakte there are fresh news about works that are in Lately released by the director on wide screens.

Posts on Fedor’s personal page on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/fedorbon- have long lost their relevance, as they date back to 2014. Same situation with the director's Twitter - https://twitter.com/fjodorsb?lang=uk.

On the Internet we managed to find the official website of his company “Art Pictures Studio” - http://www.art-pictures.ru/. Here you can find out everything detailed information about the paintings and projects that Fyodor Bondarchuk worked on. In 2012, together with Pavel Khudyakov, the director released a film about how social networks make a hero’s dreams come true, called “Odnoklassniki.ru.”

Fyodor Bondarchuk does not stop acting in his own films and makes a huge contribution to the development national cinema. Viewers are constantly expecting new films and projects from the talented director.

Actors have always belonged to the category of people who provoke big interest from the common people. One single successful role can sometimes bring fame and popular love. What if there are dozens of roles like those of Fyodor Sergeevich Bondarchuk? It is not without reason that the famous Forbes magazine included his name in the TOP 10 most famous Russian artists. The frequency of searches on Google was also taken into account.

Let us note that many fans of the talent of this successful actor, director, producer, TV presenter, music video director, as well as restaurateur are interested in whether Fyodor Bondarchuk is on VKontakte. This, in fact, is what this article is devoted to. But according to tradition, let’s first pay attention life path Fedor and his family.

Actor's family

They say that on children talented people nature is resting. But Fedor’s father is Sergei Fedorovich Bondarchuk, a popular Soviet actor and film director, National artist USSR, holder of the highest state awards and film awards, Hero of Socialist Labor.

My father featured his family in many of his films. First role young Fedor became the role of Tsarevich Fyodor Godunov in the historical film "Boris Godunov", there were no concessions for his son on the set, as stated in several interviews. Fedor himself, as you know, is married, has a son, a daughter, as well as a grandson and granddaughter.

Bondarchuk today

In the fall of 2012, the film Duhless (Duhless) was released in wide cinemas, where Fyodor Bondarchuk acted as a producer. The film becomes the highest-grossing feature film of the year. Also that year, filming of the large-format film “Stalingrad” ended, in which Bondarchuk acted as director. A year later the film is released.

After watching a fragment of “Stalingrad,” the president of the IMAX Filmed Entertainment corporation said that he was not mistaken in choosing his partners, who were Bondarchuk and Alexander Rodnyansky, the Ukrainian director and producer of “Stalingrad.” Note that the film becomes the highest grossing Russian film decade, grossing over fifty million dollars.

It may come as a surprise to many that Fedor also sings; in the spring of 2015, he recorded a song for the film “Ghost”. On this moment It is planned to shoot a joint Russian-German film “Antalyagrad” (a comedy about the adventures of Russian and German tourists in Turkey). In October 2015, the film “Warrior” was released, in which Bondarchuk plays the father of Roman Rodin.

It is worth noting that Fedor also accepts Active participation V public life Russia, actively supports the actions and political vector of the current government.

Bondarchuk on VK

In this social network, when you enter into the search bar, you can see many users with the name Fedor Bondarchuk , however, all of them, apparently, are fake, since Fedor is not on social networks. But this does not mean that it is impossible to find out the latest news from the life of the famous Russian actor and director on VK.

This social network has a community called “Fedor Bondarchuk” (https://vk.com/fedorbondarchukru), here you can find links to films with the participation of Fyodor Sergeevich and learn about latest news that relate to the activities or personal life of this talented Russian figure culture.

Also in VK there is open group with the same name (https://vk.com/fedor_bondar4uk), which offers about two hundred interesting videos with Fyodor Bondarchuk: interviews, TV shows, videos and much more. By the way, if you are interested in the lives of other famous Russian actors, you will undoubtedly be interested in reading our article

Creative biography Fedor Bondarchuk

Fyodor Bondarchuk was born in Moscow in 1967. His mother is an actress, his father is a director. He graduated from art school and entered VGIK under teacher I. Talankin. But after one year of training, he left to serve in the army. According to the official website of agent Fyodor Bondarchuk, upon his return he returns to study, but under the guidance of Yu. Ozerov. In parallel with his studies, the young actor starred in the epic film Stalingrad. But this is Fedor’s second role, the first was in 1986, when he starred in Boris Godunov. In 1991, he graduated from his directing and production department and began his creative career. In 1992, I. Okhlabystin produced two of his films - the films Arbiter and Demons.

In 1990, Bondarchuk tried himself as a music video director, filming for the group Moral code video for the song Goodbye Mom. Then there was a video for the singer Natalya Vetlitskaya, and only then for many others popular artists– Pugacheva, Kirkorov, Varum, Presnyakov and our other stars Russian stage. In 1993, he even received an Ovation Award for one of his works.

In 1993, the actor tried himself as a director, making a film with Lyudmila Gurchenko. And he succeeded in doing this. But still, he did not leave his favorite business and continued to act in films. In 2001, he played an uncharacteristic role in the film Down House, as well as in the film Kino about cinema. By the way, it was for this role that the actor received his first award. Having become very famous, he began to be invited to various television shows, including as a presenter. So, he coped well with this role on the STS channel in the Chair program. Then there were these popular paintings with the participation of Fyodor Bondarchuk, as State Councilor, Heat, Inhabited Island, I Stay, Artist and many, many other films. During my acting career Fedor starred in a huge number films: to date, their number has exceeded 60. In addition, 9 films were shot by Bondarchuk as a director, and in 17 he acted as a producer. For his contribution to the development of the film industry, as well as for his talent as an actor, he received many awards:

5 awards from the Golden Eagle for the best director and actor;

4 awards from the Golden Ram for his film 9 Rota;

4 Nika awards, for the films 9 Rota and Kino about cinema,

as well as many other awards. Today, many people want to see this truly significant personality in our film business at their celebration. And you can invite Fyodor Bondarchuk to an event, to a celebration. This is a very bright, talented, versatile and very charming person who will give you many beautiful and interesting moments. Make a holiday for yourself and your guests.